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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preferred provider organizations cost, use, and the process of care.

Currier, Constance Ann. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D.P.H.)--University of Michigan.

Die postoperative gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von Zervixkarzinompatientinnen – Ein Vergleich zwischen der Wertheim-Meigs-Operation und der totalen mesometrialen Resektion: Die postoperative gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von Zervixkarzinompatientinnen – Ein Vergleich zwischen der Wertheim-Meigs-Operation und der totalen mesometrialen Resektion

Sowa, Elisabeth 13 June 2013 (has links)
Die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland übliche Therapie für das Zervixkarzinom der FIGO-Stadien IB-IIB ist die Wertheim-Meigs-Operation. Bei bestimmten Risikofaktoren wird häufig eine adjuvante Bestrahlung, gegebenenfalls eine postoperative Radioche-motherapie angeschlossen. Die Folge können zahlreiche Einschränkungen der gesund-heitsbezogenen Lebensqualität sein. Zur Verbesserung der postoperativen gesund-heitsbezogenen Lebensqualität wurde eine neue nervenschonende Operationsmetho-de, die totale mesometriale Resektion (TMMR), von Höckel und Kollegen der Universi-tätsfrauenklinik Leipzig entwickelt. Die vorliegende retrospektive Querschnittsstudie untersucht erstmals die Auswirkungen der TMMR im Vergleich zur Wertheim-Meigs-Operation in Bezug auf die postoperative gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität. Dazu wurden 110 Zervixkarzinompatientinnen mit der Hilfe der Fragebögen EORTC-QLQ-C30 und EORTC-QLQ-CX24 befragt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Pilotstudie deuten daraufhin, dass Patientinnen nach einer TMMR-Operation im Vergleich zu Frauen nach einer Wert-heim-Meigs-Operation in einigen Teilaspekten eine bessere Lebensqualität haben. So fanden sich bezüglich der postoperativen körperlichen Funktionsfähigkeit und der Rol-lenfunktion sowie der postoperative Ausprägung der Symptome Fatigue, Schmerzen, Diarrhö, Appetitlosigkeit und Dyspnoe in der vorliegenden Untersuchung signifikant bessere Werte in der Gruppe der mittels TMMR operierten Frauen im Vergleich zur Wertheim-Meigs-Gruppe. Dies kann zum Anlass genommen werden große multizentri-sche prospektive Studien durchzuführen.:BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE BESCHREIBUNG - 5 - ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS - 6 - 1 EINLEITUNG - 7 - 2 KLINISCHE UND MEDIZINPSYCHOLOGISCHE GRUNDLAGEN - 9 - 2.1 DAS ZERVIXKARZINOM - 9 - 2.2 DIE WERTHEIM-MEIGS-OPERATION - 12 - 2.3 NERVENSCHONENDE OPERATIONSMETHODEN - 13 - 2.4 EINE NEUE OPERATIONSTECHNIK: DIE TOTALE MESOMETRIALE RESEKTION (TMMR) - 14 - 2.5 MORBIDITÄT UND LEBENSQUALITÄT - 16 - 2.5.1 MORBIDITÄT UND PATHOPHYSIOLOGIE DER ZERVIXKARZINOMTHERAPIE - 16 - 2.5.2 DER EINFLUSS DER THERAPIE AUF DIE LEBENSQUALITÄT BEI ZERVIXKARZINOMPATIENTINNEN - 18 - 2.5.3 WEITERE EINFLUSSFAKTOREN SOWIE INTERAKTIONEN DER LEBENSQUALITÄT - 26 - 2.6 FAZIT - 28 - 3 FRAGESTELLUNG - 30 - 4 METHODIK - 31 - 4.1 STUDIENBESCHREIBUNG - 31 - 4.2 PATIENTINNENKOLLEKTIV - 32 - 4.3 ERHEBUNGSINSTRUMENTE - 34 - 4.4 STATISTISCHE ANALYSE - 36 - 5 ERGEBNISSE - 37 - 5.1 STICHPROBENCHARAKTERISTIKA - 37 - 5.2 GESUNDHEITSBEZOGENE LEBENSQUALITÄT - 41 - 5.2.1 ERGEBNISSE DES GRUPPENVERGLEICHS IM ÜBERBLICK - 41 - 5.2.2 ERGEBNISSE DES GRUPPENVERGLEICHES IM DETAIL - 44 - 6 DISKUSSION - 52 - 6.1 ALLGEMEINE DISKUSSION - 52 - 6.2 DISKUSSION DER EINZELNEN LEBENSQUALITÄTSEBENEN - 53 - 6.3 METHODENKRITISCHE DISKUSSION - 65 - 6.4 FAZIT UND AUSBLICK - 67 - 7 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG - 69 - LITERATURVERZEICHNIS - 72 - TABELLEN- UND ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS - 78 - ANLAGEN - 79 - SELBSTSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG - 86 - WISSENSCHAFTLICHE VERÖFFENTLICHUNG - 88 - DANKSAGUNG - 89 -

