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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eigenschaftsskalierung von Blechprofilen durch Integration einer Wärmebehandlung in den Walzprofilierprozess

Kunke, Andreas 13 July 2022 (has links)
Der Forschungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die kontinuierliche Herstellung eines profilförmigen Bauteils aus dem Bor-Mangan-Stahl 22MnB5 mit lokal bzw. global definierten mechanischen Eigenschaften. Dabei laufen die Formgebung und Wärmebehandlung (WBH) parallel ab. Die Hauptformgebung erfolgt zunächst im Lieferzustand, an die sich die Wärmbehandlung und die finale Formgebung anschließen. Während der WBH wird das ferritische Anfangsgefüge beim Erwärmen in Austenitgefüge und anschließend durch eine rasche Abkühlung größer 30 K/s in Martensitgefüge umgewandelt. Die Induktorform, -frequenz und die -leistung beeinflussen hierbei maßgeblich die Aufheizrate und das Erwärmungsbild. Durch kontinuierliche Formgebung und die gezielte WBH sind Profilbauteile mit Bauteilfestigkeiten bis 1500 MPa effizient herstellbar. Im Anschluss an eine Machbarkeitsstudie werden experimentelle und simulative Untersuchungen durchgeführt und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen. Dadurch kann die prinzipielle Eignung des FE-Modells nachgewiesen werden. Im Weiteren erfolgt der Vergleich von drei verschiedenen Fertigungsrouten, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf der erforderlichen Umformkraft und der erreichbaren Formgenauigkeit liegt. Auf Basis der Simulationsergebnisse kann festgehalten werden, dass mittels der untersuchten Technologie höchstfeste und formgenaue Profilbauteile mit definierten mechanischen Eigenschaften herstellbar sind. Der Einsatz der Technologie birgt somit ein enormes Leichtbaupotenzial. Dennoch gibt es Hemmnisse die Technologie einzusetzen, da „Wärme“ in den traditionell kalt ablaufenden Umformprozess eingebracht wird. Die Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, diese Barriere abzubauen.:1 EINLEITUNG 2 STAND DER FORSCHUNG UND ENTWICKLUNG 3 HANDLUNGSBEDARF, ZIELSETZUNG UND LÖSUNGSWEG 4 VERSUCHSPLANUNG 5 VERWENDETE WERKSTOFFE SOWIE ANLAGEN- UND WERKZEUGTECHNIK ZUR ENTWICKLUNG EINER TECHNOLOGIE ZUR HERSTELLUNG EINTEILIGER, EIGENSCHAFTSSKALIERTER PROFILBAUTEILE 6 REFERENZVERSUCHE V-GESENKBIEGEN UND KALTWALZPROFILIEREN EINES HUTPROFILS AUS 22MNB5 7 STATIONÄRES AUFHEIZVERHALTEN EINES RINGINDUKTORS UND ABSCHRECKEN MITTELS UNTERSCHIEDLICHER KÜHLMEDIEN 8 INTEGRATION EINER WÄRMEBEHANDLUNG IN DEN KONTINUIERLICHEN WALZPROFILIERPROZESS 9 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 10 AUSBLICK / The research object of the present work is the continuous production of an open profile component made of the manganese-boron steel 22MnB5 with locally or globally defined mechanical properties. The shaping and heat treatment (SHT) take place in one process. The main shaping is first carried out in the as-delivered condition, followed by heat treatment and final shaping. During the heat treatment, the initial ferritic microstructure is transformed into an austenitic state during heating and then into a martensitic microstructure by rapid cooling at a rate of more than 30 K/s. The geometry of the induction coil, the frequency and the heating power have a significant influence on the heating rate and the heating effect. Through continuous shaping and controlled SHT, profile components with strengths of up to 1500 MPa can be produced efficiently. Following a feasibility study, experimental and simulative investigations were carried out and the results obtained were compared with each other. In this way, the principle suitability of the FE model could be demonstrated. In further steps, three different production routes were com-pared, whereby the main focus was on the required forming force and the achievable forming accuracy. Based on the obtained results, it can be stated that the investigated technology can be used to produce high-strength and dimensionally accurate profile components and defined mechanical properties with high output rate. The use of this technology thus offers a huge lightweight potential. However, as additional heat is introduced into the traditionally cold forming process, the process is more complexity and this constitutes a barrier to the use of the technology. This work is intended to overcome this barrier.:1 EINLEITUNG 2 STAND DER FORSCHUNG UND ENTWICKLUNG 3 HANDLUNGSBEDARF, ZIELSETZUNG UND LÖSUNGSWEG 4 VERSUCHSPLANUNG 5 VERWENDETE WERKSTOFFE SOWIE ANLAGEN- UND WERKZEUGTECHNIK ZUR ENTWICKLUNG EINER TECHNOLOGIE ZUR HERSTELLUNG EINTEILIGER, EIGENSCHAFTSSKALIERTER PROFILBAUTEILE 6 REFERENZVERSUCHE V-GESENKBIEGEN UND KALTWALZPROFILIEREN EINES HUTPROFILS AUS 22MNB5 7 STATIONÄRES AUFHEIZVERHALTEN EINES RINGINDUKTORS UND ABSCHRECKEN MITTELS UNTERSCHIEDLICHER KÜHLMEDIEN 8 INTEGRATION EINER WÄRMEBEHANDLUNG IN DEN KONTINUIERLICHEN WALZPROFILIERPROZESS 9 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 10 AUSBLICK


