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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise teórica e experimental de treliças metálicas espaciais constituídas por barras com extremidades estampadas / Theoretical and experimental analysis of space steel structures composed of bars with stamping extremities

Maiola, Carlos Henrique 25 March 1999 (has links)
No Brasil é comum a utilização de barras tubulares com extremidades estampadas na confecção das treliças metálicas espaciais, uma vez que representam uma significativa redução de custos, quando comparado a sistemas mais elaborados, devido a sua simplicidade de fabricação e montagem, entretanto trata-se aparentemente de um sistema precário do ponto de vista estrutural, merecendo estudos que estabeleçam critérios para uma utilização segura. Neste trabalho são apresentadas análises teóricas e experimentais destas estruturas, onde foi analisada a situação construtiva usual de treliça com nós típicos (extremidade das barras estampadas, sobrepostas e unidas por um único parafuso), e com nós de aço (sistema de conexão formado por uma peça com aletas de aço soldadas). Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos em ensaios de quatro protótipos que simulam um trecho de treliça espacial, constituídos por uma malha quadrada sobre quadrada, composta de nove módulos piramidais de 2,5 x 2,5 x 1,5 (m), totalizando uma estrutura com dimensões iguais a 7,5 x 7,5 x 1,5 (m), apoiada por colunas nos vértices, permitindo comparar a rigidez, o modo de falha e a resistência entre estes protótipos. A análise teórica dos protótipos foi feita admitindo-se os casos de linearidade e também de não linearidade física e geométrica, levando-se em consideração a variação de inércia das barras junto aos nós. / In Brazil the use of tubular bars with stamping extremities is common in space steel structures, as it means a significant reduction of cost, when caompared with more elaborete system, due to its simplicity of manufacture and assembly. However it is apparently an uncertain system from a structural point of view, which requires studies establishing safe utilization criteria. This paper presents theorical and experimental analysis of this structures. The usual constructive situation of space structure with \'nós típicos\' (bars with flattened ends, superposed and connected by a unique bolt), and \'nós de aço\' (connection system formed by a piece with steel fin welded) was studied. The experimental results were obtained in tests of four prototypes which simulated a section of space structure composed of a mesh squareon- square, with nine 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 (m) pyramidal modules, totaliing a structure with 7.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 (m) dimensions, supported by columns in their vertices, permiting to compare the stiffness, the failure manner and the resistance of this prototypes. The theorical analysis of prototypes was carried out by assuming the cases of linearity and physical and geometric non-linearity, taking into consideration the variation of stiffness of the bars next to the nodes.

Etude expérimentale et numérique du stade fortement non-linéaire de l'Instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor au front d'ablation en attaque directe / Highly non-linear study of the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in direct drive

Mailliet, Corentin 30 November 2018 (has links)
Le développement des instabilités hydrodynamiques lors d'une expérience de fusion par confinement inertiel représente un sévère obstacle à l'obtention des conditions nécessaires à l'allumage et l'auto-entretien des réactions thermonucléaires. Il est ainsi crucial de comprendre, modéliser et éventuellement contrôler ces instabilités. L'instabilité se développant au front d'ablation est particulièrement étudiée dans le cadre du schéma d'attaque directe, à cause notamment du phénomène d'empreinte laser. Cependant le stade fortement non-linéaire de l'instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor au front d'ablation reste peu explore. Cette étude vise donc à analyser ce régime.Dans un premier temps, une nouvelle plateforme expérimentale est développée sur le laser National Ignition Facility (NIF) permettant l'étude de phénomènes hydrodynamiques avec plusieurs dizaines de nanosecondes d'impulsion laser. Cette plateforme est ensuite calibrée avec l'étude de la croissance d'une perturbation 2D sous l'effet de l'instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor. Une plateforme de simulations numériques 2D est également développée sur le code hydrodynamique CHIC capable de modéliser les expériences réalisées.L'étude du régime fortement non-linéaire de l'instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor est réalisée a partir d'une perturbation multimode 3D imprimée par laser.L'impact de la condition initiale est étudiée en utilisant un faisceau d'empreinte lisse d'une part et non lisse d'autre part. L'analyse des données de radiographie dans l'espace de Fourier et dans l'espace réel permet d'évaluer tous les différents paramètres de l'instabilité (taux de croissance linéaire, vitesses de saturation, taux de coalescence de bulles et paramètre de croissance auto-semblable ) et de comparer les mesures aux modèles existants.L'importance de la condition initiale au stade fortement non-linéaire de la perturbation est ainsi démontrée dans les résultats obtenus. / Experimental and numerical study of the non-linear stage of the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability in direct drive

