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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Οξειδωτικό stress και κυτταρικός θάνατος οφειλόμενος σε ακτινοβόληση των CD34+ προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων. Προστασία από την παρουσία του IGF-1

Φλωράτου, Κωνσταντίνα 26 July 2013 (has links)
Η ακτινοθεραπεία αποτελεί μέρος της θεραπείας πολλών αιματολογικών κακοηθών νοσημάτων επηρεάζοντας τον αριθμό και την λειτουργικότητα των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων CD34+ Το DNA των κυττάρων αποτελεί το βασικότερο και ίσως καλύτερα μελετημένο μόριο-στόχο της ακτινοβολίας. Ο μηχανισμός που προκαλεί βλάβη στο DNA είναι άμεσος αλλά και έμμεσος. Η άμεση επίδραση και βλάβη της ακτινοβολίας στο DNA αφορά στην απευθείας δράση της στο μόριο του DNA που είναι δυνατόν να οδηγήσει σε αντικατάσταση ή απώλειας μιας βάσης, αλλαγές στην τεταρτοταγή δομή του DNA και κατά συνέπεια στις αλληλεπιδράσεις του με άλλα μόρια του κυττάρου (cross links), σπασίματα της διπλής έλικας DSB (Double Strand Breaks) ή της μίας μόνο εκ των δύο αλυσίδων SSB (Single Strand Breaks), σημειακές μεταλλάξεις ή απώλεια τμήματος των χρωμοσωμάτων. Ο έμμεσος μηχανισμός δράσης της ακτινοβολίας στο DNA αφορά την δημιουργία ελευθέρων ριζών από την αλληλεπίδραση της ακτινοβολίας με τα μόρια του νερού, ενδοκυττάρια και εξωκυττάρια από τη μία αλλά και από την απευθείας βλάβη του μιτοχονδρίου που αποτελεί κύρια ενδοκυττάρια πηγή ελευθέρων ριζών. Οι παραγόμενες ελεύθερες ρίζες με τη σειρά τους προκαλούν απευθείας βλάβη στο μόριο του DNA, με αποτέλεσμα την πυροδότηση ενός φαυλού κύκλου ενδοκυττάριας παραγωγής ελευθέρων ριζών και πρόκλησης βλαβών στο μόριο του DNA. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη της δράσης χαμηλών και υψηλότερων δόσεων ακτινοβολίας (1, 2 και 5Gy) σε προγονικά αιμοποιητικά κύτταρα CD34+ προερχόμενα από αίμα ομφαλίου λώρου φυσιολογικών νεογνών, και ο πιθανός προστατευτικός μηχανισμός που ενεργοποιείται από την παρουσία του ινσουλινικού αυξητικού παράγοντα IGF-1. Η προκαλούμενη από την ακτινοβολία ενδοκυττάρια παραγωγή ενεργών μορφών οξυγόνου μελετήθηκε παρουσία ή απουσία του IGF-1, 30 λεπτά και 24 ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση με χρήση κυτταρομετρίας ροής. Η έκφραση του αντιοξειδωτικού ενζύμου MnSOD εκτιμήθηκε ποσοτικά με την τεχνική της ανοσοαποτύπωσης και ποιοτικά μέσω ανοσοφθορισμού. Η προκαλούμενη από την ακτινοβολία απόπτωση και η δράση του υπό μελέτη αυξητικού παράγοντα εκτιμήθηκε με τις ακόλουθες τεχνικές: • Διπλή χρώση των κυττάρων με Αννεξίνη και Ιωδιούχο προπίδιο και ανάλυση με κυτταρομετρία ροής • Ανάλυση DNA σε γέλη αγαρόζης • Εκτίμηση σε επίπεδο mRNA και πρωτεΐνης του λόγου των μορίων BCL-2 και BAX • Εκτίμηση της έκφρασης του μορίου κασπάση -9, με τη μέθοδο του ανοσοφθορισμού Εκτιμήθηκε επίσης ο πολλαπλασιασμός και η κλωνογόνος ικανότητα των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων. Η ενδοκυττάρια παραγωγή της ρίζας του υπεροξειδίου παρουσίασε αύξηση 30 λεπτά και 24 ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση, και η παρουσία του IGF-1 ανέτρεψε το φαινόμενο αυτό, μειώνοντας και επιστρέφοντας τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα του ανιόντος του υπεροξειδίου στα επίπεδα του δείγματος ελέγχου. Αμέσως μετά την ακτινοβόληση των κυττάρων τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα του υπεροξειδίου του υδρογόνου ανευρέθηκαν υψηλά σε σύγκριση με τα αυθόρμητα ενδογενή επίπεδα μη ακτινοβολημένων κυττάρων για όλες τις δόσεις ακτινοβολίας, όμως στον όψιμο χρόνο μελέτης, των 24 ωρών, παρέμειναν σχεδόν σταθερά, παρουσιάζοντας τάση μείωσης, χωρίς όμως να σημειώνονται στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές. Είκοσι τέσσερεις ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση τα επίπεδα του αντιοξειδωτικού ενζύμου MnSOD αυξήθηκαν, και η παρουσία του IGF-1 οδήγησε σε περαιτέρω αύξηση της έκφρασης του. Ο IGF-1 ανέστειλε την ενεργοποίηση του μιτοχονδριακού μηχανισμού απόπτωσης ρυθμίζοντας σε μοριακό και κυτταρικό επίπεδο την έκφραση των BCL-2, ΒΑΧ και του λόγου BCL-2/BAX, και μειώνοντας την έκφραση του προαποπτωτικού μορίου κασπάση-9. Θετική ήταν και η δράση του IGF-1 στον πολλαπλασιασμό και στην ικανότητα αποδοτικής αιμοποίησης των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων, ενισχύοντας την ικανότητα πολλαπλασιασμού των ακτινοβολημένων κυττάρων αλλά και την κλωνογόνο ικανότητα τους ως προς τον σχηματισμό BFU-e και CFU-GM αποικιών. Συνοψίζοντας, μπορούμε να υποστηρίξουμε ότι ο IGF-1 συμμετέχει στη διατήρηση της οξειδοαναγωγικής ομοιόστασης του ενδοκυττάριου περιβάλλοντος των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων μειώνοντας τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα των παραγόμενων ενεργών μορφών οξυγόνου. Μέσω θετικής ρύθμισης του αντιοξειδωτικού μηχανισμού MNSOD και συμμετέχοντας προστατευτικά στο μιτοχονδριακό καταρράκτη της απόπτωσης οδηγεί σε προστασία των ακτινοβολημένων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων επιτρέποντας τους να διατηρήσουν την λειτουργικότητα τους και την ικανότητα αιμοποίησης. / Radiation exerts direct as well as indirect effects on DNA through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Irradiated hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) experience DNA strand breaks, favoring genetic instability, due to ROS generation. Our aim was to study the effect of a range of radiation doses in HPCs and the possible protective mechanisms activated by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). ROS generation was evaluated, in the presence or absence of IGF-1 in liquid cultures of human HPCs-CD34+ irradiated with 1-, 2- and 5-Gy X-rays, using a flow cytometry assay. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) expression was studied by western blot analysis and visualized by an immunofluorescence assay. Apoptosis was estimated using the following assays: Annexin-V assay, DNA degradation assay, BCL-2/BAX mRNA and protein levels and caspase-9 protein immunofluorescence visualization. Viability and clonogenic potential were studied in irradiated HPCs. The generation of superoxide anion radicals at an early and a late time point was increased. This linear increase was reversed by the IGF-1 presence, restoring O.- generation at the levels of the innate production as manifested in control non irradiated samples. The hydrogen peroxide generation was increased at early time point but at late time point was stable. IGF-1 presence further enhanced the radiation-induced increase of MnSOD at 24 h post irradiation. IGF 1 inhibited the mitochondria- mediated pathway of apoptosis by regulating the m-RNA and protein expression of BAX, BCL-2 and the BCL-2/BAX ratio and by decreasing caspase-9 protein expression. IGF-1 presence in culture media of irradiated cells restored the clonogenic capacity and the viability of HPCs as well. In conclusion, our data support that IGF-1 anticipates oxidative microenvironment of HPCs by reducing the oxidative stress in intracellular environment due to a range of doses of radiation. IGF-1 succeeds to eliminate free radicals by favoring scavenger’s mechanisms and by regulating elements responsible for the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, allowing the sustained clonogenic capacity of hematopoietic progenitor cells.