LEONARDO GARCIA FERNANDEZ 12 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar as diferentes influências que aditivos e tratamentos térmicos têm sobre as propriedades ópticas e elétricas de filmes finos semicondutores formados por polímeros contendo principalmente bitiofenos e fluorenos. Os polímeros contendo tiofenos em sequência, como o poli[(9,9-dioctilfluorenil-2,7-diil)co-bitiofeno] (F8T2), apresentam conformações cis e trans dependente da posição relativa dos átomos de enxofre, tendo suas propriedades alteradas de acordo com a proporção entre os domínios de ambas as conformações em um mesmo filme. Os átomos de iodo presentes no aditivo 1,8- diiodooctano são tidos como uma possível forma de alterar os agregados nesse polímero e, consequentemente, alterar as propriedades físicas do filme formado. Para aumentar o entendimento sobre os átomos diferentes de carbono e hidrogênio nos aditivos foram estudados os efeitos dos aditivos 1,8-diiodooctano, 1,8- octanoditiol e octano, que contém dois iodos, dois enxofres e não contém heteroátomos, respectivamente, em sua composição. Além disso, foi estudada a introdução do polímero PMMA (polimetilmetacrilato) de forma que alterasse a estrutura interna do filme fino e também foram estudados tratamentos térmicos em diferentes temperaturas, uma vez que parâmetros como tempo de evaporação do solvente também influenciam a formação e as propriedades do filme após seu crescimento. Outro ponto de interesse foi justamente a composição dos polímeros, para tal, foram estudados, além do F8T2, os polímeros poli(9,9-dioctilfloureno) (PFO), poli(9,9-dioctilfluoreno-cobenzotiadiazol) (F8BT) e poli(3-hexiltiofeno-2,5-diil) regiorregular (rrP3HT). Eles são formados, respectivamente, por bitiofenos e fluorenos, apenas fluorenos, fluorenos e benzotiadiazol e apenas politiofenos. Dessa forma, seria possível isolar as contribuições de cada grupo isolado e combinados com grupos que permitem ou não a mudança entre conformações. Os filmes foram depositados em substratos de vidro pela técnica de spin-coating e a caracterização foi feita com medidas de absorção, fotoluminescência e FTIR. Quando possível, foram realizadas medidas CELIV e corrente-tensão de dispositivos fotovoltaicos usando os polímeros como camada doadora de elétrons. Com este trabalho foi possível variar as intensidades dos picos de absorção e alterar o gap de energia dos polímeros. Destacando a ação do DIO, observou-se que a conformação cis do F8T2 é maximizada quando se utiliza 1 por cento do aditivo. Além disso, o DIO também aumenta a porcentagem de fase beta do PFO. Já para o P3HT, foi constatado um aumento no ordenamento do filme. / [en] This work aimed to compare the different influences that additives and heat treatments have on the properties of semiconductor thin films formed by polymers containing mainly bitiophenes and fluorenes. Polymers containing thiophenes in sequence, such as poly[(9,9-dioctylfluorene-2,7-diyl)co-bithiophene] (F8T2), have cis and trans conformations depending on the relative position of the sulfur atoms, having their optical and electrical properties altered according to the proportion between the domains of both conformations in the same film. The iodine atoms present in the additive 1,8-diiodooctane are considered as a possible way to change the aggregates in this polymer and, consequently, change the physical properties of the formed film. To increase the understanding of the atoms other than carbon and hydrogen in the additives, the effects of the additives 1,8-diiodooctane, 1,8- octanodithiol and octane, which contain two iodines, two sulfur and do not contain heteroatoms, respectively, were studied. In addition, the introduction of the PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) polymer was studied in order to alter the internal structure of the thin film and, also, heat treatments at different temperatures were studied, since parameters such as solvent evaporation time and the available thermal energy also influence the formation and properties of the film after its growth. Another point of interest was precisely the composition of the polymers. For this purpose, in addition to F8T2, the polymers poly(9,9-dioctylflourene) (PFO), poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-cobenzothiadiazole) (F8BT) and regioregular poly(3- hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (rrP3HT) were studied. They are formed, respectively, by bitiophenes and fluorenes, only fluorenes, fluorenes and benzothiadiazole and only polythiophenes. In this way, it would be possible to isolate the contributions of each isolated and combined groups that allow or not to change between conformations. The films were deposited on glass substrates using the spin-coating technique and the characterization was done via absorption, photoluminescence and FTIR measurements. When possible, CELIV and current-voltage measurements of photovoltaic devices were performed using the polymers as an electron donor layer. With this work it was possible to vary the intensities of the absorption peaks and to change the energy gap of the polymers. Highlighting the action of DIO, it was observed that the cis conformation of F8T2 is maximized when 1 percent of the additive is used. In addition, DIO also increases the percentage of beta phase of PFO. For P3HT, on the other hand, there was an increase in the ordering of the film.

