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Construção e validação de critérios quantitativos na definição do risco sanitário em cardápios de restaurantes de hotéis / Development and validation of quantitative index for sanitary risk of offered dishes in restaurants of hotels and resortsCarlos Sabato Dell Aglio 26 February 2018 (has links)
Houve um crescimento no consumo de alimentos fora do domicílio nas últimas décadas, impulsionado pela urbanização, economia, fatores demográficos e participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho. O consumo em restaurantes de hotéis passou de 1,4 kg para 7,2 kg per capita entre 2005 e 2014 e apesar de seguir as orientações sanitárias, pode ser risco à saúde humana, devido ao tipo de prato, matéria prima ou cozimento. Assim, foram avaliados os cardápios de hotéis através de um índice de risco sanitário para os usuários, e comparou-se este índice médio do cardápio com características organizacionais e demográficas dos hotéis, seu sucesso midiático e a percepção do pessoal de problemas sanitários. Foi possível mostrar que há um conhecimento de risco pelo maior preço de pratos com risco mais alto. Os hotéis com mais risco têm cardápios mais variados e taxa de ocupação mais alta, sem diferença nos demais critérios demográficos. O pessoal de atendimento tem mais consciência de riscos que a gerência e avaliações midiáticas são menores nos hotéis de maior risco. Quanto à gestão do restaurante pelo hotel, este se mostrou mais segura para os hóspedes na gestão, sendo os restaurantes independentes mais ativos em número de pratos e turismo gastronômico, o que leva a uma melhor avaliação midiática, independente do maior risco. A avaliação do risco médio do cardápio pode levar uma melhor segurança sanitária do hóspede, mas existem outros fatores mercadológicos que podem interferir no cardápio do restaurante. Este conhecimento de risco sanitário pode orientar a escolha mercadológica do restaurante do hotel, provendo um elemento de julgamento da oferta de alimentos que podendo aumentar a fidelização e a segurança sanitária dos hóspedes. A alimentação segura de hóspedes é um processo extremamente importante para o sucesso da hotelaria, já que estes são associados a problemas pelos clientes, o que implica em maior cuidado sanitário na atual expansão do turismo de negócio e lazer no Brasil. / There has been an increase in consumption of food outside the home in the last decades, driven by urbanization, economy, demographic factors and women\'s participation in the labor market. The consumption in hotel restaurants went from 1.4 kg to 7.2 kg per capita between 2005 and 2014 and despite following the sanitary guidelines, can be risk to human health, by type of dish, raw food or cooking. Thus, we evaluated the hotel menus through a sanitary risk index for the users, and compared this average menu index with organizational and demographic characteristics of the hotels, their media success and the staff\'s perception of health problems. It was possible to show that there is a knowledge of risk by the higher price of dishes with higher risk. The hotels with more risk have more varied menus and higher occupancy rate, with no difference in the other demographic criteria. Service staff are more aware of risks that management and media reviews are lower in hotels at higher risk. As for the management of the restaurant by the hotel, this is safer for guests in hotel management, with independent restaurants more active in number of dishes and gastronomic tourism, which leads to a better media assessment, regardless of the greater risk. The evaluation of the average risk of the menu may lead to a better sanitary security of the guest, but there are other marketing factors that can interfere with the menu of the restaurant. This knowledge of sanitary risk can guide the market choice of the hotel restaurant, providing an element of judgment of the food supply that can increase the loyalty and sanitary security of the guests. The safe feeding of guests is an extremely important process for the success of the hotel industry, since these are associated with problems by the clients, which implies in greater health care in the current expansion of business and leisure tourism in Brazil.
