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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska kvinnliga konsumenters upplevda påverkan av hållbar marknadskomunikation / Swedish female consumers' perceived influence of sustainable marketing communication

Justad, Julia, Eliasson, Nora January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Marknadsföring har varit en del av samhället sedan den industriella revolutionen (Barregren, 2014). Genom åren har den förändrats och anpassat sig efter samhällets förväntningar, vilket har gjort att på senare tid har företagens marknadskommunikation övergått till att fokusera på klimatavtrycket och det sociala ansvaret som företagen har samtidigt som konsumtionen ökar i samhället. Svenska konsumenter köper och slänger mer kläder än vad som kan antas går att förbruka. En anledning till detta kan vara fast fashion där priserna är låga nog att konsumenterna kan lockas att handla mer eftersom priserna är låga. Detta även trots konsumenterna ofta anser eller vill ha en miljövänlig attityd köper de kläder som inte matchar konsumenternas värderingar om hållbarhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvinnliga konsumenter i åldrarna 20-30 och deras uppfattning av hur hållbar marknadskommunikation påverkar dem när de skall köpa kläder. Teoretisk referensram: Den teori som ligger till grund för arbetet är attityder, Corporate social responsibility och den gröna marknadsmixen. Dessa tre delar symboliserar både konsumenter, företag och produkten. Metod: För att samla in data har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där 14 kvinnliga respondenter deltog. Slutsatser: Resultatet i studien visade att konsumenten påverkas av hållbar marknadskommunikation genom att de legitimerar konsumentens köp av mindre hållbara kläder av företag som marknadsför sig som hållbara. I studien hade alla respondenter i undersökningen en positiv uppfattning av mer hållbara kläder däremot var det inget som de handlade själva. Sambandet mellan företagets Corporate social responsibility och köp intentionen spelade ej stor roll. Att plaggen skulle vara hållbara ses mer som en trevlig överraskning än något som konsumenten prioriterar. / Bakground: Marketing has been a part of the society since the industrial revolution (Barregren, 2014). Through the years the marketing has adapted after the expectations of the society, and in later years the marketing communication has focused on company's social responsibility and the impact the consumption has on the climate. At the same time the consumption has increased. Swedish consumers buy and dispose of more clothes than one can assume they can consume. One reason for this can be the prices in fast fashion, because of the low prices the consumers can buy whatever they want and do not need to worry about their economy. Even though the consumer often sees themselves as environmentally friendly doesn't mean they chose the most sustainable choice of clothing. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine female consumers in the ages between 20-30 years old and their assumption on how green marketing affects them in the shopping experience of clothes. Theory: The theory is based on consumers attitude, corporate social responsibility and the green marketing mix. These three parts symbolise the customer, the company and the green marketing mix. These three parts symbolise the customer, the company and the product. Method: We used a qualitative method and semistructured interviews were held with 14 female consumers. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that consumers were affected by green marketing communications by legitimizing the consumers consumption of un sustainable clothes by the same company. Even though all the women in the study had a positive attitude towards sustainable clothes where there none that intentionally bought clothes that were marketed sustainable.

Hur gröna är gröna initiativ, egentligen? : En studie om den hållbarhetsrelaterade marknadsföringens inverkan på kritiska antikonsumenter / How green are green initiatives, really?

