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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of the physiological and biochemical responses elicited by Panulirus cygnus to harvesting, holding and live transport.

Spanoghe, Patrick T. January 1996 (has links)
The western rock lobster (WRL), Panulirus cygnus is a decapod crustacean which is found in abundance in the coastal waters of Western Australia and which supports a major fishery of economic importance for the State, with an annual harvest ranging between 10-12 million kilograms. The growth of the existing markets in Asia for live exports and the competition exerted by other countries marketing spiny lobsters prompted the need for the Industry to assess and develop post-harvest handling procedures likely to contribute to an improved quality of live product. The physiological responses of P. cygnus to handling and transportation were virtually unexplored.The objectives of this project were, (i) to generate information with regard to the biological phenomena underlying morbidity and mortality of lobsters during live export shipments, (ii) to investigate the physiological responses of P. cygnus to the post-harvest handling practices currently used by the WRL industry in their five export program and, (iii) to identify protocols by which post-harvest handling techniques could be modified to reduce the occurrence of morbidity and mortality during five export.These objectives were achieved through, (i) a field survey conducted during the course of the 1992/93 fishing season, investigating the relative influence of environmental factors and processing techniques on the incidence of lobster morbidity+mortality during simulated live shipments and, (ii) a series of field experiments that monitored the physiological responses elicited by lobsters to post-harvest handling procedures and simulated live shipment conditions.From the field survey, it appeared that the rate of morbidity+mortality experienced in simulated live shipments, within the three processing units surveyed, averaged 5.22 +/- 0.63 %, with a highly significant difference (p [less than] 0.001) between the ++ / processing units. Scrutiny of the data revealed a major influence of two factors directly related to post-harvest handling procedures: a) the time spent under normal commercial conditions in packaging export cartons and, b) the ambient temperature within the export cartons. Following 30-36 hrs in packaging, the percent mortality increased twofold, from 5.2 +/- 0.0 % recorded following 20 - 24 hrs to 10.4 +/- 2.3%. With regard to the ambient temperature within the export carton, temperatures between 17.5 and 20.0 degrees celsius appear to be optimal for P. cygnus survival while temperatures above 20.0 degrees celsius induce significantly greater morbidity and mortality.A number of factors were identified as having a potential influence on lobster physiological responses to post-harvest handling conditions:a)Immediately after harvesting, lobsters are subjected to a range of transport environment options, according to their origins: i.e., (i) direct delivery from fishing vessels by local fishermen to the processing facility, (ii) onshore transportation by truck from coastal depots and, (iii) transport in baskets on board carrier-boats from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands.b) After delivery, lobsters are subjected to sorting and grading procedures, with a concomitant exposure to air and disturbance.c) Recovery in holding tanks is usually allowed for a period ranging between 24 to 72 hours.d) Prior to being packed in export cartons, lobsters are subjected to a short period (30 sec to 3 min) of immersion in chilled water (8 - 12 degrees celsius), the procedure varying from one processor to the other.e) During subsequent periods of transit in export cartons, (up to 48 hrs) lobsters are subjected to aerial exposure and fluctuating ambient temperature.A comparison of the physiological profiles of lobsters from different origins revealed significant differences, with respect to a ++ / range of physiological variables. On the basis of visual estimates of health status, lobsters from the "local" origin exhibited a consistently superior condition, when compared to "coastal" and "carrier-boat" animals. The examination of physiological variables revealed consistent trends reflecting the visual assessments. "Local" lobsters exhibited significantly lower levels in anaerobic metabolic waste concentrations, with the haemolymph lactate titre between 2.77 +/- 0.19 and 4.33 +/- 0.56 mmol L(subscript)-1, compared with the other groups, between 5.23 +/- 0.24 and 8.86 +/- 1.29 mmol L(subscript)-1. A 250 to 300% increase in haemolymph ammonia concentration was observed between "coastal" and "carrier-boat" groups and the "local" lobsters, at 0.32 +/- 0.02 mmol L(subscript)-1. Significantly higher pH values were recorded for the "local" group, at 7.72 +/- 0.04, compared with values below 7.64 +/- 0.04 for the other groups. "Local" lobsters recorded 8 to 15 times less circulating glucose, at 0.11 +/- 0.03 mmol L(subscript)-1, having 50% more ATP in their muscle tissues, at 6.07 +/- 0.15 mu mol g(subscript)-1 and 250% more arginine phosphate, at 6.56 +/- 0.72 mu mol g(subscript)-1.An assessment of the efficiency of the industry sorting procedures revealed differences between selected and rejected animals with regard to the ATP and arginine phosphate concentrations in their muscle tissues with, as