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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição à modelagem da secagem em leito deslizante concorrente

Lira, Taisa Shimosakai de 26 August 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The modelling of heat and mass transfer between the air and soybean seeds in moving bed dryers is based on the application of mass and energy balances equations for both solid and fluid phases (two phases model). In the development of these equations, some classic hypotheses are assumed, such as flat air velocity profiles and constant physico-chemical parameter along the bed, among others. The main goal of this thesis was to discuss the validity of these assumptions in concurrent moving bed dryer modelling. For so much, several equations of bed porosity and air velocity distribution were considered and compared with experimental data. This study verified that non-flat fluid velocity profiles are significant in beds with reason dT /dp = 13, 3. The equation that best represented the experimental data was the Fahien e Stankovich (1979) equation. This equations was incorporated to the two phases model. Through comparisons between the experimental data and the simulated responses it was possible to verify the significant influence of the air velocity distribution in the drying process. The influences of some physico-chemical parameters of the model were also analyzed through sensitivity studies using experiment design and derivative methods using the code DASPK 3.0. The model presented large absolute sensitivity to the perturbations of the parameter specific heat of the dry air (Cpf ). This means then that small variations in the value of this parameter have strong influence in the results obtained by the model. / A modelagem da transferência de calor e massa entre o ar e sementes de soja em secadores de leito deslizante é baseada na aplicação das equações de balanço de massa e energia para as fases sólida e fluida (modelo a duas fases). No desenvolvimento destas equações, algumas hipóteses clássicas são assumidas, tais como perfil plano de velocidade do ar e parâmetros físico-químicos constantes ao longo do leito, dentre outras. O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi discutir a validade destas considerações no modelo do secador de leito deslizante com escoamentos concorrentes. Para tanto, diversas equações de distribuição de porosidade do leito e de velocidade do fluido foram consideradas e comparadas com dados experimentais. Este estudo verificou que perfis não planos de velocidade do ar são significativos em leitos com razão dT /dp = 13, 3. A equação que melhor representou os dados experimentais foi a equação de Fahien e Stankovich (1979), sendo a mesma incorporada ao modelo a duas fases. Através de comparações entre dados experimentais e respostas simuladas foi possível verificar a influência significativa da distribuição da velocidade do ar no modelo de secagem. As influências de alguns parâmetros físico-químicos do modelo também foram analisadas através de estudos de sensibilidade por planejamento de experimento e pelo método das derivadas usando o código DASPK 3.0. O modelo apresentou maior sensibilidade absoluta à perturbação do parâmetro calor específico do ar seco (Cpf ). Isto significa então que pequenas variações no valor deste parâmetro têm forte influência nos resultados obtidos pelo modelo. / Mestre em Engenharia Química

Étude expérimentale et numérique de solutions basées sur les éco-matériaux pour la rénovation thermique du patrimoine bâti urbain / Experimental and numerical study of bio-based insulation systems for the thermal refurbishment of historic dwellings in urban areas

Claude, Sophie 08 March 2018 (has links)
Concilier patrimoine et amélioration de la performance énergétique du bâti ancien est un défi pour de nombreux centres historiques. La Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Cahors, qui finance ce travail de thèse à travers une convention CIFRE, a souhaité s’attaquer à cette problématique en valorisant des isolants bio-sourcés. Le choix du matériau et du système d’isolation sont essentiels car ils influencent à la fois la performance hygrothermique de la paroi, la qualité de l’air intérieur, le coût et l’empreinte carbone de la rénovation. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes focalisé sur la performance hygrothermique de la paroi afin d’assurer que la mise en place d’une isolation par l’intérieur ne soit pas source de dégradations futures de la paroi. Pour cela, nous avons confronté différents outils et méthodes tels que la caractérisation physique des matériaux, une instrumentation in-situ dans deux appartements du centre ancien de Cahors et des simulations hygrothermiques alliant différents outils numériques. / Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate against climate change. Historic dwellings represent a large part of the French building stock that needs to be refurbished. In the city center of Cahors, France, the old medieval dwellings are considered as valuable cultural heritage and internal insulation is often the only insulation technique that can be used when the architectural value of the exterior façade is to be preserved. This PhD thesis, funded by a CIFRE agreement with the Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Cahors, studied the suitability of bio-based materials for the internal insulation of historical dwellings in urban area. The selection of the insulation material and the system is crucial because of its impact on the hygrothermal performance of the wall, the indoor air quality, the financial cost, and the carbon footprint of the refurbishment solution. In this study we focused on the hygrothermal performance of the walls to provide a reliable risk assessment in order to avoid hygrothermal failure. Due to the complexity of the problem and the lack of needed data, we ran a multi-scale study including both experimental (laboratory characterisation and building monitoring) and numerical modelling methods.

Transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les parois des bâtiments à ossature bois / Heat and moisture transport in the wooden building envelope

Traoré, Issiaka 30 September 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation et la caractérisation des transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les parois multicouches des bâtiments à ossature bois. Un code instationnaire permettant de simuler les transferts de chaleur et de masse dans une lame d'air en géométrie bidimensionnelle, qui est un élément de la paroi multicouches, a été développé et validé. Les validations numériques en régimes transitoire et stationnaire ont porté sur la totalité des modes de transfert (conduction, écoulement en convection naturelle et forcée, rayonnement entre surfaces, transfert massique et condensation surfacique). Ensuite, ce code intégrant la présence d'une lame d'air dans la paroi a été couplé au code Transpore développé au LERFOB. Ce dernier traite rigoureusement les transferts dans les matériaux solides hygroscopiques. Pour la validation expérimentale du code complet couplé, une cellule expérimentale a été construite et instrumentée pour étudier le comportement hygrothermique des parois étudiées. Cette cellule, régulée thermiquement et hygroscopiquement en température et en humidité relative, a été mise en place au CRITT BOIS d'Epinal. Des comparaisons entre les résultats expérimentaux et numériques sont également présentées et discutées. De nombreuses campagnes de caractérisation thermique sur divers matériaux (isolants à base de fibres de bois, bois massifs, ...) ont également été menées. L'influence de la température et de l'humidité sur la conductivité thermique et la chaleur spécifique a été largement analysée / This thesis focuses on modeling and characterization of heat and mass transfer in a wooden building envelope. A code which simulates unsteady heat and mass in an air layer in two-dimensional geometry, which is part of the multi-layer wall, was developed and validated. Numerical validations that include all transfer modes were achieved for unsteady and steady states regimes (conduction, convection, surface-to-surface radiation, mass transfer and surface condensation). Then, the code developed for the air layer at the LEMTA was coupled to the code Transpore used at the LERFOB. The latter one deals with the transfer in hygroscopic solid materials. For the experimental validation of the fully coupled code, an experimental cell was constructed and instrumented to study the hygrothermal behavior of the studied walls. This cell which is thermally and hygroscopicly controlled was set up at the CRITT BOIS. Comparisons between the experimental and numerical results are presented and discussed. Besides, several experiments of thermal characterization of various materials (insulators containing wood fibers, solid wood ...) were also conducted. The influence of temperature and moisture on thermal conductivity and specific heat was largely investigated

