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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fusion d'un corps algébriquement clos avec un sous-groupe non-algébrique d'une variété Abélienne : corps octarines / Fusion of an algebraicaly closed field with a non-algebraic subgroup of an Abelian variety

Roche, Olivier 21 June 2017 (has links)
Nous construisons des corps de rang de Morley fini avec unprédicat O pour un sous groupe non-algébrique infini d'une variété Abéliennesimple A. Lorsque dim(A)>1, ils sont fortement minimaux. Lorsquedim(A) = 1, ils sont de rang de Morley 2 / We construct fields of finite Morley rank with a predicate O foran infinite non-algebraic subgroup of a given simple Abelian variety A. Thefields we construct are strongly minimal when dim(A)>1, and of Morleyrank 2 when dim(A) = 1

Fraïssé-Hrushovski predimensions on nilpotent Lie algebras

Amantini, Andrea 30 June 2011 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Fraïssé-Hrushowskis Amalgamationsverfahren in Zusammenhang mit nilpotenten graduierten Lie Algebren über einem endlichen Körper untersucht. Die Prädimensionen die in der Konstruktion auftauchen sind mit dem gruppentheoretischen Begriff der Defizienz zu vergleichen, welche auf homologische Methoden zurückgeführt werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird die Magnus-Lazardsche Korrespondenz zwischen den oben genannten Lie Algebren und nilpotenten Gruppen von Primzahl-Exponenten beschrieben. Dabei werden solche Gruppen durch die Baker-Haussdorfsche Formel in den entsprechenden Algebren definierbar interpretiert. Es wird eine omega-stabile Lie Algebra von Nilpotenzklasse 2 und Morleyrang omega + omega erhalten, indem man eine unkollabierte Version der von Baudisch konstruierten "new uncountably categorical group" betrachtet. Diese wird genau analysiert. Unter anderem wird die Unabhängigkeitsrelation des Nicht-Gabelns durch die Konfiguration des freien Amalgams charakterisiert. Mittels eines induktiven Ansatzes werden die Grundlagen entwickelt, um neue Prädimensionen für Lie Algebren der Nilpotenzklassen größer als zwei zu schaffen. Dies erweist sich als wesentlich schwieriger als im Fall 2. Wir konzentrieren uns daher auf die Nilpotenzklasse 3, als Induktionsbasis des oben genannten Prozesses. In diesem Fall wird die Invariante der Defizienz auf endlich erzeugte Lie Algebren adaptiert. Erstes Hauptergebnis der Arbeit ist der Nachweis dass diese Definition zu einem vernüftigen Begriff selbst-genügender Erweiterungen von Lie Algebren führt und sehr nah einer gewünschten Prädimension im Hrushovskischen Sinn ist. Wir zeigen – als zweites Hauptergebnis – ein erstes Amalgamationslemma bezüglich selbst-genügender Einbettungen. / In this work, the so called Fraïssé-Hrushowski amalgamation is applied to nilpotent graded Lie algebras over the p-elements field with p a prime. We are mainly concerned with the uncollapsed version of the original process. The predimension used in the construction is compared with the group theoretical notion of deficiency, arising from group Homology. We also describe in detail the Magnus-Lazard correspondence, to switch between the aforementioned Lie algebras and nilpotent groups of prime exponent. In this context, the Baker-Hausdorff formula allows such groups to be definably interpreted in the corresponding algebras. Starting from the structures which led to Baudisch’ new uncountably categorical group, we obtain an omega-stable Lie algebra of nilpotency class 2, as the countable rich Fraïssé limit of a suitable class of finite Lie algebras. We study the theory of this structure in detail: we show its Morley rank is omega+omega and a complete description of non-forking independence is given, in terms of free amalgams. In a second part, we develop a new framework for the construction of deficiency-predimensions among graded Lie algebras of nilpotency class higher than 2. This turns out to be considerably harder than the previous case. The nil-3 case in particular has been extensively treated, as the starting point of an inductive procedure. In this nilpotency class, our main results concern a suitable deficiency function, which behaves for many aspects like a Hrushovski predimension. A related notion of self-sufficient extension is given. We also prove a first amalgamation lemma with respect to self-sufficient embeddings.