Amsso, Laila Hanna, Merhebi, Jad, Kocevski, Kristian January 2021 (has links)
Allt fler företag börjar engagera sig i viktiga miljöfrågor till följd av den allvarliga klimatkrisen och pandemin har varit en bidragande faktor till detta uppvaknande. Det här är något som är synbart i företags olika marknadsföringskampanjer. Samtidigt växer antikonsumtionsrörelsen och vi börjar se ett bredare intresse för ekovänliga initiativ runt om i världen. Studiens syfte växte fram utifrån båda dessa frågor parallellt. Detta har lett oss till att upptäcka ett gap inom detta fält där vi lagt märke till att tidigare studier huvudsakligen har fokuserat på att förstå varför individer väljer att motstå konsumtion, medan ett fokus på hur antikonsumenter uppfattar marknadsföring, saknas. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att sprida ljus över antikonsumtion och värva en djupare förståelse för antikonsumenters perception av, och association till, olika marknadsföringsstrategier. I denna studie har vi använt oss av attributionsteori som en guide för vår analys av resultatet. Vi har därtill använt oss av en innehållsanalys för att analysera transkriberingen av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna som vi genomförde med antikonsumenter. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att antikonsumenter i sin helhet är skeptiska till alla olika initiativ av marknadsföring. Antikonsumenter tillskriver motiv till företags marknadsföring och associerar i stort sett gröna initiativ till greenwashing. Däremot tenderar antikonsumenter till att ha en mer positiv inställning till green demarketing. Sex olika nyckelkategorier har identifierats och verkar ha en stor betydelse för hur marknadsföring percipieras. Dessa kategorier är – “Kvalitet – viktigare än reklam”, “Marknadsföring skapar onödiga behov”, “Referensgrupper starkare än marknadsföring”, “Transparens – fundamentalt i marknadsföring”, “Skepticism inom CSR-initiativ” och “Cirkulär marknadsföring uppskattas”. Denna uppsats är skriven på svenska. / Many companies are starting to become engaged in environmentally related questions due to the severe climate crisis today, and the pandemic has in fact contributed to this awakening. This is something that is quite remarkable in the marketing campaigns of companies. At the same time, the anti-consumption movement is growing steadily and we are starting to see a broader interest in eco-friendly initiatives all around the world. The purpose of this study grew from the interest of both of these issues simultaneously. This led us to discover a gap in this field where we’ve noticed that previous studies have focused mainly on understanding why individuals choose to withstand consumption, whereas a focus on how anticonsumers interpret marketing, is missing. The purpose of this qualitative study is to shed light on anti-consumption and gain a deeper understanding of anticonsumers’ perception of, and association to, different marketing strategies. In this study we used attribution theory as a guide for our analysis of the result. In addition to that, we have used a content analysis method to analyse the transcriptions of the semistructured interviews we held with anticonsumers. The result of this study shows that anticonsumers are overall sceptical of all different marketing initiatives. Anticonsumers attribute motives to companies' marketing and, broadly speaking, they associate greenwashing to green initiatives. On the other hand, they are more positively inclined towards green demarketing. Six different key categories have been identified and seem to have a broad significance for how marketing is interpreted. These categories are – “Quality – more important than advertisements”, “Marketing creates unnecessary needs”, “Reference groups are stronger than marketing”, “Transparency – fundamental in marketing”, “Skepticism within CSR-initiatives” and “Circular marketing is appreciated”. This essay is written in swedish.

Grön marknadsföringsstrategi: påverkar den konsumenters miljöattityd gentemot fötetag? : En jämförande studie av företag med olika grad av grön marknadsföringsstrategi / Green marketing strategy: does it affect consumers environmental attitude towards companies? : A comparative study of companies with varying degrees of green marketing strategies

Englund, Malin, Söderhielm, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att konsumenter i allmänhet har blivit mer medvetna om de miljöproblem som kan uppstå, i och med en ökad konsumtion. Allt fler företag har börjat ändra inriktning på sina marknadsföringstrategier för att skapa en grönare identitet. Detta är ett svar på konsumenters ökade efterfrågan på miljövänligare alternativ. Företagen investerar stora resurser på att implementera dessa strategier. Ett problem som därför behöver undersökas är om det verkligen gör någon nytta för företaget i slutändan att använda sig av gröna marknadsföringsstrategier. I studien undersöks, om konsumenter har grönare attityder gentemot ett företag (Max), som har en grönare marknadsföringsstrategi än huvudkonkurrenterna (Burger King och McDonalds). Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om konsumenter i generation Y:s attityder skiljer sig åt, mellan företag med olika grad av gröna marknadsföringsstrategier. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en deduktiv ansats med ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt. Datainsamlingen har skett i form av en enkätundersökning med 152 respondenter i åldrarna 21 till 39 år. Slutsats: Studien visar att ett företag med väletablerad grön marknadsföringsstrategi (Max) uppfattas som grönare hos konsumenterna, än huvudkonkurrenterna (Burger King och McDonalds). / Background: Previous research shows that consumers in general have become more aware of the environmental problems that may occur, with an increased consumption. More and more companies have begun to refocus their marketing strategies to create a greener identity. This is a response to consumers demands for greener alternatives. The companies are investing substantial resources to implement these strategies. A problem that therefore needs to be examined is whether it really do any good for the companies in the end, to use green marketing strategies. The study examines if consumers have greener attitudes toward a company (Max), which has a marketing strategy that is greener than it’s main competitors’ (Burger King and McDonalds). Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out whether consumers of Generation Y's attitudes differ between companies with different degrees of green marketing strategies. Method: The study is based on a deductive approach with a quantitative method. Data has been collected in the form of a questionnaire survey with 152 respondents aged 21-39 years. Conclusion: The study shows that a company with a well-established green marketing strategy (Max) is perceived as greener by the consumers, than it’s main competitors (Burger King and McDonalds).

