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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cellular iron metabolism in haemochromatotic macrophages

Ickinger, Claudia January 1995 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Medicine. Johannesburg, 1995 / HLA-linked haemochromatosis is the result of an inborn error of metabolism inherited as an autosomal recessive gene, closely linked to the HLA locus on chromosome six. In this condition iron absorption is inappropriately high leading to iron overload. Integral to the pathogenesis of this disorder and in contrast to other causes of iron overload, is the relatively modest accumulation of iron within cells of both the small intestine and the reticuloendothelial system and the excessive deposition of iron in parenchymal cells of the liver and other organs. This observation has led to the suggestion that the primary defect(s) could be present in either the gut, the liver, the reticuloendothelial system or all three. Abnormalities in iron uptake by cells, iron transport through and between cells and iron storage in cells have all been suggested as possible mechanisms responsible for the abnormal absorption and distribution of iron in haemochromatosis. Malfunction of the iron transport protein transferrin or its receptor could be responsible for abnormal distribution and iron loading while an abnormality of ferritin iron storage could explain why some cells appear to be unable to store iron and others are iron overloaded. / IT2018

Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia type III (CDA III) : diagnostics, genetics and morbidity

Liljeholm, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias (CDA) are rare hereditary hemolytic disorders with large bi- to multi-nucleated erythroblasts in the bone marrow. Hemolysis is negative in a direct antiglobulin test (DAT). Based on morphology and clinical picture, three major forms of CDAs, type I, II, and III have been defined. CDA III, dominantly inherited, constitutes the rarest type with a majority of cases belonging to a family in Västerbotten, Sweden. The genetic background of CDA I and CDA II has been linked to mutations in CDAN1 and SEC23B respectively. The mutation of CDA III has been linked to 15q22 in earlier studies. In this project we have defined the causative genetic lesion in two families with CDA III. The novel mutation KIF23 c.2747C>G (p.P916R) was shown to segregate with CDA III in the Swedish and American CDA III families and was absent in 356 healthy controls. KIF23 encodes mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 (MKLP1), which plays a central role in the last step of cytokinesis. RNAi-based knock-down and rescue experiments demonstrated that the p.P916R mutation causes cytokinesis failure in HeLa cells, resulting in increasing number of bi-nuclear cells, consistent with appearance of large multinucleated erythroblasts in CDA III patients. We conclude that CDA III is caused by a mutation in KIF23, encoding MKLP1, a conserved mitotic kinesin crucial for cytokinesis. Flow cytometry with eosin-5´-maleimide (EMA), anti-CD55 and anti-CD59 is commonly used when investigating non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias. Reduced fluorescence of EMA, typically detected in hereditary spherocytosis, is also seen in CDA II, while reduction of CD55 and CD59 characterizes paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). We studied the flow cytometric profile of EMA, CD55, and CD59 on erythrocytes in CDA III. We found no abnormality of the erythrocyte membrane in CDA III and concluded that standard flow cytometry cannot be used to discriminate between CDA III and normal controls. In CDA I and CDA II a majority of patients, including those who are not transfusion dependent, suffer from iron overload, which, according to earlier studies, is not the case in CDA III. We found that individuals of the Västerbotten CDA III family carry mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene. Three CDA III patients with heterozygous or compound HFE mutations need treatment with phlebotomy due to iron overload. One of them carries heterozygous H63D mutation, which is not reported to lead to iron overload by itself in otherwise healthy individuals. We propose that molecular genetic testing of the HFE gene is indicated in all patients with CDA, including CDA III.

