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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'influence du principe de dignité humaine sur l'évolution du droit public de la vie en détention / The influence of the principle of human dignity on the development of public law of prison life

Diani, Florian 10 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a donné un senset une portée juridique inédits au principe de dignité humaine appliquée à la détention, en se fondant notamment sur l’article 3 de la convention européenne des droits de l’homme qui proscrit la torture et les peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants. Cette évolution majeure, lui permettant de faire entrer largement sa jurisprudence dans les établissements pénitentiaires, a contraint le juge administratif français à revoir, de manière très profonde, sa jurisprudence consacrée aux mesures d’ordre intérieur et, sur le fond, à imposer la dignité humaine comme un principe matriciel à l’aune duquel l’ensemble desdroits fondamentaux des personnes détenues doit désormais être appréhendé. Elle a également influencé le législateur sur le vote de lois sur la privation de liberté, telles que la loi pénitentiaire de 2009. Sous inspiration européenne, mais également dans le cadre d’une dynamique interne de promotion générale des droits des administrés, la saisine de la vie en détention par le droit public a, dès lors, contribué au renforcement des droits accordés aux détenus (encadrement des sanctions et des mesures préventives de sécurité – mise à l’isolement et fouilles au corps notamment –, droit à la vie, droit au respect de sa vie privée et familiale, ou encore liberté de conscience et de religion...) et à uneréparation plus aisée des préjudices qui leur sont causés par l’activité pénitentiaire.Toutefois, de nombreux obstacles demeurent à la progression de l’état de droit en prison. En effet, la persistance de conditions de détention indignes et les limites à la mise en oeuvre de ces droits, à leur protection par le juge ou à leur application par l’administration posent la question de leur effectivité et de leur conformité aux standards européens établis par le juge de Strasbourg / As from the early 2000s, the European Court of Human Rights started to give unprecedentedlegal effect and meaning to the principle of human dignity applied to conditions of detention, drawing, when doing so, in particular on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. This major development, which has enabled the Court to have its case law implemented to a significant extent in prisons, has forced French administrative courts to fully review their case law concerning internal measures and, in substance, to impose human dignity as a framework principle in the light of which all fundamental rights of detainees must henceforth be considered. This major development has also influenced the lawmaker when voting on laws concerning the deprivation of liberty, such as the Prisons Act of 2009.Under this European influence, but also as part of an internal movement concerning the general promotion of citizens rights, the referral, to courts of public law, of matters pertaining to prison life, has, since its inception, led to a reinforcement of the rights granted to detainees (framework for sanctions and preventive security measures - solitary confinement and body searches in particular - the right to life, the right to respect for privacy and family life, freedom of conscience and of religion, etc.) and facilitated compensation for damages caused to detainees by a penitentiary authorities.However, many obstacles remain to establishing constitutionality for detainees. Indeed, thepersistence of inhuman conditions of detention, and the limits applied on exercising detainees’ rights, and to ensuring that these rights are protected by a court of law or are implemented by Administration, raise the question of their effectiveness and of their compliance with European standards as set down by the Strasbourg Court

Melhor idade? A responsabilidade civil em relação ao idoso no contexto familiar / Compensation for pain and suffering damage in familiary relationships involving the elderly

