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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Holmgren, Anton, Karlsson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Tenhults Pressgjuteri AB is facing growth in expansion, which results in need of bigger premises. The company has bought an adjoining property to overcome this problem. This thesis givessuggestions on how the logistics of these properties should be managed, which transport system is most suitable to use, where deliveries will take place and how the stock will be set upin the new premises. To obtain relevant data and information have a description of the facts, measurements and calculations been made. Selections and ratings have been used to develop suitable alternative solutions. The payback-method has been used to calculate the investments. A specially designed evaluation chart forms the basis of which transport system to be used. Lastly, a sensivity analysishas been conducted to determine how reliable the results are. Deliveries and inventory have been determined based on the choice of transport system.The thesis shows that the choice of transport system depends on the volumes that are carried, distance and environmental conditions. The market offers both automated transport systems and systems that require a driver. The automated transport system willnot be profitable whenthe cargo volume is too small since the investment costs are significantly higher. However, the operating costs are low which makes it profitable with an increased cargo volume. Closer analysis of existing production flow could provide a more credibleresult. What also must be taken into account is thatthe costs is not preciseand may differ in reality. The costs are assumed to be so lifelike that they do not affect the result more than marginally. / Tenhults Pressgjuteri AB befinner sig i en expansionsfasoch är i behov av större lokaler. För att lösa dettahar företaget köpt upp en grannfastighet. Denna rapport ger förslag på hur logistiken mellan dessa fastigheter skall skötas,vilket transportsystem som är lämpligt att använda, var utleveranserskall ske,samt ett förslag på hurlager kan ställas uppi den nya fabriken. För att erhålla relevant data och information har nulägesbeskrivningar, mätningar och beräkningar gjorts. Urval och värderingar har använts för att ta fram lämpliga alternativ på lösningar. För att beräkna investeringskostnader har payback-metoden använts och ett specialframtaget värderingsschema ligger som grund för valet av transportsystem. Slutligen har en känslighetsanalys gjorts för att bestämma hur pålitligt resultatet är. Utleverans och lager har bestämts utifrån valet av transportsystem för att synkronisera på bästa sätt. Arbetet visar att val av transportsystem beror påvilka volymer som fraktas, avstånd och miljöförhållanden. Marknaden erbjuder både automatiserade transportsystem och system som kräver chaufför. I detta fall är fraktvolymen för litenför att ett automatiserat system skall vara lönsamt eftersominvesteringskostnaderna för ett sådant system är betydligt högre. Däremot är driftkostnaderna lågaför ett automatiserat systemoch vid en större fraktvolym sparas dessa driftkostnaderin då ingen bemanningskostnad tillkommer.Närmare undersökning av befintligt produktionsflöde kunde ge ett mer trovärdigt resultat då arbetet baseras på beräkningar från olika portar. Det som också skall tas i beaktande är att kostnaderna inte är exakta och kan komma att avvika i verkligheten. Kostnaderna antas dock vara så verklighetstrogna att de inte påverkar resultatet mer än marginellt.

Hazard analysis and critical control point system for home prepared foods as a basis for adult education in urban Guayaquil, Ecuador

Morales R., Maria F. 23 August 1993 (has links)
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system for studying the food preparation process was conducted in four households in an environmentally poor urban neighborhood of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The analysis consisted of observing all of the steps in the food preparation process, measuring food temperatures at each step, and collecting food and water samples. Food and water samples were tested for total aerobic microorganisms, molds and yeast, total coliforms, and fecal coliforms. Temperatures reached during the cooking process were high enough to kill vegetative forms of foodborne pathogens; however, heat-resistant spores could have survived. Leftover food was held at room temperature for long periods of time which allowed multiplication of vegetative forms from spores or from contaminated food utensils. Leftover food was eaten either cold or reheated to warm temperatures. Water samples were taken from water delivery trucks and from each family. Water was identified as one of the main hazards in food preparation. None of the water samples met the criteria of the Ecuadorean National Institute of Standards for human consumption. Fecal samples were taken from children in the families, and were analyzed for parasites. Parasites were found in all of the samples. After critical control points were identified, appropriate interventions were taken to improve safety at each step. Based on these HACCP observations, a food and water safety program was designed and taught to five mothers attending a Guayaquil Child Care Center. The program included a lesson on each of four topics: food and water safety, parasites, care during diarrhea with emphasis on oral rehydration therapy and the introduction of solid food, and nutrition. A control mother was identified for each group. Diarrhea occurred in children of both groups but none of the children was hospitalized. With the exception of nutrition concepts, the knowledge about food and water safety concepts, parasites and care during diarrhea were well understood by both groups. This was reflected in positive changes in families' behavior toward using improved food and water sanitation practices as observed during a visit to each family which followed the HACCP study and the educational program. / Graduation date: 1994

