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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IgG3 Complements IgM in the Complement-Mediated Regulation of Immune Responses

Zhang, Lu January 2017 (has links)
An intact complement system is essential for the initiation of a normal antibody response. Antibodies can regulate their own production against the antigens that they are specific for. Both IgG3 and IgM are able to enhance the antibody response via complement. Here, we have compared the fate of OVA-TNP (ovalbumin-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) administered intravenously to mice either alone or in complex with monoclonal IgG3 anti-TNP. IgG3-antigen complexes bind to marginal zone (MZ) B cells via complement receptors 1 and 2 (CR1/2) and are transported into splenic follicles. The majority (50% - 90%) of the antigens is deposited on follicular dendritic cells (FDC) and the antigen distribution pattern is strikingly similar to peripheral dendrites/processes of FDC already 2 h after immunization. The development of germinal centers (GC) induced by IgG3-antigen complexes is impaired in mice lacking CR1/2. Experiments on bone marrow chimeric mice show that CR1/2 expression on both MZ B cells and FDC is required for optimal IgG3-mediated enhancement of antibody responses. Complement factors C3 and C1q are essential for OVA-TNP delivery and deposition on splenic FDC. The production of IgG anti-OVA is abrogated in mice lacking CR1/2, C1q, and C3. Further, IgG3-antigen complexes dramatically upregulate the memory response against OVA-TNP by inducing OVA-specific memory cells. Besides small protein OVA, IgG3 can also upregulate humoral responses against large soluble keyhole limpet hemocyanin. To further study the role of MZ B-cells and CR1/2 in enhancement of antibody responses, a knock-in mouse strain, Cμ13, was used. IgM in this mouse strain is unable to activate complement due to a point mutation in the constant µ-heavy chain. Cμ13 mice have a higher proportion of MZ B cells, with higher CR1/2 expression, than wild-type mice. More IgG3-immune complexes are captured by MZ B cells and deposited on FDC in Cμ13 than in WT mice. In spite of this, IgG3 did not enhance the primary antibody response more efficiently in Cμ13 mice. The existence of endogenous IgM-mediated feedback regulation was suggested by the observation that GC development and antibody responses, after priming and boosting with suboptimal doses of SRBC, was lower in Cμ13 than in WT mice.

Measles diagnostics in the elimination setting / L’anàlisi diagnòstica del xarampió en el marc de l’eliminació del virus del xarampió endèmic

Mercader i Verdés, Sara 20 December 2012 (has links)
In regions where endemic measles virus circulation has been interrupted, laboratory confirmation of measles is like puzzle solving. The complexity of these puzzles depends on the available pieces of clinical, epidemiological and laboratory information. The main goal of this dissertation is to evaluate diagnostic laboratory tools to aid in suspected case confirmation in these settings. First, protocols to elute measles IgM and IgG antibodies from blood spots dried onto filter paper were compared to propose one that will permit the recovery of the maximum volume of eluted sample in the minimum time, effort and cost. An easy-to-implement protocol is proposed for the rapid extraction of serum for measles/rubella serology in outbreak situations for use in the World Health Organization Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network. Second, due to inherent limitations of measles specific IgM enzyme immunoassays and molecular methods used for measles confirmation, not all suspected cases can be resolved. For example, IgM and RNA may not be detected in vaccinated cases with waning immunity (secondary vaccine failures) and presenting with modified measles. The observation is made that serological parameters of elevated titers of high avidity neutralizing antibodies correlate with measles secondary vaccines failures and may be useful biomarkers for confirming secondary vaccine failures that cannot be confirmed otherwise. Third, a highly accurate measles IgG avidity enzyme immunoassay for vaccine failure classification is described. Detection of low avidity antibodies using this highly sensitive and specific avidity assay can complement existing measles diagnostic tools in confirming suspected cases when routine IgM testing may be inconclusive. Therefore, these diagnostic approaches can provide additional laboratory information to resolve suspected cases irrespective of vaccination status. Together, data presented in this dissertation may assist in enhancing measles control and surveillance in elimination settings. / En les regions on s'ha interromput la circulació del virus del xarampió endèmic, la confirmació del xarampió a nivell de laboratori és com resoldre trencaclosques. La complexitat d'aquests trencaclosques depèn de les peces disponibles d'informació clínica, epidemiològica i de laboratori. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral és avaluar eines de diagnòstic de laboratori per a ajudar en la confirmació de casos sospitosos en regions on el xarampió està eliminat. En primer lloc, es van comparar protocols per a eluir les IgM i IgG anti-xarampionoses de mostres de taques de sang seca sobre paper de filtre i proposar un protocol que permetés la recuperació del volum màxim de mostra eluïda en el mínim temps, esforç i cost. Es proposa un protocol de fàcil implementació dins de la xarxa de laboratoris de rubèola i xarampió de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut per a ser usat en situacions de brot. En segon lloc, les IgM anti-xarampionoses i l’ARN del virus del xarampió poden no ser detectats en casos vacunats amb disminució de la immunitat (fallada vacunal secundària) i amb simptomatologia de xarampió modificada. L'observació de que paràmetres serològics de títols elevats d'anticossos anti-xarampionosos neutralizants i d'alta avidesa correlacionen amb fallades vacunals secundàries permet proposar aquests paràmetres com a biomarcadors útils per a confirmar aquestes fallades vacunals quan d'altra manera no podrien confirmar-se. En tercer lloc, es descriu un assaig immumoenzimàtic per a determinar l'avidesa de les IgG contra el virus del xarampió per a la classificació de fallades vacunals. Aquest assaig és altament sensible, específic i precís. La detecció d'anticossos de baixa avidesa mitjançant aquest assaig pot a més complementar les eines actuals de diagnòstic de xarampió en la confirmació de casos sospitosos quan les proves rutinàries de IgM no són concloents. Per tant, aquestes estratègies diagnòstiques poden proporcionar informació de laboratori addicionals per a resoldre casos sospitosos de xarampió independentment del seu estat de vacunació. Les dades presentades en aquesta tesi doctoral poden ajudar a millorar el control del xarampió i vigilància epidemiològica allà on el xarampió ja està eliminat.

