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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle du sommeil paradoxal dans des formes de mémoire dépendantes de l'hippocampe : une étude chez la souris de la neuromodulation par l'Hormone de Mélano- Concentration et des réseaux corticaux / Role of paradoxical sleep in hippocampal-dependent memory forms : a study in mice of neuromodulation induced by the Melanin-Concentrating Hormone and of cortical networks

Le Barillier, Léa 26 January 2015 (has links)
Il est maintenant établi que le sommeil paradoxal (SP) facilite certaines formes de mémoires dépendantes de l'hippocampe bien que les mécanismes impliqués restent mal compris. Des résultats de l'équipe et d'autres laboratoires suggèrent toutefois que cet effet facilitateur serait en partie sous-tendu par une modulation de la plasticité synaptique de longue durée dans l'hippocampe. Nos travaux se proposent donc d'étudier ces mécanismes chez la souris, à l'échelle synaptique et systémique. Pour cela nous nous avons privilégié trois approches : 1) La caractérisation comportementale et électrophysiologique du rôle des neurones à Hormone de Mélano-Concentration (MCH), une hormone hypothalamique libérée principalement pendant le SP, qui pourrait être un acteur associé au SP, impliqué dans la formation ou la consolidation de nouveaux apprentissage ; 2) L'étude de la neuromodulation de la transmission synaptique hippocampique induite par la MCH ; 3) Une étude du rôle du SP dans le remodelage des réseaux corticaux de la mémoire prenant place pendant les processus de consolidation à court et long terme d'un conditionnement contextuel à la peur. L'ensemble de nos résultats indique que le SP, grâce notamment à des effecteurs moléculaires comme la MCH, peut moduler la plasticité synaptique hippocampique et ainsi intervenir aussi bien dans la formation que la consolidation à long terme des souvenirs / It is now established that paradoxical sleep (PS) facilitates some hippocampaldependent memory forms although mechanisms implied are still not well understood. However, results from our lab and others suggest that part of this facilitating effect is underlined by hippocampal long term synaptic plasticity modulation. Our work investigates these mechanisms in mice, at a synaptic and systemic scale. We opted for three different approaches: 1) A behavioural and electrophysiological characterization of the role of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH) neurons. Indeed, as this hypothalamic hormone is mainly liberated during PS, it could be a PS associated effector implied in formation or consolidation of new memories ; 2) A study of neuromodulating effects on hippocampal synaptic transmission induced by MCH ; 3) A study of PS role in memory cortical networks remodeling happening during short and long-term consolidation of a contextual fear conditioning task. Altogether, our results point out that PS modulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity, notably through molecular effectors such as MCH, and thus takes part in both encoding and long-term consolidation of memories process

Inhibition of the Calcium Plateau Following In Vitro Status Epilepticus Prevents the Development of Spontaneous Recurrent Epileptiform Discharges

Nagarkatti, Nisha 18 September 2009 (has links)
Status epilepticus (SE) is a major clinical emergency resulting in continuous seizure activity that can cause brain injury and many molecular and pathophysiologic changes leading to neuronal plasticity. The neuronal plasticity following SE-induced brain injury can initiate epileptogenesis and lead to the ultimate expression of acquired epilepsy (AE), characterized clinically by spontaneous, recurrent seizures. Epileptogenesis is the process wherein healthy brain tissue is transformed into hyperexcitable neuronal networks that produce AE. Understanding these alterations induced by brain injury is an important clinical challenge and can lend insight into possible new therapeutic targets to halt the development of AE. Currently there are no means to prevent epileptogenesis following brain injury; thus, the elucidation of mechanisms of epileptogenesis will be useful in preventing the long-term clinical sequela. It has been demonstrated in vivo that calcium (Ca2+) dynamics are severely altered during SE and that elevations in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in hippocampal neurons are maintained well past the duration of the injury itself (Ca2+ plateau). Here we report that similar changes in [Ca2+]i are observed in the hippocampal neuronal culture model of SE-induced AE. As an important second messenger, the maintenance of a Ca2+ plateau following injury can lead to several changes in gene expression, neurotransmitter release, and overall, neuronal plasticity. Thus, changes in post-SE [Ca2+]i and Ca2+ homeostasis may be important in understanding epileptogenesis and eventually preventing the progression to chronic epilepsy. This dissertation examines the development and maintenance of the Ca2+ plateau after SE and demonstrates the novel finding that pharmacological modulation of [Ca2+]i following SE may inhibit epileptogenesis in vitro.