Somani, Amit 31 July 2012 (has links)
Over the last several years, injectable drugs have been a growing area for the treatment of various therapeutic conditions and they are projected to comprise an even larger proportion among the drugs that will be available in the years to come. The injectable drugs are administered by various routes such as intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), subcutaneous (SC) and others, however, the majority of these drugs are administered subcutaneously. Even though subcutaneous delivery has been utilized for a number of years, very little is known about the processes governing the absorption of macromolecules from the interstitial space; and the resulting impact of these processes on the bioavailability (BA) and pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles. Also, there is no established In vitro - In vivo correlation (IVIVC) for subcutaneously administered immediate release (IR) peptide based drugs in a biorelevant manner. The contribution of IVIVC in drug development of orally administered drugs is very well known. For oral drugs, the in vivo process of drug absorption is often rate limited by the rate at which drug dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract. This can be simulated by measuring the rate of dissolution in an in vitro apparatus, which can be correlated with the in vivo absorption rate to produce an IVIVC. This research program involved efforts to develop biorelevant IVIVC methods and model for subcutaneously administered peptide based drugs. The in vivo component of this Program involves the use of clinical data from a bioequivalence (BE) study of Iplex™ [(IGF-I (Insulin like growth factor-I)/IGFBP-3 (Insulin like growth factor binding protein-3)], administered subcutaneously, that was conducted at the Center for Drug Studies (CDS), VCU School of Pharmacy in the year 2005 (Barr et. al., 2005). The PK parameters for Increlex™ (IGF-I) are calculated from the clinical data obtained from another study (Rabkin et. al., 1996). Literature research and molecular modeling research formed the basis of our hypotheses that unbound and bound IGF-I are absorbed from the blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries respectively and that simulation of these physiologic variables is possible with the use of the modified Hanson Microette® device. The Hanson Microette® device is a vertical diffusion cell system that has been modified to simulate the pores in the capillaries with the use of a synthetic membrane. The flow and composition of circulatory fluid was simulated by the use of modified Hanks balanced salts solution (HBSS). A validated RP-HPLC (reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography) method has been used for the analysis of IGF-1/IGFBP-3 in the in vitro samples. The in vitro permeation/release results gave the in vitro component to conduct IVIVC analysis. The General Electric (GE) healthcare sourced polycarbonate nucleopore track etched membranes were the only set of membranes that resulted in significant permeation in the in vitro experiments. IVIVC results demonstrated high inter and intra-membrane variability for the membranes (available from today’s technology) that were used to simulate the in vivo membrane characteristics. Currently, there are no validated biorelevant IVIVC methods for SC formulations. The methods described here are the basis for future in vitro method development that will be of significant value for (a) predicting the in vivo performance of SC formulations based on the in vitro data, and (b) provide a reproducible in vitro method as the basis of developing an IVIVC for other subcutaneously administered drugs. This will provide an important tool for both development and regulation of this growing class of drugs.

