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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är vi som är Piratpartiet : - ett system för kollektiv handling

Ruuska, Jan-Olof January 2010 (has links)
<p>Titel: Det är vi som är Piratpartiet – ett system för kollektiv handling</p><p>Författare: Jan-Olof Ruuska</p><p>Handledare: Eva Schmitz</p><p>Examinator: Lars-Olof Hilding</p><p>Utbildningssäte: Högskolan i Halmstad</p><p>Sektion: Hälsa och Samhälle</p><p>Kurs: Sociologi C, 61-90 hp</p><p>Delkurs: C-uppsats, 15 hp</p><p>År: 2010</p><p>Syfte: Att beskriva och förstå Piratpartiet utifrån Alberto Meluccis teorier om kollektivt handlande.</p><p>Teori: Alberto Meluccis teori om kollektivt handlande</p><p>Metod: Kvalitativ metod, teorinära förhållningssätt, fallstudiedesign</p><p>Resultat: Piratpartiet beskrivs och förstås i uppsatsen utifrån Meluccis teorier om kollektivt handlande. Utifrån sex viktiga processer träder en bild fram av hur det går till när systemet för handling kontinuerligt förhandlas fram av aktörerna själva, i det sociala och historiska sammanhang i vilket de befinner sig i opposition mot makten. I och med denna interna förhandling om mål, medel och metoder, i opposition mot motståndaren, formas ett ”vi”, ramverket för vad som är en piratpartist, ramverket för kollektiv handling.</p><p>Nyckelord: Informationsåldern, sociala rörelser, kollektivt handlande, kollektiv identitet, system för handling, social konstruktion</p>

Upplevelse av stress : Biståndshandläggares upplevelser i två kommuner i Mellansverige

Larsson, Helena, Sjöö, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study deals with one of the most discussed work environmental issues in the modern society of Sweden today - work related stress, its causes and how stress can affect people in their working situation. Our study is based on a questionnaire among aid handling officers in two municipalities of the middle of Sweden, and two interviews with their directors. We found that aid handling officers has a complex occupational role. We also found that the officers in these two municipalities experiences about the same level of stress.</p><p>Further in the study, we will deal with whatever could be the cause of the stressful situation, using the demand/control model of Karasek and Theorell. The result shows that despite the similarity of the stress experience, the cause was shown to be different. The study shows that the stress sometimes leads to rash decisions and also that reviews may be less prioritized. We also studied the social coherence on the workplace and its meaning to the stress experience.</p><p>Earlier studies, our empirical result and Karaseks and Theorells demand/control model shows that depending on how good workgroups are able to function, may have significance on the experience of stress at work. The result also shows that it may be hard, or maybe impossible, to create a work environment that is completely free from stress.</p>

Likheter och skillnader i det underliggande antagandet, samt eventuella missförstånd efter en kunskapsöverföring

Gustafsson, Lillian, Ånner, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet är att ta reda på om det har uppstått missförstånd hos en kursdeltagare efter att en kunskapsöverföring ägt rum från en kursledare. Vilka är de i så fall och hur skiljer sig deras underliggande antaganden, dvs. deras outtalade värderingar och uppfattningar om det hälsorelaterande vetandet som förmedlats? Studien innehåller två intervjuer, dels med en kursledare och dels med en av dennes kursdeltagare. Sedan jämförs intervjuerna med hjälp av ett strateginät, dvs. en form av tankekarta i det relativt nya datorprogrammet Complador. Detta är med andra ord en kvalitativ fallstudie. I intervjuerna framkom det många likheter mellan informanternas underliggande antaganden kring kunskapsöverföringen. Dock är även skillnaderna/missuppfattningarna många. Det betyder att en kursledare alltid bör sträva efter att få så mycket återkoppling från sina kursdeltagare som det bara är möjligt.</p>

Kunskap om konflikthantering - Tyst kunskap? : Fem lärares kunskap om konflikthantering i skolan

