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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de seguro para riscos hidrológicos no contexto de manejo integrado de bacias hidrográficas / Model of insurance for hydrologics risks in the context of integrated handling of hydrographics basins

Righetto, Julian Margarido 15 September 2005 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda a questão da introdução de um modelo de seguro contra prejuízos causados pelas enchentes em uma micro-bacia hidrográfica localizada em São Carlos, SP, dentro de um contexto de manejo integrado de bacias hidrográficas (MIBH), devido à freqüência com que vêm ocorrendo enchentes em algumas das grandes cidades brasileiras motivou o desenvolvimento deste estudo. É desenvolvido um modelo de seguro associado ao MIBH (manejo integrado de bacias hidrográficas) baseado no modelo de seguro agrícola proposto por Pilar e Mendiondo (2001) nas proximidades do córrego do Gregório. Dentro dessa nova abordagem, é apresentado um estudo de caso onde se avalia o efeito das enchentes e com o intuito de quantificar os acréscimos nas vazões de cheia decorrente dos avanços da urbanização, caracterizada principalmente pelo aumento de áreas impermeáveis, foi escolhida uma área de teste na cidade de São Carlos, a região do micro-centro no córrego do Gregório. São propostos diferentes valores de prêmios. A análise dos resultados das simulações dos prêmios indica que são viáveis do ponto de vista do fundo do seguro conforme seu valor aumenta. / This work treats the introduction of an insurance model against damages caused by the floods in a personal hydrographic basin located in São Carlos, SP, inside of a context of integrated handling of hydrographics basins (MIBH), due to the frequency with that come happening floods in some of the great brazilian cities it motivated the development of this study. An insurance model associated to MIBH is developed (integrated handling of hydrographics basins) based on the model of safe agricultural proposed by Pilar and Mendiondo (2001). Inside of that new approach, a case study is presented where is evaluated the effects of the flood and with the intention of quantifying the increments in the discharge of full due to the progresses of the urbanization, characterized mainly by the increase of impermeable areas, it was chosen a test area in the city of São Carlos, the area of the personal hydrographic basin in Gregório\'s. Different values of prizes are proposed. The analysis of the results of the simulations of the prizes indicates that are viable of the point of view of the fund of the in accordance insurance its value it increases.

Ambiente de testes utilizando verificação de componentes java com tratamento de exceções / Test environment using property checking of Java components with exception handling

Xavier, Kleber da Silva 17 April 2008 (has links)
Um sistema de software que apresente problemas em sua execução pode gerar conseqüências desde um simples incômodo ao usuário, até desastres como a perda de uma sonda da NASA em Marte. As atividades de teste visam identificar erros nos sistemas de software, prevenindo estas conseqüências indesejáveis. Porém, os testes podem envolver entre 30% e 40% do esforço de desenvolvimento do sistema, e em sistemas críticos, seu custo pode ser de 3 a 5 vezes maior do que o custo combinado das demais atividades. Para tentar reduzir estes custos podemos automatizar parte das atividades. No presente caso, pretende-se minimizar os casos de teste gerados manualmente, utilizando uma técnica denominada verificação de modelos. Esta técnica consiste em verificar propriedades definidas formalmente através de expressões matemáticas, utilizando uma ferramenta de verificação que simula a execução do código. Além disso, um sistema que utilize um tratamento de condições excepcionais eficiente, tem sua manutenibilidade, robustez e confiabilidade melhoradas. Por isso, definimos propriedades relacionadas ao tratamento de exceções, como ponto de entrada para a verificação de modelos. Apresentamos um ambiente de testes criado para permitir a verificação destas propriedades com o verificador Java PathFinder e a exibição das estatísticas de cobertura de testes de acordo com o critério selecionado. Este ambiente facilita a execução dos testes, pois apresenta uma interface gráfica com o usuário que permite a configuração e execução dos testes sem que seja necessária a escrita de código pelo testador. Apresentamos também o resultado do uso deste ambiente para o teste de vários programas exemplo, utilizando desde código concorrente até diferentes estratégias de tratamento de exceção e discutimos as características, cuidados no uso e limitações das ferramentas utilizadas. / A software system that shows some failure at runtime execution may bring consequences that range from a simple user annoyance to great disasters such as the lost NASA probe on Mars. The test activities aim to find errors in software systems, preventing these undesirable consequences. However, tests may take between 30% and 40% of total development time, and on critical systems, its cost can be from 3 to 5 times greater than the combined cost of the other activities. In an effort to reduce these costs, we may automate some of the activities. In this work we intend to minimize test case manual generation, using a technique called model checking. This technique involves the checking of properties defined through the use of mathematical formulas, using a tool, that simulates code execution. In addition, a system with an efficient exception handling mechanism, has its maintainability, robustness and reliability enhanced. So, in this work we define exception handling related properties, as an input for model checking. We present a test tool created to allow checking of these properties using the Java PathFinder model checker, and to list the test coverage statistics, according to the selected test criteria. This tool makes easy the test execution, since it presents a graphical user interface that allows configuration and running of tests with no need to write any lines of code. We also show the results of running several tests with the GUI, using some programs implemented with concurrent code and several exception handling techniques and discuss the main features, pitfalls and limitations of the underlying tools.

