Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bunting."" "subject:"counting.""
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Archeozoologie neolitu Čech / Archaeozoology of the Neolithic of BohemiaKOVAČIKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
An archaeozoological analysis of the assemblages of animal bones and teeth of Neolithic (Linear and Stroked Pottery cultures; approx. 5500-4200 BC)settlements in Bohemia, provide new elements on the way of life of early farmers. By means of study of animal bones and teeth we can specify the role of domestic and hunting animals in the Neolithic economy, define the herd management strategies for main domestic animals and focus on the environmental reconstruction and investigation of births distribution of domestic animals (for exemple of cattle in the case of this study) through the analysis of the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of fossil tooth enamel bioapatite. To achieve these objectives, we can use, except standard archaeozoological methods and stable isotope analysis, more specific procedures, e.g. determination of damaged bones of animals using the ELISA test.
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The relationship between employee wellness and career anchorsDe Villiers, Mathilde 02 1900 (has links)
The general aim of this study was to investigate whether a relationship exists
between employee wellness (specifically sense of coherence, burnout, sources of
job stress and work engagement) and career anchors, and to determine whether
gender, race, employment and age groups differed in terms of the employee
wellness and career anchors variables. The study was conducted among a random
sample of 90 employees in a typical South African work context.
The data was collected by means of the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ),
Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI), Sources of Job Stress, the Utrecht Work
Engagement Scale (UWES) and the Career Orientations Inventory (COI).
Supporting evidence indicates significant associations between employee wellness
and the career anchors variables. The results also showed significant differences
between the career anchors of males, females, blacks, whites, permanent staff,
contract staff and age groups. The findings contribute valuable new knowledge to
the wellness and career literature and organisational practices related to employee
wellness and career decision making. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Návrh projektu rozvoje loveckého cestovního ruchu / The proposal of hunting tourism development projectKROUPOVÁ, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to propose a hunting tourism project. The project takes place in the Strakonice micro region which is characterized by relatively healthy and undamaged environment. The proposal of the project takes advantage from the natural potential and supply of the region and countryside. The proposal focused on increasing the knowledge of the tourism participants about the hunting tourism like a part of the countryside and culture.
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Landscape Variability in Tool-Use and Edge Damage Formation in South African Middle Stone Age Lithic AssemblagesJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: This study explores how early modern humans used stone tool technology to adapt to changing climates and coastlines in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa. The MSA is associated with the earliest fossil evidence for modern humans and complex cultural behaviors during a time period of dramatic climate change. Human culture allows for the creation, use, and transmission of technological knowledge that can evolve with changing environmental conditions. Understanding the interactions between technology and the environment is essential to illuminating the role of culture during the origin of our species. This study is focused on understanding ancient tool use from the study of lithic edge damage patterns at archaeological assemblages in southern Africa by using image-based quantitative methods for analyzing stone tools. An extensive experimental program using replicated stone tools provides the comparative linkages between the archaeological artifacts and the tasks for which they were used. MSA foragers structured their tool use and discard behaviors on the landscape in several ways – by using and discarding hunting tools more frequently in the field rather than in caves/rockshelters, but similarly in coastal and interior contexts. This study provides evidence that during a significant microlithic technological shift seen in southern Africa at ~75,000 years ago, new technologies were developed alongside rather than replacing existing technologies. These results are compared with aspects of the European archaeological record at this time to identify features of early human technological behavior that may be unique to the evolutionary history of our species. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2016