Helen Cristina Leite de Lima Orleans 30 August 2011 (has links)
Busca-se no presente estudo tecer alguns comentários sobre tema muito controvertido: a possibilidade, ou não, de condenação à reparação de danos morais nas relações de família envolvendo idosos. Primeiramente, o objetivo será traçar notas sobre a evolução do direito de família e a importância da Constituição de 1988 nesse contexto. Também será dado destaque para os elementos da responsabilidade civil, a noção de dano moral e os direitos garantidos pelo Estatuto do Idoso. Apontado como paradigma para uma melhor análise do tema principal, será analisada a obrigação de reparar danos morais em razão de abandono afetivo de filho menor. O terceiro ponto, por sua vez, pretende trazer à baila a discussão acerca da responsabilidade civil nas relações com idosos no seio da família. Serão enfrentadas questões importantes, introduzidas por uma análise psicanalítica do processo de envelhecimento. Serão estudados qual o conceito de família e de idoso para os fins da responsabilidade civil, os seus elementos aplicados à hipótese, bem como a possibilidade de reparação pecuniária nestes casos. / In this paper we seek to make some comments on a very controversial topic: the possibility or not of condemnation for compensation for pain and suffering damage in family relationships involving the elderly. First, the goal is to plot notes on the evolution of family law and the importance of the 1988 Constitution in such context. The elements of liability, the notion of pain and suffering damages and the rights guaranteed by the Elderly Statute will be highlighted. Appointed as a paradigm for a better analysis of the main theme, we will analyze the obligation to repair damages due to emotional abandonment of minor child. The third point, in turn, intends to bring up the discussion of liability in dealings with elders in the family. Important issues will be faced, introduced by a psychoanalytic analysis of the aging process. The concept of family and elderly for the purposes of civil liability will be studied, as well as the elements applied in the event, and also the possibility of monetary compensation in such cases

O devido processo legal para o refúgio no Brasil / The due process of law for refuge in Brazil.

Larissa Leite 05 March 2015 (has links)
O processo para o refúgio é o conjunto de regras e princípios necessários à aplicação do Direito dos Refugiados aos casos concretos. Quando este conjunto respeita os padrões democráticos do Devido Processo Legal, as tendências históricas de exploração e manipulação política do instituto de refúgio podem ser limitadas e os objetivos humanitários deste ramo dos Direitos Humanos podem ser alcançados com maior transparência. Quando o Devido Processo Legal para o refúgio é respeitado, também se permite que a pessoa que figura como solicitante de refúgio seja tratada como sujeito de direitos - e não como objeto do processo. Uma vez que a Convenção de Genebra de 1951, sobre o Estatuto dos Refugiados, não estabeleceu normas de processo, cada país signatário necessita criar um regime próprio para processar os pedidos de determinação, extensão, perda e cessação da condição de refugiado em seus territórios. O primeiro regime processual brasileiro foi criado no ano de 1997, pela Lei Federal 9497. Desde então, o país vem desenvolvendo, através do Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (CONARE), regras infra legais e rotinas práticas que têm determinado um padrão processual ainda fragmentado e inseguro. O estudo do aparato normativo nacional e da realidade observada entre 2012 e 2014 revelam a existência de problemas (pontuais ou crônicos) sobre o cumprimento de diversos princípios processuais, tais como a Legalidade, a Impessoalidade e Independência da autoridade julgadora, o Contraditório, a Ampla Defesa, a Publicidade, a Fundamentação, a Igualdade e a Razoável Duração do Processo. Estes problemas impõem desafios variados ao Brasil, tanto em dimensão legislativa quanto estrutural. O enfrentamento destas questões precisa ocorrer com rapidez. O motivo da urgência, porém, não é a nova demanda de imigração observada no país, mas sim o fato de que as violações ao Devido Processo Legal, verificadas no processo para o refúgio brasileiro, representam, em si, violações de Direitos Humanos, que, ademais prejudicam o compromisso do país para com a proteção internacional dos refugiados. / The Refuge Process is a set of rules and principles which are necessary to the enforcement of Refugee Rights in specific cases. When this set of rules and principles complies with the democratic standards of the Due Process of Law, historical tendencies of exploitation and political manipulation of the Refuge Process can be limited and the humanitarian purposes of this branch of Human Rights can be achieved with greater transparency. When the Due Process of Law for Refuge is followed, it also allows for the refuge seeker to be treated as a legal subject, rather than an object, in the process. As the Geneva Convention, in 1951, did not establish procedural norms on the matter of the Refugee Status, each signatory country must create its own legal framework to deal with requests of declaration, extension, loss and termination of said status in their territory. The first Brazilian procedural norm on this topic was created in 1997, by Federal Law No. 9.497. Since then the country has been developing, through the National Committee for Refugees (Comitê Nacional para Refugiados CONARE), regulatory provisions and protocols which have given rise to a procedural standard that remains fragmented and unsafe. The analysis of the national legal framework and the reality observed between 2012 and 2014 reveals a series of issues (which can be specific in some cases and persistent in others) concerning the enforcement of many procedural canons, such as the Principle of Legality, Impersonality, the Independence of the Judiciary, the Contradictory, Full Defense, Publicity, Statement of Reasons, Equality and the Reasonable Duration of the Procedure. These problems present Brazil with a number of challenges, regarding not only legislation, but also structure. These matters mustbe addressed with haste. What motivates such urgency, however, is not the recent increase in immigration, but the fact that the infringements of the Due Process of Law (seen in the Brazilian refuge process) represent, in themselves, violations of Human Rights, which, moreover, compromise the countrys commitment to the international refugee protection.