Analysis of hereditary haemochromatosis and clinical correlations in the elderly

Bouwens, C. S. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive iron storage disease where the accumulation of iron in parenchymal organs may lead to diabetes, heart failure, liver cirrhosis, arthropathy, weakness and a variety of other ailments if preventive measures are not taken. HH is often not considered as a cause of these conditions, particularly not in the elderly where the background frequencies of type II diabetes, osteoarthritis and heart failure are generally high. Heterozygosity for C282Y, the HFE-mutation causing HH in approximately 80% of affected individuals worldwide, has been linked to a raised incidence of malignancies of the colon and rectum, stomach and the haematological system. One of the highest carrier-frequencies (116) in the world for this mutation has been reported in the South-African Afrikaner population, resulting in C282Y-homozygosity in approximately 1 in every 115 people in this group. A sample of 197 elderly Afrikaner volunteers was recruited for genotype/phenotype association studies. Their clinical presentation was denoted, biochemical iron-status determined and HFE genotyping performed. Either an increase or decrease in survival, or both, were proposed, depending on possible gender effects. HH has been positively associated with various cancer types, but may also protect against iron-deficiency anaemia which is by far the most frequent cause of anaemia in the older person. This study has led to the following findings: 1. The carrier frequency of mutation C282Y was found to be 1/8 in the elderly population (similar in males and females), which is slightly lower than the 1/6 reported in younger adults from the same population. Only one C282Y homozygote and two C282YIH63D compound heterozygotes were detected, all of them female. 2. The prevalence of diabetes, heart disease, arthropathy or a combination of these conditions did not differ significantly in C282Y heterozygotes and the mutationnegative group. 3. Among 24 C282Y heterozygotes only one individual with rectal carcmoma was detected compared with two cases with rectal- and seven with colonic malignancies in 153 mutation-negative individuals. The single female C282Y homozygote identified suffered from both rectal and colon carcinoma and died approximately 6 months ago as a consequence of her colon malignancy. 4. Serum ferritin appears to be a highly unreliable parameter of iron status, particularly in the elderly where a variety of factors that may influence the levels are often present in elderly individuals. This may be due to ageing alone or as a result of multiple comorbidities. 5. Serum ferritin levels were lower than expected in elderly subjects with mutation C282Y and compound heterozygotes with both C282Y and H63D, which may be related to a variable penetrance of the HFE gene mutations. It is possible that variation in other genes exist that confer protection against iron-loading by gene-gene interaction. The probability that environmental factors (e.g. a low iron diet) are more important in this respect cannot be excluded, although this is considered less likely in the light of the fact that the same trend was observed in all mutation-positive elderly individuals. It is therefore highly likely that C282Y -positive subjects with significant iron loading have died before reaching their seventies, particularly since none of the males included in this study were homozygous or compound heterozygous for the mutations analysed. In conclusion, possession of a mutant HFE gene does not appear to confer a survival advantage in old age, neither does it seem that mutation carriers with significant ironloading are overlooked by the medical fraternity. Further investigations are warranted to shed more light on the contributions of gene-gene and gene-environment interaction in the clinical manifestation of Hll, and how these processes can be manipulated to prevent the symptoms of this largely underdiagnosed disease. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oorerflike hemochromatose (OH) is 'n outosomaal resessiewe yster-oorladingssiekte waar akkumulasie van yster in parenkimale organe kan lei tot suikersiekte, hartversaking, lewer sirrose, artropatie, moegheid en 'n verskeidenheid van ander probleme indien voorkomende maatreëls nie getref word nie. OH word gewoonlik nie oorweeg as moontlike oorsaak vir hierdie toestande nie, veral nie in ouer mense nie waar die agtergrond-frekwensie van tipe II diabetes, osteoartritis en hartversaking in elk geval hoog is. Heterosigositeit vir die HFE mutasie C282Y, wat OH veroorsaak in ongeveer 80% van geaffekteerde gevalle wêreldwyd, is geassosieer met 'n verhoogde voorkoms van kanker van die kolon, rektum, maag en ook die hematologiese sisteem. Van die hoogste draer frekwensies ter wêreld vir hierdie mutasie (1/6) is gevind in die Afrikaner populasie van Suid-Afrika, wat daarop dui dat 1 uit elke 115 mense in die groep homosigoties vir die C282Y mutasie kan wees. Eenhonderd sewe-en-negentig bejaarde Afrikaner vrywilligers het aan die studie deelgeneem wat daarop gemik was om genotipe/fenotipe korrelasies uit te voer. Die kliniese beeld van elke individu is gedokumenteer, die yster status biochemies bepaal en HFE genotipering uitgevoer. Die a priori veronderstelling was dat oorlewing sou toeneem of afneem, of beide, afhangende van die geslag van die individu. Daar is voorheen 'n verband gevind tussen OH en die ontwikkeling van bogenoemde maligniteite, maar aan die ander kant kan dit moontlik ook beskerm teen anemie as gevolg van yster gebrek, wat juis die mees algemene oorsaak van anemie in die ouer persoon is. Hierdie studie het tot die volgende bevindings gelei: 1. Die draer frekwensie van mutasie C282Y was 1/8 in die bejaardes (dieselfde in mans en vrouens), wat effens laer is as die 1/6 wat gerappoteer is in jonger volwassenes. Slegs een C282Y homosigoot en twee C282YIH63D saamgestelde heterosigote is opgespoor, en al drie was vroulik. 2. Die voorkoms van suikersiekte, hartsiekte, gewrigspyne of 'n kombinasie van hierdie aandoenings het nie betekenisvol verskil tussen die C282Y heterosigote en die mutasienegatiewe groep nie. 3. Daar was slegs een persoon met rektum karsinoom in die groep van 24 bejaarde C282Y heterosigote, terwyl daar twee gevalle met rektum kanker en sewe gevalle met kolon kanker gevind is onder die 153 mutasie-negatiewe individue. Die enkele vroulike C282Y homosigoot wat opgespoor is het beide rektum- en kolonkanker gehad en is ongeveer 6 maande vóór voltooing van die tesis oorlede aan haar kolon karsinoom. 4. Dit wil voorkom asof serum ferritien veral in bejaardes 'n hoogs onbetroubare maatstaf is vir yster status, aangesien dit deur 'n verskeidenheid faktore beïnvloed word wat dikwels in bejaardes aanwesig is as gevolg van veroudering of veelvuldige komorbiditeite. 5. Die serum ferritien vlakke was laer as verwag in sowel die bejaarde C282Y-homosigoot as in die twee saamgestelde heterosigote met mutasies C282Y en H63D, wat moonlik die gevolg is van die wisselende graad van penetrasie van HFE mutasies. Dit is moontlik dat variasie in ander gene beskerming bied teen yster-oorlading deur middel van geen-geen interaksie. Die moontlikheid dat omgewingsfaktore (soos 'n lae-yster dieet) 'n belangrike rol speel in hierdie verband kan nie uitgesluit word nie, hoewel dit minder waarskynlik lyk te wees in die lig van die feit dat dieselfde neiging waargeneem is in alle mutasie-positiewe bejaardes. Die kans is dus redelik groot dat individue met die C282Y mutasie en betekenisvolle yster oorlading oorlede is voordat hulle die sewentiger jare kon bereik, veral omdat geeneen van die mans wat ingesluit is in die studie homosigoot of 'n saamgestelde heterosigoot was vir die mutasies wat geanaliseer is nie. Opsommend wil dit voorkom asof die teenwoordigheid van 'n mutante HFE geen nie 'n beter oorlewingskans bied op ouer leeftyd nie, en dit blyk ook dat mutasie draers met betekenisvolle ysteroorlading nie deur dokters misgekyk word nie. Verdere navorsing is nodig om meer lig te werp op die bydrae van geen-geen- en geen-omgewing interaksie in die kliniese manifestasie van OH, en ook hoe hierdie prosesse gemanipuleer kan word om die simptome van hierdie onder -gediagnoseerde siekte te voorkom.