Avaliação do desfecho em longo prazo na cirurgia de epilepsia do lobo temporal / Long term outcome of epilepsy surgery in 621 patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy due to hippocampal sclerosis

Dalio, Marina Teixeira Ramalho Pereira 01 March 2019 (has links)
A epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT), além de ser o tipo de epilepsia focal mais comum, também é a que tem maior refratariedade à farmacoterapia, correspondendo à 30% dos casos. Se não tratada pode levar à piora da qualidade de vida, déficits cognitivos e risco de morte (ENGEL, 1998). O tratamento padrão para ELT farmacorresistente é a remoção cirúrgica das estruturas envolvidas (ENGEL, 1996), com taxas de cura que podem chegar a 80% (ENGEL, 2001a). Os benefícios da cirurgia são: diminuição da frequência e severidade das crises, diminuição da mortalidade, melhores índices de qualidade de vida. Recomenda-se que pacientes com ELT farmacorresistentes sejam referenciados a um centro de cirurgia de epilepsia para avaliar a possibilidade de intervenção cirúrgica (ENGEL et al., 2003). Em nosso estudo, avaliamos 621 pacientes com epilepsia mesial do lobo temporal, com confirmação histopatológica de esclerose hipocampal, que realizaram ressecção do lobo temporal no Centro de Cirurgia de Epilepsia de Ribeirão Preto (CIREP) entre os anos de 1994 até 2011. Avaliamos os principais fatores preditores que influenciam no sucesso cirúrgico relacionados ao controle das crises epilépticas, através de um estudo longitudinal e retrospectivo. Realizamos o acompanhamento clínico desses pacientes por até 23 anos, com média de 11,6 anos (± 5,3) e encontramos que 73,6% dos pacientes ficaram livres de crises com alteração da consciência (Engel I) e 84,7% tiveram um bom prognóstico cirúrgico (Engel I + II). Esse prognóstico foi relativamente mantido ao longo do tempo em 65 % dos pacientes, após 20 a 23 anos da cirurgia. Encontramos que a história de crise febril foi um fator de bom prognóstico, enquanto que a aura dismnésica e olfatória foram fatores de mau prognóstico. Em relação ao tipo de técnica cirúrgica, a lobectomia temporal anteromesial (com ressecção do polo temporal), obteve significativo melhor prognóstico (78,6% Engel I) em relação à cirurgia que poupa o polo temporal (67,2% Engel I), p=0,002*, sugerindo que as conexões neurais envolvidas na zona epileptogênica podem estar além das estruturas mesiais. Concluímos que a cirurgia para epilepsia é um procedimento seguro, com baixos índices de complicações pós-operatórias e bons resultados em longo prazo. / Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common type of focal epilepsy and the one that has greater refractoriness to pharmacotherapy, corresponding to 30% of the cases. If untreated, it can lead to worsening of quality of life, cognitive deficits and risk of death (ENGEL, 1998). The standard treatment for medically refractory TLE is the surgical removal of the structures involved (ENGEL, 1996), with good outcomes rates that can reach to 80% (ENGEL, 2001a). The benefits of the surgery are: decrease in frequency and severity of seizures, decrease in mortality, better indexes of quality of life and higher rates of return to school and work. It is recommended that medically refractory TLE patients should be referred to an epilepsy surgery center to evaluate the possibility of surgical intervention (ENGEL et al., 2003). In our study, we evaluated 621 patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy secondary to hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS), who underwent a temporal lobectomy at our epilepsy surgery center (CIREP) between the years 1994 to 2011. We evaluated the main predictive factors that influence the surgical outcome, through a longitudinal and retrospective study. We performed the clinical follow-up for up to 23 years and the mean follow-up was 11,6 years (± 5,3). We found that 73,6 % of the patients were free of disabling seizures and 84,7% had a good surgical outcome (Engel I + II). This prognosis was relatively maintained over the time in 65% of patients after 20 to 23 years of surgery. We found that history of febrile seizure was a good prognostic factor, whereas the dysmnesic and olfactory aura were factors of poor outcome. Regarding the type of surgical technique, the anteromesial temporal lobe resection obtained significant better outcomes (78,6% Engel I) in relation to the surgery who preserve the temporal pole (67,2% Engel I), p value = 0,002*, suggesting that the neuronal networks involved in the epileptogenic zone may be beyond mesial structures. We conclude that epilepsy surgery is a safe procedure, with low rates of postoperative complications and good long-term results.