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Les savoirs écologiques des chasseurs de gibier d'eau girondins : étude de leur validité pour une gestion de l'avifaune des zones humides / The waterfowl hunters of Gironde and their ecological knowledge : a study of their validity to the waterbirds managementFarau, Sébastien 29 February 2016 (has links)
La gestion de la faune sauvage hors des ENP pose en premier lieu la question de la connaissance des milieux qu'elle fréquente et de l'évolution de leur capacité d’accueil. Aboutir à une description détaillée de la répartition qualitative et quantitative des espèces, avec comme seuls collecteurs de données des professionnels formés à ces fins, peut sembler utopique. L’immensité des espaces de la campagne banale combinée à la mobilité des espèces supposent une présence régulière et un relevé assez fréquent d'indices de présence lorsque des suivis sont nécessaires. Si certains chercheurs et gestionnaires n’hésitent désormais plus à utiliser l’écologie participative comme un moyen de collecte de ces données, cette méthode souffre parfois d’un manque de bénévoles, donc d'un défaut d’informations sur certaines parties des maillages qu'il faudrait renseigner. Dans ce contexte, envisager de solliciter ceux qui façonnent ces milieux naturels, donc qui séjournent longuement et utilisent cette nature, semble une alternative plausible pour acquérir des informations et des savoirs nécessaires à la gestion de la faune sauvage. Or, la qualité de ceux-ci est à interroger pour en mesurer la richesse et la fiabilité, et donc les possibilités ou non de les mobiliser dans des processus de suivis ou de gestion. Afin de conduire cette recherche, un objet et un terrain d’étude appropriés étaient nécessaires. Le choix s’est porté sur les savoirs locaux des chasseurs de gibier d’eau des zones humides girondines. La pratique de la chasse de la nuit a été plus particulièrement ciblée, ces adeptes disposant de carnets sur lesquels ils enregistrent parfois depuis longtemps des observations de l’avifaune, et l’activité en elle-même imposant de se tenir dans un poste fixe. Au-delà de leurs observations, des savoirs locaux potentiellement importants ont donc pu être accumulées. Dans les deux cas, l’accès à ces items est complexe et impose de créer une relation de confiance, que nous avons acquise grâce à l’échange d’informations. Il a ainsi été possible de poursuivre notre recherche en nous intéressant à l’aspect « observations » grâce aux carnets, puis à l’aspect « savoirs » en menant des entretiens en situation avec ces locaux. Notre travail interroge d’abord à la nature des informations nécessaires à la gestion de différentes espèces de la faune sauvage, et à la variabilité des moyens qui sont utilisés pour les collecter. La mobilisation de savoirs appartenant parfois à des ruraux amène ensuite à s’interroger sur leur pertinence scientifique. Il apparaît que ces derniers peuvent s’avérer être des contributions probantes qui concourent à une meilleure gestion de la faune sauvage. Ainsi, on montre ensuite en quoi différentes pratiques cynégétiques mobilisent des savoirs qui semblent pouvoir contribuer à la gestion de la faune sauvage. Les caractéristiques de la chasse de nuit au gibier d’eau la rendent plus propice à la collecte d’observations et de savoirs originaux, dont certains pourraient contribuer à la gestion de l’avifaune migratrice. Les zones humides girondines apparaissent alors comme un terrain d’étude approprié. Puis, on regarde de manière détaillée en quoi consiste la pratique de la chasse au gibier, et on montre que ces pratiquants sont susceptibles de collecter des informations originales sur l’avifaune et les milieux humides. La fiabilité des informations collectées et donc la qualité des observateurs pouvant être hétérogènes suivant les affinités de ces pratiquants, les meilleurs d’entre eux doivent être identifiés. On s’attache alors à déceler, en utilisant leurs carnets, les chasseurs qui, parmi la masse de ces individus, s’avèrent être des observateurs fiables. Au-delà, les informations qu’ils ont accumulées sont susceptibles de s’être combinées en savoirs. A travers une série d’entretiens puis d’évaluations, c’est la nature et la richesse de leurs savoirs qu’on interroge, pour identifier les plus experts et compétents d’entre eux. / The wildlife management outside the protected natural area asks the question of knowledge of the environments it attends and the evolution of their capacity. Achieve to a detailed description of the qualitative and quantitative distribution of species, with the only professionals as data collectors trained for these purposes, seems Utopian. The immensity of spaces of trivial campaign combined with the mobility of species involved a regular presence and a fairly common statement for presence indices when monitoring is necessary. While some researchers and managers are now more reluctant to use the participatory ecology as a way of collecting these data, this method