Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gymnastics."" "subject:"gymnastic's.""
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Závodní úzkost u sportovních gymnastek: Vztah k věku a délce sportovní kariéry / Competitive anxiety in female gymnasts: Association with age and length of sports careerLipšanová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Title: Competitive anxiety in female gymnasts: Association with age and length of sports career Objectives: The main aim of the diploma thesis is to describe levels of competitive anxiety and its association to age and length of sports career in young female gymnasts from Prague. Methods: The thesis has a character of empirical and theoretical research and includes elements of quantitative research with an application of a survey. Specifically the thesis represents a cross-sectional study. A multidimensional questionnaire, the Competitive state anxiety investory-2 was administered to a sample of N = 18 female gymnasts. The questionnaire consists of three subscales measuring: somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, self-confidence. Data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the hypotheses about relationships. Results: The results have shown that age is related to somatic and cognitive anxiety, whereas both components of competitive anxiety increase with increasing age. On the other hand age was not associated with self- confidence. The length of sports career was positively associated with somatic anxiety and self-confidence, however was not related to cognitive anxiety. Keywords: activation, emotions, cognitive anxiety, somatic...
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Základy sportovní přípravy v moderní gymnastice / Basic physical preparation in rhythmic gymnasticsŠimůnková, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
of disertation Rhythmic gymnastics (RG) is the only Olympia sport of girls and women and it is characterized by precision, fluency and elegance of movement that emphasizes feminine beauty and grace. At present, there is no coherent concept of long-term sports training of talented gymnasts in Czech RG. The outflow of athletes is evident especially during prepubescence. Basic RG preparation aims gradual development of motor abilities, practice of sports (gymnastics) skills and the beginning of specialized techniques based on the principle of comprehensive movement base. This period (in rhythmic gymnastics between 7-9 years of gymnasts) for further performance growth is very substantial, in terms of content and in terms of training forms and influence of trainers (coaches). Defining the content of movement and gymnastic activities determines the path of development athletes and also defines (for caoches) performance criteria in each age category. The aim of disertation was to verify correspondence between published scientific theories and trainers experience of coaching using the Repertory Grid Technique. Along the way sixteen semi-structured interviews with selected experts was achieved interpersonal and intrapersonal data. Experts in the preparation of RG agreed on the fact that in practice a set of...
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Stellenwert wasserbezogener Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen bei Stomaträgern: Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojekts und LiteraturübersichtPutz, Juliane, Borkowetz, Angelika, Schlumberger, Gina Benita, Huber, Johannes, Thomas, Christian 19 March 2024 (has links)
Die Anlage eines Hautstomas nach exenterativen Beckeneingriffen stellt für Betroffene einen drastischen Einschnitt in die körperliche Integrität dar. Vielfach führen ästhetische und funktionelle Bedenken dazu, dass wasserbezogene Angebote zur Rehabilitation nicht genutzt werden. Fragestellung: Ziel war es, im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts „UROAquaFIT“ die Möglichkeit einer wasserbezogenen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme für Patienten nach Zystektomie mit inkontinenter Harnableitung zu evaluieren. Methode: Im Rahmen des Pilotkurses „UROAquaFIT“ wurde Patienten nach radikaler Zystektomie mit inkontinenter Harnableitung die Möglichkeit einer wasserbezogenen Rehabilitationsmaßnahme angeboten. Aufgeteilt in Kleingruppen erfolgte ein Wassergymnastikkurs unter Anleitung einer Physiotherapeutin und einer Stomatherapeutin unter ärztlicher Aufsicht. Daten zur Lebensqualität und der persönlichen Beurteilung des Kurses mittels Fragebögen wurden vor Beginn und 6 Monate nach Kursende erhoben und qualitativ ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus erfolgte eine Literaturrecherche (MEDLINE) zum Thema Aquagymnastik in der Onkologie. Ergebnis und Diskussion: Das Kursangebot wurde von allen Teilnehmern als durchweg positiv und bereichernd empfunden. Wohlbefinden und Selbstwertgefühl der Probanden konnten gesteigert werden. Wassergymnastik unter gezielter physio- und stomatherapeutischer Anleitung kann somit eine höchst effektive Rehabilitationsmaßnahme für Patienten nach inkontinenter Harnableitung darstellen. Darüber hinaus stärkt sie die körperliche Integrität der Betroffenen und erweitert somit die Möglichkeiten der sozialen Reintegration. Diese Form der Therapie sollte als fester Baustein in der Rehabilitation nach exenterativen Beckeneingriffen mit Stomaanlage verankert werden.
