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Analys av skillnader i arbetet mot prostitution vid Stockholms- och Malmös prostitutionsenheterEllheden, Katrin January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en jämförelse av två kartläggningar av prostitution på Internet: ”När prostitutionen flyttade in i vardagsrummet” skriven av Niclas Olsson vid Malmö Prostitutionsenhet och ”Slutrapport från projektet nätprostitution“ skriven av Marie Johansson och Pia Turesson vid Prostitutions- och Spiralenheten i Stockholm. Med hjälp av en diskursanalys utarbetad av Norman Fairclough kan man bland annat klarlägga hur en texts satskonstruktioner konstruerar samma texts objekt och subjekt. Genom en diskursanalys har denna uppsats konstruktioner/bilder/definitioner av ”sexsäljare”/ ”prostituerad”, ”socialsekreterare” och den hjälp som socialsekreteraren erbjuder sexsäljaren, analyserats. Analysen och jämförelsen har visat att författarna till de båda texterna har skilda förhållningssätt till prostituerade, sig själva som socialsekreterare och den hjälp de erbjuder sin målgrupp. Det förhållningssätt ”Slutrapport från projektet nätprostitution“ visar upp ligger nära ett förhållningssätt som i uppsatsen beskrivs som den Svenska offentliga hållningen till prostitution. Ett förhållningssätt som bland annat definierar prostitution som mäns våld mot kvinnor och ur vilket sexköpslagen i Sverige vuxit fram. Det förhållningssätt ”När prostitutionen flyttade in i vardagsrummet” uppvisar skiljer sig från det i ”Slutrapport från projektet nätprostitution“ och då även den Svenska offentliga hållningen till prostitution. Här behöver inte prostituerade fara illa, de lever ett utsatt liv men detta behöver inte bero på prostitutionen i sig utan till exempel på att de inte respekteras av samhället. Niclas Olssons förhållningssätt tolkas i uppsatsen som ett försök att etablera ett nytt förhållningssätt till målgruppen. Olsson inför i sin text vad som i uppsatsen benämns ”Du-tilltal” där han använder pronomenet ”Du” då han refererar till sexköpare och sexsäljare. Detta tolkas i uppsatsen som ett grepp att uppmana läsaren att identifiera sig med prostitutionsvärldens parter. Resultatet av en analys av den sociala praktiken på Stockholms- och Malmös prostitutionsenheter visar att de skillnader som fastställts mellan texterna skrivna i Stockholm och Malmö också finns mellan de två prostitutionsenheterna som helhet. Tydliggörandet av de ovan nämnda skilda perspektiven på fenomenet prostitution är bland annat relevant då Sverige med en enad prostitutionspolitik internationellt går i bräschen för en nolltolerans mot prostitution.
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"Men shit, hur fan har vi kunnat glömma bort det?" : Falu kommuns socialtjänsts arbete gällande prostitutionCederlöf, Anna, Man, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the social services in the municipality of Falun is managing social work related to prostitution. It is a qualitative study based on three focus group interviews conducted in parts of the social services organization in the municipality of Falun. The empirical data collected was analyzed from an intersectional perspective. Several distinct findings emerged from the study. Social work against prostitution does not exist in the social services organization in the municipality of Falun. The organization possesses no procedures or guidelines for this kind of work, and no preventive work or cooperation with other organizations is carried out. It also emerged, that several social work officers had a stereotype image of who a potential sex- seller could be. This fact may influence who would be able to get any support from social services regarding to this social problem. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om och hur Falu kommuns socialtjänst arbetar gällande prostitution. Studien är en kvalitativ studie som baseras på tre fokusgruppsintervjuer utförda på delar av Falu kommuns socialtjänst. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån ett intersektionalitetsperspektiv. Resultatet av studien var entydigt, arbete riktat mot prostitution förekommer inte på socialtjänsten i Falu kommun. Verksamheten besitter inga rutiner eller riktlinjer för detta arbete, och inget förebyggande arbete eller något samarbete med andra organisationer eller myndigheter utförs. Det framkom även att handläggarna hade en stereotyp bild av vem som är en potentiell sexsäljare, något som kan komma att påverka vem som skulle kunna få ett eventuellt stöd från socialtjänsten gällande denna problematik.