Accuracy and Patient Dose in Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography for Diagnosis of Liver Iron Overload: Simulations in GEANT4

Kapadia, Anuj 13 August 2007 (has links)
Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography (NSECT) is being proposed as an experimental technique to diagnose iron overload in patients. Proof-of-concept experiments have suggested that NSECT may have potential to make a non-invasive diagnosis of iron overload in a clinical system. The technique's sensitivity to high concentrations of iron combined with tomographic acquisition ability gives it a unique advantage over other competing modalities. While early experiments have demonstrated the efficacy of detecting samples with high concentrations of iron, a tomography application for patient diagnosis has never been tested. As with any other tomography system, the performance of NSECT will depend greatly on the acquisition parameters that are used to scan the patient. In order to determine the best acquisition geometry for a clinical system, it is important to evaluate and understand the effects of varying each individual acquisition parameter on the accuracy of the reconstructed image. This research work proposes to use Monte-Carlo simulations to optimize a clinical NSECT system for iron overload diagnosis.Simulations of two NSECT systems have been designed in GEANT4, a spectroscopy system to detect uniform concentrations of iron in the liver, and a tomography system to detect non-uniform iron overload. Each system has been used to scan simulated samples of both disease models in humans to determine the best scanning strategy for each. The optimal scanning strategy is defined as the combination of parameters that provides maximum accuracy with minimum radiation dose. Evaluation of accuracy is performed through ROC analysis of the reconstructed spectrums and images. For the spectroscopy system, the optimal acquisition geometry is defined in terms of the number of neutrons required to detect a clinically relevant concentration of iron. For the tomography system, the optimal scanning strategy is defined in terms of the number of neutrons and the number of spatial and angular translation steps used during acquisition. Patient dose for each simulated system is calculated by measuring the energy deposited by the neutron beam in the liver and surrounding body tissue. Simulation results indicate that both scanning systems can detect wet iron concentrations of 5 mg/g or higher. Spectroscopic scanning with sufficient accuracy is possible with 1 million neutrons per scan, corresponding to a patient dose of 0.02 mSv. Tomographic scanning requires 8 angles that sample the image matrix at 1 cm projection intervals with 4 million neutrons per projection, which corresponds to a total body dose of 0.56 mSv. The research performed for this dissertation has two important outcomes. First, it demonstrates that NSECT has the clinical potential for iron overload diagnosis in patients. Second, it provides a validated simulation of the NSECT system which can be used to guide future development and experimental implementation of the technique. / Dissertation

Studies on genetic hemochromatosis and the hepatotoxicity of iron /

Hagen, Karin, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Avaliação da expressão da talassemia Beta no Brasil pela coherança com defeitos de hemocromatose /

