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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetized Dense Cores. Observational characterization and comparison with models

Frau Méndez, Pau 12 June 2012 (has links)
It is some observational evidence that dense cores are the birthplace of low-mass stars. These regions, apparently quiescent, are capable of surviving several free-fall times and, potentially, collapse and form stars. Despite its importance, little is known about the very first evolutionary stages of these objects. The observational challenge that studying these diffuse and extended objects represent is preventing us to reveal their properties. It is easier, from an observational point of view, to study brighter sources as the more evolved Class-0 objects. It is possible then, through theoretical models, to trace the history back of these objects and find the initial conditions that, ideally, are those of the dense cores on which they formed. On the other hand, from the theoretical point of view, many studies have considered for decades the effect of the magnetic field in models. However, the lacks of instrumentation and observational techniques have prevented us from testing the predictions. Fortunately, several telescopes have developed polarimetric system during the last years allowing us to study for the first time the magnetic fields in a reliable manner. The complex interplay in dense cores among gravity, thermal pressure, turbulence, rotation, and magnetic field, in not well characterized due to all the previously described issues and, as a consequence, not well understood theoretically. The aim is, then, to improve our understanding on how the low-mass starless dense cores form, survive, and evolve. We faced this aim in a twofold approach. Firstly, we characterized observationally the physical, chemical, and magnetic properties of magnetized dense cores in their most initial stages, in order to understand the real initial conditions of the star-formation process. Secondly, we have compared interferometric observations of a Class-0 source to theoretical models of magnetized cloud collapse to derive the bettersuited initial conditions to form it, and the most relevant physical processes involved. To study the very young dense cores, we selected the Pipe nebula. This cloud presents very low star-formation efficiency (~0.06 %) and it is permeated by a uniform magnetic field. The nebula harbours more than a hundred very young dense cores mostly quiescent. We have mapped dense cores with densities below 10(5) cm(-3), lower than the typical values reported in literature. These cores present structures compatible with Bonnor-Ebert spheres, which suggests that they can be in a state close to hydrostatic equilibrium with the environment. Moreover, we discovered a very rich and varied chemistry, unexpected taking into account previous works in similar sources. Even in such young and diffuse objects, it is possible to distinguish differentiated chemical properties that allow us to propose an observational characterization and to suggest a possible evolutionary sequence. Some of the cores present chemical properties compatible with ages of 1 million years, but the lack of signposts of collapse suggests that active supporting non-thermal sources are acting. The lack of spherical symmetry also implies that some anisotropic force is present. The reported sub-Alfvénic turbulence points to magnetic field as this agent, which would cause the flattened shapes. NGC 1333 IRAS 4A is the ideal source to test magnetized low-mass cloud collapse models as it is a young Class-0 source with a collapsing envelope of gas and dust and a detected magnetic field with a clear hour-glass shape. We have confirmed that its properties can be satisfactorily explained with the standard model of star formation. The ideal-MHD models lead to better results, and the use of a temperature profile improves the agreement with the observational data. The initial conditions of the models, with sizes of ~0.1 pc and centrally peaked densities, agree with the results found toward the Pipe nebula dense cores. The intensity of the magnetic fields used in the models can be scaled to the values obtained for the diffuse gas with a power-law such as B-alpha-ro (1/2) typical of magnetized clouds evolving through ambipolar diffusion. From a technical point of view, the method used can establish the starting point in the way the ALMA data will be analyzed. The high quality of the data will make possible this kind of analysis, and foresees a huge improvement in our understandings of the