Preoperativa förutsättningar och postoperativ smärta efter hysterektomi

Andréasson, Marliese January 2009 (has links)
Andréasson, M, Preoperativa förutsättningar och postoperativ smärta efter hysterektomi. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng, avancerad nivå (105-120 hp). Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2008.Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur 50 patienter bedömer den preoperativa fasen inför en planerad hysterektomi och att beskriva eventuella samband mellan dessa aspekter och upplevd postoperativ smärta. I studien användes ett frågeformulär med strukturerade frågor och ordinalskalor samt VAS verbala smärtskala för att värdera den pre- och postoperativa omvårdnaden.Studien visar att 18 (36 %) patienter hade postoperativt ingen till måttlig smärta och 32 (64 %) patienter hade medelsvår till outhärdlig smärta. Trots detta tyckte 36 (72 %) patienter att den postoperativa smärtlindringen var tillräcklig medan 13 (26 %) tyckte den var otillräcklig. Abdominellt opererade patienter var dubbelt så nöjda med den postoperativa smärtlindringen än de som hade opererats laparoskopiskt (robotassisterade) och vaginalt. Patienter med myom upplevde postoperativt den högsta smärtnivån. Preoperativ oro påverkade inte postoperativ smärta och vaginalopererade patienter var mindre oroliga än de som opererades på annat sätt. Den preoperativa informationens kvalitet och begriplighet fick ett högt betyg av patienterna. / Andréasson, M, Preoperative conditions and postoperative pain after hysterectomy. Degree Project, 15 Credit Points, Advanced level (105-120 CP). Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2008.The purpose of the study was to examine how 50 patients experience the preoperational phase before a scheduled hysterectomy, and to describe any connection between these aspects and perceived post-surgical pain.In the study, a questionnaire with ordinal scales, VAS verbal pain-scale and struc-tured questions was used to evaluate pre- and postoperative care.The result was that postoperatively, 18 (36 %) patients had no pain to mild pain and 32 (64 %) patients had moderate to worst possible pain. Despite this, 36 (72 %) patients thought that their postoperative analgesia was sufficient and 13 (26 %) experienced it to be inadequate. Patients who had had abdominal operation were on average twice as satisfied with the postoperative analgesia than those who had laparoscopical (robotic assisted) or vaginal surgery. Patients with myoma experienced postoperatively the highest level of pain. Preoperative anxiety did not affect post-surgical pain, but patients who had been vaginally operated were less anxious than those who received surgery in any other way. The quality and comprehensibility of preoperational information were given a high rating by the patients.

