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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matter wave interferometry in microgravity

Krutzik, Markus 20 October 2014 (has links)
Quantensensoren auf Basis ultra-kalter Atome sind gegenwärtig auf dem Weg ihre klassischen Pendants als Messintrumente sowohl in Präzision als auch in Genauigkeit zu überholen, obwohl ihr Potential noch immer nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft ist. Die Anwendung von Quantensensortechnologie wie Materiewelleninterferometern im Weltraum wird ihre Sensitivität weiter steigen lassen, sodass sie potentiell die genauesten erdbasierten Systeme um mehrere Grössenordnungen übertreffen könnten. Mikrogravitationsplattformen wie Falltürme, Parabelflugzeuge und Höhenforschungsraketen stellen exzellente Testumgebungen für zukünftge atominterferometrische Experimente im Weltraum dar. Andererseits erfordert ihre Nutzung die Entwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien, die hohe Standards in Bezug auf mechanische und thermische Robustheit, Autonomie, Miniaturisierung und Redundanz erfüllen müssen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erste Interferometrieexperimente mit degenerieten Quantengasen in Schwerelosigkeit im Rahmen des QUANTUS Projektes durchgeführt. In mehr als 250 Freifall-Experimenten am Bremer Fallturm konnte die Präparation, freie Entwicklung und Phasenkohärenz eines Rubidium Bose- Einstein Kondensates (BEC) auf makroskopischen Zeitskalen von bis zu 2 s untersucht werden. Dazu wurde ein BEC-Interferometer mittels Bragg-Strahlteilern in einen Atomchip-basierten Aufbau implementiert. In Kombination mit dem Verfahren der Delta-Kick Kühlung (DKC) konnte die Expansionsrate der Kondensate weiter reduziert werden, was zur Beobachtung von effektiven Temperaturen im Bereich von 1 nK führte. In einem Interferometer mit asymetrischer Mach-Zehnder Geometrie konnten Interferenzstreifen mit hohem Kontrast bis zu einer Verweildauer von 2T = 677 ms untersucht werden. / State-of-the-art cold atomic quantum sensors are currently about to outpace their classical counterparts in precision and accuracy, but are still not exploiting their full potential. Utilizing quantum-enhanced sensor technology such as matter wave interferometers in the unique environment of microgravity will tremendously increase their sensitivity, ultimately outperforming the most accurate groundbased systems by several orders of magnitude. Microgravity platforms such as drop towers, zero-g airplanes and sounding rockets are excellent testbeds for advanced interferometry experiments with quantum gases in space. In return, they impose demanding requirements on the payload key technologies in terms of mechanical and thermal robustness, remote control, miniaturization and redundancy. In this work, first interferometry experiments with degenerate quantum gases in zero-g environment have been performed within the QUANTUS project. In more than 250 free fall experiments operated at the drop tower in Bremen, preparation, free evolution and phase coherence of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) on macroscopic timescales of up to 2 s have been explored. To this end, a BEC interferometer using first-order Bragg diffraction was implemented in an atomchip based setup. Combined with delta-kick cooling (DKC) techniques to further slow down the expansion of the atomic cloud, effective temperatures of about 1 nK have been reached. With an asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder geometry, high-contrast interferometric fringes were observed up to a total time in the interferometer of 2T = 677 ms.

Interferômetros recuperadores de baixa tensão de meia onda para sistemas interferométricos de luz branca utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos. / Low half wave voltage recovery interferometers for white light interferometry systems using electrooptic modulators.