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Физическая реабилитация женщин старше 40 лет с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата средствами оздоровительной гимнастики ушу : магистерская диссертация / Physical rehabilitation of women over 40 years of age with musculoskeletal disorders by means of wushu recreational gymnasticsХорошилова, Е. В., Horoshilova, E. V. January 2022 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании проанализированы нарушения опорно-двигательного аппарата у женщин старше 40 лет, а также механизмы лечебного воздействия средств оздоровительной гимнастики ушу на опорно-двигательный аппарат. Разработана, обоснована и определена эффективность программы физической реабилитации женщин старше 40 лет с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата средствами оздоровительной гимнастики ушу. / The dissertation analyses the musculoskeletal system disorders in women over 40 years old, as well as the mechanisms of therapeutic effects of Wushu recreational gymnastics on the musculoskeletal system. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation program for women over 40 years old with disorders of musculoskeletal system by means of wushu health gymnastics has been identified, explained and developed.
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The Role of Visual and Auditory Information in the Perception of Complex Skills in GymnasticsVeit, Frederike 17 July 2023 (has links)
The perception of our environment and processing situation- or task-relevant information
guides us through our everyday life. For example, in sports, the perception
of situation-relevant information can be crucial for success or defeat. Different studies
show that auditory and visual information interacts in the perception of complex
stimuli (Allerdissen et al., 2017; Ca˜nal-Bruland et al., 2018). Furthermore, the combination
of auditory and visual stimuli seems to lead to an increase in the precision of
perception (Effenberg, 2005). So far, many studies have investigated the influence of
(motor) experiences on the perception and evaluation of complex skills (Heinen et al.,
2012; Pizzera & Raab, 2012). This dissertation investigates the role of visual and auditory
information in the perception, assessment, and evaluation of complex gymnastic
skills. Furthermore, it attempts to approach the role of auditory and visual information
in motor control of complex skills.
The publication-based dissertation includes five different studies. The first two
studies (chapters four and five) deal with expert-novice comparisons regarding the
quality of movement perception in gymnastics under three different conditions (audiovisual,
visual, and auditory). Here, a three-part acrobatic element sequence (round-off,
followed by a back handspring and straight back somersault) on the floor was chosen
as the object of investigation. Based on the results of the first study, the second investigation
takes up the three-part acrobatic series again. The focus here is on the auditory
perception of the natural movement sounds through manipulations. The results of the
second study lay the foundation for subsequent investigations. The third study investigated
whether and to what extent auditory and visual information processing affect
the execution of complex skills in trampoline gymnastics. The fourth study takes up
the acrobatic series again. Here, music is examined as a possible influencing factor
that can play an essential role in female gymnastics on the floor. The fifth and final
study attempts to replicate the results of the fourth study for another component of
floor routines in female gymnastics female (gymnastic series).
Within the dissertation project studies, previous study results regarding the perception
of complex skills could be confirmed for the field of gymnastics. On the one
hand, it could be shown that more accurate estimations of complex skills are made
when visual and auditory information is available and that current gymnasts use auditory
information differently than persons without previous experience and persons
with visual experience. On the other hand, it could be shown within a synchronization
task in trampoline gymnastics that the availability of information affects the speed of
movement regulation. It could also be observed that music adapted to the speed of
movement leads to higher scores in evaluating the shown gymnastics skills.:Versicherung I
List of Publications II
Summary III
Zusammenfassung IV
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Motion Perception in Gymnastics
2.2 Sensory Contributions to Motion Perception
2.3 Neurophysiological Processes in Motion Perception
2.4 Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches to Motion Perception
2.5 Summary
3 Research Program
4 Publication I - The Role of Visual and Auditory Information in the Observation and Evaluation of Complex Skills in Gymnastics
5 Publication II - How does Auditory Information Influence Observers’ Perception during the Evaluation of Complex Skills?