star-formation process. / És una evidència observacional que els nuclis densos són llocs de naixement d’estrelles de baixa massa. Aquestes regions aparentment inactives són capaces de sobreviure diverses vegades l’escala temporal de caiguda lliure i, potencialment, col•lapsar per formar estrelles. Malgrat la seva importància se’n coneixen pocs detalls dels primers estadis evolutius d’aquests objectes. El desafiament observacional que representa estudiar objectes tan difusos i estesos ens dificulta revelar-ne les respostes. Resulta molt més senzill, des d’un punt de vista observacional, estudiar fonts més brillants com les més evolucionades Classe-0, de les quals se’n pot revertir la història en base a models teòrics i trobar-ne les condicions inicials que són, idealment, aquelles dels nuclis densos on s’han format. Per altra banda, des d’un punt de vista teòric, molts estudis han considerat l’efecte del camp magnètic en els seus models durant dècades. No obstant això, la mancança d’instrumentació i tècniques observacionals impedien contrastar-ne les prediccions. Per fortuna, diversos telescopis han desenvolupat sistemes polarimètrics durant els darrers anys permetent estudiar per primera vegada i de forma fiable el camp magnètic. Per tot això, la complexa interacció als nuclis densos entre gravitació, pressió tèrmica, turbulència, rotació i camp magnètic no està ben caracteritzada observacionalment i, com a conseqüència, tampoc ben entesa teòricament. L’objectiu és, aleshores, aprofundir en la comprensió de com es formen, sobreviuen i evolucionen els nuclis densos de baixa massa. Aquest objectiu l’hem enfrontat seguint dues vessants. En primer lloc, hem caracteritzat observacionalment les propietats físiques, químiques i magnètiques dels nuclis densos magnetitzats als seus estadis més primigenis, a fi d’entendre les vertaderes condicions inicials del procés de formació estel•lar. En segon lloc, hem comparat les observacions interferomètriques d’una font Classe-0 amb models teòrics de col•lapse de núvols magnetitzats, per derivar-ne les condicions inicials més adients per formar-la i els processos físics que n’han dominat l’evolució. Per a l’estudi dels nuclis densos primigenis hem seleccionat la nebulosa de la Pipa, que presenta una eficiència de formació estel•lar molt baixa (~0.06 %) i està penetrada per un camp magnètic uniforme. La nebulosa alberga més d’un centenar de nuclis densos molt joves majoritàriament inactius. Hem mapat nuclis densos amb densitat per sota de 10(5) cm(-3), molt per sota dels valors reportats a la literatura. Aquests nuclis presenten una estructura compatible amb esferes de Bonnor-Ebert, el que suggereix que es poden trobar en situació d’equilibri hidrostàtic amb el seu entorn. A més, hem descobert una química molt rica i variada, inesperada tenint en compte els treballs previs en fonts d’aquest tipus. Inclús en objectes tan joves i difusos, és possible distingir característiques químiques pròpies que permeten definir grups i establir una possible seqüència química evolutiva. Alguns dels objectes mostren propietats químiques típiques d’edats de 1 milió d’anys, però la mancança d’indicis de col•lapse gravitatori suggereix que hi ha actives fonts de suport no tèrmiques. La falta de simetria esfèrica també implica que alguna força anisotròpica està actuant. La turbulència sub-Alfvénica apunta a que el camp magnètic pot ser aquest agent, el que causaria les formes aplanades. NGC 1333 IRAS 4A és la font ideal per a testejar els model de col•lapse magnetitzat a baixa massa perquè es una Classe-0 jove amb un embolcall de gas i pols en fase de col•lapse on es detecta un camp magnètic amb clara morfologia de rellotge d’arena. Hem confirmat que les seves propietats poden ser explicades satisfactòriament amb el model estàndard de formació estel•lar. Els models de magnetohidrodinàmica idealitzada condueixen a millors resultats, i l’ús de un perfil de temperatura millora l’acord amb les dades. Les condicions inicials dels models, amb mides de ~0.1 pc i densitats creixents cap al centre, concorden amb els resultats als nuclis densos de la nebulosa de la Pipa. La intensitat del camp magnètic inicial usat pels models poden ser escalats als valors obtinguts per al gas difús de la Pipa amb una llei del tipus B-alfa-ro(1/2) típica de núvols magnetitzats. Des d’un punt de vista més tècnic, el mètode que hem emprat pot establir un punt de referència en la manera en que les futures dades d’ALMA seran analitzades. La alta qualitat de les dades farà possible aquest tipus d’anàlisis, i fa preveure una gran millora en l’enteniment del procés de formació estel•lar.