Silva, Luiz Pinheiro Cordovil da 01 August 2011 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo e o desenvolvimento de interferômetros recuperadores com baixa tensão de meia onda utilizando moduladores eletro-ópticos para serem aplicados em sistemas Interferométricos de luz branca. Ele dá continuidade às pesquisas do autor em seu mestrado, em que foi desenvolvido e testado um sistema de sensoriamento eletro-óptico capaz de medir diretamente tensões de até 69,4 kVRMS. Desta forma aperfeiçoa-se o sistema de processamento de sinais ópticos desenvolvendo um novo interferômetro recuperador, baseado em óptica integrada. Para o desenvolvimento do tema proposto, inicialmente foi feito uma revisão da literatura/bibliografia, baseada em livros, artigos e teses, visando identificar o \"estado da arte\" relacionado aos moduladores eletro-ópticos para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado à aplicação em vista. O estudo resultou na escolha de um componente em óptica integrada que foi aplicado numa configuração inédita em um protótipo de transformador de potencial óptico para medição de elevados níveis de tensão elétrica. As características de desempenho deste protótipo foram comparadas com as do protótipo previamente construído. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e fixa-se em âmbito nacional o domínio sobre as técnicas de construção de interferômetros recuperadores baseados em óptica integrada aplicáveis à recuperação de sinais ópticos em sistemas interferométricos para medição de altas tensões. / This work has as objective the study and development of low half-wave voltage recovery interferometers using electro-optical modulators to be applied to white light interferometric systems. This work is a continuation in the research carried out by the author to obtain his master degree, in which it was developed and tested an electro- optic sensing system capable to measure direct voltage to 69.4 kVrms. In the present work the optical signals processing system is improved by developing a new recovery interferometer based on integrated optics. To develop the proposed subject, initially a review of the literature, based on books, articles and thesis, has been done aiming to identify the State of the Art related to electro-optic modulators and helping to define the most suitable type of modulator for the desired application. The study resulted in the selection of an integrated optical device arranged in an unpublished configuration that was applied to a prototype of optical voltage transformer, intended to measure high voltage levels. The performance of this prototype was compared with a previous version. The results of this work increase the knowledge of the construction techniques of recovery interferometers based on integrated optic devices applicable to the recovering of optical signals in interferometric systems for high voltage measurement.

Dispositifs expérimentaux pour la caractérisation spatio-temporelle de chaines laser femtosecondes haute-puissance / Experimental devices for the spatiotemporal characterization of femtosecond high-power laser chains