a common trend for both variables, selected animals recorded higher values. Significant differences were identified within the "local" group of lobsters, with selected animals recording 40% more ATP, at 6.92 +/- 0.63 mu mol g(subscript)-1 and 30 % more arginine phosphate, at 7.77 +/- 1.01 mu mol g(subscript)-1.A monitoring of the physiological profiles of lobsters subjected to extended (up to 8 hours) periods of onshore transportation in trucks revealed a significant ++ / reduction in their health status. A consistent and almost linear fall in the concentration of total adenylate (35%), to 5.46 +/- 0.50 mu mol g(subscript)-1 and phosphagen reserve (70%),to 2.77 +/- 0.26 mu mol g(subscript)-1, were recorded throughout the 8 hour period. For up to 6 hours the concentration of lactate in the leg muscle tissues increased by 0.95 mu mol g(subscript)-1 h(subscript)-1 and then by 4.7 mu mol g(subscript)-1 h(subscript)-1,to reach 20.57 +/- 1.61 mu mol g(subscript)-1 after 8 hours. Haemolymph glucose and ammonia titres recorded a 3.5 fold increase over the first 6 hours, to reach 2.14 +/- 0.54 and 1.17 +/- 0.16 mmol L(subscript)-1, respectively, the last period (6 to 8 hours) being characterised by a 1.6 and 1.9 fold decrease in concentration. Lobsters were able to maintain their haemolymph pH close to 7.77 during the first four hours, with a concomitant rise in haemolymph calcium concentration. From the results, it appeared that, under current industry procedures, extending the period during which lobsters are transported in spray trucks to more than 6 hours is conducive of altered physiological status.An assessment of the effects of short periods (up to 60 min) of aerial exposure and disturbance revealed significant changes in the physiological profiles of lobsters. When exposed to air, lobsters exhibited a significant fall in haemolymph pH, a rise in lactate concentration, and a depletion in energy reserves. Lobsters left undisturbed were able to buffer an incipient acidosis for up to 40 min (7.78 +/- 0.03), after which a decline in pH was recorded to reach 7.71 +/- 0.02. Conversely, disturbed animals experienced an uncompensated acidosis and a decrease by 0.7 of a unit over a 60 minute period. Similarly, undisturbed lobsters did not demonstrate behavioural signs of stress while disturbed animals exhibited dramatically diminished responses ++ / to handling after 60 min of exposure. Both disturbed and undisturbed animals recorded a decline in ATP/ADP, to reach after 40 min, 8.31 +/- 0.77 and 5.05 +/- 0.45, respectively, compared to 13.18 +/- 1.69 (control). During the last period (40 to 60 min), the undisturbed animals recorded a 40 % decrease in ATP concentration, to reach 4.42 +/- 0.16 mu mol g(subscript)-1, while a 53% decline was recorded in the disturbed group, to 3.59 +/- 0.41 mu mol g(subscript)-1. During aerial exposure, the phosphagen reserve recorded a 55% decrease in the disturbed animals, at 4.82 +/- 1.37 mu mol g(subscript)-1, compared to 20% in the undisturbed group, at 8.64 +/- 0.87 mu mol g(subscript)-1. A 100% increase in lactate ion concentration was recorded in the muscle tissues of disturbed animals to reach 5.53 +/- 0.49 mu mol g(subscript)-1, compared to a 15% increase in the undisturbed group, at 2.83 +/- 0.29 mu mol g(subscript)-1.The monitoring of the physiological profiles of lobsters during extended periods (up to 72 hrs) of recovery in holding tanks revealed significant shifts in their physiological profiles and that a return to a steady state occurred only after 8 to 48 hours following re-immersion, according to the environmental conditions and the origin of the animals. Resting levels were identified after 24 hours for the haemolymph pH (close to 8.00), for the concentration in lactate, ions in the muscle tissues (2.00 to 3.00 mu mol g(subscript)-1 for the haemolymph glucose titre (0.30 to 0.60 mmol L(subscript)-1), for the haemolymph ammonia titre (close to 0.25 mmol L(subscript)-1), for ATP (6.50 to 7.70 mu mol g(subscript)-1), and for the phosphagen reserve (12.2 to 16.70 mu mol g(subscript)-1). Longer periods ([greater than]/= 48 hrs) were required for full recovery to occur when lobsters were stored at high stocking density and when lobsters were not isolated from their ++ / artificial environment. Extending the recovery period to 72 hrs resulted in slight changes in the physiological profiles of lobsters, with a 20 % decline in ATP/ADP, a 10% decrease in phosphagen concentration in the muscle tissues of the lobsters and subdued behavioural responses for those lobsters held at higher stocking densities.No attempt was made in the present study to establish the resting levels for the physiological variables surveyed. In a number of experiments, "control" groups have been studied and used as reference points to monitor changes accompanying exposure to a range of environmental conditions. The data pertaining to these different groups revealed a variability for most of the variables surveyed, suggesting that it would be hazardous to assume that these animals were undisturbed and to state with confidence that the values recorded for the variables surveyed would represent resting levels.The physiological responses of lobsters subjected to chilling procedures was investigated and significant physiological changes were identified. Short chilling procedures (3 and 6 min) were conducive of a dramatic reduction of the behavioural responses to handling, a reduction in pH values ranging between 0.13 and 