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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer som påverkar tidig mobilisering efter en höftfraktur hos äldre patienter : En allmän litteraturstudie / Factors affecting early mobilization after a hip fracture inelderly patients : A general literature study

Lagerqvist, Hanna, Zander, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Höftfrakturer hos äldre är ett vanligt hälsoproblem i Sverige och runt om i världen, vilket i många fall kan resultera i svåra komplikationer som i sin tur innebär längre sjukhusvistelser. Tidig mobilisering efter höftfrakturkirurgi är viktigt för en förbättrad återhämtning samt för att förebygga komplikationer. Rehabilitering syftar till att återställa den tidigare rörelseförmågan, men många patienter uppnår inte samma fullständiga aktivitetsnivå som de hade innan frakturen. Tidig mobilisering är en nyckelfaktor för att förbättra rehabiliteringen hos äldre patienter med höftfrakturer. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa faktorer som påverkar tidig mobilisering efter en höftfraktur hos äldre patienter. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie, baserad på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som valdes ut och granskades. Resultat: Tre kategorier identifierades, Begränsningar hos patienten, Drivkraft och rädslor samt Personalrelaterade faktorer. De främsta faktorerna som hindrar den tidiga mobiliseringen är kognitiv funktionsnedsättning, samtidiga ohälsotillstånd, rädslor och personalens förutfattade meningar. Patientdrivkrafter såsom motivation samt stöd och uppmuntran från personalen är fynd som bidrar till en framgångsrik mobilisering. Konklusion: Personal inom vården behöver tydliga riktlinjer och kunskap om tidig mobilisering efter höftfraktur, mer forskning kring sjuksköterskans roll vid tidig mobilisering behövs. / Background: Hip fractures in the elderly are a common health problem in Sweden and around the world, which in many cases can result in severe complications, which mean more extended hospital stays. Early mobilization after hip fracture surgery is essential for improving recovery and preventing complications. Rehabilitation aims to restore the patient’s previous mobility, but many patients do not achieve their whole pre-fracture activity level. Mobilization is crucial to improving rehabilitation for elderly patients with hip fractures. Aim: The aim was to investigate factors that influencing early mobilization after a hip fracture in elderly patients. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study and nine articles were selected and reviewed. Results: Three categories were identified, Patient limitations, Drive and fears and Staff-related factors. The main factors preventing early mobilization are cognitive impairment, co-existing health conditions, fears and staff preconceptions. Patients’ drive such as motivation and support and encouragement from staff, are findings that contribute to successful mobilization. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals need clear guidelines and knowledge about early mobilization after hip fracture, and more research on the role of nurses in early mobilization is needed.

Disuse osteopenia : the short- and long-term effects of post-traumatic and post-surgical immobilisation following lower limb injury or total knee replacement

Hopkins, Susan Jane January 2013 (has links)
Low trauma hip fractures, due to bone fragility, are a major healthcare burden with serious consequences for individuals in terms of long-term morbidity and mortality; and also for society due to the high medical and care costs associated with these injuries. Because of the association with low bone mass, these fractures are particularly prevalent in elderly populations and are likely to become more common as longevity increases globally. Avoidance of these fractures is therefore an extremely important goal. Low bone mass, manifested in the conditions of osteopenia and osteoporosis, is the primary cause of bone fragility, and reductions in bone mass are the inevitable corollary of aging and menopause. Bone loss may be exacerbated by immobilisation and reduced weight-bearing activity, giving rise to the condition of disuse osteopenia. Immobilisation may itself be the result of low trauma leg fragility fractures that potentially causes further bone density loss. If this loss occurs at the hip, there is an increased risk for hip fracture as a sequela to the original injury. Osteoarthritis is also a condition strongly associated with aging that may necessitate knee arthroplasty as a last stage treatment, potentially causing a period of reduced mobility and weight-bearing activity following surgery. Leg fracture and knee replacement both present additional risk factors for hip fracture due to changes in muscle mass, gait and postural stability that may increase the risk of falls. This study aims primarily to investigate the effects of immobilisation on leg fracture and knee replacement patients, immediately following injury or surgery, in order to quantify bone and muscle loss and to monitor recovery over a one year period. A postmenopausal population were studied as they are already losing bone density systemically and may be at greater risk of further bone loss following immobilisation. Factors of activity, function, weight-bearing, pain, treatments, therapies, health perceptions and mental wellbeing, that potentially contribute to bone loss and recovery, were also investigated. Results from the study may provide information relating to increased future hip fracture risk and lead to treatment options to alleviate bone loss in these groups.

