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Проблематика алгоритмизации мышления в свете концепции Дж. Хокинса : магистерская диссертация / The Problem of Algorithmization of Thinking in the Light of the Concept of J. HawkinsКрасов, И. И., Krasov, I. I. January 2018 (has links)
Проблематику алгоритмизации мышления и исследования в области создания систем искусственного интеллекта объединяет вопрос «Может ли машина мыслить?» Несмотря на то, что две данные области по-разному отвечают на вопрос о возможности мышления машины, результаты достигнутые в одной области могут повлиять на другую.
Объектом исследования являются проблематика алгоритмизации мышления и интеллект в концепции Дж. Хокинса. Предметом исследования являются ограничения на алгоритмизацию в связи с моделью «память-предсказание».
Цель исследования - рассмотреть проблематику алгоритмизации мышления в связи с концепцией Дж. Хокинса.
Методы, применяемые в исследовании: концептуальный и логический анализ.
Новизна данной диссертационной работы заключается в сопоставлении проблематики алгоритмизации мышления с современным исследование в области создания ИИ, концепцией Дж. Хокинса.
В результате исследования установлено, что в основе интеллекта лежит модель «память-предсказание». Используя данную модель, становится возможным решить практически все проблемы, связанные с ограничениями на алгоритмизацию мышления. Выяснено, что концепт обозримости доказательства можно применить для оптимизации работы интеллектуальных систем. / The problem of algorithmizing thinking and research in the field of creating artificial intelligence systems unites the question "Can the machine think?" Although these two areas of knowledge respond differently to the question of the machine's thinking capabilities, the results achieved in one area can affect the other.
The object of research work are problems of algorithmization of thinking and intellect in the theory of J. Hawkins. The subject of the research work are constraints on algorithmization in connection with the memory-prediction model.
The purpose of the research work is to consider the problems of algorithmizing thinking in connection with the theory of J. Hawkins.
Methods used in the research work: conceptual and logical analysis.
The novelty of this research work is to compare the problems of algorithmizing thinking with modern research in the field of creating AI, the concept of J. Hawkins.
As a result of the research it was established that the intellect is based on the memory-prediction model. Using this model, it becomes possible to solve almost all the problems associated with limitations on the algorithmization of thinking. It is clarified that the concept of surveyability of proof can be applied to optimize the operation of intelligent systems.
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Постгуманизм: мораль «сверхчеловека» или элиминация морали? : магистерская диссертация / Posthumanism: moral value of «superhuman» or elimination of moral value?Иванченко, М. А., Ivanchenko, M. A. January 2019 (has links)
В современном обществе остро встают моральные проблемы, связанные с деятельностью искусственного интеллекта и других интеллектуальных систем. В работе исследуются проблемы, связанные с влиянием сильного искусственного интеллекта на человеческое общество: проблемы определения прав и свобод искусственных когнитивных единиц, взаимодействия человека и постчеловека, а также этические проблемы, потенциально возникающие при создании ИИ.
Объектом исследования является философское течение постгуманизм. Предметом исследования является морально-этическая составляющая подраздела постгуманизма под названием эссенциокогнитивизм. Целью является изучение моральных принципов сильного искусственного интеллекта и других интеллектуальных агентов, или, если точнее, постчеловечества, преломленное сквозь призму морально-этических учений прошлого и современности. Методами исследования являются сравнение с уже существующими моральными системами, анализ актуальных морально-нравственных концепций, конструирование (дизайн) и прогнозирование хода развития постгуманистической концепции. Актуальность представленного исследования основана на росте внимания к идеям научно-технического прогресса и технологической сингулярности, актуализации этических проблем слабого искусственного интеллекта, возникновении новых научных открытий, имеющих неоднозначное значение для человечества. В результате исследования установлено, что постчеловечество и ИИ способны положительно повлиять на жизнь человечества, поэтому их возникновение представляется отличной возможностью решить глобальные проблемы, стоящие перед человечеством уже сейчас. / In modern society, the moral problems associated with the activities of artificial intelligence and other intellectual systems are acute. The paper examines the problems associated with the influence of strong artificial intelligence on human society: the problem of determining the rights and freedoms of artificial cognitive units, the interaction between man and postman, as well as ethical problems that potentially arise when creating AI. The object of the research is the philosophical course of posthumanism. The subject of the research is the moral and ethical component of posthumanism subsection called essentiocognitivism. The goal is to study the moral principles of strong artificial intelligence and other intellectual agents, or, more precisely, post-humanity, refracted through the prism of the moral and ethical teachings of the past and present. The research methods are comparison with already existing moral systems, analysis of current moral and ethical concepts, design and forecasting the course of development of the post humanistic concept. The relevance of the presented research is based on the growth of attention to the ideas of scientific and technological progress and technological singularity, the updating of the ethical problems of weak artificial intelligence, the emergence of new scientific discoveries that have ambiguous significance for humanity. As the result of the research it was established that post-humanity and the AI have positively effect on the life of mankind, therefore, their appearance is an excellent opportunity to solve global problems facing humanity now.
