Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bunting."" "subject:"counting.""
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A caça e seus efeitos sobre a ocorrência de mamíferos de médio e grande porte em áreas preservadas de Mata Atlântica na Serra de Paranapiacaba (SP). / The hunting and its effect on the occurrence of medium and large mammals in preserved areas of brazilian Atlantic rainforest in the Serra de Paranapiacaba (SP).Camila Camara Pianca 18 January 2005 (has links)
A Serra de Paranapiacaba tem o maior remanescente florestal contínuo de Mata Atlântica do Brasil. Poucos estudos sobre caça de animais silvestres foram realizados nesse bioma até o momento. Não existem dados a respeito de pressão de caça de mamíferos e eficiência na fiscalização em unidades de conservação no contínuo de Mata Atlântica do sudeste de São Paulo. Este estudo foi realizado em três áreas na Serra de Paranapiacaba: duas áreas no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho - PECB (Sede e Base Turvinho) e uma na Reserva Particular Parque do Zizo - RPPZ. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a freqüência de caça e de ocorrência de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, e avaliar as diferenças nas freqüências dos mamíferos nas áreas com diferentes intensidades de pressão de caça e fiscalização. A freqüência das atividades de caça nas áreas foi analisada com base em observações diretas e vestígios de caçadores, além de entrevistas com moradores do entorno das áreas e dados da fiscalização do PECB. Para registrar a freqüência de uso das áreas por mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte foi utilizado o método de parcelas de areia. Para as espécies arborícolas utilizou-se o método de transectos lineares para obtenção da taxa de avistamento das espécies e indivíduos nas áreas. Durante sete meses de estudo foram observados 17 registros de atividades de caça em duas das áreas estudadas, sendo seis no Zizo e 11 no Turvinho. Segundo os dados da fiscalização não ocorreram evidências de caça na Sede, e também no Zizo foram registradas menos evidências que no Turvinho. Cumpre destacar que ocorreram mais visitas da fiscalização no Turvinho que no Zizo. A pressão de caça foi considerada moderada nas áreas onde a atividade foi registrada. Nas áreas de estudo foram registradas 20 espécies, sendo 15 por meio de parcelas de areia e cinco por avistamentos. Com um esforço amostral de 2700 parcelas monitoradas foram obtidos 426 registros de presença na parcela nas três áreas estudadas. Foi registrada maior freqüência de ocorrência nas parcelas e taxas de avistamento, tanto de espécies como de indivíduos na área da Sede, seguida do Turvinho e Zizo. Os onívoros foram mais freqüentes na Sede, com destaque para freqüente utilização das trilhas pelo (Cerdocyon thous) cachorro-do-mato, com 51,8% do total de registros nas parcelas. Os herbívoros e as espécies cinegéticas foram mais registrados no Turvinho e os carnívoros no Zizo. A diversidade de espécies foi semelhante nas áreas estudadas, Sede e Turvinho (n=11) e Zizo (n=10). O maior número de registros nas parcelas foi obtido na estação seca. Estes resultados, associado ao atual contexto de pressões antrópicas na região, demonstram que áreas com uma menor freqüência de ocorrência de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, apresentam menor intensidade de fiscalização e maior pressão. Conclui-se que a eficiência da fiscalização pode ser importante na conservação de médios e grandes mamíferos na região, visto que mesmo nas áreas com pressão de caça moderada a presença da fiscalização contribui para uma maior freqüência de animais. / The Paranapiacaba mountain range has the greatest continuous remaining stretch of Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Few studies about hunting of wild animals in this ecosystem have been reported until this moment. There are no data regarding to hunting of mammals and fiscalization in preserved areas in the State of Sao Paulo southeastern continuous stretch of Atlantic Rainforest. This study has been developed in three areas in the Paranapiacaba mountain range: two areas in the Carlos Botelho State Park - PECB (Sede and Turvinho Base) and one in Zizos Park Particular Reserve - RPPZ. The objective of this study was to quantify the frequency of hunting and of occurrence from mammals of medium and big size, as well as to evaluate the differences in the frequency of the mammals between areas with different intensities of hunting pressure and fiscalization. The hunting frequency in the areas in question was analyzed based in direct observations and vestiges of hunters, as well as interviews with residents of the areas boundaries and data of the PECB fiscalization. To register the frequency of the medium and large size terrestrial mammals it was used the sand parcel method. For the arboreal species was used the method of line transect to obtain the encounter rate of the species and individuals. During a seven months study seventeen registers of hunting activities were observed in two of the studied areas: six in Zizo and eleven in Turvinho. According to fiscalization data, hunting evidences didnt occurs in the Sede area, in the Zizo also was registered a small number of evidences comparing to Turvinho. The hunting pressure was considered moderate. In the areas studied were registered 20 species were registered in the studied areas: 15 of them by sand parcels and 5 by encounters. In an amostral effort of 2700 parcels monitored, 426 registers of presence in the parcels were registered of the three areas. The frequency registered of species and the encounter rate such as of species as individuals was bigger in the area of the Sede area, followed by Turvinho and Zizo. The omnivores were more frequent in the Sede area, with prominence for the frequent use of the trails by the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) with 51, 8% of the total of the registers. The herbivores and the cinegetic species were more registered in the Turvinho, and the carnivores in the Zizo. The species diversity was similar in the areas, Sede and Turvinho (n=11) and Zizo (n=10). The biggest record number in the parcels was gotten in the dry station. These results, associate to current context of human pressures in the region, demonstrate that the areas with a lesser frequency of mammals, present minor fiscalization intensity and bigger pressure. The conclusions is that efficient fiscalization in the areas can be important in the conservation of medium and large mammals in the region, as it seems that, even in areas with moderate hunting pressure, the presence of fiscalization contributes for a bigger frequency of mammals.