Efeito das instabilidades financeiras nas dinâmicas da economia brasileira (2000 - 2015)

Stona, Filipe 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-02T13:14:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Filipe Stona_.pdf: 820817 bytes, checksum: 5f6143a36148c6f0ad2cbeb46ab24668 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T13:14:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Filipe Stona_.pdf: 820817 bytes, checksum: 5f6143a36148c6f0ad2cbeb46ab24668 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esse trabalho apresenta as diferenças das dinâmicas macroeconômicas nos períodos de instabilidade no mercado financeiro brasileiro entre 2000 e 2015. Para isso, foi introduzido um indiciador de instabilidade no mercado financeiro brasileiro e sua interação com a atividade econômica, inflação e políticas monetárias através de um VAR com mudanças de regime Markoviano. Foi possível comprovar que ocorrem reações distintas na economia nos períodos de estresse. Demonstrou-se também que os efeitos de um choque de instabilidade no mercado financeiro não diferem entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, no que tange a atividade econômica. Ainda, observou-se políticas com efeitos contrários em regimes de estabilidade e estresse, apontando que os governo podem tornar uma crise financeira ainda mais profunda caso ignorem as diferenças no comportamento da economia em ambos regimes. / This paper presents the differences in macroeconomic dynamics that occurred during instabilities in the Brazilian financial market from 2000 to 2015. In this regard, we introduced the Brazilian financial stress index and investigated its interaction with real activity, inflation and monetary policy using a Markov-switching VAR model. We could verify distinct economic reactions during stressful periods. At the same time, the observed effects of financial instability shocks do not differ in real activity between developed and developing countries. Furthermore, policies that cause opposite effects in stable and stressful regimes indicate that a government might deepen a financial crisis if policy-makers implements a policy used successfully during a regime that is economically and behaviorally dissimilar from tense states.

Ondas instáveis no sistema de correntes de contorno oeste ao largo de Abrolhos / Unstable Wares in the western boundary currents system off Abrolhos