Evaporation de gouttes sessiles : des fluides purs aux fluides complexes

Sobac, Benjamin 26 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude expérimentale sur l'évaporation de gouttes reposant sur un substrat solide. Dans une première partie, nous nous sommes intéressés à la description de l'évaporation d'une goutte liquide en regardant notamment l'influence du substrat. Le problème est approché sous un angle nouveau : en contrôlant avec précision les différentes propriétés du substrat que sont sa rugosité, son énergie de surface et ses propriétés thermiques. Cette méthode a permis de découpler les différentes influences du substrat et d'étudier l'évaporation pour différentes dynamiques de ligne triple et une large gamme d'angles de contact, de conductivités thermiques et de températures de substrat. Les résultats expérimentaux sont comparés au modèle classique d'évaporation. Ce modèle considère l'évaporation comme un processus contrôlé par la diffusion de la vapeur dans l'atmosphère. L'étude révèle les domaines de validité de ce modèle et met en évidence les différents mécanismes additionnels pouvant se développer ainsi que leur contribution. L'utilisation d'une caméra infrarouge dévoile le développement d'un motif hydrodynamique complexe non-axisymétrique. L'origine de cette instabilité, ces dynamiques spatiales et temporelles sont également explorées. Dans une seconde partie, l'étude a été étendue à l'évaporation d'une goutte de suspension biologique : le sang. Le séchage de ce fluide conduit à la formation d'un motif complexe dépendant de la mouillabilité du substrat. Alors qu'une situation mouillante met en évidence un dépôt de type annulaire accompagné de fractures radiales, une situation non-mouillante révèle une forme complexe composée de fractures et de plis. / This thesis presents an experimental study on the evaporation of droplets on a solid substrate. In the first part we describe the evaporation of a liquid droplet, taking a particular interest in the influence of the substrate. The problem is approached from a new angle by ensuring that the various properties of the substrate, such as its roughness, surface energy and thermal properties, are controlled precisely. Thanks to this method it is possible to decouple the different influences of the substrate and to study evaporation in relation to various dynamics of triple lines and a wide range of contact angles, thermal conductivities and temperatures of the substrate. Experimental results are compared with the classic evaporation model, which considers evaporation as a process determined by the diffusion of vapor into the atmosphere. The study reveals the range of validity of this model and highlights the different additional mechanisms which may develop as well as their contribution. The use of an infrared camera reveals the development of a complex hydrodynamic non-axisymmetric pattern. The origin of this instability and its spatial and temporal dynamics are also explored. In the second part, the study is extended to the evaporation of a dropl of a biological suspension: human blood. As this fluid dries a complex pattern is formed which is dependent on the wettability of the substrate. Whereas a wetting situation leads to a ring-like deposit with radial cracks, a non-wetting situation reveals a complex shape composed of cracks and folds. The study focuses on the understanding of the physical mechanisms leading to these patterns and of the role of biology.

Simulation thermo-aéraulique de la ventilation et du transport de polluants dans des cavités : application à la qualité de l'air intérieur et au confort thermique / Thermal and airflow simulation of ventilation and transport of pollutants in cavities : Application to indoor air quality and thermal comfort

Koufi, Lounes 15 December 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur la prédiction numérique de l’impact des transferts thermique et massique sur la qualité de l’air et sur le confort thermique à l’intérieur des cavités ventilées ou non et remplies de polluant. En effet, les cavités ventilées sont généralement considérées comme étant une approximation pour la modélisation des locaux ventilés.Pour mener à bien cette étude, nous avons choisi un modèle numérique basé sur la résolution des équations régissant les transferts de quantité de mouvement, de chaleur et de masse. La première partie du mémoire est consacrée à quelques généralités sur la ventilation, la qualité de l’air et le confort thermique ainsi qu’à la revue bibliographique des travaux réalisés. La démarche suivie est décrite dans le chapitre 2. Celle-ci est basée sur l’approximation de Boussinesq. Le modèle RNG k-ε est utilisé pour traiter la turbulence. La discrétisation des équations est réalisée à l’aide de la méthode des volumes finis associée à l’algorithme SIMPLEC pour traiter le couplage pression-vitesse. Dans la seconde partie, nous considérons d’abord la convection thermique et la convection thermosolutale dans des cavités fermées. Le principal but visé est: a) de valider le modèle considéré en confrontant nos résultats avec ceux de la littérature et b) d’étudier l’influence du nombre de Rayleigh thermique et du rapport de flottabilité. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que le modèle adopté prédit correctement les transferts thermique et massique.Ensuite, nous appliquons cette approche au cas des cavités bidimensionnelles ventilées soumises à des gradients de température et de concentration. Les indices de qualité de l’air et d’efficacité de la ventilation sont calculés et discutés. Nous achevons ce travail en analysant l’influence de la ventilation sur la qualité de l’air intérieur dans une pièce tridimensionnelle en régime transitoire. Cette analyse concerne différents scénarios de ventilation mécanique simple flux en vue de trouver la meilleure configuration en termes d’efficacité et de qualité de l’air intérieur. / This thesis deals with the numerical prediction of heat and mass transfer impact on the air quality and thermal comfort within either ventilated or not cavities filled with pollutants. Indeed, ventilated areas are first modeled to be as ventilated cavities in a first approximation.To carry out this study, we adopt a numerical model based on solving equations governing momentum, heat and mass transfer. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to some generalities on ventilation, air quality and thermal comfort and the bibliographic review of previous works. The adopted approach is described in Chapter 2. It is based on the Boussinesq approximation. The RNG k-ε model is used to handle turbulence. The finite-volume method (FVM) is used to discretize of the set of equations, and the pressure-velocity coupling is achieved via the SIMPLEC algorithm. In the second part, we consider the thermal convection and thermosolutal convection in closed cavities. The main aim is a) to validate the considered model by comparing our results with those of literature, and b) to investigate influence of the thermal Rayleigh number and the buoyancy ratio. Our findings indicate that the model accurately predicts heat and mass transfer.Then, we apply this approach to the case of two-dimensional ventilated cavities subjected to temperature and concentration gradients. The indices of air quality and ventilation efficiency are calculated and discussed. We end this work by analyzing the influence of ventilation on the quality of indoor air in a three-dimensional room in transient regime. This investigation covers different scenarios from the simple flow mechanical ventilation which aims to find the best configuration in terms of efficiency and quality of indoor air.

