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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elementos de trigonometria triangular esférica

Rodson da Silva Santos 26 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, em triângulos construídos sobre uma superfície esféerica, versões para resultados conhecidos da geometria euclidiana plana e da trigonometria nos triângulos planos. Inicialmente apresentam-se os conceitos fundamentais da geometria esférica e alguns elementos de trigonometria triangular esférica. Para isso, iniciou-se com uma breve revisão de alguns desses resultados e também com algumas definições da geometria plana necessárias para a construção de resultados da geometria esférica. Feito isso, foram construídas, em um triângulo esférico, versões para a lei dos senos, a lei dos cossenos e outros resultados da trigonometria triangular plana. Também foi visto o Teorema de Girard, onde pode-se estudar a área de um triângulo construído sobre a superfície de uma esfera de raio R e a soma de seus ângulos internos, que ao contrário do que ocorre nos triângulos planos inscritos em um círculo de raio r, não é constante. Foi apresentado um contraexemplo, neste ambiente, em que o famoso teorema de Pitagoras não vale. Ao longo do texto são apresentados alguns exemplos com a utilização das relações trigonométricas estudadas, bem como alguns conceitos elementares de coordenadas geograficas e aplicações práaticas da trigonometria esférica na aviação e na geografia. Finalmente, observa-se que esse trabalho utiliza fortemente a matemática do Ensino Básico, facilitando assim a compreensão e o acesso de alunos e professores do Ensino Médio, bem como profissionais que fazem uso da matematica. / The main objective of this work was to study in triangles constructed on a spherical surface, versions of known results of the plane euclidean geometry and trigonometry in plans triangles. Initially it presents the fundamental concepts of spherical geometry and some elements of spherical triangular trigonometry. For this, begins with a brief review of some of these results and also with some denitions of plane geometry required for the construction of spherical geometry results. That done, are build, in a spherical triangle, versions for the law of sines, law of cosines and other results of the plane triangular trigonometry. Was also seen is the theorem of Girard, where can study the area of a triangle built on the surface of a sphere of radius R and the sum of its internal angles, which is not constant unlike what occurs in triangles plans built on disc of radius r. The Pythagorean theorem is not true in this environment and a counter-example will be presented. Throughout the text will be presented some examples with the use of trigonometric relations, as well as some elementary concepts of geographical coordinates and practical applications of spherical trigonometry in aviation and geography. Finally it is observed that this work strongly uses the mathematics of basic education, facilitating the understanding of the said theory, of students and teachers of basic education, as well as of the professionals who use math.
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Désir, honte et dégoût : émotions et relations humaines

Lagacé, Jovanie Christine January 2012 (has links)
Le présent travail propose une réflexion sur l'aspect social des émotions par l'entremise d'un examen de la dimension conflictuelle de 3 émotions: le désir, la honte et le dégoût. L'aspect problématique de ces émotions se situe au niveau de leur hypertrophie, en ce qu'elle encourage une emphase sur le soi, sur l'autosuffisance et la toute-puissance de l'individu, ce qui se traduit par des répercussions interpersonnelles, notamment la réduction marquée de la diversité des relations humaines qu'entretient l'individu avec les autres, et intrapersonnelles, particulièrement la narcotisation de l'identité individuelle. Cette réflexion est animée par la pensée de 3 principaux auteurs: celle de René Girard et de Martha C. Nussbaum afin d'explorer, pour chaque émotion, les implications de leur hypertrophie chez l'individu, puis de l'incidence du contexte social sur l'hypertrophie de ces émotions; celle d'Hannah Arendt afin de mieux comprendre la dynamique des relations humaines et comme palliatif à ces répercussions interpersonnelles et intrapersonnelles.

Avskapelse och livsglupskhet : Helig självsvält och oheligt ätande hos Etty Hillesum och Simone Weil