0.24 of a unit, a rise in haemolymph lactate concentration by 1 to 2.6 mmol L(subscript)-1, a 20 to 100% increase in haemolymph glucose titre, a 35 to 75% decrease in phosphagen concentration. Extending the chilling period for up to 24 hrs resulted in a progressive return to control levels for most of the physiological variables surveyed. However, physiological signs of disturbance remained perceptible between 2 to 15 hours, as demonstrated by elevated lactate concentrations, lowered ATP and AP concentrations and lowered ATP/ADP values.Lobster body core temperature (CBT) reduction resulting from immersion in chilled water suggested that limited cooling ++ / effects were achieved by using the standard chilling procedures currently used by the WRL industry. Using "A" size lobsters (395 - 453 gr), a reduction of the CBT by 0.5 to 0.8 degrees celsius was recorded after 1 and 3 min immersion in 12 degrees celsius water, highlighting the limited low temperature effect exerted by these procedures in lowering the overall temperature of the mass of the product to be packed into export cartons.A study of the general physiological responses of lobsters to simulated live transport conditions in export cartons was conducted, investigating the effects of the period spent by the animals in export cartons, the effects of environmental temperature and the impact of chilling regimes. No attempt was made to duplicate exactly the conditions of cartons shipped overseas, that is carted by trucks to the airport and then transported by air to foreign markets. This study revealed that during the first 4 hours of transit, the animals exhibited physiological changes probably related to delayed responses to handling, disturbance and chilling procedures, as demonstrated by a decline in pH (0.1 to 0.3 of a unit), a rise in haemolymph ammonia (0.5 to 1 mmol L(subscript)-1) and glucose (0.5 mmol L(subscript)-1) titres, an increase in muscle lactate concentration (0.5 to 1 mu mol g(subscript)-1, a decrease in ATP concentration (1.5 mu mol g(subscript)-1, and a partial replenishment of the phosphagen reserve. These changes were less pronounced for those lobsters which underwent intermediate (30 min) chilling treatments.The subsequent periods (to 48 hours) were characterised, for all the treatments, by a rise in lactate concentration in the muscle tissues, this response being delayed for those lobsters which underwent a "6 min" or "30 min" chilling treatment. The data suggested that moderate changes in haemolymph lactate titre resulted from the increase ++ / in muscle lactate concentration, up to values ranging between 6 and 8 mu mol g(subscript)-1, beyond which levels, haemolymph lactate rose dramatically, to reach values up to 19.98 mmol L(subscript)-1. The ATP concentration remained relatively constant up to 18 - 26 hours, after which a steep decline was recorded to reach values below or close to 4 mu mol g(subscript)-1 after 42 hours, suggesting that the adenylate pool was maintained, probably through aerobic and anaerobic pathways of energy generation and by the "buffering" role played by the phosphagen reserve. After 24 to 36 hours, all the lobsters exhibited signs of energy depletion, as demonstrated by the changes in ATP/ADP ratio. A concomitant increase in lactate ion concentration and a decrease in haemolymph glucose titre was recorded, suggesting that anaerobic metabolism had become the major component of energy production. Simultaneously, a marked increase in the internal carton temperature was identified, which probably induced an increase in the metabolic rate of the lobsters. This "temperature effect" was delayed for up to 32-38 hrs transit, for those lobsters which underwent intermediate (30 min) and extended (24 hrs) chilling treatments. The changes in haemolymph pH and calcium titre suggest that the initial decline in pH identified at the completion of the first 4 hours of transit was, at least partially, compensated after 26 - 32 hours. A 30 to 40% increase in haemolymph calcium titre was recorded after 4 hours of transit, suggesting that bicarbonate ions were released in order to buffer the pH of the haemolymph. However, a decrease in pH (0.1 to 0.3 of a unit) was recorded during the subsequent periods suggesting that the bicarbonate buffering capacity did not suffice to match the recorded massive rise in lactate titre.By extending the duration of the chilling procedures and by using refrigerated ++ / material (wood-shaving fillers, ice-bottles), lower temperatures were achieved inside the packaging cartons and these were maintained for longer periods of transit (up to 20 hours), delaying the effect of the external environment on the temperature changes recorded inside the cartons and the concomitant metabolic responses of the animals. This effect was also achieved by maintaining the cartons in controlled temperature environments ([less than] 20 degrees celsius) and, to a lesser extent, by improving the insulation capacity of the polystyrene cartons.This study constitutes an overview of the physiological responses of Panulirus cygnus to post-harvest handling procedures currently used by the WRL industry. It revealed that an improved return for the Industry could be achieved by reducing the debilitating effects exerted on the lobsters by handling, exposure to air and elevated environmental temperature. It provides direction for future research, aimed at improving the quality and hence, the financial return in the live export of WRL.