Gallet, Valentin 26 September 2014 (has links)
Un des avantages des lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance (TW-PW) est de pouvoir obtenir, au foyer d'une optique focalisante, des intensités très élevées atteignant jusqu'à 10^22W.cm^-2 soit un champ électrique de 2.7 PV.m^-1. Pour cela, ces chaînes lasers délivrent nécessairement des faisceaux de grands diamètres (jusqu'à 40 cm) et des impulsions très courtes (de l'ordre de la dizaine de femtosecondes). En conséquence, les propriétés spatiales et temporelles de l'impulsion ne sont généralement pas indépendantes. Ce type de dépendance, appelée couplage spatio-temporel, a pour conséquence d'augmenter la durée d'impulsion et la taille de la tache focale, ce qui peut conduire à une diminution notable de l'intensité maximale au foyer. Les dispositifs de métrologie couramment utilisés sur ces chaînes lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance ne permettent de mesurer les profils spatial et temporel de l'impulsion que de façon indépendante.L'objectif de cette thèse était de développer des techniques permettant de mesurer les couplages spatio-temporels afin de pouvoir quantifier leur effet et de les corriger dans l'optique d'obtenir l'intensité maximale au foyer. Ainsi, nous avons tout d'abord adapté une technique de caractérisation spatio-temporelle existante à la mesure de lasers TW. Afin d'éviter les contraintes induites au foyer, comme celles liées aux fluctuations de pointé, les mesures ont été réalisées sur le faisceau collimaté. Ajouter une source de référence en parallèle du dispositif initial, nous a aussi permis de prendre en compte les artéfacts de mesure dus aux variations thermiques et mécaniques affectant l'interféromètre. Grâce à cette amélioration, il est possible de reconstruire le profil spatio-temporel complet du faisceau, en particulier son front d'onde.Cependant, les limitations induites par cette technique, nous ont conduit à développer un nouveau dispositif de mesure. Basé sur une corrélation croisée, cette technique consiste à faire interférer le faisceau laser à caractériser avec une partie de ce dernier, suffisamment petite pour ne pas être distordue spatio-temporellement. Nous avons également mis en œuvre une variante de ce dispositif permettant une mesure mono-coup selon une dimension transverse de l'impulsion.A l'aide de ces différentes techniques, nous avons pu caractériser, pour la première fois, plusieurs chaînes lasers TW. Les mesures réalisées ont mis en lumière l'existence de couplages spatio-temporels résiduels conduisant à une baisse significative de l'intensité pic au foyer. Ces résultats montrent qu'il est indispensable de caractériser spatio-temporellement des chaînes lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance dans l'optique d'obtenir l'intensité maximale au foyer. / One of the advantages of high-power femtosecond lasers (TW-PW) is to obtain, at the focus of a focusing optic, very high intensities up to 10^22W.cm^-2 (i.e. an electric field of 2.7 PV.m^-1. Therefore, these lasers chains necessarily deliver beams with large diameter (up to 40 cm) and very short pulses (of the order of tens of femtoseconds). As a consequence, the spatial and temporal properties of the pulse are generally not independent. Such dependence, called spatial-temporal coupling has the effect of increasing the pulse duration and the size of the focal spot, which can lead to a significant reduction of the maximum intensity at the focus. Metrology devices commonly used on these high-power femtosecond lasers allow retriving the spatial and temporal profiles of the pulse only in an independent manner. The aim of this thesis was to develop techniques for measuring spatiotemporal couplings in order to quantify their effect and correct them in order to obtain the maximum intensity at focus. First of all, we adapted an existing technique of spatio-temporal characterization to the measurement of TW lasers. To avoid the issues induced at the focus, such as those related to jittering, measurements were performed on the collimated beam. By adding a reference source to the original device, we managed to take into account the measurement artifacts due to thermal and mechanical variations affecting the interferometer. With this improvement, it was possible to reconstruct the complete spatio-temporal profile of the beam, particularly its wavefront. However, the limitations imposed by this technique led to the development of a new measurement device. Based on a cross-correlation, this technique consists of making the laser beam to interfere with a part of itself, small enough not to be spatiotemporally distorted. We have also implemented a variant of this device for a single-shot measurement along one transverse dimension of the pulse. Using these techniques, we performed the very first characterization of several TW laser chains. The measurements have revealed the existence of residual space-time couplings leading to a significant decrease of the peak intensity at focus. These results show that it is essential to spatio-temporally characterize high power femtosecond laser chains to obtain the maximum intensity at focus.

Contributions à l’étude de la thermo diffusion de mélanges binaires en conditions de réservoirs / Contribution to the study of thermosdiffusion phenomena on binary mixtures in reservoir conditions.