Saulo Muller Soares 28 June 2007 (has links)
O sistema de correntes de contorno oeste que flui ao largo da costa leste brasileira entre 15°S e 22°S, é composto pela Corrente do Brasil (CB) fluindo para sul, a Sub-Corrente Norte do Brasil (SNB) fluindo para norte e a Corrente de Contorno Oeste Profunda (CCP) também fluindo para sul. Vigorosos meandros e vórtices são observados à jusante dos Bancos de Abrolhos (BA) e Royal Charlotte (BRC) e da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade. O objetivo central desta dissertação é o estudo da estabilidade deste sistema de correntes, aqui denomidado Sistema CB-SNB-CCP, utilizando o modelo oceânico da Universidade de Princeton (POM) em um cenário idealizado. Buscamos responder o quão instável é este sistema e quais seriam as características das ondas instáveis geradas a fim de contribuir para o conhecimento acerca da rica dinâmica de meso-escala observada nesta região. Objetivamos também, elucidar o papel dos BA e BRC nesta dinâmica. Embasados na alta baroclinicidade do sistema de correntes de contorno ao largo do sudeste brasileiro, optamos por representar o escoamento CB-SNB-CCP através de um modelo paramétrico do campo de massa, calibrado com os dados hidrográficos oriundos dos Cruzeiros Abrolhos [Silveira et al., 2006]. Mantendo o caráter idealizado do estudo, também empregamos topografia de fundo analítica, onde representamos o talude da região por uma função tangente hiporbólica. O BA e o BRC foram aproximados através de funções gaussianas devidademente ajustadas aos contornos da isóbata de 80 m extraídas do conjunto ETOPO 2. Para identificar os mecanismos de crescimento das possíveis ondas instáveis, calculou-se o balanço de energia das simulações realizadas de acordo com o método de [Xue & Bane, 1997]. Os resultados de três experimentos numéricos realizados sugerem que o sistema CB-SNB-CCP é instável. Ciclones quase-estacionários do lado costeiro da CB surgem como o principal modo de variabilidade desta corrente. De acordo com a análise do balanço energético, o crescimento dessas feições resulta primariamente de instabilidade baroclínica do escoamento. A escala horizontal típica das ondas e vórtices instáveis modelados é dada pelo raio de deformação interno, como esperado pela teoria de instabilidade baroclínica de escoamentos realisticamente estratificados. Em particular, os resultados do experimento com o BA e o BRC idealizados comprovam que estes funcionam como gatilhos para o desenvolvimento de ondas instáveis, favorecendo amplamente o crescimento das estruturas verticais. Os trens de onda instáveis quase-estacionários aqui obtidos sugerem que provavelmente o meandramento da CB observado em latitudes que se estendem até 28°S pode ser parte de um único sistema que se origina na região dos BA e BRC. / The western boundary currents system that flows off the eastern brazilian coast between 15°S e 22°S is composed by the southward-flowing Brazil Current (BC), the northward-flowing North Brazil Under Current (NBUC) and the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) that flows south. Vigorous meanders and eddies are observed downstream of the Abrolhos (AB) and Royal Charlotte Banks (RCB) and the Vitória-Trindade Ridge. The main goal of this dissertation is to study the stability of this currents system, hereby named BC-NBUC-DWBC system, using the Princeton University Ocean Model (POM) in an idealized scenerio. We seek to answer how unstable is this system and what are the characteristics of the unstable waves in order to contribute to the understanding of the rich mesoescale dynamics observed in this region. We also aim to elucidate the role of the AB and of the RCB on this dynamics. Based on the high degree of baroclinicity of the western boundary currents system off the southeastern brazilian coast, we opted to represent the BC-NBUC-DWBC system through a parametric model of the mass field, calibrated with hydrographic data from the Abrolhos Cruises [Silveira et al., 2006]. Maintaining the idealized character of the study, we have also employed an analytical bottom topography, in which the region\'s continental slope is approximated by hyperbolic tangent function. The AB and RCB were approximated by gaussian functions properly adjusted to the 80 m isobath extracted from the ETOPO 2 database. To identify the growth mecanism of the unstable waves, the energy budget of the simulations was calculated according to [Xue & Bane, 1997]. The results from the three experiments conducted here suggest that the BC-NBUC-DWBC system is indeed unstable. Quasi-stationary cyclones in the coastal side of BC arise as the main mode of variability of this current. According to the energy budget analisys, the growth of these features results primarily from baroclinic instability of BC-NBUC-DWBC flow. The typical horizontal scale of the modeled unstable waves and eddies is given by the internal radius of deformation, as expected by baroclinic instability theory of realistically stratified flows. The quasi-stationary unstable wave trains modeled in the present study also suggest that the meandering of the BC observed down to 28°S are probably part of a single system that originates at the AB and RCB region.

