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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma leitura hermenêutica como fundamento para uma edição crítica da Électre de Nepomuceno / A hermeneutic reading as foundation for a critical edition of Nepomuceno\'s Électre

Robison Poreli Moura Bueno 17 October 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta uma edição crítica de Électre, música incidental de Alberto Nepomuceno, fundamentada por uma leitura hermenêutica. Objetiva-se produzir uma edição que reflita a composição no contexto original ao qual se destinava, levantando elementos que elucidem a influência dos estudos que Nepomuceno realizou na França, ao final do séc. XIX. A pesquisa fundamenta-se no conceito de fusão horizôntica, advindo da hermenêutica filosófica e, por isso, possui um caráter transmetodológico. Por conseguinte, o objeto é abordado a partir dos horizontes interpretativos histórico-cultural, estrutural e intertextual. Ao final, cada horizonte desvelado traz um aporte de compreensão próprio: a proximidade das personalidades e ideais estéticos da Schola Cantorum, o pseudomodalismo francês e a influência \"grega\" de Saint-Saëns. / This dissertation presents a critical edition of Électre, incidental music of Alberto Nepomuceno, founded on a hermeneutic reading. It aims to produce an edition that reflects the composition in the original context to which it was intended, raising elements to elucidate the influence of Nepomuceno\'s studies conducted in France at the end of the 19th century. The research is based on the concept of horizontic fusion, from philosophical hermeneutics and therefore has a transmethodological character. Therefore, the object is approached from the historical and cultural, structural and intertextual interpretive horizons. At the end, each unveiled horizon brings a contribution to the understanding: the proximity of personalities and aesthetic ideals of the Schola Cantorum, the French pseudomodal style and \"greek\" influence from Saint-Saëns.

La finitude infinie et ses figures : considérations philosophiques autour de la radicalisation de la finitude originaire chez Derrida / Infinite Finitude and its figures : philosophical considerations on the radicalization of originary finitude in Derrida’s work

Jullien, Stanislas 17 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a l’allure d’une géographie de l’historial visant à cartographier le site où la philosophie atteint sa fin. Une telle géographie obéit à, au moins, deux contraintes matricielles. La première contrainte exige de décrire le site en vue de le localiser : notre thèse consistera alors à poser que le site en question ne pourra être occupé que par la finitude infinie car c’est seulement en elle que résiderait son avoir-Lieu matinal ; avoir-Lieu par où la finitude devra pousser son originarité créatrice jusqu’à libérer en elle une infinité affectée en retour d’un sens inédit. La seconde contrainte exige de défricher des territoires textuels permettant d’exhiber le système de coordonnées conceptuelles susceptible de cartographier le site de la FI : notre thèse consistera alors à poser que c’est le territoire élaboré par Derrida qui héberge en lui la cartographie natale de la FI en raison de l’intervention à la fois inaugurale et structurale de la FI sur ce territoire. Dès lors, séjourner dans l’unité articulée de ces deux contraintes exigera d’endurer l’installation spéculative dans la proposition cardinale suivante : la finitude infinie est la déconstruction. Cette endurance se donnera pour tâche de re-Marquer la FI sur le territoire derridien en (re)construisant d’une part le plan d’intelligibilité de la FI à travers l’agencement de ces deux lignes directrices (phénoménologico-Transcendantale et thanatologico-Transcendantale) et d’autre part, en montrant que si la FI confronte le territoire derridien à une charge aporétique opérant comme un pharmakon, cette pharmacologie pourrait libérer des figures inédites de la finitude infinie – figures herméneutiques (Heidegger) et spéculatives (Hegel). / We set out to construct a geography of historical aiming to cartograph the site where philosophy reaches its end. In so doing, two main constraints at least have to be taken into account. We first have to describe the site in order to locate it. We argue that the site in question can only be occupied by infinite finitude, for it is our assumption that only infinite finitude holds its inaugural taking-Place, a taking-Place wherein infinite finitude will have to push its creative originarity so far as to release in itself an infinity that will be affected in return by a novel meaning. Secondly, we have to break new ground in textual territories, which will enable us to uncover the system of conceptual coordinates that will make it possible to cartograph the site of infinite finitude. We argue that it is the territory constructed by Derrida that hosts the native cartography of infinite finitude because of the intervention, both inaugural and structural, of infinite finitude on that territory. It follows that, in order to dwell in the articulated unit of these two constraints, we have to maintain a speculative posture in the following cardinal proposition: infinite finitude IS deconstruction. This posture makes it possible to delineate and re-Inscribe infinite finitude on the Derridean territory by (re)constructing a plane of intelligibility through the combination of both the phenomenologico-Transcendental and thanatologico-Trancendental axes on the one hand; by showing, on the other hand, that if infinite finitude confronts the Derridean territory with an aporetic charge operating as a pharmakon, that pharmacology could release novel figures of infinite finitude - hermeneutic (Heidegger), as well as speculative (Hegel), ones.