Optimering av monteringsavdelningen förfjädergunglekar : Med Lean mot kundorderstyrd montering

Minx, Sascha January 2014 (has links)
If Sweden want to be able to compete internationally with its production capacity,it is important to work actively with production development and production ofresource-and time-efficient. This report is a bachelor thesis of 15 hp conducted atthe University of Halmstad. Using the principles of continuous improvement andLean Production, the author developed a concept for HAGS Aneby AB to changeto the customer order driven assembly of spring toys.First of all, the theories of Lean Production, logistics and ergonomics are used tobuild and present a theoretical framework for further examination. Then, toachieve the target, the current assembly process is analyzed to develop some firstconceptual ideas for improvement. In order to develop the best advice, theconcepts are evaluated against the company’s requirementsThe developed action plan gives recommendations on how the company shouldrestructure their assembly process and the organization of the related departmentin order to produce spring toys in a more time efficient and lean way. The resultsshow the extent of economic improvements as well as the amount of time savingsthat can be realized through the improved assembly process. The concept could bepartially implemented in the company and there is an optimistic view of HAGSAneby AB to achieve more efficiency in their assembly process in the future.

Hantering av allmänna handlingar i ett statligt affärsverk

Jansson Palm, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur organisationer som omfattas av offentlighethetslagstiftningen men samtidigt bedriver affärsverksamhet på en konkurrensutsatt marknad uppfyller både offentlighetslagstiftningens krav kring hantering av allmänna handlingar och de krav som uppkommer från verksamheten. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar uppfyllnad av offentlighetslagstiftningens krav kring allmänna handlingar i offentligt affärsverksamhet som agerar på en konkurrensutsatt marknad. Uppsatsen är baserad på en fallstudie av affärsverket Luftfartsverket (LFV) och omfattar intervjuer, litteratur och dokumentstudier av både interna och externa dokument samt granskning av ett antal kammarrättsdomar rörande utlämnade av allmänna handlingar från LFV där beslutet har nekats med hänvisning till affärssekretess och sedan överklagats till kammarrätten. Uppsatsen huvudsakliga slutsatser är:  Lagstiftningen ger möjligheter att skydda affärskritisk information. Det finns dock en oro både inom verket och hos samarbetspartners att de som är satta att tillämpa regelverket vid begäran om utlämnade inte har tillräcklig kunskap att bedöma vad som är affärskritiskt för olika organisationer  Det finns viss administration kopplat till hantering av allmänna handlingar i ett affärsverk som en konkurrent som inte omfattas av offentlighetsprincipsregelverket inte har. Det finns både positiva och negativa effekter för ett affärsverk av denna administration och det har inte i denna studie kunnat påvisas vilket som överväger.  Vid förändringar i omvärlden är det av stor vikt att man gör en konsekvensanalys över hur regelverken ska tolkas och hanteras internt i organisationen om detta inte görs så kan det innebära att olika individer och grupper av medarbetare hanterar regelverken olika.  Medarbetarnas kunskap, insikt och tillämpning är avgörande för framgång.

