Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gustavsson"" "subject:"gustavssons""
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Kärnkompetens och outsourcing: den enda vägen till konkurrensfördelar? : ett fysiskt distributionsperspektiv / Core Competence and Outsourcing: the One Way to Competitive Advantages? : a Physical Distribution PerspectiveAxelsson, Malin, Lindh, Anna January 2004 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under 1990-talet har företag outsourcat allt fler funktioner för att kunna koncentrera sig på sin kärnkompetens och därigenom öka sin konkurrenskraft. Även om nackdelarna med detta diskuteras, har dock argumenten för outsourcing tydligt dominerat debatten kring huruvida företag bör lägga ut aktiviteter på en tredje part eller inte. Det är först under senare år som röster har höjts för att outsourcing inte alltid är att likställa med vägen till framgång. Att debatten kring kärnkompetens och outsourcing så starkt fokuserat på fördelarna med att lägga ut aktiviteter på en tredje part innebär dock att denna debatt har varit och fortfarande är relativt ensidig. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att, med utgångspunkt från ett fysiskt distributionsperspektiv, utveckla en mer nyanserad bild av debatten kring kärnkompetens och outsourcing med avseende på skapandet av konkurrensfördelar. Genomförande: Studien baseras på kvalitativ information inhämtad genom åtta intervjuer på fyra olika företag. Gemensam nämnare för dessa företag är att de har valt att inte outsourca hela eller delar av sin fysiska distribution även om denna inte är en del av deras egentliga kärnkompetens. Resultat: De mest framträdande argumenten hos de studerade företagen mot att outsourca hela eller delar av den fysiska distributionen är negativ påverkan på kundrelationen och servicen. Vidare kan valet att inte outsourca skapa konkurrensfördelar ur såväl ett service- som kostnadsperspektiv. Den fysiska distributionen betraktas således som en källa till konkurrensfördelar trots att den inte är en del av den egentliga kärnkompetensen. Då vår studie även visar att kärnkompetensen inte räcker för att skapa värde för kunden anser vi att man vid ett outsourcingbeslut bör koncentrera sig på vad som skapar konkurrensfördelar, oavsett om detta är en del av den egentliga kärnkompetensen eller inte.
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Vad är insourcing? : En begreppsdefinition ur ett transaktionskostnadsteoretiskt perspektiv / What is insourcing? : defining the term by means of a transaction cost economic perspectiveKonradsson, Sigfus, Lingrell, Peter January 2004 (has links)
Den outsourcingtrend som varit gällande sedan 1990-talet tycks nu vara på väg att brytas och företag väljer i allt större utsträckning alternativ till att förlägga aktiviteter utanför den egna verksamheten. Ofta benämns insourcing som detta alternativ, men det finns en stor varians i uppfattningar av begreppets betydelse. Till skillnad från om outsourcing, som är ett väl behandlat begrepp, har insourcing ännu ej bearbetats i någon större utsträckning inom den teoretiska litteraturen och empiriska källor visar på en viss begreppsförvirring gällande användandet av termen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera en definition av begreppet insourcing med utgångspunkt från transaktionskostnadsteorin. Som hjälp används en bred bas av empiriska källor av olika slag som antingen själva definierar eller nyttjar begreppet insourcing.
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Reklambyråer & Samhällsansvar : en studie av reklambyråers förutsättningar för ett socialt ansvarstagande / Advertising agencies & Corporate social responsibility : a study of advertising agencies conditions for a social responsibilityCarlsson, Johanna, Persson, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
Background: Research results show that the potential of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has increased. That means there is a growing pressure on Swedish companies to act with responsibility: general public has a positive attitude towards companies that communicate their CSR. Advertising agencies have been criticized by their way to manage the question of social responsibility. One of the characteristics of an advertising agency is their anonymity; even though their products are extremely visible, it is rarely clear who gave rise to an advertising production. If this is put in relation to CSR in general, we find ourselves in a contradictory situation when CSR in many cases is about exposure of the responsible corporation. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain whether CSR can be applied to advertising agencies, by describing in which way their conditions limit respectively make possible to run business in terms of CSR. Research Method: The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical data is in large parts based on personal interviews, where the interviewees represent Swedish advertising agencies. Result: We have identified a number of limitations and possibilities related to advertising agencies concerning CSR. Principally limits are that the advertising industry by tradition does not sanction responsibility in this matter, that professionals belittle the social effect by their own business but recognize the impact of advertising productions taken all together. Finally, efficient advertising and customer satisfaction are top priority concerns: ethics may have to step aside due to these matters. On the other hand, there are several aspects to suggest that CSR is to be applied on agencies: the surrounding world is an important matter to agency activities. Our results show that the attention given an agency in factual can be used in characteristics of CSR: the professionals have the opportunity to choose how and what to produce.