Direitos humanos e previdência social brasileira à luz do princípio da proibição do retrocesso social / Human rights and Brazilian social security in the light of the principle of prohibition of a social regression

Aline Moreira da Costa 11 June 2013 (has links)
A questão dos direitos humanos sempre teve como principal embasamento a noção de pessoa humana e sua dignidade. Corolário lógico dessa acepção é a formalização de tais direitos como previsões obrigatórias a todas as Constituições, de forma a garantir a limitação do poder do Estado e o pleno desenvolvimento da personalidade humana. Daí a noção de direitos fundamentais. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar a questão do direito fundamental à Previdência Social no Brasil sob o prisma de sua importância como direito humano, e consequentemente, direito fundamental, e à luz do princípio da proibição do retrocesso social. Suporta-se na necessidade de observância dos princípios humanistas para uma efetiva e eficiente proteção dos direitos sociais no Brasil, sem os quais se deflagra retrocesso social. Tem sua relevância baseada em uma temática constantemente atualizada, consequência das várias mudanças enfrentadas pelo sistema de proteção social no Brasil, em especial o previdenciário, atualmente conduzidas muitas vezes sem qualquer preocupação do princípio basilar da dignidade da pessoa humana. Este trabalho é iniciado com a verificação da definição de direitos humanos e as questões a eles correlatas, tais como sua convolação em direitos fundamentais e a possibilidade de restrição ou limitação dos mesmos. Em seguida, é abordada a temática da proteção dos direitos humanos a partir da concepção de retrocesso social e o momento de sua efetivação, a partir da identificação do aspecto nuclear do direito a ser protegido. Na sequência, o direito fundamental à previdência social é avaliado desde sua percepção até sua fundamentação, em cada uma de suas nuances, sob os preceitos da proibição do retrocesso social. Por fim, à luz de tudo o quanto foi apurado, passa-se a uma análise concreta das hipóteses em que houve ameaça ou efetivação de retrocesso social na previdência social brasileira, bem como a possibilidade de sua permissão em determinadas situações, sem que isso se configure prejuízo à justiça social e à dignidade humana. / The issue of human rights has always had as its main foundation the notion of the human person and his dignity. A logical corollary of this interpretation is the formalization of such rights as mandatory provisions in all Constitutions, as a way to insure the limitation of the power of the State and the full development of the human personality. Thence the notion of fundamental rights. The objective of the present study is to analyze the issue of fundamental rights to Social Security in Brazil under the angle of its relevance as a human right, and consequently, a fundamental right, and in the light of the principle of prohibition of a social regression. This is supported by the need to observe humanist principles for an effective and efficient protection of social rights in Brazil, which, if not present, a social regression is triggered. It has its relevance based on a theme that is being constantly updated, which is a consequence of several changes confronted by the system for social protection in Brazil, especially the social security segment, handled sometimes without any concern for the cardinal principle of dignity of the human person nowadays. This work begins with the verification of the definition of human rights and the issues correlated to it, such as its conversion to fundamental rights and the possibility for their restriction or limitation. Afterwards, it is addressed the thematic for the protection of human rights based on the conception of social regression and the moment it becomes effective, based on the identification of the core aspect of the right to be protected. In the sequence, the fundamental right to social security is evaluated from its perception to its institution, in each one of its nuances, under the precepts of the prohibition of social regression. Finally, in the light of everything that has been assessed, begins a concrete analysis of the hypotheses where there was a threat to or a materialization of social regression at the Brazilian social security, as well as the possibility to allow it in particular situations, without any damage to social justice and to human dignity.