Carvalho, Lya Bueno. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Regina Bonini Domingos / Banca: Ricardo Luiz Dantas Machado / Banca: Paula Rahal Liberatore / Resumo: A talassemia beta constitui um grupo heterogêneo de distúrbios genéticos da síntese de hemoglobina sendo uma das doenças monogênicas mais comums, identificada e estudada por várias décadas. É originária da região do Mediterrâneo porém, atualmente apresenta-se amplamente distribuída pelo mundo devido ao fluxo gênico pela migração das populações. No Brasil, os tipos de talassemia mais prevalentes são as talassemias alfa e beta e apresentam número variável de indivíduos portadores devido ao alto grau de miscigenação da população. As formas graves de talassemia beta são facilmente diagnosticadas entretanto, as formas mais suaves muitas vezes são interpretadas e tratadas como anemia ferropriva. O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as formas talassêmicas do tipo beta e verificar os interferentes na expressão do fenótipo como a possível co-herança com hemocromatose hereditária. Através da associação de análise hematimétrica, metodologias clássicas e análise por HPLC analisamos 332 amostras de sangue com suspeita de talassemia beta. Um total de 70 amostras foram identificadas como portadores de hemoglobinas normais (AA), 145 portadores de talassemia beta heterozigota (BTH) e 117 portadores de talassemia alfa/beta (ABT). A análise estatística por regressão linear entre as metodologias clássicas e HPLC para quantificação de hemoglobina A2 e Fetal para os três grupos foram estatisticamente significativas. A análise molecular por PCR-ASO para identificação dos mutantes para hemocromatose hereditária mostraram 11,76% de mutação C282Y e 70,58% para H63D no grupo de talassemia beta e 25% de mutação C282Y e 75% H63D para o grupo de talassemia alfa/beta. Esses resultados evidenciam a necessidade da associação de metodologias para o correto diagnóstico da talassemia beta, bem como caracterização molecular para hemocromatose...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The beta-thalassemia constitutes a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of hemoglobin synthesis. It has been one of the most common monogenic diseases identified and studied for many decades. Its origins are from Mediterranean region, although nowadays it is spread for the whole world due to gene flow of migration populations. In Brazil, the most prevalent types of thalassemia are the alpha-thalassemia and beta-thalassemia. They present a variable number of individual carriers due to high degree of miscigenation. The serious forms of beta-thalassemia are easily identified, but the milder forms are many times diagnosed and treated as iron deficiency anemia. The objective of the present study was to characterize the thalassemic forms and verify the interferents in the expression of the phenotype as the possible co-inheritance with hereditary hemochromatosis. It was analysed, utilizing hematimetric analysis, classic methodologies and HPLC analysis, 332 blood samples suspect of beta-thalessemia. The total of 70 samples were identified as carriers of normal hemoglobins (AA), 145 carriers of beta-thalassemia heterozigote (BTH) and 117 carriers of alpha/beta-thalassemia (ABT). The statistic analysis by linear regression between classic methodologies and HPLC for quantification of hemoglobin A2 and Fetal hemoglobin were statistically differents and significants. The molecular analysis by PCR-ASO to identify the mutants with hereditary hemochromatosis showed 11,76% of mutation C282Y and 70,58% to H63D in the beta-thalassemia group and 25% of mutation C282Y and 75% of H63D in the alpha/beta- thalassemia group. These results prove the necessity of association of methodologies in order to achieve the correct diagnosis of beta-thalassemia, as well as the molecular characterization of hemochromatosis, due to the fact of its possible co-inheritance with beta-thalassemia in the vast genotypic diversity found in Brazil. / Mestre