Interaction for knowledge creation:a phenomenological study in Knowledge Management

Suorsa, A. (Anna) 21 March 2017 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to present a theoretically consistent conceptualization of knowledge creation as an interactive event and to test this in a working community in a methodologically coherent manner. This thesis examines the key problems in the body of research of knowledge creation in the field of Knowledge Management, which is attached to the idea of knowledge as an asset inside a human mind, but simultaneously promotes a view of interaction, based on hermeneutic understanding. The study proposes an alternative way to conceptualize and examine knowledge creation, based on hermeneutic phenomenology of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger. The foci are on the conceptions of a human being and interaction as play. On the basis of the research literature, a framework for examining knowledge creation was developed. The framework was empirically tested in a multi-organizational and multi-professional working community of librarians and teachers, participating in The Joy of Reading Program in Finland. Along with the research literature, the triangulated data consist of ethnographic observations and video recordings of the community’s gatherings, its members’ interviews and produced documents. The data were analyzed through a qualitative approach. The results show that the phenomenological conceptions of temporality of a human being and play are suitable for understanding being in the knowledge-creating interaction, as they give means to understand the meaningfulness of past experiences, but promote an open attitude towards future possibilities in a way which promotes knowledge creation. Studying interactive events allows for an understanding of how the phenomenon of knowledge creation can be examined as a collective accomplishment. The importance of flexible circumstances is emphasized to promote interaction. The playful mode of being in the event, meaning seriousness and the tendency to be present in the event, was seen as a way to use the time available effectively. The results may be utilized to develop organizational circumstances, which promote knowledge creation by acknowledging the meaningfulness of interaction. In the future, theoretical sampling will be used for testing and developing the framework further in a Finnish Academy’s Strategic Research Council’s consortium BCDC Energy aiming at developing a cloud computing based market place on renewable energy markets. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus esittää teoreettisesti yhtenäisen käsitteellistyksen tiedon luomisesta vuorovaikutteisena tapahtumana. Tätä käsitteellistykseen perustuvaa viitekehystä testataan empiirisesti tarkastelemalla tiedon luomisen edellytyksiä ja uuden tiedon luomisen mahdollistavaa vuorovaikutusta moniammatillisessa työyhteisössä. Tiedon luomisen tutkimus on perinteisesti kiinnittynyt ajatukseen tiedosta mielen sisäisenä varantona. Samanaikaisesti tiedon luomisen tutkimuksessa korostetaan vuorovaikutusta, joka on usein käsitetty varsin hermeneuttisena tapahtumana. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan näiden kahden lähtökohdan yhdistämisestä muodostuneita ongelmia tietojohtamisen alalla. Tutkimus esittää vaihtoehtoisen, Martin Heideggerin ja Hans-Georg Gadamerin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuvan tavan käsittää ja tutkia tiedon luomista siten, että hermeneuttinen käsitys vuorovaikutuksesta ei ole ristiriidassa tiedon käsitteen kanssa. Tutkimuksen keskeisinä tarkastelun kohteina ovat fenomenologinen ihmiskäsitys ja ajatus vuorovaikutuksesta leikkinä. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin hermeneuttisen fenomenologian suhdetta tiedon luomisen nykytutkimukseen ja kehitettiin hermeneuttiseen fenomenologiaan perustuen viitekehys tiedon luomisen empiiristä tutkimusta varten. Viitekehystä testattiin empiirisesti valtakunnalliseen Lukuinto-ohjelmaan osallistuneessa, kirjaston työntekijöiden ja opettajien muodostamassa, moni-ammatillisessa työyhteisössä. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi tutkimuksen aineisto koostui etnografisesta havainnointiaineistosta, työyhteisön kokousten videoinneista, yhteisön jäsenten haastatteluista ja heidän tuottamistaan dokumenteista. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella otteella tarkastelemalla sekä työyhteisössä käytyjä keskusteluja että työyhteisön jäsenten kokemuksia tiedon luomisesta Lukuinto-ohjelmassa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että fenomenologinen käsitteellistys olemisen ajallisesta luonteesta ja leikistä avoimena yhdessä olemisen tilana soveltuvat hyvin tietoa luovan vuorovaikutuksen ymmärtämiseen, sillä käsitteellistys huomioi menneiden kokemusten merkityksen uuden tiedon luomisessa, mutta painottaa myös avoimen tulevan ja sen mahdollisuuksien ymmärtämisen merkitystä tavalla, joka edistää uuden luomista. Vuorovaikutustapahtumien tutkiminen mahdollistaa tiedon luomisen ymmärtämisen jaettuna, yhteisenä tapahtumana ja kokemuksena. Joustavien olosuhteiden merkitys tiedon luomisessa korostuu. Leikinomainen vuorovaikutuksessa oleminen, kuten tilanteen vakavasti ottaminen ja läsnäolo, nähtiin tutkimuksessa tapana käyttää aika tehokkaasti. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää organisaatioissa sellaisten olosuhteiden kehittämiseen, jotka huomioivat vuorovaikutuksen merkityksellisyyden tiedon luomisessa. Jatkossa tässä väitöskirjassa esiteltyä lähestymistapaa ja viitekehystä tullaan edelleen kehittämään ja testaamaan teoreettisen otannan avulla Suomen Akatemian Strategisen Tutkimuksen Neuvoston rahoittamassa BCDC Energia -konsortiossa.