Formation of Small Hydrocarbon Ions Under Inter- and Circumstellar Conditions: Experiments in Ion Traps

Savić, Igor 02 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Using ion-trapping techniques, selected laboratory experiments on ion-molecule reactions of astrophysical interest have been performed. For the first time a carbon beam source has been integrated into an ion trapping machine for studying collisions between ions and neutral carbon atoms and molecules. Results are presented for the interaction of D3+ ions stored in a ring-electrode trap (RET), with a beam of hot neutral carbon molecules, Cn (n = 1, 2, 3). The measured reaction rate coefficients are up to a factor two smaller than values presently used in astrophysical models. In order to complete our knowledge about the ion chemistry involving three carbon atoms, detailed investigations of reactions of C3+, C3H+ and C3H3+ with H2 and HD have been performed between 15 K and room temperature. These studies have been performed in a second apparatus, a variable-temperature 22-pole trap machine (VT-22PT). Results include reactive collisions, deuteration and radiative association. It is discussed in connection with the increase in lifetime of the C3+ + H2 collision complexes with falling temperature, what could be responsible for producing more C3H+ at 15 K. Tunneling is excluded. In C3+ + HD collisions an isotope effect has been detected, the C3D+ product ions being slightly more abundant than C3H+. Comparison of the reaction of C3H+ primary ions with HD and H2 gas revealed that the deuterated molecules are significantly more reactive. The process of radiative association of C3H+ and for the first time of C3+ with hydrogen molecules has been observed. An analysis of the data shows that radiative association becomes slower, if the neutral reactant is deuterated. Finally, the theoretical prediction from ab initio calculations that C3H3+ does not exchange an H for a D in collisions with HD, has been proven in an ion trap experiment. Careful analysis of all competing processes allows the conclusion that the rate coefficient is smaller than 4x10-16 cm3s-1 at 15 K. / Unter Verwendung von zwei Speicherapparaturen wurden ausgewählte, astrophysikalische wichtige Ionen-Molekülreaktionen untersucht. Durch die Kombination einer Kohlenstoffquelle mit einem Ionenspeicher, in dem so Reaktionen zwischen Ionen und Kohlenstoffmolekülen oder -atomen untersucht werden können, wurde Neuland betreten. Es werden Ergebnisse vorgestellt für die Reaktion von D3+ Ionen, die in einem Ringelektrodenspeicher gefangen sind, mit einem Strahl von heißen Cn (n = 1, 2, 3). Die gemessenen Ratenkoeffizienten sind nur halb so groß wie die Werte, die in astrophysikalischen Modellen verwendet werden. Um die Kenntnis über alle möglichen Reaktionen, bei denen drei C-Atome beteiligt sind, abzurunden, wurden zwischen 15 K und Zimmertemperatur die Reaktionen zwischen C3+, C3H+ und C3H3+ Ionen mit H2 und HD in vielen Details untersucht. Diese Experimente wurden in einer zweiten Apparatur durchgeführt, in der ein temperaturvariabler 22-Polspeicher das zentrale Element ist (VT-22PT). Berichtet werden Ergebnisse zu reaktiven Stößen, zur Deuterierung von Kohlenwasserstoffen und zur Strahlungsassoziation. In der Diskussion bleibt offen, was - in Verbindung mit der von 300 K zu 15 K zunehmenden Lebensdauer - der Grund dafür sein kann, daß die Bildung des exothermen Produkts C3H+ anwächst. Der Tunneleffekt scheidet aus. Bei der Reaktion C3+ + HD wurde ein Isotopeneffekt beobachtet, das C3D+ Produkt wird etwas häufiger gebildet als C3H+. Ein Vergleich der Reaktion zwischen C3H+ Ionen mit HD bzw. H2 zeigt, daß das deuterierte Molekül wesentlich reaktiver ist. Es wurden Ratenkoeffizienten für die Strahlungsassoziation von H2 Molekülen mit C3H+ und erstmals mit C3+ Ionen gemessen. Die Auswertung der Daten zeigt, dass der Prozeß langsamer abläuft, wenn der neutrale Stoßpartner deuteriert ist. Schließlich wurde experimentell die theoretische Vorhersage überprüft, dass C3H3+ keinen H-D Austausch mit HD eingeht. Eine sorgfältige Analyse aller konkurrierenden Prozesse ergab, dass bei 15 K der Raten koeffizient kleiner als 4x10-16 cm3s-1 ist.

Radiation and thermal processing of ices and surfaces relevant to prebiotic chemistry in the solar system and interstellar regions