Análise automatizada dos efeitos do alargamento de pulso induzido em single event transients

Silva, Michele Gusson Vieira da January 2017 (has links)
Aplicações em ambientes expostos a elevados níveis de radiação ionizante impõem uma série de desafios ao desenvolvimento de projetos de circuitos integrados na tecnologia Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS), uma vez que circuitos CMOS estão sujeitos às falhas transientes oriundas de radiação externa. Num circuito do tipo CMOS, as áreas sensíveis aos efeitos da incidência de partículas ionizantes são as regiões dreno-substrato reversamente polarizadas, existentes nos transistores em regime de corte (VARGAS; NICOLAIDIS, 1994). Com o avanço tecnológico e consequente diminuição das dimensões dos dispositivos semicondutores, estes efeitos degradantes tornam-se uma preocupação constante devido às menores características físicas dos transistores (WANG et al., 2007). Os circuitos integrados apresentam, durante a sua vida útil, um processo de degradação das suas características iniciais. Assim, a esse processo de degradação também chamamos de envelhecimento (aging). É um processo lento e cumulativo provocado por todos os mecanismos que acabam por alterar os parâmetros físicos e eléctricos dos circuitos, diminuindo o seu tempo de vida útil (FU; LI; FORTES, 2008). Dentre os efeitos de variabilidade temporal, os que mais têm causado interesse da comunidade científica são o Randon Telegraph Noise (RTN) com sua origem na atividade de traps (armadilhas) de interface e Single Event Transients (SET) com sua origem na radiação ionizante ao qual o circuito é exposto. Em relação aos efeitos de degradação destaca-se o efeito Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) (VALDUGA, 2012), que da mesma forma que o RTS, tem sua origem vinculada aos efeitos das traps.Modelos padrão para simulação elétrica de circuitos não levam em consideração os efeitos causados por armadilhas de cargas tais como Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) e Random Telegraph Noise (RTN). Tais variabilidades em nível de dispositivo podem causar perda de confiabilidade, como por exemplo, o surgimento de Propagation-Induced Pulse Broadening (PIPB). Conforme o escalonamento (scaling) tecnológico, a velocidade das portas lógicas aumenta e os SETs podem ser propagados através de circuito combinacional e, inclusive, sofrer alargamento, caso a largura do pulso transiente supere um valor mínimo crítico que depende da tecnologia (DODD et al., 2004), caracterizando assim um PIPB. Com base nisso, técnicas de injeção de falhas usadas em circuitos complexos não se mostram eficientemente previsíveis, levando a uma subestimativa da sensibilidade de circuitos à propagação de SETs. Com a utilização de um simulador elétrico que agrega a análise de BTI, temos melhores estimativas dos efeitos de PIPB na degradação de um circuito, que pode provocar violações de temporização em sistemas síncronos. Dessa forma, pode-se então trabalhar em uma projeção do circuito de forma a torná-lo mais robusto em relação aos efeitos de envelhecimento e na proteção às falhas transientes. Com base no que foi anteriormente apresentado, este trabalho analisa o comportamento de circuitos através de simulações elétricas de radiação ionizante, permitindo avaliações da suscetibilidade e confiabilidade de circuitos integrados aos efeitos de falhas transientes. Para a realização destes experimentos, foram realizadas simulações elétricas considerando-se os efeitos de envelhecimento. Para uma cadeia lógica de 2000 inversores sequencialmente dispostos na tecnologia 32nm pode-se prever que o pulso transiente está sujeito a um alargamento de sete vezes sua