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Product development as part of a positioning strategy for the hunting industry in the Eastern CapeVan Niekerk, Pieter du Preez January 2002 (has links)
In this study on product development and positioning in the hunting industry in the Eastern Cape, two conceptual frameworks were developed, based on a literature study. These positioning and product development concepts were tested against primary and secondary information gathered about the hunting industry. The game and hunting industries were in a strong growth phase at the time of this study. These industries are playing an increasingly important role in the economy of the Eastern Cape, and more and more agricultural land is utilised for game ranching. From the perspective of obtaining a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive environment, it is therefore important for hunting providers to develop suitable products, and to position these products correctly. It is also important to investigate the characteristics of the game and hunting industries in the Eastern Cape and to get information about the characteristics of the market in which product development and positioning take place. Hunting is the most important form of game utilisation in the Eastern Cape, followed by cropping of game and live game sales. At the time of this study, the total value of the game utilised annually in the Eastern Cape was in excess of R168 million. Game utilisation seemed to be taking place on a sustainable basis, as the number of animals utilised annually was less than the annual production. Kudu and springbok provide the biggest total income, and, together with mountain reedbuck, are the most abundant species in the Eastern Cape. The main game-producing areas in the Eastern Cape coincide with the areas where extensive beef, sheep and goat farming are practised. The hunting products on offer from hunting providers, differ in certain ways. Aspects like price, type of hunting provided, game species available for hunting, terrain where hunting takes place, and various other aspects in connection with the hunt, differ from hunting provider to hunting provider. Characteristics of the hunting experience that hunters desire may be divided into core and variable elements. The core elements include: · the conditions pertaining to the hunt being spelt out clearly; · the maintenance of safety standards; · reasonable day fees; · the presence of game in sufficient numbers; and · other aspects generally desired by hunters. In the study it was found that the needs of hunters also differ regarding certain aspects of the hunting experience. These variable elements include price levels, type and availability of accommodation, and the role of the hunting provider. The core aspects that hunters desire are as a rule part of the product offering. From a product development perspective, the variable elements provide an opportunity to customise products to hunter needs. The inclusion or exclusion of variable elements from the product offering give rise to certain unique product features, and therefore provide the opportunity for product differentiation. After development, products are positioned firstly by selecting a market segment to focus on. Secondly, the needs of hunters in the target segment should be clearly identified, followed by the development of suitable products based on hunter needs, and taking into account the features of competitive offerings. Decisions should also be taken about the features to be included in the product offering to achieve product differentiation. After development of a suitable product, an image or brand should be chosen for the product, and this image should be effectively communicated to the market. A number of possible positioning options were identified for hunting providers. It was found that factors like the physical features of the ranch, available infrastructure, the market segment chosen, desires of the hunting providers, and the perception of the needs of hunters, eventually influence decisions about product development and positioning. The final decisions on positioning should take the core competencies of the hunting provider into account and should ensure that the hunting provider has the ability to fill the chosen position in the market.
