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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning with an Attitude?!: Heritage and L2 Students’ Language Attitudes Toward Spanish Language Varieties in the Advanced Mixed Class

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The present study aims to gain deeper insights into language attitudes in the educational context while contributing to the emerging field of advanced mixed, second language and heritage language (HL) courses. Considering that the majority of heritage language learners (HLLs) and second language learners (L2s) in the United States (US) are enrolled in mixed classrooms (Beaudrie, 2012; Carreira, 2016a, 2016b), the study of language attitudes regarding monolingual varieties, bilingual varieties, and L2 varieties is crucial to inform pedagogical best practices that serve both types of learners. Additionally, by analyzing the language attitudes of both types of students toward these three Spanish language varieties, this study demonstrates the importance of incorporating linguistic variation into the classroom to address the linguistic hierarchies that exist in such a context. Thus, the results are relevant to the fields of sociolinguistics, L2 and HL pedagogy. The study employs matched-guise tasks at two points during the semester, as well as end-term semi-structured interviews. As different linguistic components of a language trigger different attitudes, the findings show that native-like phonetic and phonological features of Spanish speakers afford positive attitudes, as do a formal lexicon and academic register. However, morphosyntactic features do not have any effect on forming an individual’s language attitudes. To illustrate, the results of the matched-guise tasks show that native and HL varieties were generally evaluated positively, while L2 varieties were evaluated negatively. Interviews revealed native-like accent and pronunciation as the detrimental cause of negative attitudes toward the L2 variety. In contrast to the phonetic/phonological evaluations made by participants, both HLLs and L2s did agree that L2s speak a “proper” and “professional” Spanish. Furthermore, heritage Spanish was described as the “least formal” and “incorrect” Spanish variety in comparison to the L2 variety due to dominant stereotypes and ideologies and the incorporation of lexical characteristics of US Spanish. Based on these findings, this study has the potential to make an invaluable contribution to understanding how language attitudes and instructional practices in the classroom context intersect with a social justice movement to improve mixed courses in a social, critical, and conscious way. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2020

”Min räddning är eyepads” : En korpus- och attitydundersökning om engelska skönhetslånord

Marinescu, Nicoleta Lavinia January 2021 (has links)
Länder med det officiella språket engelska dominerar idag inom import och industri. Som konsekvens började engelskan utöva ett starkt inflytande på andra språk och språkdomäner, bland annat skönhetsbranschen i Sverige. Syftet med denna uppsats är att inventera bruket av engelska skönhetslånord i svenska språket samt att undersöka undermedvetna attityder till dem. Studien bygger på två delundersökningar: en korpusundersökning och en attitydundersökning. Korpusundersökningen ämnar inventera nyare engelska skönhetslånord som inte är belagda i SAOL:s 12:e upplaga, med fokus på direktlån och betydelselån. Dessutom undersöks lånordens frekvens samt deras integrering till svenska språkets struktur. Materialet bestående av 575 belägg har samlats in från 12 tidningsnummer. Metodanalysen innebar beräkningen av de olika lånordens frekvens samt en analys av lånordens integrering till svenskan utifrån ett mångfaldigt perspektiv: på formnivå, på menings- samt frasnivå, på morfologisk nivå och på ortografisk nivå. Attitydundersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av ett matched guise-test. Dess stimulustext handlade om en sminkrutin och matched guise-testet gjordes på 91 informanter. Resultat av korpusundersökningen visar att de 575 beläggen fördelar sig på 31 olika lånord, där huvuddelen utgörs av direktlån. Det finns endast fyra olika betydelselån, men de förekommer ofta. Detta faktum återspeglas i materialets högfrekventa lånord mask, serum och foundation, där de första två är betydelselån. Lånordens integrering ses på formnivå, på menings- respektive frasnivå och på morfologisk nivå. Deras ursprungliga ortografi har dock bevarats. På formnivå är de flesta av de flerledade beläggen sammanskrivna. På menings- och frasnivå innehåller de flesta meningar inga andra engelska lån. Huvuddelen adjektiv respektive particip står i attributiv position, med inhemska huvudord. Alla verb har svenska subjekt och objekt. Runt 75 % av beläggen ingår i en större fras, oftast nominalfraser. På morfologisk nivå har både direktlånen och betydelselånen anpassats i samma utsträckning, runt 50 % vardera, dock är flera betydelselån anpassade. Båda uppvisar också främst böjda former, men direktlånen omfattar flera avledda och hybrida former.  Enligt attitydundersökningen är svenskar i stort sett negativa till engelska skönhetslånord, men det beror också på målgrupp. Resultaten utifrån variablerna visar att yngre, kvinnliga, lågutbildade och starkt branschintresserade individer är mer positiva till engelska än de andra grupperna. Personer med ett starkt branschintresse är dock mest positivt inställda till engelska av alla. När engelskan är positivt värderad så är det oftast på kompetensdimensionen, i vissa fall på dynamik och sällan på superioritet (relaterad till en traditionell offentlig gemenskap). Svenskan står starkare när det gäller sociabilitet och superioritet.