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“Doing Gifted,” “Doing Girl": What Ritual Performances in School Reveal About Identity NegotiationFish, Leigh Ann 24 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Epistemology of Divine Love According to St. John of the CrossStout, Huili Shen 20 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Le rôle et la symbolique de la narratrice au sein du traité Le tonnerre, Intellect parfaitLandry, Annie 12 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde les particularités oratoires et littéraires du traité intitulé Le Tonnerre, Intellect Parfait ainsi que le rôle joué par la narratrice par sa révélation dans l'accomplissement du salut de ses membres. Le premier chapitre propose d'abord un bilan des études consacrées à la forme littéraire du traité et une analyse du genre oratoire et littéraire de la Brontè. Le deuxième chapitre examine les divers parallèles qu'il est possible d'établir entre la Brontè et d'autres types de littératures. Le troisième chapitre présente une analyse de quatre passages spécifiques. Outre le titre du traité, sont examinés le prologue et l'épilogue pour terminer avec deux passages portant sur les thématiques des Barbares-Grecs-Égyptiens ainsi que celle des membres, puisque ces dernières sont susceptibles de nous fournir des indices sur la figure de la Brontè.
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Kopf und Schädel : Methoden des Wahnsinns in Canettis roman "Die Blendung" / Brain and brawn methods of madness in Canetti's novel "Die Blendung"Riezky, Günther Helmut Dieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Many treatises and disquisitions concerning "Die Blendung"
concentrate on the main character, Peter Kien, as well as
on other protagonists. In contrast, this dissertation deals
with Pfaff, the primitive force and his influence on Peter
Kien, the "Brain", the masterspirit.
Common traits of these di verse characters are highlighted
and it is explained why Pfaff, the brute, manages to exult
over Kien, the intellectual. Their interactions and their
interdependence are dealt with and it is shown that
insanity which is prevalent in both protagonists prepares
the way to Kien's doom whereas it leads to Pfaff's
survival. / Das Interesse zahlreicher Untersuchungen Uber "Die
Blendung" konzentriert sich auf die Hauptperson, Peter
Kien, sowie auf andere Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz dazu
beschaftigt sich diese Arbei t mi t dem Hausmeister Pfaff,
dem "Schadel", und mit dem EinfluB, den er auf Peter Kien,
den "Kopf", den Geistesmenschen hat. Es wird versucht,
Gemeinsamkeiten, die diese beiden so gegensatzlichen
Charaktere aufweisen, aufzuzeigen und darzulegen, warum der
Gewaltmensch Pfaff Uber den wirklichkeitsfremden
Wissenschaftler Kien zu triumphieren vermag.
Der EinfluB, den sie aufeinander nehmen, und die
Abhangigkeit voneinander werden aufgezeigt, und es wird
aufge fUhrt, wie der Wahnsinn, dem sie be ide verf all en, zu
Kiens Untergang filhrt, wahrend Pfaffs Uberleben durch
seinen Wahnsinn gesichert wird / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (German)
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Kopf und Schädel : Methoden des Wahnsinns in Canettis roman "Die Blendung" / Brain and brawn methods of madness in Canetti's novel "Die Blendung"Riezky, Günther Helmut Dieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Many treatises and disquisitions concerning "Die Blendung"
concentrate on the main character, Peter Kien, as well as
on other protagonists. In contrast, this dissertation deals
with Pfaff, the primitive force and his influence on Peter
Kien, the "Brain", the masterspirit.
Common traits of these di verse characters are highlighted
and it is explained why Pfaff, the brute, manages to exult
over Kien, the intellectual. Their interactions and their
interdependence are dealt with and it is shown that
insanity which is prevalent in both protagonists prepares
the way to Kien's doom whereas it leads to Pfaff's
survival. / Das Interesse zahlreicher Untersuchungen Uber "Die
Blendung" konzentriert sich auf die Hauptperson, Peter
Kien, sowie auf andere Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz dazu
beschaftigt sich diese Arbei t mi t dem Hausmeister Pfaff,
dem "Schadel", und mit dem EinfluB, den er auf Peter Kien,
den "Kopf", den Geistesmenschen hat. Es wird versucht,
Gemeinsamkeiten, die diese beiden so gegensatzlichen
Charaktere aufweisen, aufzuzeigen und darzulegen, warum der
Gewaltmensch Pfaff Uber den wirklichkeitsfremden
Wissenschaftler Kien zu triumphieren vermag.