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Travail et société dans l’Égypte du IIIe millénaire : enseignements du système hiéroglyphique / Work and society in Egypt of the third millennium : lessons of the hieroglyphic systemDesbordes, Christelle 10 December 2010 (has links)
La graphie des signes hiéroglyphiques représentant des travailleurs est analysée, puis confrontée aux sources iconographiques et à la sculpture, pour comprendre la façon dont le système d’écriture interprète la notion de travail et cerner ce que l’élite souhaite voir se pérenniser dans l’imagerie. S’ajoute à ces données graphiques une approche lexicographique des termes liés au travail. Une mise en perspective de nos conclusions, par l’apport de sources historiques et sociologiques variées, contribue enfin à forger une appréciation plus juste de la façon dont l’organisation professionnelle est perçue sous l’Ancien Empire, et dont l’élite lettrée se confronte au contexte professionnel. Notre analyse a tout d’abord permis de définir les procédés utilisés pour transcrire le travailleur dans l’écriture et dans l’ensemble de l’imagerie d’Ancien Empire. Les critères intervenant dans la composition de l’image du travailleur, que ce soit dans son apparence, son rapport à l’action ou sa relation à la technique, sont ainsi définis. La relation du lexique au thème du travail est aussi abordée. L’ensemble des données récoltées sert ensuite à définir la perception du travail à cette époque. Le travail est ainsi considéré comme un acte social, et le travailleur, lié à une collectivité solide, apparaît intégré au cœur d’un système hiérarchique complexe. Le travail est aussi perçu comme un acte de peine, exercé par une population modeste dépendante d’une autorité dirigeante et entièrement investie dans la charge qui lui incombe. Le travail apparaît enfin comme un acte de production, dans lequel l’homme, technicien et producteur, constitue un chaînon essentiel dans le processus de transformation de la matière, et garantit la prospérité du pays et le bien-être de son élite. / The written form of hieroglyphic signs which represent workers is studied, and compared with iconographic documents and sculpture, to understand the way in which the writing interprets the notion of work, and the elements that the elite wants to fix in the imagery. A lexicographical approach of work is also done. Historical and sociological documentation is lastly used to obtain a more complete appreciation of the perception of the professional organization in the Old Kingdom. Our analysis has come to define the processes used to transcribe the worker in writing and in whole imagery of the Old Kingdom. The parameters which play a part in the composition of the worker’s image, in his appearance, his relation to action or his connection with technique, are thus defined. The link between lexicography and work is also treated. Whole information is then used to define the ideological perception of work at this time. Work is thus considered like a social act, and the worker, linked to a solid community, appears to be integrated in a complex hierarchic system. Work is also perceived as a hard act, practised by a modest population who is dependent on a ruling authority and who put a lot of effort into carrying out his task. Work finally appears as a productive act, and worker, as technician and producer, constitutes an essential link in the process of transformation of materials, and assures the prosperity of the country and the comfort of the elite.
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La cour et les animaux sous les Bourbons / Animals and the court under the BourbonsPieragnoli, Joan 05 December 2015 (has links)
Les animaux eux-mêmes font l’objet du chapitre liminaire. Mais, en en tant que tels, ils intéressent moins la présente étude que la façon dont leur utilisation par l’homme a été associée à l’essor de la vie de cour. La relation homme-animal en milieu de cour est abordée dans la première partie, sous l’angle des formes architecturales, des structures administratives ainsi que du cadre juridique et social au sein desquels elle s’épanouit à la charnière des XVIe et XVIIe siècles (chapitres I à III). Le chapitre IV aborde un dernier aspect de la relation entre l’homme et les animaux en décrivant la finalité alimentaire des seconds. La deuxième partie étudie la participation des animaux à la dynamique de cour, au moment où, à partir du règne de Louis XIII, la curialisation s’accélère. Il s’agit d’abord de préciser le rôle des animaux dans l’élaboration de modèles culturels véhiculés par la propagande et le mécénat princiers (chapitres V et chapitre VI). À l’échelle interne, la façon dont le développement des équipages et la codification des chasses royales participent à la curialisation fait l’objet des chapitres VII et VIII. L’impact de la sédentarisation de la cour sur les populations animales et sur le développement de l’architecture zoologique constitue la matière de la troisième partie. Le chapitre IX est consacré à la Ménagerie de Versailles et le suivant à l’institutionnalisation du mécénat scientifique qui lui a été associé. Les chapitres XI et XII étudient la répartition sélective des animaux en fonction des résidences de la cour et son incidence sur l’organisation de l’espace. / This study does not focus in on animals as much as it questions the way they have been used by men and the part they played in the development of court life. In the first part, I address the relation between man and animal in the court context, from the standpoint of the architectural forms, administrative structures as well as the social and legal framework, in which the relation blossomed during the transition of 16th to the 17th century (chapter I to III). Chapter IV deals with yet another aspect of the man-animal relation, describing the use of the latter for alimentary purposes. The second part questions the animals’ participation in the court dynamics, at a point when, beginning with Louis XIII’s reign, courtization accelerated. My first concern was to give a detailed account of the animal’s role in the conception of the cultural models conveyed by propaganda and sponsorship originating from princes (chapter V and chapter VI). On the internal level, chapter VII and VIII describe the way the development of hunting crews and the codification of royal hunts participate in courtization. In the third part, I examine the impact of the court’s settlement on animal populations and the development of zoological architecture. Chapter IX describes the Ménagerie of Versailles, while the next one addresses the joint process of institutionalization of scientific patronage. Finally, in chapter XI and XII, I argue that the selective distribution of animals depending on the court residencies had an impact on spatial organization.