largura inicial no momento da incidência, para transistores em suas dimensões mínimas. A partir da proposta apresentada, pode-se determinar a possibilidade de alargamento ou atenuação de um SET ao longo do circuito de maneira eficiente para que as devidas precauções possam ser tomadas. / Applications in environments exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation impose a number of challenges for the development of integrated circuit designs in CMOS technology. CMOS circuits are vulnerable to transient faults from external radiation. In a CMOS circuit, areas sensitive to the effects of ionizing particle incidence are as reverse polarized drain-substrate regions in the transistors at cut-off (VARGAS; NICOLAIDIS, 1994). The technological advance and consequent downscaling of semiconductor devices, these degrading factors become a constant concern due to the higher vulnerability to transient faults (WANG et al., 2007). The integrated circuits have during their useful life a process of degradation of their initial characteristics. Thus, this process of degradation is also called aging. It is a slow and cumulative process caused by all the mechanisms that end up changing the physical and electrical parameters of the circuits, decreasing their useful timing life (FU; LI; FORTES, 2008). Among the temporal variability effects, the Randon Telegraph Noise (RTN) with its origin in the activity of traps (interface traps) and Single Event Transients (SET) with their origin in the ionizing radiation circuit is exposed. In terms of the effects of degradation, the Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) effect (VALDUGA, 2012) stands out, which, like the RTS, has its origin linked to the effects of the traps. Standard electrical simulation models do not take into account the effects caused by charged traps such as Bias temperature instability (BTI) and random telegraph noise (RTN). Such device-level variability can cause reduced reliability, for example, the Propagation-Induced Pulse Broadening (PIPB). According to the technological scaling, the speed of the logic gates increases and the SETs can be propagated through a combinational circuit and even may suffer broadening if the transient pulse width exceeds a critical minimum value that depends on the technology (DODD et al., 2004 ), characterizing a PIPB. Based on this, fault injection techniques in complex circuits are not efficiently in predicting, leading to an underestimation of circuit sensitivity to propagation of Single Event Transients (SETs). Using an electrical simulator that aggregates a BTI analysis, we have better estimates of PIPB effects on circuit degradation, which may lead to timing violations in synchronous systems. Then we can put effort in circuit design in order to make it more robust regarding to aging effects and transient faults protection. Based on what has been previously presented, this thesis analyzes the behavior of circuits through electrical simulations of ionizing radiation, allowing susceptibility and reliability evaluations of integrated circuits to the effects of transient faults using electrical simulations. For the accomplishment of these experiments, electrical simulations were performance considering the effects of aging. For a logic chain of 2000 inverters sequentially arranged in the 32nm technology it can be predicted that the transient pulse is subjected to a broadening of seven times its initial width at the time of incidence for transistors with minimum dimensions. From the analysis presented, we can evaluate the possibility of broadening or shrinking of SETs thought the circuit in an efficient way to improve radiation-hardening techniques.