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O processo empreendedor na pequena hotelaria da região das Hortências : um estudo exploratório-descritivo.Faraco Filho, Eduardo Zaccaro 13 October 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar as características do processo empreendedor na pequena hotelaria da Região das Hortênsias, Rio Grande do Sul, através da análise do perfil de seus empreendedores, do processo histórico de implantação desses empreendimentos e da origem dos empreendedores, identificando quais são suas motivações. Para isso, foi feita uma revisão teórica a respeito das questões que envolvem o tema empreendedorismo. A dissertação está dividida em sete tópicos principais: empresas familiares, microempresa e pequena hotelaria no Brasil, viabilidade e implantação de empreendimentos, estratégia, empreendedorismo, abordagens teóricas e perfil do empreendedor. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo na pequena hotelaria das cidades de Canela, Gramado, São Francisco de Paula e Nova Petrópolis, visando traçar o perfil dos empreendedores, bem como o processo por eles adotado para a viabilização e implantação de seus empreendimentos e suas capacidades envolvendo o processo de análise ambiental, de manter equipe e de correr riscos. A partir da constatação da ausência de uma análise ambiental, da falta de pesquisa de mercado e de estudos de viabilidade econômico-financeira, entre outros aspectos, concluiu-se que essa capacidade empreendedora é de grau médio. Existem, portanto, oportunidades para qualificação no sentido de um posicionamento mais competitivo, com mais qualidade e ´agressividade` nesse mercado já tão concorrido. / The objective of this work is to investigate the characteristics of the entrepreneurial process in the small hotels situated in the Hortênsias Region, Rio Grande do Sul, through the analysis of the entrepreneurs profile, the historic process carried out, entrepreneurs background, identifying which are their motivations. For that, it was made a theoretical revisit concerning aspects related to entrepreneurship. The study is divided into seven main topics: family enterprises, small enterprises and small hotels in Brazil, feasibility, strategies, entrepreneurship, theoretical approaches and entrepreneur profile. Soon after, a field research was conducted in the small hotels in the cities of Canela, Gramado, São Francisco de Paula e Nova Petrópolis, with the objective of tracing the entrepreneurs profile, as well as the process carried out by them for the enterprises feasibility, and to determine their entrepreneurial capacity formed by environmental analysis capacity, staff maintenance capacity and risk taking capacity. After verifying the lack of environmental analysis, lack of market research and feasibility studies, among other aspects, it was concluded that the entrepreneurial capacity is of a medium level. Thus, there are qualification opportunities for a more competitive positioning with more quality and audacious actions in a market already with a great deal of competition.
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Responsabilidade de hóspedes em relação à variável ambiental: estudo de caso de dois meios de hospedagemAlves, Thiago José Costa 27 June 2008 (has links)
presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar informações de hóspedes sobre meio ambiente, considerando a seguinte pergunta: a variável ambiental é contemplada na escolha do meio de hospedagem e do destino turístico? Para tal foram selecionados dois meios de hospedagem: o primeiro localizado na cidade de Canela e o segundo no município de Caxias do Sul. Como objetivos específicos desta pesquisa, podem ser citados, verificar: a) o perfil dos hóspedes dos dois meios de hospedagem; b) como o hóspede obtém informações sobre os municípios e meios de hospedagem; c) o conhecimento dos hóspedes sobre o saneamento básico do município de origem e da destinação turística; d) ocorrência de separação dos resíduos pelos hóspedes em sua residência e no meio de hospedagem; e) se o saneamento básico é fator de escolha do meio de hospedagem pelos hóspedes; f) se práticas ambientais é fator de escolha dos meios de hospedagem pelos hóspedes; g) se o hóspede tem compromisso com o meio ambiente e h) se os meios de hospedagem devem ter compromisso com o meio ambiente. Para atender aos objetivos propostos por este estudo, foram