Rôle du système IGF-1/insuline dans le Myélome Multiple

Sprynski, Anne Catherine 30 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le myélome multiple (MM) est caractérisé par une accumulation de plasmocytes tumoraux dans la moelle osseuse. Les cellules de MM (MMC) présentent de nombreuses anomalies cytogénétiques qui ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire la survie et la croissance de ces cellules qui sont dépendantes de l'environnement médullaire. Ce microenvironnement expriment des molécules d'adhésion et synthétisent des cytokines indispensables à la croissance du clone myélomateux. Dix principales familles de facteurs de croissance sont identifiées dans le MM (MGF) mais leur rôle respectif dans cette pathologie n'est pas établi. Ces facteurs de croissance sont produits soit par l'environnement tumoral ou soit par les cellules elle-même. La multiplicité de ces facteurs de croissance rend difficile la compréhension de la biologie du MM et l'émergence du clone tumoral in vivo. L'étude sur la coopération des 5 MGF les plus documentés nous a permis d'identifier l'IGF-1 comme un facteur de croissance majeur du MM : un inhibiteur d'IGF-1R bloque la croissance de 7/8 lignées de MM (HMCL) et la boucle autocrine de l'IGF-1 essentielle à l'activité de croissance de l'IL-6, d'HB-EGF et d'HGF. De plus, nous avons identifié que la présence d'IGF-1R (présent dans 44% des MMC) était un facteur de mauvais pronostic. L'IL-6 qui est le deuxième MGF majeur induit la croissance de 7/8 lignées. L'IL-6R, exprimé dans toutes les MMC, est aussi un facteur de mauvais pronostic quand il a une fortement exprimé dans les MMC de patients. Par la suite, nous avons étudié l'effet de l'insuline, cytokine de forte homologie avec l'IGF-1. Nous avons montré que l'insuline avait le même effet que l'IGF-1. Son activité nécessite l'activation d'IGF-1R qui est transduit par la présence du récepteur hétérodimère IGF-1R/INSR (hybrid-R) à la surface des MMC. L'insuline ne pouvant pas activer l'homodimère IGF-1R à des concentrations physiologiques, ce qui montre que l'hybrid-R confère à l'insuline la capacité à activer l'IGF-1R donc de devenir un MGF. Un inhibiteur ciblant l'IGF-1R mais également l'Hybrid-R en association avec un anti-IL-6 semblerait donc être un traitement prometteur dans la pathologie du MM pour les 44% des patients exprimant l'IGF-1R.