Rehabilitation after hip fracture:comparison of physical, geriatric and conventional treatment

Lahtinen, A. (Antti) 30 April 2019 (has links)
Abstract Hip fracture causes substantial burden for individual and society, with increased mortality and loss of function. The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the effects of specialized (physical and geriatric) rehabilitation on home-dwelling hip fracture patients 50 years or older on recovery one year after the fracture, (2) to evaluate the costs and cost-effectiveness of specialized rehabilitation modalities, (3) to study the recovery after hip fracture between home-dwelling male and female patients and (4) to determine recommendations for hip fracture rehabilitation concerning the general rehabilitation practices in Finland. A total of 538 consecutively, independently living patients with non-pathological hip fracture treated in Oulu University hospital, were randomized to one of the three rehabilitation modalities: privately-based rehabilitation unit (physical rehabilitation), geriatric department (geriatric rehabilitation) and healthcare centre hospital (control group). Patients were evaluated on admission, at 4 and 12 months for social status, residential status, walking ability, use of walking aids, pain in the hip, activities of daily living and mortality. Costs were evaluated by recording the use of healthcare service and the prices were obtained from Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) price list for the hospital and from a publication of the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health. Mortality was lower in the physical rehabilitation group 4 and 12 months after the fracture compared to geriatric and the control rehabilitation group. Physical and geriatric rehabilitation improved the ability of independent living after 4 months, but this effect could not be seen after 12 months. The rehabilitation costs were higher in the physical rehabilitation than in the control group, but the total healthcare-related costs one year after the fracture were lower in the physical rehabilitation group than in the control. Male and female patients recovered similarly after hip fracture. Age, poor functional status before the fracture and high ASA-score increased the mortality risk. This thesis suggests that intensive mobilization and rehabilitation is a recommended practice after the hip fracture, resulting in better functional recovery, survival and lower economic costs compared to routine treatment. Poor recovery was predicted not by sex, but by prefracture function and morbidity. / Tiivistelmä Lonkkamurtuma on yksi merkittävimmistä toimintakyvyn laskua ja kuolleisuutta aiheuttavista vammoista. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli (1) tutkia tehostetun (fysikaalisen ja geriatrisen) kuntoutuksen vaikutusta itsenäisesti asuvien, vähintään 50-vuotiaiden lonkkamurtumapotilaiden kuntoutumiseen murtumaa seuraavan vuoden aikana, (2) arvioida lonkkamurtuman hoidon kustannuksia ja kustannusvaikuttavuutta tehostetussa kuntoutusyksikössä, (3) tutkia lonkkamurtuman kuntoutumisen eroja mies- ja naispotilaiden välillä sekä (4) tarkentaa lonkkamurtuman hoitoketjun yleisiä suosituksia Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa seurattiin 538 lonkkamurtumapotilasta, jotka hoidettiin kirurgisesti Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Valintakriteereihin kuului vähintään 50 vuoden ikä sekä kyky itsenäiseen asumiseen joko omassa kodissa tai kodinomaisessa ympäristössä ennen murtumaa. Lonkkaleikkauksen jälkeen potilaat satunnaistettiin yhteen kolmesta kuntoutusryhmästä: fysikaaliseen kuntoutusryhmään (Oulun Diakonissalaitos), geriatriseen kuntoutusryhmään (Oulun kaupunginsairaalan kuntoutusosasto) sekä kontrolliryhmään (terveyskeskussairaalassa tapahtuva kuntoutus). Seuranta-aika oli yksi vuosi. Potilaat haastateltiin ennen kuntoutusta, sekä neljän ja 12 kuukauden kuluttua murtumasta, joiden yhteydessä aineisto kerättiin koskien yleistä terveydentilaa, toiminta- ja kävelykykyä, asumismuotoa ja kuolleisuutta. Kustannukset arvioitiin terveyspalveluiden käytöstä ja näiden hintoina käytettiin sairaalan yksikköhintoja (DRG) ja sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen (STAKES) yksikköhintoja. Fysikaalinen kuntoutus vähensi merkittävästi potilaiden kuolleisuutta neljän ja 12 kuukauden seurannoissa verrattuna geriatriseen kuntoutukseen sekä kontrolliryhmään. Lisäksi fysikaalinen ja geriatrinen kuntoutus lisäsivät lyhytaikaisesti potilaiden kykyä itsenäiseen asumiseen verrattuna kontrolliryhmään. Taloudellisten vaikutusten osalta fysikaalinen kuntoutusjakso oli huomattavasti tavanomaista kuntoutusta kalliimpi, mutta fysikaalisen kuntoutusryhmän kokonaiskustannukset vuoden aikana olivat pienemmät kuin kontrolliryhmän potilailla. Sukupuolella ei ollut vaikutusta potilaiden toimintakykyyn, laitostumiseen tai kuolleisuusriskiin murtuman jälkeen. Merkittäviksi kuolleisuutta ennustaviksi tekijöiksi osoittautuivat ikä, toimintakyky ennen murtumaa sekä leikkauskelpoisuusluokitus. Tulokset puoltavat tehostetun, erikoistuneessa kuntoutusyksikössä suoritetun hoidon käyttöä lonkkamurtumapotilailla sekä terveydellisten että taloudellisten syiden osalta.