Dawley, Margaret Michele 11 February 2013 (has links)
This dissertation has investigated the adsorption, thermal behavior, and radiation (both photon and electron) processing of prebiotically-relevant ices and surfaces. A custom ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber has been built that is coupled with a Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT IR) spectrometer and a Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) system that utilizes Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (QMS) to study selected organic:surface systems. Formamide (HCONH₂) has been studied in two related but distinct studies relevant to primitive Earth and interstellar chemistry. First, in collaboration with a theory group, formamide’s interaction with kaolinite (Al6Si6O36H30), a clay mineral relevant to early Earth chemistry, has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Experimental infrared results are compared with calculated infrared frequencies obtained by our collaborators. TPD analysis is compared with the calculated values of adsorption energy, and the optimal kaolinite termination site for adsorption is reported. Second, the first thermal and radiation damage study of pure formamide and HCONH₂:H₂O mixed ices on an interstellar icy grain analog (SiO₂) is reported. A discussion of the pure formamide ice phases identified with FT-IR upon warm-up, as well as the TPD binding energies of HCONH₂ on SiO₂, is presented. The observed Lyman-alpha photochemical products and proposed formation mechanisms from pure formamide ice is reported and discussed. In addition, results of Lyman alpha processing of mixed HCONH₂:H₂O ices are provided. Low-energy electron irradiation of pure HCONH₂ and HCONH₂:H₂O mixed ices has also been reported for the first time. A third investigation has studied acetylene (C₂D₂) and acetonitrile (CH₃CN) interactions and radiation stability in mixed low-temperature ices to simulate possible prebiotic reactions that may occur on Saturn’s moon, Titan. This investigation contributes to understanding the possible consumption, trapping, and degradation of these species on the surface of Titan.

Evolving Starburst Model of FIR/sub-mm/mm Line Emission and Its Applications to M82 and Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Yao, Lihong 08 March 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a starburst model for far-infrared/sub-millimeter/millimeter (FIR/sub-mm/mm) line emission of molecular and atomic gas in an evolving starburst region, which is treated as an ensemble of non-interacting hot bubbles which drive spherical shells of swept-up gas into a surrounding uniform gas medium. These bubbles and shells are driven by winds and supernovae within massive star clusters formed during an instantaneous starburst. The underlying stellar radiation from the evolving clusters affects the properties and structure of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in the shells, and hence the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the molecular and atomic line emission from these swept-up shells and the associated parent giant molecular clouds (GMCs) contains a signature of the stage evolution of the starburst. The physical and chemical properties of the shells and their structure are computed using a a simple well known similarity solution for the shell expansion, a stellar population synthesis code, and a time-dependent PDR chemistry model. The SEDs for several molecular and atomic lines ($^{12}$CO and its isotope $^{13}$CO, HCN, HCO$^+$, C, O, and C$^+$) are computed using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line radiative transfer model. By comparing our models with the available observed data of nearby infrared bright galaxies, especially M 82, we constrain the models and in the case of M 82, provide estimates for the age of the recent starburst activity. We also derive the total H$_2$ gas mass in the measured regions of the central 1 kpc starburst disk of M 82. In addition, we apply the model to represent various stages of starburst evolution in a well known sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). In this way, we interpret the relationship between the degree of molecular excitation and ratio of FIR to CO luminosity to possibly reflect different stages of the evolution of star-forming activity within their nuclear regions. We conclude with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to dating starbursts, and suggest future work for improving the model.

Evolving Starburst Model of FIR/sub-mm/mm Line Emission and Its Applications to M82 and Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Yao, Lihong 08 March 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a starburst model for far-infrared/sub-millimeter/millimeter (FIR/sub-mm/mm) line emission of molecular and atomic gas in an evolving starburst region, which is treated as an ensemble of non-interacting hot bubbles which drive spherical shells of swept-up gas into a surrounding uniform gas medium. These bubbles and shells are driven by winds and supernovae within massive star clusters formed during an instantaneous starburst. The underlying stellar radiation from the evolving clusters affects the properties and structure of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in the shells, and hence the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the molecular and atomic line emission from these swept-up shells and the associated parent giant molecular clouds (GMCs) contains a signature of the stage evolution of the starburst. The physical and chemical properties of the shells and their structure are computed using a a simple well known similarity solution for the shell expansion, a stellar population synthesis code, and a time-dependent PDR chemistry model. The SEDs for several molecular and atomic lines ($^{12}$CO and its isotope $^{13}$CO, HCN, HCO$^+$, C, O, and C$^+$) are computed using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line radiative transfer model. By comparing our models with the available observed data of nearby infrared bright galaxies, especially M 82, we constrain the models and in the case of M 82, provide estimates for the age of the recent starburst activity. We also derive the total H$_2$ gas mass in the measured regions of the central 1 kpc starburst disk of M 82. In addition, we apply the model to represent various stages of starburst evolution in a well known sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). In this way, we interpret the relationship between the degree of molecular excitation and ratio of FIR to CO luminosity to possibly reflect different stages of the evolution of star-forming activity within their nuclear regions. We conclude with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to dating starbursts, and suggest future work for improving the model.