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Radikala ändringar av marknadsförhållanden och strategiska förändringar / Radical alterations of market conditions and strategic changeCurtsdotter, Jenny, Kihlborg, Louise January 2002 (has links)
<p>There is much literature covering strategic change under different circumstances but very little concerning how companies act strategically under sudden and radical changes to market conditions. Based on three different events (the terrorist attack in the USA September 11th 2001, the Tjernobyl accident April 26th 1986 and the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979) with such radical changes as a result we chose three companies that were affected (SAS, Asea Atom and Atlas Copco). The result of the events that were studied in this thesis is extremely unusual to their character. The events themselves were sudden and of a temporary nature but the results were long term changes of market conditions. Through personal interviews the authors have tried to establish how the companies have perceived the events and how the top management has strategically handled the situation. It seems like the interpretation of the importance the event will have on the company's future has been the basis for what measures that where taken. Furthermore, the authors have, after having compared the actions of the companies with some already established theories concerning strategic change, been able to see that the existing theories cannotcompletely explain the actions of the companies and reactions under such extreme conditions. The time aspect and the resistance to change are factors that are affected by the radical changes of market conditions, since the planning of the changes takes place under a very compressed period of time, and the resistance to change that becomes unusually low within the company.</p>
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Utilization of Expatriates'Knowledge in a Global Corporation / Tillvaratagande av expatriaters kunskap i ett globalt företagBengtsson, Marie, Lund, Elisabeth January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: For companies operating globally, expatriates represent a knowledge resource. When different ways of thinking, different experiences and ideas meet, new ideas and knowledge are created. Managers who have lived and worked abroad make an essential addition to the range of ideas and experiences that a company can make use of. While going on an international assignment offers the opportunity to acquire knowledge, finishing one, and moving on, offers the opportunity to transfer this knowledge and utilize it in the organization. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a global corporation utilizes the knowledge its expatriates gain during international assignments. </p><p>Realization: We have looked at utilization of expatriates’ knowledge at Tetra Pak from both the HR managers’ and the expatriates’ point of view. We conducted five interviews with HR managers and sent out questionnaires to 60 expatriates, of which 21 replied. </p><p>Conclusion: Knowledge management is highly topical at Tetra Pak right now. To open up for learning and to spread knowledge are priorities. Utilization of expatriates’ knowledge can be looked at on two levels, the individual- and the organizational level. On the individual level, it is very much a question of career management. On the organizational level, it is a matter of knowledge transfer and sharing. Transfer of knowledge in general is very much intended at Tetra Pak, but there is no focus on expatriates’ knowledge. Knowledge sharing on the other hand, seems to more or less “just happen”, it is a matter of learning by accident rather than intent.</p>
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Knowledge Management -lärprocesser över gränser / Knowledge Management : learning processes over boundariesGrahn, Charlotte, Helbro, Sandra, Holmqvist, Kristin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: To be better able to meet the new competition, companies are seeking new competitive advantages, wich is forcing them to review and, in time, change both working methods and corporate structures. This has led to an increased interest in the development of strategies within the field of Knowledge Management. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of how learning in a company occurs over internal boundaries and to investigate whether individuals need to be motivated in this regard. We also aim to give recommendations as to how this can be developed. Furthermore, we will work out a model that explains the learning process. Definitions: Our study is based solely on the divisions at the marketing department of the company investigated. We have not included external parties, nor the aspect of Knowledge Management that focuses on IT. Method and results: This study has been carried out with the help of interviews and surveys. The thesis has resulted in a model that illustrates how learning in an organisation occurs over internal boundaries. Since individuals are driven to share their knowledge to varying degrees and for different reasons, we believe that companies ought to model their systems in such a way that motivates and rewards knowledge sharing. Knowledge can then be spread through different working methods, such as projects, meetings, cross-functional working pairs, and mentorship.</p>
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Kriskommunikation : eller"Det snöade för mycket" / Crisis communication -"It was just snowing"Wilhelmsson, Petra, Årelid, Marina January 2002 (has links)