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Co-operative hunting in the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas SchreberMcKenzie, Andrew Alec 09 May 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 08summary of this document / Thesis (PhD (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted
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Exploring job search and the causes of endogenous unemployment evidence from Duncan Village, South AfricaDuff, Patrick Alexander January 2006 (has links)
Despite high rates of unemployment in South Africa, there is little consensus about its origins and solutions to the problem. Job search (how and when people search for work) is one aspect of the unemployment problem. Job search is shown to be a complex process strongly linked to the endogenous structure of the labour market. The flaws in traditional methods (theoretical and measurement) highlight this. Using data from a tailor-made survey in Duncan Village (a peri-urban area in Buffalo City, South Africa) the research examines factors that influence the effectiveness of job search. The results show that mode of search (how people look for work) is used as a signal by employers. Degrees of success are stratified amongst searchers using either ‘word of mouth’, place-to-place or formal modes of search. The thesis provides a method-test to reveal a complex body of evidence that has yet to be fully explored by practitioners in this field.
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Importance relative des conditions environnementales et individuelles au moment du départ, pendant le transit et à l'installation dans le processus de dispersion chez les mammifères : l'exemple du lièvre d'Europe Lepus europaeus / On the relative importance of environmental and individual conditions during departure, transience and settlement in mammal dispersal process : the European hare (Lepus europaeus) as a case studyAvril, Alexis 20 May 2011 (has links)
A travers l'exemple du lièvre d'Europe (Lepus europaeus), l'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes régissant les variations d'abondance observées dans les populations animales. Dans ce cadre la dispersion est pressentie comme l'une des principales sources de variation. Après avoir rappelé les principales notions théoriques nécessaires à l'appréhension de ce travail et décrit brièvement l'intérêt du modèle d'étude, nous abordons la problématique sous deux angles différents mais néanmoins complémentaires. Le 1èr est dédié à l'identification des facteurs promouvant les départs et favorisant l'installation des dispersants. L'âge, le sexe et la densité de congénères apparaissent comme les principales variables influentes. Le 2nd angle a pour objectif d'identifier les variables pouvant moduler le succès de la dispersion. Bien qu'induisant des départs supplémentaires, la chasse apparait comme facteur déterminant dans l'échec de la dispersion en augmentant les risques de mortalité pendant le transit. Aussi, la densité dans le site de départ est proposée comme variable diminuant la qualité phénotypique des dispersants. L'ensemble de ces résultats souligne l'importance des conditions environnementales rencontrées au moment du départ, pendant le transit et à l'installation dans la réussite de la dispersion. L'action combinée de la chasse et de la densité sur la dispersion est proposée comme mécanisme probable à l'origine des fluctuations d'abondance observées sur le court terme chez le lièvre d'Europe / Through the example of the European hare (Lepus europaeus), the aim of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the fluctuation of abundances in animal populations. In this context, dispersal may be seen as the main source of variation. After reminding the theoretical concepts needed to understand this work and briefly describing the interest of the model, we address the topic in two different but complementary approaches. The 1st one is dedicated to the identification of the factors that promote departures and favor settlement of dispersers. Age, sex and density appear to be the main explanatory variables. The 2nd approach is designed to identify the factors that modulate the success of dispersal. Although inducing supplementary emigrants, hunting appears as an important factor decreasing the success of dispersal by increasing the mortality risk during transience. In addition, density in the original site is proposed as one potential factor decreasing the phenotypic quality of dispersers. Overall, these results emphasize the importance of the environmental conditions encountered at the time of departure, during transience and settlement in the dispersal success. The combined action of hunting and density on dispersal is proposed as one potential cause for the short term fluctuations of abundances in the European hare
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As transferências condicionadas de renda do Programa Bolsa Família afetam as práticas de subsistência e o consumo do povo indígena Kisêdjê? O papel do hedonismo e da contabilidade mental / Do conditional cash transfers from the Bolsa Família Program affect the subsistence practices and consumption of the Kisêdjê indigenous people? The role of hedonism and mental accountingLia Taruiap Troncarelli 28 February 2018 (has links)