Green Marketing - The impact on consumer-based brand equity : a quantitative study among the Swedish Generation Y in the fashion clothing industry

Ahmad, Danial, Magariños, David January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Recent trends have shown a steady growth regarding environmental concerns along with the pro-environmental attitudes among the consumers, yet a contradicting behaviour is observed in the purchase of environmentally friendly products, giving birth to the phenomena of attitude-behaviour gap. A fair amount of researchers have studied this attitude-behaviour gap over the recent years, investigating this very inconsistency in order to present a solution. This specific study is based on the findings of Davari & Strutton in relation to this attitudebehavior gap, where the researchers presented a simplified model of their study as an effort in overcoming this inconsistency. This specific study is based on the simplified model, where the research unearths the effect of green marketing mix elements on four dimensions of consumerbased brand equity with Swedish Generation Y and clothing fashion industry in perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the impact of green marketing mix elements (product, price, place and promotion) on dimensions of consumer-based brand equity (brand loyalty, brand association, brand trust and perceived brand quality). Methodology: The research is based on quantitative approach designed in respect with the explanatory purpose. A closed-end online questionnaire was designed as the data collection method, resulting in 127 responses. The results were based on the multiple regression analysis, while the validity was tested against pearson's correlation method and reliability was tested through cronbach’s alpha. Conclusion: The study did not measure significant results, where green product stands out as the only element on the green marketing-mix having a positive relationship on one consumerbased brand equity dimension in this case, brand loyalty. Whereas the other elements were concluded as having no significance. Even t

A influência da preocupação ambiental na segmentação de consumidores de papel / The influence of environmental concern in the segmentation of paper consumers

Gil, Alberto Pagano 21 February 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tem sido observada uma crescente preocupação ambiental dos consumidores. Em função desta crescente, os consumidores passaram a buscar mais informações com relação às práticas adotadas pelas empresas, tendo assim iniciado um período de consumo ambientalmente favorável. O presente estudo teve como objetivo Identificar segmentos de consumidores de papel para imprimir e escrever com diferentes comportamentos em relação à preocupação ambiental. Para atender a esse objetivo, organizou-se o referencial teórico que se orientou em dois focos O primeiro se refere ao entendimento sobre o marketing verde relacionando-se com as práticas de responsabilidade social, gestão ambiental e o setor papeleiro. O segundo referiu-se ao levantamento teórico relacionado ao comportamento de compra, os principais fatores de influência e o processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor. Em seguida, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva usandose do método de análise quantitativa coletando-se dados primários nas principais lojas revendedoras de materiais escolares, papelarias e shopping centers da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, cujo método escolhido foi a aplicação de questionário estruturado, buscando avaliar cada consumidor pesquisado. Procedeu-se então, uma análise de agrupamentos e testes não paramétricos. Os resultados encontrados apontam uma segmentação dos consumidores três grupos em função dos atributos que mais valorizam: os consumidores verdes preocupados com o meio ambiente, os consumidores econômicos, propensos a atributos ligados ao preço e os consumidores indiferentes que valorizam todos os atributos de forma equivalente. / In recent years, it has been observed a growing concern social, economic and environmental performance of companies. In light of this growing concern, consumers began to look for more information with respect to practices adopted by companies, thus started a period of environmentally consumption. This study aimed to identify segments of consumers of paper for printing and writing with different behavior in relation to environmental concern. To meet this goal, held up the theoretical reference which is guided by two outbreaks The first refers to the understanding of the green marketing linking themselves with the practices of social responsibility, environmental management and paper industry. The second referred to the survey related to the theoretical behavior of purchase, the main factors of influence in the decision-making process of consumers. Then, a descriptive search was performed using in the quantitative method of analysis by collecting primary data at major office supply stores, schools and shopping centers of the city of Ribeirão Preto, whose method was the application of a structured questionnaire , seeking to evaluate each consumer searched. There was then an analysis of clusters and non parametric tests. The results indicate a segmentation of consumers in three major groups according to the attributes that they most value: the first one named as green consumers which are concerned about the environment, the second name as economic consumers, prone to attributes linked to the price and finally the indifferent consumers that value all attributes in equivalent order.