Nordh, Emilie, Laineste, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie i ämnet konflikthantering. Vi har valt att utforma den med hjälp av fem lärare som vi har intervjuat. Konflikter kan man inte undvika, varken i livet eller i skolan och där är det lärarens uppgift att hantera dem. Därför tycker vi att det är viktigt att belysa och förstå kunskapen om konflikthantering.</p><p>Förr hanterades inte konflikter och bråk i skolan som idag. Fram till 1958 var det fortfarande tillåtet att bestraffa elever med aga. Det var genom aga och skäll som man hanterade konflik¬terna istället för att som idag prata med eleverna. Skäll existerar fortfarande men framförallt hanterar lärarna konflikter med hjälp av att kom¬municera med eleverna. Idag är idealet att kommunicera väl; lyssna, tala och känna empati. I konfliktsituationer agerar läraren ofta medlare mellan eleverna.</p><p>För att ta reda på hur kunskapen om konflikthantering i skolan ser ut tar vi hjälp av begreppet tyst kunskap. Eftersom tyst kunskap har många olika tolkningar för vi en diskussion kring begreppet. Att vi använder oss av just detta begrepp beror på att tyst kunskap i alla olika tolk¬ningar ändå anses vara en praktisk kunskap. Så är, menar vi, även fallet med konflikthan¬teringen i skolan eftersom den är kopplad till lärarens vardagliga arbete. Därför kopplar vi samman kunskap om konflikthantering med tyst kunskap.</p><p>Vi har kommit fram till att hur lärare hanterar konflikter beror mycket på vilka ideal som råder just då. Lärarna i våra intervjuer inhämtar kunskapen om konflikthantering till största delen i sitt arbete och de anser alla att det är viktigt att aktivt förebygga konflikter för en fungerande undervisning och ett gott klassrumsklimat. Kunskapen om konflikthantering är situationsbunden och personlig men detta räcker inte för att vi ska kunna sluta oss till att det är tyst kunskap, detta beror helt på vilken definition man utgår ifrån. Vi vill poängtera att våra resultat inte på något sätt försöker vara generaliserande.</p> / <p>We have done a qualitative study about conflict-handling. The purpose of this study is to understand conflict-handling and prevention of conflicts in the classroom from a teacher’s perspective; how does teachers develop their knowledge of conflict-handling and is that knowledge tacit? How can teachers handle conflicts and quarrels in the classroom and how can they prevent them? Those are our questions at issue. To get information we interviewed five different teachers and studied relevant literature. We have chosen to restrict this study to conflicts between pupils or teachers and pupils, grade 4-6 in the Swedish school.</p><p>Conflicts or quarrels are things that can’t be avoided and it is the teacher’s job to handle them, this is called conflict-handling. In former times the conflict-handling in schools meant corporal punishment or telling the pupil off. Telling-off still exists in our schools today but the way conflicts are handled is now mostly by using communication and the teacher will in most cases become the mediator between the pupils.</p><p>To elucidate conflict-handling we chose to use the concept of tacit knowledge. This concept has many different interpretations but all of them are saying that tacit knowledge is practical. Therefore it is interesting for us to connect conflict-handling, which is a part of the teacher’s daily tasks, with tacit knowledge.</p><p>We have compared the interviews with each other and with the literature and found that the conflict-handling depends on what the current ideals are. The teachers in our interviews learn conflict-handling mostly in their work and they all think that it is important to actively prevent conflicts for a functioning education and a good atmosphere in the classroom. In the matter of deciding if conflict-handling is tacit knowledge or not it all comes down to which definition of tacit knowledge you rely on. The results we found are only specific for the teachers we interviewed and for our study.</p>

Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade / Agency : the art of seeing action beyond the expected

Holm, Tanya January 2005 (has links)
<p>The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways. My theoretical perspective proceeds from the idea that action manifests not only in forms we usually discern but also in shapes we tend to overlook, that agency as a phenomena exists independently of beholders’ abilities to see and recognize actions for what they mean to the performer. By examining what the act to not report sex-buyers means for four women I find that women express their dislike of the law as such as well as of the dogmas it’s based upon by not using it. The women also find reporting incompatible with their own interests as they define them. Therefore I conclude that their repudiation from the law is a political practice, a protest against a law they find unjust and a possibility, for those who wish, to see their opposition against Swedish prostitution policy.</p>