6 Publication III (accepted) - The Role of Auditory and Visual Information in Interpersonal Coordination in Trampoline Gymnastics
7 Publication IV - Does Jumping to the Beat Result in Better Ratings from Gymnastics Experts?
8 Publication V - The Influence of Music on Judges’ Evaluation of Complex Skills in Gymnastics
9 General Discussion
9.1 Theoretical Discussion
9.2 Methodological Discussion
9.3 Practical Implications
10 Conclusions
Appendix / Die Wahrnehmung unserer Umwelt und die Verarbeitung der situations- oder auf- gabenrelevanten Informationen leitet uns durch unseren Alltag. Im Sport kann die Wahrnehmung von situationsrelevanten Informationen ausschlaggebend für Erfolg oder Niederlage sein. Dabei zeigen unterschiedliche Studien, dass auditive und visuelle Informationen bei der Wahrnehmung komplexer Stimuli interagieren (Allerdissen et al., 2017; Cañal-Bruland et al., 2018). Des Weiteren scheint die Kombination von auditiven und visuellen Reizen zu einer präziseren Wahrnehmung zu führen (Effenberg, 2005). Bisher wurde vielfach untersucht, welchen Einfluss (Bewegungs-) Erfahrungen auf die Wahrnehmung und die Bewertung von Bewegungen hat (Heinen et al., 2012; Pizzera & Raab, 2012). Das Ziel des Dissertationsprojektes ist es die Rolle von visuellen und auditiven Informationen bei der Wahrnehmung, Einschätzung und Bewertung von komplexen turnerischen Elementen zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren wird versucht sich der Rolle von auditiven und visuellen Informationen bei der motorischen Kontrolle komplexer Bewegungen zu nähern.
Die publikationsbasierte Arbeit umfasst fünf Studien. Die ersten beiden Untersuchungen (Kapitel vier und fünf) befassen sich mit Experten-Novizen-Vergleichen hinsichtlich der Qualität der Bewegungswahrnehmung im Gerätturnen unter drei verschiedenen Bedingungen (audio-visuell, visuell, auditiv). Hierbei wurde eine dreiteilige akrobatische Elementabfolge (Rondat, Flick-Flack, Salto rückwärts gestreckt) am Gerät Boden als Untersuchungsgegenstand gewählt. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der ersten Studie greift die zweite Untersuchung die dreiteilige Bewegungsfolge erneut auf. Der Fokus wird hierbei auf die natürlichen Bewegungsgeräusche gelegt, deren Informationen durch Manipulationen verändert werden. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie legen die Grundlage für die darauf folgenden Untersuchungen. In der dritten Studie wurde untersucht, ob und inwiefern sich die Verarbeitung von auditiven und visuellen Informationen auf die Ausführung von komplexen Bewegungen auswirkt. Die vierte Studie greift erneut die akrobatische Elementabfolge auf. Hierbei wird Musik als möglicher Einflussfaktor untersucht, der im Gerätturnen weiblich am Boden eine wichtige Rollen spielen kann. Die fünfte und abschließende Studie versucht die Ergebnisse der vierten Studie für einen anderen Bestandteil der Bodenübung im Gerätturnen weiblich (gymnastische Reihen) zu replizieren.
Innerhalb des Dissertationsprojektes konnten bisherige Studienergebnisse bezüglich der Wahrnehmung von komplexen Bewegungen für den Bereich des Turnens bestätigt werden. Einerseits konnte gezeigt werden, dass genauere Einschätzungen von Bewegungen erfolgen, wenn visuelle und auditive Informationen verfügbar sind und aktive Sportler:innen auditive Informationen anders nutzen, als Personen ohne Vorerfahrung oder mit visuellen Erfahrungen. Andererseits konnte innerhalb einer Synchronisationsaufgabe im Trampolinturnen gezeigt werden, dass sich die Verfügbarkeit der Informationen auf die Geschwindigkeit der Bewegungsregulation auswirkt. Es konnte außer- dem beobachtet werden, dass an die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit angepasste Musik zu höheren Werten bei der Bewertung der gezeigten Bewegungen führt.:Versicherung I
List of Publications II
Summary III
Zusammenfassung IV
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Motion Perception in Gymnastics
2.2 Sensory Contributions to Motion Perception
2.3 Neurophysiological Processes in Motion Perception
2.4 Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches to Motion Perception
2.5 Summary
3 Research Program
4 Publication I - The Role of Visual and Auditory Information in the Observation and Evaluation of Complex Skills in Gymnastics
5 Publication II - How does Auditory Information Influence Observers’ Perception during the Evaluation of Complex Skills?