<p>When a crisis hits a company, it is very important that the company communicate with its customers. Communication is important for a company in crisis because this is a way for the company to tell their side of the story and thereby try to get the customers to see things their way. Because mass media reaches a lot of people, it is a simple and fast way for companies in crisis to get their message out to the world. Mass media can be very useful for a company, but it can also be a problem. Mass media and companies in crisis may or may not have the same purpose with the communication. It is important for companies to be aware of this as well as the importance of the timing. To be successful in crisis communication companies need to know what, when and why to say it. For this thesis we have studied SJ and SL, which are two companies that has been having media exposed crisis recently. We also have chosen to study mass media through articles in two major Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen. We have made interviews with four persons at the companies that works with communication and with four journalists that wrote about the crisis in these newspapers. During this study we have found that both mass media and companies in crisis find communication to be very important for the outcome of the companies in crisis. It is hard to say exactly what information that is the most important in what stage of the crisis. Though, it can be said that some information seems to be more important in the beginning of a crisis and some information seems to be more important at the end of a crisis. Companies need to be aware of this before the crisis hits, to make sure that the communication is being handled in a way that is the best for the companies out coming of the crisis.</p>
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Den normbrytande trenden : En studie om normbrytande barnböcker ur ett queerperspektivEliasson, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar tre normbrytande bilderböcker för barn i syfte att undersöka hur genus förmedlas samt vad som gör bilderböckerna till normbrytande respektive icke normbrytande. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar: i den första används Gerard Genettes teorier kring paratexter; närmare bestämt bokomslaget. Därefter diskuteras bilderböckernas paratexter utifrån ett övergripande queerperspektiv med fokus på användningen av färg och karaktärsdrag. Analysens andra del utgår ifrån Kristin Hallbergs ikonotext för att undersöka hur genus konstrueras i interaktionen mellan bild och text. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur genus konstrueras i ikonotexten, vilka egenskaper som framhävs och vad de indikerar. Slutligen resoneras det kring de faktorer som bidrar till om bilderböckerna kan anses vara normbrytande eller icke i förhållande till heteronormen.
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Könsstyrda maktstruktrukturer berättade genom litteraturen : En litterär genusanalys i spåren av #Metoo genom två texter av Margareta Strömstedt och en undersökning av Matilda Gustavsson / Gendered power structures in literature : A literary gender analysis in the footsteps of #MeToo of two texts by Margareta Strömstedt and one by Matilda GustavssonEriksson, Marlena January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze and find explanations in literature for the gender-controlled dynamics contained in the selected quotations, using the theoretical starting points of the essay and under the theme power structures between men and women. The analysis draws of theories of gender, feminism, power and underlying linguistic factors that make, and in what way, the message reach the reader. The study has focused on three excerpts from the books of Margareta Strömstedt Jag skulle så gärna vilja förföra dig – men jag orkar inte (I would love to seduce you - but I can't cope) and Natten innan de hängde Ruth Ellis och andra berättelser ur mitt liv (The nigth before hanging Ruth Ellis and other stories from my life), and an excerpt from the book Klubben (The Club) of Matilda Gustavsson. The analysis explores texts that describe sexual assaults and reveals positions of power and male dominance. Not only male physical violence, even social norms and social power relations prevent women from resistance. The texts express female frustration and discontent about having to accept being an object of male dominance.
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Vad sopas under mattan? : – en analys av barn- och vuxenrelationen i Sara Lövestams och Per Gustavssons bilderbok Under mattanJåfs, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar Sara Lövestams och Per Gustavssons bilderbok Under mattan (2018). Bilderboken är skriven utifrån det idiomatiska uttrycket "att sopa något under mattan" och den illustrerar vad som faktiskt händer, bokstavligt talat, om vi sopar in allt möjligt under mattan. Syftet med analysen är att undersöka om och hur de vuxnas brister framställs samt hur relationen mellan barn och vuxna skildras. Uppsatsens metod utgår från bland annat Ulla Rhedins bilderbokskoncept. Ytterligare metoder som använts är närläsning och ikonotext samt analys av karaktärer. Analysen visar att föräldrarna i bilderboken brister i sin vuxenroll samtidigt som barnet tar mer ansvar och växer in i rollen som det kompetenta barnet. Relationen mellan barnet och de vuxna är spänd samt speglar den makt vuxna har över barn i samhället idag. De vuxnas brister blir synliga både i bild och text, där bilden vid flera tillfällen förstärker textens budskap. Under mattan har potential att användas i undervisningen med både äldre och yngre elever och berättelsen har flera nivåer som går att anpassa utefter elevgruppens ålder och mognad.
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