Bäärnhielm Pousette, Sophie January 2020 (has links)
This essay investigates the philosophies and practices of Simone Weil and Etty Hillesum from the viewpoint of their relation to eating. By analyzing them aided by Renée Girard’s theory of mimetic desire, I discuss similarities and differences between Weils and Hillesums work and spiritual development. Entering their thinking through Robert Daly’s notion of a phenomenology of redemption, which describes the form of  mimetic desire that counters, rather than produces, violence, I discuss, guided by Susan Bordo’s work on eating disorders as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, how Weil and Hillesum can be said to engage in this respectively. By contrasting Weil’s decreation with Hillesum's compulsive overeating, or “life-gluttony”, my analysis argues that Hillesum's diaries depict how she copes with violence by practicing a kind of radical self-love, through which she becomes able to reconcile with both herself and her outside world. As for Weil, I argue that the self-destructive ethics that her decreation consists in prevent her from reaching a full reconciliation, insofar as it constitutes only internalized violence, and not a refusal of violence as such. Thus, my conclusion is, Hillesum's philosophy might be said to be an expression of a more complete redemption, as I formulate it taking my departure in Daly's concept, than Weil's. / Denna uppsats diskuterar Simone Weils och Etty Hillesums verk och liv med avstamp i Weils formulering av begreppet avskapelse samt den livshunger, eller livsglupskhet, som Hillesum beskriver i sina dagböcker. Med hjälp av Renée Girards teori om mimetiska begär undersöker den hur självsvält och överätande figurerar i Weil och Hillesums liv och verk, och hur dessa fenomen relaterar till deras respektive andliga och etiska övertygelser. Utifrån Richard Dalys tanke om en försoningens fenomenologi, baserad i Girards teori om mimetiska begär, Susan Bordos analys av ätstörningar som kulturellt fenomen samt Maurice Merleau-Pontys kroppsorienterade fenomenologi utreder den skillnader och likheter mellan Weil och Hillesum med avseende på hur deras etiska övertygelser gestaltas av och i deras liv och verk. Min analys gör gällande att Hillesums dagböcker skildrar hur hon gör upp med våld genom att praktisera ett slags radikal självkärlek, genom vilken hon blir förmögen att försonas med såväl sig själv som sin omvärld. Vad gäller Weil, hävdar jag att den självförintande etik som hennes avskapelse består i omöjliggör en fullkomlig försoning, såtillvida som den endast utgör ett internaliserat våld, och inte en uppgörelse med våldet som sådant. Därmed, är min slutsats, kan Hillesums filosofi möjligen sägas vara ett uttryck för enmer fullkomlig försoning, som jag formulerar den med avstamp i Dalys begrepp, än Weils.
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El camino desde el deseo amoroso hacia la trascendencia en El beso de la mujer araña de Manuel Puig : Un estudio sobre el deseo en torno al personaje Valentín Arregui Paz / The pathway from the sexual desire to transcendence in The Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig : A study of the desire of the character Valentín Arregui Paz

Tsanakalis, Fotios January 2022 (has links)
La novela El beso de la mujer araña de Manuel Puig trata sobre dos presos que comparten la misma celda en una cárcel bonaerense durante la dictadura militar argentina. El texto se presenta en su mayor parte como un diálogo entre Molina, un homosexual de edad media, y Valentín, un joven militante de la izquierda. En el presente estudio se emplea el paradigma mimético de René Girard para analizar el deseo amoroso del personaje Valentín. A través de la utilización de la hermenéutica como método de interpretación del texto, nuestra tesina sostiene que el deseo de Valentín refleja su necesidad de trascendencia, que finalmente alcanza al término de la obra.

Le désir et ses entraves : la représentation des rapports intersubjectifs dans l'oeuvre de Bernard-Marie Koltès

Paquette, Jonathan 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire, s’articulant autour de quatre œuvres de Bernard-Marie Koltès, se propose de problématiser les rapports intersubjectifs mis en scène dans l’œuvre de l’auteur à partir du motif du désir. Il s’agira de comprendre sous quelle forme de désir s’élaborent les rapports interhumains représentés par Koltès. Plutôt que de fonder notre approche sur une lecture psychanalytique, notre perspective se déploie à partir du concept de désir tel que forgé par le philosophe et anthropologue René Girard. Cette approche particulière nous a permis de dégager une certaine logique des comportements apparemment arbitraires et contradictoires chez les protagonistes. Nous avons relié entre eux des gestes, des attitudes, des renversements émotifs qui apparaissent souvent étrangers les uns aux autres afin de donner à voir une facette différente aux textes koltésiens. Le premier chapitre est consacré au statut des objets dans l’œuvre de Koltès ; même s’ils sont au centre des interactions entre personnages, leur fonction est essentiellement de servir de prétexte à leurs échanges. Le deuxième chapitre a pour objet l’ambivalence des rapports intersubjectifs qui unissent les protagonistes ; il s’agit de comprendre sur quoi se fonde cette dualité (amour/haine) qui caractérise les rapports entre les sujets koltésiens. Par un détour à travers les théories de la reconnaissance, le troisième chapitre traite des stratagèmes mis en place par les protagonistes pour entretenir des relations nécessaires au développement de leur être sans pour autant admettre leur besoin existentiel des autres. Ultimement, il s’agit pour nous de comprendre ce qui unit des personnages ouvertement hostiles les uns envers les autres. / This thesis, based on four works by Bernard-Marie Koltès, proposes to problematize the intersubjective relationships staged in the author's work according to the motif of desire. Its aim is to understand the form of desire on which the interhuman relationships represented by Koltès are built. Rather than basing our approach on a psychoanalytical reading, our perspective is based on the concept of desire as forged by the philosopher and anthropologist René Girard. This particular approach allowed us to identify a certain logic in the apparently arbitrary and contradictory behaviors of the protagonists. We linked together gestures, attitudes, and emotional reversals that often appear foreign to each other in order to show a different facet of the Koltesian texts. The first chapter is devoted to the status of objects in Koltès' work; even if they are at the center of the exchanges, their function is essentially that of a pretext. The second chapter treats the ambivalence of the intersubjective relationships that unite the protagonists; the aim here is to understand the basis of this duality (love/hate) which characterizes the relations between the Koltesian subjects. By a detour through the theories of recognition, the third chapter discusses the stratagems put in place by the protagonists to maintain intersubjective relations necessary to the development of their being without admitting their existential need of others. Ultimately, it is about understanding what unites characters who are openly hostile to each other.
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René Girard's theory of mimetic desire and Books III and IV of The Faerie Queene