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Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade / Agency : the art of seeing action beyond the expectedHolm, Tanya January 2005 (has links)
<p>The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways. My theoretical perspective proceeds from the idea that action manifests not only in forms we usually discern but also in shapes we tend to overlook, that agency as a phenomena exists independently of beholders’ abilities to see and recognize actions for what they mean to the performer. By examining what the act to not report sex-buyers means for four women I find that women express their dislike of the law as such as well as of the dogmas it’s based upon by not using it. The women also find reporting incompatible with their own interests as they define them. Therefore I conclude that their repudiation from the law is a political practice, a protest against a law they find unjust and a possibility, for those who wish, to see their opposition against Swedish prostitution policy.</p>
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”Att ljuga förändrar ju inte det faktum vad jag gör” : En kvalitativ studie om att vara öppen med att sälja sexSamadi, Arezo, Suzuki, Emmy January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine sex workers openness in regards to sex sale when communicating with other people and authorities. The essential questions that laid the foundation of this research were different factors that influence an individual on their choice of openness and concealment of their experiences, and also how they cope with the consequences of this. The results of this study are based on qualitative interviews conducted with five sex workers. The theoretical framework used to analyze the study’s findings is Erving Goffman’s theory of Stigma and Dramaturgical metaphor. The results indicate that sex workers experience difficulties with being open with other entities, including relationships and authorities. The underlying factors behind this appear to be among other things, based on current laws and social stigma in the society. Sex workers experiences of openness to people in their environment have been both positive and negative. Nevertheless, they have mostly been met with prejudices and dislikes. This signifies that many sex workers feel compelled to withhold and conceal their experiences to others. Our findings also show that sex workers use different strategies when coping with concealment of sex sale, which can have an emotional distress for some individuals.
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Att konstruera en lag : en diskursanalys av förarbeten till sexköpslagen / Designing a law : a discourse analysis of the preliminary work of the Sex Purchase ActBodin, Berit, Röed, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the dominating discourse in the preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act. In order to achieve the aim of this study we selected preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act that was produced between 1977 and 1999. The selection is based on the fact that prostitution began to be recognized as a social problem and a gender equality issue between men and women in society. The ongoing debate during the chosen years resulted in the Sex Purchase Act, which was passed in 1999. By using discourse analysis as a methodological and theoretical approach, we have empirically studied and theoretically analyzed the dominating discourse in the preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act. This study shows that the dominating discourse in the preliminary work is based on a perception that prostitution reflects violence against women, which prevents women and men from becoming equal in society. The dominating discourse in the preliminary work is characterized by a heteronormative standard and has influences that can be recognized as feminist ideology. The content in the dominating discourse is produced by people with high social status, which gives sex buyers and sex workers limited influence on how their categories are presented in the preliminary work.
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Den nya svenska sexhandeln : En lägesbeskrivning / The New Swedish Sex Trade : An in-depth investigationAvramovic Stefanovic, Aleksandra January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the phenomenon of the Swedish sex trade. A phenomenon that has a long history that is constantly changing, taking new forms and creating new boundaries. The purpose of this study has been to review and understand the Swedish sex trade with a focus on the effects of internet and the effects of the Swedish sex purchase act. As well as to examine how state and non-state actors work to secure the fundamental human rights to safety and an adequate safety net for people who sell sex. By conducting interviews and a literature study with state and non-state actors it has been possible to understand the Swedish sex trade and create an in-depth description of the current situation. The study's result and analysis show that the Swedish sex trade is strongly linked to the feminist perspective. In Sweden, the abolitionist feminist perspective is dominant, which is also reflected in definitions used within this field, legislation, the sex trade via internet and the Swedish safety net. This study highlights that the Swedish sex trade is a complex issue which requires a greater discussion beyond the feminist perspective.
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Sex på deltid : Deltidssexsäljares upplevelser av sexarbetet och sexköpslagenEngnell, Hans January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study in social work was to investigate Swedish part-time sex workers' experiences of selling sex, of the Swedish Prohibition of Purchase of Sexual Services Act, of people's attitudes toward selling and buying sexual services and the consequences thereof. In the analysis the Erving Goffman stigma theories were used. Three part-time sex workers described their day-to-day experiences of selling sex as well as holding an ordinary job. None of them experienced that the Prohibition of Purchase of Sexual Services Act had an immediate effect on them in their work, what bothered them most was the attitudes toward sex work from society, friends and relatives. The negative attitude forced them to live a double life. None of the sex workers had the impression that the legislation had any concrete effects on their customers. One sex worker expressed the view that the law itself could be a trigger for some customers and that it also helped preserve a negative and disparaging attitude toward sex workers in society. The study concluded that prostitution is a multifaceted phenomenon that has been a victim of simplification in many previous studies, partly for ideological purposes, and recommended a more individual perspective on the matter.