Rôle de la protéine BLM dans le maintien de l’intégrité du centromère : implications dans le phénotype cellulaire associé au syndrome de Bloom / Role of the BLM protein in maintaining the integrity of the centromere : implications inthe phenotype associated with Bloom’s syndrome

Rouzeau, Sébastien 16 December 2011 (has links)
Le syndrome de Bloom (BS) est une maladie génétique rare caractérisée par une forte augmentation du taux d’échanges entre chromatides soeurs, des anomalies de ségrégation des chromosomes et une prédisposition au développement de tous types de cancers. Ce syndrome est la conséquence de mutations dans les deux copies du gène BLM, codant pour une 3’-5’ ADN hélicase de type RecQ. La ou les fonctions de la protéine BLM sont encore mal définies mais les données de la littérature convergent vers un rôle de BLM dans des mécanismes de surveillance et/ou maintien de l’intégrité du génome. La protéine BLM serait impliquée dans le redémarrage de fourches de réplication bloquées pendant la phase S et serait nécessaire à la résolution de ponts anaphasiques en mitose, notamment de ponts particuliers appelées « UltraFine anaphase Bridges » (UFBs). Ces UFBs, qui relient les chromatides soeurs entre elles, ne sont pas détectables par les colorants classiques et leur présence ne peut-être révélée que par la détection des protéines PICH (Plk1-Interacting Checkpoint Helicase) ou BLM. A l’état basal, ces UFBs sont essentiellement d’origine centromérique (cUFBs).Tout l’enjeu de mon projet était de déterminer si BLM était également impliquée dans la prévention de la formation de ces cUFBs et donc si BLM jouait un rôle avant l’anaphase. Nous avons montré que BLM est recrutée aux centromères de la phase G2 jusqu’en mitose. BLM, en coopération avec la protéine PICH, est nécessaire (1) à l’organisation structurale de l’ADN centromérique, (2) à la disjonction complète des centromères, indépendamment de la voie des cohésines, suggérant une implication de ces protéines dans le processus de décaténation des centromères et (3) au recrutement de la topoisomérase IIa (Topo IIa) active aux centromères.Nos résultats révèlent ainsi une nouvelle localisation et une nouvelle fonction de la protéine BLM aux centromères et montrent pour la première fois l’implication des protéines BLM et PICH dans la décaténation centromérique avant l’anaphase. Nous proposons que BLM et PICH, par leurs activités respectives hélicase et de remodelage de la chromatine, modifient la structure des centromères pendant la pré-métaphase, rendant ainsi certaines caténations accessibles à la Topo IIa avant l’anaphase. La défaillance de ce mécanisme entraînerait la persistance de caténations centromériques non résolues avant l’anaphase. Ainsi, dans les cellules BS, la fréquence élevée de cUFBs aurait deux origines différentes : une partie correspondrait à des cUFBs formés du fait d’une décaténation défaillante des centromères avant l’anaphase, et l’autre partie correspondrait à des cUFBs « physiologiques » non résolus en anaphase. Afin de distinguer l’origine des cUFBs, nous avons appelé ceux issus de caténations non résolues avant l’anaphase les UFBs centromériques surnuméraires (SC-UFBs pour Supernumerary Centromeric UFBs). / Bloom syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by a sharp increase in the rate of sister chromatid exchanges, chromosome segregation abnormailities and a predisposition to the development of all types of cancers. This syndrome is caused by mutations in both copies of the BLM gene, which encodes BLM, a RecQ 3'-5 DNA helicase. The specific function(s) of BLM remain unclear, but the data from the literature converge towards a role for BLM in mechanisms monitoring and / or maintaining genome integrity. The BLM protein may be involved in restarting stalled replication forks during S phase and necessary to resolve anaphase bridges in mitosis, including particular bridges called "Ultrafine Anaphase Bridges" (UFBs). These UFBs, which link sister chromatids together, are not detectable by conventional stains and their presence can only be revealed by the detection of the proteins PICH (PLK1-interacting checkpoint helicase) or BLM. In untreated cells, UFBs originate mostly from centromeres (cUFBs).The challenge of my project was to determine whether BLM was also involved in preventing the formation of cUFBs and so, if it played a role before anaphase.We showed that BLM is recruited at centromeres from G2 phase to mitosis. BLM, in cooperation with PICH, is required for (1) structural organization of centromeric DNA, (2) completion of centromere disjunction, independently of the cohesin pathway, suggesting an involvement of these proteins in centromere decatenation process, and (3) recruitment of active topoisomerase IIα (Topo IIα) to centromeres. Thus, we report a new localization and a new function of BLM at centromeres, revealing for the first time a new role for BLM and PICH in a previously unknown centromeric decatenation mechanism, crucial for complete centromere disjunction.We propose that the combined action of BLM and PICH promotes, through their helicase and chromatin remodelling activities, respectively, the organization of centromeric chromatin, thereby rendering some centromeric catenates accessible to Topo IIa before the onset of anaphase. The failure of this mechanism may lead to the persistence of some centromeric catenations not resolved before anaphase. Thus, the increase in the frequency of centromeric UFBs in BLMdeficient cells has two different origins: cUFBs arising from catenations not resolved before anaphase and physiological cUFBs not processed at anaphase onset. Two distinguish the two cUFB origins, we defined the former as supernumerary centromeric UFBs (SC-UFBs).

Développement d'une stratégie de post-traitement pour l'analyse de la combustion prémélangée : application à une flamme turbulente swirlée. / Post-processing Strategy Development for Premixed Combustion Analysis : Application to Turbulent Swirled Flames