HOLMGREN, LISA MICHELLE 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação da qualidade de vida e da percepção de saúde em pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária / Assessment of quality of life and health perception in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis

Fonseca, Paula Fernanda da Silva 30 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é uma doença autossômica recessiva caracterizada principalmente pelo aumento da absorção intestinal de ferro e seu acúmulo em órgãos. O diagnóstico da HH baseia-se nas avaliações de exames laboratoriais de ferro, imagem por ressonância magnética (RMN) e/ou testes genéticos. Diferentes genótipos são identificados como resultados de testes genéticos em pacientes com suspeita de sobrecarga de ferro primário. Além disso, questionários como o SF-36 (short form health survey), têm sido cada vez mais utilizados para avaliar o impacto das doenças na qualidade de vida (QV) do paciente. No presente estudo, nossos objetivos foram: avaliar se os domínios de QV avaliados pelo questionário SF-36 são diferentes de acordo com os grupos genotípicos em pacientes com suspeita de HH e desenvolver materiais informativos e educativos sobre HH para pacientes, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Foram utilizados os questionários SF-36, PHQ-9 (patient health questionnaire-9) e dados gerais e específicos para avaliar domínios de qualidade de vida e depressão e características gerais da doença. Pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro primária foram incluídos (n=79) e dois grupos genotípicos foram formados: grupo 1: genótipo homozigoto para a mutação HFE p.Cys282Tyr e grupo 2: outros genótipos. Resultados: O grupo 1 apresentou maiores médias de saturação de transferrina (86±19%) e ferritina sérica (1669±1209 ng/mL) comparado ao grupo 2 (71±12%, 1252±750 ng/mL, respectivamente; P=0,001). Quatro domínios foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos 1 e 2: capacidade funcional (P=0,03), dor (P=0,03), vitalidade (P=0,02) e aspectos sociais (P=0,01). O grupo 1 apresentou valores mais baixos para estes domínios. O grupo brasileiro de hemocromatose hereditária (GBHH) foi criado, o site foi desenvolvido e foram recebidos vários cadastros. O material informativo/educativo foi desenvolvido e distribuído aos pacientes, familiares e profissionais de saúde envolvidos neste estudo. Conclusões: O principal achado deste estudo foi que os pacientes com genótipo homozigoto para p.Cys282Tyr apresentaram um pior cenário de QV avaliado pelo SF-36, em comparação aos pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro sem o mesmo genótipo. O conhecimento desta relação entre genótipos e QV pode ser útil no manejo geral de pacientes com suspeita de HH. Este estudo foi capaz de contribuir para mais informações sobre a HH, aumentando a educação em saúde e a divulgação deste cenário / Background: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disease mainly characterized by increased intestinal absorption of iron and its accumulation in organs. The diagnosis of HH is based on laboratory tests of iron, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations and / or genetic testing. Different genotypes are identified as results of genetic tests in patients with suspected of primary iron overload. In addition, questionnaires such as the SF-36 (short form health survey), have been increasingly used to assess the impact of diseases on the patient\'s quality of life (QL). In the present study, our aims were: evaluate if the domains of QL by SF-36 questionnaire are different according to genotypic groups in patients with suspected of HH and develop informative and educational materials about HH for patients, family members and health professionals. Methods: The SF-36, PHQ-9 (Patient health questionnaire-9) questionnaires, general and disease-specific data were used to evaluate the domains of quality of life and depression and general characteristics of the disease. Patients with primary iron overload were included (n=79) and two genotypic groups were formed group 1: homozygous genotype for the HFE p.Cys282Tyr mutation and group 2: other genotypes. Results: Group 1 presented higher mean values of transferrin saturation (86±19%) and serum ferritin (1669±1209 ng/mL) compared to group 2 (71±12%, 1252±750 ng/mL, respectively, P= 0.001). Four domains were significantly different between groups 1 and 2: physical functioning (P= 0.03), bodily pain (P= 0.03), vitality (P= 0.02) and social functioning (P= 0.01). Group 1 presented lower values for these domains. The \"Brazilian group of hereditary hemochromatosis\" (GBHH) was created, the website was developed and several registrations were received. The informative/educational material was developed and distributed to patients, family members and health professionals involved in this study. Conclusion: The main finding of this study was that patients with genotype homozygous for p.Cys282Tyr presented worse scenario of QL evaluated by SF-36, compared to patients with iron overload without the same genotype. The knowledge of this relationship between genotypes and QL may be useful in the general management of patients with suspected of HH. This study was able to contribute with more information about HH, increasing health education and the divulgation of this scenario

