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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rektorers medverkan i elevhälsan : En studie om systematiskt hälsofrämjande arbete i svenska grundskolor

Ekström, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka  i vilken utsträckning rektorer medverkar i elevhälsans systematiska hälsofrämjande arbete i svenska grundskolor. Metod: En deskriptiv, kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie användes som metod för att besvara studiens syfte. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av egenkonstruerade webbenkäter för att samla in data från 200 slumpmässigt utvalda rektorer från grundskolor från hela Sverige. Enkäterna skickades ut till rektorernas e-postadresser tillsammans med ett missivbrev. Av de 200 valda rektorerna deltog 28 % i studien och besvarade enkäten. Resultat: 88 % av rektorerna svarade (n= 51) att elevhälsan aktivt bedriver ett systematiskt hälso-främjande utvecklingsarbete. Majoriteten av rektorerna (n=52) angav att elevhälsan, aktivt bedriver samtliga faser av det systematiska arbetet. Svarsfrekvensen om rektorernas medverkande vid faserna analys, planering, och uppföljning var relativt lika då hälften av rektorerna angav att de medverkade ofta och hälften medverkade varje gång. En skillnad uppstod då 31 % av rektorerna svarade att de sällan medverkade i genomförandefasen.  Den yrkeskategori som nämndes flest gånger som initierar majoriteten av hälsofrämjande insatser var elevhälsoteamen på skolorna som bestod av skolsjuksköteterskor, rektorer, kuratorer, lärare och elever.  51 % av rektorerna angav att det var på rektorns egna initiativ som elevhälsan bedrev ett systematiskt hälsofrämjande utvecklingsarbete på skolan. Fyra rektorer nämnde att elevhälsan var de som utförde hälsofrämjande arbete i skolorna. 80 % av rektorerna ansåg även att deras medverkan var betydelsefull för att elevhälsan ska kunna bedriva ett systematiskt hälsofrämjande arbete i grundskolor. Slutsats: Rektorer initierar, bedriver och medverkar i hälsofrämjande arbete och elevhälsans systematiska hälsofrämjande arbeten inom skolorna. Elevhälsoteam eller elevhälsogruppen som fanns lokalt placerade på skolorna var de som initierade hälsofrämjande insatser. Elevhälsan initierade mycket sällan hälsofrämjande insatser på skolorna. Detta kan ifrågasätta ifall det hälsofrämjande elevhälsoarbete som bedrivs är övergripande eller möter elevernas behov. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the extent of headmasters’ participation in the systematic health promoting work carried out by the student health service. Method: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey was used to collect the data. The data collection was preformed using a self-designed web survey, through email addresses to collect data from 200 randomly selected headmasters of primary schools from all over Sweden. Of the 200 selected headmasters, 28% (n = 53) attended, and answered the questionnaire.  Result: 88 % of the headmasters reported that the student health service conducted a systematic health promoting work. The majority of the headmasters (n=52) reported that the student health service conducts all of the different stages of the systematic work. The response rate was equal regarding headmaster’s participation, often and every time in the different stages; analyze, planning and follow up. The stage implementation showed a divergence from the other stages when 31 % of the headmasters reported that they rarely participate in this stage. The main profession who initiated health promotion work according to the headmasters was student health teams in the schools, consisting school health nurses, headmasters, teachers, pupils and psychologist. 51 % of the headmasters declared that it was on their initiative that the student health service started the health promotion work. Only four headmaster’s named that the student health service conducted health promotion work in the schools. 80 % of the headmasters felt that their participation was important for the student health service to manage a systematic health promoting work in primary school’s settings. Conclusions: The headmaster’s initiates, conducts and participates in the systematic health promotion work and with the student health service in the primary schools. Student health teams are placed locally at the schools and were the ones who initiated health promotion work. The student health service was very rarely the ones who initiated health promotion work in schools. This may question if the health promoting work witch is conducted in schools are overall or meets the students' health needs.

Sebeřízení ředitele ZUŠ / Selfmanagement of headmaster of art school

Egermaierová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of school manager's self-management in the art schools area. Thesis aim was to ascertain what the art schools' headmasters in Pilsen and South Bohemia region reckon as part of self management, what influences their self management and how is this influence displayed in their professional and personal lives. Partial aim of this work was to find out if the headmasters educate themselves in the self management area and if yes in what way. In the theoretical part the work comes out of the human resource management and working performance area. It deals with the headmasters' competences and roles, self management, time management, delegation, burnout syndrome, stress techniques and life balance. It elaborately deals with the emotional intelligence and headmaster's career stages in connection with the self management area is influenced by them. The practise brings research results, which was realized by research and additional interviews. The research found out very interesting discoveries from the pedagogical-art schooling, from the working and personal lives of crucial persons in this educational sphere - art schools headmasters. The experiences and in some cases statements about serious consequences of not asserting the self management mechanisms are recorded...