Materialhantering från inleverans till förmontering vid tillverkning av kundanpassadeprodukter / Material handling from receiving to pre-assembly in production of customized products

Luu, Dennis, Younan, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur materialhantering från inleverans till förmontering i ett tillverkande företag av kundanpassade produkter kan förbättras med avseende på kvalitet. Följande två frågeställningar ska uppfyllas för att besvara syftet: 1. Vilka faktorer påverkar materialhanteringen från inleverans fram till förmontering? 2. Hur kan faktorerna förbättras för att erhålla en effektiv materialhantering från inleverans fram till förmontering? Metod – En fallstudie genomfördes på ett företag inom husvagnsindustrin för att samla in empiriskt material. Intervjuer och observationer användes under fallstudien. Vidare genomfördes en litteraturstudie för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk. Den insamlade datan jämfördes och analyserades gentemot det teoretiska ramverket. Resultat – Flera faktorer som påverkar materialhanteringen har identifierats. Dessa var mänskliga faktorer och av Liker’s (2009) åtta slöserier var det sex stycken som identifierades. Flera potentiella förbättringsförslag rekommenderas till att förbättra respektive faktor. Några av förslagen till en mer effektiv materialhantering är bättre kommunikation och kontroll, standardiserade arbetsmoment samt implementering av periodinspektionssystem. Genom bättre samverkan mellan anställda kan bättre förståelse till varandras processer skapas vilken kan leda till att anställdas kompetens utnyttjas. Implikationer – Studien har visat på flera olika faktorer som påverkar materialhanteringen. Förbättringsförslagen som har rekommenderats till att effektivisera materialhanteringen är utav olika karaktärer vilken gör att implementationer kan vara både enkla och svåra. Det är viktigt att företag identifierar sina egna påverkande faktorer när de ska effektivisera materialhanteringen. Begränsningar – Under datainsamlingen har en enfallsstudie med en analysenhet genomförts. Dock kan en flerfallsstudie genomföras i syfte att generalisera studiens resultat ytterligare. Vidare har fokus varit från inleverans fram till förmontering. Detta har begränsat arbetet från andra avdelningar som kan ge andra perspektiv på materialhanteringen. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine how the material handling from receiving to pre-assembly of a manufacturing company of customized products can be improved in terms of quality. The following two issues must be met in order to answer the purpose: 1. What factors influence the material handling from receiving until the pre-assembly? 2. How can the factors be improved to obtain an effective material handling from receiving until the pre-assembly? Method – A case study was conducted at a company in the caravan industry in order to gather empirical material. Interviews and observations were executed during the case study. Further on, a literature study was conducted to create a theoretical framework. The collected data was compared and analyzed against the theoretical framework. Findings – Several factors that affect the material handling have been identified. These were human factors and from Liker´s (2009) eight wastes were six identified. Several potential improvement methods were suggested for each factor. Some of the proposed improvement methods for a more efficient material handling is better communication and control, standardized operations and implementation of periodic inspection system. Through better collaboration between employees, a better understanding of each other's processes can generate a better use of their expertise. Implications – The study has revealed several factors that affect the material handling. Suggestions that have been recommended for improving the efficiency of material handling are based of different nature which means that the implementations can both be easy and difficult. It is important that companies identify their own influencing factors when they are going to improve the efficiency of material handling. Limitations – During the data collection, a single-case study with one analyzing unit was performed. However, a multi-case study can be performed in order to further generalize the results from the study. Furthermore, the focus has been from receiving until the pre-assembly. This has limited the work from other departments that can provide a different perspective on material handling.

The individual Controller role : And how the role is affected by increased information and complex report relations

