Spelling suggestions: "subject:"highspeed"" "subject:"lightspeed""
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Dynamic soil-structure interaction of simply supported high-speed railway bridgesLind Östlund, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Research performed on the subject of dynamic soil-structure interaction (SS) concerning railway bridges is presented in this thesis with the focus on simply supported railway bridges supported by shallow foundations in soil strata on bedrock. The research aims to obtain insight into the SSI of high-speed railway bridges and to provide recommendations on how to model the soil-bridge system from a design perspective. A three-dimensional (3D) simply supported soil-bridge model was first developed and the effects from model assumptions made on the soil-foundation system was evaluated in a 3D setting (paper I). The soil-foundation system was then refined and a model assumptions study was performed in order to evaluate the effects of model assumptions on impedance functions, including the influence of the permanent load acting on the soil-foundation system (paper II). Finally, a study of the assembled soil-bridge system was performed in an extensive parametric study including a set of 2D bridge models in combination with a set of shallow foundations in soil strata on bedrock (paper III). A supplementary section related to paper III was also added in this thesis, showing the effects of the substructure mass. The model assumptions made when creating the soil-foundation model and the soil-bridge model can be very important and must be made with care. The permanent load acting on the soil-foundation systems of shallow foundations may alter the impedance functions significantly. The substructure mass may alter the behavior of the soil-bridge system depending on its magnitude, and neglecting it gives inaccurate results. The 3D effects of SSI do not cause high vibrations due to modes other than the first bending mode, and assuming a 2D bridge model is generally acceptable. The effects of SSI on the soil-bridge systems with shallow soil strata are largely dependent on the ratio between the natural frequency of the bridge and the fundamental frequency of the soil. Depending on the value of this ratio, the effect of including SSI in bridge models may contribute to the bridge obtaining a negligible, conservative, or non-conservative response, as compared to the bridge with the assumption of non-flexible supports. / Forskning i syfte att utröna effekten av dynamisk jord–struktur-interaktion (SSI)på järnvägsbroar presenteras i denna avhandling med huvudfokus på fritt upplagdabroar med stöd av plattgrundlagda fundament i jordar på fast berggrund. Forsknin-gen syftar till att ge förståelse för interaktionen mellan jord och järnvägsbroar samtatt ge rekommendationer på hur systemet kan modelleras ur ett designperspektiv.En tredimensionell (3D) fritt upplagd jord–bromodell utvecklades först och effek-terna av modellantaganden gjorda på jord–grundläggningssystemet utvärderadesi en 3D miljö (artikel I). Jord–grundläggningssystemet förfinades och en studiegenomfördes för att utvärdera effekterna av modellantaganden på impedansfunk-tioner, inklusive påverkan av den permanenta belastningen som verkar på jord–grundläggningssystemet (artikel II). Slutligen utfördes en omfattande parametriskstudie av det sammansatta jord–brosystemet där en uppsättning tvådimensionella(2D) bromodeller kombinerades med en uppsättning jordar (artikel III). Ett kom-pletterande avsnitt relaterat till artikel III lades till i denna avhandling som visareffekterna av massan av underbyggnaden på jord–brosystemet.De modellantaganden som görs vid skapandet av jord–grundläggningsmodeller ochjord–bromodeller kan vara mycket viktiga och bör utföras med varsamhet. Den per-manenta belastningen som verkar på jord–grundläggningssystemet kan väsentligtförändra impedansfunktionerna. Massan av underbyggnaden kan vidare ändra re-sponsen i jord–brosystemet, beroende på dess storlek, och att försumma den kan gefelaktiga resultat. De 3D effekterna av SSI orsakar inte höga vibrationer på grundav andra moder än den första böjmoden, och att anta en 2D bromodell är såledesgenerellt sett motiverat.Effekterna av SSI på jord–brosystemet i grunda jordar beror till stor del av kvotenmellan brons naturliga frekvens och jordens fundamentala frekvens. Beroende påvärdet på denna kvot kan effekten av att inkludera SSI i bromodeller bidra till attbron får en försumbar, konservativ, eller icke-konservativ respons, i jämförelse medbron med antagandet om fasta upplag. / <p>QC 20200903</p>
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En svensk höghastighetsjärnväg - receptet för tillväxt och regional jämlikhet?Pobiega, Tim, Bertilsson, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Sverige kan inom kort komma att stå inför sitt största och mest kostsamma byggprojekt genom tiderna - en höghastighetsjärnväg med målet att sammankoppla landets tre största städer. Höghastighetsjärnvägen kommer med säkerhet att ha stor inverkan på den fysiska miljön och på förutsättningarna för fortsatt tillväxt - både i regionerna som kommer innefattas i systemet och i regionerna som utelämnas. Denna uppsats belyser beslutsprocessen inom Sverigeförhandlingen, den förhandlingsprocess med bl.a. kommuner på vilken framtida politiska beslut ska baseras.Genom en djupgående dokumentstudie och flertalet intervjuer med processens nyckelaktörervisar denna uppsats att många av de argument som framhärdas av projektets tillskyndare är