Um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor ambientalmente favorável: uma verificação na região do ABC paulista / A study of the consumer behavior under the environmentally favorable standpoint: an application in the São Paulo State ABC Region.

Romeiro, Maria do Carmo 07 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese teve como objetivo identificar fatores que influenciam o comportamento de consumo ambientalmente mais favorável e, a partir desse processo, evidenciar subsídios às decisões de marketing social voltado para a adoção desse comportamento. Para atender a esse objetivo, buscou-se organizar o referencial teórico inicialmente com um entendimento sobre o relacionamento entre marketing societal e marketing social, passando pelas aplicações de marketing verde e de marketing de idéias. Na seqüência, esse referencial incorporou aspectos teóricos que envolvem o comportamento do consumidor, bem como estudos aplicados à verificação desse comportamento sob a ótica ambiental. A análise exploratória realizada a partir desse referencial teórico-empírico evidenciou a presença de distintas dimensões comportamentais dentro do construto do comportamento de consumo ambientalmente favorável, além das conclusões controversas envolvendo vários fatores de influência sobre essas dimensões comportamentais, o que deu encaminhamento para a realização de uma pesquisa de campo que contribuísse para a identificação dos fatores com influência comum nessas dimensões comportamentais. O modelo de pesquisa de campo foi de caráter descritivo, utilizando o método quantitativo por levantamento amostral junto a 509 consumidores responsáveis pelas compras do domicílio, com idade a partir de dezoito anos, residentes na Região do ABC Paulista. Os resultados gerados, a partir da utilização da técnica de análise multivariada denominada General Linear Models (GLM), mostraram três fatores de influência comum estatisticamente significante sobre as dimensões comportamentais ambientalmente mais favoráveis (interesse ambiental, inconveniência de ser ambientalmente amigável e grau de comprometimento ambiental), do conjunto de vinte e um fatores integrados ao modelo, além de outros seis descartados durante o processo de estruturação desse modelo. Esse resultado, acrescido de orientações provenientes da análise exploratória, sugeriu o desenho de um modelo de comportamento de consumo ambientalmente favorável, cuja aplicação poderá ser implementada em novos estudos, bem como um conjunto de subsídios às decisões do composto de marketing social voltado para a adoção do comportamento ambientalmente mais favorável. / This current work has the purpose of identifying factors that influence the most environmentally favorable consumer behavior and, from this process on, evidence support to social marketing decisions oriented to the adoption of such behavior. In order to understand such purpose, an organization of the theoretical references was sought, initially trying to understand the relationship between societal marketing and social marketing, moving on to green marketing applications and the marketing of ideas. After that, these references incorporated theoretical aspects that involve consumer behavior, as well as studies applied to the verification of such behavior under the environmental standpoint. The exploratory analysis carried out after this empirical theoretical set of references evidenced the presence of distinct behavioral dimensions inside the environmentally favorable consumer behavior. Besides that, the controversial conclusions involving several influence factors regarding these behavioral dimensions, led to the performance of a field research that contributed with the identification of factors that bear common influence in those behavioral dimensions. The adopted research model was the one of descriptive character, using the quantitative method by sampling 509 consumers responsible for their household purchases, aged over eighteen, resident in the São Paulo State ABC Region. The generated results, after the use of the multivaried analysis called General Linear Models (GLM), showed three factors of statistically significant common influence over the most environmentally favorable behavioral dimensions (environmental interest, inconvenience of being environmentally friendly and degree of environmental commitment), out of a set of twenty-one factors integrated to the model, besides six others turned down during this model structuring process. This result, added with orientations from the exploratory analysis suggested the drawing of a environmentally favorable consumer behavior model, whose application may be implemented in new studies, as well as a set of inputs to social marketing decisions made in order to adopt the environmentally favorable behavior.