Giraudet, Cédric Michel Marius 30 March 2015 (has links)
La thermodiffusion, également appelé effet Soret, décrit le couplage entre les gradients de température et les flux massiques qui en résultent. Ce phénomène intervient dans de nombreux processus naturels et applications industrielles. En particulier, les réservoirs pétroliers sont sujets à ce phénomène impliquant des fluides multi constituants confinés dans une matrice poreuse et soumis à un gradient de température. Néanmoins, malgré beaucoup des progrès, il existe relativement peu de mesures fiables de ce phénomène et sa modélisation reste largement un problème ouvert. L’objectif principal de cette thèse s’inscrit dans ce cadre, à savoir développer une approche expérimental permettant de fournir des données de références sur la thermodiffusion notamment dans l’optique de quantifier l’effet de la pression sur cette dernière. Ainsi, durant cette thèse, nous avons développé une cellule de thermodiffusion en milieu libre qui permet d’étudier par shadowgraphie les fluctuations de non équilibre induites par effet Soret. L’appareil de mesure a ensuite été utilisé pour étudier deux mélanges binaires représentatifs de fluides pétroliers, à savoir le mélange équimassique tétraline/dodécane (en phase liquide) et le mélange dioxyde de carbone/méthane (en phases gaz et supercritique). En complément, des simulations de dynamique moléculaire ont été réalisées sur le mélange dioxyde de carbone/méthane. Par analyse dynamique des images de shadowgraphie nous avons pu déterminer les coefficients de diffusion et Soret en fonction de la pression pour le mélange tétraline/dodécane. Aux incertitudes près, nous observons une décroissance linéaire avec la pression pour ces coefficients. De plus nous avons observé l’effet du confinement de la cellule sur les fluctuations en très bon accord avec la théorie et les simulations. Pour le mélange dioxyde de carbone/méthane l’analyse dynamique a montré une cinétique difficilement accessible de par les limites physiques et informatiques du dispositif expérimental utilisé. L’analyse statique montre, quant à lui, une croissance rapide de l’amplitude des fluctuations avec la pression jusqu’à un seuil au-delà duquel elle décroît. Sur ce mélange les simulations de dynamique moléculaire ont montré un bon accord avec les prédictions théoriques. / Thermodiffusion, also called the Soret effect, describes the coupling between temperature gradient and resulting fluxes. This phenomenon is involved in a number of natural and industrial processes. In particular, multi components fluids in petroleum reservoirs are subjected to this phenomenon because of the geo-thermal gradient. Nevertheless, in spite of a lot of advances, there are few available data of this phenomenon and the establishment of a theoretical model, able to give a quantitative estimation of these transport coefficients whatever molecules in presence, is still an open question. The principal aim of this thesis is to develop an experimental approach allowing providing reference data on thermodiffusion as a function of the pressure. During this thesis, we developed a high pressure thermodiffusion cell in free medium, enabling us to study concentration non-equilibrium fluctuations induced by the Soret effect by means of shadowgraph optical technique. With this setup we investigated two binary mixtures representatives of petroleum fluids; namely the equimassic tetralin/dodecane mixture in liquid phase and the carbon dioxide/methane mixture in gaseous and super critical state. Furthermore, molecular dynamic simulations on the second mixture were performed. Using a dynamic image analysis, we have measured molecular diffusion and Soret coefficient for the tetralin/dodecane mixture. Within experimental uncertainties, we observed a linear decrease of these coefficients with the pressure. Furthermore, we were able to observe the effect of confinement (finite size effect induced by cell vertical boundary conditions) on fluctuation dynamics, in good agreement with calculations and simulations based on hydrodynamic fluctuation theory on similar solutal Rayleigh number. Concerning the carbon dioxide/methane mixture, the dynamic analysis revealed a kinetic too fast for our experimental apparatus. Conversely, static analysis revealed a rapid increase of the non-equilibrium fluctuation magnitude as a function of the pressure up to a threshold beyond which it decreases. On this mixture, performed molecular dynamic simulations provided results in good agreement with expected theoretical behaviour.

Développement des procédés de mesure de déphasage optique : applications aux non linéarités induites par effet Kerr dans certaines molécules organiques / Development of optical phase shift measurement methods : applications to non-linearities induced by the Kerr effect in certain organic molecules

Cassagne, Christophe 19 April 2018 (has links)
Notre étude concerne la mesure du déphasage optique non linéaire (NL) d’ordre trois. Deux catégories de procédés seront abordées : i) la technique interférométrique à décalage de phase qui permet la caractérisation de la phase avec une bonne résolution spatiale, ce qui est crucial pour un faisceau focalisé dans le milieu non linéaire. Cette technique utilise le critère des moindres carrés associé à plusieurs interférogrammes. Mise en œuvre à l'aide d'un modulateur spatial de lumière, elle fournit un calibrage pratique pour chaque déphasage considéré. La fiabilité de la méthode proposée est vérifiée par comparaison directe avec la méthode de transformation de Fourier ; ii) les méthodes innovantes de type Z-scan combinées avec un montage imageur. Elles seront ici appliquées aux mesures des coefficients NL d’ordre trois et d’ordres supérieurs. Nous montrerons que la flexibilité d’emploi d'une caméra CCD permet un meilleur pointage et suivi en temps réel du faisceau. Enfin nous nous intéresserons au montage Dark-field Z-scan bénéficiant des avantages de la microscopie à champ sombre à fort contraste. Ces améliorations ouvrent potentiellement un nouveau champ d’exploration microscopique pour l’investigation et la cartographie des effets non linéaires. / Our study concerns the measurement of the nonlinear (NL) optical phase shift of order three. Two categories of methods will be addressed: i) the phaseshift interferometric technique that allows phase characterization with good spatial resolution, which is crucial for a focused beam in the non-linear medium. This technique uses the least squares criterion associated with several interferograms. Implemented using a spatial light modulator, it provides a practical calibration for each phase shift considered. The reliability of the proposed method is verified by direct comparison with the Fourier transformation method; ii) innovative Z-scan methods combined with an imager assembly. They will be applied here to measurements of the NL coefficients of order three and higher. We will show that the flexibility of using a CCD camera allows for better pointing and real-time tracking of the beam. Finally, we will focus on the Dark-field Z-scan setup, which benefits from the advantages of high contrast dark field microscopy. These improvements potentially open up a new field of microscopic exploration for the investigation and mapping of non-linear effects.