6 Publication III (accepted) - The Role of Auditory and Visual Information in Interpersonal Coordination in Trampoline Gymnastics
7 Publication IV - Does Jumping to the Beat Result in Better Ratings from Gymnastics Experts?
8 Publication V - The Influence of Music on Judges’ Evaluation of Complex Skills in Gymnastics
9 General Discussion
9.1 Theoretical Discussion
9.2 Methodological Discussion
9.3 Practical Implications
10 Conclusions
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The Effects of an OpenNI / Kinect-Based Biofeedback Intervention on Kinematics at the Knee During Drop Vertical Jump Landings: Implications for Reducing Neuromuscular Predisposition to Non-Contact ACL Injury Risk in the Young Female AthleteNyman, Edward, Jr. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation tridimensionnelle de l’amplitude articulaire de l’épauleHaering, Diane 09 1900 (has links)
L’épaule est l’articulation la plus mobile et la plus instable du corps humain dû à la faible quantité de contraintes osseuses et au rôle des tissus mous qui lui confèrent au moins une dizaine de degrés de liberté. La mobilité de l’épaule est un facteur de performance dans plusieurs sports. Mais son instabilité engendre des troubles musculo-squelettiques, dont les déchirures de la coiffe des rotateurs sont fréquentes et les plus handicapantes. L’évaluation de l’amplitude articulaire est un indice commun de la fonction de l’épaule, toutefois elle est souvent limitée à quelques mesures planaires pour lesquelles les degrés de liberté varient indépendamment les uns des autres. Ces valeurs utilisées dans les modèles de simulation musculo-squelettiques peuvent amener à des solutions non physiologiques.
L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer des outils pour la caractérisation de la mobilité articulaire tri-dimensionnelle de l’épaule, en passant par i) fournir une méthode et son approche expérimentale pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle de l’épaule incluant des interactions entre les degrés de liberté ; ii) proposer une représentation permettant d’interpréter les données tri-dimensionnelles obtenues; iii) présenter des amplitudes articulaires normalisées, iv) implémenter une amplitude articulaire tridimensionnelle au sein d’un modèle de simulation numérique afin de générer des mouvements sportifs optimaux plus réalistes; v) prédire des amplitudes articulaires sécuritaires et vi) des exercices de rééducation sécuritaires pour des patients ayant subi une réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs.
i) Seize sujets ont été réalisé séries de mouvements d’amplitudes maximales actifs avec des combinaisons entre les différents degrés de liberté de l’épaule. Un système d’analyse du mouvement couplé à un modèle cinématique du membre supérieur a été utilisé pour estimer les cinématiques articulaires tridimensionnelles. ii) L’ensemble des orientations définies par une séquence de trois angles a été inclus dans un polyèdre non convexe représentant l’espace de mobilité articulaire prenant en compte les interactions entre les degrés de liberté. La combinaison des séries d’élévation et de rotation est recommandée pour évaluer l’amplitude articulaire complète de l’épaule. iii) Un espace de mobilité normalisé a également été défini en englobant les positions atteintes par au moins 50% des sujets et de volume moyen.
iv) Cet espace moyen, définissant la mobilité physiologiques, a été utilisé au sein d’un modèle de simulation cinématique utilisé pour optimiser la technique d’un élément acrobatique de lâcher de barres réalisée par des gymnastes. Avec l’utilisation régulière de limites articulaires planaires pour contraindre la mobilité de l’épaule, seulement 17% des solutions optimales sont physiologiques. En plus, d’assurer le réalisme des solutions, notre contrainte articulaire tridimensionnelle n’a pas affecté le coût de calculs de l’optimisation.
v) et vi) Les seize participants ont également réalisé des séries d’amplitudes articulaires passives et des exercices de rééducation passifs. La contrainte dans l’ensemble des muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs au cours de ces mouvements a été estimée à l’aide d’un modèle musculo-squelettique reproduisant différents types et tailles de déchirures. Des seuils de contrainte sécuritaires ont été utilisés pour distinguer les amplitudes de mouvements risquées ou non pour l’intégrité de la réparation chirurgicale. Une taille de déchirure plus grande ainsi que les déchirures affectant plusieurs muscles ont contribué à réduire l’espace de mobilité articulaire sécuritaire. Principalement les élévations gléno-humérales inférieures à 38° et supérieures à 65°, ou réalisées avec le bras maintenu en rotation interne engendrent des contraintes excessives pour la plupart des types et des tailles de blessure lors de mouvements d’abduction, de scaption ou de flexion.