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Sexköpslagens glömda kvinnor - En diskursanalytisk studie av bilden av prostitution i teori och praktikLundström, Elisabet January 2010 (has links)
In Sweden prostitution is by many considered to be a social problem that primarily affects women. To counteract prostitution is a political priority and as a result the purchase of sexual services is prohibited by law. Since the law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services entered into force it has been continuously debated and widely disputed. The aim of this thesis is to compare the image of prostitution found in the travaux préparatoires of the law with four sex workers’ view of the phenomenon. A discourse analysis is performed to establish which images of prostitution appear in theory and in practice. The results show that the images of prostitution in the travaux préparatoires of the law differ widely from the views expressed by the interviewees. The discourses identified in the travaux préparatoires unanimously emphasize the injurious effects of the prostitution and the exposed situation of the sex workers. In the discourses identified in the interview material the businesslike aspects of prostitution and the sex workers’ autonomy is emphasized. The results raise questions about the completeness of the travaux préparatoires and bring the need for studies where different groups of sex workers are questioned to the fore.
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Den olyckliga horan : Diskurser om prostitution i svensk pressHagenstam, Angelica, Posada, Vilda January 2017 (has links)
I debatten om prostitution finns många olika perspektiv på fenomenet och dess aktörer. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera diskurser som är framträdande i diskussioner som rör prostitution, och därigenom bidra till ökad förståelse och ett bättre debattklimat. Studien är en diskursanalys på socialkonstruktivistisk grund. Till hjälp i analysen används Foucaults begrepp pastoralmakt som handlar om omsorg och hjälp genom kontroll och maktutövande. Tidigare diskursanalyser inom ämnet har delat upp diskurserna efter huruvida de syftar till att motverka eller normalisera prostitution. Den svenska sexköpslagen är abolutionistisk och bygger på en könsmaktsordningsdiskurs samt en patologiseringsdiskurs där sexköpare antas lida av psykiska problem. Andra diskurser som identifierats i tidigare forskning är den manliga sexdriftsdiskursen, olägenhetsdiskursen och moraldiskursen. Studien använder kritisk diskursanalys. Urvalet utgörs av 136 svenskspråkiga artiklar som innehåller något av sökorden “prostitution”, “prostituerad” eller “sexarbete” och som publicerats i tidningar eller på webben i Sverige mellan 1 februari - 30 april 2017. Analysen fokuserar på textens lingvistiska uppbyggnad samt intertextualitet, när texten refererar till andra texter eller diskurser. Resultatet visar att abolutionsdiskurser är dominanta medan normaliserande diskurser är ovanliga. Bland de mest dominanta diskurserna finns människorättsdiskursen, könsmaktsordningsdiskursen, patologiseringsdiskursen och diskursen om fattigdom och psykisk ohälsa som motivation till att sälja sex. Att abolutionsdiskurserna är dominanta kan bero på att hjälparbetare som polis och socialarbetare, som främst kommer i kontakt med sexsäljare i behov av hjälp, ges stor makt att tolka fenomenet. Insatser som motiveras med en olägenhetsdiskurs motiveras ofta med en moraldiskurs, vilket leder till att åtgärder som har negativa konsekvenser för sexsäljare presenteras som stödinsatser för säljare. Könsmaktsordningsdiskursens dominans leder till att sexsäljare som är män och transpersoner döljs. Framtida studier rekommenderas fokusera på män och transpersoner och på normaliseringsdiskurser eftersom dessa inte förekom så ofta i detta urval.
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Vem får höras? : En diskursiv analys av RFSL:s konstruerande av sexsäljareFerhatovic Höglund, Jasminé January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to examine how RFSL (the swedish national association for sexual orientations) is constructing sexsellers by looking at how sexsellers are described in one of RFSL’s texts. The method used in this paper is Fairclough's discourse analysis which will be applied on one text from the website of RFSL. With this method it is possible to study the textual, the discursive and the social practices of the chosen text. The theoretical framework will be Foucault's power theory, the normalization principle and Gayle Rubin’s charmed circle. The result of this study shows that RFSL is forming discourses which construct sexsellers as either voluntary or involuntary. A voluntary sexseller includes sexsellers who see themselves as sexworkers or people who sell sexual services. By speaking of sexsellers as voluntary, RFSL is forming both a liberal feminist point of view but also a postfeminist point of view, and by speaking of sexsellers as involuntary a radical feminist point of view is formed. Therefore RFSL allows three kinds of sexsellers to be heard in their text: a working, a voluntary and an exposed sexseller.
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