Modeling the Power Evolution of Classical Double Radio Galaxies over Cosmological Scales

Barai, Paramita 03 August 2006 (has links)
During the quasar era (redshifts between 1 and 3) Radio Galaxies (RGs) have been claimed to have substantially influenced the growth and evolution of large scale structures in the universe. In this dissertation I test the robustness of these exciting claims. In order to probe the impacts in more detail, good theoretical models for such RG systems are required. With this motivation, I seek to develop an essentially analytical model for the evolution of Fanaroff-Riley Class II radio galaxies both as they age individually and as their numbers vary with cosmological epoch. To do so, I first compare three sophisticated semi-analytical models for the dynamical and radio lobe power evolution of FR II galaxies, those given by Kaiser, Dennett-Thorpe & Alexander (1997, KDA), Blundell, Rawlings, & Willott (1999, BRW) and Manolakou & Kirk (2002, MK). I perform multi-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations leading to virtual radio surveys. The predictions of each model for redshift, radio power (at 151 MHz), linear size and spectral index are then compared with data. The observational samples are the low frequency radio surveys, 3CRR, 6CE and 7CRS, which are flux-limited and redshift complete. I next perform extensive statistical tests to compare the distributions of model radio source parameters and those of the observational samples. The statistics used are the 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests and the 4-variable Spearman partial rank correlation coefficient. I search for and describe the "best" parameters for each model. I then produced modifications to each of the three original models, and extensively compare the original and the modified model performances in fitting the data. The key result of my dissertation is that using the Radio Luminosity Function of Willott et al. (2001) as the redshift birth function of radio sources, the KDA and MK models perform better than the BRW models in fitting the 3CRR, 6CE and 7CRS survey data when using K-S based statistical tests, and the KDA model provides the best fits to the correlation coefficients. However, no pre-existing or modified model can provide adequate fits for the spectral indices. I also calculate the volume fraction of the relevant universe filled by the generations of radio galaxies over the quasar era. This volume filling factor is not as large as estimated earlier. Nonetheless, the allowed ranges of various model parameters produce a rather wide range of astrophysically interesting relevant volume fraction values. I conclude that the expanding RGs born during the quasar era may still play significant roles in the cosmological history of the universe.


