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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterizing magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization of magnetite and hematite rich drill-core samples at Blötberget / Karaktärisering av magnetisk susceptibilitet och remanens hos magnetit och hematitrika borrkärnor från Blötberget

Bjork, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Laboratory magnetic measurements are used to develop a methodology to characterize the Kiruna-type Rare Earth Elements (REE) bearing apatite iron-oxide deposits at Blötberget in central Sweden. This high-grade ore deposit is known to have sharp boundaries between lens shaped main ore bodies of magnetite-rich ore, and a complex hematite-rich ore associated with pegmatites and skarn formation. The thesis covers laboratory magnetic measurements of 37 samples originating from eight drill cores and reference samples from previously mined area. It focuses on on-covering how the samples relate in terms of magnetic susceptibility, further its dependency on temperature, frequency, field and the orientation. The results are correlated with petrographic analysis previously performed on accompanying thin sections. The measurements show that magnetite with strong susceptibility contribution overshadow the hematite contribution in the samples. Transition changes in susceptibility are noticeable when crossing the Verwey temperature; -153°C, Curie temperature; 580°C and Néel temperature; 680°C. The Morin temperature appears at -60°C, or is missing. Linear relationships are identified between the magnitude difference in susceptibilities across transitions at high temperature and wt% magnetite and hematite have been identified. The Blötberget skarn and hematite-rich ore samples have a higher degree of susceptibility anisotropy than the other ore-types. Blötberget samples are dominated by multidomain characteristics in remanence, saturation and coercivity. High temperature measurements have shown that the magnetite is close to pure. The low temperature measurements suggest hematite is impure or bears a petrological footprint. The study also shows that rich iron ore samples sometimes can be at risk of being overlooked with standard methods of measuring susceptibility / Laboratorietekniska metoder kan användas som ett komplement till malmgeologi och geofysisk prospektering. I denna metodstudie karaktäriseras apatitjärnmalm från Blötberget, nära Grängesberg. En fyndighet bestående av linsformade malmkroppar rika på magnetit och ofta avskilda men komplexa hematitrika stråk. Studien är gjord 37 prover från totalt 8 borrkärnor, och lokaler som tillhörde produktion från gruvverksamhet under 1900-talet. Mätmetoderna fokuserar på att kartlägga malmens magnetiska egenskaper, och hur temperatur, frekvens, fältstyrka samt riktning påverkar dessa. Resultaten jämfördes med tidigare petrografisk studie av tillhörande tunnslip Resultaten visar att magnetit står för merparten av susceptibiliteten i proverna, men att även hematit kan urskiljas och kvantifieras. Temperaturberoende har påvisats vid övergångar för Verwey-temperatur; -153°C, Curie-temperatur; 580 °C, och Néeltemperatur; 680 °C. Den förväntade Morin-temperaturen vid -14°C, påträffades vid -60 °C eller saknas helt för flera av de hematitrika proverna. Magnetiskt anisotropa prover återfinns bland prover som identifierats som skarn eller hematitrika. Magnetisk granulometri visar karaktär av multidomäntyp med låg magnetisk coercivitet och hög satureringsförmåga. Högtemperaturmätningar av susceptibilitet visar på ren magnetit för prover från Blötberget. Samtidigt visar lågtemperaturemätningar att hematit sannolikt har inblandning av titanium eller bär på ett mer komplext förflutet. Studien visar också att det finns en risk i att enbart förlita sig på bulksusceptibilitet för prover rika på malm.

Závislost povrchové struktury Fe2O3(012) na prostředí / Environment-Dependent Surface Structure of Fe2O3(012)

Komora, Mojmír January 2018 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá štúdiom alfa-Fe2O3(012) vystaveného vodnému prostrediu. Súčasný stav poznania ohľadom oxidov železa s pozornosťou vkladanou do popisu alfa-Fe2O3 a jeho (012) povrchu je stručne zhrnutá. Experimentálná časť tejto práce začína s popisom unikátného zariadenia na depozíciu kvapalnej vody na povrchy monokryštalických vzoriek compatibilného s podmienkami ultra vysokého vákuua. Jednotlivé konštrukčné časti a detaily sú diskutované. Navrhnutý systém bol testovaný na vzorkách striebornej fólie a monokryštálu Fe3O4 s povrchovom v rovine [100]. Chemické zloženie a morfológia povrchu po experimente s kvapalnou vodou je diskutovaná. Navrhnuté zariadenie bolo použité na štúdium interakcie vody so známymi (1x1) a (2x1) povrchovými alfa-Fe2O3(012). Experimentálne dáta ukazujú, že voda sa viaže na obe reconštrukcie disociatívne s určitým množstvom molekulárnej vody naviazanej na adsorbované hydroxydi. (1x1) sa zdá javý stabilná po expozícii rôznym tlakom vodnej pary, zatial čo (2x1) vykazuje zmenu na (1x1) pri expozíciach vyšším tlakom vodnej pary alebo po niekolo minútovej expozíci electrónovému zväzku. Ďalej sú v tejto práci prezentované prvé výsledky z štúdie prechodu (1x1) rekonštrukcie na (2x1) pomocou mikroskpie nízkoenergiových elektrónov. Výsledky ukazujú, že táto premena na nižších teplotách je inciovaná na hranách atomárnych vrstiev a defektov na povrchu, ktorá potom postupuje smerom k stredu atomárnych terás. Meranie na vyšších teplotách vykazuje postupnú premenu povrchu naznačúju viaceru nukleačných centrech z ktorých sa (2x1) povrch širi ďalej.

Příprava vzorků pro elektrochemické studium povrchů – transport vzorku mezi UHV a elektrochemickým prostředím / UHV-EC transfer system for electrochemical surface science studies

Jakub, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the combined ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and electrochemical (EC) studies of selected iron oxide surfaces, namely Fe3O4(001) and -Fe2O3(012). The state-of- the-art knowledge regarding these surfaces is briefly reviewed, and importance of understanding these materials in the electrochemical environment is discussed. The design of the transfer system between UHV and EC environment is presented; individual features of the system are thoroughly discussed and the system is used for testing the stability of the Fe3O4(001) (2×2)R45° surface reconstruction in ambient conditions. The experimental results presented in this thesis show that the Fe3O4(001) (2×2)R45° reconstruction, utilized as an adatom array for single atom catalysis studies, survives both exposure to air and to liquid water, if the exposure is achieved in well-controlled fashion. Further, this thesis presents the first-ever atomic scale scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of the -Fe2O3(012) surface, which is important for photoelectrochemical water splitting. STM images of two surface reconstructions of the -Fe2O3(012) surface known to date are presented. A bulk terminated model of the (1×1) reconstruction is confirmed and a novel surface structure model for the (2×1) reconstructed surface is proposed. Adsorption studies of H2O and O2 on the (2×1) reconstructed surface are documented by timelapse STM.

To Make Iron of Iron : A Comprehensive Analytical Study of Spade Shaped Iron Bars

Pappas Adlreburg, Nickolas January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide adequate analytical information on the spade shaped iron bars of Norrland and central Sweden. While their significance has been thoroughly debated for decades, analytical research on them has been confined to cases of single artefacts or theoretical interpretations of their value, meaning and origin. In this study a comprehensive approach is taken into consideration. Based on X-Ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and metallographical analysis this thesis seeks to facilitate new interpretations on quality, production centres and usage based on analytical results. Aiming to settle some of the long lasting questions regarding the artefacts while producing results which can further the discussion by raising new questions, previously unasked.

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