aplicados questionários nos dois meios de hospedagem, durante dois períodos distintos, alta e baixa estação, respeitando o calendário turístico de cada município. A primeira parte do questionário está relacionada às perguntas sobre dados pessoais dos hóspedes: a) idade; b)gênero; c) escolaridade; d) motivos da viagem; e) município de origem; f) informação sobre responsabilidade ambiental e g) como obteve informações do município e do meio de hospedagem visitado. Na segunda parte do questionário, intitulado Motivos para escolha do destino turístico e dos meios de hospedagem , foram utilizadas questões que buscam identificar motivações e percepções dos hóspedes em relação à variável ambiental. Essa parte contemplou situações como: a) informações sobre o conhecimento da situação de saneamento básico (água de abastecimento, resíduos sólidos e tratamento de esgoto) do município de origem dos hóspedes; b) informações sobre o conhecimento da situação de saneamento básico do destino turístico; c) informações sobre a separação dos resíduos sólidos em casa e nos meios de hospedagem; d) informações sobre o saneamento básico (água de abastecimento, resíduos sólidos e tratamento de esgoto) e práticas ambientais serem fatores decisivos na escolha do destino turístico e e) informações sobre o compromisso do hóspede e dos meios de hospedagem com a preservação do meio ambiente. Os resultados permitem concluir que os hóspedes manifestam interesse pelas relações entre turismo, meio de hospedagem e meio ambiente. Porém, há ainda uma lacuna nas informações dos mesmos sobre a situação ambiental dos destinos turísticos e meios de hospedagem. Cabe destacar que o papel do hóspede é importante na tomada de decisão dos gestores, interferindo na adoção de práticas ambientais no âmbito dos meios de hospedagem. / This research wants to study the relation between the guests´ behaviour and the environment, regarding the next question: Is the environmental variable regarded in the choice of the hotel and the touristic destinations? To this, two hotels were selected, the first located in the Canela city, and the second in the Caxias do Sul city. In this research the specifics purposes are: a) the guests profile in the both hotels; b) how the guest gets information about the cities and the hotels; c) the guests´ knowledge about the hometown´s and touristic destination´s health measures; d) the occurrence of waste separation by the guest at their houses and at the hotel; e) if the health measures is factor of choice of the hotel by the guests; f) if environmental practices is factor of choice of the hotel by the guests; g) if the guests have a commitment with the environment and h) if the hotels should have a commitment with the environment. To attend the purposes of this study, questionnaires were applied with the guests of the two hotels during two different periods, high and low season, respecting the hotels touristic calendar. The questionnaire have two parts: the first with questions about the personal information, where are contemplated data like: a) age; b) gender; c) instruction; d) the motivation to travel; e) the hometown; f) information about environmental responsibility and g) how the tourist gets information about the city and the hotel visited. In the second part entitled Motivations in the choice of the Touristic Destination and the Hotels questions intent to identify guests´ motivations and perceptions in relation to environmental variable. This part regarded situations like: a) information about the knowledge of the guests hometown health measures situation (supply water, waste and sewerage treatment); b) information about the knowledge of the touristic destination health measures situation; c) information about the waste separation at home and at the hotel; d) information if the health measures and environmental practices are important factors to the choice of the touristic destination and e) information about guests and hotels engagement with environmental preservation. The results allow to conclude that the guests show interest about the relations between the tourism, the hotels and the environment. However, there is a lacuna in the information about the environmental situation of the touristic destinations and the hotels. It is noted that the guest role is important in the make decision of managers, interfering in the adoption of environmental practices in the hotels scope.
