Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tumor,"" "subject:"humor,""
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El humor en la poesía de Gloria FuertesMonje, Maria Pilar 12 July 2005 (has links)
El humor es un acto comunicativo que se realiza en el texto como unidad de comunicación y como tal puede ser analizado lingüísticamente. El humor es una manera creativa de comunicar una visión del mundo.Esta forma no imitativa de comunicación se produce mediante la transgresión de determinadas reglas que rigen la producción del texto y del discurso, por la presencia de un segmento significativo heterogéneo respecto a otro u otros signos dentro de un contexto lingüístico homogeneizador. La relación creada entre estos signos heterogéneos actualiza sus connotaciones de valores socioculturales opuestos -de rango residual-, que al confrontarse generan humor, a la vez que se neutralizan modificando el sistema connotativo semiótico al que pertenecen, puesto que en la neutralización el valor de más alto rango se degrada y el de más bajo rango se enaltece. El humor constituye una transgresión de valores y aporta al texto un nuevo sentido, un mensaje trasgresor.En Gloria Fuertes, los procedimientos lingüísticos de generación del humor deben añadirse, como recursos estilísticos, a sus recursos poéticos relacionados con la obsesión comunicativa, que coexisten con los relacionados con su capacidad imaginativa, su dominio de la expresividad y del ritmo poético y su poder sobre el lenguaje.Los procedimientos lingüísticos de generación del humor en la poesía de Gloria Fuertes son 1) Transgresión de reglas de la coherencia del contenido (regla de recurrencia sémica, regla de no contradicción y regla de relación con la realidad) y 2) Transgresión de reglas de adecuación del registro (por inadecuación respecto al tema, inadecuación respecto al tenor e inadecuación respecto al modo).Los sistemas de valores connotativos modificados por las neutralizaciones son 1) Valores axiológicos (pero / mejor, inferior / superior, superficial / interior, físico / espiritual, concreto / abstracto, intrascendente / trascendente, sincero / convencional, próximo / exótico, cotidiano / extraordinario..) 2) Valores morales (aceptable / no aceptable), 3) Valores de verosimilitud (verdadero ç/ falso, verosímil /inverosímil) y 4) Valores de registro (vulgar / elevado, serio / lúdico, objetivo / moralizado, distante / próximo, formal / informal...).El sentido que el humor aporta el texto, en relación con lo denotado en cada poema y el sistema semiótico transgredido, en 1) LIBERACIÓN Y REIVINDICACIÓN DE LA VIDA. Este sentido se aporta en los poemas en que el humor supone RELATIVIZACIÓN de problemas personales de la autora (soledad, desamor) o propios del ser humano (vida, muerte, amor, vejez.) DESMITIFICACIÓN (de Dios, la poesía, determinados valores sociales) o bien DESACUERDO GLOBAL (respecto convenciones sociales absurdas, tópicos.). 2) REIVINDICACIÓN DE UNA VIDA DIGNA PARA TODOS LOS SERES HUMANOS, en los poemas en los que el humor significa ENSALZAMIENTO de valores sociales hoy inexistentes (la sencillez, la humildad, el pacifismo, la generosidad) o bien CRÍTICA de la sociedad injusta, inculta, hipócrita, la falsedad, los egoístas, los insolidarios, etc.Pero el humor de Gloria Fuertes, además de incidir significativamente sobre el contenido denotativo de su poesía (ella, los demás, sus desacuerdos), es en sí mismo un mensaje. Habla de su actitud positiva ante la vida y se su personalidad rebelde e insatisfecha, también habla de su respeto al lector, que se concreta en el control que la autora ejerce sobre el mensaje (el humor aligera la carga de denuncia, que nunca es agresiva; el humor aligera la carga ideológica, que nunca es dogmática; el humor aligera la carga de la verdad, porque la expresa con pudor). Y el humor cumple también con su objetivo propio y fundamental: la generación de placer humorístico y el favorecimiento de la receptividad del mensaje; voluntad comunicativa que en Gloria Fuertes está relacionada con su compromiso cristiano. / Humour is a communicative act which is made in a text as a unit of communication, and as such can be linguistically analysed. Humour is a creative way of communicating a view of the world.This non-imitative form of communication is done through the transgression of the rules that govern the text and discourse production. This transgression is due to the presence of a meaningful segment that is heterogeneous regarding another or other linguistic signs, within a homogenising linguistic context. The created relationship between these heterogeneous signs highlights their connotations of opposite socio-cultural values -uneven in rank-, which once confronted generate humour. These values neutralise one another, modifying the semiotic