Investigation of star forming regions in Cepheus / Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų tyrimas

Maskoliūnas, Marius 03 February 2014 (has links)
The interstellar matter in the Galaxy is concentrated in a thin layer close to the galactic plane, mostly in spiral arms. Most of the interstellar matter is in a form of atomic and molecular gas and only 1% of its mass is in a form of small (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dust grains which absorb and scatter the light of stars and cause the interstellar extinction. A part of interstellar gas and dust are in a diffuse form and fill the space with density which exponentially decreases with the distance from the galactic plane. However, in the spiral arms gigantic molecular clouds are present which play an outstanding role in the evolution of the Galaxy, since in them star forming processes take place. Molecular and dust clouds, young star clusters and associations and other star forming regions are concentrated in the Milky Way plane. However, due to gravitational and radiation interactions between the molecular clouds and the young massive stars, some fragments of spiral arms deviate from the galactic plane. One of such deviating branches from the Local (Orion) spiral arm is a huge elongated system of molecular and dust clouds located in the Cepheus constellation which is known as the Cepheus Flare. Most of the objects investigated in this dissertation belong to this branch of the Local spiral arm. The objects selected for the investigation are star forming regions in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7023, a group of dark clouds TGU 619, the young open cluster NGC 7129 and the... [to full text] / Paukščių tako Galaktikoje didžioji dalis tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos yra susitelkusi į ploną sluoksnį Galaktikos plokštumoje, daugiausiai spiralinėse vijose. Didžiąją dalį tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos sudaro atominės ir molekulinės dujos ir tik maždaug 1% masės yra mažos (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dydžio dulkelės, kurios sugeria ir išsklaido šviesą ir sukelia tarpžvaigždinės ekstinkcijos reiškinį. Spiralinėse vijose esantys molekuliniai debesys yra svarbūs Galaktikos evoliucijos procese, nes juose vyksta aktyvūs žvaigždžių formavimosi procesai. Molekuliniai ir dulkių debesys, jaunų žvaigždžių spiečiai ir asociacijos bei kitos žvaigždžių susidarymo sritys dažniausiai yra Galaktikos plokštumoje. Tačiau dėl gravitacinės ir radiacinės sąveikos tarp jaunų didelės masės žvaigždžių ir molekulinių debesų kai kuriose Paukščių Tako srityse žvaigždėdaros rajonai nukrypsta nuo Galaktikos plokštumos. Viename iš tokių rajonų Cefėjo žvaigždyno kryptimi dalis tarpžvaigždinių debesų ir žvaigždėdaros rajonų yra nukrypę nuo Galaktikos plokštumos link šiaurinio dangaus poliaus ir sudaro Paukščių Tako atšaką, literatūroje žinomą kaip Cepheus Flare. Dauguma šioje disertacijoje tyrinėjamų objektų priklauso šiai Cefėjo atšakai. Šio darbo tikslas yra Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų, žinomų kaip atspindžio ūkas NGC 7023, tamsiųjų debesų kompleksas TGU 619 ir jaunas spiečius NGC 7129 fotometrinis tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti šių objektų nuotolį ir tarpžvaigždinę ekstinkciją, jauno spiečiaus NGC 7129 ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų tyrimas / Investigation of star forming regions in Cepheus