Kvinnors upplevelser av tiden efter en hysterektomi

Fernhag, Emma, Kvisth, Rebecka January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hysterektomi är ett operativt ingrepp där kvinnans livmoder avlägsnas helt eller delvis. Ingreppet är en av de vanligaste större gynekologiska operationer som genomförs. Hysterektomi tillämpas för att förebygga lidande, lindra symtom och för att bota sjukdom. Den kan även tillämpas akut vid svåra förlossningskomplikationer. Livmodern är oftast förknippat med kvinnlighet, och därför kan kvinnan uppleva behandlingen som stressfull.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av tiden efter en hysterektomi.Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie som är baserad på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO.Resultat: En planerad hysterektomi kan bidra med en ökad livskvalitet i kvinnans liv. Detta grundar sig i bland annat hur stora besvär de led av innan operationen. En akut hysterektomi kan däremot upplevas traumatisk och ge en negativ syn på operationen. En hysterektomi kan leda till en förändrad kroppsbild, då kroppen genomgår stora förändringar under en kort tid. Kvinnan kan också uppleva en emotionell påverkan då en känsla av förlust kan tillkomma. Upplevelserna kan variera beroende på vart kvinnan är i sitt liv. En kvinna som är i fertil ålder och med en önskan om barn kan påverkas mer negativt än en kvinna som känner sig klar med det livsstadiet. Kvinnan har vid en hysterektomi ett stort behov av stöd och har uttryckt behov av information.Slutsats: Beroende på vart kvinnan är i sitt liv så varierar hennes omvårdnadsbehov och hennes upplevelser av hysterektomi. Information och stöd är av stor vikt för att kvinnan ska kunna återhämta sig snabbt efter operationen. Sjuksköterskan uppgift är att tillgodose kvinnans behov för att ge en så bra upplevelse som möjligt av hysterektomin. / Background: Hysterectomy is an operative procedure where parts or the entire uterus removes. The procedure is one of the most common bigger gynecological operations being performed. Hysterectomy is being done to prevent suffering, to relieve symptoms and to cure sickness. It can also performed when severe childbirth-complications happens. A uterus is often associated with femininity, and because of that women can find the procedure stressful.Aim: The aim with this literature review is to shed light to the women’s experience of the time after a hysterectomy.Method: A qualitative literature review, which is based on 10 scientific articles from the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO.Results: A planned hysterectomy can contribute with increased quality of life in the woman’s life. This is based on how severe their symptoms where before the operation. An emergency hysterectomy can however be experienced as traumatic and give a negative view on the procedure. A hysterectomy can give a changed body image, because the body goes through big changes in a short matter of time. The women can also have an emotional impact, because they can experience a feeling of loss. The experiences can be different depending on where the women are in their lives. A woman who’s fertile and has a wish to carry a child can experience the hysterectomy more negative, more than a woman who is done with that stage of life. Women who undergoes a hysterectomy have a need for support and express the need for information.Conclusion: Depending on where the woman is in her life, her needs and experiences vary. Information and support is important for the woman so she can recover fast after the operation. The nurse job is to satisfy the woman’s need to able to give a positive experience.

Histerectomia laparoscópica: estudo comparativo entre laparoscopia com múltiplas punções e punção única umbilical / Laparoscopic hysterectomy: Comparative study between multiport and single-port laparoscopy

Renata Assef Tormena 18 August 2016 (has links)
A histerectomia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos mais frequentes em Ginecologia. As técnicas minimamente invasivas trazem benefícios às pacientes e possibilitam o retorno precoce às atividades diárias. O presente estudo envolveu 42 pacientes do Setor de Laparoscopia da Divisão de Clínica Ginecológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo com indicação de histerectomia. As pacientes foram randomizadas em dois grupos: HLM (21 pacientes submetidas à histerectomia total laparoscópica com 3 punções) e HLU (21 pacientes submetidas à histerectomia total laparoscópica com punção única umbilical). Foram analisados tempo cirúrgico, sangramento operatório (variação de hemoglobina pré e