Expression of 14-3-3£m and PUMA in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Ho, Cheng-lei 14 February 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most prevalent cancers in Taiwan. The development of hepatocellular carcinoma is a multi-step process associated with alterations in genes expression such as activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Mutation/deletion of tumor suppressor gene p53 occurs in 40-50% HCC. Moreover, patients with p53 inactivation have significantly shorter survival after surgery. Inactivation of p53 leads to chromosome instability and may alter expression of its downstream target genes including 14-3-3s for cell cycle arrest or PUMA for apoptosis induction. In this thesis study, we employed five human hepatoma cell lines and ten surgical HCC samples containing paired normal and tumor tissues to investigate 14-3-3s and PUMA expression during liver carcinogenesis. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) revealed that 14-3-3s mRNA expression was detected in well and poorly differentiated hepatoma cells except Mahlavu cells. Western blot analysis further validated such finding that 14-3-3s protein is not detectable in Mahlavu cell. In human surgical HCC tissues, qRT-PCR showed that 14-3-3s mRNA was elevated in 90% of HCC tissues. Western blot analysis indicated that 14-3-3s protein level was increased in 60% of HCC tissues. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that 14-3-3s was up-regulated in 50% of HCC tissues comparing with their adjacent non-tumor tissues. Together, these results indicated that 14-3-3s expression was up-regulated in HCC. qRT-PCR and western blot analysis indicated that PUMA mRNA and protein levels were decreased in human and rat hepatoma cells. In human surgical HCC tissues, qRT-PCR showed that PUMA mRNA was reduced in 60% of HCC tissues. Western blot analysis indicated that PUMA protein level was decreased in 100 of HCC tissues. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that PUMA was down-regulated in 70% of HCC tissues comparing with their adjacent non-tumor tissues. Together, these results indicated that PUMA expression was down-regulated in HCC. In the future, large-scale analysis using more HCC samples will be required to delineate the correlation of 14-3-3s/PUMA expression with clinical parameters of HCC.

Dévelopement de microcarriers pharmacologiquement actifs transportant des cellules souches et libérant des facteurs de croissance pour l'ingiénierie tissulaire cardiaque

Karam, Jean-Pierre 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La thérapie cellulaire constitue une stratégie prometteuse dans le traitement de l'infarctus du myocarde. Afin de mieux contrôler la survie, la différenciation et l'intégration des cellules greffées, nous avons tenté une approche d'ingénierie tissulaire en associant les cellules à un microvecteur comportant une surface biomimétique et pouvant libérer un facteur de croissance (FC), les microcarriers pharmacologiquement actifs (MPA). Parmi les cellules utilisées dans une telle approche, les cellules souches adultes dérivées du tissu adipeux (ADSC) ne soulèvent pas de problèmes d'ordre éthique et permettent de réaliser des greffes autologues. Ces cellules sont largement étudiées pour la régénération de nombreux tissus en vertu de leurs propriétés immuno-modulatrices, de leur capacité à sécréter des FC et chémokines, mais également de leur large potentiel de différenciation. Dans une première étape, nous avons étudié l'effet des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire et des MPA sur la différentiation en cardiomyocytes des ADSC en présence d'un cocktail de FC. Nous avons ainsi pu observer que l'apport du cocktail de FC permettait aux cellules de s'engager dans la voie de différentiation cardiaque après 2 semaines. En comparant l'effet de la laminine (LM) et de la fibronectine sur cette différentiation, nous avons pu observer que la LM permettait d'induire une différentiation dans une cellule plus mature et que ceci était potentialisée par un enrichissement du milieu en TGF!1. Finalement, l'apport de MPA recouverts de LM favorisait une différentiation plus rapide des cellules en présence du cocktail. Les MPA peuvent également libérer un facteur de croissance de manière prolongée au cours du temps. Par conséquent, nous avons encapsulé 3 protéines, le VEGF, le HGF et l'IGF-1, et d'étudier leur effet sur les comportement des ADSC. Nous avons ainsi pu observer que des MPA libérant du HGF et de l'IGF-1 induisaient une différenciation de ADSC dans la voie cardiaque et que cette différentiation était également observée lorsque les complexes ADSCMPA étaient intégrés dans un hydrogel thermosensible. Cependant, nous avons aussi observé que la quantité de protéines libérées à partir des MPA était plus faible dans le gel. Nous avons donc cherché dans une dernière partie à améliorer le profile de libération des protéines à partir des MPA en changeant la composition du polymère. Nous avons ainsi utilisé différents copolymères triblock PLGA-PEG-PLGA pour formuler des microsphères et évaluer leur rôle sur la libération de la protéine mais aussi sur la stabilité de celle-ci durant la dégradation du polymère.

