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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nature humaine et anarchie : la pensée de Pierre Kropotkine / Human nature and anarchy in Peter Kropotkin's thought

Garcia, Renaud 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'ambition qui préside à l'élaboration de ce travail est double : d'abord confronter une lecture précise de Kropotkine (1842-1921) à ce qu'en dit le post-anarchisme, lequel se fait fort de renouveler la compréhension de l'anarchisme à l'aide des outils légués par les auteurs post-modernes français ; ensuite reprendre le dossier de l'antinaturalisme dans la critique sociale. Nous soutenons dans cette thèse que loin de manifester une impasse pour tout discours qui voudrait dessiner les voies d'un changement radical de société, la notion de «  nature humaine  » telle que l'emploie Kropotkine offre de nombreux outils pour œuvrer dans cette direction. À la fois géographe et évolutionniste, Kropotkine ouvre la nature humaine en direction de la nature globale, et plus précisément du legs coopératif de l'évolution des espèces, à l'inverse de toute crispation essentialiste. C'est sur ce legs sans cesse retravaillé en fonction des contextes dans lesquels l'humain est conduit à vivre qu'il convient de s'appuyer pour contrer les effets de réductionnismes ruineux tels que le darwinisme social ou la sociobiologie. Conformément à la dimension fondationnaliste de la pensée de Kropotkine, la thèse s'organise de manière systématique autour de la notion de «  nature humaine  ». Après avoir posé les bases scientifiques de l'anarchie (I) nous travaillons les thèmes darwiniens de l'œuvre kropotkinienne (II). Le socle théorique est alors consistant afin d'établir des conséquences pratiques, du côté de la politique, de l'économie et de l'urbanisme (III). À l'intérieur du contexte ainsi défini, c'est aux réalisations supérieures de la morale et de l'art que nous finissons par nous intéresser (IV). / This work deals with two main issues  : first, it focuses on the way post-anarchism, which claims renewing the understanding of anarchism through the use of french post-modernists' concepts, depicts P. Kropotkin's thought  ; second, it addresses the anti-naturalistic trend within the frame of social criticism. We argue that far from standing as a hindrance to supporting radical social change, Kropotkin's view of human nature yields many tools in order to fuel such a change. Both a geographer and an evolutionist, Kropotkin includes human nature within the overall frame of nature itself, specifically within the evolution of species' cooperative legacy. This legacy has been continuously shaped within the different living contexts built by human being throughout his history. So there's nothing static about human nature, and the ever-evolving cooperative legacy provides tools to criticize reductionist ways of thinking such as social darwinism or sociobiology. According to Kropotkin's foundationalist bias, the thesis is systematically organized around the notion of «  human nature  ». First, we lay the scientific basis of anarchy (Part I), then we focus on darwinian themes (Part II). Once firmly grounded, Kropotkin's thought unfolds more accurately its practical consequences, addressing politics, economy and city planning (Part III). These three domains give shape to the contexts within which ethics and art should bring out the best in human nature (Part IV).
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Liberdade para além do estado em Thomas Hobbes: o rei nu em busca da equidade soberana (ou Do homem à máquina e da máquina ao homem: a liberdade como reino da ética) / Liberty beyond the state: the naked king looking for the sovereign fairness (or From the man to the machine and from the machine to the man: the freedom as the ethics\'s kingdom)

Conti, Rafael Augusto de 23 September 2010 (has links)
A reconstrução do pensamento hobbesiano acerca do Estado, com foco no tema da liberdade, é o que foi feito neste trabalho. Como é possível a compatibilidade entre liberdade e necessidade?; Qual a relação entre liberdade, guerra e paz?; Como a justiça está relacionada com a questão da liberdade?; Qual a liberdade dos cidadãos frente ao Estado?; Qual a liberdade do soberano pelo Estado? - constituem questionamentos que refletem o caminho percorrido. Sempre possuindo a liberdade como foco, foi-se do homem à máquina e da máquina ao homem, por meio da exploração articulada do pensamento hobbesiano acerca dos campos da Física, da Antropologia/Psicologia, do Direito e da Moral. / The reconstruction of the hobbesian thought on the State, with focus on the liberty\'s question, is what was done in this research. How it is possible the compatibility between necessity and liberty?; What is the relation between liberty, war and peace?; How justice is related with the liberty\'s question?; What is the liberty of the citizens?; What liberty has the sovereign by the State? - constitute the questions which reflect the itinerary done. Always with focus on liberty, I went from the man to the machine and from the machine to the man by the articulated exploration of the hobbesian thought on the Physics, Anthropology/Psychology, Law and Morality.
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A salvação pela eugenia: a crítica habermasiana à eugenia liberal e suas controvérsias