Standard ředitele školy jako prostředek celoživotního vzdělávání a hodnocení ředitelů škol zřizovatelem / Standard of a school headmaster as a means of life-long education and the evaluation of school headmasters by their founders

Návratová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
AUTHOR: Ing. et Bc. Lenka Návratová DEPARTMENT: Centrum školského managementu SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Václav Trojan, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This thesis focuses on current status of a school headmaster, his/her roles, function and competence. The aim of the thesis is to determine the level of respondents'opinions for the needs of introducing the headmaster`s profession and its influence on the quality of the school management with a potential impact on the overall level of education in the Czech Republic. The thesis also submits analyses of levels of knowledge in certain areas of management competences and assesses their importance for management work of the headmaster as basis for setting standards and headmaster` s career. The first part of the thesis include theoretical knowledge of school management. It introduces the preparation and filling of school managerial staff. It also introduces the creation of a competency model as a tool for selection, evaluation and further development of training school headmasters. This thesis includes a science part which is made of empirical research carried out by the questionnaire method. It is focused on mapping the managerial skills and knowledge of school headmasters and the need to set the school standard. Consequently the comparison of the development level of selected...

Historie a perspektiva malotřídního školství konkretizovaného v regionu Jičínsko / History and perspective of multilevelled school specified on Jicin region

Šindlářová, Darina January 2012 (has links)
The target of this diploma thesis has been to process the development of Multileveled School in Jičíněves (district of Jičín) and to demonstrate benefit of the acquired knowledge for school work. The theoretic part devotes to the study of Jičíněves school commemorative books and in a wider view also whole Jičín region. Insight into the development, present position and perspective of the elementary education in the Czech lands with the focus on multileveled schools goes before these chapters. Historic methods and document content analysis has been used for this work. The practice part describes the project realized with pupils of primary school age. Its target has been to acquaint the pupils with history of the school in Jičíněves through activated methods and to impress on their attitude to the school and the place they live. Survey of present situation and perspective of multileveled schools in Jičín region including the school in Jičíněves has been done through the questionnaires and interviews. Vitality of the multileveled schools has been evaluated by analysis of the result.

Hodnocení ředitelů středisek volného času zřizovatelem / Founder's evaluation of headmasters of leisure time centers

Strašáková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe current state of evaluation of leisure time centres' directors, approaching the topic from the point of view of a superior institution that adjusts reward amounts. Firstly, the paper classifies leisure time centres in the Czech education system. Then, it goes on to describe current state of these centres in the Czech Republic, including funding, youth workers and laws that influence activities of particular directors and superior institutions. After that, the work focuses on the topic of directors' evaluation from various aspects. It describes evaluation methods that can be used in the process, including the procedure of adjusting reward amounts. Then, the work analyses particular kriteria that are published in certain cases by superior institutions at their web pages. It describes the most common evaluation criteria and procedures, seen both from the position of leisure time centres' directors and from their superior institutions. At the end, there are recommendations for superior institutions that can be used in the process of adjusting reward amounts for leisure time centres' directors.

De l'implication à l'impact du fonctionnement, de la formation et de la situation géographique des protagonistes de l'Éducation nationale sur la mise en place du travail en équipe des enseignants du premier degré

Jacquet, Pascale 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la mise en place du travail en équipe dans les écoles du premier degré. C’est une recherche descriptive qui s’appuie sur l’observation et la description du fonctionnement des équipes pédagogiques à travers les points de vue des acteurs de l’Éducation nationale, principalement à l’île saint Martin et en Guadeloupe. L’enjeu est d’étudier les impacts qu’apporteront différents éléments choisis sur la mise en œuvre du travail en équipe dans les écoles, comme il est préconisé par les textes officiels ministériels.Cette étude est basée sur le modèle d’Engeström. Elle s’appuie sur une dé- marche qualitative et privilégie l’usage de l’entretien semi- directif. Le corpus se compose de 80 entretiens, complétées par quatre enquêtes.Dans une première partie, la thèse se concentre sur le fonctionnement et l’organisation des directeurs d’école, chef d’orchestre dans une l’équipe pédagogique. Puis, ce sont les systèmes de formation initiale et continue des personnels de l’Éducation (directeurs, enseignants et inspecteurs) en France et dans le monde qi sont observés de près. Enfin, des observations du fonctionnement en équipes dans des zones, souvent difficiles, permettront de voir si l’implantation géographique des écoles favorise le fonctionnement en équipe des personnels qui y officient / This thesis focuses on the teamwork in first-degree’s schools. This is a descriptive research based on observation and description of teams organisation through the views of actors of national education, in St. Martin Island first and then in Guadeloupe. The challenge is to study the impacts that will bring various elements chosen on the implementation of the teamwork in schools, as it is recommended by the minsterial official texts.This study is based on the model of Engeström. It’s a qualitative approach and which favours the use of semi-directive interview. The corpus consists of 80 inter- views, supplemented by four surveys.In a first part, the thesis concentrates on the functioning and the organization of the headmasters in schools, as manager of the teaching team. The second part is based on the accurate analysis of the initial and continuous training system of personal of education (headmasters, teachers and inspectors) in France and in the world. The observations of the teamwork in difficult areas will show if the geographical location of schools promotes the organisation of the staff that officiates in those places.