Contribution to certain physical and numerical aspects of the study of the heat transfer in a granular medium / Contribution à certains aspects physiques et numériques de l'étude du transfert de chaleur dans un milieu granulaire

Mansour, Salwa 08 December 2015 (has links)
L'étude du transfert de chaleur et de masse dans les milieux poreux saturés et insaturés fortement chauffés à leur surface possèdent de nombreuses applications, notamment en archéologie, en agriculture et en géothermie. La première partie de ce travail concerne l'amélioration de la méthode AHC (Accumulation de chaleur latente) qui permet de traiter le changement de phase, dans un milieu homogène : l'intervalle de changement de température au moment du changement de phase apparaît comme un paramètre important, et il doit être choisi proportionnel à la taille des mailles. Des résultats à la fois précis et lisses sont obtenus grâce à un raffinement du maillage localisé près de l'interface de changement de phase. La deuxième partie se rapporte à l'estimation des propriétés thermophysiques du sol par problème inverse à l'aide de données à la fois synthétiques et expérimentales. La méthode de Gauss-Newton avec relaxation et l'algorithme de Levenberg-Marquardt sont utilisés pour résoudre le problème inverse. Le choix de l'intervalle de température de la méthode AHC apparaît crucial : la convergence n'est obtenue parfois qu'au prix d'un enchaînement de plusieurs problèmes inverses. La troisième partie présente un modèle simple pour calculer la conductivité thermique effective d'un milieu granulaire contenant une faible quantité d'eau liquide. La forme exacte de ces ménisques est calculée à l'équilibre. Les résultats montrent un phénomène très net d'hystérésis quand on étudie la variation de la conductivité thermique effective en fonction de la quantité d'eau liquide ; un futur travail concernant un nouveau modèle insaturé, limité au cas du régime pendulaire et présenté à la fin de cette thèse, devrait pouvoir utiliser ces résultats. / In this work, we are interested in studying heat and mass transfer in water saturated and unsaturated porous medium with a strong heating at the surface. Applications concerned are archaeology, agriculture and geothermal engineering. The first part of this work concerns the improvement of the AHC (Apparent Heat Capacity) method used in the numerical resolution of phase change problem in a homogeneous medium: the phase change temperature interval, over which the heat capacity varies, appears as a key parameter which must be chosen proportional to the mesh size. Accurate and smooth results are obtained thanks to a local refinement of the mesh near the phase change interface. The second part is about the estimation of the thermophysical properties of the soil by inverse problem using both synthetic and experimental data. The Damped Gauss-Newton and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms are used to solve the problem. In relation with the AHC method, the choice of the phase change temperature interval caused convergence problems which have been fixed by chaining many inverse problems. The obtained results show good convergence to the desired solution. The third part presents a simple model to calculate the effective thermal conductivity of a granular medium which contains a small quantity of liquid water. The exact shape of the liquid menisci between the grains is calculated at equilibrium. The effective thermal conductivity experiences a hysteresis behavior with respect to the liquid volume. A future work that concerns a new unsaturated model, restricted to the pendular regime and detailed at the end of this thesis, should be able to use this result.