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Hotelaria, cidade e capital: o edifício hoteleiro e a reestruturação dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos / Hotels, city and capital: the hotel building and the restructuring of contemporary urban spacesAna Paula Garcia Spolon 27 May 2011 (has links)
Esta tese dedica-se à investigação e compreensão de um dos elementos considerados essenciais para o entendimento dos significados do ambiente urbano contemporâneo, os edifícios. Interpreto-os não a partir de uma visão reducionista, mas desde um ponto de vista amplo e totalizante: como produtos imobiliários e como artefatos arquitetônicos, dotados de valor material, social e simbólico. Parto do princípio de que, como artefatos, colaboram para ressignificação dos espaços urbanos por meio da configuração dos espaços internos e da edificação, bem como por sua relação com o entorno, a partir da dialética entre a estrutura material edificada e a sociedade. Como produtos imobiliários, inserem-se de uma maneira inovadora no circuito de valorização do capital, firmando-se como mercadorias e orientando a própria sobrevida e expansão do capitalismo. A dinâmica socioespacial e as características do capitalismo contemporâneo levam a um movimento de reestruturação imobiliária, processo complexo e amplo, que se dá em dois níveis: a reestruturação espacial (novas formas e funções do imóvel e a revisão de seu papel estruturante junto à sociedade e ao espaço) e a reestruturação produtiva (novas maneiras de construir e administrar o produto imobiliário). A pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da interpretação da produção imobiliária voltada para o mercado e direcionada para fins específicos e usos determinados, neste caso, a estrutura material de hospedagem ou simplesmente hotelaria instalada em importantes destinos do circuito mundial de viagens. A tese teve como objetivo maior orientar a apreensão do sentido e dos significados do ambiente construído e de sua adequação aos processos de valorização do capital e de reestruturação dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos. / This thesis devotes itself to inquiring and grasping of one of the elements considered essential to the understanding of contemporary urban environment meanings, the buildings. I interpret them not from a reductionist view, but from a wide and totalizing point of view: as real state products and architectural artifacts, endowed of material, social and symbolic value. I argue that, as artifacts, they collaborate with resignification of urban spaces by means of internal spaces and building configuration, as well as their relation with surroundings, from a dialectics between built material structure and society. As real state products, they insert and brace themselves in an innovative way into the circuit of capital valuing as commodities, allowing the survival and the expansion of capitalism. The social-spatial dynamics and the characteristics of contemporary capitalism lead to a movement of real state restructuring, a wide and complex process, which takes place in two levels: spatial restructuring (new real state forms and functions and the review of its structuring role in society and in space) and productive restructuring (new ways of building and managing real state product). The research has been conducted from the interpretation of real state production focused on market and directed to specific purposes and determined uses, in this case, the material structure of hospitality or simply hotels installed in important destinations of the world travelling circuit. The thesis aims at orienting the apprehension of sense and meanings of the environment built and its adequacy to processes of capital valuing and contemporary urban spaces restructuring.
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Marketing estratégico e estratégia competitiva de empresas turísticas :um estudo de caso da cadeia hoteleira Sol Meliá. / STRATEGIC MARKETING AND COMPETITIVE STRATEGY OF TOURIST COMPANIES A STUDY OF CASE OF THE HOTEL CHAIN SOL MELIÁJesus Alvarez Valdés 27 May 2003 (has links)
O objeto da tese está voltado para o processo do marketing estratégico e do desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas em organizações empresariais do setor de turismo, visando à obtenção de uma posição competitiva superior, mediante a satisfação de seus clientes, dos seus diversos públicos (stakeholders) e da sociedade em que estão inseridas. O estudo incorpora, como parte de seu projeto conceitual, a análise de um modelo teórico recente sobre estratégia empresarial Modelo Delta - e as relações que se desenvolvem entre as empresas na era da globalização. Nesse contexto de globalização, é discutido o fenômeno de internacionalização das empresas e o impacto da crescente concentração, decorrente de fusões e aquisições, que se observa atualmente no setor de turismo. O problema em estudo está mais vinculado com os países receptivos que, por suas condições naturais, especializam-se em desenvolver