Sousa, Alberto Marques de 28 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alberto Marques de Sousa.pdf: 615342 bytes, checksum: cdad8c12f8e059db71b1df71dae1d094 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / The argumentative strategy of Jürgen Habermas against liberal eugenics has provoked many different reactions among several thinkers, establishing important debates and discussions among those who advocate greater control of scientific research and those who plead for greater freedom of action with regard to the intervention of human nature. Our search in this work, in the light of the philosophy of science and its advancements, walks toward understanding these debates and discussions, as well as the understanding of the reality of genetic research and its application today, that leads to the creation of a new religion, the eugenic religion of beings. Habermas in his work Die Zukunft of menschlichen Natur brings us to the realization that eugenics is still ongoing, but in new clothes and old arguments that put this question in the center of the debate of science and also of the Religious Sciences. While in the past the eugenic project distinguished people by their race, intellectual development and skills to practical activities, today's proposal of liberal eugenics is free to choose the opportunity to maximize the control of the individuals capabilities with a dialogue grounded in utilitarian philosophy, specifically the gain of quality of life, which is increasing pleasure and decreasing pain / A estratégia argumentativa de Jürgen Habermas contra a eugenia liberal tem provocado em muitos pensadores diferentes reações, estabelecendo importantes debates e discussões entre os que defendem um maior controle da pesquisa científica e os que pleiteiam por maior liberdade de ação no que se refere à intervenção da natureza humana. A nossa busca neste trabalho, à luz da filosofia da ciência e dos seus avanços, caminha em direção à compreensão desses debates e discussões, bem como à compreensão da realidade da pesquisa genética e sua aplicação hoje, a ponto de criar uma nova religião, a religião dos seres eugênicos. Habermas em sua obra Die Zukunft de menschlichen Natur nos leva à percepção de que a eugenia continua em curso, mas em novas vestes e com antigos argumentos que recolocam essa questão no centro do debate da ciência e também das Ciências da Religião. Enquanto que no passado o projeto eugênico distinguia as pessoas através de sua raça, formação intelectual e capacidades para atividades práticas, hoje a proposta da eugenia liberal é escolher livremente as possibilidades e potencializar ao máximo as capacidades dos indivíduos com um discurso ancorado na filosofia utilitarista, especificamente no ganho de qualidade de vida que é o aumento do prazer e a diminuição da dor
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La rationalité tragique. Essai sur la constitution d'une forme de pensée d'Héraclite à Thucydide et sur sa critique platonicienne