Avaliação da qualidade de vida e da percepção de saúde em pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária / Assessment of quality of life and health perception in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis

Paula Fernanda da Silva Fonseca 30 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é uma doença autossômica recessiva caracterizada principalmente pelo aumento da absorção intestinal de ferro e seu acúmulo em órgãos. O diagnóstico da HH baseia-se nas avaliações de exames laboratoriais de ferro, imagem por ressonância magnética (RMN) e/ou testes genéticos. Diferentes genótipos são identificados como resultados de testes genéticos em pacientes com suspeita de sobrecarga de ferro primário. Além disso, questionários como o SF-36 (short form health survey), têm sido cada vez mais utilizados para avaliar o impacto das doenças na qualidade de vida (QV) do paciente. No presente estudo, nossos objetivos foram: avaliar se os domínios de QV avaliados pelo questionário SF-36 são diferentes de acordo com os grupos genotípicos em pacientes com suspeita de HH e desenvolver materiais informativos e educativos sobre HH para pacientes, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Foram utilizados os questionários SF-36, PHQ-9 (patient health questionnaire-9) e dados gerais e específicos para avaliar domínios de qualidade de vida e depressão e características gerais da doença. Pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro primária foram incluídos (n=79) e dois grupos genotípicos foram formados: grupo 1: genótipo homozigoto para a mutação HFE p.Cys282Tyr e grupo 2: outros genótipos. Resultados: O grupo 1 apresentou maiores médias de saturação de transferrina (86±19%) e ferritina sérica (1669±1209 ng/mL) comparado ao grupo 2 (71±12%, 1252±750 ng/mL, respectivamente; P=0,001). Quatro domínios foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos 1 e 2: capacidade funcional (P=0,03), dor (P=0,03), vitalidade (P=0,02) e aspectos sociais (P=0,01). O grupo 1 apresentou valores mais baixos para estes domínios. O grupo brasileiro de hemocromatose hereditária (GBHH) foi criado, o site foi desenvolvido e foram recebidos vários cadastros. O material informativo/educativo foi desenvolvido e distribuído aos pacientes, familiares e profissionais de saúde envolvidos neste estudo. Conclusões: O principal achado deste estudo foi que os pacientes com genótipo homozigoto para p.Cys282Tyr apresentaram um pior cenário de QV avaliado pelo SF-36, em comparação aos pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro sem o mesmo genótipo. O conhecimento desta relação entre genótipos e QV pode ser útil no manejo geral de pacientes com suspeita de HH. Este estudo foi capaz de contribuir para mais informações sobre a HH, aumentando a educação em saúde e a divulgação deste cenário / Background: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disease mainly characterized by increased intestinal absorption of iron and its accumulation in organs. The diagnosis of HH is based on laboratory tests of iron, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations and / or genetic testing. Different genotypes are identified as results of genetic tests in patients with suspected of primary iron overload. In addition, questionnaires such as the SF-36 (short form health survey), have been increasingly used to assess the impact of diseases on the patient\'s quality of life (QL). In the present study, our aims were: evaluate if the domains of QL by SF-36 questionnaire are different according to genotypic groups in patients with suspected of HH and develop informative and educational materials about HH for patients, family members and health professionals. Methods: The SF-36, PHQ-9 (Patient health questionnaire-9) questionnaires, general and disease-specific data were used to evaluate the domains of quality of life and depression and general characteristics of the disease. Patients with primary iron overload were included (n=79) and two genotypic groups were formed group 1: homozygous genotype for the HFE p.Cys282Tyr mutation and group 2: other genotypes. Results: Group 1 presented higher mean values of transferrin saturation (86±19%) and serum ferritin (1669±1209 ng/mL) compared to group 2 (71±12%, 1252±750 ng/mL, respectively, P= 0.001). Four domains were significantly different between groups 1 and 2: physical functioning (P= 0.03), bodily pain (P= 0.03), vitality (P= 0.02) and social functioning (P= 0.01). Group 1 presented lower values for these domains. The \"Brazilian group of hereditary hemochromatosis\" (GBHH) was created, the website was developed and several registrations were received. The informative/educational material was developed and distributed to patients, family members and health professionals involved in this study. Conclusion: The main finding of this study was that patients with genotype homozygous for p.Cys282Tyr presented worse scenario of QL evaluated by SF-36, compared to patients with iron overload without the same genotype. The knowledge of this relationship between genotypes and QL may be useful in the general management of patients with suspected of HH. This study was able to contribute with more information about HH, increasing health education and the divulgation of this scenario

Avaliação de polimorfismos do gene SLC40A1 em pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária e adquirida / Polymorphisms evaluation of SLC40A1 gene in patients with Hereditary Hemochromatosis and Acquired