Kvinnor som blivit våldsutsatta av en manlig partner : så upplever de vårdpersonalens bemötande / Women subjected to intimate partner violence : how they experience the handling by healthcare professionals

Borgström, Caisa, Robertsson, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund:</strong> Våld mot kvinnor i partnerrelationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och varje år dör ungefär 17 kvinnor till följd av våldet. När kvinnorna besöker hälso- och sjukvården kan en unik möjlighet ges att upptäcka partnervåldet. <strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur kvinnor som blivit våldsutsatta av en manlig partner upplever vårdpersonalens bemötande. <strong>Metod: </strong>En allmän litteraturstudie gjordes som baserades på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar. <strong>Resultat: </strong>Kvinnorna upplevde att vårdpersonalen inte vågade ställa frågan om partnervåld, dock hade de flesta positiva upplevelser av att vårdpersonalen satt ner och lyssnade på dem. Upplevelser av att integriteten och autonomin inte respekterades förkom och även att fokus låg på de fysiska skadorna och att det psykiska välbefinnandet glömdes bort. <strong>Diskussion: </strong>Diskussionen belyser fyra centrala fynd; att vårdpersonalen inte vågade ställa frågan, positiva bemötanden gällande att vårdpersonalen var närvarande och lyssnade på kvinnorna, att kvinnorna inte blev respekterade och tagna på allvar samt att kvinnornas psykiska välbefinnande glömdes bort. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>De flesta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för partnervåld upplevde att vårdpersonalen inte bemötte dem på det sätt de önskade och kvinnorna fick därmed inte den hjälp de var i behov av.</p> / <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a big public health problem and every year about 17 women die in Sweden as a consequence of this. When the women seek healthcare, there can be a unique opportunity to discover IPV. <strong>Aim: </strong>The aim was to describe how women subjected to IPV experience how they were handled by healthcare professionals (HCP). <strong>Method: </strong>An overview based on 14 scientific articles was made. <strong>Result:</strong> The women experienced that the HCP did not have the courage to question about IPV but they had positive experiences regarding that the HCP sat down and listened. The result also showed a lack of respect for the integrity and autonomy and that the HCP often only treated the injuries and forgot about their psychological well-being. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Four central findings were highlighted; the HCP do not have the courage to ask about IPV, positive handling regarding the HCP were presence and listened, the lack of respect and not to be taken seriously and that the psychological well-being was forgotten. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Most of the women experienced that the HCP did not handle them in the way they wanted, which resulted in the women not getting the help they needed.</p>

Språkmedvetenhetens betydelse för inlärning av de naturvetenskapliga begreppen / The importance of language awareness in the process of learning concepts of science

Larsson, Ulla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Avsikten med detta examensarbete är att få en uppfattning om hur elevers läsvanor på fritiden påverkar deras betyg, naturvetenskapliga begreppsförståelse och språkbehandling. En grupp om 75 elever i år 8 fick skriftligt redogöra för sina läsvanor och förmodade höstterminsbetyg i svenska samt i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena. De ombads även förklara några vetenskapliga begrepp och sätta de naturvetenskapliga ämnenas svårighetsgrad i förhållande till övriga ämnen i skolan samt gradera sitt intresse för de olika naturvetenskapliga ämnena.</p><p>Undersökningen visar en varierande kvalitet beträffande elevernas skriftspråk utan egentlig koppling till läsvanor. En majoritet har svårt att förklara de angivna begreppen ens ur vardaglig synvinkel. De elever som inte läser alls eller endast seriemagasin har dock till övervägande delen svaga prestationer i undersökningen och låga betyg, medan kopplingen är tydlig mellan goda läsvanor och höga betyg. I fråga om begreppsförståelse och språkbehandling tycks det inte spela så stor roll om eleven läser ofta eller ibland. Den tyngst vägande förutsättningen verkar istället vara intresse.</p> / <p>The purpose of this diploma work is to investigate how leisure time reading habits of students affect their grades, understanding of concepts of science and language handling. A group of 75 pupils in the 8th grade gave written answers to questions about their reading habits and presumed autumn grades in the subjects Swedish and Science. They were also asked to explain some scientific concepts, compare the difficulty level of science to that of other school subjects and rate their interest in science</p><p>The survey shows a variation in writing skills that has no actual connection to reading habits. The majority fails to explain the given concepts even from an everyday point of view. Students who don’t read at all or only read comic books achieves poor results in the survey as well as low grades and students who read every day achieves high grades. In the matter of understanding of concepts of science and language handling it doesn’t seem to matter whether a student is reading every day or more seldom. It appears that the most important factor in this case is the student’s interest in science.</p>