Ponchon, Pierre 23 October 2010 (has links)
Le tragique et la tragédie ont souvent été considérés, à la suite de la condamnation platonicienne, comme l’expression de l’émotion et de l’irrationnel. Le concept de rationalité tragique vise à approcher le tragique comme une forme de pensée pleinement rationnelle, quoique relevant d’une autre raison que la raison philosophique. Elle englobe des conceptions « littéraires », éthiques, politiques, théologiques voire ontologiques diverses mais relevant d’un même cadre de pensée, moins englobant que la mentalité et moins rigide que la doctrine, auquel se rapportent différents penseurs. L’enquête s’oriente à travers la critique de la tragédie et du tragique par Platon pour tenter de déterminer les caractères essentiels de cette forme de pensée à partir de l’opposition de Platon. Trois principes caractéristiques se dégagent : la Guerre, le Flux, et le Multiple. Dès lors la carte des présocratiques peut être redessinée. Non seulement on identifie une nouvelle tradition, celle de la pensée tragique, dont Héraclite est un représentant majeur, mais dont on trouve des traits aussi chez Empédocle ou Protagoras, mais cette tradition ne se limite pas aux penseurs qu’on classe comme philosophes. En plus des poètes tragiques, on peut y faire figurer un écrivain comme Thucydide. L’étude détaillée de la rationalité tragique dans son œuvre nous permet à la fois d’identifier comme des produits tragiques ses grandes réalisations que constituent sa forme littéraire originale, sa conception de la nature humaine et son réalisme politique, mais aussi de vérifier sur un exemple non tributaire de Platon la pertinence des concepts qui définissent le tragique comme rationalité / Tragic and tragedy has often been regarded, as a result of Plato's condemnation, as being the expression of emotion and irrationality. The concept of tragic rationality aims to approach tragic as a fully rational form of thought, although belonging to another type of reason than the philosophical one. It includes various «literary», ethical, political, theological or even ontological conceptions belonging to the same frame of thought that many thinkers relate to, less encompassing than mentality and less inflexible than doctrine.The inquiry makes its way through Plato's criticism of tragic and tragedy in order to determine this form of thought's essential characteristics, drawing from Plato's opposition. Three characteristic principles emerge : the War, the Flow, the Multiple.From then on, a new presocratic map can be drawn. Not only do we identify a new tradition, that of tragic thought, of which Heraclitus is a major representative and which is featured in Empedocles and Protagoras' works, but we discover that this tradition spreads beyond the group of thinkers classified as philosophers. Besides tragic poets, we can also include a writer like Thucydides. A detailled study of tragic rationality in his work enables us both to identify as tragic products the great achievements that are his original literary form, his conception of human nature and his political realism, and to verify the relevance of the concepts defining tragic as a form of rationality, using an example independant from Plato
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從民生哲學論馬克思之階級理論 / On Marx's Theory of Class: a View of Sun Yat Sen's Philosophy of The People's Livelihood

彭繼中 Unknown Date (has links)

Our flaws are ‘only human’: the role of the human nature concept in group-protection

Koval, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Negative characterisations of social groups threaten group members’ social identities evoking various group-protective responses. Drawing on research about the functions of lay conceptions of humanness in social perception, the current research investigated a novel group-protective strategy: believing that an in group’s negative traits (flaws) are fundamental aspects of ‘human nature’ (HN). A similar protective strategy has been documented when acknowledging flaws in the individual self; this was extended to the acknowledgement of in group flaws in the current studies. In Study 1 (N = 77),participants’ in group-descriptiveness ratings of flaws were most strongly predicted by their HN ratings of flaws, suggesting that people may selectively acknowledge HN flaws as in group-descriptive. Study 2 (N = 51) demonstrated that flaws were rated higher on HN when attributed to an in group than to an out group. However, this effect was not found for positive traits, suggesting that it may reflect a motivation to protect a threatened in group-identity. Study 3 (N = 79) replicated this asymmetrical ‘humanising of in group flaws’ effect, and found that it was independent of desirability. In addition in group-identification was measured in Study 3 and found not to moderate the humanising of in group flaws. / Finally, in Study 3 participants also rated traits on an alternative sense of humanness, known as ‘human uniqueness’ (HU). The asymmetrical humanising of in group flaws effect was not found for the HU dimension, indicating that HN may be better suited to the protective function of mitigating flaws. These studies indicate that HN beliefs are systematically related to in group flaw-acknowledgement and suggest that in order to mitigate their in group’s flaws and thus protect the value of their social identities, people may be motivated to (a) selectively acknowledge HN flaws as in group-descriptive; and (b) ‘humanise’ flaws attributed to their in group Further more, the current research supports the claim that HN is an important dimension of social perception (e.g., Haslam et al., 2008); extends the relevance of this dimension to perceptions of in groups; and suggests that the HN concept should be understood as dynamic and flexible, rather than fixed.
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Property without Government

Ridley III, Knox 03 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a two part criticism to Liam Murphy and Thomas Nagel’s book, The Myth of Ownership, in which they attempt to argue that it is logically impossible that one can have any entitlement to their pretax income. The first criticism addresses their claim that based on a politically charged understanding of human nature you cannot have property without government. Through the fields of psychology, biology and anthropology, an overlap is found that presents human nature in such a way that presents a serious hurdle to the Murphy and Nagel position. The second criticism addresses their failure to define the scope of government in their book. In light of cultures that have a strong conception of property, Murphy and Nagel are charged with equivocating on the definition of government in order to make their argument hold. The conclusion reached is that based on current research pertaining to human nature and a brief anthropological study, the existence of government is not needed in order to have property within a community.