Особенности формирования кристаллографической текстуры в стальных бесшовных трубах при горячей деформации и термической обработке : магистерская диссертация / Features of forming crystallographic texture in seamless steel tubes during hot rolling and heat treatment

Макарова, Е. А., Makarova, E. A. January 2018 (has links)
Методом ориентационной микроскопии (EBSD) исследованы структурно-текстурные состояния бесшовных труб из сталей 08ХМФЧА, 25ХМФБ,10Х13Н3МФБ, после горячей прокатки и термических обработок. Установлено, что все структуры (феррит, бейнит, мартенсит) в изделиях как после горячей деформации, так и после термических обработок, характеризуются наличием выраженной кристаллографической текстуры, которую наиболее точно можно определить, как аксиальную, ось которой <111> является параллельной касательной к диаметру трубы. Показано, что процесс формирования текстуры также, как и наблюдающаяся в процессе термической обработки текстурная наследственность, определяются следующими правилами отбора определенных ориентаций α-фазы при γ-α-превращении: 1) наличием стабильных деформационных ориентировок аустенитных зерен; 2) специальными разориентациями (границами) между зернами γ–фазы, на которых начинается превращение; 3) ориентационными соотношениями, реализующимися при превращении; 4) термическими напряжениями, возникающими в изделии при его охлаждении. Последние являются ответственными за формирование специфической кристаллографической текстуры γ-α-превращения в бесшовных стальных трубах. / Microstructure and texture in seamless 0.08C–Cr–Mo–V; 0.25C–Cr–Mo–V–Nb; 0.08–13Cr–3Ni–Mo–V–Nb steel pipes were studied in as rolled and heat treated states using orientation EBSD microscopy. It was found that all types of microstructure (ferrite, martensite, bainite) as well as after hot rolling and after heat treatment have well defined axial crystallographic texture where <111> direction is predominately perpendicular to pipe surface. It was shown that texture formation in heat treated states is inherited due to following factors important for rules of orientation selection during γ to α phase transformation: 1) occurrence of stable orientation of austenite grains resulted from straining; 2) special misorientation (boundaries) of austenite grains where transformation starts; 3) orientation relationships known for phase transformation; 4) thermal stresses in product formed during cooling. The last can be considered as factor defining special texture in steel seamless pipes.

Microstructural and Micro-Mechanical Characterization of As-built and Heat-treated samples of HASTELLOY X produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process