Preaching for the upbuilding of the church in transition

Lee, Sang-Heung 05 October 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to develop a homiletic theory for the upbuilding of the church in transition. This dissertation investigates the validity of the hypothesis that in order to build up the church in a transition, the theory and practice of preaching must achieve a dynamic relationship with a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. At the same time, the theory and practice of preaching in the Korean church, where these are linked with a dominant accommodated ecclesiology can not form a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. To test these two hypotheses, this study defines the methodology use in practical theology to develop a homiletic theory (Chapter 1). The research develops a homiletic theory from a hermeneutic-communicative perspective, which bears a dynamic relationship to a faithful and relevant ecclesiology. Firstly, this study identifies a faithful and relevant ecclesiology from a missional perspective. Secondly, Ricoeur’s model of collective narrative identity is articulated. From these two understandings, a homiletic theory as a hermeneutic-communicative act is developed. The homiletic theory for forming a faithful and relevant ecclesiology is composed through preaching as an act of translation, an act of exchange, and an act of forgiveness (Chapter 2). The next aspect of this study is an empirical study. It links the question of the connection of a contemporary homiletic theory of the Korean church with an ecclesiology. The object is to try to explain a preaching praxis that relates to ecclesiology. In this study it is found that the praxis of preaching is closely related to an accommodated ecclesiology (Chapter 3). This section develops a hermeneutical interaction between the results of the empirical research and those of the literature study. This chapter reflects the interplay of information from the empirical research and information from the literature study. It produces new or modified ideas for a relevant theory of practice that guide and direct preaching praxis. This is a regulative activity that aims to change the current praxis (Chapter 4). / Thesis (DPhil (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Exploring Physiotherapists' Understanding of the Bobath Concept in Education and Clinical Practice