Human-nature interaction and the modern agricultural regime : agricultural practices and environmental ethics

Abaidoo, Samuel 01 January 1997 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study was to find out whether changes in social action or social practices are predicated on, or correspond with changes in ontological assumptions and social normative structures or ethical orientations. Specifically, this study investigated the relationship between a range of farming practices and the two predominant ontological assumptions about human-nature relationship. As well, the study investigated the relationship between the range of farming practices and categories of environmental ethical orientations. The two ontological orientations include the 'externality' assumption, which represent the social understanding that humans interact with nature but are only externally related to nature. The 'internality' assumption, on the other hand, is the understanding that humans are internally related to nature or the physical environment. The study also investigated the role of other structural forces that can shape farming practices. The theoretical orientation that informed this study was Habermas' neo-modernity thesis, which primarily argues that changes in social normative structures, which induces appropriate social action can, and do develop, without changes in ontological assumptions about human-nature relationship. The Habermasian approach thus rejects the reenchantment thesis espoused by constructive postmodernists. In this study Habermas' thesis has been contrasted with the neo-conservative and postmodernist approaches. The study involved two forms of investigation. One aspect of the study involved archival research of Canadian agricultural policy as an overarching background against which contemporary farming practices may be understood. The other aspect of the study involved a survey of farm families living in the south western Saskatchewan section of the Palliser Triangle. The study found a moderate to strong relationship between the 'internality' ontological assumption and alternative farming practices. The 'externality' assumption was more predominant among conventional farmers. This pattern also corresponded with a relatively higher incidence of environmentalism among alternative farming practitioners, with a relatively higher incidence of resourcism among conventional and conventional-alternative farmers. Despite these patterns the study found partial support for the Habermasian thesis. For example, a significant minority of alternative farmers who espouse environmentalist ethics also espouse an 'externality' ontological assumption.
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The Role Of Human Nature In Hume&#039 / s Ethics

Arslanoglu Celik, Sengul 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation aims to determine the role of human nature in Hume&#039 / s philosophy. It will examine how moral motivation arises when one takes human nature as the basis of moral philosophyWhat is maintained here is that Hume approaches his rival rationalist philosophers whom he criticised for drawing on metaphysics and rational methods in building the foundation of their ethics. Hume&rsquo / s &ldquo / science of man&rdquo / attempts to isolate the basis of ethics from metaphysical and rational elements. However, this paper demonstrates that in doing so, Hume actually resorts to reason. Further, certain inconsistencies in Hume&rsquo / s argument can only be resolved by recourse to metaphysics. To make this clear I examine how the passions that Hume puts forward as the basis of human nature cause sympathy and build a sense of morality. Since the most basic feature of human nature exists within the concept of &ldquo / being-human&rdquo / , the necessity of metaphysical and ontological explanations will be shown. Hume&rsquo / s position on the goodness or wickedness of human nature is examined. As a result, the purpose of this research is to show that it is not possible to isolate ethics from metaphysical elements by constructing a science based on Newtonian methods.
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On the Road to Discovery: Tom Jones and Property

Wang, Wen-te 28 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis mainly elaborates on male and female characters¡¦ interaction with and response to property in Henry Fielding¡¦s Tom Jones. I divide property into two possessions: fortune and liberty. Fortune plays a controlling means to reflect the subtle change of human nature on the matter of morality. Also, the deprivation of liberty shows female¡¦s position in marriage and gender¡¦s equality in society. Either morality or gender issue is a challenge to tradition in the eighteenth century. I particularly analyze how Fielding puts these two issues into this novel and the messages he attempts to deliver to us. This thesis consists of three chapters. In chapter one, I focus on the interaction between human nature and property. In chapter two, I deal with male dominance over female autonomy in marriage. In the last chapter, I discuss the reverse positions between men and women as they stand upon in chapter two by the examples of Jones and his three lovers.

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