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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání aktuální nabídky spořících produktů nabízených v ČR / Comparison of current savings products offered on the Czech market

Nalevajková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes individual forms of funds valorization and compares current savings products offered on the Czech market with respect to different parameters. The last part of the thesis shows the preferences of Czech households in funds valorization and the factors affecting their decision-making, based on survey results.

Domestic bliss : how a group of white South Africans understand their relationships with the domestic workers who helped to raise them.

Swisa, Sarit 08 April 2013 (has links)
In the dearth of literature regarding domestic workers in general, there is a notable absence of the relationships formed between domestic workers and their employers’ children. Nine young white adults who self-identified themselves as having a close relationship with their families’ domestic workers for a minimum of ten years, were interviewed on the nature of this closeness and what it means in the context of the family and in South Africa. These participants shared the significance of their domestic workers in their lives, highlighting their integration into the family structure. These women often filled in for absent parents or mediated conflicted parent-child interactions, serving as a unique support system for the participants. However, contradictory evidence was also apparent as the boundaries between domestic workers and the participants’ families were described. Issues of race and social difference were cloaked in a silence perceived to be an aspect of concealing the uncomfortable elements of whiteness and the implicit understandings of the institution of domestic work. When these matters were addressed, the interviewees were often ambivalent about their own role in maintaining this norm. Exploring the less than perfect parts of the relationship with these caregivers seemed to threaten the very foundations of the relationship. The findings in this report support the argument that having multiple caregivers is optimal for children’s development but when the third caregiver is a black domestic worker the benefits of this arrangement are complicated by racial, social and class constructions. Moreover, constructions of the ideal Western family create friction in allowing a non-relative to be fully integrated into the family.

The influence of domestic workers on the brand equity of homecare products in South African households

Dube, Sibonile January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing 2016 / Since 1994, the number of South Africans who have the ability to hire domestic help has increased due to the economic inclusion of the African majority. This research has been conducted amongst South Africa’s middle to upper class (also referred to as LSM 7-10 or LSM A). A sizeable number of them have a monthly household income of R50 000 and above and another significant number is made up of business owners. The aim of the study is to assess the extent to which domestic workers’ perceived brand quality of homecare products influence the brand loyalty of the same as far as their employers are concerned. The data collection of this study was exclusively conducted online for the simple reason that the target population of the study is made up of office bound and busy people. A large majority of the respondents in fact spend 4-5 hours in their homes per day during the week. Therefore expecting them to fill in a questionnaire and submit to the researcher would have been a challenge. The research’s point of departure was based on the assumption that employers of domestic workers are not the end users of the products under discussion as their lifestyle did not permit this. However, the fact that the employers are the eventual buyers of the products presented the researcher with a point of curiosity. The key finding of the research was that there was a very strong link between Employer Brand Association and Employer Brand Loyalty. However, there was a weak influence of Employer Brand Awareness on Employer Brand Loyalty. These findings therefore ultimately suggest that domestic worker Brand Quality perceptions, will influence the Brand Equity of homecare products in South Africa. Overall, the Domestic Worker Perceived Brand Quality of homecare products had a positive influence on Employer Brand Awareness and Employer Brand Associations / GR2018

Coping behaviour of wives of relocated employees

du Plessis, Karin 05 March 2015 (has links)
This quantitative-descriptive study explored the effect of relocation cn wives, of employees of an Eastern Cape motor manufacturing company, who were relocated during the period July 1991 to November 1993. Specifically, it aimed to identify the coping behaviour of two samples of such wives, those of employees ./ho were relocated from overseas (international group) and those who were relocated from within South Africa (national group). A control group, comprised of wives of employees who f had not relocated within the last ten or more years, was utilised. The study made use of three research tools: a structured interview schedule compiled by the researcher, the Beck's (1981) Depression Inventory and the Hudson's (1982) Index of Marital Satisfaction.