connotative degraded ant the lowest one is enhanced. Humour is also a transgression of values and provides the text with a new meaning, a transgressive message. The receiver's smile signifies the acceptance of that trangessive message.In Gloria Fuertes' case, the linguistic procedures for generating humour must be added as stylistic resources to her poetical resources, which are connected to her communicative obsession and which coexist with those related to her imaginative capacity, her command of expressiveness, her poetical rhythm and her control of language.The linguistic procedures for generating humour in Gloria Fuertes' poetry are the following: 1) The transgression of content coherence rules (rule of semiotic recurrence, rule of no contradicition and rule of relationship with reality) and 2) the transgression of register adequacy rules due to the inadequacy of the theme, inadequacy of tenor and inadequacy of the mode.The systems of connotative values modified by the neutralisations are 1) axiological values (worse / better, inferior/superior, superficial/interior, physical/spiritual, concrete/abstract, insignificant/transcendent, sincere/conventional, clore/exotic, quotidian/extraordinary.); 2) Moral values (acceptable/unacceptable); 3) Values of plausibility (true/false, plausible/improbable) and 4) Register values (vulgar/elevated, serious/ludic, objective/subjective, distant/close, formal/informal.)The meaning that humour contributes to the text, in relation to the denotation in each poem and the semiotic system transgressed, is 1) LIBERATION AND VINDICATION OF LIFE. This nmeaning is given in those poems, in which humour means RELATIVIZATION of personal problems of the author (loneliness, lack of affection) or of the human being (life, death, love, old, age.), DEMYTHOLOGIZATION (of God, poetry, certain social values) or else GLOBAL DISAGREEMENT (concerning absurd social conventions, clichés.). 2) VINDICATION OF A DECENT LIFE FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS, in those poems in which humour means PRAISING of human values, nonexistent today (modesty, humility, pacifism, generosity) or else CRITICISM of unfair society, ignorant hypocritical; falseness, the selfish, the unsupportive, etc.But the humour of Gloria Fuertes, apart from being a meaningful contribution to the denotative content of her poetry (herself, the others, their disagreements) is in itself a message. She talks about her positive attitude towards life, and her rebellious and dissatisfied personality; she also talks of her respect towards the reader, which is shown through her control of the message (humour lightens the load of denunciation, which in never aggressive; humour lightens the ideological load, which is never dogmatic; humour lightens the load of truth, because she writes about it kindly). Humour also accomplishes its own goal that of generating humorous pleasure, and favouring the reception of the message: communicative will that in Gloria Fuertes' case is connected to her Christian compromise.
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"Konsten i medicinen är att roa patienten medan naturen sköter läkningen" : Humor i omvårdnaden och dess fysiologiska och psykologiska inverkan på patienten.Lindfors Kjellberg, Louise, Live-Åkerström, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: De människor som personalen möter inom vården har på ett eller annat sätt drabbats av sjukdom eller skada, fysisk eller psykisk. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att främja hälsa och lindra lidande. Det kan sjuksköterskan göra genom att använda humor som kan lätta upp patientens tillvaro i en svår livssituation. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa vad humor har för inverkan på patienten och om den kan vara till nytta i omvårdnadsarbetet. Metod: Resultatet i litteraturstudien baseras på sjutton stycken vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes i databaser som var relevanta utifrån syftet. Dessa artiklar kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet visar på många positiva effekter både fysiologiskt och psykologiskt, såsom avslappning, smärtlindring, som copingstrategi för att hantera svårigheter och möjlighet att se livet i ett nytt perspektiv. Humor underlättar i omvårdnadsarbetet eftersom det är ett sätt att skapa närhet i relationen mellan patient och sjuksköterska, det underlättar också kommunikationen och ger patienten ett sätt att uttrycka svåra känslor. Humor kan vara till nytta i omvårdnadsarbetet men måste användas med försiktighet eftersom alla patienter är unika och uppfattar humor på olika sätt. Implikation: Aktuell vetenskaplig forskning på humorns fysiologiska effekter efterfrågas och att kunskap om humor och dess effekter bör bli en del i sjuksköterskans grundutbildning.