Marketing verde e a propaganda ecológica: uma análise da estrutura da comunicação em anúncios impressos / Green marketing and the ecological advertisement: an analysis of the structure of the communication in announcements printed matters "

Guimarães, Antonio Fernando 27 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho, apresenta a análise de conteúdo de um conjunto de anúncios ecológicos impressos, obtidos de empresas de setores econômicos diversos. Objetivou a analisar a estrutura implícita desses anúncios, os apelos ecológicos utilizados, o grau de profundidade com que o assunto ecologia era tratado pelas empresas pesquisadas. Começa com uma revisão do referencial teórico abordando parâmetros da responsabilidade social; conceitos de marketing estratégico e do marketing operacional; o marketing societal e as relações entre a comunicação integrada de marketing e o marketing ambiental. Como estrutura de análise, selecionou-se uma amostra de anúncios impressos escolhidos por conveniência e por meio de uma análise estatística multivariada, utilizando a técnica do Escalonamento Multidimensional (MDS), obteve-se um mapa perceptual que posiciona as empresas de acordo com critérios de similaridade entre si. Uma outra técnica de estatística multivariada - Análise de Conglomerados – foi aplicada para definir no mapa perceptual, os conglomerados que agrupam as empresas que se caracterizam por serem mais homogêneas entre si. / This work presents an analysis of a sample of printed environmental ads attained from companies of several economic sectors. The purpose was to analyse the implicit structure of such an ads; its environmental appeals; the depth of the ecologic matter was treated by the researched companies. It satarts with a careful analysis of the theory concerning the social responsibility; the strategic and operational marketing concepts; the societal marketing and the relationship of the integrated marketing communications and the green marketing. As analytical framework was used a convenience sample of printed ads and by a multivariate data analysis using the MDS – Multidimensional Scalling technic, a perceptual mapping was built to positioning the companies in terms of similarity judments. Another multivariate technic – Hyerarchical Cluster Analysis – was used as to define, in the perceptual mapping, the clusters that contain the companies that was characterized as to be homogeneous among themselves.

Environmental marketing in the airline sector : an evaluation of market segments, green image and eco-positioning

Mayer, Robert January 2013 (has links)
The environmental impacts of air travel have become more prominent. Governments and environmental groups have increasingly focussed on the effect that air transport has on the environment, and airlines have started to respond to the increasing awareness of their environmental impacts. The aim of this research is to develop an understanding of how leisure air travellers perceive the environmental marketing mix of airlines. Resource-Advantage Theory is used to analyse green marketing in the airline sector. This theory will be extended to the airline sector by establishing green market segments, analysing green brand images among air travellers and evaluating Market-Orientation Strategy. The data for this research stems from a large, quantitative survey conducted at Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Using attitudinal and behavioural variables, five leisure air travel segments are identified. Some market segments perceive certain marketing initiatives as more effective in addressing the environmental impact of air transport than others and are also more likely to take up certain initiatives. Segmenting the market enables airlines to use their green marketing mix in a more targeted way. Many passengers differentiate airlines based on their environmental image. Some airlines are perceived as more environmentally-friendly than others. Yet, the business model does not affect the environmental image, while having flown with an airline has a positive impact on green image in many cases. Green communication is key for airlines, as actual environmental efficiency does not affect the eco-positioning of the airline. Yet it is important that any environmental claims are substantiated, as environmental groups and government regulators might address these otherwise. Three case studies (Virgin Atlantic, easyJet and Flybe) discuss that while all three airlines have applied a green marketing mix, only two (Virgin Atlantic and easyJet) are able to benefit from this in their environmental image. The thesis addresses the importance and relevance of Resource-Advantage Theory in airline marketing research. This theory proves to be an appropriate and necessary underpinning for green airline marketing, an area that has received little attention in theory application. The theory can be used to explain why green marketing segments can be identified in airline leisure markets and why airlines should adopt a green marketing mix to enhance their green brand-equity. These aspects are supported by the data collected and analysed. The research shows that an understanding of passenger perceptions with regard to green marketing is highly relevant for airline marketing managers, in order for them to establish a successful green marketing mix.

Influência do Movimento Verde na seleção de fornecedores de alimentos dos grandes varejistas / Influence of Green Living on the selection of food´s suppliers of great retail companies