Pettersson, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Hantaviruses are the causative agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Eurasia, and of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in the Americas. Transmission to humans usually occurs by inhalation of aerosolized virus-contaminated rodent excreta. To date, human-to-human transmission has only been described for the Andes hantavirus. The mode of transmission of Andes hantavirus is not yet known, but transmission through saliva has been suggested. In Sweden, we have one hantavirus that is pathogenic to humans, Puumala virus (PUUV), which is endemic in Central and Northern Europe. It induces a relatively mild form of HFRS, also called nephropathia epidemica (NE). The rodent reservoir is the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). The mechanism behind the pathogenesis of hantavirus is complex and probably involves both virus-mediated and host-mediated mechanisms. The aim of this project was to investigate the transmission mechanisms and pathogenesis of hantavirus disease in humans. In our first study, we described the largest outbreak of PUUV so far in Sweden. We investigated factors that might be important for causing the outbreak, and suggested that a peak in the bank vole population together with concurrent extreme weather conditions most probably contributed to the outbreak. Our next studies concentrated on human-to-human transmission of hantaviruses. We found PUUV RNA in saliva from PUUV-infected patients, suggesting that there is PUUV in the saliva of infected humans, although no person-to person transmission appears to occur with PUUV.  In the studies that followed, we showed that human saliva and human salivary components could inhibit hantavirus replication. We also found PUUV-specific IgA in the saliva of PUUV-infected patients, which might prevent person-to-person transmission of the virus.  In the final study, we focused on the pathogenesis of NE. One hundred five patients were included in a prospective study.  They were divided into a group with mild disease and a group with moderate or severe disease. We found that the immune response had a dual role in disease development. It was partly responsible for development of severe disease, with significantly higher amounts of neutrophils in severely ill patients, but it was also protective against severe disease, because patients with mild disease had higher levels of PUUV-specific IgG. In conclusion, a peak in the bank vole population in combination with extreme weather will increase the risk of human infection, PUUV RNA is present in saliva, PUUV-specific IgA and salivary components inhibit person-to-person transmission of PUUV, and the immune response is important for the pathogenesis of PUUV and the severity of the disease. / Hantavirus är en grupp av virus som finns hos gnagare som bär på viruset utan att själva bli märkbart sjuka. Varje hantavirus har anpassat sig till sin egen art av gnagare som de infekterar (kallas virusets reservoar). Hantaviruset kan överföras till människor från gnagare och kallas då för en zoonos eftersom detsprids från djur till människa. I människa orsakar hantavirus blödarfeber med njurpåverkan i Eurasien och blödarfeber med med hjärt och lungpåverkan i Nord- och Sydamerika. I Sverige har vi bara ett hantavirus som är sjukdomsframkallande hos människor, Puumala-viruset som även finns i delar av övriga Europa. Det framkallar en relativt mild form av blödarfeber, som kallas sorkfeber eller Nephropathia epidemica. Puumala-virusets reservoar är skogssorken (Myodes glareolus). Människor smittas oftast av hantavirus när de andas in infekterat damm som innehåller utsöndringar (avföring, urin eller saliv) från gnagare som har torkat in och sedan blivit luftburet. Vad man vet hittills så finns det bara ett hantavirus som smittar från person till person, för övriga hantavirus är människan en ”dead end”. Det virus som kan smitta från person till person heter Andes hantavirus och finns i Sydamerika. Andes hantavirus har en mus som reservoar från vilken människor kan smittas, sedan har smittan i vissa fall förts vidare från människa till människa, som tur är har dessa utbrott gått att stoppa. Fastän utbrotten har varit små har många personer dött, eftersom dödligheten är så hög, ungefär 30-40% av de diagnostiserade fallen dör. Hur Andes hantavirus överförs från människa till människa är inte känt men överföring genom saliv har föreslagits. Hur viruset ger upphov till sjukdom hos människa är inte klarlagt. Studier talar för att mekanismen bakom sjukdomsutvecklingen (den så kallade patogenesen) hos hantavirusorsakade blödarfebrar är komplex. Sannolikt beror patogenesen både på egenskaper hos viruset och värden d.v.s. människan som är smittad av viruset. Vårt mål med detta projekt var att undersöka vad som hindrar överföring av Puumala hantavirus från människa till människa och att undersöka hur virusinfektionen påverkar sjukdomsutvecklingen hos människan. I vår första studie beskrev vi det största utbrottet av sorkfeber hittills i Sverige och vi undersökte faktorer som kan ha orsakat utbrottet. Vi föreslog att en topp i skogssorkpopulationen samtidigt med extremt varmt väder troligen bidrog till utbrottet. Utbrottet skedde i december och det extremt varma vädret medförde att snön smälte bort. Sorkarna bor vanligtvis under snön på vintern, vi tror att frånvaro av snötäcke fick sorkarna att söka sig till byggnader för att söka skydd och där kom i kontakt med människor. Våra efterföljande studier fokuserade på överföring av hantavirus från människa till människa. Vi hittade Puumala-virusets arvsmassa (RNA) i saliv från sorkfeberpatienter, vilket tyder på att det finns Puumala-virus i saliven hos infekterade människor, även om ingen överföring från person till person verkar inträffa. I efterföljande studier visade vi att mänsklig saliv och mänskliga salivkomponenter minskar hantavirus smittsamhet. Vi fann också Puumala-virusspecifika IgA-antikroppar i saliven från sorkfeberpatienter, vilket kan förhindra överföring från person till person. I den sista studien fokuserade vi på patogenesen hos människor efter hantavirusinfektion. 105 patienter ingick i en prospektiv studie och delades in i en grupp med mild sjukdom och en grupp med måttlig/svår sjukdom. Vi hittade en dubbel roll hos immunsvaret för sjukdomsutvecklingen. Immunsvaret var delvis ansvarig för utveckling av svår sjukdom med betydligt högre mängd neutrofiler hos svårt sjuka patienter, men det var också skyddande mot allvarlig sjukdom, eftersom patienter med en mild sjukdom hade högre nivåer av Puumalavirusspecifika IgG-antikroppar. Detta talar för att behandling med IgG-antikroppar specifikt riktade mot hantavirus skulle kunna vara effektiv hos hantavirusinfekterade patienter. Sammanfattningsvis; en topp i skogssorkspopulationen i kombination med extremt väder ökar risken för infektion hos människor; Puumala-virus arvsmassa (RNA) finns i saliv; Puumala-virusspecifika IgA-antikroppar och salivkomponenter hämmar överföring av Puumalavirus från person till person; immunsvaret är viktigt för Puumala-virus patogenes och sjukdomens svårighetsgrad.