Maskoliūnas, Marius 03 February 2014 (has links)
Paukščių Tako Galaktikoje didžioji dalis tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos yra susitelkusi į ploną sluoksnį Galaktikos plokštumoje, daugiausiai spiralinėse vijose. Didžiąją dalį tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos sudaro atominės ir molekulinės dujos ir tik maždaug 1% masės yra mažos (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dydžio dulkelės, kurios sugeria ir išsklaido šviesą ir sukelia tarpžvaigždinės ekstinkcijos reiškinį. Spiralinėse vijose esantys molekuliniai debesys yra svarbūs Galaktikos evoliucijos procese, nes juose vyksta aktyvūs žvaigždžių formavimosi procesai. Molekuliniai ir dulkių debesys, jaunų žvaigždžių spiečiai ir asociacijos bei kitos žvaigždžių susidarymo sritys dažniausiai yra Galaktikos plokštumoje. Tačiau dėl gravitacinės ir radiacinės sąveikos tarp jaunų didelės masės žvaigždžių ir molekulinių debesų kai kuriose Paukščių Tako srityse žvaigždėdaros rajonai nukrypsta nuo Galaktikos plokštumos. Viename iš tokių rajonų Cefėjo žvaigždyno kryptimi dalis tarpžvaigždinių debesų ir žvaigždėdaros rajonų yra nukrypę nuo Galaktikos plokštumos link šiaurinio dangaus poliaus ir sudaro Paukščių Tako atšaką, literatūroje žinomą kaip Cepheus Flare. Dauguma šioje disertacijoje tyrinėjamų objektų priklauso šiai Cefėjo atšakai. Šio darbo tikslas yra Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų, žinomų kaip atspindžio ūkas NGC 7023, tamsiųjų debesų kompleksas TGU 619 ir jaunas spiečius NGC 7129 fotometrinis tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti šių objektų nuotolį ir tarpžvaigždinę ekstinkciją, jauno spiečiaus NGC 7129 ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The interstellar matter in the Galaxy is concentrated in a thin layer close to the galactic plane, mostly in spiral arms. Most of the interstellar matter is in a form of atomic and molecular gas and only 1% of its mass is in a form of small (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dust grains which absorb and scatter the light of stars and cause the interstellar extinction. A part of interstellar gas and dust are in a diffuse form and fill the space with density which exponentially decreases with the distance from the galactic plane. However, in the spiral arms gigantic molecular clouds are present which play an outstanding role in the evolution of the Galaxy, since in them star forming processes take place. Molecular and dust clouds, young star clusters and associations and other star forming regions are concentrated in the Milky Way plane. However, due to gravitational and radiation interactions between the molecular clouds and the young massive stars, some fragments of spiral arms deviate from the galactic plane. One of such deviating branches from the Local (Orion) spiral arm is a huge elongated system of molecular and dust clouds located in the Cepheus constellation which is known as the Cepheus Flare. Most of the objects investigated in this dissertation belong to this branch of the Local spiral arm. The objects selected for the investigation are star forming regions in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7023, a group of dark clouds TGU 619, the young open cluster NGC 7129 and the... [to full text]

Shocks, Superbubbles, and Filaments: Investigations into Large Scale Gas Motions in Giant Molecular Clouds

Pon, Andrew Richard 25 April 2013 (has links)
Giant molecular clouds (GMCs), out of which stars form, are complex, dynamic systems, which both influence and are shaped by the process of star formation. In this dissertation, I examine three different facets of the dynamical motions within GMCs. Collapse modes in different dimensional objects. Molecular clouds contain lower dimensional substructures, such as filaments and sheets. The collapse properties of finite filaments and sheets differ from those of spherical objects as well as infinite sheets and filaments. I examine the importance of local collapse modes of small central perturbations, relative to global collapse modes, in different dimensional objects to elucidate whether strong perturbations are required for molecular clouds to fragment to form stars. I also calculate the dependence of the global collapse timescale upon the aspect ratio of sheets and filaments. I find that lower dimensional objects are more readily fragmented, and that for a constant density, lower dimensional objects and clouds with larger aspect ratios collapse more slowly. An edge-driven collapse mode also exists in sheets and filaments and is most important in elongated filaments. The failure to consider the geometry of a gas cloud is shown to lead to an overestimation of the star formation rate by up to an order of magnitude. Molecular tracers of turbulent energy dissipation. Molecular clouds contain supersonic turbulence that simulations predict will decay rapidly via shocks. I use shock models to predict which species emit the majority of the turbulent energy dissipated in shocks and find that carbon monoxide, CO, is primarily responsible for radiating away this energy. By combining these shock models with estimates for the turbulent energy dissipation rate of molecular clouds, I predict the expected shock spectra of CO from molecular clouds. I compare the results of these shock models to predictions for the emission from the unshocked gas in GMCs and show that mid-to-high rotational transitions of CO (e.g., J = 8 to 7), should be dominated by shocked gas emission and should trace the turbulent energy being dissipated in molecular clouds. Orion-Eridanus superbubble. The nearby Orion star forming region has created a large bubble of hot plasma in the local interstellar medium referred to as the Orion-Eridanus superbubble. This bubble is unusual in that it is highly elongated, is believed to be oriented roughly parallel to the galactic plane, and contains bright filamentary features on the Eridanus side. I fit models for a wind driven bubble in an exponential atmosphere to the Orion-Eridanus superbubble and show that the elongation of the bubble cannot be explained by such a model in which the scale height of the galactic disk is the typical value of 150 pc. Either a much smaller scale height must be adopted or some additional physics must be added to the model. I also show that the Eridanus filaments cannot be equilibrium objects ionized by the Orion star forming region. / Graduate / 0606 / andyrpon@gmail.com

Ανίχνευση και μελέτη εξωγαλαξιακών υπολειμμάτων υπερκαινοφανών σε πολλαπλά μήκη κύματος / Detection and study of extragalactic multi-wavelength supernova remnants