Alin, Gustaf, Thornell, Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
Previous research of the controller role is extensive and has been studied in several sectors, whichprovides a wide range of definitions of the controller role. These definitions have contributed to an ambiguous controller role in regards to what work assignments are most important and to whom the controller should report. This thesis aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the controller role based on work assignments within a decentralised organisation working with complex financial products. This thesis also contributes to an understanding of how controllers perceive that their role is affected by their work with handling information and their report relations. This has generated three research questions: What role does the controller have in a Swedish universal bank based on work assignments? What are the eventual differences in the controller role depending on department in the organisation? How do the controllers perceive that their role is affected by their work with handling information and by their report relations? Delimitation was made to analyse controllers at various levels in Handelsbanken. In order to create an understanding of the controller role in this context, an abductive approach as been used in order to combine existing theories with empirical findings. Based on a qualitative approach, triangulation was chosen to combine assembled empirical data with semi- structured interviews. The result of this study implies that controllers mainly lean towards the role as a Business partner as they work as a support function to provide local or higher managers with relevant analysis for decision-making. Based on work processes with information, the controllers lean towards an Analyst and Coach as they generally handle all business related information. From this case study, controllers in decentralised organisations possess the role as a Specialist as they  are  situated in separate departments with a clear focus. Results also show that more automated work assignments due to technological development do not increase the controllers’ opportunity to dedicate more time on analysis. Instead, increased information flows require controllers to allocate resources towards assembling information. In terms of report relations, close adherence towards the local managers does not affect the controller’s objective reporting to higher management and the controller can arguably bemore independent within their report relations than what is described by literature.

Stress till sjöss : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur nautiska befäl ombord på svenskflaggade ro-pax fartyg upplever och hanterar stress.

Johansson, Martin, Jildermark, Christian January 2016 (has links)
Stress är något som finns ibland oss oavsett om vi blir påverkade eller inte, det finns både i vårt vardagliga liv och på arbetsplatser. Vissa människor påverkas mer än andra och hanterar stressen som finns runt omkring på olika sätt. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på hur nautiska befäl ombord på svenskflaggade ro-pax fartyg hanterar stress och om den upplevda stressen påverkar arbetet. Undersökningen genomfördes ombord på fartyg där intervjupersonerna tjänstgjorde. Studien utfördes med hjälp av kvalitativmetod och semi-strukturerad intervjumetod. Studiens resultat är från sju intervjuer med sjöbefäl och visade att det finns en hög stressnivå ombord som påverkar personalen och deras arbeten negativt, speciellt vid lastning och lossning. Studien visade också att sjöbefälen är beroende av det sociala stödet och tar hjälp av koffein för att hantera den upplevda stressen ombord. / Stress is something that exists among us whether we are affected or not, it is both in our everyday life and in the workplace. Some people are affected more than others and handle the stress that are available around in different ways. The purpose of this study was to find out how the nautical officers on board the Swedish flagged ro-pax ships handle stress and if the perceived stress affect the work. The survey was carried out on board ships where the respondents are served. The study was carried out with the help of qualitative method and semi-structured interview methods. The results of the study from the seven interviews with the ship's officers and showed that there is a high level of stress on board that affect staff and their work negatively, especially when loading and unloading. The study also showed that marine officer is dependent on the social support and take the help of caffeine to deal with the perceived stress on board.

Peka inte på mig, peka på plattan! : Barns interaktion med en applikation

Abrahamsson, Ida, Lundgren, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Valet av applikationer är inte alltid lätt eftersom pedagoger oftast har ett syfte med vad applikationen bör lära barn men det stämmer inte alltid överens med vad applikationen faktiskt förmedlar (Lindström, Gulz, Haake & Sjödén, 2011; Petersen, 2015b). Därför vill vi nu med vår studie undersöka medierade handlingar som sker när barn använder sig av en applikation och i förlängningen bidra med kunskap till pedagoger så att användandet av applikationer kan utvecklas i förskolans verksamhet. Vi väljer att använda oss av applikationen Sneak för att den är okänd för de barnen vi observerar och vi vill ta reda på vad det sker för handlingar när barnen är i interaktion med den. Vi använder oss av det sociokulturella perspektivet i vår studie och vi kommer att samla in vårt empiriska material genom att observera två olika barngrupper som använder sig av Sneak. Det förutbestämda syftet med vår valda applikation är rörelse men vårt resultat visar tydligt på att det sker flera olika typer av handlingar när barnen använder sig av Sneak. Det erbjuds sampel, kommunikation och ett vidgande av barnens erfarenhetsvärldar. Vi kan se att de får möjlighet att känna glädje och spänning. Sneak erbjuder även barnen möjlighet att använda sig av olika strategier, att lösa problem som uppkommer samt att röra på sig. Eftersom det alltid sker medierade handlingar när människan är i interaktion med tecken eller verktyg drar vi slutsatsen att det viktigaste inte är att det måste ske ett specifikt syfte vid användandet av en applikation, utan snarare att som pedagog ta tillvara på barns intresse, tidigare erfarenheter och utveckla vidare de handlingar som sker i interaktionen för att möjliggöra lärande.