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Humorns betydelse i omvårdnaden : En systematisk litteraturstudieJohansson, Anna-Karin, Joos, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Denna systematiska litteraturstudie syftade till att beskriva och kartlägga humorns betydelse i omvårdnadsarbetet med inriktning på humorns påverkan på patientens välbefinnande, sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienter och närstående samt sjuksköterskans psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Tjugo vetenskapliga artiklar, vilka sökts huvudsakligen via fulltextbasen Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN), valdes ut utifrån titel, abstrakt och genomläsning, varefter de kvalitetsgranskades och genomgick textanalys utmynnande i sex temata. Dessa evidensgraderades utifrån artiklarnas kvalitet. Resultatet visade att humor upplevdes ha betydelse i omvårdnadsarbetet både för patient och sjuksköterska genom att göra det lättare att hantera känslor, bygga upp en positiv självbild och att bevara värdigheten. Humorn är ett verktyg i bemästring av sjukdom och hälsoproblem samt viktig för en god kommunikation mellan såväl sjuksköterska och patient som mellan vårdpersonal. Humorn upplevs vara en betydelsefull faktor för ett gott lagarbete samt en moderator för hierarkiska spänningar mellan yrkesgrupper och patienter-vårdpersonal. Som omvårdnadsteoretisk referensram valdes Joyce Travelbees teori om den mellanmänskliga kommunikationen där humor visade sig vara ett viktigt redskap. Studien ökar läsarens förståelse av humorns betydelse för patient, närstående och personal i omvårdnaden likaväl som för kommunikationen mellan berörda parter, med särskild tonvikt på sjuksköterskans profession.
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Betydelsen av Humor som kommunikationsmedel i omvårdnad : LitteraturstudieEkberg, Maria, Linds, Torbjörn January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att belysa betydelsen av humor som kommunikationsmedel mellan patient och sjuksköterska i omvårdnad, samt inom personalgrupp. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie, där relevanta artiklar söktes i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och PsychInfo. Även sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna samt tidskriften Vård i Norden användes. Femton vetenskapliga artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet av analysen visade två övergripande teman som handlade om humor som en copingstrategi och humor som relationsskapande. Analysen visade även att humor som kommunikationsmedel är viktigt i relationen mellan patient och sjuksköterska, där humor bygger en grund till en djupare relation. Humor hjälper patienten att hantera sjukdomstillstånd och är ett steg till tillfrisknande. Patienten kan lättare uttrycka och hantera känslor. Patienten upplever med hjälp av humor en ökad livstillfredsställelse och en effektivare stresshantering. Sjuksköterskan kan lättare hantera känslor och ta en paus från jobbiga situationer med hjälp av humor. Humor ger energi och stärker personalgruppen. Personalgruppen känner en samhörighet och kan lättare hantera situationer tillsammans genom att använda humor.
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Sense of Humor and Conduct of Innovation: Personalities.Hsieh, Su-Wen 01 September 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the inter-relation between sense of humor and conduct of innovation on a comparative analysis towards different personalities. The samples of this study were under the employment of 30 different public and private firms and organizations on questionnaires. The measure instruments used in this study include ¡§Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale,¡¨ ¡§Conduct of Innovation,¡¨ ¡§Locus of Control Scales,¡¨ ¡§Type A Personality,¡¨ and ¡§Positive and Negative Affectivities Scales.¡¨ The effective samples of this study were 1213 employees. The survey was to prove that sense of humor is a predictable factor of the conduct of innovation. Also, it was to investigate if different personalities and other variables would do direct interferences to one¡¦s sense of humor, conduct of innovation and to every developing stage of the above mentioned. The variables of personality include ¡§Locus of Control,¡¨ ¡§Positive Affectivity¡¨ and ¡§Negative Affectivity.¡¨ The results of this study could be summarized as follows:
1.Sense of Humor and Conduct of Innovation are predictable.
2.¡§Locus of Control¡¨ is not an interference factor to one¡¦s sense of humor and conduct of innovation.
3.¡§Type A Personality¡¨ is an interference factor to one¡¦s sense of humor and conduct of innovation.
4.¡§Positive affectivity¡¨ is not an interference factor to one¡¦s sense of humor and conduct of innovation.