can sometimes suffer from a lack of volunteers. A lack of information can exist on some parts that it would inquire. In this context, consider seeking those who shape these natural environments, staying long and using this nature seems a plausible alternative to acquire information and knowledge necessary to wildlife management. But the quality of these collectors is to ask to measure wealth and reliability, and thus the opportunities or not to engage in follow-ups or management process. To conduct this research, an object and a field of appropriate study were required. The choice fell on local knowledge of waterfowl hunters of the Gironde wetlands. The practice of hunting at night was particularly targeted, these enthusiasts have books on which they sometimes long record observations of birds, and the activity itself imposing to stand in a fixed position. Beyond their observations, potentially significant local knowledge could therefore be accumulated. In both cases, access to these items is complex and requires to create a relationship of trust that we have gained through the exchange of information. It was thus possible to continue our research by focusing on the aspect of "observations" through books, and then to the aspect of "knowledge" by conducting interviews with these locals hunters. Our work first examines the nature of the information necessary for the management of different species of wildlife and variability wherewithal that are used to collect. The mobilization of knowledge sometimes belonging to rural then raises questions about their scientific relevance. It appears that these may contribute to better management of wildlife. Thus, we show how various hunting practices mobilize knowledge that appear to contribute to the management of wildlife. The characteristics of the night hunting waterfowl make it more conducive to the collection of observations and original knowledge, some of which could contribute to the management of migratory birds. Wetlands Gironde appear as an appropriate field study. Then, we look in details what constitutes the practice of hunting game, and show that these practitioners are likely to collect original information on birds and wetlands. The reliability of information collected and therefore the quality of the observers may be heterogeneous according to the affinities of these practitioners, the best of them should be identified. The last part then attaches to detect, using their notebooks, hunters who among the mass of these individuals turn out to be reliable observers. In addition, the information they are likely to have accumulated combined knowledge. Through a series of interviews and evaluations, it is the nature and the richness of their knowledge that asks to identify the most expert and competent of them.
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Patrones prehistóricos de utilización de los camélidos sudamericanosWheeler, Jane C. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Prehispanic Camelid Utilization PatternsIn the present study evidence concerning both the origin of camelid domestication and the subsequent development of herding economies is evaluated through the analysis of camelid survivorship/mortality curves. Because the bone fusion age stages proposed by Elizabeth Wing in 1972 have been used by archaeozoologists working in the Andes, it is possible to compare data from several sites. None the less, in the present study we have corrected errors in Wing's age attribution for the fusion of certain bones and recalculated the survivorship curves published for the sites of Tulan 52, Puripica 1, Telarmachay, Kotosh, Galindo, Huacaloma and Layzón. The resultant curves reveal clear differences between hunting and herding economies, as well as distinct levels of herding efficiency or strategies, which support previous hypotheses concerning the origins of domestication. / En el presente trabajo, se evalúa la evidencia relacionada con el origen de la domesticación de los camélidos sudamericanos y el subsecuente desarrollo de las economías de pastoreo a través del análisis de los perfiles de sobrevivencia/mortalidad de estos animales. Debido a que la tabla de grupos etarios en los camélidos sudamericanos (basados en el estado de fusión de ciertos huesos) utilizada por Elizabeth Wing en su estudio de la fauna de Kotosh (1972) ha sido utilizada por arqueozoólogos que trabajan en los Andes, es posible hacer una comparacion entre los datos provenientes de varios sitios. En el presente trabajo, sin embargo, se han corregido algunos errores en la atribución de edad propuesta por Wing para la fusión de ciertos huesos y recalculado los perfiles de sobrevivencia/mortalidad publicadas para los sitios de Tulan 52, Puripica 1, Telarmachay, Kotosh, Galindo, Huacaloma y Layzón. Los perfiles resultantes revelan claramente diferencias entre las economías de caza y pastoreo, así como distintos niveles de eficiencia o estrategias de pastoreo, que sustentan hipótesis previas concernientes a los orígenes de la domesticación.