Epigenetic regulation by BAF (mSWI/SNF) chromatin remodeling complexes in late cortical development and beyond

Nguyen, Huong 03 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

MicroRNAs circulantes como preditores do resultado cirúrgico da epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial com esclerose hipocampal / Circulating microRNAs as surgical outcome predictors of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis

Almeida, Serguey Malaquias de 15 April 2016 (has links)
Alta prevalência, farmacorresistência e bom prognóstico cirúrgico são algumas das características clínicas que tornam a epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial com esclerose hipocampal (ELTM-EH) uma das mais importantes formas de epilepsia. Ela é o modelo da epilepsia cirurgicamente curável. Infelizmente, cerca de 10% dos pacientes evoluem com resultado cirúrgico insatisfatório. A ELTM-EH está associada a alterações amplas do perfil de expressão dos microRNAs (miRNAs) do hipocampo. Recentemente, constatou-se a existência de miRNAs estáveis no sangue periférico e em outros fluidos corporais, comprovadamente aplicáveis como biomarcadores, cuja abrangência vai do diagnóstico à resposta terapêutica. Tendo isso em vista, a pesquisa partiu do seguinte questionamento: é possível a identificação, no sangue periférico, de assinaturas moleculares por miRNAs que predigam o resultado do tratamento cirúrgico da ELTM-EH? Por meio de técnicas de biologia molecular, avaliaram-se amostras de sangue e hipocampo de pacientes submetidos à lobectomia temporal anterior em consequência de ELTMEH farmacorresistente. As amostras eram representativas de indivíduos com resultado cirúrgico favorável (Engel IA) e desfavorável (Engel III e IV). Com a técnica de microarray obteve-se o perfil de expressão de miRNAs das amostras triadas e chegou-se a um conjunto de seis miRNAs candidatos a biomarcadores de prognóstico cirúrgico: miR-92b-3p; miR-1238-3p; miR-1181; miR-636; miR- 1229-3p e miR-486-5p. Em seguida, com a técnica de PCR em tempo real, quantificou-se a expressão destes seis miRNAs e, a partir da otimização de um ponto de corte na escala de expressão, cada miRNA circulante foi apreciado como preditor de resultado cirúrgico. Assim, constatou-se hiperexpressão sanguínea dos seis miRNAs, sem distinção estatística entre os grupos Engel IA e Engel III-IV, hiperexpressão hipocampal do miR-486-5p no grupo Engel IA e hipoexpressão hipocampal do miR-636 nos grupos Engel IA e Engel III-IV. Na análise dos miRNAs circulantes como preditores de sucesso cirúrgico, o miR- 1238-3p exibiu uma sensibilidade de 40,00%, especificidade de 92,86% e acurácia de 65,52%. O conjunto miR-1238/miR1181 mostrou sensibilidade de 46,67%, especificidade de 85,71% e acurácia de 65,52%. O único miRNA circulante sondado como preditor de insucesso cirúrgico, o miR-636, revelou sensibilidade de 21,43%, especificidade de 93,33% e acurácia de 58,62% / A high prevalence, drug resistance and good surgical prognosis are some of the clinical characteristics that cause mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS) to be one of the most important forms of epilepsy. This condition is the model of surgically curable epilepsy, although unfortunately about 10% of the patients exhibit an unsatisfactory surgical outcome. MTLE-HS is associated with extensive changes in the expression profile of hippocampal microRNAs (miRNAs). It has been recently observed that stable miRNAs exist in peripheral blood and in other body fluids which have been proved to be applicable as biomarkers from diagnosis to therapeutic response. On this basis, the present investigation was based on the following question: is it possible to identify molecular signatures by peripheral blood miRNAS that predict the outcome of surgical treatment of MTLE-HS? Molecular biology techniques were used to evaluate blood and hippocampal samples of patients submitted to anterior temporal lobectomy as a consequence of drug-resistant MTLE-HS. The samples were representative of patients with a favorable (Engel IA) and unfavorable (Engel III and IV) surgical outcome. The microarray technique was used to obtain the expression profile of miRNAs in the samples, with a set of six miRNAs being reached as candidate biomarkers for surgical prognosis: miR-92b-3p, miR-1238- 3p, miR-1181, miR-636, miR-1229-3p, and miR-486-5p. Next, real-time PCR was used to quantitate the expression of these six miRNAs and, based on the optimization of a cut-off point on the expression scale, each circulating miRNA was evaluated as surgical outcome predictor. We observed blood hyperexpression of the six miRNAs with no significant difference between the Engel IA and Engel IIIIV groups, hippocampal hyperexpression of miR-486-5p in the Engel IA group, and hippocampal hypoexpression of miR-636 in the Engel IA and Engel III-IV groups. Analysis of circulating miRNAs as predictors of surgical success revealed that miR-1238-3p exhibited 40.00% sensitivity, 92.86% specificity and 65.52% accuracy. The miR-1238/miR1181 set showed 46.67% sensitivity, 85.71% specificity and 65.52% accuracy. The only circulating miRNA evaluated as a predictor of surgical failure, miR-636, showed 21.43% sensitiviy, 93.33% specificity, and 58.62% accuracy