Le statut de l'enfant en Mésopotamie à l'âge du Bronze d'après la documentation archéologique et textuelle / Childhood in Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age according to archaeological and textual data

Frank, Constance 23 January 2016 (has links)
Depuis ces vingt dernières années, l'étude sur l'enfance et le monde de l'enfant dans les sociétés anciennes s'est particulièrement développée. Souvent inhérente aux questions relatives à l'environnement féminin et à la maternité, elle a très vite tendu à se poser comme sujet à part entière. L'individu en devenir est apparu comme un élément clef utile à la compréhension de la structure des sociétés anciennes.La Mésopotamie de l'âge du Bronze est à ce titre particulièrement riche en documentations variées. Une approche pluridisciplinaire y est donc possible tout en sachant que ce matériel ne peut être lu et compris sans avoir conscience de ses propres spécificités. C'est pour cette raison que chaque type de documentation a été traité dans cette étude individuellement dans un premier temps.Après un bref aperçu de ce nous disent les images du monde mésopotamien, principalement à travers des représentations religieuses, l'étude des textes nous a permis non seulement de dessiner les grandes étapes du développement de l'enfant en tant qu'individu en devenir, mais aussi d'appréhender les enjeux sociaux qui se tissent autour de lui.Les données archéologiques nous ont permis quant à elles, car elles concernent un plus grand nombre de sites et des régions plus variées, de mettre en lumière tantôt certaines tendances régionales, tantôt des motifs transculturels concernant surtout les plus jeunes. / Studies on childhood and the children world in ancient societies has been very well developed for about twenty years. Mostly related to female environment and maternity, this topic quickly became a real field of investigation. The developing being came out as a key element in the understanding of the organisation of ancient societies.Regarding this, Mesopotamia in the Bronze Age is rich of varied materials allowing a multidisciplinary approach. Nevertheless, due to their own specificities, each type of data has been treated separately in a first time.Following a quick overview of Mesopotamian representations of the youngest ones, mainly thanks to religious and magical artifacts and pictures, textual data analysis allowed us to draw some stages of the children development as evolving individuals, and to grasp social issues forged around them.Finally, substantial archaeological data, more varied in time and space, permitted to enlighten regional trends and transcultural patterns, especially concerning the very young ones.

Community-Based Social Marketing: an investigation of sustainable behavioral change strategies at the municipality level in Sweden

Allen, Connor January 2019 (has links)
The new Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C by the International Panel on Climate Change presents the drastic need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the security and sustainable development of human kind. In Sweden, household consumption related carbon emissions needs to be radically reduced in order to meet the international climate goals set in this report. Changing individual behavior has proven over time to be a challenging task for many initiatives. Community-Based Social Marking is a behavior method that has been proven to be effective in creating sustainable behavior change at the community level. A case study is conducted at Avesta kommun in Sweden in order to discover what behavior is best to change to reduce the carbon footprint per person at this municipality, what strategy is best to achieve this goal and what effect this strategy will have. The results from the Community-Based Social Marketing case study show that a vegan diet as a behavior has the highest positive impact on the environment to promote in Avesta, but the behavior with the second highest impact, a vegetarian diet, is chosen due to its higher probability to implement and external health factors associated with a vegan diet. The strategy chosen is a Facebook page designed to provide weekly vegetarian recipes to families in Avesta with the goal of increasing their consumption of vegetarian food. The strategy is tested on a pilot group to determine its effectiveness. The conclusion of this study shows that the strategy is overall effective on the pilot group for increasing their knowledge and consumption of vegetarian meals.

A maloca Saracá: uma fronteira cultural no médio Amazonas pré-colonial, vista da perspectiva de uma casa / The Saracá longhouse: a cultural boundary in the Pre-Colonial Middle Amazon from an house perspective