Financial Information Integration In the Presence of Equational Ontological Conflicts

Firat, Aykut, Madnick, Stuart E., Grosof, Benjamin 01 1900 (has links)
While there are efforts to establish a single international accounting standard, there are strong current and future needs to handle heterogeneous accounting methods and systems. We advocate a context-based approach to dealing with multiple accounting standards and equational ontological conflicts. In this paper we first define what we mean by equational ontological conflicts and then describe a new approach, using Constraint Logic Programming and abductive reasoning, to reconcile such conflicts among disparate information systems. In particular, we focus on the use of Constraint Handling Rules as a simultaneous symbolic equation solver, which is a powerful way to combine, invert and simplify multiple conversion functions that translate between different contexts. Finally, we demonstrate a sample application using our prototype implementation that demonstrates the viability of our approach. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Transactional pointcuts for aspect-oriented programming

Sadat Kooch Mohtasham, Seyed Hossein 06 1900 (has links)
In dynamic pointcut-advice join point models of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), join points are typically selected and advised independently of each other. That is, the relationships between join points are not considered in join point selection and advice. But these inter-relationships are key to the designation and advice of arbitrary pieces of code when modularizing concerns such as exception handling and synchronization. Without a mechanism for associating join points, one must instead refactor (if possible) into one method the two or more related join points that are to be advised together. In practice, join points are often not independent. Instead, they form part of a higher-level operation that implements the intent of the developer (e.g. managing a resource). This relationship should be made more explicit. We extend the dynamic pointcut-advice join point model to make possible the designation, reication, and advice of interrelated join points. The Transactional Pointcut (transcut), which is a realization of this extended model, is a special join point designator that selects sets of interrelated join points. Each match of a transcut is a set of join points that are related through control ow, dataow, or both. This allows transcuts to dene new types of join points (pieces of computation) by capturing the key points of a computation and to provide effective access for their manipulation (i.e. advice). Essentially, transcuts almost eliminate the need for refactoring to expose join points, which is shown by others to have a signicant negative effect on software quality. The transcut construct was implemented as an extension to the AspectJ language and integrated into the AspectBench compiler. We used transcuts to modularize the concern of exception handling in two real-world software systems. The results show that transcuts are effective in designating target join points without unnecessary refactorings, even when the target code is written obliviously to the potential aspectization.

Concurrent design of facility layout and flow-based department formation

Chae, Junjae 17 February 2005 (has links)
The design of facility layout takes into account a number of issues including the formation of departments, the layout of these, the determination of the material handling methods to be used, etc. To achieve an efficient layout, these issues should be examined simultaneously. However, in practice, these problems are generally formulated and solved sequentially due to the complicated nature of the integrated problem. Specifically, there is close interaction between the formation of departments and layout of these departments. These problems are treated as separate problems that are solved sequentially. This procedure is mainly due to the complexity of each problem and the interrelationships between them. In this research, we take a first step toward integrating the flow-based department formation and departmental layout into comprehensive mathematical models and develop appropriate solution procedures. It is expected that these mathematical models and the solution procedures developed will generate more efficient manufacturing system designs, insights into the nature of the concurrent facility layout problem, and new research directions.

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