Towards efficient vehicle dynamics development : From subjective assessments to objective metrics, from physical to virtual testing

Gil Gómez, Gaspar January 2017 (has links)
Vehicle dynamics development is strongly based on subjective assessments (SA) of vehicle prototypes, which is expensive and time consuming. Consequently, in the age of computer- aided engineering (CAE), there is a drive towards reducing this dependency on physical test- ing. However, computers are known for their remarkable processing capacity, not for their feelings. Therefore, before SA can be computed, it is required to properly understand the cor- relation between SA and objective metrics (OM), which can be calculated by simulations, and to understand how this knowledge can enable a more efficient and effective development process. The approach to this research was firstly to identify key OM and SA in vehicle dynamics, based on the multicollinearity of OM and of SA, and on interviews with expert drivers. Sec- ondly, linear regressions and artificial neural network (ANN) were used to identify the ranges of preferred OM that lead to good SA-ratings. This result is the base for objective require- ments, a must in effective vehicle dynamics development and verification. The main result of this doctoral thesis is the development of a method capable of predicting SA from combinations of key OM. Firstly, this method generates a classification map of ve- hicles solely based on their OM, which allows for a qualitative prediction of the steering feel of a new vehicle based on its position, and that of its neighbours, in the map. This prediction is enhanced with descriptive word-clouds, which summarizes in a few words the comments of expert test drivers to each vehicle in the map. Then, a second superimposed ANN displays the evolution of SA-ratings in the map, and therefore, allows one to forecast the SA-rating for the new vehicle. Moreover, this method has been used to analyse the effect of the tolerances of OM requirements, as well as to verify the previously identified preferred range of OM. This thesis focused on OM-SA correlations in summer conditions, but it also aimed to in- crease the effectiveness of vehicle dynamics development in general. For winter conditions, where objective testing is not yet mature, this research initiates the definition and identifica- tion of robust objective manoeuvres and OM. Experimental data were used together with CAE optimisations and ANOVA-analysis to optimise the manoeuvres, which were verified in a second experiment. To improve the quality and efficiency of SA, Volvo’s Moving Base Driving Simulator (MBDS) was validated for vehicle dynamics SA-ratings. Furthermore, a tablet-app to aid vehicle dynamics SA was developed and validated. Combined this research encompasses a comprehensive method for a more effective and ob- jective development process for vehicle dynamics. This has been done by increasing the un- derstanding of OM, SA and their relations, which enables more effective SA (key SA, MBDS, SA-app), facilitates objective requirements and therefore CAE development, identi- fies key OM and their preferred ranges, and which allow to predict SA solely based on OM. / <p>QC 20170223</p> / iCOMSA

An InVitro Leakage and Viscosity Analysis of Root End Filling Materials

Clark, Paul D. 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the viscosity of MTA Angelus Fluid is lower than that of Pro Root MTA and MTA Angelus; and to compare the viscosity, leakage and particle size of these materials to determine whether a relationship exists between these properties. The viscosity of each material was measured and compared with the Student's t test. MTA Angelus Fluid's viscosity was significantly lower than the other two materials tested. Microleakage of root end fillings was assessed in a passive diffusion model. Leakage groups were compared with a one-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found. Particle size and shape were evaluated with the SEM. MTA Angelus Fluid has a lower viscosity than the other materials tested. There was no significant difference in the sealing ability of the three materials tested and there was no apparent variation in each material's particle size or shape.

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