A biomechanical analysis of patient handling techniques and equipment in a remote setting.

Muriti, Andrew John, Safety Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Remote area staff performing manual patient handling tasks in the absence of patient lifting hoists available in most health care settings are at an elevated risk of musculoskeletal injuries. The objective of this project was to identify the patient handling methods that have the lowest risk of injury. The patient handling task of lifting a patient from floor to a chair or wheelchair is a common task performed in a remote health care setting. The task was performed utilising three methods, these being: (1) heads/tails lift, (2) use of two Blue MEDesign?? slings and (3) use of a drawsheet. The task of the heads/tails lift was broken down into two distinctly separate subtasks: lifting from the (1) head and (2) tail ends of the patient load. These techniques were selected based on criteria including current practice, durability, portability, accessibility, ease of storage and cost to supply. Postural data were obtained using a Vicon 370 three - dimensional motion measurement and analysis system in the Biomechanics & Gait laboratory at the University of New South Wales. Forty reflective markers were placed on the subject to obtain the following joint angles: ankle, knee, hip, torso, shoulder, elbow, and wrist. The raw data were converted into the respective joint angles (Y, X, Z) for further analysis. The postural data was analysed using the University of Michigan???s Three-Dimensional Static Strength Prediction Program (3D SSPP) and the relative risk of injury was based on the following three values: (1) a threshold value of 3,400 N for compression force, (2) a threshold value of 500 N for shear force, and (3) population strength capability data. The effects on changes to the anthropometric data was estimated and analysed using the in-built anthropometric data contained within the 3D SSPP program for 6 separate lifter scenarios, these being male and female 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles. Changes to the patient load were estimated and analysed using the same computer software. Estimated compressive and shear forces were found to be lower with the drawsheet and tail component of the heads/tails lift in comparison to the use of the Blue MEDesign?? straps and head component of the heads/tails lift. The results obtained for the strength capability aspect of each of the lifts indicated a higher percentage of the population capable of both the drawsheet and tail end of the heads/tails lift. The relative risk of back injury for the lifters is distributed more evenly with the drawsheet lift as opposed to the heads/tails (tail) lift where risk is disproportionate with the heavier end being lifted. The use of lifter anthropometrics does not appear to be a realistic variable to base assumptions on which group of the population are capable of safely performing this task in a remote setting. This study advocates the use of the drawsheet lift in a remote setting based on the author???s experience and the biomechanical results obtained in this study. The drawsheet lift is both more accessible and provides a more acceptable risk when more than two patient handlers are involved, in comparison to the other lifts utilised lifting patients from floor to a chair.