Conexões aferentes da área de transição amígdalo-piriforme (APir) no rato. / Afferent connections of the amygdalopiriform transition area (APir) of the rat.

Santiago, Adriana Celestino 17 November 1999 (has links)
A área de transição amígdalo-piriforme (APir) está situada na confluência dos córtices piriforme, periamigdalóide e entorrinal lateral (ENTl). Com técnicas de rastreamento retrógrado foi observado que as principais aferências da APir se originam do bulbo olfativo, dos córtices piriforme, insular disgranular e agranular posterior, perirrinal, da formação hipocampal e da amígdala. Outras estruturas como o núcleo da banda diagonal de Broca, o pálido ventral, a substância inominada sublenticular, o tálamo da linha média, o núcleo dorsal da rafe, o locus coeruleus e a área parabraquial são fontes de aferências mais modestas a esta área de transição. A APir e o ENTl diferem no que diz respeito à origem de suas aferências mesocorticais, amigdalianas e talâmicas. Assim, a APir está em condições de integrar informações olfativas, gustativas, interoceptivas gerais e polissensoriais complexas e, através de suas projeções para a amígdala expandida, striatum ventral e formação hipocampal, influenciar a expressão de comportamentos motivados. / The amygdalo-piriform transition area (APir) lies at the junction of the piriform, periamygdaloid and entorhinal cortices. The afferent connections of this olfactory district were studied with retrograde tracing methods using the cholera toxin B subunit and Fluoro-Gold as tracers. Our retrograde experiments showed that the main input sources to APir derive from the olfactory bulb, mesocortical and allocortical areas including the dysgranular insular, posterior part of the agranular insular, piriform, lateral entorhinal and perirhinal cortices, temporal field CA1 of Ammon horn, ventral subiculum, as well as the endopiriform nucleus and the amygdaloid complex (anterior basomedial, posterior basolateral and anterior, posterolateral, posteromedial cortical nuclei). Several other structures among which the diagonal band, ventral pallidum, sublenticular substantia inominatta, midline thalamic nuclei, dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus and parabrachial area provide more modest inputs to APir. Our results suggest in addition that projections from mesocortical areas, hippocampal formation and the posterior basolateral amygdaloid nucleus to APir are topographically organized. Fluoro-Gold injections in the ventrolateral entorhinal cortex indicate that the afferent connections of this district differ in many regards from the afferent connections of APir. Cortical and amygdaloid inputs suggest tha APir is chiefly involved in the processing of olfactory, gustatory, visceral and somesthesic information, whereas the ventrolateral entorhinal cortex seems to be more crucially related with visual and auditory processes. APir is also less densely projected upon by midline thalamic nuclei than the lateral entorhinal cortex. Taken as a whole our results suggest that APir is in position to relay highly integrated olfactory, gustatory, interoceptive and somesthesic information to the extended amygdala, ventral striatum and ventral subiculum, and as such modulate the expression of motivated and emotional behavior.

Caracterização da via de ativação de neurotoxicidade induzida pela Anidroegconina Metil Éster (AEME) in vitro / Activation pathways characterization related to the Anhydroegconin Methyl Ester (AEME)-induced neurotoxicity in vitro.