Transferências Condicionadas de Renda (TCR), como o Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) no Brasil, são cada vez mais adotadas no mundo para romper com o ciclo de transmissão da pobreza, por meio de transferências monetárias a famílias pobres, condicionadas a investimentos em capital humano. Como cerca de 76% da população pobre do mundo vive em áreas rurais, e a incidência de pobreza é maior em localidades remotas florestadas, os TCR são frequentemente implementados junto a populações semiautárquicas de países em desenvolvimento. Assim, essas transferências têm aumentado a disponibilidade de recursos monetários junto a essas populações, como certos povos indígenas. Nesses contextos, evidências prévias mostram que a monetarização das economias locais pode ter efeitos positivos, negativos ou nulos na dedicação de tempo às atividades de subsistência e no consumo de recursos naturais. Porém, existem duas lacunas nesse conhecimento. Primeiro, estudos prévios avaliaram os efeitos conjuntos de diversas fontes de renda, muito embora estas variem nos investimentos de tempo necessários, de nulos (e.g., TCR e aposentadorias) a altos (e.g., salários e comércio de artesanato). Segundo, a maior parte da literatura assume, ainda que implicitamente, que as decisões na base das escolhas humanas são racionais e motivadas, sobretudo, por maximizar a renda ou, eventualmente, minimizar os riscos. Porém, evidências empíricas e avanços teóricos indicam que as decisões nem sempre são racionais, tanto por limitações cognitivas que levam a outros processos decisórios (e.g., heurísticas), como porque são motivadas por outros fatores (e.g., prazer, emoção, normas sociais). Portanto, esta dissertação teve por objetivo investigar se o aumento da renda monetária de transferências do PBF estava associado a diferenças no investimento de tempo em atividades de subsistência (agricultura, caça, pesca e coleta) e no consumo de produtos derivados ou não dessas atividades pelo povo indígena Kisêdjê da Amazônia brasileira. Além disso, investigou se o hedonismo e a contabilidade mental seriam motivadores dessas decisões. Três hipóteses foram testadas. Primeira, diferentes fontes de renda monetária devem produzir efeitos diversos sobre o tempo dedicado pelos Kisêdjê a atividades de subsistência. Segunda, os efeitos do PBF devem variar de acordo com o quanto as pessoas apreciam cada atividade de subsistência, i.e., o hedonismo é importante para prever investimentos de tempo nessas atividades. Terceira, os Kisêdjê realizam contabilidade mental, i.e., separam o dinheiro em diferentes contas mentais e, portanto, fontes alternativas de renda monetária devem produzir padrões de consumo distintos e fontes de renda de baixo esforço, como o PBF, devem privilegiar o consumo de alimentos ou de bens supérfluos. Para tal, o estudo adotou um delineamento observacional em painel, compreendendo todos (242) os indivíduos adultos (>=16 anos) de 2 comunidades. Os dados foram coletados em dois períodos em 2016 e 2017, por meio de survey por entrevistas estruturadas e experimento em contabilidade mental, e observação direta de alocação de tempo (random-interval instantaneous sampling), sendo analisados por técnicas de estatística descritiva e modelos mistos de regressão. Os resultados mostraram, primeiro, que as transferências do PBF não tiveram efeitos no tempo dedicado às atividades de subsistência, embora outras rendas monetárias (e.g., trabalho regular, aposentadoria) tenham ora aumentado, ora reduzido a probabilidade de investimento de tempo. Segundo, o hedonismo foi mais importante que as fontes de renda monetária para explicar o esforço alocado na atividade de caça para os homens. Por fim, não foram observadas evidências de contabilidade mental, ou seja: (i) o padrão de consumo não diferiu segundo a fonte de renda, mas somente entre homens e mulheres; (ii) com fontes de renda de baixo (e.g. PBF) ou alto esforço, os Kisêdjê estiveram menos propensos a consumir bens supérfluos. Os resultados parecem sugerir que os efeitos do PBF nas atividades de subsistência e no consumo dos Kisêdjê são baixos, muito embora a cobertura ampla tenha dificultado a avaliação. Quanto aos motivadores, os resultados apontam para a importância de investigar outros determinantes além da renda. / Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs), such as the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) in Brazil, have increasingly been adopted worldwide to break the cycle of poverty transmission, by transferring cash to poor families, conditional on investments in human capital. As about 76% of the worlds poor live in rural areas, and poverty incidence is higher in remote forested localities, CCTs are frequently implemented in semi-autarkic communities of developing countries. Thus, these transfers have increased the availability of cash income resources to semi-autarkic populations, such as certain indigenous peoples. In