Upplevelsen av aktivitet efter höftfraktur ur den äldre patientens perspektiv / The experience of activity after hip fracture from the older patient's perspective

Enochsson, Rebecca, Castell, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Antalet höftfrakturer ökar med en allt åldrande befolkning. För individen kan det medföra psykiska och fysiska konsekvenser med risk för bestående funktionsnedsättning. Återhämtningen och rehabiliteringen är inte avslutad vid utskrivning utan fortsätter under en längre tid. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur den äldre patienten med höftfraktur efter hemgång upplevde dagliga aktiviteter med fokus fysisk aktivitet. Metoden som användes var en allmän litteraturstudie med inspiration från kvalitativ analys i artikelbearbetningen. Resultatet beskrevs utifrån kategorierna Upplevelsen av begränsningar, Upplevelsen av minskad självständighet och Upplevelsen av att anpassning krävs. De äldre upplevde begränsningar efter höftfrakturer som nedsatt rörelseförmåga och fallrädsla vilket kunde resultera i en isolerad tillvaro med minskad självständighet i daglig- och fysisk aktivitet. Det psykiska måendet påverkades negativt till följd av begränsningar med känslor av frustration och nedstämdhet. Information om tiden efter höftfrakturen ansågs bristande. Ett behov av anpassning infann sig med tillämpning av olika strategier för att klara aktiviteterna. Litteraturstudiens resultat synliggör att återhämtningen var en lång process, präglad av begränsningar i utförandet av aktiviteter. / The number of hip fractures increases with an aging population. For the individual, it can have psychological and physical consequences with the risk of permanent disability. The recovery and rehabilitation is not completed at discharge but continues for a longer time. The aim of the study was to investigate how the elderly patient with hip fracture after returning home experienced daily activities focusing on physical activity. The method used was a general literature study with inspiration from qualitative analysis in the article processing. The result was described based on the categories The experience of perceived limitations, The experience of reduced independence and The experience of required adaptation. The elderly experienced limitations on hip fractures such as reduced mobility and fear of falling, which could result in an isolated existence with reduced independence in daily- and physical activity. The mental attitude was adversely affected by limitations with feelings of frustration and depression. Information about the time after the hip fracture was considered lacking. A need to adapt occurred with the application of different strategies to cope with activities. The results of the literature study shows that the recovery was a long process, characterized by the limitations in the performance of activities.

Hips at risk osteoporosis and prevention of hip fractures

Ekman, Anna January 2001 (has links)
<p>Hip fractures are the most serious consequence of osteoporosis, and are one important cause of morbidity and mortality among the elderly. Prophylactic treatment for hip fractures are now available. Early detection of individuals with increased risk for hip fractures is therefor of great interest. A subset of non-institutionalised patients with a first hip fracture (cases;n=l18) and controls (n=263), aged 65-85 years, underwent dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the femoral neck, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel and phalanges and radiographic absorptiometry (RA) of the phalanges. The entire cohort was followed for approximately four years or to death. In women, DXA of the proximal femur and QUS of the heel showed a high predictive value for an incident first hip fracture, adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.6 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.4-5.5) and 3.4 (95%CI 2.2-5.0) respectively. The association was even stronger in men, but only for DXA of the proximal femu,r with an adjusted OR of4.8 (95%CI 2.3-9.9). Bone densitometry at non-weight-bearing sites, QUS and RA of the phalanges did not discriminate female cases from controls, but proved capable of separating male cases from controls. The risk of death was higher in cases than in controls, with a multivariate rate ratio (RR) of 3.4 (95%CI 1.7-7.0). There was no significant association between bone density and mortality. </p><p>Nursing home residents underwent QUS of the heel and phalanges. Almost all of the female residents and 51% of the male residents were, if the WHO-criterion for osteoporosis was applied, osteoporotic as assessed by heel and finger QUS. The QUS values were approximately 1.5 SD lower than expected for age and gender. </p><p>In this randomised controlled intervention study we evaluated the effect of external hip protectors in nursing home residents; 302 residents were allocated to wear such protectors and 442 were controls. External hip protectors were found to be effective in preventing hip fractures in nursing home residents, with an adjusted relative risk for hip fracture of 0.33 (CI 0.11 - 1.00). </p>