Λεωνιδάκη, Ιωάννα 28 February 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή παρουσιάζει τα αποτελέσματα μιας συστηματικής έρευνας των πληθυσμών Υπολειμμάτων Υπερκαινοφανών (Υ/Υ) σε έξι κοντινούς γαλαξίες (NGC 2403, NGC 3077, NGC 4214, NGC 4395, NGC 4449 και NGC 5204) βασισμένη σε αρχειακά δεδομένα του δορυφόρου ακτίνων-Χ Chandra, και σε βαθειές οπτικές παρατηρήσεις με τα στενά φίλτρα Hα (λ 6563) και [SΙΙ] (λλ 6716, 6731) καθώς και φασματοσκοπικές παρατηρήσεις. Η ταξινόμηση των Υ/Υ επιλεγμένων στις ακτίνες-Χ βασίστηκε στα μαλακά, θερμικά φάσματα (kT < 3 keV) των πηγών στις ακτίνες-Χ ή στα χρώματά τους στις ακτίνες-Χ. Αντίστοιχα, η ταξινόμηση των οπτικών Υ/Υ βασίστηκε στο καθιερωμένο κριτήριο του λόγου των γραμμών εκπομπής [SΙΙ](λλ 6716, 6731)/Hα > 0.4. Εντοπίστηκαν 37 θερμικά Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ, 30 εκ των οποίων είναι νέες ανακαλύψεις και ~400 (~350 από αυτά είναι νέες ανιχνεύσεις) φωτομετρικά Υ/Υ, για 67 από τα οποία πιστοποιήθηκε φασματοσκοπικά η φύση τους ως Υ/Υ. Πολλοί από τους γαλαξίες στο δείγμα μας μελετώνται για πρώτη φορά στις ακτίνες-Χ (NGC 4214, NGC 4395 και NGC 5204) ή στο οπτικό μέρος του φάσματος (NGC 4395, NGC 3077) με συστηματικό τρόπο, καταλήγοντας στην ανακάλυψη αρκετών νέων Υ/Υ. Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, η ταξινόμηση των πηγών ως Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ ή στο οπτικό μέρος του φάσματος επιβεβαιώνεται από ομόλογα Υ/Υ που έχουν ανιχνευθεί σε άλλα μήκη κύματος, δείχνοντας ότι οι μέθοδοι ανίχνευσης που χρησιμοποιούμε είναι αξιόπιστες. Συζητάμε τις ιδιότητες (π.χ. φωτεινότητα, θερμοκρασία, πυκνότητα, ταχύτητα σοκ) των Υ/Υ σε διάφορους τύπους γαλαξιών και ως εκ τούτου διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα, προκειμένου να δούμε την εξάρτησή τους από το μεοσαστρικό μέσο. Συσχετίζουμε παραμέτρους των ανιχνευμένων οπτικών Υ/Υ (λόγος [SΙΙ]/Hα, φωτεινότητα) με τις παραμέτρους των αντίστοιχων Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ (θερμοκρασία, φωτεινότητα, πυκνότητα) προκειμένου να κατανοήσουμε την εξέλιξή τους. Μερικά από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα αποτελέσματα αυτής της έρευνας είναι τα ακόλουθα: α) Βρίσκουμε ότι τα Υ/Υ που είναι ανιχνευμένα στις ακτίνες-Χ και βρίσκονται σε άμορφους γαλαξίες φαίνεται να είναι πιο λαμπρά από εκείνα στους σπειροειδείς γαλαξίες. Αποδίδουμε αυτό το γεγονός στη χαμηλότερη μεταλλικότητα των άμορφων γαλαξιών από αυτή των σπειροειδών (η χαμηλότερη μεταλλικότητα δημιουργεί πρόγονους αστέρες μεγαλύτερης μάζας) ή στις υψηλότερες τοπικές πυκνότητες που παρατηρούνται στο μεσοαστρικό μέσο των άμορφων γαλαξιών, β) Η σύγκριση του αριθμού των παρατηρούμενων λαμπρών Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ με τον αριθμό αυτών που αναμένονται με βάση τις κατανομές φωτεινότητας των Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ στα Νέφη του Μαγγελάνου και στον M33, δείχνουν ότι κατανομές φωτεινότητας των Υ/Υ μεταξύ σπειροειδών και άμορφων γαλαξιών είναι διαφορετικές, από αυτές που αφορούν τα Υ/Υ στους άμορφους γαλαξίες και τείνουν να είναι πιο επίπεδες, γ) Βρίσκουμε ότι υπάρχει διαφορά στους λόγους [NΙΙ]/Hα των Υ/Υ μεταξύ διαφορετικών τύπων γαλαξιών, το οποίο κατά πάσα πιθανότητα οφείλεται σε διαφορές στη μεταλλικότητά τους και δ) Υπάρχουν ισχυρές ενδείξεις για μια γραμμική σχέση μεταξύ του αριθμού των λαμπρών Υ/Υ στο οπτικό και στις ακτίνες-Χ και του ρυθμού αστρογένεσης των γαλαξιών του δείγματος. / This thesis presents the results of a comprehensive investigation of the Supernova Remnant (SNR) populations in six nearby galaxies (NGC 2403, NGC 3077, NGC 4214, NGC 4395, NGC 4449 and NGC 5204) based on Chandra archival data and deep optical narrow-band Hα and [SΙΙ] images, as well as spectroscopic observations. The classification of X-ray emitting SNRs was based on their soft thermal spectra (kT < 3 keV) or their X-ray colors and for optically-emitting SNRs on the well-established emission-line flux criterion of [SΙΙ](λλ 6716, 6731)/Hα(λ 6563) > 0.4. We have identified 37 X-ray selected thermal SNRs, 30 of which are new discoveries and ~400 optical SNRs (~350 are new detections), for 67 of which we spectroscopically verified their shock-excited nature. Many of the galaxies in our sample are studied for the first time in the X-ray (NGC 4214, NGC 4395, and NGC 5204) or optical (NGC 4395, NGC 3077) band in a self-consistent way, resulting in the discovery of many new SNRs. In many cases, the X-ray and optical classifications are confirmed based on the identification of SNR counterparts in other wavelengths, giving us confidence that the detection methods we use are robust. We discuss the properties (e.g. luminosity, temperature, density, shock velocity) of the X-ray/optically detected SNRs in different types of galaxies and hence different environments, in order to address their dependence on their interstellar medium. We compare optical ([SΙΙ]/Hα ratio, luminosity) and X-ray parameters (temperature, luminosity, density) of the detected SNRs, in order to understand their evolution and investigate possible selection effects. The most intriguing results of this survey are the following: a) We find that X-ray selected SNRs in irregular galaxies appear to be more luminous than those in spirals. We attribute this either to the lower metallicities and therefore more massive progenitor stars of irregular galaxies or to the higher local densities of the interstellar medium, b) A comparison of the numbers of observed luminous X-ray selected SNRs with those expected from the luminosity functions of X-ray SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds and M33 suggest different luminosity distributions between the SNRs in spiral and irregular galaxies, with the latter tending to have flatter distributions, c) We find that there is a difference in [NΙΙ]/Hα line ratios of the SNR populations between different types of galaxies which is the result of the low metalicity of irregular galaxies, and d) We find evidence for a linear relation between the number of luminous optical or X-ray SNRs and Star Formation Rate in our sample of galaxies.