5.¡§Negative affectivity¡¨ is not an interference factor to one¡¦s sense of humor and conduct of innovation.
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Transcending invisibility through the power of story: an analysis of the life journey of Mr. John, a rural school custodian, as told by his granddaughterMaxwell, Gerri M. 17 February 2005 (has links)
Public school leaders routinely overlook the talents and contributions of blue-collar support staff that can and do play viable roles in the success of schools. Somewhat ironically, a common piece of advice given to first year teachers by more experienced mentors is, Get to know the school secretary and custodian everybody knows they really run the school. Although this phrase is commonly bantered about by educators and informal school lore accords it the status of truth, the school leadership research literature is virtually silent about the contributions such workers can make. In Texas, where there are over one thousand school districts, many of which are rural and stepping stones for career track administrators, it is these community members who work as the secretaries, bus drivers, and custodians that many times serve as the cultural glue helping these districts survive. These invisible workers make important contributions to the coherency of the culture and mission of the school.
My white maternal grandfather worked as a custodian in a rural school district for more than fifty-three years. Within the past five years, in the course of conversation, two casual acquaintances volunteered information regarding my grandfathers contributions as a custodian in that school district that later I realized were instrumental in the sense of the project coming to me (Cole & Knowles, 2001).
As a rural school custodian with a third grade education, my grandfather lived with multiple oppressive forces in his life. The lack of opportunity for education, the low socio-economic status of his rural family, the marginalization that society deals to those persons who choose dirty work (Meagher, 2002), and the sometimes overt, but often just an unintentional, power struggle with school leadership were all oppressive forces in his life. Whether he consciously realized it or not, my grandfathers behavior (as evidenced by informant conversations) revealed this oppression. He survived, even thrived, and dealt with this oppression through the most effective means he knew of and obviously honed throughout his lifetime. My grandfather used humor as a means of survival.
My grandfather was a master storyteller.
This is his story.
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The Relationship between Humor and Job Satisfaction¡GThe Mediating Effects of Innovative Behavior.Yang, Tsui-ping 05 August 2009 (has links)
In a current trend of globalization and multifaceted trend of developments, a similar issue that a majority of organizations face is that their competition constantly releases new ideas and challenges. To keep up with this level of competition in the global market, an organization must also consistently churn out new innovations and creations. Human resources are an organization¡¦s greatest source of productive capital. And only with a highly innovative team of employees can an organization maintain its competitiveness. When these employees experience a high level of job satisfaction, they will be able to raise an organization¡¦s productivity, and create a positive momentum towards innovation. This study seeks to identify the relationship between an individual¡¦s sense of humor, innovation & job satisfaction. It also analyzes the forecasting reliability of an individual¡¦s sense of humor versus job satisfaction, and the mediating effect of a sense of humor towards job satisfaction.
The objects of our study are domestic organizations in a questionnaire based research 1,274 questionnaires were sent out, and 1,227 completed questionnaires were received. Of this, 1,213 questionnaires were deemed usable, creating a returns ratio of 95.21%. By analyzing the questionnaires, the following conclusions were obtained.
1. A sense of humor has a positive influence towards innovation.
2. Innovation has a positive influence towards job satisfaction.
3. A sense of humor has a positive influence towards job satisfaction.
4. Using innovation as an intermediary, a sense of humor has a partial impact on the whole of job satisfaction.
5. Using innovation as an intermediary, a sense of humor has a partial impact on internal job satisfaction.
6. Using innovation as an intermediary, a sense of humor has a full impact on external job satisfaction.
Based on the above, humor does have an important impact on innovation and job satisfaction. Innovation also plays an intermediary effect between humor and job satisfaction.
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Humour in the Russian comedy from Catherine to GogolColeman, Arthur Prudden, January 1925 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Columbia University, 1925. / Vita. Published also without thesis note. Bibliography: p. [93]-94.
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Comprehension of humor in children with non-verbal learning disabilitesGlass, Kimberly Lynne, Semrud-Clikeman, Margaret, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2003. / Supervisor: Margaret Semrud-Clikeman. Vita. Includes bibliographical references. Available also from UMI Company.
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The secret lives of adults stories /Walsh, Ryan. Winegardner, Mark, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Florida State University, 2003. / Advisor: Mark Winegardner, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of English. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Feb. 25, 2004). Includes bibliographical references.
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