Neuropathies périphériques et hémopathies B : de l'étude clinique des neuropathies associées à une gammapathie monoclonale IgM à activité anti-MAG au mécanisme de mort cellulaire induit par le Fingolimod (FTY720) dans les hémopathies B / Peripheral neuropathy and B cell malignancy : anti MAG neuropathy and cell cytotoxicity induced by FTY720 in chronic lymphocytic leuckemia

Delmont, Émilien 26 November 2013 (has links)
Les neuropathies à anticorps anti-MAG sont secondaires à une gammapathie monoclonale IgM dirigée contre la MAG des gaines de myéline des nerfs périphériques. Le traitement est celui de l’hémopathie sous‐jacente. Même si les thérapeutiques sont de plus en plus efficaces, les hémopathies restent le plus souvent incurables. Le rituximab est couramment utilisé dans le traitement des neuropathies à anticorps anti‐MAG, mais son efficacité n’a pas pu être clairement démontrée dans deux études contrôlées. Le FTY720 ou fingolimod est un sphingolipide, analogue de la sphingosine, qui inhibe les récepteurs de la sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P). Il est utilisé comme immunosuppresseur dans la Sclérose en Plaques. Des études ont également rapporté un effet cytotoxique du FTY720 dans des hémopathies sans toutefois clairement expliquer son mécanisme d’action. L’objectif de ce travail est d’élucider les mécanismes moléculaires de l’effet cytotoxique du FTY720 dans un modèle d’hémopathie B, la leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC). Des cellules leucémiques primaires de LLC et une lignée cellulaire MEC1 ont été utilisées comme modèle expérimental in vitro. Le FTY720, comme la sphingosine, entraîne une cytotoxicité dose‐dépendante dans la LLC. Cet effet, médié par la forme non phosphorylée de FTY720, est indépendant des récepteurs au S1P. Le FTY720 induit l’expression de marqueurs d’apoptose: exposition de la phosphaJdylsérine, clivage de PARP et de caspase 3. Cependant sa toxicité apparaît indépendante des caspases. La lipidation accrue de LC3 et la formation d’autophagolysosomes indiquent que le FTY720 augmente également le flux autophagique. Cependant, des inhibiteurs de l’autophagie ne permettent pas de bloquer la mort cellulaire induite par le FTY720, suggérant que l’autophagie a ici un rôle protecteur vis à vis de la toxicité du FTY720. Plusieurs éléments permettent de conclure que le FTY720 est responsable d’une nécrose cellulaire : aspect morphologique de nécrose en microscopie électronique, perméabilisation membranaire précoce avec relocalisation cytoplasmique de HMGB1, libération extracellulaire de LDH, perméabilisation de la membrane lysosomale associée à une activation des cathepsines. Au niveau moléculaire, l’action du FTY720 n’est pas bloquée par la nécrostatine 1, indiquant que la nécrose induite par le FTY720 est indépendante de RIPK1 (receptor interacJng protein 1), une kinase clef des voies extrinsèques de nécrose cellulaire programmée. Par contre, nos travaux ont établi l’implication de DRP1 (dynamin related protein), une enzyme régulatrice de la fission mitochondriale, dans le processus de nécrose induite par le FTY720. En plus d’une relocalisation précoce de DRP1 à la mitochondrie accompagnée d’une augmentation de sa phosphorylation sur des sites régulateurs de son activité, nos expériences montrent que la suppression de son expression par interférence à ARN dans les cellules leucémiques réduit fortement la mort cellulaire induite par le FTY720. Le FTY720 est donc responsable dans la LLC d’une nécrose cellulaire programmée dépendante de DRP1. Nos résultats illustrent l’implication des sphingolipides dans la régulation de la survie cellulaire et dans les voies de nécrose programmée. Le FTY720 a un mode d’action original différent de l’apoptose induite par les chimiothérapies classiques. Le FTY720 pourrait donc être une alternative thérapeutique dans les néoplasies B résistantes aux chimiothérapies usuelles et dans certaines manifestations auto‐immunes des hémopathies comme les neuropathies à anticorps anti‐MAG. / Fingolimod (FTY720) is an