Ax-Schanuel type inequalities in differentially closed fields

Aslanyan, Vahagn January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we study Ax-Schanuel type inequalities for abstract differential equations. A motivating example is the exponential differential equation. The Ax-Schanuel theorem states positivity of a predimension defined on its solutions. The notion of a predimension was introduced by Hrushovski in his work from the 1990s where he uses an amalgamation-with-predimension technique to refute Zilber's Trichotomy Conjecture. In the differential setting one can carry out a similar construction with the predimension given by Ax-Schanuel. In this way one constructs a limit structure whose theory turns out to be precisely the first-order theory of the exponential differential equation (this analysis is due to Kirby (for semiabelian varieties) and Crampin, and it is based on Zilber's work on pseudo-exponentiation). One says in this case that the inequality is adequate. Thus, by an Ax-Schanuel type inequality we mean a predimension inequality for a differential equation. Our main question is to understand for which differential equations one can find an adequate predimension inequality. We show that this can be done for linear differential equations with constant coefficients by generalising the Ax-Schanuel theorem. Further, the question turns out to be closely related to the problem of recovering the differential structure in reducts of differentially closed fields where we keep the field structure (which is quite an interesting problem in its own right). So we explore that question and establish some criteria for recovering the derivation of the field. We also show (under some assumptions) that when the derivation is definable in a reduct then the latter cannot satisfy a non-trivial adequate predimension inequality. Another example of a predimension inequality is the analogue of Ax-Schanuel for the differential equation of the modular j-function due to Pila and Tsimerman. We carry out a Hrushovski construction with that predimension and give an axiomatisation of the first-order theory of the strong Fraïssé limit. It will be the theory of the differential equation of j under the assumption of adequacy of the predimension. We also show that if a similar predimension inequality (not necessarily adequate) is known for a differential equation then the fibres of the latter have interesting model theoretic properties such as strong minimality and geometric triviality. This, in particular, gives a new proof for a theorem of Freitag and Scanlon stating that the differential equation of j defines a trivial strongly minimal set.

Hrushovski and Ramsey Properties of Classes of Finite Inner Product Structures, Finite Euclidean Metric Spaces, and Boron Trees

Jasinski, Jakub 31 August 2011 (has links)
We investigate two combinatorial properties of classes of finite structures, as well as related applications to topological dynamics. Using the Hrushovski property of classes of finite structures -- a finite extension property of homomorphisms -- we can show the existence of ample generics. For example, Solecki proved the existence of ample generics in the context of finite metric spaces that do indeed possess this extension property. Furthermore, Kechris, Pestov and Todorcevic have shown that the Ramsey property of Fraisse classes of finite structures implies that the automorphism group of the corresponding Fraisse limit is extremely amenable, i.e., it possesses a very strong fixed point property. Gromov and Milman had shown that the unitary group of the infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space is extremely amenable using non-combinatorial methods. This result encourages a deeper look into structural Euclidean Ramsey theory, i.e., Euclidean Ramsey theory in which we colour more than just points. In particular, we look at complete finite labeled graphs whose vertex sets are subsets of the Hilbert space and whose labels correspond to the inner products. We prove "Ramsey-type" and "Hrushovski-type" theorems for linearly ordered metric subspaces of "sufficiently" orthogonal sets. In particular, the latter is used to show a "Hrushovski version" of the Ramsey-type Matousek-Rodl theorem for simplices. It is known that the square root of the metric induced by the distance between vertices in graphs produces a metric space embeddable in a Euclidean space if and only if the graph is a metric subgraph of the Cartesian product of three types of graphs. These three are the half-cube graphs, the so-called cocktail party graphs, and the Gosset graph. We show that the class of metric spaces related to half-cube graphs -- metric spaces on sets with the symmetric difference metric -- satisfies the Hrushovski property up to 3 points, but not more. Moreover, the amalgamation in this class can be too restrictive to permit the Ramsey Property. Finally, following the work of Fouche, we compute the Ramsey degrees of structures induced by the leaf sets of boron trees. Also, we briefly show that this class does not satisfy the full Hrushovski property. Fouche's trees are in fact related to ultrametric spaces, as was observed by Lionel Nguyen van The. We augment Fouche's concept of orientation so that it applies to these boron tree structures. The upper bound computation of the Ramsey degree in this case, turns out to be an "asymmetric" version of the Graham-Rothschild theorem. Finally, we extend these structures to "oriented" ones, yielding a Ramsey class and a corresponding Fraisse limit whose automorphism group is extremely amenable.

Hrushovski and Ramsey Properties of Classes of Finite Inner Product Structures, Finite Euclidean Metric Spaces, and Boron Trees