svåra att belägga. Mest problematisk framstår sättet på vilket de negligerar uppenbara spänningar som projektet sannolikt kommer resultera i - framförallt spänningar avseende förhållandet mellan nationell tillväxt och tilltagande geografisk polarisering. Vår studie understryker behovet av tydliga målsättningar i infrastrukturplaneringen för att kunna fastslå vilka åtgärder som har förutsättningar att generera de största samhälleliga nyttorna. Den typen av tydliga och transparenta målsättningar är någonting vi hävdar att Sverigeförhandlingen har misslyckats med att ställa upp. / Sweden is potentially facing its largest infrastructure project in modern days - a high-speed railway with the main goal of connecting the nation’s three largest cities. The high-speed railway is likely to have a great impact on the physical environment and on the precondition for continued growth - both in the regions which will be included in the railway system, and the regions that will not. This thesis sheds light on the process of decision making within Sverigeförhandlingen, a negotiation process with local governments on which future national political decisions will be based.Through a profound literature review and several interviews with key actors involved in theprocess, this thesis proves that many of the arguments used by the project’s advocates are difficult to substantiate. Most problematic seems to be the way in which they neglect obvious tensions that the project is likely to result in - especially tensions concerning the relationship between national growth and increased geographic polarization. Our study emphasizes the need for distinct goals in infrastructure planning in order to ascertain which measures generate the greatest societal benefits. This is something we argue that Sverigeförhandlingen has failed to do.
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Liquid MarblesKhalil, Kareem 12 1900 (has links)
Granulation, the process of formation of granules from a combination of base
powders and binder liquids, has been a subject of research for almost 50 years,
studied extensively for its vast applications, primarily to the pharmaceutical
industry sector. The principal aim of granulation is to form granules comprised
of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API’s), which have more desirable
handling and flowability properties than raw powders. It is also essential to
ensure an even distribution of active ingredients within a tablet with the goal of
achieving time-controlled release of drugs.
Due to the product-specific nature of the industry, however, data is largely
empirical [1]. For example, the raw powders used can vary in size by two orders
of magnitude with narrow or broad size distributions. The physical properties of
the binder liquids can also vary significantly depending on the powder
properties and required granule size.
Some significant progress has been made to better our understanding of the
overall granulation process [1] and it is widely accepted that the initial
nucleation / wetting stage, when the binder liquid first wets the powders, is key
to the whole process. As such, many experimental studies have been conducted
in attempt to elucidate the physics of this first stage [1], with two main
mechanisms being observed – classified by Ivenson [1] as the “Traditional
description” and the “Modern Approach”. See Figure 1 for a graphical definition
of these two mechanisms. Recent studies have focused on the latter approach [1] and a new, exciting
development in this field is the Liquid Marble. This interesting formation occurs
when a liquid droplet interacts with a hydrophobic (or superhydrophobic)
powder. The droplet can become encased in the powder, which essentially
provides a protective “shell” or “jacket” for the liquid inside [2]. The liquid inside
is then isolated from contact with other solids or liquids and has some
fascinating physical properties, which will be described later on. The main
potential use for these liquid marbles appears to be for the formation of novel,
hollow granules [3], which may have desirable properties in specific
pharmaceutical applications (e.g. respiratory devices). They have also been
shown to be a highly effectively means of water recovery and potentially as
micro-transporters and micro-reactors [4].
However, many studies in the literature are essentially proof-of-concept
approaches for applications and a systematic study of the dynamics of the
marble formation and the first interactions of the liquid droplet with the powder
is lacking. This is the motivation for this research project, where we aim to
provide such information from an experimental study of drop impact onto
hydrophobic powders with the use of high-speed imaging.
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Air Entrapment Under a Liquid Drop Impacting on to a Solid or Liquid SurfaceLangley, Kenneth 11 1900 (has links)
Drop impacts are present in our everyday lives, from showering and washing the dishes to inkjet printing and many industrial processes, such as spray coatings and spray cooling. In many of these applications it may be undesirable to have air entrained within the drop when it impacts a surface. As a drop approaches a surface, the gas beneath the drop is unable to fully escape resulting in a rising pressure which becomes sufficient to form a dimple in the bottom center of the drop. Therefore, when the drop makes contact with the surface, it is around the perimeter of this dimple, thus entrapping a disc of air which contracts into a minute bubble.