L2 Spanish Speakers' Attitudes Toward Selected Features of Peninsular and Mexican Spanish

Stotts, Grant Perry 29 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Many studies have been done on language attitudes, including attitudes toward languages in contact, various dialects of a language, nonnative speech, and attitudes of second-language (L2) learners toward the language that they are learning. Typically the studies of second-language learning deal with the attitudes toward the language in general rather than toward specific varieties within the language. The present study measures the attitudes of L2 learners of Spanish who lived in Spain, Mexico and Argentina toward native speakers from Spain and Mexico. The nonnative speakers listened to recordings of four native speakers, a male and a female from Spain, and a male and a female from Mexico, and rated each on a series of characteristics such as intelligence, education, attractiveness, work ethic, and honesty. T-tests were run to determine whether or not the time spent in one of the countries affected the attitudes toward each variety of Spanish. The results show that the judges had a tendency to give higher ratings to the speakers that they could understand the easiest. In addition, there was an overall tendency to rate both of the speakers from Spain higher, as was found in studies by Álvarez, Martínez and Urdaneta (2001), as well as Montes-Alcalá (2011), and to rate the females higher, supporting what both González Martínez (2008) and Labov (1972) found.

在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸華語口音之看法初探 / An Exploratory Study on How CFL Students in Taiwan View the Accent of Mandarin Chinese Produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders

吳艾芸, Wu, Ai Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由瞭解在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸口音的看法,以供臺灣華語教師在教學現場應使用何種口音作為參考。研究對象是臺灣北部某國立大學的華語文教學中心中級班以上的外籍學生。研究方法包含假貌相比測驗法(Matched-Guise technique)、問卷調查和焦點團體訪談三項研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)多數外籍學生具有聽辨兩岸口音差異之能力;(二)兩岸口音各有其擁護者;(三)兩岸口音的印象差異,除了在聲母、韻母及聲調,如:捲舌音、輕聲及兒化韻等等的差別以外,說話的語氣,如:聲音的大小、說話的速度、聲音的高低等,也會影響外籍學生對兩岸口音的印象;(四)外籍學生在選擇華語口音時所考慮的要素為「不同學習階段的需求」、「易學」、「當地文化與朋友」、「好聽」以及「較具親和力」等五項因素;(五)本研究的外籍學生認為在現階段應學習臺灣口音的華語,奠立良好的口音基礎,進而拓展聽力寬度,然後再進入多元口音輸出的階段。 最後根據調查結果提出華語教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在兩岸華語口音方面的參考。 / This study aims to investigate how CFL(Chinese as a foreign language) students in Taiwan view the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders. The participants of the study are from a university in Taipei city, and they are at intermediate-level and above. The research methods adopted in the study include Matched-Guise technique, questionnaire survey, and focus group interview. The major findings are: (1) Most CFL students have the ability to distinguish the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders; (2) the two accents have their own supporters; (3) CFL students’ impressions of the two accents include not only initials, finals and tones, but also volume, speed and pitch. Another interesting finding is that most CFL students in Taiwan want to learn Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent because (1) Taiwanese accent is easier to learn; (2) CFL students in Taiwan want to interact with Taiwanese and learn Taiwanese culture. When CFL students in Taiwan become high intermediate or advanced students, they also wish to be exposed to Mandarin with mainlander’s accent in order to expand their repertoire of the Chinese language. At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included.