Formal Composition and Recovery Policies in Service-Based Business Processes

Hamadi, Rachid, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Process-based composition of Web services is emerging as a promising technology for the effective automation of integrated and collaborative applications. As Web services are often autonomous and heterogeneous entities, coordinating their interactions to build complex processes is a difficult, error prone, and time-consuming task. In addition, since Web services usually operate in dynamic and highly evolving environments, there is a need for supporting flexible and correct execution of integrated processes. In this thesis, we propose a Petri net-based framework for formal composition and recovery policies in service-based business processes. We first propose an algebra for composing Web services. The formal semantics of this algebra is expressed in terms of Petri nets. The use of a formal model allows the effective verification and analysis of properties, both within a service, such as termination and absence of deadlock, and between services, such as behavioral equivalences. We also develop a top down approach for the correct (e.g., absence of deadlock and termination) composition of complex business processes. The approach defines a set of refinement operators that guarantee correctness of the resulting business process nets at design time. We then introduce Self-Adaptive Recovery Net (SARN), an extended Petri net model for specifying exceptional behavior in business processes. SARN adapts the structure of the underlying Petri net at run time to handle exceptions while keeping the Petri net design simple and easy. The proposed framework caters for the specification of high-level recovery policies that are incorporated either with a single task or a set of tasks, called a recovery region. Finally, we propose a pattern-based approach to dynamically restructure SARN. These patterns capture the ways past exceptions have been dealt with. The objective is to continuously restructure recovery regions within the SARN model to minimize the impact of exception handling. To illustrate the viability of the proposed composition and exception handling techniques, we have developed HiWorD (HIerarchical WORkflow Designer), a hierarchical Petri net-based business process modeling and simulation tool.

Composite web services provisioning in dynamic environments

Sheng, Quanzheng, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Web services composition is emerging as a promising technology for the effective automation of application-to-application collaborations. The application integration problems have been subject of much research in the past years. However, with growth in importance of business process automation and highly dynamic nature of the Internet, this research has taken on a new significance and importance. Adequate solutions to this problem will be very important to make enterprise systems more flexible, robust and usable in the future. In this dissertation, we present a novel approach for the declarative definition and scalable orchestration of composite Web services in large, autonomous, heterogeneous, and dynamic environments. We first propose a composition model for composing Web services in a personalized and adaptive manner. We model composite Web services based on statecharts. To cater for large amounts of dynamic Web services, we use the concept of service community that groups services together and is responsible for the runtime selection of services against user's preferences. We use the concept of process schema that specific users can adjust with their personal preferences. A set of exception handling policies can be specified to proactively react to runtime exceptions. We then propose a tuple space based service orchestration model for distributed, self-managed composite services execution. We introduce the concept of execution controller that is associated with a service and is responsible for monitoring and controlling service executions. The knowledge required by a controller is statically extracted from the specification of personalized composite services. We also present techniques for robust Web services provisioning. The techniques presented in this dissertation are implemented in Self-Serv, a prototype that provides a set of tools for Web service composition and execution. Finally, we conduct an extensive usability and performance study of the proposed techniques. The experimental results reveal that our system i) provides an efficient support for specifying, deploying, and accessing composite services; ii) is more scalable and outperforms the centralized approach when the exchanged messages become bigger; and iii) is more robust and adaptive in highly dynamic environments.

論Audatex電腦估價系統在台灣汽車保險市場之運用 / A study on the application of Audatex system introduced in Taiwan Motor Insurance Market