Cette thèse a développé une représentation innovante de la mobilité de l’épaule, qui tient compte des interactions entre les degrés de liberté. Grâce à cette représentation, l’évaluation clinique pourra être plus exhaustive et donc élargir les possibilités de diagnostiquer les troubles de l’épaule. La simulation de mouvement peut maintenant être plus réaliste. Finalement, nous avons montré l’importance de personnaliser la rééducation des patients en termes d’amplitude articulaire, puisque des exercices passifs de rééducation précoces peuvent contribuer à une re-déchirure à cause d’une contrainte trop importante qu’ils imposent aux tendons. / The shoulder is the most mobile but instable joint of the human body due to bony constraint scarcity and soft tissue function unlocking several degrees of freedom (DoF). Shoulder mobility is a factor of performance in some sports. But its instability leads to musculoskeletal impairments, the rotator cuff tear being the most debilitating disorder. Evaluation of the shoulder range of motion (RoM) is a common indicator of shoulder function but it is often limited to a few monoplanar measurements where each DoF varies independently. These values used in computer simulation models lead to non-physiological movements.
The aim of this thesis was to develop tools for caracterizing tridimensional shoulder mobility. In this purpose it was mandatory to i) provide a method and its experimental approach to assess shoulder 3D (three-dimensional) RoM with DoF interactions; ii) propose a representation allowing 3D kinematical data interprestation; iii) present normalized shoulder amplitudes; iv) implement 3D RoM into computer simulation models to generate more realistic optimal sports technique; and v) predict safe 3D RoM and vi) safe rehabilitation exercises for patients after rotator cuff repair.
i) Sixteen participants performed series of active arm movements with maximal amplitude with interactions between all the shoulder degrees-of-freedom. A motion analysis system combined with an upper limb kinematic model was used to estimate the 3D joint kinematics. ii) All 3D angular poses were included into a nonconvex hull representing the RoM space accounting for DOF interactions. The combination of elevation and rotation series is recommended to fully evaluate shoulder RoM. iii) A normalized 3D RoM space was defined by including 3D poses common to 50% of the participants into a hull of average volume.
iv) This average hull, defining physiologic mobility, was used in a computer simulation model to optimize the technique of a release move in gymnastics. With commonly used monoplanar constraints of shoulder mobility, only 17% of the simulations led to a physiological shoulder kinematics, while our 3D RoM constraints systematically ensures realistic shoulder kinematics without extra computational cost.
v) and vi) The 16 participants performed 3D shoulder range-of-motion and passive rehabilitation exercises. Stress in all rotator cuff tendons was predicted during each movement by means of a musculoskeletal model using simulations with different type and size of tears. Safety stress thresholds were used to discriminate safe from unsafe ranges-of-motion. Increased tear size and multiple tendons tear decreased safe range-of-motion. Mostly, glenohumeral elevations below 38°, above 65°, or performed with the arm held in internal rotation cause excessive stresses in most types and sizes of injury during abduction, scaption or flexion.
This thesis established an innovative representation of the shoulder mobility, which accounts for DoF interactions. Clinical evaluation will be more accurate with a large potential to better diagnose shoulder disorders. Computer simulations are now more realistic. Finally, we showed the importance of personalized rehabilitation in terms of 3D RoM, since passive early rehabilitation exercises could contribute to re-tear due to excessive stress.
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Specifické změny na nohách moderních gymnastek a možnosti jejich fyzioterapeutického ovlivnění / Specific changes on feet of rhythmic gymnasts and possibilities of physiotherapeutic influence of the feet with the help of a movement programŠťastná, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Title: Specific changes on feet of rhythmic gymnasts and possibilities of physiotherapeutic influence of the feet with the help of a movement program Objectives: An objective of the thesis is to assess a function and specific changes on feet of rhythmic gymnasts and to demonstrate a positive influence of a movement program on these changes and the deteriorated function of the foot. To summarize the results of existing studies focused on influencing of proper function of the foot and to gain useful information from this experiment not only for physiotherapists, trainers and modern gymnasts but also for laical, actively sporting public which exhibit the same issues with the foot area Methods: The main essence of this scientific-research quantitative study is an influencing of deteriorated function and specific changes on feet of rhythmic gymnasts with the help of a movement program. The program was performed after each practice (i.e. 4 times a week) through the course of 3 months. 10 probands in the age from 14 to 17 years participated in the program. The experiment was based on the method of a comparison of 2 questionnaires and an entrance and exit kinesiological analysis, the part of which was also a test according to Véle (with visual control/without visual control) and a plantogram. For their...