Engelskt inflytande i svenska och koreanska : En jämförande attitydundersökning

Woo, Hani January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats studerar attityd till engelskt inflytande i svenska hos svenskar respektive i koreanska hos koreaner samt sverigekoreaner. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka medvetna och undermedvetna attityder svenskar och sydkoreaner har till inblandningen av engelska ord i svenska respektive koreanska. Uppsatsen syftar också till att utröna om och i så fall hur en annorlunda språkmiljö påverkar attityden till denna inblandning i koreanska hos sverigekoreaner. Studien utgår ifrån min observation av frekvent inblandning av engelska ord hos svenskar, vilket går emot min iakttagelse hos sydkoreaner som ofta visar irriterade reaktioner till inblandningen av engelska ord i koreanska. En bakgrundsfaktor är också att svenska och koreanska har olika historiska och språkpolitiska förhållanden. Studien bygger på tre olika undersökningar, vilka är matched guise-test, enkät och intervju, inkl. ett ordvalstest. De två första undersökningarna genomfördes med informanter bestående av svenskar resp. koreaner med avsikt att beskriva och jämföra undermedvetna och medvetna attityder. Med sverigekoreaner, indelade i tre grupper efter språkbakgrund, nämligen förstagenerations-, 1,5- och andragenerations- och övriga koreaner, utfördes en intervjuundersökning. Resultatet visar att det finns stora skillnader mellan medvetna och undermedvetna attityder till engelskt inflytande i svenska hos svenskar respektive i koreanska hos koreaner och att attityderna mellan länderna skiljer sig åt kraftigt. För Sveriges del visades det att man är mer negativ till engelskt inflytande i matched guise-testet än i enkäten medan det var tvärtom i Sydkorea. Förvånansvärt nog var sydkoreaner mycket positivare till engelskt inflytande i matched guise-testet och de hade en mer språkpatriotisk inställning i enkäten. Detta tyder på att språkpatriotism och attityd mot engelska inte alltid hänger ihop. Genom intervjuundersökningen kom det fram att attityderna till engelska och inblandningen av engelska ord varierar en del beroende på språkbakgrund och på att koreanska har en mycket stark ställning hos informanterna oavsett språkbakgrund. Däremot visades det att den positiva ställningen till koreanskan hos informanterna inte är särskilt märkbar när de använder språk i verkligheten. Resultatet av ordvalsfrågorna mellan ”renare” koreanska ord och engelska lånord i intervjuerna visade att informanternas val beror mest på grad av etablering i språket, ej själva språket. Enligt intervjuundersökningen verkar sverigekoreanernas attityd till inblandningen av engelska i koreanska inte ha påverkats av deras annorlunda, mer blandade språkmiljö.

François de Lorraine (1520-1563), duc de Guise entre Dieu et le Roi / François de Lorraine (1520-1563), duc de Guise between God and the King

Durot, Eric 11 June 2011 (has links)
François de Lorraine, duc de Guise, fut l’un des principaux acteurs politiques du royaume de France de 1547 à sa mort en 1563. Célèbre, il n’a pourtant pas fait l’objet d’une étude historique approfondie alors que les matériaux sont nombreux pour retracer son parcours. Plus qu’une biographie traditionnelle, le doctorat a eu pour visée d’articuler la problématique de l’identité aristocratique et la question de l’engagement d’un homme qui se pensait entre Dieu et le Roi. Prince de la Renaissance, François de Lorraine construisit son rôle en se fondant d’une part sur l’intégration d’un riche capital identitaire en grande partie constitué de la geste de son lignage lorrain, et d’autre part sur la force qu’il tirait de la maison de Guise, en particulier grâce à l’association étroite de son frère Charles, cardinal de Lorraine. Le duc poursuivit sa quête de salut divin et de reconnaissance sociale dans deux contextes très différents qui déterminèrent des oscillations dans son jeu d’acteur. Le premier est celui du règne d’Henri II (1547-1559), durant lequel il s’imagina être le bras armé du Roi Très-Chrétien en vue d’établir une monarchie universelle. Le second (1559-1563) fut marqué par la crise profonde et multiforme du royaume de France : le duc aspira à être alors le défenseur des catholiques face au calvinisme qu’il associa à une hérésie et contre lequel il assuma d’être tel un nouvel envoyé de Dieu aux côtés des jeunes rois François II puis Charles IX. / François de Lorraine, duc de Guise, was one of France’s most influential politicians from 1547 to 1563, at the time of his death. Although a potent figure, he hasn’t been the subject of any serious historical study. Yet, historical sources are numerous. This thesis is much more than a traditional biography : it aims at questioning the identity of De Guise as an aristocrat and his commitment as a man who figured himself as standing between God and his king.Prince of the Renaissance, François de Lorraine built up his influence by relying on both his heritage and identity as a member of the Lorraine family and his power derived from the de Guise family and his close association with his brother Charles, the Bishop of Lorraine. The duke undertook his quest for divine salvation and political recognition in two different historical contexts which determined and influenced his actions. First, under the reign of Henry II (1547-1559), he acted as the Christian king’s executioner with the view to establishing a universal monarchy.Then, between 1559 and 1563, when the kingdom of France suffered from crises which were deep and manifold, the duke posed as the protector of the Catholics against Calvinism which he considered as heresy. He resisted it by assuming the role of a protector sent by God to assist the two young kings, François II and Charles IX.