immunosuppressive drug that was recently approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and is currently under pre-clinical investigation as a therapy for a number of haematological malignancies. Previous studies have indicated a role for FTY720 in inducing autophagy and caspase-independent cell death in cancer cells through incompletely characterized molecular mechanisms. Our study thus aims at a beeer understanding of the way of action of FTY720. In chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) cells, FTY720 induced cell death with typical features of apoptosis, including phosphatidylserine exposure and caspase-3 activation, and features of autophagy, including LC3 conversion, autophagolysosome formation and lysosomal cathepsins activation. However, neither caspase nor autophagy blockade prevented the cytotoxic effect of FTY720, suggesting another mechanism of cell death. Using electron and fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and biochemical analyses, we found that FTY720 treatment increased a fraction of annexin V-/7-AAD+ cells both in primary and transformed leukemic cells and induced morphological changes representative of necrosis, including oncosis, mitochondrial and plasma membrane alteration. FTY720 treatment resulted in increased plasma membrane permeability as shown by the extracellular translocation of the nuclear high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein and by the release into the culture medium of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Interestingly, cell death induced by FTY720 was not prevented by pharmacological inhibition of RIPK1 and PP2A. In contrast, FTY720--‐induced necrosis was accompanied by an early relocation to the mitochondria of Dynamin Related Protein 1, DRP1. Importantly, FTY720 stimulation led to ma tior changes in the phosphorylation of serine residues associated with the mitochondrial fission activity of DRP1. Finally, siRNA--‐mediated knockdown of DRP1 significantly reduced necrotic cell death induced by FTY720. In this study, we thus demonstrate that in leukemic cells the cytotoxic effect of the immunosuppressive drug Fingolimod involves a DRP1--‐dependent regulated necrosis. These observations are important in line of the future development of Fingolimod as a new therapeutic agent in haematological malignancies.

Development of P-Y Criterion for Anisotropic Rock and Cohesive Intermediate Geomaterials

Shatnawi, Ehab Salem 26 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Experimentální infekce Oryctolagus cuniculus motolicí Fascioloides magna / Experimental infection of Oryctolagus cuniculus with fluke Fascioloides magna

Melounová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
Fasioloides magna is a trematode parasitizing in the liver parenchyma of ruminants. Its life cycle is associated with the humid environment and includes intermediate freshwater snail hosts from family Lymnaeidae. According to the ability of host to form a certain type of a pseudocyst during fascioloidosis, they can be,divided in three groups, specific definitive hosts (red deers, fallow deers, roe deers), nonspecific definitive hosts (cattle, wild boars and elks) and atypical hosts (sheeps and goats). Beside the natural infections also the experimental infections of other potential host species has been realized (chamois, llama and bighorn sheep and traditional laboratory animals such as mice, guinea pigs, rats and rabbits). In the context of different diseases, many changes in infected organism can occur. These can be qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated. Similarly, during fascioloidosis the changes associated with the presence of the parasite in the host's body is possible to monitor, e.g. antibody production, increase in the number of eosinophils, release of eggs in faeces, internal bleeding, or the level liver damage. The liver damage is corresponding primarily to biochemical parameters of blood, not only the liver enzymes, but also other blood components, like blood proteins, lipids,...