葉金印 Unknown Date (has links)
交通事故每日無時無刻在世界各地發生,每次之交通事故均產生一連串椱雜之處理程序,該程序常涉及多方之關係人,包括消費者、保險公司、車禍處理人員、理賠人員、汽車修理廠與汽車製造商等。交通事故所致之汽車損壞,其處理程序,其實是相當值得觀察的,包括賠案登錄、損失金額之認定、賠款之處理與賠案之稽核等,均須耗費龐大之人力。   於台灣,汽車損失金額之認定,傳統上均由汽車修理廠師傅依其主觀判斷加以衡量,因為缺乏客觀標準與不夠精確,因此常導致消費者、汽車修理廠與保險人間之糾紛。由於估價不夠精確,因此影響汽車保險之經營甚劇。歐美先進國家產險業者,為達到汽車製造商要求之水準,保障被保險人行車安全,常以共同危險團體管理人自居,力求汽車修理成本之控制,保障被保險人之權益;而為了消弭理賠糾紛、提升保險公司服務品質與商譽,更致力於保險理賠的電腦化、標準化、數位化,以期提供公正、客觀、高效率之理賠。有鑑於此德國Audatex公司早在六○年代便極力發展此種電腦估價系統,運用電腦之資料處理簡化車輛估價之理念。   台灣地區汽車保險業務十年來平均占產物保險業總業務之59%,汽車保險理賠問題嚴重且持續,一套正確、客觀、有效率之估價系統,可以真實反映損失狀況,對於公平合理之費率釐定有重大之意義。   本文乃從實務角度探討Audatex電腦估價系統在台灣產險市場運用之可行性及其效益分析,比較英國、日本等先進國家之經驗,並發現該系統之運作不但對保險公司經營汽車保險有極大之助益,對消費者權益之維護亦有相當大之幫助。於後並建議於引進Audatex電腦估價系統之前,應先成立汽車修理研究中心,使兩者之能夠相輔相成,期能為業界提供決策與方針,加強管理技術,提供消費者更完善之服務。 / Road traffic accidents occur every day and spark a sequence of complex claim settlement procedure to consumers, motor insurers, accidents managers, loss assessors, repairers, motor manufacturers and many other related parties. In each claim of motor damages, a few linked stages need to be observed, i.e. claim registration, estimating and approving the repair cost, completing the repair work, auditing and invoicing claim settlement.   In Taiwan, it is conventional that car repairers estimate motor damages by their individual discretion and opinions case by case. Given lack of objectiveness and accuracy, it often causes a lot of arguments and conflicts among consumers, motor insurers and car repairers. Under such a circumstance, it calls for a need for an end-to-end and comprehensive system to manage the above procedure.   The Audatex system, a computerized estimating and integrated claims management system, is adopted in many developed countries to assist motor insurers in claim handling and cost estimating more efficiently. It could not only reduce duplication and errors, but also improve authorization turnaround time. All estimates are calculated and validated through the system, with the rate and terms of business agreed between individual repairers and work providers. Based on the most up-to-date parts and labor information, a fully cost assessment, is automatically sent to the work provider in the approved format.   This paper is to examine the feasibility of introducing the Audatex to the motor insurance market in Taiwan. The main theme of this paper is to examine the feasibility of the Audatex in Taiwan motor insurance market. It analyzes the cost of establishing such a system and compares the experiences in certain countries, such as Japan and U.K. It observes that a computerized estimating system would be invaluable both for repairers and work providers. It is suggested that Taiwan shall firstly have a motor vehicle repair research center in place and then a computerized estimating system such as the Audatex.

Att beröra möjligheter : en kvalitativ studie om rollspel och dess betydelse för inre och yttre förändring

Sundstedt, Karin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen undersöker rollspel som metod i socialt arbete. Psykodrama och pedagogiska rollspel undersöks. Det betydelsefulla med rollspel har försökt förstås genom att studera litteratur och forskning som beskriver metoden, samt genom att intervjua tre praktiker, vilka alla använder rollspel i sitt dagliga arbete. Praktikerna beskriver hur de använder rollspel och varför de gör det. Svårigheter med metoden berörs och hur den anses bidra till personlig utveckling.</p><p>Materialet har sammanförts utefter uppsatsens frågeställningar och analyserats utifrån ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt samt ett dialektiskt perspektiv. Inom den symboliska interaktionismen har speciellt Meads teoretiska begrepp, Jaget, ”I” och ”Me”, rolltagning och medvetenhet använts för att se hur rollspel kan möjliggöra personlig utveckling för deltagarna. Det dialektiska perspektivet har använts för att studera metoden i ett strukturellt perspektiv och för att se om intervjupersonernas beskrivningar visar på om metoden kan bidra till samhällelig förändring.</p><p>Resultat och analys har visat att rollspelet i sin form pendlar mellan det inre och yttre, handling och reflektion. Detta möjliggör för individ som grupp att undersöka det egna ansvaret och de egna handlingarna, samt synliggöra yttre omständigheter och sammanhang som påverkar deras situation och beteenden. Rollspel sammanför både tanke, känsla och handling och ger plats åt fantasi och lek. Rollspel ger deltagarna en ökad frihet att testa verkligheten så att säga på prov, och härmed synliggörs handlingsalternativ. Empati och självkännedom kan utvecklas då rollbytet möjliggör för individen att i högre grad identifiera sig med den andre.</p>

<em>Rehabiliteringskedjan, Dagens politiska avspegling på arbetslinjen?</em> : - <em>En studie om hur handläggare på Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen upplever hinder och möjligheter med samarbete och samverkan i relation till rehabiliteringskedjan</em>