Jasinski, Jakub 31 August 2011 (has links)
We investigate two combinatorial properties of classes of finite structures, as well as related applications to topological dynamics. Using the Hrushovski property of classes of finite structures -- a finite extension property of homomorphisms -- we can show the existence of ample generics. For example, Solecki proved the existence of ample generics in the context of finite metric spaces that do indeed possess this extension property. Furthermore, Kechris, Pestov and Todorcevic have shown that the Ramsey property of Fraisse classes of finite structures implies that the automorphism group of the corresponding Fraisse limit is extremely amenable, i.e., it possesses a very strong fixed point property. Gromov and Milman had shown that the unitary group of the infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space is extremely amenable using non-combinatorial methods. This result encourages a deeper look into structural Euclidean Ramsey theory, i.e., Euclidean Ramsey theory in which we colour more than just points. In particular, we look at complete finite labeled graphs whose vertex sets are subsets of the Hilbert space and whose labels correspond to the inner products. We prove "Ramsey-type" and "Hrushovski-type" theorems for linearly ordered metric subspaces of "sufficiently" orthogonal sets. In particular, the latter is used to show a "Hrushovski version" of the Ramsey-type Matousek-Rodl theorem for simplices. It is known that the square root of the metric induced by the distance between vertices in graphs produces a metric space embeddable in a Euclidean space if and only if the graph is a metric subgraph of the Cartesian product of three types of graphs. These three are the half-cube graphs, the so-called cocktail party graphs, and the Gosset graph. We show that the class of metric spaces related to half-cube graphs -- metric spaces on sets with the symmetric difference metric -- satisfies the Hrushovski property up to 3 points, but not more. Moreover, the amalgamation in this class can be too restrictive to permit the Ramsey Property. Finally, following the work of Fouche, we compute the Ramsey degrees of structures induced by the leaf sets of boron trees. Also, we briefly show that this class does not satisfy the full Hrushovski property. Fouche's trees are in fact related to ultrametric spaces, as was observed by Lionel Nguyen van The. We augment Fouche's concept of orientation so that it applies to these boron tree structures. The upper bound computation of the Ramsey degree in this case, turns out to be an "asymmetric" version of the Graham-Rothschild theorem. Finally, we extend these structures to "oriented" ones, yielding a Ramsey class and a corresponding Fraisse limit whose automorphism group is extremely amenable.

Fusion libre et autres constructions génériques

Hils, Martin 12 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude des amalgames de Hrushovski dans le contexte relatif. D'abord, la fusion libre de deux théories simples de rang 1 T(1) et T(2) est construite, au-dessus d'un réduit commun T(0) qui est supposé fortement minimal et omega-catégorique. Dans bien des cas, il est montré que ses complétions sont simples. Si les T(i) sont fortement minimales et si une condition géométrique est satisfaite - par exemple si le réduit commun est un espace vectoriel sur un corps fini - la fusion libre est complète et omega-stable. En supposant de plus que les multiplicités sont définissables dans T(i), le collapse de <br />la fusion libre sur une fusion fortement minimale est effectuée. Puis, des variations sur le thème de la fusion sont étudiées (courbe générique et structures bicolores). À titre d'exemple, il suit des résultats que l'on peut donner un sens à la notion d'une courbe générique dans un corps pseudofini. Enfin, l'axiomatisabilité de l'automorphisme générique est démontrée dans certains contextes issus d'une amalgamation à la Hrushovski dont la fusion libre et les théories des différents corps bicolores de Poizat (noir, rouge et vert).

Groupes approximatifs en théorie des modèles / Approximate subgroups in Model theory

Massicot, Jean-Cyrille 28 September 2018 (has links)
Une partie symétrique X d'un groupe G est un sous-groupe K-approximatif s'il existe une partie finie E ⊂ G de taille K telle que X2 ⊂ E.X. L'étude combinatoire des groupes approximatifs a grandement bénéficié des apports de la Théorie des Modèles : en 2009, Hrushovski montre qu'une ultralimite de groupes approximatifs finis possède une composante connexe modèle-théorique, donc un quotient localement compact X/H. En appliquant les résultats de Gleason et Yamabe sur le cinquième problème de Hilbert, cela permet de trouver un morphisme vers un groupe de Lie, et d'en déduire des résultats de nilpotence. Cela a permis à Breuillard, Green et Tao de classifier tous les groupes approximatifs finis, en retrouvant un quotient X/H de manière combinatoire. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à la construction d'un sous-groupe H type-définissable et d'indice borné, qui garantit l'existence d'un quotient localement compact. On montre que l'approche combinatoire de Breuillard, Green et Tao peut être vue de cette manière, et on la généralise à tous les groupes approximatifs définissablement moyennables. On montre aussi que si H est type-définissable dans un langage L∗, alors on peut construire un sous-groupe H qui est type-définissable sur un langage réduit L, et toujours d'indice borné. L'existence de H ne dépend donc pas du choix du langage / A symmetric subset X in a group G is a K-approximate subgroup if there exists a finite set E ⊂ G of cardinality K such that X2 ⊂ E.X. The study of approximate subgroups in multiplicative combinatorics experienced a significate advance through the use of model theory. In 2009, Hrushovski showed that an ultralimit of finite approximate subgroups has a model-theoretic connected component, thus a locally compact quotient X/H. Using the results of Gleason and Yamabe about Hilbert’s fifth problem, this allows the construction of a morphism to a Lie group, and deduce some results about nilpotency. This lead to the theorem of Breuillard, Green and Tao classifying all finite approximate subgroups, using a combinatorial construction of the quotient X/H. In this thesis, we are intersested in the conditions needed to construct a type definable subgroup H of bounded index in X. This implies the existence of a locally compact quotient.We show that the combinatorial construction of Breuillard, Green and Tao can be seen in a definable way, and give a generalisation to all definably amenable approximate subgroups. Also, we show that if H is type-definable in a language L∗, then it is possible to construct a subgroup H which is type-definable in a reduct L, still with bounded index. Thus the existence of a subgroup H does not depend on the choice of a base language.

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