Hips at risk osteoporosis and prevention of hip fractures

Ekman, Anna January 2001 (has links)
Hip fractures are the most serious consequence of osteoporosis, and are one important cause of morbidity and mortality among the elderly. Prophylactic treatment for hip fractures are now available. Early detection of individuals with increased risk for hip fractures is therefor of great interest. A subset of non-institutionalised patients with a first hip fracture (cases;n=l18) and controls (n=263), aged 65-85 years, underwent dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the femoral neck, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel and phalanges and radiographic absorptiometry (RA) of the phalanges. The entire cohort was followed for approximately four years or to death. In women, DXA of the proximal femur and QUS of the heel showed a high predictive value for an incident first hip fracture, adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.6 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.4-5.5) and 3.4 (95%CI 2.2-5.0) respectively. The association was even stronger in men, but only for DXA of the proximal femu,r with an adjusted OR of4.8 (95%CI 2.3-9.9). Bone densitometry at non-weight-bearing sites, QUS and RA of the phalanges did not discriminate female cases from controls, but proved capable of separating male cases from controls. The risk of death was higher in cases than in controls, with a multivariate rate ratio (RR) of 3.4 (95%CI 1.7-7.0). There was no significant association between bone density and mortality. Nursing home residents underwent QUS of the heel and phalanges. Almost all of the female residents and 51% of the male residents were, if the WHO-criterion for osteoporosis was applied, osteoporotic as assessed by heel and finger QUS. The QUS values were approximately 1.5 SD lower than expected for age and gender. In this randomised controlled intervention study we evaluated the effect of external hip protectors in nursing home residents; 302 residents were allocated to wear such protectors and 442 were controls. External hip protectors were found to be effective in preventing hip fractures in nursing home residents, with an adjusted relative risk for hip fracture of 0.33 (CI 0.11 - 1.00).

Fall-Related Hip Fracture : Predisposing and Precipitating Factors

Leavy, Breiffni January 2015 (has links)
A physically inactive lifestyle is a predisposing risk factor for fall-related hip fracture. The circumstances, or precipitating factors, surrounding hip fractures are, however, not well understood, a factor of relevance for Swedish adults who have one of the highest hip fracture risks in the world. The aims of this thesis, therefore, were: to explore perceptions of physical activity (PA) among older adults, to describe the circumstances surrounding hip fracture events and the health characteristics of those who experience them. Four observational studies were conducted involving qualitative, epidemiological and mixed method designs. Participants in study I were recruited from community settings in Stockholm and Dublin (n=30). Studies II-IV (sample sizes, n=484, n=125, n=477) were based on a population-based sample of people admitted to Uppsala University hospital due to hip fracture. Study IV also incorporated the background population of Uppsala county in 2010 (n=117 494). Analysis of PA perceptions in study I revealed that PA which is functional nature is perceived as most meaningful among certain participants. The uptake of PA in later years was a means of creating a new self-identify and being active in outdoor environments was an important culture-specific motivator to PA among Swedish participants. Analysis of hip fractures patterns in studies II-III showed that: hip fractures among psychotropic drug users were twice as likely to occur during night-time hours compared to those occurring among people not receiving these drugs. Additionally, the fall-related hip fractures of community dwellers with poorest health and function tended to occur indoors during positional changes. In study IV, all categories of disease (according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) were seen to be positively associated with hip fracture.  Cardiovascular disease and previous injury (including previous fracture) posed the highest relative and absolute fracture risks. Detailed investigation of hip fracture circumstances reveal patterns in health and functional characteristics, which provide information regarding predisposing and precipitating factors for these events. This knowledge, in combination with findings regarding PA perceptions, can be used when identifying individuals at high risk for hip fracture and when tailoring fracture prevention at an individual level to those at risk.

The protective effect of healthy ageing on the risk of fall-related hip fracture injury in older people

Peel, N M Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The protective effect of healthy ageing on the risk of fall-related hip fracture injury in older people

Peel, N M Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The protective effect of healthy ageing on the risk of fall-related hip fracture injury in older people

Peel, N M Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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