Dyks, Tracey January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how physiotherapists working in stroke care understand their role(s) in the context of clinical practice and how this is mediated by their post-licensure educational experiences. Specifically the study focused on their experiences with the Bobath Concept, a well-developed post-licensure neurology physiotherapy program. This study was oriented within sociocultural theory as a way to understand how the experiences and interactions of physiotherapists mediate their professional practice and their sense of professional identity in a way not previously studied in physiotherapy literature. In order to honour the voices of the participants, this study drew on hermeneutic phenomenology and used a principled data analysis tool to present an understanding of the interrelationships involved in stroke care from their perspectives. Four physiotherapists participated in this study by responding in writing and orally to a clinical case and participating in an in-depth interview regarding their professional roles and experiences. The findings suggest that these physiotherapists understand the Bobath Concept as a professional stance which informs their practice and contributes to an ethos of caring, which is reflected in the ways they understand their roles in clinical practice.

Paths of Becoming: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Inquiry Into Teacher Candidate Professional Self-Understanding

Francis, Andrew January 2015 (has links)
An extensive body of educational literature examines the process and implications of how an individual becomes a teacher, but studies within this field often minimize or ignore the existential nature of this act of becoming. Something happens to the individual as they enter into the teaching profession and commence their teaching practice and in many educational jurisdictions, those happenings are left for the novice teacher to grapple with in isolation. This study presents interpretations of four teacher candidates’ sense of becoming and provides a meta-analysis of important existential themes arising from examinations of the participants’ professional self-understanding. This study engages with the concept of existential becoming in teacher candidates through a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to interpretation and understanding. Four teacher candidates, about to enter their final teaching practicum before graduating from an eight-month Bachelor of Education program as certified teachers, participated in this research project which included one-on-one interviews, journal analysis and focus groups. Interpretations of these teacher candidates’ understandings of becoming a teacher are organized by Kelchtermans’ professional self-understanding framework and presented through the use of poetic vignettes and images of the teacher candidates’ paths of becoming. These aesthetic representations of teacher candidates’ understandings of becoming offer an alternative and existentially-informed vehicle for teacher candidate reflection and professional self-understanding. Data analysis and hermeneutic interpretations among and between the researcher and the participants revealed a number of existential themes present in the teacher candidates’ understandings of becoming a teacher, including: fear, responsibility, authenticity, purpose, and the self. Each theme is examined via a connection to both existential and teacher education literature and implications for teacher education programs are discussed.

An Exploration of the Counselling Experiences of Women who Work in the Indoor Sex Industry

Velez, Camila January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to enrich the understanding of the counselling and psychotherapy experiences of women who have previously or currently worked in the Canadian sex industry. I conducted semi-structured interviews with 6 participants ranging in age from 19 to 52 who described an individual counselling experience in which they revealed their sex work employment status. I analyzed the interview drawing from a Gadamerian hermeneutic phenomenological approach grounded in feminist standpoint theory. The results revealed 17 themes organized in 5 categories: (a) seeking counselling, (b) the therapeutic relationship, (c) disclosure of sex work, (d) counselling outcomes, and (e) recommendations for counsellors working with sex workers. The results shed light on indoor sex worker clients’ heterogeneous counselling needs, expectations, and experiences, providing valuable considerations for culturally responsive and socially just practice with sex workers. The discussion of the results reflects previous research studies, clinical implications, and suggestions for future research.