ASPECTOS CLÍNICOS E SOROLÓGICOS DE INDIVÍDUOS COM SINAIS E SINTOMAS DE FEBRE CHIKUNGUNYA / Clinical and serological aspects of individuals with signs and symptoms of Chikungunya Fever

Koga, Rosemary de Carvalho Rocha 15 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-04-27T14:37:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ROSEMARY DE CARVALHO ROCHA KOGA.pdf: 1840064 bytes, checksum: 5be7272271d61789b6dc93e32af0b7a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T14:37:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROSEMARY DE CARVALHO ROCHA KOGA.pdf: 1840064 bytes, checksum: 5be7272271d61789b6dc93e32af0b7a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-15 / Introduction: Chikungunya fever (FCHIK) is a disease of abrupt onset, transmitted by arthropod mosquitoes intermediate hosts of the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). The illness has a significant impact on the quality of life of the affected person. Since a disease causes intense and prolonged symptoms of polyarthralgia and myalgia, it requires health care, during a recovery, more than other arboviruses. The objective of this study was to study clinicians and clinicians suggestive of FCHIK, residing in the States of Amapá and Goiás, aiming to correlate the results of laboratory tests with the presented symptomatology. Materials and methods: The study was carried out at the Center for Immunological Studies and Research of the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia, and in Emergency Care Units in the cities of Macapá, Oiapoque and Santana-AP. The study population consisted of 80 individuals with suspected FCHIK and for investigators of inflammatory markers, the control group consisted of 20 blood samples from healthy donors from Goiana Central de Serologia e Imunohematologia. Viral RNA extraction was performed, followed by RNA detection by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. In addition to ELISA for detection of IgM and IgG against Chikungunya virus. Participants symptoms were correlated with serology and Creactive protein (CRP), which was evaluated in healthy subjects and in people with FCHIK. Results: No data presented for detection of viral RNA by RT-qPCR for CHIKV, but three samples were positive in this technique for zika virus and one for dengue subtype 1 (DENV1). In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 26 samples were positive for IgG and 3 for IgM. Regarding the stage of the disease, 10 were in the acute phase, 04 in the subacute phase and 12 in the chronic phase. Correlated the results of the serology with a symptomatology it was observed that the acute phase, all have fever, 90% headache, 70% arthralgia and 60% edema. (100%), myalgia and edema (75%). (100%), arthralgia (92%) and myalgia (75%). When comparing participants with negative serology, n = 54, the most prevalent symptoms were rash, headache, fever, and arthralgia. The CRP levels in individuals infected with more than four symptoms were higher when compared with healthy individuals. Conclusion: The study focused on people with a clinical picture characteristic of FCHIK. The most common symptom in the three phases presented for arthralgia, followed by edema and myalgia, a fever was frequent only in the acute phase. All participants were negative in the evaluation of viral RNA by RT-qPCR for CHIKV, for the virus has a short duration in the body, and this methodology is limited to the time of symptom onset and sample collection, DENV and ZIKV. IG G. Those with negative serology for CHIKV, despite taking into account the joints, symptoms common to other arboviruses. CRP levels have been shown to be high relative to healthy subjects. / Introdução: A Febre Chikungunya (FCHIK) é uma doença de início abrupto, transmitida por mosquitos artrópodes hospedeiros intermediários do vírus Chikungunya (CHIKV). A enfermidade representa um significativo impacto na qualidade de vida da pessoa afetada. Uma vez que a doença causa sintomas intensos e prolongados de poliartralgia e mialgia, requerendo atenção de saúde, durante a recuperação, mais do que outras arboviroses. Objetivou-se estudar aspectos clínicos e sorológicos de indivíduos apresentando quadro clínico sugestivo de FCHIK, residentes nos Estados de Amapá e Goiás, visando correlacionar os resultados de testes laboratoriais com a sintomatologia apresentada. Materiais e métodos: O estudo foi realizado no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa Imunológica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, em Goiânia, e em Unidades de Pronto Atendimento de Saúde das cidades de Macapá, Oiapoque e Santana-AP. A população de estudo foi constituída de 80 indivíduos com suspeita de FCHIK e para comparar os marcadores inflamatórios, o grupo controle foi constituído de 20 amostras de sangue de doadores saudáveis da Central Goiana de Sorologia e Imunohematologia. Foi realizada a extração do RNA viral, seguido de detecção do RNA por meio de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase em Tempo Real. Além de ELISA para detecção de IgM e IgG específicos para o CHIKV. Os sintomas dos participantes foram correlacionados com o resultado da sorologia e da proteína C reativa (PCR), que foi avaliada em indivíduos saudáveis e em pessoas com FCHIK. Resultados: Nenhuma amostra apresentou limiar de detecção do RNA viral por RT-qPCR para CHIKV, porém três amostras foram positivas nessa técnica para vírus zika (ZIKV) e uma para dengue subtipo 1 (DENV1). Em ensaio imunoenzimático, 26 amostras foram positivas para IgG e 3 dessas para IgM. Em relação ao estágio da doença, 10 encontravam-se em fase aguda, 04 em fase subaguda e 12 em fase crônica. Correlacionados os resultados da sorologia com a sintomatologia observou-se que os de fase aguda, todos tiveram febre, 90% cefaleia, 70% artralgia e 60% edema. Enquanto que, os de fase subaguda tiveram: artralgia e cefaleia (100%), mialgia e edema (75%). Os de fase crônica tiveram edema (100%), artralgia (92%) e mialgia (75%). Quando comparados os participantes com sorologia negativa, n=54, os sintomas mais apresentados foram exantema, cefaleia, febre e artralgia. Os níveis de PCR nos indivíduos infectados e que apresentavam mais de quatro sintomas foram maiores quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Conclusão: O estudo focou em pessoas com quadro clínico característico para FCHIK. O sintoma mais comum nas três fases apresentadas foi a artralgia, seguido de edema e mialgia, a febre foi frequente somente na fase aguda. Todos os participantes foram negativos na avaliação do RNA viral por RT-qPCR para CHIKV, pois o vírus tem uma curta duração no organismo, e esta metodologia é limitada ao tempo de início dos sintomas e coleta de amostra, ainda assim foi encontrado RNA viral do DENV e ZIKV. Alguns participantes foram positivos para sorologia IgG. Aqueles com sorologia negativa para CHIKV, apesar de terem dor nas articulações, tinham sintomas comuns a outras arboviroses. Os níveis de PCR demonstraram-se elevados em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis.