Investigating TNF inhibition of IGF-1 signalling via JNK in cell culture models of skeletal muscle atrophy

Gebski, Bijanka L. January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor (TNF) has a critical role in skeletal muscle atrophy. The catabolic effect of TNF is partially due to abrogation of the anabolic insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signalling pathway. However, the precise signalling events that lead to the loss of myofibrillar protein following activation of TNF receptor are unknown. The over arching aim of the study is to determine the mechanisms of by which TNF induces atrophy in differentiated muscles cells. To achieve this aim a series of experiments were performed to: 1) investigate the molecular events that lead to TNF mediated myofibre atrophy, 2) determine to what extent c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) signalling plays a part in TNF induced myotube atrophy, and in TNF-mediated inhibition of IGF-1 induced hypertrophy, and 3) use inhibitors of JNK to block the catabolic effects of TNF. 1) To investigate the molecular events that lead to TNF mediated myofibre atrophy, the experiments were conducted using C2C12 mouse myotube cultures and primary myotube cultures derived from FVB mice, and transgenic mice which over-express Class 2 IGF-1 Ea in skeletal muscles (IGF:C2). The treatment of mature C2C12 and FVB primary myotubes (respectively at 7 and 4 days after fusion medium) with 10 ng/mL of TNF for 3 days resulted in statistically significant myotube atrophy (decreased mean width). The observed TNF-mediated atrophy has not previously been demonstrated in tissue cultured myotubes. In contrast, addition of IGF-1 (20 ng/ml) to 7 day C2C12 myotubes for 3 days resulted in significant hypertrophy. ... The most suitable inhibitor was TAT-TIJIP and was thus used in subsequent studies. Inhibition of JNK activity by TAT-TIJIP was confirmed indirectly by detecting nuclear translocation of c- Jun, which is a downstream target of phosphorylated JNK. Immunohistochemical analyses showed nuclear localisation and phosphorylation of c-Jun in TNF treated myotubes. Nuclear localisation and phosphorylation of c-Jun was not observed in cultures pre-treated with TAT-TIJIP before TNF treatment, nor in the untreated control myotubes. 3) The use of JNK inhibitors to block the catabolic effects of TNF was tested using C2C12 and primary myotube cultures. Pre-treatment of C2C12 and primary FVB myotubes with the JNK inhibitor TAT-TIJIP, 30 min before TNF administration (for 3 days) prevented myotube atrophy. The mean width of myotubes pre-treated with TATTIJIP prior to TNF treatment closely resembled that of the control myotubes. Administration of TNF in combination with TAT-TIJIP for 3 days to C2C12 myotubes prevented myotube atrophy and unexpectedly resulted in hypertrophy when compared to the mean widths of untreated and TAT-TIJIP treated myotubes. This trend was also demonstrated in the FVB primary cultures. These combined results strongly support the role of JNK in TNF-mediated atrophy. Preliminary studies were carried out in vivo using the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy, TAT-TIJIP was administered via intraperitoneal injection to the mice for 3 days at a dose of 10 mg/ml, however the results form this study are inconclusive. These novel observations are of considerable interest to the field of muscle wasting because they demonstrate for the first time TNF-mediated myotube atrophy, the role of JNK in situations of TNF induced muscle atrophy, and explore the use of JNK inhibitors to prevent muscle atrophy.

Associação entre hábitos alimentares, IGF-1, VEGF, glicemia e fatores prognósticos no câncer de mama