In this dissertation, we study the very early time dynamics of the formation of the central air disc under a variety of circumstances using ultra-high-speed interferometry at rates up to 5 million frames per second. We show the effects of the liquid viscosity for viscosities spanning 7 orders of magnitude, for impacts of drops onto solid surfaces or a film of the same liquid. We find that the size of the air disc is weakly dependent on the drop viscosity to the -1/9 power. We also explore the extended gliding of the drop on a less than 160 nm thick film of air. For impacts onto a solid surface, this gliding layer is rupture in multiple random locations and each localized contact wets the surface at extreme rates compared with the expected viscous-capillary velocity. For impacts onto liquid films, the localized contacts are rarely observed and the gliding layer ruptures at a uniform location. The central bubble contracts much faster than expected in this case as well.
Furthermore, we study the effects of reducing the ambient air pressure discovering a compressible and rarified-gas regime wherein the drop makes a double contact with the surface. Lastly, we study the effects of nano-scale surface roughness on the central bubble and the formation of thick bands of microbubbles around the periphery of the air disc.
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Commande à gains variables de l’erreur de contour pour l’usinage multiaxes / Variable gain contouring control for multi-axis machine toolsDuong, Tan Quang 12 March 2018 (has links)
Les techniques d’usinage avancées sont un élément indispensable du développement des industries manufacturières. L’une de ces techniques, l’usinage à grande vitesse, constitue le sujet principal de cette thèse de doctorat. Ainsi, l’objectif majeur des travaux vise à améliorer la précision de contour dans le contexte de l’usinage multiaxes à grande vitesse de surfaces de forme libre, en agissant directement au niveau des boucles de commande d’axe. Pour cela, une première étape consiste à élaborer une stratégie permettant d’estimer le plus précisément possible l’erreur de contour pour différentes configurations de l’outil. Cette erreur de contour est ensuite minimisée grâce à l’adaptation hors ligne, pour un profil de pièce donné, des gains proportionnel et d’anticipation des régulateurs des boucles d’asservissement de la position de chaque axe. L’adaptation de ces gains est réalisée via un algorithme d’optimisation à l’aide d’un modèle non-linéaire du comportement de la machine, en considérant en particulier les frottements sur chacun des axes. L’optimisation permettant d’obtenir les gains des correcteurs des boucles de régulation tient compte des contraintes en termes de limitations cinématiques des axes (vitesse, accélération et jerk), de stabilité des boucles d’asservissement et de limites au niveau des courants des moteurs. Afin d’en faciliter la mise en oeuvre dans un cadre industriel, les stratégies développées s’avèrent directement implantables au sein des commandes numériques actuellement sur le marché, exploitant toutes les possibilités de la structure de commande classique de l’entraînement d’axe. / The advanced machining techniques are always the backbone of the manufacturing industries. Among such techniques, high speed machining is the main subject of this PhD thesis. Indeed, the main objective of this work is to improve the contouring accuracy in multi-axis high speed machining of free-form surfaces, directly acting inside the axis control loops. To do that, a first step aims at elaborating a strategy to estimate as accurately as possible the contour error for different tool configurations. This contour error is then minimized by means of an off-line adaptation for a given profile of the proportional and feedforward gains of the axis position loop controllers. This gain adaptation is performed via an optimization algorithm that considers a nonlinear model of the machine behaviour, in particular including friction related to each axis. This optimization leading to the controllers gains takes into account several constraints, including the axis kinematic (velocity, acceleration and jerk) limitations, the stability of the controlled loops and the motor current limits. Finally, to help their integration within an industrial framework, the developed strategies can be directly implemented in commercial CNC, by exploiting all possibilities of the classical control structure of axis drive.