Bossard, Pierre-Edouard 14 June 2017 (has links)
Une des pistes majeures pour obtenir des turbines à gaz moins polluantes est l'utilisation de chambres de combustion fonctionnant en régime prémélangé pauvre. Cependant, dans de tels régimes de fonctionnement, la flamme obtenue est cependant plus facilement sujette aux instabilités thermo-acoustiques.Dans cette thèse, un brûleur étagé swirlé fonctionnant au propane a été employé pour illustrer une méthode d'analyse de la combustion prémélangée. Cette installation a été étudiée à l'aide de diagnostics classiques (micros, PLIF, film à haute cadence de la flamme).La stratégie de post-traitement développée dans cette thèse utilise par contre des outils eux aussi classiques (PSD, moyenne de phase) mais aussi une méthode d'analyse avancée, la Décomposition en Modes Dynamiques. Celle-ci est notamment étudiée em détail afin d'en cerner les avantages et les limitations dans le cadre de l'analye des instabilités de combustion. / One of the major ways of reducing pollutant emissions in gas turbines is using combustion chambers with lean premixed mixtures. However, in such operating conditions the flame is more susceptible to thermo-acoustic instabilities. In the present work, a propane-fed swirled burner using two injection stages is used to illustrate a post-processing strategy for premixed combustion analysis. This model burner has been studied using classic diagnostics (microphones, PLIF, highspeed imaging).The strategy developed in the present work uses both classic postprocessing tools (PSD, phase averaging) and an advanced method, the Dynamic Mode Decomposition. In particular, this method is studied in detail and compared to more lassic ones in order to clearly point its advantages as well as its shortcomings when used to study combustion instabilities.

Mapeamento do potencial de instabilização de taludes rodoviários usando SIG e seções geológico-geotécnicas de campo com aplicação na rodovia SP-310 / Mapping of the potential of instabilization of road slopes using Sig and geological-geotecnical sections of field with application in highway SP-310

Lopes, Ana Paula Rodrigues 14 September 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo desenvolveu uma metodologia para mapeamento de potencial de instabilização de taludes rodoviários. Utilizou-se, para tanto, SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) e seções geológico-geotécnicas de detalhe obtidas em levantamentos de superfície. Esta metodologia foi utilizada em trecho da Rodovia Washington Luís (SP-310), sob duas condições distintas. Inicialmente, foi aplicada à totalidade da área estudada a ponderação dos atributos de percentual de declividade, materiais inconsolidados, curvatura de encostas e direção de vertentes, obtendo-se o mapa de potencial de instabilização. Na faixa da ADA (área diretamente afetada da rodovia - com 50 m de largura), esta metodologia deu especial ênfase às seções geológico-geotécnicas, que permitiram uma melhor compreensão da geometria dos taludes de corte e aterro e disposição dos materiais inconsolidados e foram utilizadas como critérios para a compartimentação destes taludes resultando no mapa de potencial de acidente. Outros produtos cartográficos deste estudo são os mapas hipsométrico, de declividade, de curvatura de encostas, de direção de vertentes e de materiais inconsolidados que serviram de base para a realização dos mapas de potencial de instabilização e de acidente, todos elaborados na escala de 1:10.000. / The present study developed a methodology for mapping of instability potential of road slopes. It was used, for in such a way, GIS (Geographic Information System) and obtained geologic-geotechnical of detail sections in surface surveys. This methodology was used in a section of Road Washington Luís (SP-310), under two different conditions. First, it was applied to the totality of the studied area the weight of the attributes of declivity percentage, unconsolidated materials, hillsides curvature and slopes direction, obtaining itself the map of potential of instability. In the ADA band (area directly affected of the highway - with 50 m of wide), this methodology gave special emphasis to the sections geologic-geotechnical that had allowed one better understanding of the unconsolidated materials disposal and had been used as criteria for the fill and cut slopes compartimentation, resulting in the map of potential of accident. Final products of this study are map of slope, derive slope, curvature, derive aspect and unconsolidated materials maps that had served as base for the accomplishment of the map subject of this work, the potential of instability and accident map. The main scale adopted for these cartographic documents was 1:10.000.