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Paleoambiente y ocupación prehistórica del litoral extremo sur del Perú: las ocupaciones del Arcaico en la Quebrada de los Burros y alrededores (Tacna, Perú)Lavallée, Daniele, Béarez, Philippe, Chevalier, Alexandre, Julien, Michele, Usselmann, Pierre, Fontugne, Michel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Paleoenvironment and Prehistoric Occupation on the Peruvian Southernmost Coast: The Archaic Period Occupations at Quebrada de los Burros and its Surroundings (Tacna, Perú)The archaic fishermen and gatherers campsite at Quebrada de los Burros (Tacna, Perú) was occupied between ca. 9400 and 4000 BP. The occupations took place during a calm and wet climatic phase. Horizontal excavations revealed several living-floor features (hearths, postholes, specialized activity areas), abundant lithic material and important accumulations of food waste (shells, fish, crabs, urchins and a few terrestrial faunal remains). These remains demonstrate that the inhabitants relied heavily on ocean resources complemented by terrestrial hunting. Lithic tools and bone instruments indicate diversified and sophisticated fishing and foraging techniques. / El campamento de pescadores-recolectores arcaicos de Quebrada de los Burros (Tacna, Perú) estuvo ocupado entre ca. 9400 y 4000 BP. El conjunto de las ocupaciones tuvo lugar durante un periodo climático tranquilo y húmedo. La excavación de los sucesivos niveles de ocupación han puesto en evidencia numerosas estructuras (fogones, hoyos de poste, áreas de actividades especializadas), un material lítico abundante e importantes acumulaciones de desechos alimenticios (conchas, restos de peces, cangrejos, erizos y un poco de fauna terrestre). Estos restos atestiguan un modo de vida basado en la explotación intensiva del ambiente marítimo, complementado por la caza terrestre. El ajuar lítico y óseo indica modos de pesca o de captura diversificados.
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Field Current Control for the Damping of Rotor Oscillations and for the Alternative Start of Synchronous Machines : Further Innovative Applications of Field Current Active Control besides UMP-CompensationFelicetti, Roberto January 2018 (has links)
The possibility to save energy in synchronous machines operation by dismissing d-axis damping bars and surrogating them with active excitation current control in sectored field winding is proved. In particular a way to recover the energy of rotor oscillations during power regulation is shown by means of a studycase generator whereas a self-starting machine is analytically and numerically designed in view of its next construction and test. Principal design requirements and limits for both applications are presented and discussed.
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Abundância, densidade e tamanho populacional de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brasil. / Abundance, density and population size of game mammals and birds of Ilha do Cardoso State Park, SP, Brazil.Christine Steiner São Bernardo 17 November 2004 (has links)
O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi obter o índice de abundância, a densidade e o tamanho populacional de mamíferos e aves cinegéticos (preferencialmente caçados) na Mata Atlântica do Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), através do método de transecções lineares. Mapas de ocorrência das espécies foram gerados, bem como foram testadas relações entre estrutura da vegetação e variáveis antrópicas com a abundância e ocorrência das espécies. Foram percorridos 273,05 km em 13 trilhas distribuídas por várias regiões do PEIC. Dentre as aves cinegéticas com maior densidade destacaram-se o uru Odontophorus capueira (26,7 indivíduos/ km2), tucanos Ramphastos spp. (8,9 indivíduos/ km2) e jacú Penelope spp. (3,2 indivíduos/ km2). Dentre os mamíferos cinegéticos, o bugio Alouatta guariba (8,9 indivíduos/ km2) e a cutia Dasyprocta leporina (3,4 indivíduos/ km2) apresentaram maior densidade. A jacutinga é uma espécie ameaçada de extinção no Brasil, com tamanho da população que varia entre 203 e 304 indivíduos. Esta é uma das aves caçadas ilegalmente no PEIC por caiçaras, índios Guarani Mbya e pessoas provenientes do entorno do parque, não havendo conhecimento de quantos animais são abatidos anualmente. Foi utilizado um tipo de análise de viabilidade de populações, sendo possível predizer a probabilidade de extinção, simulando-se diferentes cenários de caça no PEIC (ou seja, diferentes quantidades de jacutingas caçadas por ano). O cenário-base considerado teve como principais características uma baixa taxa de mortalidade anual (10%), capacidade suporte alta (1770 indivíduos) e população efetiva alta (64%). Neste cenário, classificado como otimista devido às características atribuídas, há probabilidade de jacutingas sofrerem extinção local quando mais de 20% dos animais forem abatidos por ano. Contudo, no cenário alternativo onde foi considerado uma capacidade