Advanced low temperature metal hydride materials for low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell application

Ntsendwana, Bulelwa January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Energy is one of the basic needs of human beings and is extremely crucial for continued development of human life. Our work, leisure and our economic, social and physical welfare all depend on the sufficient, uninterrupted supply of energy. Therefore, it is essential to provide adequate and affordable energy for improving human welfare and raising living standards. Global concern over environmental climate change linked to fossil fuel consumption has increased pressure to generate power from renewable sources [1]. Although substantial advances in renewable energy technologies have been made, significant challenges remain in developing integrated renewable energy systems due primarily to mismatch between load demand and source capabilities [2]. The output from renewable energy sources such as photo-voltaic, wind, tidal, and micro-hydro fluctuate on an hourly, daily, and seasonal basis. As a result, these devices are not well suited for directly powering loads that require a uniform and uninterrupted supply of input energy. / South Africa

Séchage en continu du bois énergie comme moyen de préconditionnement en vue de sa conservation thermochimique : approches expérimentale et numérique / Continuous drying of wood energy as a way of preconditioning before its thermochemical conversion : experimental and numerical approaches

Colin, Julien 01 July 2011 (has links)
Les voies sèches de valorisation du bois énergie sont de plus en plus exigeantes vis-à-vis de la qualité de la matière première et notamment quant à sa teneur en eau. Ainsi, une étape intermédiaire de préconditionnement, sur site industriel, tend à se développer. La mise en œuvre de séchoirs en continu est alors séduisante de par son faible coût et sa parfaite intégration dans la ligne de production. Cependant, elle n'est pas sans écueil : la variabilité de la biomasse et l'hétérogénéité des conditions climatiques au sein du séchoir rendent fastidieux le dimensionnement du séchoir et de la source de chaleur associée d'une part et la maximisation du flux matière d'autre part.Notre étude a pour ambition de développer un outil informatique d'aide à la conception et à l'optimisation de séchoirs en continu traversés par un lit condensé de particules de bois. Pour y parvenir, nous associons une approche expérimentale et une approche numérique du procédé. La démarche scientifique s'articule autour de deux échelles représentatives :- A l'échelle de la particule de bois, le modèle de Van Meel, reposant sur le concept de courbe caractéristique de séchage, est étendu : le couplage entre transferts de chaleur et de masse est rendu explicite. Nous disposons dès lors d'un modèle réactif et prédictif en conditions climatiques variables. Parallèlement, un premier dispositif expérimental original est conçu et construit pour l'étude du séchage de particules de bois isolées. Les données recueillies sont alors analysées en vue d'alimenter en paramètres et de valider le modèle semi-analytique ;- A l'échelle du séchoir, une modélisation double-échelle est adoptée pour tenir compte de l'évolution des conditions climatiques. Un soin particulier est apporté à la modélisation, se voulant être la plus proche possible des installations existantes : à ce titre, les transferts au niveau de la paroi du séchoir sont pris en compte, ainsi que la variabilité des particules de bois. Parallèlement, un second dispositif expérimental original est conçu et construit pour l'étude du séchage de particules disposées en lit. Les données recueillies sont alors confrontées aux simulations du modèle double-échelle.La validation du modèle s'étant révélée probante tant à l'échelle de la particule qu'à celle du séchoir, une utilisation du code pour l'aide à la conception et à l'optimisation d'installations industrielles a pu être envisagée. Ainsi, ce travail s'achève-t-il par deux études de cas à travers lesquelles nous explorons le potentiel du modèle pour maximiser le flux matière tout en garantissant la qualité du produit et l'efficacité énergétique du séchoir. / The dry conversion routes of wood to energy require more and more improvement in the quality of raw material, particularly regarding to its moisture content. That is why a preliminary step of preconditioning tends to be developed on the industrial sites. The use of continuous dryers is then tempting because of their low cost and their perfect integration in the production line. However it is not without pitfall: the climatic conditions heterogeneity inside the dryer, on the one hand, and the biomass variability, on the other hand, make the utilization of these industrial plants tedious.Our study aims to develop a computing tool to help engineers optimizing and to designing continuous dryers passed through by a condensed bed of wood particles. For this result, an experimental approach of the process is associated to a numerical one. The scientific method revolves around two representative scales:• At the wood particle scale, the Van Meel model, based on the concept of characteristic drying curve, is enhanced: the coupling between heat and mass transfer is made explicit. So we obtain a reactive model which is predictive when the climatic conditions are variable. Meanwhile, a first original experimental device is designed and built in order to study the drying of single wood particles. Thanks to the collected data, the semi-analytical model is provided with parameters and is validated;• At the dryer scale, a dual-scale approach is chosen in order to take into account the evolution of the climatic conditions. A particular attention is paid to the modeling in order to make it as similar as possible to the existing installations: as such, the transfers at the wall surface and the variability of wood particles are included. Meanwhile, a second original experimental device is designed and built in order to study the drying of a wood particles stack. The data collected are then confronted with simulations of the double-scale model.The validation of the model has proven to be convincing at the particle scale and at the dryer one. Therefore a utilization of the code to help in the design and optimization of industrial plants can be considered. Thus, the work ends by two case studies through which we explore the potential of the model to maximize material flow while ensuring product quality and efficiency of the dryer.