Effect of suckling on response to nematode parasites in young lambs

Iposu, Shamsideen Oladeinde January 2007 (has links)
The series of experiments described in this thesis were designed to investigate the role of suckling or late weaning in the response of young lambs to nematode infection. All experiments were conducted outdoors with grazing animals and no supplementation but for suckled groups of lambs whose counterparts were weaned to ryegrass – white clover swards. The parasite of interest was mainly Teladorsagia circumcincta solely but with mixed infection of Trichostrongylus colubriformis in one instance. In Chapter 3 (first experiment), the hypothesis that milk per se may have a direct effect on nematode development, rather than an indirect effect through enhancement of host immunity by superior nutrient supply was tested. Sixty, twinborn lambs were used, allocated to one of eight groups formed by either dosing lambs from 42 days of age or not with the equivalent of 1000 or 250 L₃ T. circumcincta larvae d⁻¹ until five days before necropsy, while a twin was either weaned at 39 days of age, suckled as single or twin until necropsy on day 84. The possibility that weaning one of a twin set onto pasture in close proximity to the ewe would cause abnormal ewe and lamb behaviour was tested by replicating the work in twins maintained as twins but in which one twin received equivalent of 250 and the other 1000 L₃ T. circumcincta larvae d⁻¹. This showed no abnormal ewe nursing or lamb suckling behaviour as a result of weaning a twin in a set. Relatively low faecal egg counts (FEC) and a two to three fold lower worm burdens suggest suckling could reduce larval establishment. Inability to detect peripheral titres of immunoglobulins supports this conclusion. An intra worm-population regulation of T. circumcincta, indicated by a pattern of greater egg-laying by a numerically smaller but physiologically better developed nematode population in suckled lambs measured in eggs 'in utero' and worm length made interpretation of FEC difficult. Suckling significantly improved weight gain and carcass weights, but early weaning did not reduce resilience to infection. In Chapter 4 (second experiment), 40 pairs of twin lambs, average age of 39 days, were either infected with the equivalent of 1000 L₃ T. circumcincta larvae d⁻¹ or not, while one twin was weaned and the other allowed to continue suckling. Necropsy was carried out on groups of five and six lambs from each of the uninfected and infected treatments, respectively, at mean age of 84, 112, and on six lambs from each group at 140 days of age. This serial slaughter allowed further confirmation of the hypothesis in Chapter 3 but also investigated the long-term effect of suckling on resistance or resilience of lambs at the trial when immune responses were anticipated to be developing. An in vitro direct larval challenge (IVDC) study, to monitor larval establishment, was carried out on tissue explants from necropsied lambs. Suckled lambs consistently showed lower FEC (P < 0.05) and worm burdens (P < 0.05) at every phase of the trial. Within the infected groups, % in vitro larval rejection suggested earlier immune responses in the weaned lambs by day 84, which was not consistent with lower worm burdens in suckled lambs but appeared similar in the subsequent necropsies. Lambs continued to show better growth due to suckling while weaning did not reduce the resilience of lambs confirming observations in Chapter 3. The immunoglobulin profile suggested the commencement of immune responses in lambs from the period after the 84th day necropsy, with significantly greater (P < 0.01) IgA titre in the infected groups, and the suckled lambs towards the end of the trial on day 140. A vaccinating effect of early exposure to parasites was coincidentally revealed as a result of unintentional pasture larval