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Etude expérimentale de la formation d'un spray à partir d'un film liquide annulaire cisaillé / Experimental study of the spray formation from a sheared annular liquid filmGosselin, Valentin Grégoire 23 January 2019 (has links)
Un moyen d'accroître l'efficacité et de réduire la pollution dans les domaines du transport et de l'énergie consiste à concevoir des injecteurs de carburant produisant une meilleure atomisation. Au cours de cette thèse, des expériences ont été effectuées sur un injecteur airblast souvent utilisé dans les turbines à gaz. Pour réaliser ces expérimentations, un dispositif modèle en configuration annulaire a été créé afin d'étudier le cisaillement d'un film d'eau soumis à un écoulement d'air interne à forte vitesse. La technique d'imagerie rapide par ombroscopie a été utilisée pour analyser le développement du film liquide (fréquence et célérité des ondes) et l'atomisation de la nappe en sortie d'injecteur (modes de rupture). La modification des paramètres d'injection (vitesse des écoulements) a révélé un lien entre la topologie du film liquide et le régime d'atomisation primaire. Finalement, à titre exploratoire, l'influence de la géométrie de l'injecteur (longueur de préfilm) sur le mode d'atomisation primaire a également été mise en évidence / One way to increase efficiency and reduce pollution in the transportation and energy domain is designing fuel injectors with better atomization. In this thesis, experiments were performed on a prefilming airblast atomizer often used in gas turbines. For this purpose, a model device with a cylindrical configuration was created to study the shearing of a film of water subjected to an internal high speed air flow. High speed shadowgraphy technique was used to analyse the development of the liquid film (frequency and wave celerity) and the atomization of the sheet at the injector outlet (breakup mode). The modification of the injection parameters (velocity of flows) revealed a link between the topology of the liquid film and the primary atomization regime. Finally,the influence of the geometry of the injector (prefilming length) about the mode of primary atomization was also highlighted with an exploratory study
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High Performance GNRFET Devices for High-Speed Low-Power Analog and Digital ApplicationsPatnala, Mounica 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Recent ULSI (ultra large scale integration) technology emphasizes small size devices, featuring low power and high switching speed. Moore's law has been followed successfully in scaling down the silicon device in order to enhance the level of integration with high performances until conventional devices failed to cop up with
further scaling due to limitations with ballistic effects, and challenges with accommodating dopant fluctuation, mobility degradation, among other device parameters. Recently, Graphene based devices o ered alternative approach, featuring small size and high performances. This includes high carrier mobility, high carrier density, high robustness, and high thermal conductivity. These unique characteristics made the Graphene devices attractive for high speed electronic architectures. In this research, Graphene devices were integrated into applications with analog, digital, and mixed signals based systems.
Graphene devices were briefly explored in electronics applications since its first
model developed by the University of Illinois, Champaign in 2013. This study emphasizes the validation of the model in various applications with analog, digital, and
mixed signals. At the analog level, the model was used for voltage and power amplifiers; classes A, B, and AB. At the digital level, the device model was validated within the universal gates, adders, multipliers, subtractors, multiplexers, demultiplexers, encoders, and comparators. The study was also extended to include Graphene devices
for serializers, the digital systems incorporated into the data structure storage. At
the mixed signal level, the device model was validated for the DACs/ADCs. In all components, the features of the new devices were emphasized as compared with the existing silicon technology. The system functionality and dynamic performances were
also elaborated. The study also covered the linearity characteristics of the devices
within full input range operation.
GNRFETs with a minimum channel length of 10nm and an input voltage 0.7V
were considered in the study. An electronic design platform ADS (Advanced Design
Systems) was used in the simulations. The power amplifiers showed noise figure as
low as 0.064dbs for class A, and 0.32 dbs for class B, and 0.69 dbs for class AB power
amplifiers. The design was stable and as high as 5.12 for class A, 1.02 for class B,
and 1.014 for class AB. The stability factor was estimated at 2GHz operation. The
harmonics were as low as -100 dbs for class A, -60 dbs for class B, and -50dbs for class AB, all simulated at 1GHz. The device was incorporated into ADC system, and as
low as 24.5 micro Watt power consumption and 40 nsec rise time were observed. Likewise, the DAC showed low power consumption as of 4.51 micro Watt. The serializer showed as minimum power consumption of the order of 0.4mW.
These results showed that these nanoscale devices have potential future for high-speed communication systems, medical devices, computer architecture and dynamic Nano electromechanical (NEMS) which provides ultra-level of integration, incorporating embedded and IoT devices supporting this technology. Results of analog and digital components showed superiority over other silicon transistor technologies in their ultra-low power consumption and high switching speed.
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Artificially controllable nanodevices constructed by DNA origami technology: photofunctionalization and single molecule analysis / DNA オリガミ法を使った操作可能なナノデバイスの構築 : その光機能化と一分子観察Yang, Yangyang 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18101号 / 理博第3979号 / 新制||理||1574(附属図書館) / 30959 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉山 弘, 教授 三木 邦夫, 教授 藤井 紀子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Experimental Study of Annular Two-phase Flow on 3x3 Rod-bundle Geometry with Spacers / スペーサー付3×3模擬燃料ロッドバンドル内における環状二相流の実験的研究Pham Hong Son 24 September 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18589号 / 工博第3950号 / 新制||工||1607(附属図書館) / 31489 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科原子核工学専攻 / (主査)教授 功刀 資彰, 教授 中部 主敬, 講師 河原 全作 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Study on High-Speed Sensing and High-Quality Image Reconstruction for Photoacoustic Biomedical Visualization Technology / 光超音波を用いた医用生体可視化技術における高速センシングと高画質化に関する研究Cong, Bing 23 July 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 甲第19232号 / 人健博第29号 / 新制||人健||3(附属図書館) / 32231 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 杉本 直三, 教授 精山 明敏, 教授 戸井 雅和 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM
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