A suggestion on uniform sludge and waste handling in the Baltic Sea Area

Eklund, Per, Dahlberg, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to make a thorough but compact description of the international laws concerning solid garbage generated by vessels and sludge treatment. It is also to construct a pamphlet that can be used as a guide by ports when constructing their own information sheets to the vessels. The questions given to us from Baltic Master II were: what does the international legislation state about waste handling from vessels and in the port facilities, both sludge and solid garbage? Describe routines for receiving sludge, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Describe routines for receiving sorted garbage and recycling, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Look at the present symbols and labelling and develop a standard for vessels and port facilities. To solve these questions we choose an investigative method based on a literature study. The research of earlier studies showed that the parties involved consider the waste- and sludgetreatment to be flawed. In some cases the problems are fictitious or exaggerated. The main problem originates from the fact that there are no uniform routines for the interaction between vessel and port. Although there is more then one way to deal with this problem, we have concluded that the best way to improve the present day situation is to implement uniform routines. To make the routines effective they should be developed and agreed upon by the parties involved taking into consideration present day international legislation. In this thesis we present a suggestion on such a routine.

Otimização do comportamento dinâmico lateral e vertical de um ônibus modelado como sistema multicorpo

Pavan, Leandro January 2015 (has links)
Existe necessidade de se desenvolver modelos teóricos e testes experimentais, que nos permitam ter plenas condições de melhor avaliar e concluir sobre o comportamento dinâmico dos ônibus, ao trafegar sobre diferentes pistas e realizar diversos tipos de manobras. O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar e otimizar simultaneamente o comportamento dinâmico lateral e vertical de um ônibus modelado como um sistema multicorpo. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho é dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte consiste na programação de um modelo multicorpo de ônibus que possa ser utilizado para fins de otimização do seu comportamento de dinâmica lateral via programação matemática; o desenvolvimento de uma manobra do tipo mudança dupla de faixa - DLC (Double Lane Change), adaptada da combinação da norma ISO 3888-1:1999 que envolve mudança dupla de faixa para carros de passeio e a norma ISO 14791:2000 que envolve mudança simples de faixa para veículos comerciais, na ausência de normas específicas; e finalmente a validação de resultados através de testes experimentais e simulações computacionais. A segunda parte consiste na programação de um modelo multicorpo de ônibus para fins de otimização do seu comportamento de dinâmica vertical via programação matemática, neste caso sujeito a uma pista da classe C segundo classificação da norma ISO 8608:1995. Os resultados específicos da programação das manobras laterais do modelo de ónibus foram validados experimentalmente, bem como comparados através da simulação das manobras num modelo virtual implementado num software multicorpo comercial. O conjunto das soluções atingidas mostraram boa correlação, possibilitando a posterior otimização dos parâmetros concentrados da suspensão do modelo multicorpo de ônibus, através da técnica de algoritmos genéticos. A função objetivo implementada consiste da composição penalizada do valor RMS do ângulo de rolagem da manobra lateral quanto ao handling, e de parâmetros associados ao conforto e segurança, como o valor RMS da aceleração vertical, do deslocamento máximo da suspensão, e da deflexão máxima do pneu de forma a garantir aderência continua à pista. Os resultados otimizados dos parâmetros concentrados conseguem uma negociação dos objetivos conflitantes. / There is a need for theoretical models and experimental tests to be developed that allow for better assessments and conclusions about the dynamic behavior of buses driving on different lanes and performing various types of maneuvers. The purpose of this work is to evaluate and optimize both the lateral and the vertical dynamic behavior of a bus modeled as a multibody system. The methodology employed comprises two parts. The first