Tusset, Paloma January 2011 (has links)
O interesse pela associação entre os hábitos alimentares e os fatores de crescimento e o câncer de mama foi recentemente elucidado. O risco e prognóstico do câncer de mama estar associado à composição corporal, fatores dietéticos, glicemia, fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina 1 e fator de crescimento vascular endotelial. Nosso objetivo foi identificar se o consumo de carnes vermelhas, leite de vaca e derivados, cereais integrais e refinados, linhaça, soja, chá verde, vegetais e frutas e os níveis séricos de glicose, IGF-1 e VEGF apresentam associação com os fatores prognósticos clínicos e patológicos do câncer de mama. Pacientes com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia responderam a um questionário de freqüência alimentar semiquantitativo, e foram coletados dados antropométricos e sobre o estilo de vida. Amostras de sangue para dosagem de VEGF, IGF-1 e glicose foram coletadas antes do início da administração da quimioterapia. Os fatores prognósticos e dados da patologia foram coletados a partir dos prontuários. 61 pacientes entraram no estudo Foram analisados os dados de 59 pacientes. Houve associação entre glicemia de jejum e a circunferência da cintura (CC) (r2 = 0,16; β = 1,2; IC 95% 0,3-1,2; p = 0,002) e índice de massa corporal (r2 = 0,12; β = 1,295; IC 95% 0,4-2,1; p = 0,005), bem como entre glicemia de jejum e relação cintura-quadril(RCQ) (r2 = 0,07; β = 0,001; IC 95% 0-0,02; p = 0,04). Houve associação do maior tamanho do tumor e maior CC com a ingestão de mais de 226,1g de cereais refinados por dia (p <0,05). Houve associação do maior IMC, RCQ e CC com a ingestão de mais de 140,1 g de carne vermelha por dia (p <0,05).Nós encontramos resultados interessantes relacionados com a composição corporal e os níveis de glicemia de jejum e também com a composição corporal e ingestão de maiores quantidades de carne vermelha. Tumores de maior tamanho e maior CC foram relacionados à ingestão de cereais refinados, chamando a atenção para a necessidade de mais estudos avaliando o consumo deste grupo de alimentos em pacientes com câncer de mama. / Interest in the association of food habits, serum growth factors and breast cancer has been recently raised. Breast cancer risk and prognosis seems to be linked to body composition, dietary factors, serum glucose, insulin-like growth factor 1 and vascular endothelium growth factor. We aimed to identify whether the consumption of red meat, dairy products, whole and refined grains, fruits and vegetables and the levels of blood glucose, IGF-1 and VEGF were associated with prognostic factors in patients with breast cancer. Patients with breast cancer submitted to chemotherapy completed a semiquantitative foodfrequency questionnaire, and anthropometric and lifestyle data were collected. VEGF, IGF-1 and blood glucose were collected before chemotherapy administration. Breast cancer prognostic factors were collected from the pathology archives. 61 patients entered the study. Data were available for 59 patients. There was association between fasting glucose and waist circumference (WC) (r2=0.16; β=1.2; 95%CI 0.3-1.2; p=0.002) and body mass index (r2=0.12; β=1.295; 95%CI 0.4-2.1; p=0.005) as well as between fasting glucose and waist-to-hip ratio (r2=0.07; β=0.001; 95%CI 0-0.02; p=0.04). There was association of larger tumor size and larger WC with the ingestion of more than 226.1 g of processed refined grains per day (p<0.05). There was association of larger BMI, WHR and WC with the ingestion of more than 140.1 g of red meat per day (p<0.05). We have found interesting findings related to body composition and fasting glucose levels as well as body composition and ingestion of higher amounts of red meat. Larger tumor size and larger WC were related to the ingestion of processed refined grains, drawing attention to the need of further studies evaluating this food group in patients with breast cancer.

Influência da terapêutica hormonal estrogênica e do treinamento de força sobre o tecido muscular esquelético de ratas senis / Influence of hormonal estrogenic therapy and strength training on skeletal muscle of senile rats