Hodnocení ředitelů škol zřizovateli / Assessment of headmasters by school founders

Vodrážková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of headmasters by their school founders. It deals mainly with identifying the ways of evaluation, defining evaluation criteria and the overall approach to the assessment of the quality of headmasters' work. The aim is to create for a school founder an overview of the most commonly used forms of evaluation of headmasters. My work seeks to identify and compare different approaches to evaluation of headmasters by different school founders in the Prague region. My goal is to map and compare which criteria are considered to be crucial in evaluation of headmasters. Firstly, I would like to determine whether school founders have determined criteria for assessment of headmasters; secondly whether these criteria are familiar to headmasters, or whether they are possibly published. Next, I would like to present the schedule in which evaluation of headmasters is carried out and which forms of assessment are considered as motivational. The theoretical part of the work is focused on defining and describing basic concepts which are directly related to the issue regarding evaluation of headmasters. This part of the work is dedicated to theoretical pieces of knowledge concerning methods and possibilities of evaluation, its types, forms and tools. Furthermore, it...

Komparace kompetenčních modelů ředitelů základních škol na Praze 10 / Comparison of competency models of headmasters at elementary schools in Prague 10

Caklová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of the competency models of headmaster of elementary schools in Prague 10. The theoretical part explains the basic terms as "competency", "key competency" and compares the definitions of different scientific sources. It describes their structure as well as the life cycle. Further on the thesis deals with the competency models in general and primarily with the models of the managers of the schools. The role of the competency model is highlighted as well as its reasons and its implementation. In the practical part the thesis deals with the qualitative investigation where the author compares the competency models that were created by shadowing and some other additional methods. The competencies were evaluated on base of the criteria of the competency model created by I. Lhotkova (2012). The output of the investigation is a case study in which the differences of the headmaster competencies in Prague 10, with similar conditions of leading the schools and with similar support from founders, are described. Big discrepancy in the competencies were not proved, on the other hand similar issues were detected.

Elevdelaktighet i skolutveckling ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

Åkesson, Christel, Olsson, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring clarity and knowledge as to how two headmasters organise the development of their respective schools as well as how we as special educator can enable the students to take part in this development work. The methodology of this study – and theoretical preconditions are founded in a phenomenological perspective combined with educational organisation theory. The empiric data has been gathered through surveys as well as interviews with students and school administrators. The data is analysed and documented through identified quotes to find meaning and variation in the level of student participation. The result shows the students in the 9 th grade feel they have influence as well as taking part in the development of the schools. Simultaneously, the students inform that the implementation should happen at an early stage for the students to maintain an engaged interest in this. Furthermore, the study shows that the special educator profession at the school that took part in the survey is a strong and an important resource. / Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bringa klarhet och kunskap i hur två rektorer organiserar skolutveckling samt hur vi som specialpedagoger kan möjliggöra att eleverna blir delaktiga i skolans utvecklingsarbete. Studiens metodologiska – och teoretiska utgångspunkter grundar sig i ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv i kombination med pedagogisk organisationsteori. Empirin har samlats in genom enkäter samt intervjuer med elever och skolledare. Materialet har analyserats med utgångspunkt i identifierade citat för att finna meningsbärande enheter som syftet att finna variationer i fenomenet delaktighet. Resultatet visar att de tillfrågade eleverna i årskurs 9 känner att de har elevinflytande och delaktighet över skolutvecklingen. Samtidigt framhåller eleverna att implementeringen av utvecklingsförslagen måste ske i ett tidigt stadium för att eleven ska finna intresse för engagemang. Studien visar även att den specialpedagogiska professionen på de undersökta skolorna är stark och en viktig resurs.

Strategické řízení školy v kontextu šestiletého funkčního období / Strategic management of school in the context of six-year term

Nešporová, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to determine whether there are limits that may restrict kindergarten headmaster in the strategic management of the school, considering a six-year term in office. The thesis consists of two main parts. In the theoretical part, the concepts such as strategic management of the school, position of the kindergarten headmaster and a six-year term in office are explained. The research part describes the processes at the school. Methods of observation, interview, questionnaires and document analyses, are used in order to collect the data which are coded, categorized, and then used to form a story.

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