Bassi, Filippo Stampanoni 15 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para o entendimento da formação e da manutenção de uma fronteira cultural no contexto do médio Amazonas, durante o período pré-colonial tardio. O objeto de estudo insere-se no âmbito do ápice demográfico na Amazônia central, decorrente da convergência de movimentos populacionais em larga escala, associados à expansão das duas últimas grandes tradições culturais pré-coloniais: a Polícroma da Amazônia e a Inciso-Ponteada. Tal período foi descrito ressaltando a ocorrência de fortes conflitos em um processo de reconfiguração cultural. Através de uma abordagem que considera as fronteiras como processos históricos, propomos que na região do baixo rio Urubu (AM), a partir do ano 1000 d. C., a penetração de elementos exógenos faça de contrapeso à formação de um estilo local, a tradição Saracá, capaz de incorporar tais elementos e naturaliza-los sobre a base de uma ideologia de persistência cultural. Portanto, a hipótese com a qual trabalhamos vira ao avesso a visão tradicional, ao sustentar que à base da formação dessa fronteira persistente tenhamos que admitir o desenvolvimento e a afirmação de uma política interacionista. Com o objetivo de testar tal hipótese, investigamos o contexto de uma casa, localizada no sítio arqueológico Bom Socorro (Itacoatiara-AM); partindo do pressuposto que o âmbito doméstico possa ser altamente informativo das relações que se instauram entre o nível local e o nível regional. A escavação de tal estrutura possibilitou inserir a variabilidade artefatual dentro da dimensão social de uma comunidade circunscrita. Os resultados apontam para um período de ocupação do sítio entre 1430 e 1650 AD, quando, a interação entre diferentes grupos na região tem levado a formação de grandes assentamentos, compostos por casas comunais dispostas segundo fileiras paralelas. No setor central da maloca foi encontrada uma área de consumo de alimentos, possivelmente associada ao âmbito político-convivial. As cerâmicas desse contexto condensam toda a variabilidade estilística regional, revelando a ocorrência de relações sociais que perpassam as fronteiras culturais. O estudo das relações estilísticas entre a cerâmica Saracá e os outros conjuntos demostra que essa tradição local compartilha muitos traços diagnósticos também com os estilos mais antigos; inclusive, é evidente uma forte semelhança iconográfica com a arte rupestre regional. Tais elementos apontam para a produção de um estilo local fortemente embasado na tradição, que possivelmente reflete a intenção de reificar uma fronteira social. / This research aims to understand the formation and maintenance of a cultural frontier in the context of Middle Amazonas, during the late pre-contact period. The scope of this research is focused on the demographic peak period of central Amazonia, due to large population movements, along with the spread of the two last important traditions of pre-contact period: Polychrome and Incised and Punctate. This period has been characterized by heavy conflicts in a context of culture change. If we consider the frontier as an historical process, we argue that in this region, from 1000 AD onward, exogenous cultural elements are coexistent with a local style, Saracá tradition, which was able to include these items on a pre-existing ideological conservativism. Because of this, we argue the opposite of customary approach, stressing that at the very basis of this cultural frontier a cultural interchange has been developed and strengthened. In order to test this hypothesis, from the standpoint that domestic context is highly informative, we studied a communal house of Bom Socorro archaeological site (Amazonas state, Brazil). The excavation of this domestic structure made possible the contextualization of this artefactual variability in the social dimension of a small community, showing the connections of different cultural traditions with extra-frontier social bonds. Results point to an occupation period which extends between 1430 and 1650 AD, when the interaction between different groups lead to formation of large settlements made by large communal houses placed in parallel lines. In the central area of the house a feeding area has been recovered, possibly associated to a political or religious function. Ceramic production from this context is a synthesis of the entire regional stylistic variability, pointing to social relationships crossing cultural frontiers. The study of stylistic relationship between Saraca ceramics and other groups demonstrates that this local tradition shares many specific traits with the oldest stylistic assemblages. A strong iconographic relationship with regional rock art is also evident. All these elements point to the production of a local style deeply rooted into the tradition, maybe reflecting the aim of stressing a real social frontier.

Análise psicossocial da trabalhadora doméstica através das representações sociais do trabalho / Psychosocial analysis of domestic workers through social representations of work