ofertas para receber turistas de todas partes do mundo. A metodologia da pesquisa empírica que integra esta tese é de natureza qualitativa e modalidade exploratório - descritiva, tendo por método o estudo de caso. O estudo responde aos objetivos da pesquisa acadêmica e expõe o processo de expansão da Sol Meliá na América Latina, com ênfase no Brasil e em Cuba, particularmente nas cidades de São Paulo e Havana, respectivamente. Dentre as evidências encontradas destaca-se que, no setor de turismo, aparece de forma evidente a grande evolução econômica e sócio-cultural que se está operando no mundo contemporâneo. Observou-se, ainda, que, nos próximos anos, os destinos turísticos deverão se adaptar a uma situação de competitividade extrema, em que a obtenção de lucros e a sustentabilidade dos negócios turísticos serão muito mais complexos. As empresas terão que projetar suas ofertas de forma cada vez mais diferenciada e integrada ao planejamento dos destinos turísticos, em correspondência com o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. Deverão, ainda, ser capazes de atrair a atenção de novos turistas e reter os atuais clientes, pela inovação de suas propostas. / This thesis is focused on the strategic marketing process and on the search of competitive advantages in the tourist sector business organizations for the purpose of achieving an advantageous competitive position through the satisfaction of their customers as well as that of their stakeholders and of the society to which they belong. As part of its conceptual project the study includes analysis of a recent theoretical model about business strategy Delta Model and the relationships among companies in the era of globalization. In this context of globalization, the phenomenon of the companies internationalization is discussed, as well as the impact of increasing concentration that has resulted from mergers and acquisitions, currently perceived in the tourist sector. The issue under study is related to host countries that, because of their natural attributes have specialized in promoting offers for clients from all over the world. The methodology of empiric research applied in this thesis is of a qualitative and exploratory-descriptive nature and and makes use of the case study method. The study meets the objectives of academic research and presents the process of expansion of the Sol Meliá in Latin America, with emphasis on Brazil and on Cuba, particularly in the cities of São Paulo and Havana. Among the evidences detected, it maybe noted that in the tourist sector the great economic and socio-cultural evolution taking place in todays world is quite apparent. It was further observed that, in the coming years, tourist destinations will have to adjust to situations of fierce competition, where achievement of profits and sustainability of tourist businesses will be much more complex. The companies will have to design their offers in an increasingly differentiated and comprehensive manner of planning tourist destinations in accordance with the sustainable development of the sector. Further, by means of the innovativeness of their proposals, they will have to be capable of keeping the current customers and of attracting the attention of new tourists.
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Gerenciamento do suprimento nos empreendimentos hoteleiros. / Procurement during implantation cycle of hotels.Elisabeth Nascimento Silva 03 October 2008 (has links)
O cenário do ciclo de implantação de hotéis apresenta características diferenciadas em relação aos demais empreendimentos de real estate. Dentre essas, se destaca a presença de diversos stakeholders capazes de influenciar de forma direta na configuração do empreendimento. Outra característica é a forte concentração dos processos de suprimento, em particular no final de sua fase de implantação, devido à necessidade de disponibilizar os insumos específicos dessa tipologia de empreendimento, necessários a sua entrada em operação. Esse cenário diferenciado traz ao sistema de gerenciamento de suprimentos do empreendimento demandas não usuais em outros tipos de empreendimentos de real estate, tais como: [1] um acurado processo de controle da baseline do empreendimento, [2] um abrangente processo de controle de escopo dos diversos fornecedores envolvidos, [3] necessidade de uma estreita coordenação da logística de implantação e operacionalização do empreendimento, em particular na área de suprimento. Nesse cenário, o objetivo da dissertação é apresentar diretrizes para os processos de gerenciamento da logística na implantação de hotéis, como parte integrante dos processos do gerenciamento do empreendimento, com foco naqueles aspectos que diferenciam os hotéis dos demais empreendimentos de real estate. O trabalho descreve os resultados dos levantamentos de campo sobre o escopo da implantação de hotéis, com a finalidade de identificar as necessidades desse ciclo. Estes dados, juntamente com uma análise dos processos de gerenciamento de suprimentos versus os requisitos