Udo, Mariana Sayuri Berto 07 December 2017 (has links)
O consumo mundial de cocaína vem crescendo e no Brasil já são estimados mais de 2 milhões de usuários, destes 370 mil usam regularmente o crack. A cocaína, em suas diversas formas, é um psicoestimulante com alto potencial de abuso e a forma fumada causa à seus usuários mais complicações de saúde do que as demais formas. Muitas dessas complicações estão relacionadas às funções cognitivas, como comprometimento da atenção e memória. O usuário de crack, no ato de fumar, está sujeito tanto à ação da cocaína volatilizada quanto a dos seus produtos de pirólise, principalmente da anidroecgnonina metil éster (AEME). Considerando que pouco se conhece a respeito da AEME, ou de sua associação com cocaína, que os distúrbios cognitivos podem estar relacionados à morte neuronal e que o hipocampo é uma das principais estruturas encefálicas relacionada com cognição e memória, este trabalho visou investigar as vias de ativação de morte celular decorrente das exposições à 1 mM de AEME, 2 mM de cocaína, bem como da associação de ambas (C + A), por 3, 6 e 12 h. Para tanto, utilizamos neurônios hipocampais de embriões de rato no 18º dia embrionário (E18) que foram mantidos em cultura por até 7 dias (DIV7), quando foram feitas as exposições. Nossos resultados mostraram que em 3 h a cocaína e a AEME promoveram aumento de atividade enzimática (pelo teste de MTT) que se reverteu ao longo de 12 h. Além disso, AEME aumentou na permeabilidade da membrana plasmática em 6 h que se manteve em 12 h. Embora essas alterações tenham ocorrido em 3 h e 6 h, caspase-8 se ativou apenas em 12 h, ativando também a sinalização apoptótica com a externalização de FS. A cocaína ativou o processo autofágico a partir de 3 h aumentando a quantificação de LC3 II, mas apresentou redução de células com vesículas ácidas em 6 h e 12 h, sugerindo que esta promova morte neuronal por causar falha no fluxo autofágico. A AEME apresentou somente aumento de células com vesículas ácidas em 3 h, revertendo-se já em 6 h, indicando que o processo autofágico só se fez presente no primeiro horário, dando vez à programação de apoptose celular, por ativação da via extrínseca. A associação dessas substâncias apresentou-se mais neurotóxica do que as substâncias isoladas, com redução de células íntegras a partir de 3 h de exposição, ativação de caspase-8 e externalização de FS em 6 h, sem envolver o sistema autofágico. Além disso, as características morfológicas observadas em 6 h, como o aumento do tamanho do núcleo e do corpo celular que se tornaram picnóticos em 12 h, podem sugerir que a neurotoxicidade induzida por C + A seja por necroptose, onde a ativação de caspases resulta em um processo tipo necrótico. Assim, concluímos que, embora a literatura mostre morte neuronal por apoptose a partir de 24 h de exposição para cocaína e para AEME, as respostas celulares que levam à este fim iniciam-se já em 12 h, por ativação da via extrínseca e a associação destas substâncias é ainda mais neurotóxica, iniciando a sinalização de morte já em 6 h e induzindo uma morfologia tipo necrótica. / Cocaine market is increasing all around the world. In Brazil it is estimated that almost 2 million people make usage of this substance which 370 thousand people use the crack form. Cocaine is a psychostimulant with large potential for abuse and the smokable form produces more health problems than the other routes of use, mainly in the cognitive field related to compromising attention, memory and decision take. The crack users are exposed to both volatized cocaine and their pyrolysis products, which the main product is the anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME). Considering that the cognitive disturbs could be related to neurons death, the memory functions are also related to the hippocampal functions, and little is known about the AEME neurotoxicity or even the combination of cocaine and AEME in cell fate, our study aims to characterize the time and pathways related to the hippocampal neurotoxicity induced by 2 mM of cocaine, 1 mM of AEME and the association (C + A) of both substances during 3 h, 6 h and 12 h of exposure. Our results showed that cocaine and AEME increased enzymatic activity (MTT test) in 3 h but it reversed during 12 h of exposure. Moreover, AEME increased cell permeability in 6 h keeping it until 12 h. Although theses early alterations, both substances activated caspase -8 after 12 h when early apoptosis was also observed by the FS externalization. Cocaine activated the autophagic process at 3 h increasing the LC3 II quantification, but decreased the number of cell with acid vesicle at 6 h and 12 h, suggesting neuronal death due to failure in the autophagic flux. AEME showed increased in cell number with acid vesicle only in 3 h which returned after 6 h suggesting that the autophagic process gave place to the apoptotic program starting from the extrinsic pathway. The association of cocaine and AEME was shown more neurotoxic than them alone, decreasing the number of integral cells after 3 h, activating caspase -8 and promoting FS externalization after 6 h without involving the autophagy. In addition, taking the C + A morphology in 6 h, where it was observed increasing of nucleus and soma size that became pyknotic at 12 h, we suggest that the neuronal death could occur by necroptosis because this composition activated caspase -8 and resulted in necrotic like morphology. Thus, we conclude that cocaine- and AEME-induced apoptosis neuronal death starts in 12 h of exposure by the extrinsic pathway and the association of both substances is more neurotoxic than they alone, starting earlier after 6 h and resulting in a necrotic-like morphology.