Yoshikai, Livia Midori Okino 20 May 2009 (has links)
O trabalho doméstico remunerado, apesar de pouco valorizado e permanecer na invisibilidade, é uma das modalidades de trabalho mais comuns entre as mulheres representando cerca de 17% da participação feminina na PEA. Encontra-se entre a formalidade, no que tange aos direitos estendidos a esta categoria, e a informalidade, quanto à relação profissional que as trabalhadoras domésticas estabelecem com as patroas. No Brasil, tem suas raízes no escravagismo e está atrelado à divisão sexual do trabalho que, sócio-historicamente, construiu a distinção entre os papéis de gênero, ficando a cargo da mulher a responsabilidade pelos cuidados da casa e da família. Além disso, sofre o atravessamento de questões de classe, pois as trabalhadoras domésticas são mulheres da massa urbana que cuidam da casa e da família para que as mulheres da camada social superior exerçam outras modalidades de trabalho remunerado. Portanto, instala-se a bipolaridade quanto ao trabalho feminino, isto é, por um lado verifica-se um aumento da participação no mercado de trabalho e a inserção em profissões de nível superior de prestígio e, por outro, há forte presença em trabalhos precarizados e de pouca valorização social como a responsabilidade pelos afazeres domésticos e o trabalho doméstico assalariado, herdeiros do escravagismo, num coorte de raça, gênero e classe social claramente definido. Os objetivos principais desta pesquisa foram reconstruir a história do trabalho doméstico localizada dentro do processo de construção sócio-histórica do trabalho e compreender suas representações sociais a partir do relato de cinco trabalhadoras domésticas obtido através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas analisadas pelo método de associação de idéias. Os resultados centrais indicaram que a configuração desta relação inerente ao trabalho doméstico, torna esta atividade mais próxima da servidão: a trabalhadora doméstica está isolada, suas humilhações não estão compartilhadas, está diretamente submetida à patroa por conta de uma relação assimétrica e não formalizada de poder que não deixa claro quais seriam as regras do contrato de trabalho, permitindo abusos e fraudes de ambas as partes. Conclui-se que o trabalho doméstico é uma modalidade de trabalho remunerado que faz transparecer o lugar e o papel social da mulher na sociedade brasileira atravessada pelas questões de raça, gênero e classe, e que apresenta uma ambigüidade às trabalhadoras domésticas e às suas patroas. Em relação às patroas, elas se libertaram parcialmente do papel de responsáveis pelos afazeres domésticos (questão de gênero), mas contratam outras mulheres de uma camada social inferior (questão de classe) para executarem esse trabalho, reforçando o papel social do qual estão, gradativamente, se emancipando. No tocante às trabalhadoras domésticas, seu trabalho permite uma renda e certa independência financeira, indicando uma relativa emancipação, entretanto reproduz o lugar de responsável pelos afazeres domésticos (questão de gênero) e submetida a relações informais que remeteriam às raízes escravagistas desta modalidade de trabalho (questão de raça) estabelecidas por suas patroas, que se emanciparam destas atribuições (questão de classe). Vale salientar que o trabalho doméstico é uma dentre tantas outras possibilidades para o grupo de trabalhadores da massa urbana, que tem seu trabalho marcado, em geral, pela precarização e pela informalidade. / The paid domestic work, although somewhat not valued and invisible, is one of the most common ways of work among women, representing about 17% of female participation in the Economically Active Population. It can be find among the formality, in regard to the rights of this category; and informality, by the professional relationship that the domestic workers lay with the employers. In Brazil, has its roots in slavery and is linked to the sexual division of labor which defined the distinction between the roles of gender, attributing to the wife the responsibility for the care of home and family. Moreover, there are issues of class, because the domestic workers are women of the urban mass that take care of home and family so that women of higher social layer perform other types of paid work. So, a bipolarity of the women working is installed. On one hand, there is an increase in labor market participation and inclusion in professions of higher level. And, on the other hand, there is a strong presence in precarious work and socially bad evaluated as the responsibility for domestic activities and the paid domestic work, heirs of slavery, in a clearly defined cohort of race, gender and social class. The main objectives of this research were: the reconstruction of the domestic work history; and the understanding of its social representations from the reporting of five domestic workers obtained through semi-structured analyzed by the method of the association of ideas. The main findings indicated that the way that the domestic work is built makes this activity more closer of the slavery: the domestic worker is isolated, their humiliations are not shared, she is directly submitted to the boss, which establishes an asymmetrical and not formalized relationship of power that leaves not clear what are the rules of the employment contract, allowing abuses and fraud on both sides. As a conclusion, the domestic work is a form of paid work that makes clear the place and social role of women in Brazilian society crossed by issues of race, gender and class, and it presents an ambiguity for the domestic workers and their employers. The employers are partially released of responsibility of the domestics tasks (issues of gender), but hire other women of a lower social layer (issues of social class) to perform such work, reinforcing the social role from which they are gradually being emancipated. With regard to domestic workers, their work allows for certain income and financial independence, indicating a partial emancipation, however they continue to have the responsibility by the domestic tasks (issues of gender) and to be submitted to informal relationships by their employers emancipated of these tasks (issues of social class), what are related to the roots of slavery of this modality of work (issues of race). It is important to say that domestic work is one among many other work possibilities for the group of employees of the urban mass, which, in general, have their work marked by precariousness and informality.