Active Tuning of Thermal Conductivity in Single layer Graphene Phononic crystals using Engineered Pore Geometry and Strain

Radhakrishna Korlam (11820830) 19 December 2021 (has links)
Understanding thermal transport across length scales lays the foundation to developing high-performance electronic devices. Although many experiments and models of the past few decades have explored the physics of heat transfer at nanoscale, there are still open questions regarding the impact of periodic nanostructuring and coherent phonon effects, as well as the interaction of strain and thermal transport. Thermomechanical effects, as well as strains applied in flexible electronic devices, impact the thermal transport. In the simplest kinetic theory models, thermal conductivity is proportional to the phonon group velocity, heat capacity, and scattering times. Periodic porous nanostructures impact the phonon dispersion relationship (group velocity) and the boundaries of the pores increase the scattering times. Strain, on the other hand, affects the crystal structure of the lattice and slightly increases the thermal conductivity of the material under compression. Intriguingly, applying strain combined with the periodic porous structures is expected to influence both the dispersion relation and scattering rates and yield the ability to tune thermal transport actively. But often these interrelated effects are simplified in models.<br><br>This work evaluates the combination of structure and strain on thermal conductivity by revisiting some of the essential methods used to predict thermal transport for a single layer of graphene with a periodic porous lattice structure with and without applied strain. First, we use the highest fidelity method of Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) simulations to estimate the thermal conductivity which considers the impact of the lattice structure, strain state, and phononic band structure together. Next, the impact of the geometry of the slots within the lattice is interrogated with Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) models under a Relaxation Time Approximation. A Monte Carlo based Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) solver is also used to estimate the thermal conductivity of phononic crystals with varying pore geometry. Dispersion relations calculated from continuum mechanics are used as input here. This method which utilizes a simplified pore geometry only partially accounts for the effects of scattering on the pore boundaries. Finally, a continuum level model is also used to predict the thermal conductivity and its variations under applied strain. As acoustic phonon branches tend to carry the most heat within the lattice, these continuum models and other simple kinetic theories only consider their group velocities to estimate their impact on phonon thermal conductivity. As such, they do not take into account the details of phonon transport across all wavelengths.<br><br>By comparing the results from these different methods, each of which has different assumptions and simplifications, the current work aims to understand the effects of changes to the dispersion relationship based on strain and the periodic nanostructures on the thermal conductivity. We evaluate the accuracy of the kinetic theory, ray tracing, and BTE models in comparison to the MD results to offer a perspective of the reliability of each method of thermal conductivity estimation. In addition, the effect of strain on each phononic crystal with different pore geometry is also predicted in terms of change to their in-plane thermal anisotropy values. To summarize, this deeper understanding of the nanoscale thermal transport and the interrelated effects of geometry, strain, and phonon band structure on thermal conductivity can aid in developing lattices specifically designed to achieve the required dynamic thermal response for future nano-scale thermoelectric applications.

Numerical Simulation of a Continuous Caster

Matthew T Moore (8115878) 12 December 2019 (has links)
Heat transfer and solidification models were developed for use in a numerical model of a continuous caster to provide a means of predicting how the developing shell would react under variable operating conditions. Measurement data of the operating conditions leading up to a breakout occurrence were provided by an industrial collaborator and were used to define the model boundary conditions. Steady-state and transient simulations were conducted, using boundary conditions defined from time-averaged measurement data. The predicted shell profiles demonstrated good agreement with thickness measurements of a breakout shell segment – recovered from the quarter-width location. Further examination of the results with measurement data suggests pseudo-steady assumption may be inadequate for modeling shell and flow field transition period following sudden changes in casting speed. An adaptive mesh refinement procedure was established to increase refinement in areas of predicted shell growth and to remove excess refinement from regions containing only liquid. A control algorithm was developed and employed to automate the refinement procedure in a proof-of-concept simulation. The use of adaptive mesh refinement was found to decrease the total simulation time by approximately 11% from the control simulation – using a static mesh.

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