"A assistência domiciliária odontológica sob a perspectiva da bioética personalista" / The odontological homecare seen under personalist bioethic’s perspectives

Marcia Delbon Jorge 12 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os variados aspectos que envolvem o serviço de atendimento domiciliário odontológico, especialmente aqueles relacionados à humanização da relação profissional-paciente, ao respeito à dignidade humana quando do exercício da profissão que não em ambiente hospitalar e, ainda, os aspectos éticos relacionados a esse tipo de atividade. Ressalte-se que a presente análise não se limita a explicitar as características do serviço de atendimento domiciliário odontológico, mas dedica-se, ainda, a refletir acerca de questões bioéticas que surgem quando do exercício dessa atividade. E vai um pouco mais além, na medida em que enfoca essas questões sob a óptica do modelo personalista de bioética, que adota como ponto de partida de reflexão o ser humano enquanto pessoa única em corpo e espírito, um ser considerado na sua totalidade, pois ao mesmo tempo em que somos tão diferentes uns dos outros, somos iguais nos nossos desejos e anseios mais primitivos: viver e ser feliz. / The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze some of the aspects related to the odontological homecare program, specially those related to humanization of the relations between doctor and his patients, the respect to human dignity principle when dealing with a patient in non-hospital place, such as his home, and, also, the ethics aspects related to this kind of job. It is also important to mention that this whole analysis is also dedicated to study and reflect about some important bioethics issues related to the odontological homecare program, always having in mind that every Human Being is unique, as a body, a spirit, and as a person, as thought by personalist bioethics. At the same time we, all human beings, are so different from each other, but also so similar especially concerning our most primitive desires and hopes: To live and to be happy.

The right to water in the constitution and sustainable development in South Africa

Ncube, Kukhanya January 2018 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The South African Constitution, 1996 has placed the right to sufficient water as a Constitutional right. The provision of this right by the Constitution intends to redress the violation of human rights, to ensure that South Africa’s scarce water resources are protected from pollution and that every South African, including the poor and the marginalised, enjoys them. Consequently, the Constitution has placed a legal obligation on the government to realise the right to have access to sufficient water. In order for the government to fulfil its obligation to provide water as a right for present and future generations, it will need to implement the relevant legislation effectively to protect the country’s water resources. This study analyses Section 27 of the Constitution, which provides for the right to access to water, and the role of sustainability in conserving and protecting water resources, given the recurring water challenges.

An Exposition of The Morality of Abortion (A Catholic Church Position)

Njoku, Stanislaus Ikenna January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this modern period, societal and religious groups are strongly divided regarding the acceptability of abortion. Despite so many attempts by various groups to find a middle ground, the debate on abortion still remains largely polarized, at its most dramatic point with the extreme conservatives claiming abortion to be the moral equivalent of murder and the extreme liberals see it as devoid of moral import. And this polarization is due to the legal battle that continues to shadow moral discussions. An acceptance of an ethical nuance will here play as a concession on the deeply contested question of whether abortion should be a legally protected option for a woman, and to an extent blame for the continued crudeness which can be laid at the doorstep of a moral theory itself. Apparently, the ethical literature on abortion has focused almost exclusively on the tiniest moral assessment on whether and when abortion is morally permissible. This question is a crucial one indeed and its answer is desperately sought in this thesis by exposing the position of the Catholic Church.</p>

An Exposition of The Morality of Abortion (A Catholic Church Position)

Njoku, Stanislaus Ikenna January 2005 (has links)
In this modern period, societal and religious groups are strongly divided regarding the acceptability of abortion. Despite so many attempts by various groups to find a middle ground, the debate on abortion still remains largely polarized, at its most dramatic point with the extreme conservatives claiming abortion to be the moral equivalent of murder and the extreme liberals see it as devoid of moral import. And this polarization is due to the legal battle that continues to shadow moral discussions. An acceptance of an ethical nuance will here play as a concession on the deeply contested question of whether abortion should be a legally protected option for a woman, and to an extent blame for the continued crudeness which can be laid at the doorstep of a moral theory itself. Apparently, the ethical literature on abortion has focused almost exclusively on the tiniest moral assessment on whether and when abortion is morally permissible. This question is a crucial one indeed and its answer is desperately sought in this thesis by exposing the position of the Catholic Church.