Der EinfluB, den sie aufeinander nehmen, und die
Abhangigkeit voneinander werden aufgezeigt, und es wird
aufge fUhrt, wie der Wahnsinn, dem sie be ide verf all en, zu
Kiens Untergang filhrt, wahrend Pfaffs Uberleben durch
seinen Wahnsinn gesichert wird / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (German)
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L'utopie du logiciel libre. La construction de projets de transformation sociale en lien avec le mouvement du free software.Broca, Sebastien 12 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le mouvement d'extension de la portée sociale du logiciel libre s'est constituée une utopie, qui constitue un pan de l'imaginaire politique contemporain. Cette utopie s'étend désormais bien au-delà de son milieu socio-culturel d'origine (le milieu hacker), du fait des liens tissés entre " libristes " et défenseurs des " biens communs ", du poids croissant de l'approche open source, et à proportion de l'intérêt suscité par le logiciel libre chez certains intellectuels critiques à partir de la fin des années 1990. Reprenant l'idéal cybernétique de libre circulation de l'information, l'utopie du logiciel libre se présente comme une contestation de la vision néolibérale de la propriété intellectuelle, et comme une critique des formes d'organisation du travail caractéristiques du capitalisme industriel. Elle se déploie en tant qu'" utopie concrète " (E. Bloch), mettant en jeu des pratiques de collaboration en ligne, des créations juridiques originales, et des formes de militantisme. Elle embrasse un idéal d'auto-organisation de la société civile, fondé sur la valorisation d'un domaine d'activités sociales distinct tant de l'État que du marché. Elle est toutefois condamnée à demeurer en deçà de cet idéal, et reste par ailleurs toujours menacée par les séductions du mythe et les renoncements de l'idéologie.
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Smysl života v Juliiných otázkách / The meaning of life in the July´s questionsPRAŽÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with search for the meaning of human life in present time from the philosophical and theological point of view of Egon Bondy. Bondy perceives a human being as a biological and intellectual unity in which the peak of evolution has been reached. However, as to Bondy, this ?peak? has to be overcome, humans have to transcend and renew their humanity, otherwise they would get stuck at the place momentary reached where they are not happy and stand without any meaning. Bondy brings the concept of a ?non-substance model? of ontological reality, in which the attempts to find a common path for both theology and philosophy. This way we can also follow Egon Bondy?s development from atheism to the acceptance of ?living God?. Bondy reaches the opinion that human faith in God and the reception of grace offer person?s life the feeling of fulfilment which contemporary humanity has been so much lacking. Bondy hints at his spiritual experience of ?splendour inside?, where he could feel that the meaning of life cannot be reached by one?s own activity or just ?ordered?. The meaning of life can only be humbly expected.
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An exploration of social desirability within the white Afrikaans-speaking group / Tarina KempKemp, Tarina January 2013 (has links)
South Africa has gone through immense changes in the past two decades. The period around 1994 has been characterised by a comprehensive set of political, social and economic changes, which greatly influenced not only the lives of individuals in this county but also many businesses, organisations and companies. Further to this, South Africa has become increasingly intercultural in orientation as companies persevered in establishing intricate networks with partners in a diverse set of cultures. This has put enormous strain on organisations to remain competitive in the market. It is critical that organisations develop a more resilient workforce with greater psychological capacities to succeed in the on-going war for talent. Attracting and retaining talented employees can give organisations a sustained competitive advantage. In view of the growing intricacies in the business world, ambiguity in markets, and employees’ attitudes, it is crucial that organisations invest in psychological assessments. However, investing in valid and reliable psychological assessments has become more difficult due to vast cultural diversity South Africa comprises off.
The general objective of this study was to explore social desirability in the white Afrikaans group. A qualitative design was used and a quota non-probability sampling method was implemented among white Afrikaans-speaking people of South Africa (N=60), who differed from one another with regard to age, gender and socio-economic status. The measuring instrument was a semi-structured interview, which was based on the phenomenological approach. The results of the interviews were transcribed and captured in Excel. Content analysis was used to interpret the responses in socially desirable themes. Independent psychologists and language and cultural experts were employed in order to validate the initial interpretations. The descriptive terms were reduced through the use of cluster analysis. The analysis included the grouping of synonyms and antonyms, together with the use of dictionaries, literature and knowledge about content. In the representation of social desirability and impression management strategies within the white Afrikaner group, six main themes with sixty sub-themes in total were identified. The six themes are facilitating, gender-based, intellect-openness, interpersonal relatedness, intrapersonal relatedness and value-based. Firstly, to facilitate others by giving advice and guidance will be seen as desirable and make a favourable impression. Secondly, to display characteristics that are typically associated with males and females, such as masculinity and femininity, will be seen as desirable and can make a positive impression. Thirdly, having a unique natural ability or skill and being receptive to new and different ideas will be seen as desirable and make a good impression on others. Fourthly, remaining constructive in one’s relationships, and fifthly, remaining constructive in one’s inner thoughts and possessing inner confidence and having respect will make a favourable impression and can be seen as socially desirable. Lastly, exhibiting moral consciousness and being trustworthy, loyal and reliable will make a positive impression and will be perceived as desirable by the white Afrikaner group.
Recommendations for future research and for practice were made. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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