Roses of Love, Violets of Humility and Lilies of Suffering: A Phenomenological Hermeneutic Study of Floral Experiences in the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938)

Kandler, Renate January 2013 (has links)
The presence of flowers is felt in Catholic architecture, literature, artwork, personal histories and devotional practices. This, however, has not always been the case. The Catholic Church has had a long and tumultuous relationship with flowers, the focus of which has been the subject of considerable scholarship (e.g. Fisher (2011, 2007), Ward (1999), Winston-Allen (1997), Goody (1993), Coats (1970)). What has not been much considered is a phenomenological treatment of Catholic floral experience, and how such experiences have shaped individual and shared understandings of the Catholic faith. This thesis seeks to redress this omission through an exploration of the life of the Polish Catholic mystic, St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), whose mystical experiences with the divine were explicitly mediated and narrated through flowers. Through Faustina’s diary, Divine Mercy in my Soul, we gain access to powerful, and unequivocally Catholic, experiences with flowers which comprise the very centre of her religious convictions. This thesis queries the ways in which flowers have dynamically shaped, and have been shaped by, St. Faustina's relationship with God and Catholic holy figures. To address this question I use the semiotic, phenomenological and hermeneutic approach of Max van Manen. Van Manen uses four elements of lived experience he calls lifeworld existentials, these are: lived space, lived time, lived body and lived relationality. These four categories are applied to St. Faustina’s life as she engages with God spatially, temporally, corporeally and relationally; each reveals the centrality of flowers in her religious experiences. While this thesis focuses on the religio-floral experiences of a particular mystic-saint, its significance lies also in the broader Catholic narrative of which it is a part. Writing about flowers was a transformative medium in Faustina's life and has been historically significant in the lives of many other Catholic saints and mystics who recorded similar experiences. This thesis, in describing the details of St. Faustina’s floral-saturated experiences from her diary, reveals a particularized instance of a paradigmatic Catholic phenomenon whereby flowers provide access to the sacred.

Exploring the Experiences of Therapists After Participating in an Intensive Mindfulness Program

Lee, Tracie S. January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore whether and in what ways an intensive eight-week Mindfulness-Based Symptom Management (MBSM) program might shape the therapeutic experiences of therapists. I used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to interview and develop in-depth descriptions of four therapists’ experiences in relation to mindfulness and their therapeutic practices. The data collection consisted of: (1) a telephone screening interview; (2) pre-mindfulness training interview; (3) post-mindfulness training interview; (4) field notes based on my observations, subjective experiences, and beginning analyses; (5) and member-checks to verify the accuracy of my interpretations of participants’ interview responses. The results pointed to several common themes indicating the changes therapists described after participating in the mindfulness program. Themes denoting the reported changes were organized into three categories: (1) personal relationship with mindfulness; (2) relationship between mindfulness and therapeutic experiences; and (3) mindfulness-oriented interventions performed in therapy. The findings indicated that mindfulness training is associated with the enhancement of important relational attitudes and skills of therapists, including more acceptance of where clients are at, more presence in therapy, increased capacity to listen, openness and curiosity, and more compassion and empathy. In addition, mindfulness training may be linked to improved reflexive abilities, which has implications for more intentional and ethical decision-making in therapy. Further, the findings also indicated that mindfulness training may be linked to improvements in emotion regulation by decreasing stress, increasing feelings of relaxation and calmness, improving awareness of negative emotional and cognitive states as well as the ability to interrupt these negative cycles. As such, this study pointed to several potential benefits for the inclusion of mindfulness training in therapists’ self-care practices as well as in therapist education.

Shofaren - ett Guds instrument : Ett unikt ljud att hörsamma / The Shofar - An instrument of God : A unique sound to hear

Washington, Anjela January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates the shofar and it´s relation to classical music in modern and contemporary time, and examine the cause of this interest in the western world among composers and musicians, namely the unique sound. The origins of the shofar stems from the Tanakh as a sacred ritual instrument and as a marketer of time up until today. Through rabbinic efforts of interpreting and preserving the authentic doctrines it has survived throughout millennia. With this newfounded interest conflicts and discussions of whether the shofar should be contained within its jewish sacred context of frame or whether it should be allowed to be used in profane music jewish or otherwise. With this paper I want to bring attention to the complex situation of the use of shofar and it´s motives in a profane world. Is it possible to take the shofar out of its traditional jewish context and maintain its reverence and authentic status of dignity. Through hermeneutic method these issues will be highlighted.

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