Sanni, Onimisi January 2022 (has links)
Microstructure and micro-mechanical characterization of as-built and heat-treated samples of Hastelloy X produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process has been carried out in this study. As-built LPBF blocks were solution heat-treated at 1177°C and 1220°C followed by fast cooling. The microstructure of as-built and heat-treated samples were studied by light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction. Instrumented indentation micro Vickers testing was performed to obtain microhardness and elastic modulus of asbuilt and heat-treated samples. Microtensile samples from as-built and heat-treated blocks were prepared and polished for mechanical characterization. Microtensile testing inside the scanning electron microscope was performed to evaluate the mechanical properties and to get information about the microstructural changes during plastic deformation. Microstructure characterization revealed disrupted epitaxial grain growth for the as-built samples whereas the two heated-treated Hastelloy X samples exhibited equiaxed grains with varying twin fractions. As-built Hastelloy X samples exhibited higher mean hardness than heat-treated samples. The yield strength of as-built samples reveals higher values as compared to conventional wrought Hastelloy X samples, whereas lower yield strength and higher elongation were observed for heat-treated samples as compared to as-built samples. Higher elongation and lower yield strength values were observed for the samples solution heat-treated at 1220°C compared to the solution heat-treated at 1177°C. Microstructural evaluation at different plastic strains during in-situ microtensile testing reveals a clear difference in dislocation density for as-built and heat-treated samples.

Strengthening Mechanisms in Microtruss Metals

Ng, Evelyn 18 December 2012 (has links)
Microtrusses are hybrid materials composed of a three-dimensional array of struts capable of efficiently transmitting an externally applied load. The strut connectivity of microtrusses enables them to behave in a stretch-dominated fashion, allowing higher specific strength and stiffness values to be reached than conventional metal foams. While much attention has been given to the optimization of microtruss architectures, little attention has been given to the strengthening mechanisms inside the materials that make up this architecture. This thesis examines strengthening mechanisms in aluminum alloy and copper alloy microtruss systems with and without a reinforcing structural coating. C11000 microtrusses were stretch-bend fabricated for the first time; varying internal truss angles were selected in order to study the accumulating effects of plastic deformation and it was found that the mechanical performance was significantly enhanced in the presence of work hardening with the peak strength increasing by a factor of three. The C11000 microtrusses could also be significantly reinforced with sleeves of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-53wt%Fe. It was found that the strength increase from work hardening and electrodeposition were additive over the range of structures considered. The AA2024 system allowed the contribution of work hardening, precipitation hardening, and hard anodizing to be considered as interacting strengthening mechanisms. Because of the lower formability of AA2024 compared to C11000, several different perforation geometries in the starting sheet were considered in order to more effectively distribute the plastic strain during stretch-bend fabrication. A T8 condition was selected over a T6 condition because it was shown that the plastic deformation induced during the final step was sufficient to enhance precipitation kinetics allowing higher strengths to be reached, while at the same time eliminating one annealing treatment. When hard anodizing treatments were conducted on O-temper and T8 temper AA2024 truss cores, the strength increase was different for different architectures, but was nearly the same for the two parent material tempers. Finally, the question of how much microtruss strengthening can be obtained for a given amount of parent metal strengthening was addressed by examining the interaction of material and geometric parameters in a model system.

Strengthening Mechanisms in Microtruss Metals

Ng, Evelyn 18 December 2012 (has links)
Microtrusses are hybrid materials composed of a three-dimensional array of struts capable of efficiently transmitting an externally applied load. The strut connectivity of microtrusses enables them to behave in a stretch-dominated fashion, allowing higher specific strength and stiffness values to be reached than conventional metal foams. While much attention has been given to the optimization of microtruss architectures, little attention has been given to the strengthening mechanisms inside the materials that make up this architecture. This thesis examines strengthening mechanisms in aluminum alloy and copper alloy microtruss systems with and without a reinforcing structural coating. C11000 microtrusses were stretch-bend fabricated for the first time; varying internal truss angles were selected in order to study the accumulating effects of plastic deformation and it was found that the mechanical performance was significantly enhanced in the presence of work hardening with the peak strength increasing by a factor of three. The C11000 microtrusses could also be significantly reinforced with sleeves of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-53wt%Fe. It was found that the strength increase from work hardening and electrodeposition were additive over the range of structures considered. The AA2024 system allowed the contribution of work hardening, precipitation hardening, and hard anodizing to be considered as interacting strengthening mechanisms. Because of the lower formability of AA2024 compared to C11000, several different perforation geometries in the starting sheet were considered in order to more effectively distribute the plastic strain during stretch-bend fabrication. A T8 condition was selected over a T6 condition because it was shown that the plastic deformation induced during the final step was sufficient to enhance precipitation kinetics allowing higher strengths to be reached, while at the same time eliminating one annealing treatment. When hard anodizing treatments were conducted on O-temper and T8 temper AA2024 truss cores, the strength increase was different for different architectures, but was nearly the same for the two parent material tempers. Finally, the question of how much microtruss strengthening can be obtained for a given amount of parent metal strengthening was addressed by examining the interaction of material and geometric parameters in a model system.