Morais, Samuel Rodrigues Lourenço de [UNESP] 22 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SAMUEL RODRIGUES LOURENÇO DE MORAIS null (samuelrodrigues@foa.unesp.br) on 2016-10-04T19:15:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE - SAMUEL R L DE MORAIS.pdf: 2524842 bytes, checksum: 61664d3b0e3fff46188835de7508312b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-10-05T12:13:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 morais_srl_dr_araca.pdf: 2524842 bytes, checksum: 61664d3b0e3fff46188835de7508312b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T12:13:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 morais_srl_dr_araca.pdf: 2524842 bytes, checksum: 61664d3b0e3fff46188835de7508312b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-22 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A diminuição das concentrações plasmáticas de estrógeno está intimamente relacionada com o aumento do estresse oxidativo e a diminuição da massa muscular em idosos. A terapêutica hormonal estrogênica (THE) e o treinamento de força (TF) apresentam resultados efetivos sobre a manutenção do tecido muscular em idosos. No entanto, os mecanismos responsáveis pelas melhorias induzias por ambas as intervenções são pouco elucidados. Nesse sentido, avaliamos os efeitos da THE, do TF e a associação sobre a manutenção do tecido muscular esquelético de ratas periestropausadas. Ratas Wistar (18 meses) foram distribuídas em: Grupo não treinado (NT-Veh), Grupo NT tratado com a THE (NT-E2), Grupo TF (TF-Veh) e Grupo TF-E2. Os animais receberam a THE (17β estradiol; 2 x semana; 25 µg/kg/administração) e/ou praticaram TF (3 x semana; 80% sobrecarga) durante 16 semanas. A THE e o TF induzem benefícios ao tecido muscular esquelético de ratas periestropausadas, no entanto, por diferentes maneiras. Enquanto a THE induziu diminuição do estresse oxidativo muscular (Dihidroetidina), o TF resultou em melhoras significativas na função muscular, no sistema antioxidante muscular (Catalase) e na expressão de miRNAs (206, 146b e 133a). Já a interação das intervenções resultou em melhora no estado redox (Sirt1, Sirt3, PGC-1α, COXIV), na responsividade dos receptores estrogênicos (ERα, ERβ e GPR30), e atividade de vias de sinalização do tecido muscular (IGF-1/Akt-1/mTOR). Além disso, as intervenções de maneira isolada ou em associação, levaram ao aumento no percentual de fibras glicolíticas e redução das oxidativas. Sugerimos que a aderências das intervenções (associadas ou não) possam minimizar/atenuar a perda da massa muscular observada em fases tardias durante o processo de envelhecimento. / The decrease of estrogen (E2) circulating levels is strongly related to increased oxidative stress and the loss of muscle mass in elderly. The hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and strength training (ST) are the main effective interventions to prevent the loss of muscle mass, however, the mechanisms involved in interventions-induced benefits are not well elucidated. In this sense we evaluate the effect of HRT, ST and association on skeletal muscle maintenance of periestropaused rats. Female Wistar rats (18 months old) were randomly assigned into: non-exercised and non-treated group (NE-Veh), NE treated group (NE-E2), exercised and non-treated group (ST-Veh) and ST-E2 group. The animals received the HRT (17β estradiol; 2 x week; 50 µg/kg/week) and/or performed ST (3 x week, 80% overload) for 16 weeks. The HRT and ST promoted beneficial effects on skeletal muscle of periestropaused rats, however, by different manners. While HRT treatment leaves the reduction of oxidative stress (Dihidroetidine), the ST resulted in significate improvement on skeletal muscle function, in skeletal muscle antioxidant system (Catalase) and in miRNAs expression (2016, 146b and 133a). Already, the association of interventions resulted in improvement of redox state (Sirt1, Sirt3, PGC-1α, COXIV), in estrogen receptor responsiveness (ERα, ERβ and GPR30) and the activity of skeletal muscle signaling pathways (IGF-1/Akt-1/mTOR). In addition, the interventions, isolated or combinated, leaves an increase of the percentage of glycolytic fibers and reduced percentage of oxidative fibers. We suggest that the adherence to interventions (combinated or not) could minimize/attenuate the loss of skeletal muscle mass observed in later phases of aging process. / 13/18907-2

Associação entre hábitos alimentares, IGF-1, VEGF, glicemia e fatores prognósticos no câncer de mama