suporte menor que a do cenário-base (177 indivíduos), o dobro da taxa de mortalidade anual do cenário-base ou uma população efetiva de 44%, a população de jacutingas só permanece na ilha se não houver caça. Ao ser considerado uma população efetiva de 24%, há probabilidade de extinção local mesmo se não houver caça, pois neste caso há tão poucos indivíduos aptos a reprodução, que até mesmo efeitos estocásticos (ao acaso) causam a extinção local. Em relação à disponibilidade de frutos, houve correlação entre biomassa de frutos e abundância de queixadas (Tayassu pecari) (Rs= 0,56, p= 0,05). Macucos (Tinamus solitarius) e catetos (Pecari tajacu) apresentaram maior abundância em locais com maior riqueza de frutos (R2= 43,2%, p= 0,01 e R2= 25,5%, p= 0,05, respectivamente). Através da análise de Regressão Logística, foi possível constatar que existiu cerca de duas vezes mais chances de mamíferos ocorrerem em locais com maior densidade de palmito juçara Euterpe edulis adulto e em lugares afastados de comunidades tradicionais da Ilha do Cardoso. Os resultados demonstraram a importância de se proteger áreas que ainda possuem alta densidade de palmitos juçara e grande produção e riqueza de frutos, pois são fatores que contribuem para a ocorrência e abundância de muitas espécies de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos. Além disso, este estudo forneceu embasamento empírico para a polêmica questão do possível impacto das populações humanas na biodiversidade, demonstrando-se que a presença de comunidades tradicionais em unidade de conservação de uso indireto influenciou a ocorrência de mamíferos cinegéticos. / The principal aim of this work was to estimate the abundance, density and population size of game birds and mammals from the Atlantic rainforest at Ilha do Cardoso State Park through linear transect methods. We made ocurrence maps and we looked for relationships between environmental and anthropic variables and the abundance and occurrence of species. The observations summed up to 273.05 Km of transects at 13 trails at different regions in the park. Among the most abundant game birds are the quails Odontophorus capueira (26.7 individuals/ km2), toucans Ramphastos spp. (12.2 individuals/ km2) and guans Penelope spp. (3.2 individuals/ km2). Among the game mammals, howler monkeys Alouatta guariba (8.9 individuals/ km2) and agoutis Dasyprocta leporina (3.4 individuals/ km2) were the most abundant. Jacutinga is threatened by extinction in Brazil and this species is represented by few individuals at Ilha do Cardoso (minimum of 203 individuals and a maximum of 304 individuals). This bird is ilegally hunted by local people and hunters that come from other neighbor cities, and information about how many jacutingas are killed per year is unknown. So, we used a population viability analysis in order to predict probability of extinction, by simulating different hunting scenarios at Ilha do Cardoso. The base-line scenario considered had low annual mortality rates (10%), high carrying capacity (1770 individuals) and high effective population size (64%). At this scenario, classified as optimistic, there is probability of extinction if more than 20% of individuals are hunted per year. However, if we consider a lower carrying capacity (k=177 individuals), a higher annual mortality rate (20%) or an effective population size of 44%., jacutingas only remain in the island if there is no poaching. Nevertheless, with an effective population size of 24% there is probability of extinction even if there is no poaching, because there are so few individuals constituting the population, that stochastic events cause local extinction. This study indicates that conservation status of jacutingas is critical and poaching must be controlled, in order to maintain this population in long term at Ilha do Cardoso State Park. In relation to fruit disponibility, there were correlation between fruit biomass and white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) (Rs= 0.56, p= 0.05). Tinamous (Tinamus solitarius) and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) presented higher abundance in places where fruit richness were higher (R2= 43.2%, p= 0.01 and R2= 25.5%, p= 0.05, respectively). Through Logistic Regression we demonstrated that there was approximately twice more chance of mammals to occur in places with high density of adult palms Euterpe edulis and in places far from traditional communities at Ilha do Cardoso. These results demonstrate the importance on protect areas that still have high density of palm trees and high fruit production and fruit richness, because these are factors which contribute to abundance and occurrence of many game birds and mammals species. Indeed, this study provides scientific basis for the polemic subject about the possible impacts caused by traditional population in local biodiversity, since we have demonstrated that presence of traditional communities in protected areas exerted influence upon occurrence of game mammals.