pós-operatória, e volume de sangue aspirado durante a cirurgia), resposta inflamatória aguda (dosagens seriadas de Proteína C Reativa, de citocinas: interleucina-6, interleucina-10, fator de necrose tumoral alfa, fator de crescimento endotelial vascular e de leucócitos), complicações operatórias imediatas e tardias, dor pós-operatória (escala visual analógica de dor) e grau de satisfação das pacientes (questionário validado de qualidade de vida SF36). O tempo cirúrgico foi significativamente maior no grupo das histerectomias por punção única umbilical comparado ao grupo de múltiplas punções (p= 0,001). O sangramento operatório foi semelhante entre os dois grupos. Não ocorreram complicações imediatas maiores, porém, em um caso de HLU, houve necessidade de realização de duas punções auxiliares para lise de extensas aderências pélvicas. Em relação à resposta inflamatória, os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante nas dosagens de IL-6 (p = 0,833), IL-10 (p = 0,420), TNF alfa (p = 0,098), VEGF (p =0,092) e leucograma (p = 0,712). Embora o comportamento da proteína C-reativa tenha sido diferente entre os dois grupos, seus valores médios não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa em nenhum momento avaliado (p = 0,666). A análise subjetiva da dor foi semelhante nos dois grupos estudados. Um ano após a cirurgia, verificamos a presença de hérnia umbilical em três pacientes submetidas à histerectomia por punção única umbilical, sem diferença significativa em relação à cirurgia com múltiplas punções (p = 0,09). Além disso, houve melhora da qualidade de vida em ambos os grupos, segundo avaliação feita antes e um ano após a cirurgia. Conclusões: A HLU apresentou tempo cirúrgico maior do que HLM; entretanto, não observamos diferença entre os grupos em relação ao sangramento operatório, à resposta inflamatória, à dor pós-operatória, às complicações e à qualidade de vida. As duas técnicas propostas para realização de histerectomia laparoscópica foram viáveis e seguras. Há limitações da técnica com punção umbilical única para pacientes com úteros volumosos ou com múltiplas aderências pélvicas / Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in gynecology. Minimally invasive techniques bring benefits to patients and including early return to normal activities. This study included 42 women candidates to hysterectomy at the Gynecological Clinic Division of Clinics Hospital of São Paulo University Medical School. The patients were randomized in two groups: HLM (21 patients underwent to total laparoscopic hysterectomy with three abdominal incisions) and HLU (21 patients underwent to total laparoscopic hysterectomy with single umbilical incision). The surgical time, blood loss (pre and postoperative hemoglobin variation and total blood volume aspirated during the surgery), complications rate, acute inflammatory response (C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, vascular endothelium growth factor and leucogram), postoperative pain (Visual Analogical Pain Score) and patient satisfaction (Short Form 36 Health Survey) were analyzed. The operative time was significantly larger in the umbilical single incision hysterectomy group compared to the multiple incisions group (p = 0,001). Blood loss was similar in both groups. There were no major immediate complications; however, one hysterectomy started with single incision needed two additional trocars to remove extensive pelvic adhesions. In terms of inflammatory response, both groups were similar in terms of IL-6 (p = 0,833), IL- 10 (p = 0,420), TNF alfa (p = 0,098), VEGF (p =0,092) and leucogram (p = 0,712) measures. Although the C-reactive protein behavior was different between the groups, their average values showed no statistically significant difference in any evaluated moment (p = 0,666). Pain evaluation was similar in both groups. Twelve months after surgery we observed the presence of umbilical hernia in three patients submitted to single-port hysterectomy, with no significant difference compared to multiport hysterectomy (p = 0,098). There was improvement in quality of life, according assessment before and after surgery in both groups. Conclusions: Singleport laparoscopic hysterectomy did have significantly larger operative time than multiport laparoscopic hysterectomy; however, no difference was observed between the groups in terms of operative bleeding, inflammatory response, postoperative pain and quality of life. Both techniques for laparoscopic hysterectomy were feasible and safe. Single-port hysterectomy presented technical limitations in patients with large uterus or extensive pelvic adhesions