Ferreira, Jerenice Esdras 10 December 2015 (has links)
A hemocromatose é uma desordem caracterizada por armazenamento alterado de ferro em órgãos vitais. A hemocromatose hereditária pode ser causada por mutações nos genes HFE, SLC40A1, HAMP, HJV e TfR2. A forma adquirida da doença pode ser ocasionada por sobrecarga de ferro, alcoolismo, infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C, anemias hemolíticas e doença hepática crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as variantes do gene SLC401 em uma série de casos de pacientes em seguimento no ambulatório de Hematologia do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP com hemocromatose hereditária e adquirida e verificar se estas variantes poderiam estar associadas a um pior quadro de hemocromatose. No período de 2008 a 2011 foram coletadas 54 amostras de pacientes com diagnóstico prévio de hemocromatose, acompanhados no ambulatório de anemias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os pacientes foram separados, de acordo com a suspeita clínica, em dois grupos: 38 pacientes com Hemocromatose Hereditária e 16 pacientes com Hemocromatose Adquirida. O DNA foi extraído de sangue periférico pelo kit Qiamp Blood, e as amplificações dos exomas descrito por Wakusawa (2005). As reações de sequenciamento foram realizadas no aparelho AB 3130 e as sequências do gene editadas, alinhadas no programa Sequencer e comparadas com GenBank. Os pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária e adquirida (secundária) apresentaram uma frequência acima de 45% entre a faixa etária de 40 a 60 anos, mostrando uma sobrecarga de ferro mais tardia. O gênero masculino apresentou maior frequência em ambos os grupos (superior a 60%), já em relação à etnia/cor da pele, mais de 80% eram brancos. No diagnóstico laboratorial de ferritina, ferro, CTLF e IST dos pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária e adquirida (secundária) mostra que não houve diferenças significativas. As mutações no gene HFE nos pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária foram C282Y homozigose (21%) e na adquirida (secundária) H63D heterozigose (25%). Entre as mutações do gene HFE, não houve diferença estatística significativa nos grupos. A mutação foi identificada no éxon 3 do gene SLC40A1, no códon 80, descrita p.I80L (c.586C>A). No éxon 4 do gene SLC40A1 foram identificados 3 polimorfismos com a substituição de um nucleotídeo nas posições: c. A630G (190437579), c.648A>G (190437597), c.738Y>C (190437688). Já no éxon 6 foram identificados dois polimorfismos c.1014C>T (190430229) e c.1014Y>T (190430229). As mutações encontradas no gene HFE e SLC40A1 estão associadas com a sobrecarga férrica caracterizando a hemocromatose hereditária. Os polimorfismos encontrados no gene SLC40A1 foram identificados nos pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária e adquirida (secundária) numa frequência de 50%, semelhante aos doadores de sangue, sugerindo que este polimorfismo provavelmente não contribui para o desenvolvimento da doença. / Hemochromatosis is a disorder characterized by altered storage iron in vital organs. Hereditary hemochromatosis can be caused by mutations in the HFE gene, SLC40A1, HAMP, and HVJ TFR2. The acquired form of the disease can be caused by iron overload, alcoholism, infection by the hepatitis C virus, hemolytic anemias and chronic liver disease. The objective of this study was to describe variants of the SLC401 gene in a number of cases of patients being followed at hematology clinic Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP with hereditary hemochromatosis and acquired and verify that these variants could be associated with a worse hemochromatosis frame. In the period 2008 to 2011 were collected 54 samples from patients previously diagnosed with hemochromatosis, anemia accompanied the clinic of the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo. The patients were divided, according to clinical suspicion, into two groups: 38 patients with Hereditary Hemochromatosis and 16 patients with Acquired Hemochromatosis. The DNA was extracted from peripheral blood by Qiamp Blood Kit, and amplifications of exomas described by Wakusawa (2005). The sequencing reactions were performed in AB 3130 apparatus and the sequences of the gene edited, aligned in Sequencer program and compared with GenBank. Patients with hereditary hemochromatosis and acquired (secondary) had a frequency above 45% between the age group 40-60 years showing a later iron overload. The males showed higher frequency in both groups (over 60%), as compared to ethnicity / skin color, over 80% were white. In the laboratory diagnosis of ferritin, iron, TIBC and STI patients with hereditary hemochromatosis and acquired (secondary) shows no significant differences. Mutations in the HFE gene in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis C282Y homozygosity were (21%) and acquired (secondary) H63D heterozygosity (25%). Between HFE mutations, there was no statistically significant difference in the groups. The mutation was identified in exon 3 of the SLC40A1 gene at codon 80, described p.I80L (c.586C> A). In exon 4 of the SLC40A1 gene were identified polymorphisms 3 with substitution of a nucleotide in position: c. A630G (190,437,579), c.648A> L (190,437,597), c.738Y> C (190 437 688). Already in exon 6 were identified two polymorphisms c.1014C> T (190 430 229) and c.1014Y> T (190 430 229). The mutations found in the HFE gene and SLC40A1 are associated with iron overload characterizing hereditary hemochromatosis. The polymorphisms found in the SLC40A1 gene have been identified in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis and acquired (secondary) at a frequency of 50%, similar to blood donors, suggesting that this polymorphism will probably not contribute to the development of the disease.

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