Haftmechanismen kaltgasgespritzter Aluminiumschichten auf keramischen Oberflächen

Drehmann, Rico 17 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Aluminiumschichten werden durch Kaltgasspritzen auf fünf verschiedene poly- und monokristalline keramische Werkstoffe (Al2O3 , AlN, SiC, Si3N4 , MgF2 ) appliziert. Dabei erfolgt eine Variation der Substrattemperatur und der Partikelgröße. Ausgewählte Proben werden einer nachfolgenden Wärmebehandlung unterzogen. Die im Fokus der Arbeit stehende Erforschung der an der Grenzfläche zwischen Aluminium und Keramik wirkenden Haftmechanismen erfolgt sowohl mithilfe einer mechanischen Charakterisierung (Stirnzugversuche) als auch durch verschiedene mikroskopische, spektroskopische und hochauflösende Methoden. Die Bewertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigt, dass im Allgemeinen ein Anstieg der Haftzugfestigkeit mit steigender Substrat- und Wärmebehandlungstemperatur sowie mit zunehmender thermischer Effusivität des Substratwerkstoffs zu verzeichnen ist. Eine vergleichbare Auswirkung hat innerhalb bestimmter Grenzen die Zunahme der Partikelgröße. Mit der Heteroepitaxie wird neben der mechanischen Verklammerung ein weiterer wichtiger Haftmechanismus kaltgasgespritzter metallischer Schichten auf keramischen Substraten identifiziert. Die Ausbildung von quasiadiabatischen Scherbändern und statische Rekristallisationsprozesse wirken dabei als wichtige begleitende Mechanismen. Als Nachweis für heteroepitaktisches Wachstum ist die Existenz von (annähernd) parallelen, senkrecht oder geneigt zur Grenzfläche stehenden Ebenenpaaren, die eine geringe Gitterfehlanpassung aufweisen, zu werten. Der Vergleich mit PVD-Schichten zeigt, dass in Bezug auf die Orientierung von Gitterebenen verschiedene Mechanismen der Heteroepitaxie existieren, die von der atomaren Mobilität des Beschichtungswerkstoffs bestimmt werden.

Haftmechanismen kaltgasgespritzter Aluminiumschichten auf keramischen Oberflächen

Drehmann, Rico 17 October 2017 (has links)
Aluminiumschichten werden durch Kaltgasspritzen auf fünf verschiedene poly- und monokristalline keramische Werkstoffe (Al2O3 , AlN, SiC, Si3N4 , MgF2 ) appliziert. Dabei erfolgt eine Variation der Substrattemperatur und der Partikelgröße. Ausgewählte Proben werden einer nachfolgenden Wärmebehandlung unterzogen. Die im Fokus der Arbeit stehende Erforschung der an der Grenzfläche zwischen Aluminium und Keramik wirkenden Haftmechanismen erfolgt sowohl mithilfe einer mechanischen Charakterisierung (Stirnzugversuche) als auch durch verschiedene mikroskopische, spektroskopische und hochauflösende Methoden. Die Bewertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigt, dass im Allgemeinen ein Anstieg der Haftzugfestigkeit mit steigender Substrat- und Wärmebehandlungstemperatur sowie mit zunehmender thermischer Effusivität des Substratwerkstoffs zu verzeichnen ist. Eine vergleichbare Auswirkung hat innerhalb bestimmter Grenzen die Zunahme der Partikelgröße. Mit der Heteroepitaxie wird neben der mechanischen Verklammerung ein weiterer wichtiger Haftmechanismus kaltgasgespritzter metallischer Schichten auf keramischen Substraten identifiziert. Die Ausbildung von quasiadiabatischen Scherbändern und statische Rekristallisationsprozesse wirken dabei als wichtige begleitende Mechanismen. Als Nachweis für heteroepitaktisches Wachstum ist die Existenz von (annähernd) parallelen, senkrecht oder geneigt zur Grenzfläche stehenden Ebenenpaaren, die eine geringe Gitterfehlanpassung aufweisen, zu werten. Der Vergleich mit PVD-Schichten zeigt, dass in Bezug auf die Orientierung von Gitterebenen verschiedene Mechanismen der Heteroepitaxie existieren, die von der atomaren Mobilität des Beschichtungswerkstoffs bestimmt werden.

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