part consists in programming a bus multibody model that can be used to optimize the lateral dynamic behavior of buses via mathematical programming; developing a type of maneuver known as Double Lane Change (DLC), adapted from a combination of the ISO 3888-1:1999 standard, which involves double lane changes for passenger cars, and the ISO 14791:2000 standard, which involves single lane changes for commercial vehicles, in the absence of specific standards; and lastly, validating the results by means of experimental tests and computational simulations. The second part consists in programming a bus multibody model to optimize the vertical dynamic behavior via mathematical programming, in this case for a class C road, according to the classification of the ISO 8608:1995 standard. The specific results of the programming of the lateral maneuvers of the bus model were validated experimentally and then compared with simulations of the maneuvers by a virtual model developed using commercial multibody software. The results showed a good correlation, enabling subsequent optimization of the lumped parameters of the suspension of the bus multibody model using the genetic algorithm optimization technique. The objective function consists of the penalized composition of some terms, including the RMS value of the roll angle of the lateral handling maneuver and of parameters associated with comfort and safety, such as the RMS value of vertical acceleration, the maximum suspension working space, and the maximum tire deflection to ensure continuous adherence on the road surface. The optimized results of the lumped parameters of the suspension enable an alignment of the conflicting goals.

Load Carriers; Optimized Solution to Improve Performance of Roll containers : A Case Study at VGR-WESTMA Organization

Alimohamadi, Bardia January 2009 (has links)
Roll containers are widely used in transportation and delivery operations due to the high level of flexibility and agility they offer to supply chains. However, there is a negative side to the application of roll containers in industry which can be removed or minimized by proper ergonomic and technical considerations. In this thesis work, the safety problems, economic issues and environmental effects associated with roll containers being used in VGR-WESTMA organization are reviewed in order to come up with alternative solutions to the current way of using old roll containers in their supply chain. The analysis of the problem resulted in ergonomic, safety and technical recommendation on using roll containers within their associated supply chain. The appropriate technical design of roll containers that fits the organization facilities are introduced with the aim of streamlining the supply chain flow within the organization. However, cost is considered as a limiting factor for this organization. Hence, proper ergonomic awareness and use of appropriate accessories to the roll containers are considered as a contemporary alternative solution to replacing roll containers being used in this supply chain.

”Det ska se fint ut när föräldrarna kommer” : En kvalitativ studie om dans i förskolan mellan modest barnkultur och marknadsorienterad populärkultur

Aylar, Sedaghatalvar, Rylko, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på dans som en estetisk uttrycksform. Studiens övergripande syfte är att skapa större förståelse för yngre barnens dansaktiviteter i förskolan utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Utifrån det blir vårt syfte att synliggöra de estetiska innehållen i yngre barns dansaktiviteter i förskolan. Därmed blir våra frågeställningar: vilka estetiska innehåll kännetecknar barns dansaktiviteter och vilka medierande handlingar och verktyg främjar barns dansaktiviteter? För att kunna besvara dessa frågor har vi använt oss av det sociokulturella perspektivet som utgångspunkt eftersom den fokuserar på sociala och fysiska handlingar i samspel med omgivningen. Vidare genomfördes observationer och filminspelningar på tre olika förskolor på småbarnsavdelningar. Data analyserades sedan utifrån tre analyskategorier av estetiska innehåll: modesta estetiken, radikala estetiken och marknadsestetiken. Dessutom använde vi oss av två analysbegrepp, vilka är stöttning och mediering. Resultatet visar att i förskolan är det estetiska innehåll som är mest framträdande är den modesta estetiken. De verktyg som medierade till dans var projektor, bandspelare och bilder. De handlingar som medierade till dans var pedagogernas aktiva närvaro i form av dans, sång och stöttning.