Development of PDI plates for Industrial Applications

Siddiqui, Muhammad Saad, Iqbal, Tahseen January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s Degree thesis project is to design and develop point diffraction interferometer plates. In this project the PDI plates are re-designed, changing the design which was used in previous projects in Halmstad University. The transparency of PDI plates can be controlled by coating them with NiCr film. Firstly, four plates with coating of different thickness of NiCr were developed. The relationship between transmittance and the thickness of NiCr was established by testing these plates for transmittance and reflectance with the help of a laser and an optical power meter. The absorption coefficient of clear substrates and reflection of light is also taken into account to achieve the correct results. The parameters like the diameter of semi-transparent area around the pinholes and the size of pinholes is chosen after fully understanding its application. The lay-out and description of design is also included in the report.

Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulators

Debus, Alexander 17 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation. Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide. In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser. The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).

Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulators / Brilliante Strahlungsquellen durch Laser-Plasma Beschleuniger und optische Undulatoren

Debus, Alexander 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich in Experiment und Theorie mit Laser-Plasma beschleunigten Elektronen und optischen Undulatoren zur Erzeugung von brillianter Synchrotronstrahlung. Zum ersten Mal wird experimentell nachgewießen, dass laserbeschleunigte Elektronenpulse kürzer als 30 fs sind. Ferner werden solche Elektronenpulse erstmalig in einem Demonstrationsexperiment durch einen magnetischen Undulator als Synchrotronstrahlenquelle genutzt. Aufbauend auf diesen experimentellen Erkenntnissen, sowie umfangreichen numerischen Simulationen zur Thomsonstreuung, werden die theoretischen Grundlagen einer neuartigen Interaktionsgeometrie für Laser-Materie Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Diese neue, in der Anwendbarkeit sehr allgemeine Methode basiert auf raum-zeitlicher Laserpulsformung durch nichtlineare Winkeldispersion wie diese durch VLS- (varied-line spacing) Gitter erzeugt werden kann und hat den Vorteil nicht durch die Fokussierbarkeit des Lasers (Rayleighlänge) begrenzt zu sein. Zusammen mit laserbeschleunigten Elektronen ermöglicht dieser traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) benannte Ansatz neuartige, nur auf optischer Technologie basierende Synchrotronstrahlenquellen mit Zentimeter bis Meter langen optische Undulatoren. Die hierbei mit existierenden Lasern erzielbaren Brillianzen übersteigen diese bestehender Thomsonquellen-Designs um 2-3 Größenordnungen. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse weisen weit über die Grenzen der vorliegenden Arbeit hinaus. Die Möglichkeit Laser als Teilchenbeschleuniger und auch optischen Undulator zu verwenden führt zu bauartbedingt sehr kompakten und energieeffizienten Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen. Die hieraus resultierende monochromatische Strahlung hoher Brillianz in einem Wellenlängenbereich von extremen ultraviolett (EUV) zu harten Röntgenstrahlen ist für die Grundlagenforschung, medizinische Anwendungen, Material- und Lebenswissenschaften von fundamentaler Bedeutung und wird maßgeblich zu einer neuen Generation ultrakurzer Strahlungsquellen und freien Elektronenlasern (FELs) beitragen. / This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation. Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide. In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser. The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).