Tusset, Paloma January 2011 (has links)
O interesse pela associação entre os hábitos alimentares e os fatores de crescimento e o câncer de mama foi recentemente elucidado. O risco e prognóstico do câncer de mama estar associado à composição corporal, fatores dietéticos, glicemia, fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina 1 e fator de crescimento vascular endotelial. Nosso objetivo foi identificar se o consumo de carnes vermelhas, leite de vaca e derivados, cereais integrais e refinados, linhaça, soja, chá verde, vegetais e frutas e os níveis séricos de glicose, IGF-1 e VEGF apresentam associação com os fatores prognósticos clínicos e patológicos do câncer de mama. Pacientes com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia responderam a um questionário de freqüência alimentar semiquantitativo, e foram coletados dados antropométricos e sobre o estilo de vida. Amostras de sangue para dosagem de VEGF, IGF-1 e glicose foram coletadas antes do início da administração da quimioterapia. Os fatores prognósticos e dados da patologia foram coletados a partir dos prontuários. 61 pacientes entraram no estudo Foram analisados os dados de 59 pacientes. Houve associação entre glicemia de jejum e a circunferência da cintura (CC) (r2 = 0,16; β = 1,2; IC 95% 0,3-1,2; p = 0,002) e índice de massa corporal (r2 = 0,12; β = 1,295; IC 95% 0,4-2,1; p = 0,005), bem como entre glicemia de jejum e relação cintura-quadril(RCQ) (r2 = 0,07; β = 0,001; IC 95% 0-0,02; p = 0,04). Houve associação do maior tamanho do tumor e maior CC com a ingestão de mais de 226,1g de cereais refinados por dia (p <0,05). Houve associação do maior IMC, RCQ e CC com a ingestão de mais de 140,1 g de carne vermelha por dia (p <0,05).Nós encontramos resultados interessantes relacionados com a composição corporal e os níveis de glicemia de jejum e também com a composição corporal e ingestão de maiores quantidades de carne vermelha. Tumores de maior tamanho e maior CC foram relacionados à ingestão de cereais refinados, chamando a atenção para a necessidade de mais estudos avaliando o consumo deste grupo de alimentos em pacientes com câncer de mama. / Interest in the association of food habits, serum growth factors and breast cancer has been recently raised. Breast cancer risk and prognosis seems to be linked to body composition, dietary factors, serum glucose, insulin-like growth factor 1 and vascular endothelium growth factor. We aimed to identify whether the consumption of red meat, dairy products, whole and refined grains, fruits and vegetables and the levels of blood glucose, IGF-1 and VEGF were associated with prognostic factors in patients with breast cancer. Patients with breast cancer submitted to chemotherapy completed a semiquantitative foodfrequency questionnaire, and anthropometric and lifestyle data were collected. VEGF, IGF-1 and blood glucose were collected before chemotherapy administration. Breast cancer prognostic factors were collected from the pathology archives. 61 patients entered the study. Data were available for 59 patients. There was association between fasting glucose and waist circumference (WC) (r2=0.16; β=1.2; 95%CI 0.3-1.2; p=0.002) and body mass index (r2=0.12; β=1.295; 95%CI 0.4-2.1; p=0.005) as well as between fasting glucose and waist-to-hip ratio (r2=0.07; β=0.001; 95%CI 0-0.02; p=0.04). There was association of larger tumor size and larger WC with the ingestion of more than 226.1 g of processed refined grains per day (p<0.05). There was association of larger BMI, WHR and WC with the ingestion of more than 140.1 g of red meat per day (p<0.05). We have found interesting findings related to body composition and fasting glucose levels as well as body composition and ingestion of higher amounts of red meat. Larger tumor size and larger WC were related to the ingestion of processed refined grains, drawing attention to the need of further studies evaluating this food group in patients with breast cancer.

Modulation of growth factors and cell cycle regulatory molecules in experimental cardiomyopathy

Mahmoud Abady, Maryam 22 September 2009 (has links)
Background: Different types of cardiomyopathies are associated with variable hypertrophic response. <p>A number of growth factors are thought to play a role in pathologic cardiac remodeling. <p>Aims: We compared the modulation of the TGF-ƒÒ superfamily and IGF-1 signaling pathways and their target genes, the cell cycle regulatory proteins in tachycardia-induced dilated cardiomyopathy, a model with no detectable hypertrophy and in ischemic cardiomyopathy, a model with a marked hypertrophic reaction. <p>Methods: In the first study, endomyocardial biopsies were obtained weekly in 15 dogs, during the development of tachycardiomyopaty. Genes involved in the myostatin-TGF-ƒÒ-Activin-A/Smad signaling pathway, p21 and cyclin D were quantified and correlated to echocardiographic measures of hypertrophy. In the second study, myocardial tissue samples were obtained in 8 dogs with a healed myocardial infarction, in 8 dogs with heart failure induced by overpacing and in 7 healthy dogs. We measured gene expression of IGF-1, its receptor (IGF-1R) and cyclins A, B, D1, D2, D3 and E and correlated them to the level of hypertrophy. <p>Results: Tachycardiomyopathy was characterized by chambers dilation with no identifiable hypertrophy. Ischemic cardiomyopathy was characterized by eccentric hypertrophy. In tachycardiomyopathy, Activin-A mRNA was 4-fold higher than at baseline. Smad7 was overexpressed in severe heart failure; p21, a direct target gene of the Smad pathway was upregulated 8-fold and cyclin D1 was down-regulated. In that model, IGF-1 was overexpressed but neither IGF-1R nor any of the cyclins studied.<p> In ischemic cardiomyopathy, IGF-1, IGF-R, and cyclins B, D1, D3 and E gene expression were upregulated.<p> In tachycardiomyopathy, Activin-A and p21 were inversely correlated to the thickness of the interventricular septum. In normal dogs and in the both models of cardiomyopathy, IGF-1R was correlated to the thickness of the interventricular septum and to cyclins. <p>Conclusions: Taken together, these results agree with the notion that Activin-A, IGF and cyclins are involved in the modulation of hypertrophic response observed in cardiomyopathies. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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