Hassan, Abdifatah, Skotte, Ida January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna studie analyserar vi handläggares upplevelse av samverkan mellan två stora välfärdsmyndigheter, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom sju kvalitativa intervjuer undersöker vi möjligheter och hinder med samverkan utifrån den s.k. nya arbetslinjen och rehabiliteringskedjan. Vår teoretiska referensram utgår ifrån gräsrotsbyråkratin, sektoriseringsteorin samt olika idéer om samverkan och domänkonflikter. För att få underlag för studien tar vi också del av aktuell forskning som berör ämnet. Resultatet från vår studie visar att det finns flera gemensamma upplevelser av hinder och möjligheter hos respondenterna. Bland annat lyfter alla respondenter fram att samverkan är någonting positivt som klargör myndigheternas ansvar inför klienten. Resultatet visar även att majoriteten av respondenterna upplever att rehabiliteringskedjan motverkar passivitet som de anser råder inom rehabiliteringssfären.</p> / <p>In this study we analyze handling offices experience of cooperation between two major welfare authorities, the social insurance office and the employment agency. With the help of seven qualitative interviews we investigate the opportunities and the hindrance for cooperation on the base of the new so called workfare and rehabilitation chain. Our theoretical frame takes its starting point in particularly the theory of street level bureaucracy, sectorisation within the public sector and different ideas about cooperation and domain conflict. To build a platform for the study, we also take part of topical science that is relevant for the study. The result showed that there are several common experiences of opportunities and hindrance of cooperation. All of the respondents brought up the fact that cooperation is something positive that, from the client perspective, elucidates the authorities’ responsibility. The majority of the respondents also experienced that the rehabilitation chain counteract passivity, which existed within the rehabilitation sphere.</p>

Getting the Feeling : “Human Error” in an educational ship-handling simulator

Arenius, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>In high-risk environments of seafaring, simulators constitute a widely used tool in preparing nauticalstudents for the challenges to be met in real-life working situations. While the technical developmentof ship bridge simulators continues at a breathtaking pace, little is known on how developments fulfiltheir intended safety critical purpose during actual simulator training exercises.In order to investigate this, a mixed-methods quasi-experimental field study (N =6) was conductedaiming at discerning the systemic causes behind committed human errors and to what extent thesecauses can be related to the technical layout of the simulator in general and a decision supportingdisplay in particular. The nautical students’ performance in terms of committed errors was analysedwhen the decision supporting display was either inactive or active during two different exercisebatches. Drawing upon eye tracking evaluation, interviews and simulator video recordings, systemiccauses leading to human errors were identified. Results indicate that all errors occur under the samekind of (stressful) interaction. Based on this design requirements aiming at promoting resilient crewbehaviour were proposed</p>

Korridorsliv : En kvalitativ studie om förhållandena i studentkorridorer

Gustafsson, Kim January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis is dealing with how students living in a student corridor experience the circumstances in their corridor. The aim is through interviews with students living in the corridors get a inside look at their situations. I want to examine how changed conditions of life, new meetings and new experiences will influence their personalities. How are the students living in the corridors affected by conflicts and how do they protect themselves from the influence of the rest of the group living there? In addition to that I want to know what they think is important prioritises throughout their student time, like if there are anything important that a student should take time to do beside the studies. In my final discussion in the thesis I will try to present a picture of how a typical student corridor can look like and I will do so with the help of the materials I have received from my informants.</p>

A suggestion on uniform sludge and waste handling in the Baltic Sea Area

Eklund, Per, Dahlberg, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to make a thorough but compact description of the international laws concerning solid garbage generated by vessels and sludge treatment. It is also to construct a pamphlet that can be used as a guide by ports when constructing their own information sheets to the vessels. The questions given to us from Baltic Master II were: what does the international legislation state about waste handling from vessels and in the port facilities, both sludge and solid garbage? Describe routines for receiving sludge, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Describe routines for receiving sorted garbage and recycling, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Look at the present symbols and labelling and develop a standard for vessels and port facilities. To solve these questions we choose an investigative method based on a literature study. The research of earlier studies showed that the parties involved consider the waste- and sludgetreatment to be flawed. In some cases the problems are fictitious or exaggerated. The main problem originates from the fact that there are no uniform routines for the interaction between vessel and port. Although there is more then one way to deal with this problem, we have concluded that the best way to improve the present day situation is to implement uniform routines. To make the routines effective they should be developed and agreed upon by the parties involved taking into consideration present day international legislation. In this thesis we present a suggestion on such a routine.</p>

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