de implantação já mencionados, permitiram estruturar diretrizes para ao gerenciamento dos processos logísticos diante das características da implantação de hotéis. A conclusão desse trabalho é a necessidade de recorrer a processos, que embora típicos do gerenciamento de empreendimentos, não são usuais na área de Gestão de Suprimentos, tais como: (1) processos de controle de escopo, (2) controle de configuração (de escopo e da baseline) e (3) controle de interfaces, aplicados em particular para a gestão da logística envolvida na implantação e operacionalização de hotéis. / The cycle of implantation of hotels is different among others real estate enterprises. There are many stakeholders capable to influence directly in the configuration of the hotel. Another characteristic is the strong concentration of the procurement processes, most in the end of the phase of implantation, due to necessity of the cycle of operation. This differentiated scene brings to the procurement management not usual demands in others real estate enterprises, such as: [1] a strong control of baseline, 2] an strong control process with involved suppliers, 3] necessity to see the needs of operation cycle during de implantation cycle. The objective of the research is to propose guidelines for the processes of the logistic in the implantation of hotels, as an integrant of the processes of management of the enterprise, with focus in those aspects that differentiate the hotels of others real estate enterprises. The research describes the results of the field surveys on the target of the implantation of hotels, with the purpose to identify the necessities of this cycle. These data, together with an analysis of the processes of procurement management versus the requirements of implantation, allowed structuralizing the guidelines for the logistic process. The conclusion of this research is the necessity to appeal the processes, that even so typical of the management of enterprises, are not usual in the area of procurement management, such as: (1) processes of scope control, (2) configuration control (baseline) and (3) control of interfaces, applied in particular for the logistic management of involved in the implantation and the of hotels operation.
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An exploration of factors that impact on levels of employee satisfaction and organisational performance : an organisational diagnosisFoot, Kirsten Joan January 2004 (has links)
Organisations today, regardless of their function, exist in an environment that is characterised by change. In order to maintain a competitive advantage it is vital that organisations manage such change and are sensitive to their human resource. It is imperative for organisations to understand and explore the factors that impact on employee satisfaction and overall organisational performance. The hospitality industry is an industry that is notorious for low levels of pay and long working hours, and often dissatisfied employees. This research focused on a hotel, that is part of an international chain of hotels, which has recently undergone a rebranding process (a change from within). This research aimed to assess and explore factors that impact on levels of employee satisfaction and organisation/hotel performance, in other words it aimed to 'diagnose' the hotel's current status. The research was conducted in two phases. Phase one made use of a widely used measure of job satisfaction, the job descriptive index (JDI), that looked at five facets of job satisfaction namely: pay, opportunity for promotion, co-workers, supervision and the nature of work. Phase two further explored the results of the JDI (staff being very dissatisfied with pay and promotions opportunity) and further explored other areas of the organisation/hotel with the use of an organisational development model, Weisbord's Six-Box Model (1990). The 'boxes' included areas of purpose, structure, relationships, leadership, rewards and helpful mechanisms. These areas were explored with staff using focus groups. Heads of departments (management) and the deputy general manager of the hotel were interviewed using a semi-structured interview format, exploring similar issues to those researched with staff. Results indicated problems in the hotel with regard to purpose, a severe lack of communication and staff feeling they have little chance for promotion as well as pay structures being perceived as unfair. The overall leadership at the hotel was described as erratic, and relationships between management revealed high levels of mistrust. Due to limited research in the South African hospitality industry, much of the literature available is based on experiences in the United States of America or the United Kingdom. For this research, the researcher had few previous published findings and was unsure of the many issues that could possibly arise. However, the intervention was enjoyable and recommendations have been provided for the hotel to consider, so the hotel can go from "good to great".