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A caça e o tráfico de animais silvestres : estratégias para a gestão de políticas públicas na caatinga / Hunting and wildlife trafficking : strategies for public policy management in caatingaSantos, Micaele Karolaine Pereira dos 21 February 2017 (has links)
The present study analyzed the hunting and wildlife trafficking in the neighbourship of the Ecological
Station Raso da Catarina (ESEC Raso da Catarina), in Bahia, in order to contribute to environmental
conservation strategies for the region. Among the specific objectives was seek to know five dimensions
of hunting activity and wildlife trafficking practiced in the study region (socio-demographic profile of
hunters and wildlife traffickers; behavior of hunters and traffickers, hunting profile, economic aspects
involved in hunting and, the knowledge of the prohibition of illegal activities against wildlife and
mitigation strategies). Also looked for to identify the network of agencies potentially involved in
combating the hunting and wildlife trafficking, their strategies and difficulties of action, through the
method of research in data and methodological triangulation, based on semi-structured interviews with
hunters, employees of the ICMBio of ESEC Raso da Catarina and police officers of the Caatinga
Independent Policing Company (Companhia de Policiamento Independente da Caatinga - CIPE /
Caatinga); analysis of ICMBio infraction records, police reports records of CIPE / Caatinga and the
Federal Highway Police (Polícia Rodoviária Ferderal - PRF). The results indicated that most hunters had
between 41 and 50 years old, had incomplete primary education, were in majority farmers and residents
of the Riacho Village, municipality of Paulo Afonso, Bahia. As for the most hunted species, there was a
predominance for the group of birds, with higher value of use for the species arribaçã (Zenaida
auriculata) (VU = 0.31), and for the group of mammals, the armadillo-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus) the
species with higher value of use (VU = 0.85). Most hunters preferred to use animals as a means of
transport, the dog as a hunting technique, and they preferred to hunt on Saturdays and Sundays, often
once or twice a month, during nocturnal and rainy periods, motivated by subsistence reasons. All hunters
revealed that they are aware of the prohibition on hunting but are unaware of who is responsible for the
prohibition. Regarding surveillance, the ICMBio is the agency that is at the forefront of operations to
combat hunting and trafficking of animals in the study area. However, it faces difficulties due to lack of
resources and integration with other institutions. / O presente estudo analisou a caça e o tráfico de animais silvestres na área de abrangência da
Estação Ecológica Raso da Catarina (ESEC Raso da Catarina), na Bahia, visando contribuir
com estratégias de conservação ambiental para a região. Dentre os objetivos específicos
buscou-se conhecer cinco dimensões da atividade de caça e tráfico de animais silvestres
praticadas na região de estudo (perfil sóciodemográfico dos caçadores e traficantes de animais
silvestres; comportamento dos caçadores e traficantes; perfil da caça; aspectos econômicos
envolvidos na caça e o conhecimento sobre a proibição das atividades ilegais contra a fauna
silvestre e propostas de mitigação). Procurou-se também identificar a rede de agências
potencialmente envolvidas para combater a caça e tráfico de animais, suas estratégias e
dificuldades de atuação, através do método de pesquisa em triangulação de dados e
metodológica, com base em entrevistas semiestruturadas com caçadores, funcionários do
ICMBio da ESEC Raso da Catarina e policiais da Companhia de Policiamento Independente
da Caatinga (CIPE/Caatinga); análise de registros de infração do ICMBio e os registros de
ocorrências policiais da CIPE/Caatinga e da Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF). Os resultados
indicaram que a maioria dos caçadores tinha entre 41 e 50 anos de idade, possuía ensino
fundamental incompleto, eram em maioria agricultores e residentes do Povoado Riacho,
município de Paulo Afonso, Bahia. Quanto às espécies mais caçadas, houve predominância
para o grupo das aves, com maior Valor de Uso para a espécie arribaçã (Zenaida auriculata)
(VU=0,31), e para o grupo dos mamíferos, o tatu-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus) foi a espécie
com maior valor de uso (VU=0,85). A maioria dos caçadores utilizou preferencialmente
animais como meio de transporte, o cachorro como técnica de caça, preferiam caçar aos
sábados e domingos, frequentemente de uma a duas vezes por mês, em períodos noturnos e
chuvosos, motivados por razões de subsistência. Todos os caçadores revelaram ter
conhecimento da proibição da caça, mas desconheciam de quem é a responsabilidade pela
proibição. Em relação à fiscalização, o ICMBio é o órgão que está à frente das operações de
combate à caça e tráfico de animais na área de estudo, entretanto enfrenta dificuldades por
falta de recursos e integração com outras instituições.
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