contamination, seen in suckled non-infected lambs shedding fewer eggs and harbouring fewer worms during the later necropsies compared with their weaned non-infected counterparts. In Chapter 5 (third trial), 93 pairs of twin lambs, 47 pairs of which received a vaccinating mixed infection of T. circumcincta and T. colubriformis larvae (60 L₃ / kg W / d) at ratio 40:60, respectively during the period 36 – 103 days of age, were either weaned early on day 51 or later on day 108. All lambs were drenched on day 108 and groups received challenge infections from day 116, at same rate with the vaccinating infection, or not, which ceased five days before respective necropsies. Necropsies were carried out on selected lambs on days 108, 184 and 218. The direct effect of milk on larval establishment appeared to feature only in the T. circumcincta populations on slaughter day 108. The long-term benefit of late weaning for development of resistance was conditional on lambs receiving the vaccinating infection, and appeared to be more pronounced in the small intestine, reflected by a greater reduction of T. colubriformis populations in that organ than of T. circumcincta populations in the abomasum. A negative consequence of enhanced immune response was the suggestion of an increased metabolic cost in reduced performance of lambs. In conclusion, the work provides support to the hypotheses that: (a.) suckling may reduce the establishment of nematode larvae through the direct effect of milk, (b.) may enhance rapid development of host immunity to infection, and (c.) it further suggests that lack of larval experience during suckling may have long term negative implications for host resistance. Finally, it suggests that milk may play little role in the enhancement of host resilience to infection and, on the contrary, that additional metabolic cost may be associated with a more rapid development of immunity resulting from larval challenge while suckling.

Feedback Enhancement of Antibody Responses via Complement and Fc Receptors

Dahlström, Jörgen January 2001 (has links)
<p>IgG, IgM and IgE in complex with antigen have the capacity to regulate specific immune responses. In this investigation, the role of Fc receptors for IgG (FcγRI, FcγRII and FcγRIII) and complement receptors 1 and 2 (CR1/2) for antibody-mediated enhancement of antibody responses are investigated.</p><p>IgM is known to efficiently activate complement and thereby enhance specific antibody responses but it is not known if this involves binding to CR1/2. Using CR1/2 deficient mice, immunized with sheep erythrocytes alone or together with specific IgM, we present evidence that IgM-mediated enhancement is completely dependent on CR1/2 expression, whereas IgG or IgE in complex with bovine serum albumin (BSA) induce strong antibody responses in CR1/2-deficient mice. Enhancement by IgE is mediated via the low affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRII, CD23). However, the receptors which are involved in IgG-mediated enhancement are not known. We find that γ-chain-deficient mice (lacking FcγRI and FcγRIII) have impaired antibody responses to IgG/BSA complexes. In contrast, FcγRIII deficient mice have normal responses, suggesting that FcγRI mediates the effect. Furthermore, IgG/BSA complexes induce up to 189-fold stronger antibody responses in FcγRIIB-deficient mice than in wild-type mice. The threshold dose of IgG/BSA required was lower, the response was sustained for longer and initiated earlier in FcγRIIB-deficient than in wild-type animals. The findings suggest that FcγRIIB acts as a "safety-valve" preventing excessive antibody production during an immune response. We show for the first time that IgG3/BSA complexes can mediate enhancement of specific antibody responses. Their effect does not involve known Fcγ receptors.</p>

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