Newall LeVasseur, Alison, 1959- January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Ionesco's Absurd Anthropology

Fuller, Deborah 11 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Eugène Ionesco's plays are often thought of only as absurd. This thesis explores another possible interpretation of his plays, including Rhinocèros, Le Roi se meurt, Jeux de massacre, Les Chaises, Victimes du devoir, La Jeune fille à marier, and La Leçon. These plays are investigated with the help of anthropologist René Girard's theory on ritual, violence, and sacrifice. Since these elements are recurring themes in Ionesco's plays, Girard's theory is a useful key to unlocking what may seem at times to be nothing but nonsense, but is full of meaning. In the first chapter, the rituals and repetitions that abound in Ionesco's plays are discussed in the light of Girardian theory, illustrating the negative effects of ritual without substance. Chapter two analyses the violent and sacrificial nature of these plays, and their contagious qualities. The third chapter discusses where redemption can be found amidst the violence. This thesis also debates the possible Christian aspects within Ionesco's works relating to the themes of ritual, violence, and redemption.

Samhällsordningen i Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter / The Social Order in Birgitta Trotzig's Dykungens dotter

Flodell, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att visa hur sociala förhållanden tematiseras i Birgitta Trotzigs roman Dykungens dotter, med fokus på uteslutningsförhållanden. Med hjälp av en strukturalistisk metod hämtad från Michel Serres avtäcker analysen närvaron av en särskild operation av grundande uteslutning inom olika samhälleliga sfärer som presenteras i romanen. Operationen betraktas i analogi med den syndabocksmekanism som René Girard teoretiserat. Det blir därmed möjligt att i det samhälle som Trotzigs roman presenterar se en hierarkisk ordning byggd på ett uteslutet element, ett som förkroppsligas i bland annat den växande kroppen, den trängtande sexualiteten, den kringdrivande befolkningen och dylandets levande oordning.

“Set Me Free At Once”: Exploring Feminism and Freedom in the Text, Performance, and Production of Lanie Robertson’s <i>The Insanity of Mary Girard</i>

Wilder, Nicole Marie 04 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Girard Desargues, the architectural and perspective geometry: a study in the rationalization of figure

Schneider, Mark E. January 1983 (has links)
Girard Desargues (1951-1662) was a key figure in the transformation of architectural geometry from its ancient and venerated status as transcendental knowledge and supreme reality to a mere technological instrument for the control of building construction practice. As a friend of Rene Descartes and Marin Mersenne, Desargues participated in the development of the mechanistic worldview which accompanied the emergence of experimental science and the renewed interest in mathematics and geometry as axiomatic, deductive systems. This dissertation examines in detail Desargues' methods of stereotomy (the geometrical basis of architectural stone cutting) and his system of perspective construction without vanishing points beyond the picturespace. Desargues' theorem and other key discoveries for which he is still known in the history of mathematics are discussed as they bear upon his methods of stereotomy and perspective. Desargues' stereotomy is almost certainly the first attempt at a universal descriptive geometry such as Gaspard Monge finally developed after the French revolution. Desargues' work in this area may thus be seen as a precocious foreshadowing of the engineering geometry in common use today. The writings of Desargues have been consulted in the original French. Extensive passages are quoted and translated, and a number of illustrations from the original texts are reproduced. Supplementary illustrations are also provided. Appendices list the known architectural works of Desargues, his writings and those of his friend and student Bosse which bear upon the exposition of Desargues' methods. / Ph. D.
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