Aldeias e organização espacial dos povos produtores da cerâmica Aristé: contribuições para a Arqueologia das unidades habitacionais da costa atlântica do Amapá / Villages and spatial organisation of the producer peoples of Aristé pottery: Contributions to the Household Archaeology of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

Silva, Michel Bueno Flores da 03 August 2016 (has links)
Apesar de conhecidas arqueologicamente desde o século XIX e historicamente desde o início da conquista europeia, as cerâmicas filiadas à fase Aristé sempre tiveram maior repercussão quando provindas de contextos cerimoniais, devido à elaborada composição decorativa de seus materiais, bem como, o aspecto monumental e cerimonial destes sítios. As cerâmicas desta fase foram divididas em dois períodos cronológicos distintos: Ouanary Encoché e Enfer Polychrome, com profundidade cronológica de mais de um milênio, contudo esta divisão é baseada, principalmente, nos vestígios oriundos destes contextos especializados. Portanto, através desse trabalho busca-se verificar se esta divisão se mantém nos contextos domésticos e, uma vez verificada esta carência de dados empíricos oriundos destes contextos, procurar-se-á, com base nos resultados de escavações mecânicas, contribuir para uma arqueologia das unidades habitacionais filiadas à fase Aristé, através da correlação dos dados cerâmicos com os dados espaciais. Com esse fim, foram elaboradas as tipologias das cerâmicas e das estruturas antrópicas identificadas durante a escavação, permitindo sua interpretação através da análise espacial dos resultados, por fim, possibilitando a inferência de áreas de atividade e melhor compreensão desta fase arqueológica da costa atlântica do Amapá. / Although known archaeologically since the nineteenth century and historically since the European conquest, ceramics affiliated to Aristé phase always had greater impact when stemmed from ceremonial contexts, due to the elaborate decorative composition of their materials, as well as the monumental and ceremonial aspects of these sites. The ceramics of this phase were divided into two distinct chronological periods: Ouanary Encoché and Enfer Polychrome with chronological depth of more than a millennium, but this division is based mainly on traces originating from these specialized contexts. Therefore, this work seeks to verify if this division is maintained in domestic contexts and, once verified the lack of empirical data from these contexts, will be sought, based on the results of mechanical excavation, contribute to a household archeology of the Aristé phase by correlating ceramic data with spatial data. For this purpose were developed typologies of ceramics and anthropogenic structures identified during the excavation, allowing its interpretation through the spatial analysis of the results, at last, providing inferences of activities areas and a better understanding of this archaeological phase of the Atlantic coast of Amapá.

A transmissão do conhecimento culinário no Brasil urbano do século XX / Transmission of the culinary knowledge in the urban Brazil during the 20th century

Oliveira, Debora Santos de Souza 09 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho procura estabelecer a relação entre a vida nas grandes cidades do Sudeste brasileiro, notadamente no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, com a prática e a transmissão do saber culinário ao longo do século XX. O momento de formação da classe média brasileira, a oferta de bens de consumo relacionados à modernidade como o fogão a gás, os aparelhos eletrodomésticos e também os alimentos industrializados, somados ao papel atribuído às mulheres na nova ordem social urbana, criaram uma ruptura no modo como as receitas culinárias eram preparadas e transmitidas. Esta ruptura foi seguida de um novo padrão culinário, que por sua vez afetou os valores e a simbologia que permeiam o ato de cozinhar. / This work seeks to establish the relationship between life in the big cities of the Brazilian Southeast, particularly in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and the practice as well as the way culinary knowledge was shared during the 20th century. The moment of formation of the Brazilian middle class, the availability of consumer goods related to modernity, e.g. the gas stove, appliances and industrialized foods, combined with the role attributed to women in the new urban social order, created a rupture in the way culinary recipes were prepared and passed down from one generation to another. This rupture was followed by a new culinary pattern, which in turn affected the values and the symbology comprised in the cooking act.

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