Einfluß der synaptischen Vesikelproteine Synaptophysin und Synaptobrevin auf Wachstum und Differenzierung der hippocampalen Zellkultur

Gorsleben, Martin 31 May 1999 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Rolle der synaptischen Vesikelproteine Synaptophysin und Synaptobrevin bei Wachstum und Differenzierung der primär dissoziierten hippocampalen Zellkultur 17 Tage alter Mäuseembryonen zu untersuchen. Besonderes Interesse galt dabei dem Fortsatzwachstum und der Synaptogenese. Durch Beobachtung von Zellmorphologie und Zellwachstum wurde gezeigt, daß die Ausbildung charakteristischer Zelltypen ein intrinsischer Prozeß der hippocampalen Neurone ist. Die Synaptogenese wurde durch die Darstellung der entwicklungsabhängigen Verteilung der synaptischen Vesikelproteine Synaptophysin und Synaptobrevin mittels Immunfluoreszenzmarkierung dokumentiert. Durch elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen wurde die Differenzierung subzellulärer Strukturen der hippocampalen Zellkultur charakterisiert und die Verteilung von Synaptophysin und Synaptobrevin entwicklungsabhängig dargestellt. Synaptophysin fand sich nicht nur in axonalen Präsynapsen, sondern auch in Dendriten. Synaptobrevin war im Gegensatz zu Synaptophysin nicht in allen synaptischen Vesikeln der Axonterminalen darstellbar. Um die Wirkungen von Synaptophysin und Synaptobrevin auf hippocampale Neurone in der Kultur genauer zu untersuchen, standen zwei Versuchsmodelle zur Verfügung: 1. die Synaptophysin-defiziente Maus und 2. das clostridiale Neurotoxin Tetanustoxin (TeNT), das Synaptobrevin spezifisch spaltet. Anhand der Depletion von Synaptophysin wurde untersucht, ob in vitro das Fehlen des Proteins Konsequenzen in Bezug auf Synapsenbildung und morphologisches Erscheinungsbild der Neurone hat. Es konnten lichtmikroskopisch und auch im elektronenmikroskopischen Bild keine Unterschiede zu Kontrollkulturen festgestellt werden. Durch morphometrische Messungen zeigte sich, daß in der Kultur der Synaptophysin-depletierten Maus nach 2 DIV mit hoher Signifikanz die Dendriten länger als in Kontrollkulturen waren. Dies spricht für regulatorische Funktionen des Proteins bei Exo- und Endozytosevorgängen während des dendritischen Wachstums. Nach Zugabe von Tetanustoxin zur pränatalen Zellkultur konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Inaktivierung von Synaptobrevin durch TeNT in vitro keine Konsequenzen in Bezug auf das morphologische Erscheinungsbild der Neurone, die Synapsenbildung und das Wachstumsverhalten hat. Mit morphometrischen Messungen konnten für TeTx-behandelte Neurone keine hochsignifikanten Unterschiede zu Kontrollkulturen festgestellt werden. Synaptobrevin scheint also sowohl beim Axon- als auch beim Dendritenwachstum keine essentielle Rolle zu spielen. / Goal of this work was to investigate the role of the synaptic vesicle proteins synaptophysin and synaptobrevin during development and differentiation of mouse fetal hippocampal neurons in primary culture. The outgrowth of dendritic and axonal fibers and the mechanisms of synaptogenesis were of special interest. Observation of morphology and development showed that generation of characteristic cell types is an intrinsic process of hippocampal neurons. Differentiation of cellular and subcellular structures in hippocampal cell culture, characteristics of synaptogenesis and the stage-dependent distribution of synaptophysin and synaptobrevin were demonstrated by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Synaptophysin was localized in presynaptic axon terminals but also in dendrites. In contrast with synaptophysin immunoreaction for synaptobrevin could not be found in all synaptic vesicles of the presynaptic axon terminal. To investigate the influence of synaptophysin and synaptobrevin on hippocampal neurons in culture two experimental models were used, first a synaptophysin-knock-out-mouse and second the clostridial neurotoxin tetanustoxin (TeNT) which selectively cleaves synaptobrevin. With the depletion of synaptophysin we investigated if there are consequences in development of synapses and morphological features of the neurons in vitro. In both, light and electron microscopy, there was no difference to control cultures. In morphometric measurements there was a significant difference in the lenght of developing dendrites after 2 DIV with longer dendrites in the synaptophysin-knock-out-mouse. Therefore synaptophysin may have a regulatory function for exo-/ endocytosis during dendritic growth. Specific inactivation of synaptobrevin by tetanustoxin had no consequences in morphological features, synaptogenesis and growing of the hippoacampal neurons in vitro. Morphometric measurements showed no significant differences between TeNT and control. Therefore we conclude that synaptobrevin has no essential function during axon growth or dendrite elongation.