Histerectomia laparoscópica: estudo comparativo entre laparoscopia com múltiplas punções e punção única umbilical / Laparoscopic hysterectomy: Comparative study between multiport and single-port laparoscopy

Tormena, Renata Assef 18 August 2016 (has links)
A histerectomia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos mais frequentes em Ginecologia. As técnicas minimamente invasivas trazem benefícios às pacientes e possibilitam o retorno precoce às atividades diárias. O presente estudo envolveu 42 pacientes do Setor de Laparoscopia da Divisão de Clínica Ginecológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo com indicação de histerectomia. As pacientes foram randomizadas em dois grupos: HLM (21 pacientes submetidas à histerectomia total laparoscópica com 3 punções) e HLU (21 pacientes submetidas à histerectomia total laparoscópica com punção única umbilical). Foram analisados tempo cirúrgico, sangramento operatório (variação de hemoglobina pré e pós-operatória, e volume de sangue aspirado durante a cirurgia), resposta inflamatória aguda (dosagens seriadas de Proteína C Reativa, de citocinas: interleucina-6, interleucina-10, fator de necrose tumoral alfa, fator de crescimento endotelial vascular e de leucócitos), complicações operatórias imediatas e tardias, dor pós-operatória (escala visual analógica de dor) e grau de satisfação das pacientes (questionário validado de qualidade de vida SF36). O tempo cirúrgico foi significativamente maior no grupo das histerectomias por punção única umbilical comparado ao grupo de múltiplas punções (p= 0,001). O sangramento operatório foi semelhante entre os dois grupos. Não ocorreram complicações imediatas maiores, porém, em um caso de HLU, houve necessidade de realização de duas punções auxiliares para lise de extensas aderências pélvicas. Em relação à resposta inflamatória, os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante nas dosagens de IL-6 (p = 0,833), IL-10 (p = 0,420), TNF alfa (p = 0,098), VEGF (p =0,092) e leucograma (p = 0,712). Embora o comportamento da proteína C-reativa tenha sido diferente entre os dois grupos, seus valores médios não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa em nenhum momento avaliado (p = 0,666). A análise subjetiva da dor foi semelhante nos dois grupos estudados. Um ano após a cirurgia, verificamos a presença de hérnia umbilical em três pacientes submetidas à histerectomia por punção única umbilical, sem diferença significativa em relação à cirurgia com múltiplas punções (p = 0,09). Além disso, houve melhora da qualidade de vida em ambos os grupos, segundo avaliação feita antes e um ano após a cirurgia. Conclusões: A HLU apresentou tempo cirúrgico maior do que HLM; entretanto, não observamos diferença entre os grupos em relação ao sangramento operatório, à resposta inflamatória, à dor pós-operatória, às complicações e à qualidade de vida. As duas técnicas propostas para realização de histerectomia laparoscópica foram viáveis e seguras. Há limitações da técnica com punção umbilical única para pacientes com úteros volumosos ou com múltiplas aderências pélvicas / Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in gynecology. Minimally invasive techniques bring benefits to patients and including early return to normal activities. This study included 42 women candidates to hysterectomy at the Gynecological Clinic Division of Clinics Hospital of São Paulo University Medical School. The patients were randomized in two groups: HLM (21 patients underwent to total laparoscopic hysterectomy with three abdominal incisions) and HLU (21 patients underwent to total laparoscopic hysterectomy with single umbilical incision). The surgical time, blood loss (pre and postoperative hemoglobin variation and total blood volume aspirated during the surgery), complications rate, acute inflammatory response (C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, vascular endothelium growth factor and leucogram), postoperative pain (Visual Analogical Pain Score) and patient satisfaction (Short Form 36 Health Survey) were analyzed. The operative time was significantly larger in the umbilical single incision hysterectomy group compared to the multiple incisions group (p = 0,001). Blood loss was similar in both groups. There were no major immediate complications; however, one hysterectomy started with single incision needed two additional trocars to remove extensive pelvic adhesions. In terms of inflammatory response, both groups were similar in terms of IL-6 (p = 0,833), IL- 10 (p = 0,420), TNF alfa (p = 0,098), VEGF (p =0,092) and leucogram (p = 0,712) measures. Although the C-reactive protein behavior was different between the groups, their average values showed no statistically significant difference in any evaluated moment (p = 0,666). Pain evaluation was similar in both groups. Twelve months after surgery we observed the presence of umbilical hernia in three patients submitted to single-port hysterectomy, with no significant difference compared to multiport hysterectomy (p = 0,098). There was improvement in quality of life, according assessment before and after surgery in both groups. Conclusions: Singleport laparoscopic hysterectomy did have significantly larger operative time than multiport laparoscopic hysterectomy; however, no difference was observed between the groups in terms of operative bleeding, inflammatory response, postoperative pain and quality of life. Both techniques for laparoscopic hysterectomy were feasible and safe. Single-port hysterectomy presented technical limitations in patients with large uterus or extensive pelvic adhesions

The perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy

Dzebu, Munyadziwa Jane 30 November 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe contributing factors that influence the perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy. The area of research was delimited to issues of hysterectomy among women with fibroid uterus. The study employed a descriptive explorative method and data were collected by means of structured questionnaires. The study was conducted in one academic referral hospital, over a period of six months. The respondents were the patients with fibroid uterus and the doctors and nurses in the gynaecological units of the hospital. The majority of the patients indicated that they were afraid of undergoing a hysterectomy because of the social stigma associated with this life-saving procedure, such as alienation or marginalization by members of their respective communities. The nursing staff and gynaecologists in the unit emphasized the deep-seated fear of hysterectomy amongst women from diverse cultures. The study found that women need information about their bodies and how they function. Health education is also needed for women and their communities. Research is needed amongst members of different communities and diverse cultures to voice their perceptions of women undergoing hysterectomy because of ill health. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)

The perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy

Dzebu, Munyadziwa Jane 30 November 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe contributing factors that influence the perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy. The area of research was delimited to issues of hysterectomy among women with fibroid uterus. The study employed a descriptive explorative method and data were collected by means of structured questionnaires. The study was conducted in one academic referral hospital, over a period of six months. The respondents were the patients with fibroid uterus and the doctors and nurses in the gynaecological units of the hospital. The majority of the patients indicated that they were afraid of undergoing a hysterectomy because of the social stigma associated with this life-saving procedure, such as alienation or marginalization by members of their respective communities. The nursing staff and gynaecologists in the unit emphasized the deep-seated fear of hysterectomy amongst women from diverse cultures. The study found that women need information about their bodies and how they function. Health education is also needed for women and their communities. Research is needed amongst members of different communities and diverse cultures to voice their perceptions of women undergoing hysterectomy because of ill health. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)

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