Mafud, Marina Darahem 02 September 2010 (has links)
O interesse e a preocupação por questões ambientais evoluíram nas últimas décadas em diferentes caminhos, sendo intensificados nos últimos anos, e despertando a atenção de diversos setores da sociedade. Os impactos do acelerado crescimento demográfico, industrial e, consequentemente, de consumo, geraram novos hábitos nas pessoas, em busca de consumo consciente, que gerasse sustentabilidade ambiental. Assim, consumidores e organizações passaram a considerar a compatibilidade ambiental dos bens que fazem parte de sua rotina. Dentre os produtos que têm recebido atenção da filosofia verde, estão inclusos os alimentos. O sistema alimentar é a maior fonte de degradação de recursos naturais, como água, terra, florestas e recursos pesqueiros. Nesse contexto, os varejistas de alimentos estão em uma posição privilegiada para criar um sistema de alimentos mais verdes, saudáveis e justos por meio de sua influência no comportamento do consumidor e na cadeia de suprimentos. Considerando que alguns dos maiores varejistas de alimentos estão no Reino Unido, e que este é um dos maiores importadores de alguns alimentos brasileiros, é importante entender se essa filosofia ambiental interfere na seleção de fornecedores de alimentos desses varejistas. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar se existe algum tipo de influência do movimento verde na seleção de fornecedores de alimentos de grandes varejistas do Reino Unido, abordando a importância da sustentabilidade ambiental e o fornecimento sustentável para o varejo do Reino Unido. Foi observado que existe influência do movimento verde na seleção de fornecedores de alimentos desses varejistas. O crescimento do mercado de produtos verdes e éticos nos últimos anos, no Reino Unido; as mudanças e proposição de uma nova legislação, que estimula o consumo de produtos verdes no país; e os relatórios publicados por grandes empresas de pesquisa de mercado, produto e consumo global, apontam para um novo comportamento em relação ao suprimento de alimentos. Por fim, foram feitas recomendações para os produtores brasileiros tornarem sua produção mais sustentável, por meio do estabelecimento de um design verde para o ciclo de produção. / The interest and concern with environmental issues had evolved in the last decades in different ways, but it intensified in the last few years, calling attention of several sectors of the society. The impacts of the fast demographic, industrial and, in consequence, the consumption increase, brought new habits to society, who wishes to find a conscious type of consumption that will allow an environmental sustainability. Moreover, consumers and organizations started to consider environmental compatibility from the products which already were part of their routine. Food is included among the products that have received attention from the consumers because its importance to the organism. The food system is the biggest source of environmental degradation, such as water, earth, native forests and fishing resources. In this context, the food retailers are in a better position to create greener food system, healthier and fairer due to their influence on the consumer behavior and on the food supply chain. Considering the fact that some of the biggest food sellers are in the United Kingdom, and this country is one of the biggest importer of Brazilian food, such as fruits, it is important to understand if this environment philosophy interfere in the strategy of buying food from the retail food sellers, and if it also interfere with the strategy related to the food that is bought from Brazil. With all that said, this researchs main focus was to study if there is any type of influence of the Green Living on the selection of food suppliers from the United Kingdom`s food retailers, addressing the importance of environmental sustainability and sustainable supply to retailers in the UK. It was noted that there is influence the green living on the selection of food suppliers of these retailers. The growing market of green and ethical products in recent years, in the United Kingdom; the changes and propositions of new laws, which encourages consumption of green products in the country; and the reports published by leading market research firms, product and overall consumption, suggest a new behavior in relation to the food supply. Finally, there were made recommendations for Brazilian producers make their production more sustainable, by establishing a green design to the production cycle.

Talking green, behaving brown : A study about consumers intention-behavior gap among eco-labels

Doksaeter, Emma-Sophie, Nordman, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Title: Talking green, behaving brown - A study about consumers intention-behavior gap among eco-labels Level: Bachelor thesis in Business & Administration   Authors: Emma-Sophie Doksaeter & Julia Nordman   Supervisor: Jonas Kågström   Date: January 2019   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze consumers intention-behavior gap towards eco-labeled products based on Carrington’s et. al. model considering more recent studies regarding different variables such as relations, moral and knowledge.   Method: A quantitative survey design was developed based on variables from Carrington et al. (2010) and variables from more recent studies. Four surveys were made divided into three different countries; Sweden, Norway and Finland. The total number of participating respondents were 540. We used cluster, factor and SEM analysis to interpret our results.   Result & analysis: The result shows that it exists a gap between intention and behavior when speaking of eco-labels among consumers. Variables such as knowledge, actual behavior control have a big impact on implementation intention. Situational context and relations have low significance on implementation intention. Although, by considering all of these variables, it is possible to close the gap. To close the gap, it is also important to consider different consumer groups.     Contribution of the thesis: The study shows that it exists a gap between what consumers say they are going to do, and what they actually do, and that it is possible to close the gap between intentions and behavior when talking about eco-labels.   Suggestions for future research: The study shows cultural differences in intentions and behavior towards eco-labels. It would be possible to study this further. Another study could look at how organizations could increase eco-labels credibility towards consumers.    Keywords: Green marketing, behavior economics, intention-behavior gap, eco-labels, environmental intention

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