Associação dos níveis de BDNF com volume do hipocampo no comprometimento cognitivo leve e na doença de Alzheimer

Borba, Ericksen Mielle January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Perda de memória é um dos sintomas mais comuns em pacientes nos estágios iniciais da doença de Alzheimer; esses déficits são um reflexo do envolvimento da formação do hipocampo. O BDNF tem sido relacionado com a plasticidade do hipocampo. Neste sentido, as combinações de biomarcadores, como, por exemplo, a volumetria do hipocampo, pode apresentar um maior valor preditivo para diferenciar doença de Alzheimer do envelhecimento normal em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve. Objetivo: A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo avaliar os níveis séricos do BDNF e o volume do hipocampo em pacientes com demência devido à doença de Alzheimer, Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve (CCL) e idosos saudáveis. Métodos: Para realização do estudo foram selecionados 10 idosos saudáveis, 10 CCL e 13 pacientes com demência devido à doença de Alzheimer pelos critérios NIA-AA. Todos participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação cognitiva. Para as análises do BDNF, foi utilizado método de ELISA e para as análises de volumetria do hipocampo as imagens foram obtidas por meio de equipamento de ressonância de 1.5T e os volumes obtidos por meio do programa NeuroQuant®. Resultados: Idosos saudáveis apresentaram níveis séricos mais elevados de BDNF do que os CCL e pacientes com demência. O grupo de pacientes com demência apresentou menor volume total do hipocampo do que os idosos saudáveis e os CCL. Não houve correlação significativa do BDNF sérico com volume do hipocampo. Conclusão: Considerando nossos resultados em conjunto (baixos níveis de BDNF nos grupos CCL e demência devido à DA e menor volume do hipocampo na demência devido à AD), podemos supor que a diminuição dos níveis de BDNF ocorre antes da lesão neuronal expressa pela redução do hipocampo. / Introduction: Memory impairment is the most common symptom in patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease; this deficit is a reflection of the involvement of the hippocampal formation. BDNF has been linked to the hippocampal plasticity. Combinations of biomarkers, such as the hippocampal volumetry may have higher predictive value for differentiating Alzheimer's disease from normal aging in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Objective: The objective of present thesis was to evaluate serum levels of BDNF and hippocampal volume in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease, and healthy elderly participants. Method: Ten healthy elderly subjects, 10 MCI and 13 patients with dementia due to Alzheimer's Disease (NIA-AA criteria) were selected for the study. All participants were assessed cognitively. The ELISA method was used for BDNF analysis, and the analysis of hippocampal volumetric images were acquired with 1.5T magnetic resonance equipment and volumes obtained with NeuroQuant® program. Results: Healthy elderly had higher BDNF serum levels than MCI and dementia due to AD patients. The group of dementia patients had lower total hippocampal volume than MCI and healthy elderly participants. No significant correlation between serum BDNF and hippocampal volume was observed. Conclusion: Taking our results together (lower BDNF levels in MCI and dementia due to AD and smaller hippocampal volume in dementia due to AD) we can hypothesize that the decrease of BDNF may start before the establishment of neuronal injury expressed by the hippocampal reduction.