Gender and Language : A matched-guise study exploring linguistic stereotyping using voice morphing

Östling, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
The matched-guise test, which was originally developed by Lambert et al. (1960), has been useful in determining covert attitudes towards accents, dialects, or languages. In this paper, the author presents a fresh take on matched-guise tests in sociolinguistics utilizing modern technology to digitally manipulate a female voice into a male voice. This makes it possible to create recordings in which the tone, intonation, stress, and personality traits are the same, yet the apparent guise is different, thus allowing us to ascertain attitudes towards the sexes as well. Using this method on 169  respondents of mixed sex, the author has shown that there are statistical differences between how the male and female guises are interpreted. When all collaborative and competitive aspects are combined, the female guise is considered more collaborative, while the male is considered more competitive. Contradictory to old stereotypes it would also seem as though men are considered less knowledgeable than women. Less sexist people also rate the male and the female guise more unevenly than more sexist people do. A less sexist person favours the female guise on collaborative variables, while a more sexist person favours neither guise.

English with an accent : A study of attitudes among Swedish adolescents regarding British and Middle Eastern varieties of English

Helleberg, Fia January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the attitudes of adolescent Swedes towards speakers of British and Middle Eastern varieties of English. Due to the ongoing wars in the Middle East and elsewhere, and thus the stream of refugees seeking sanctuary in Sweden and other European countries, many children from diverse backgrounds have been and will be enrolled in Swedish schools. Considering their right to democratic, humane and inclusive education, it is of importance to identify and oppose possible prejudice and preconceptions towards foreign languages, cultures and religions at an early state. This study aims towards this goal. The study, carried out among Swedish teenagers, is based on a matched-guise test in combination with an Osgood scale. The pre-recorded speakers were from Iran, Syria, and Britain.       The results of the study prove that there were preconceptions regarding Middle Eastern varieties of English, yet they can be both positive and negative. It is evident that the majority of the informants perceived the Middle Eastern speakers of English negatively with regard to traits that may be related to education, economy and intelligence, yet they rated the same speakers positively with regard to traits that may be correlated to emotional and social capacity. Interestingly enough, the study also provides evidence to suggest that British speakers of English are perceived favourably with regard to traits that may be related to education, economy and intelligence, yet negatively with regard to traits that may be correlated to emotional and social capacity. Overall, the study mainly provided results that confirm findings of previous research within the field.

GA and RP accents in a verbal guise test: A questionnaire-based study of Swedish upper secondary school students’ language attitudes

Wistrand, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to use a verbal guise test to investigate Swedish upper secondary school students’ language attitudes toward GA and RP. While research has been conducted on this topic before, few studies have incorporated all three cognitive, affective and conative components of the mentalist approach to language attitude, and even fewer with younger student participants, which are two components the present study included. The findings of the present study indicate differences in evaluation of the RP and GA speakers. The investigated L2 speakers of English, the 17-19 year old participants, favoured the RP speaker in terms of the cognitive categories serious, intelligent and responsible, while the GA speaker was evaluated more favorably for the categories not arrogant, kind, calm and gentle. The participants also felt more trust while listening to the RP speaker, while other affective categories did not generate considerable differences in evaluation of the speakers. Lastly, in the conative component, the students self-reported using and aiming for similar pronunciation to GA rather than RP. Several of these results are supported by previous research, but contrasting findings occur as well.

Equally non-native? : Investigating the attitudes of Swedish students towards Swedish and Arabic L2 English speakers

Liljegren, Alva January 2023 (has links)
The increasing use of English as a lingua franca has led to the emergence of many nonnative varieties, but research indicates that despite the efforts of disciplines such as World Englishes and ELF to elevate the status of these varieties, speakers of native varieties are still valued higher by listeners all over the world. However, few studies have attempted to compare non-native varieties to each other without the presence of a contrasting native variety. In Sweden, a country where English has a notably high status and prominence, a significant amount of the population has other native languages than Swedish, and as such, there is a range of non-native Englishes spoken in the country. Moreover, speakers of the biggest immigrant language in Sweden, Arabic, are often subjected to discrimination and stereotyping, which makes it relevant to investigate if biases against groups influence how the English spoken by the groups is perceived. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the attitudes of Swedish people towards Swedish and Arabic L2 English speakers. Using the verbal-guise technique, 59 upper secondary school students were recruited to respond to a questionnaire measuring their attitudes towards the two varieties. The findings indicate that there are significant differences: the Swedish speaker was rated as more intelligent, educated, confident and responsible than the Arabic speaker, while the Arabic speaker was rated as kinder and less aggressive than the Swedish speaker. While more research is needed, the findings indicate that subconscious biases against varieties exist, and it is suggested that these need to be taken into account in English-speaking contexts, particularly in ELT classrooms.

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