this context, prior evidence shows the monetization of local economies has been associated with positive, negative, or null effects on the time allocated to subsistence activities and consumption of natural resources. However, there are two knowledge gaps. First, previous studies evaluated the combined effects of several income sources, although these sources vary on the necessary time investments, from null (e.g., CCTs) to high (e.g., wages and handicrafts trade). Second, most previous studies assume, although implicitly, that decisions which base peoples choices are rational and motivated, above all, on income maximization or, occasionally, risk minimization. However, empirical evidence and theoretical advances indicate that decisions are often not always, either because of cognitive limitations that lead to other decision-making processes (e.g., heuristics), or because they are motivated by other factors (e.g., pleasure, emotion, social norms). Therefore, this dissertation aimed to investigate whether increased levels of cash income from the BFP transfers were associated with differences in time investments in subsistence activities (agriculture, hunting, fishing and gathering) and in the consumption of Kisêdjê indigenous people from the Brazilian Amazon. Additionally, we investigated if hedonism and mental accounting were the motivators behind these decisions. Three hypotheses were tested. First, alternative income sources should produce different effects on the time allocated by the Kisêdjê to subsistence activities. Second, the effects of BFP should vary, depending on how much people appreciated each subsistence activity, i.e. hedonism is important to predict time investments. Third, Kisêdjê do mental accounting and, therefore, different cash income sources should distinct consumption patterns and low-effort activities such as BFP should increase the likelihood of consuming superfluous food or goods. To do that, we adopted an observational panel design, including all (242) adult individuals (>= 16 years) in 2 communities. Data were gathered in two periods in 2016 and 2017, through a survey based on face-to-face interviews and experiment in mental accounting, direct observations of time allocation by random-interval instantaneous sampling, and were analysed by descriptive statistical techniques and mixed-effects regressions. The results indicated that, first, BFP cash transfers had no effect on the time spent on subsistence activities, although other income sources (e.g., wages, pensions) in certain cases increased, while in others decreased the likelihood of time investments. Second, hedonism was important than cash income sources in explaining the effort allocated to hunting for men. Finally, we did not observe evidences of mental accounting, i.e.: (i) consumption patterns did not differ across income sources, but only between men and women; (ii) with low-effort (e.g., BFP) or high-effort income sources, the Kisêdjê were less likely to consume superfluous goods. Our results suggest that the effects of BFP transfers on subsistence activities and consumption are low, although the high rate of coverage has impaired our analyses. As regards motivations, the results point to the importance of investigating determinants other than income.
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A job search skills curriculum for individuals with visual disabilities in FijiAli, Mohammed Irshad 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Evoluce mechanismu lovu u poikilotermních obratlovců a jeho souvislost s vizuálním vnímáním kořisti / Evolution of prey-catching behaviour in poikilothermic vertebrates and its relationship with predator's visual perceptionKošinárová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Both the topics of prey-catching mechanism and visual perception are closely connected, affecting each other in many complex situations. The main subjects of this thesis were amphibians and reptiles and the many effects that impact their hunting abilities. We studied their hunting patterns in a few species of frogs and the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) in an arena. We did not find any universal hunting pattern for neither of those groups, moreover even the quantity of individual sequences differed among them. However, hunting in nature is often engaged in habitats that are far from the flat calm arena. Often the animals have to adapt to different conditions, for example an unsteady surface underneath them. In such conditions they need to compensate for the passive movement with their heads and eyes to stabilize the image on their retina. The ability to compensate while hunting in frogs is affecting their behaviour and the success rate of their prey-catching. Another aspect that is influencing frog's hunting efficiency are their protrusible tongues that are commonly divided into three categories: mechanical, inertial and hydrostatic. The last goal of this thesis was looking for the evolution of this trait in frog's phylogenesis and their different effects on hunting movements.
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