Avaliação dos efeitos das medicações antiepilépticas na conectividade cerebral de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal por meio da neuroimagem / Analysis of the antiepileptic medications effects on the cerebral connectivity of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy through neuroimaging

Bellentani, Fernanda Furlanetto [UNESP] 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Furlanetto Bellentani null (fernandafbelle@gmail.com) on 2017-03-07T01:02:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Bellentani FF.pdf: 1557146 bytes, checksum: 788737393ee9b836ba8bd34728ed2c3d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-03-10T16:53:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bellentani_ff_dr_bot.pdf: 1557146 bytes, checksum: 788737393ee9b836ba8bd34728ed2c3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T16:53:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bellentani_ff_dr_bot.pdf: 1557146 bytes, checksum: 788737393ee9b836ba8bd34728ed2c3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-17 / A conectividade funcional é anormal na epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial (ELTm). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de fármacos antiepilépticos (FAES) na conectividade funcional de pacientes com ELTm. Para isso, 31 pacientes com ELTm (16 à direita e 15 à esquerda) e 36 controles foram investigados. Sequências 3D volumétricas T1 e imagens funcionais a partir de sinal BOLD foram adquiridas em um equipamento 3T. Os dados da ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) em repouso foram processados e analisados utilizando o programa CONN. Para cada sujeito, duas formas de análise foram realizadas: uma de correlação entre as várias regiões de interesse e outra de região interesse para todos os voxels. A análise de grupos foi feita utilizando um modelo linear geral com nível de significância de p < 0,05 corrigido para múltiplas comparações. Foram realizadas comparações entre pacientes com ELTm (direita ou esquerda) e controles, seguidas de comparações de acordo com a carga de FAEs. A partir dessas análises, foi constatado uma redução de conectividade com volume total de 9092 mm3 (p<0,0001), em pacientes com ELTm esquerda e 5234 mm3 (p<0,0001), em pacientes com ELTm direita . Quando considerada a carga de medicação, pacientes com ELTm esquerda, recebendo doses altas, apresentaram redução de conectividade nas regiões temporais. Nos pacientes que recebiam doses baixas, essa redução atingiu uma área total mais extensa, no córtex frontal medial, na região posterior do cíngulo e pré-cúneo. Para o lado direito, em pacientes recebendo doses altas, a redução de conectividade foi observada apenas na área do cótex frontal medial. Nos que receberam doses baixas, 2 áreas com redução foram observadas (córtex frontal medial e região posterior do cíngulo) e com uma extensão maior. A análise de correlação envolvendo regiões de interesse mostrou, para ambos os lados, que o circuito amígdalo-hipocampal e a rede de modo padrão apresentaram maior conectividade quando utilizadas maiores doses de FAEs. Com base nesses resultados, foram confirmadas áreas de conectividade funcional anormal em pacientes com ELTm e que se apresentam mais difusas em pacientes com ELTm esquerda. Conclui-se também que as doses de medicamentos podem influenciar nestas observações, uma vez que o aumento de dose tende a normalizar a conectividade funcional cerebral. / The functional connectivity is abnormal in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of antiepileptic drugs (AED) laterality and medication effect in the functional connectivity of MTLE. For this, 31 patients with MTLE (16 right and 15 left) and 36 controls were investigated. 3D volumetric sequences T1 and functional images from BOLD signal were acquired in a 3T equipment. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were processed and analyzed using the CONN program. Two forms of analysis were performed for each patient: one of correlation between the various regions of interest and other of region of interest for all the voxels. The group analyzes was done following a general linear model with a level of significance of p < 0,05 corrected for the multiple comparisons. Comparisons were made between patients with MTLE (right or left) and controls, following of comparisons according to the AED. From these analysis, it was observed that in patients with left MTLE, there was a reduction in connectivity with total volume of 9092 mm³ (p<0,0001) and in patients with right MTLE, the areas of decreased connectivity totaled 5234 mm³ (p<0,0001). When considering the medication load, patients with left MTLE receiving high doses presented reduced connectivity in the temporal regions and in patients receiving low doses, this reduction reached a more extensive total area, in the medial frontal cortex, in the posterior region of the cingulate and pre-cuneous. To the right side, in patients receiving high doses, a reduced connectivity was observed only in the area of the medial frontal cortex, whereas in those receiving low doses, 2 areas with reduction were observed (medial frontal cortex and posterior cingulate region). The analysis of correlation involving regions of interest showed, to both sides that the amygdalo-hippocampal circuit and the network pattern mode presented greater connectivity when higher doses of AED. Based on these results were confirmed areas of abnormal functional connectivity in patients with MTLE and are more difuse in patients with left MTLE. It was also concluded that drug doses can influence these observations, once the doses increase tends to normalize functional brain connectivity.

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