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L'engagement disciplinaire productif des élèves dans l'action didactique conjointe en gymnatisque : études de cas dans deux établissements contrastés en Tunisie / Students’ productive disciplinary engagement and didactic joint action in gymnastics : case studies in two contrasted high-schools in TunisiaBennour, Nabila 30 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse vise à contribuer au raffinement des modalités d’étude de l’agir de l’élève dans l’action conjointe en didactique. Elle décrit les conditions de l’engagement disciplinaire productif des élèves dans l’enseignement de la gymnastique en Tunisie. Elle montre comment les ruptures du contrat didactique qui sont à l’initiative des élèves participent à l’avancée du savoir en classe et permettent aux élèves de contribuer au processus didactique in situ. Nous étudions l’engagement des élèves dans le cadre théorique de l’action conjointe en didactique que nous articulons à deux courants anglo-saxons : « l’Écologie de la classe » et « l’engagement disciplinaire productif ». Les données proviennent d’observations ethnographiques et d’enregistrement vidéo, couplés avec des entretiens menés lors de deux cycles d’enseignement de gymnastique conduits par deux enseignantes. L’étude est conduite en deux étapes : une analyse macroscopique des comportements de coopération des élèves lors de trois séances de chaque cycle de gymnastique, et une analyse micro-didactique décrivant l’agir des élèves lors d’épisodes significatifs de leurs comportements de transformation de tâches. Les résultats caractérisent finement les conditions mésogénétiques dans lesquelles les élèves s’enseignent à eux-mêmes. À travers la comparaison des pratiques des deux enseignantes à un même niveau (classe de terminales) l’une dans un établissement public et l’autre dans un établissement privé, les résultats mettent en évidence certaines manières de faire génériques des élèves relevant de processus topogénétiques susceptibles d’inscrire les élèves dans un engagement disciplinaire productif / This PhD dissertation aims to theoretically refine the studying of student’s actions within the didactic joint action. The research describes the conditions of students’ productive disciplinary engagement in the teaching of gymnastics in Tunisia. It calls attention to how the breaches of didactic contract initiated by students may participate in knowledge progression is the classroom and how students contribute to situated didactic process. Students’ engagement was investigated within the didactic joint action theoretical framework in conjunction with two other Anglo-Saxon’s frameworks: ‘Classroom ecology’ and ‘Productive disciplinary engagement’. The data were collected through classroom ethnographic observations using video recording and teacher’s interviews during two gymnastic units conducted by two female teachers. The study was conducted in two steps: a macro analysis of students’ cooperation during three lessons of each unit, and a micro-didactic analysis which focused on student’s actions during significant episodes of task transformations. The findings characterize in depth the conditions under which students teach themselves through modifications of the didactic milieu (mesogenesis). The comparison of the two teachers’ teaching practices, one in a public high school and the other in a private high school, points out generic patterns linked to a specific topogenetic process that enrolls students in a productive disciplinary engagement
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Tempo livre com lazer do trabalhador e a promessa de felicidade / Free leisure time with the worker and the promise of happinessSousa, Iracema Soares de 05 November 2002 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apreende relações e contradições entre trabalho e lazer. Apresenta, nas condições atuais do trabalho assalariado, alguns fatores que estão expressando, na realidade historicamente configurada de uma indústria metal-mecânica, da cidade de Jaraguá do Sul, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, limites e possibilidades para a existência de um tempo livre com lazer na vida de trabalhadores. A escolha dessa empresa para locus investigativo se deu porque ela possui uma base produtiva com tecnologia avançada e adota ginástica na empresa em seu expediente interno de trabalho. Faz parte também da investigação um grupo de trabalhadores de uma das suas fábricas. As informações foram levantadas por meio da aplicação de 118 questionários; 120 entrevistas realizadas no chão da fábrica; como também importantes observações diretas, dentro da fábrica e fora dela. Dedicamos especial atenção ao que ocorre nos sábados e domingos, quando procuramos perceber as práticas de lazer fora da fábrica. Além disso, utilizamos documentos disponibilizados pelos diretores da fábrica com os quais mantivemos conversas, bem como com chefes de seção, operários e pessoas da cidade. O interesse por este estudo, e o emprego da conexão trabalho e lazer, justifica-se na medida em que existe uma opinião geral afirmando ser a base produtiva desenvolvida