The Discourse of Human Dignity and Techniques of Disempowerment: Giorgio Agamben, J. M. Coetzee, and Kazuo Ishiguro

Mohammad, Malek Hardan 2010 December 1900 (has links)
A multidisciplinary approach is needed to critique the frequently invoked but seldom questioned notion of "human dignity," a discursive tool that is subtly serving abusive power structures while seemingly promoting human rights. The discourse of human dignity misrepresents the meaning of empowerment for modern citizens, making them interested more in political gestures and less in profit, comfort and protection from abuse. Dignity‘s epistemes—self-assertion, recognition, political action, public-spiritedness, responsibility, resistance, the denial of animal instinct, sacrifice—should not be human ideals, for they are exactly the opposite of the sovereign‘s characteristics and because they are responsible for recursive violence that preserves the status quo. They should be replaced with ethics based on sensuous interest, instinct, and natural-spiritedness (a sense of mystical oneness with other living beings). This dissertation answers Foucault‘s question about how the modern state endows citizens with a political subjectivity while simultaneously subjecting them to a totalized system, exposing human dignity as just the link between individuation and totalization. It questions Agamben‘s notion of the indistinction between political life and natural life, arguing that sovereign power, using the discourse of human dignity, creates a clear distinction. The human dignity discourse keeps the human within political life, representing such life as the middle point between the instinctive life of the animal and the mechanical life of the laborer. In reality, the dissertation shows, these two demonized modes of life are the same mode, which should be championed as a valuable and empowered state of being. In the literary field, a close examination reveals that J. M. Coetzee‘s fiction subverts the human dignity discourse while Kazuo Ishiguro‘s work is enmeshed in it. Coetzee generates sympathy for humans who lack the sense of human dignity and act on mere instinct. He offers ―disgrace‖ as a spiritual-ethical state of sensuality, acceptance and humility and promotes an agenda of desire-based rights in lieu of dignity-based ones. His writings also eschew authorial dignity as they discount the values of newness and originality in favor of expression attuned to desire, even when such moves appear selfish and politically irresponsible.

The Constitutional Protection of Illegitimate Children

Chen, Cheng-cheng 30 July 2008 (has links)
Illegitimate child is commonly referred to as ¡§bastard,¡¨ which contains the implication of discrimination and original sin from social viewpoint. As far as law is concerned, private law doesn¡¦t provide protection for the rights of illegitimate children, whose mothers are therefore forced to file for compulsory recognition without considering consensus and depreciation to ensure their rights, and this is exactly the canker that ¡§Martial Presumption System,¡¨ which is worth further exploration. As for research method, historical method, comparative method, and citation analysis method and so on are adopted herein so as to cover domestic traditional system as well as foreign system. Furthermore, domestic scholars¡¦ articles on relevant issues are herein analyzed to seek protection for children on Constitution. Laws concerning illegitimate children falls into the category of private Law, for the aspects of relatives and inheritance are relate to legislative system and compulsory regulations which are beyond the governing of private autonomy. Additionally, the regulations of citizen¡¦s basic rights are not stipulated in detail and specifically on Constitution and must be supplemented by Civil Law. Nevertheless, in the respect of illegitimate children¡¦ rights, Civil Law obviously fails to reinforce the regulations of basic rights provided on Constitution. Therefore, it¡¦s a necessity to have it discussed at equal level of Constitution. This essay then focus on protection for children on Constitution and therefore adopts human dignity, personality right, family right, equity, property right, and litigation right recorded on Constitution to build the principal structure and study the protection for the rights of ¡§illegitimate¡¨ children on Constitution. Classifying children into legitimate children and illegitimate children will not only cause confusions in Civil Law system, but convert law into a means to discriminate illegitimate children and then result in public rights impracticable in law. As a result, amendment drafts are proposed herein, taking the abolishment of martial presumption system as the main idea that enables children whether whose parents got married or not to enjoy equal rights with the assistance of children¡¦s rights protection to enable Taiwan¡¦s parent-child relationship to compete with advanced nations.

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