A model for foundry molding equipment selection in developing countries

Potter, John Randolph January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.S. cn--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by John R. Potter. / M.S.cn

Artificial intelligence and multiple criteria decision making approach for a cost-effective RFID-enabled tracking management system

Dukyil, Abdulsalam Saleh January 2018 (has links)
The implementation of RFID technology has been subject to ever-increasing popularity in relation to the traceability of items as one of the most advance technologies. Implementing such a technology leads to an increase in the visibility management of products. Notwithstanding this, RFID communication performance is potentially greatly affected by interference between the RFID devices. It is also subject to auxiliary costs in investment that should be considered. Hence, seeking a cost-effective design with a desired communication performance for RFID-enabled systems has become a key factor in order to be competitive in today‟s markets. This study introduce a cost and performance-effective design for a proposed RFID-enabled passport tracking system through the development of a multi-objective model that takes in account economic, operation and social criteria. The developed model is aimed at solving the design problem by (i) allocating the optimal numbers of related facilities that should be established and (ii) obtaining trade-offs among three objectives: minimising implementation and operational costs; minimising RFID reader interference; and maximising the social impact measured in the number of created jobs. To come closer to the actual design in terms of considering the uncertain parameters, a fuzzy multi-objective model was developed. To solve the multi-objective optimization problem model, two solution methods were used respectively (epsilon constrain and linear programming) to select the best Pareto solution and a decision-making method was developed to select the final trade-off solution. Moreover, this research aims to provide a user-friendly decision making tool for selecting the best vendor from a group which submitted their tenders for implementing a proposed RFID- based passport tracking system. In addition to that a real case study was applied to examine the applicability of the developed model and the proposed solution methods. The research findings indicate that the developed model is capable of presenting a design for an RFID- enabled passport tracking system. Also, the developed decision-making tool can easily be used to solve similar vendor selection problem. Research findings demonstrate that the proposed RFID-enabled monitoring system for the passport tracking system is economically feasible. The study concludes that the developed mathematical models and optimization approaches can be a useful decision-maker for tackling a number of design and optimization problems for RFID system using artificial intelligence mathematical algorithm based techniques.

Bortom bilens sfär : En kvalitativ studie om kontextens betydelse för en alternativ verklighetsuppfattning / Beyond the car's sphere : A qualitative study of the contextual significance of an alternative perception of reality

Erström, Elin, Larsson, Kirsi January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att tolka och förstå individens upplevelser och verklighetsuppfattning. Att skapa en förståelse kring kontexten bilen och hur omkringliggande faktorer kan influera till individens verklighetsuppfattning. Studien undersöker hur individen upplever sin verklighet och tankar i bilens kontext. Likaså undersöks hur omgivningen kan influera individens verklighetsuppfattning. Studien är utförd med en kvalitativ metod och ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Den teoretiska referensramen grundas på teoretiska begrepp såsom sociala handlingar, förståelse, rolltagande och definition av situation. Empirin grundar sig i tio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer och ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Studiens resultat visar på skilda upplevelser och tankar från informanterna i deras verklighetsuppfattningar. Resultatet visar även att omgivningen har en påverkan på informanternas verklighetsuppfattning.

Development and implementation of an adaptive controller for station keeping of small outboard-powered vessels

Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis multiple controllers are developed which command a small boat with twin tied outboard motors to hold a desired position. In the process of developing a controller to hold a position, controllers were first developed which follow a desired heading or path over ground with the motors outputting constant thrust. These heading and path following controllers were tuned and tested in a numerical simulation, then validated on the R/V Lee and Ocean Power vessels through sea trials in the Atlantic Ocean. After successful path following trials were performed, station keeping algorithms were developed and tuned in the numerical simulation, now with heading and thrust of the vessel both being variables to be controlled. After tuning in the numerical simulation, the Ocean power vessel was outfitted with systems for controlling throttle and steering with sea trials conducted in the Atlantic Ocean for station keeping. / by Aaron D. Fisher. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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