tecnologicamente o que promove lazer, bem como a presença de uma exercitação corporal dentro do horário de trabalho; aliamos a esses motivos o desconhecimento de pesquisas a terem contemplados essa problemática a partir de análises de dados empíricos. Neste sentido percebemos, a partir dos dados coletados, que a ginástica na empresa evidencia o corpo que produz e o corpo que brinca. Todavia, constatamos que esta prática se configura como uma tecnologia organizadora do trabalho ao garantir produtividade com a restauração do equilíbrio e descanso do corpo, embora se realize com a presença do elemento lúdico. A base teórica a sustentar a análise contempla aspectos que procuram desvelar as mudanças recentes no processo de trabalho. A reestruturação produtiva engendra a ginástica na empresa e expressa a adequação de formas toyotistas ao processo industrializante no Brasil. A rigor, a assimilação desse modelo realiza-se, nessa empresa, de maneira híbrida e ocorre desde a década de setenta do século XX. Na vida fora do âmbito do trabalho das pessoas do grupo estudado constata a ausência do corpo que brinca. Nessas condições conclui que falta um tempo aos trabalhadores para si mesmos, um tempo a ser usado para exercitarem lazer. Constatamos ainda que existe uma contradição no processo de organização do trabalho, pois este inclui a ginástica na empresa evidenciando o corpo que brinca, ainda que este esteja fora dela. Vimos dessa maneira que o processo de organização no qual estão inseridos estes trabalhadores limita a existência de um tempo livre com lazer em suas vidas, sendo que o tempo cronometrado do trabalho comanda toda a existência concreta dessas pessoas, dentro e fora da fábrica; o tempo livre com lazer e não com desemprego, pode acenar como uma promessa de felicidade, possível de realizar, embora, ainda distante de uma realização concreta. / This research detects relations and contradictions between labor and leisure. It points out some factors, in the present conditions of paid labor, that are showing the limits and possibilities for the existence of free time with leisure in the life of the workers in the historically established reality of a metal-mechanics industry located in the town of Jaraguá do Sul, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. This XX company was chosen as the locus for investigation because it had a production base with advanced technology and has adopted gymnastics in the company during its internal work period. One group of workers in one of its factories is also part of this investigation. The data was gathered by means of 118 questionnaires and 120 interviews held on the factory floor, in addition to some important direct observations, within and outside the factory. We have devoted special attention to what occurs on Saturdays and Sundays, when we seek to perceive the leisure practiced outside the factory. Furthermore, we utilize documents that were made available by the factory directors, with whom we have conversed on several occasions, as well as section heads, workers and other people in the town. The interest in this study concerning the utilization of the labor-leisure connection, is justified inasmuch as there exists a general opinion that technologically developed basis of production, along with the presence of bodily exercise during the working hours, promotes leisure, and that up to now there has been no known research on this problem based on analyses of empirical data. In this way we perceive, from the data that was collected that gymnastics in the company gives evidence of the body that produces and the body that plays. However, we found that this practice serves as a work organization technology, which guarantees productivity by restoring the equilibrium and rest of the body. The theoretical basis supporting the analysis considers aspects that provide a clearer understanding of recent changes that have taken place in labor process. Production restructuring engenders gymnastics in the company and expresses the adaptation of the toyotism forms to the industrializing process in Brazil. Actually, the assimilation of the model in that company is carried out in a hybrid manner and has been taking place since the 1970s. In the life of the people in the group that was investigated when they were away from the work environment, we found the absence of the body that plays. In these conditions, the workers have no time for themselves, time to be used for leisure. Furthermore, we found that a contradiction in the labor organization process, since it includes gymnastics in the company and shows the body that plays, even though the body is absent or the worker is outside his body. In this way we could see that the organization process in which these workers are inserted limits the existence of free time with leisure in their lives, and that the clocked time of their factory commands the entire concrete existence of these people, both inside and outside the factory. Free time with leisure but without unemployment constitutes a promise of happiness, which is possible, although it still has no concrete existence.
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