Influência do gradiente de pressão na transição em escoamentos sobre superfícies côncavas / Influence of the pressure gradient in transition flow over concave surfaces

Rogenski, Josuel Kruppa 20 October 2015 (has links)
Escoamentos sobre superfícies côncavas, como os que ocorrem no intradorso de uma pá de turbina, estão sujeitos à instabilidade centrífuga. A esse tipo de configuração atribui-se possibilidade de transição à turbulência devido a formação dos vórtices de Görtler. Estudos são propostos no sentido de identificar possível influência do gradiente de pressão nos mecanismos de desenvolvimento desses vórtices e sua interação com outras perturbações na transição. O processo de investigação dá-se numericamente por meio do desenvolvimento e uso de um código numérico paralelizado e de alta ordem de precisão. Resultados obtidos caracterizam o gradiente de pressão adverso como mais instável se comparado ao caso neutro ou favorável. Variações no gradiente de pressão não se mostram eficientes no processo de controle da instabilidade. Ao gradiente adverso atribui-se antecipação da região de saturação dos vórtices. Ressalta-se ainda a natureza desestabilizadora do gradiente adverso quanto aos mecanismos de amplificação dos modos varicoso e sinuoso associados à instabilidade secundária. / Flows over concave surfaces are subjected to centrifugal instability and may transition to turbulence. Studies are conducted to identify the role of the external pressure gradient on the development of the Görtler vortices and their interaction with other flow disturbances. Numerical simulations are carried out by the development and use of an in-house parallel code with highorder of accuracy. Adverse pressure gradient configurations are observed to be more unstable than the neutral and favourable ones. Pressure gradient variations do not prove to be an efficient way to control the centrifugal instability. The destabilizing behaviour that is observed by the adverse pressure gradient justifies its influence on the anticipation of the saturation of the primary vortices and growth of the sinuous and varicose secondary modes.

Investigating the recombinational response to replication fork barriers in fission yeast

Jalan, Manisha January 2016 (has links)
Timely completion of DNA replication in each cell cycle is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity. This is often challenged by the presence of various replication fork barriers (RFBs). On collision with a RFB, the fate of the replication fork remains uncertain. In some cases, the integrity of the fork is maintained until the barrier is removed or the fork is rescued by merging with the incoming fork. However, fork stalling can cause dissociation of all of the associated replication proteins (fork collapse). If this occurs, the cell's recombination machinery can intervene to help restart replication in a process called recombination-dependent replication (RDR). Programmed protein-DNA barriers like the Replication Terminator Sequence-1 (RTS1) have been used to demonstrate that replication fork blockage can induce recombination. However, it remains unclear how efficiently this recombination gives rise to replication restart and whether the restarted replication fork exhibits the same fidelity as an origin-derived fork. It is also unknown whether accidental replication barriers induce recombination in the same manner as programmed barriers. In this study, I introduce recombination reporters at various sites downstream of RTS1 to obtain information on both the fidelity and efficiency of replication restart. I find that unlike break induced replication (BIR), the restarted fork gives rise to hyper-recombination at least 75 kb downstream of the barrier. Surprisingly, fork convergence, rather than inducing recombination, acts to prevent or curtail genetic instability associated with RDR. I also investigate a number of genetic factors that have a role in either preventing or promoting genome instability associated with the progression of the restarted fork. To compare RTS1 with an accidental protein-DNA barrier, a novel site-specific barrier system (called MarBl) was established based on the human mariner transposase, Hsmar1, binding to its transposon end. Replication fork blockage at MarBl strongly induces recombination, more so than at RTS1. This appears to be a general feature of accidental barriers as introduction of the E. coli TusB-TerB site-specific barrier in S. pombe gives rise to a similar effect. Here, I compare and contrast accidental barriers with programmed barriers. I observe that there is very little replication restart, if any, at MarBl measured by direct repeat recombination downstream. This points to the fact that accidental barriers do not trigger fork collapse in the same way as programmed RFBs and that the increased recombination that they cause may be a consequence of the inability of replication forks to terminate correctly, owing to the bi-directional nature of the barrier. Several genetic factors are assessed for their impact on MarBl-induced recombination, which further highlights both similarities and differences with RTS1-induced recombination.

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