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An operational environmental management guideline for the hospitality industry according to ISO 14000Hanekom, Gertruida Catharina 31 October 2003 (has links)
Increasing environmental awareness and an acceptance of accountability by the public and by businesses internationally and locally, could motivate organisations to adopt Environmental Management as part of their operations. The new direction the tourism and related industries are obliged to follow, in accordance with new government initiatives, will require responsibility in terms of the environment, management of the impacts these activities have on the environment and a commitment to the philosophy of sustainable development. Even though international standards and benchmarks for Environmental Management exist for the hotel industry, standards and guidelines do not yet exist for the South African environment. Furthermore, guidelines for an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001 have not yet been drafted for this industry, either internationally or locally. The aim of this study is to compile a guideline document for the implementation of Operational Environmental Management in accordance with the requirements of an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Three South African hotels, belonging to a local group of hotels but with international exposure, were researched as case studies to establish the impacts hotels may have on the environment. Literature on Environmental Management was studied to extract the requirements for Environmental Management, and combined with the requirements for the establishment of an Environmental Management System as prescribed by ISO 14001. The research confirmed that hotel activities, facilities and services impact on the environment. Environmental Management procedures previously documented for hotels have not been incorporated into an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. The study successfully combined Environmental Management procedures for the environmental impacts identified for hotel activities, facilities and services with the procedures of establishing an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. In summary, hotels have activities, facilities and services that impact significantly on the environment, but these significant impacts are site-specific. Detailed site-specific assessments should be undertaken when implementing this guideline for specific hotels, to establish the significance of each of the environmental impacts in relation to the site that is studied. Further studies should adapt this guideline document to the different accommodation types offered in the hospitality industry to ensure that an ISO 14000 Environmental Management System can be implemented at each of these accommodation types. / Dissertation (ML(Landscape Architecture))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Architecture / unrestricted
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The development of a risk prevention safety and security program and its application into selected Miami hotelsCochran, John 01 August 1984 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a risk prevention safety and security program for the major problem areas of hotel operations. This includes general hotel safety and security, personnel, lock and key control, lighting and fire prevention. It will then evaluate randomly selected hotels in the Miami area to determine how well they meet the criteria set forth in this program.
This thesis will use related texts, periodicals and published articles to develop a the risk prevention safety and security program. The data to determine how well selected Miami hotels responded to this program was developed through the use of a detailed questionaire.
The major finding was that the majority of hotels have adequate risk prevention safety and security programs set forth in writing as part of the overall hotel management function. However. the hotels surveyed failed to implement these programs into daily operations.
Survey members agreed if the hotels could consolidate the risk prevention safety and security program into a singular management function then a valuable management tool would be created.
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A need for an employee assistance program in the hospitality industry to help alcoholic employeesDeSousa, Philip Joseph 01 March 1986 (has links)
1)Area of investigation
This hospitality project will cover Alcoholism in brief, available detoxification programs and the relative need for an Employee Assistance Program in the hospitality industry to help the alcoholic employee.
2)Materials and methods that were used
Existing texts, professional and trade journals, government documents, phone conversations with industry leaders and the author's own experience in dealing with alcoholic employees.
3) Major findings
a. There are an estimated 10 to 12 million problem drinkers (including alcoholics) in the adult (18 and over) population or approximately 8 percent of the 150 million adult.
b. Liver cirrhosis (caused by alcohol) ranked as the sixth most common cause of death in the U.5.
c. Alcohol abuse cost the U.S. $116.7 billion in 1903, consisting of $18 billion in lost production, $50.6 billion in reduced productivity, $17 billion in health and medical ii costs, $10 billion in motor vehicle accidents, $4 billion in violent crimes, $3 billion in racial responses and $2 billion in fire losses. (All $ amounts are approximate figures.)
d. The rate of alcoholism is on an increase,
e. As of 1985, there was only one major hospitality company with a program to help alcoholic employees.
f. In the production and service industry, troubled employees used 3 to 4 more times as many medical benefits that their co-workers.
g. Alcohol abuse has been overlooked and/or ignored and/or accepted in the hospitality industry.
4) Results and Conclusions
a. Alcoholism in the hospitality industry cannot be ignored or accepted or overlooked any longer.
b. The benefits to be derived from a good Employee Assistance Program for hospitality industry would be endless.
c. There is an urgent need in the hospitality industry for a program to help alcoholic employees respond to available treatment and return to productive lives.
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