Quantum Information Processing By NMR : Relaxation Of Pseudo Pure States, Geometric Phases And Algorithms

Ghosh, Arindam 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two aspects of Quantum Information Processing (QIP) and contains experimental implementation by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The two aspects are: (i) development of novel methodologies for improved or fault tolerant QIP using longer lived states and geometric phases and (ii) implementation of certain quantum algorithms and theorems by NMR. In the first chapter a general introduction to Quantum Information Processing and its implementation using NMR as well as a description of NMR Hamiltonians and NMR relaxation using Redfield theory and magnetization modes are given. The second chapter contains a study of relaxation of Pseudo Pure States (PPS). PPS are specially prepared initial states from where computation begins. These states, being non-equilibrium states, relax with time and hence introduce error in computation. In this chapter we have studied the role of Cross-Correlations in relaxation of PPS. The third and fourth chapters, respectively report observation of cyclic and non-cyclic geometric phases. When the state of a qubit is subjected to evolution either adiabatically or non-adiabatically along the surface of the Bloch sphere, the qubit sometimes gain a phase factor apart from the dynamic phase. This is known as the Geometric phase, as it depends only on the geometry of the path of evolution. Geometric phase is used in Fault tolerant QIP. In these two chapters we have demonstrated how geometric phases of a qubit can be measured using NMR. The fifth and sixth chapters contain the implementations of “No Deletion” and “No Cloning” (quantum triplicator for partially known states) theorems. No Cloning and No Deletion theorems are closely related. The former states that an unknown quantum states can not be copied perfectly while the later states that an unknown state can not be deleted perfectly either. In these two chapters we have discussed about experimental implementation of the two theorems. The last chapter contains implementation of “Deutsch-Jozsa” algorithm in strongly dipolar coupled spin systems. Dipolar couplings being larger than the scalar couplings provide better opportunity for scaling up to larger number of qubits. However, strongly coupled systems offer few experimental challenges as well. This chapter demonstrates how a strongly coupled system can be used in NMR QIP.

Konzeption und Umsetzung neuer Technologien zur biaxialen Winkelmessung und elektrooptischen Pseudostreckenmessung

Fuhrland, Matthias 31 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ein Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur 3D-Positionierung auf Basis elektrooptischer Pseudostreckenmessung. Ein zweites Ziel war die Entwicklung eines Reflexgoniometers zur zweiachsigen Winkelmessung. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden die Grundlagen zur instrumentellen Umsetzung beider Verfahren erarbeitet, die Genauigkeitspotentiale ermittelt und mögliche Anwendungen für die einzelnen Schlüsseltechnologien und deren Kombination abgeleitet. In einer Prototyp-Entwicklung wurden Vorschläge für die wesentlichen Funktionselemente des räumlichen Weg- bzw. Winkelmesssystems gemacht. Hierzu gehören das kardanisch aufgehängte Etalon, die temperaturstabilisierte Laseroptik und die temperaturkalibrierte CCD der Winkelmesseinheit (Reflexgoniometer), die Systeme zur Erzeugung und Detektion ultrakurzer Laserpulse, eine elastische Optik, Möglichkeiten zur Formung des transversalen Strahlprofils, das TCSPC-System und die zur Auswertung und Kalibrierung notwendigen Algorithmen, wie z.B. die Autokollimation eines Lasers. ("Veröffentlicht von der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission Reihe C (Dissertationen) unter der Nummer C 614 (München 2008; ISBN 3 7696 5053 0; 2; 144 S.") / One goal of the thesis was the development of a method for three-dimensional positioning based on electro-optical measurement of pseudo ranges. Another goal was the development of a reflex goniometer for biaxial angle measurement. Within the scope of this thesis the basics for the instrumental realisation of both methods were developed, the accuracy potentials were determined and possible applications for the separate key technologies and their combination were deduced. In a prototype development proposals were made for the main functional elements of the spatial distance and angle measurement systems. These include the gimbal mounted etalon, the temperature stabilised laser optics and the temperature calibrated CCD of the angle measurement device (reflex goniometer), the systems for creation and detection of ultrashort laser pulses, an elastic optical device, possibilities of transversal beam shaping, the TCSPC system and the algorithms which are necessary for analysis and calibration, e.g. the autocollimation of a laser.

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