Pulsar scattering and the ionized interstellar medium

Geyer, Marisa January 2017 (has links)
Fifty years after the discovery of the first pulsating neutron star, the field of pulsar science has grown into a multidisciplinary research field, working to address a wide range of problems in astrophysics - from stellar evolution models to high precision tests of General Relativity to analysing the detailed structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Milky Way. Over 2500 Galactic pulsars have been discovered. The next generation telescopes, such as the Square Kilometre Array, promise to discover the complete observable Milky Way population, of several tens of thousands, over the next decade. These point sources in the sky have extreme properties, with matter densities comparable to that of an atomic nucleus, and surface magnetic fields a trillion times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. Observationally, the most valuable property is their rotational stability - allowing us to anticipate and sum their beamed radio emission, as the pulsar spins around its axis, on millisecond to second timescales. The detected radio wave signals carry with them information of the ionised interstellar medium (IISM) paths they traveled along. The imprints reveal that the pulsar signals we detect travel along multiple paths. While the bulk of the emitted signal propagates along a straight line, we also receive delayed emission scattered through small angles, back into our line of sight. This scattering is caused by fluctuations in the free electron densities of the IISM. The impact of these inhomogeneities is exaggerated at low observing frequencies, where averaged pulsar profiles are observed to be broadened, and showcase exponential scattering tails characterised by a scattering timescale &gcy;. Simple theoretical models predict a power law dependence of &gcy; on frequency, with a spectral index &alpha; = 4. Despite these predictions, my analysis of pulsar data in this thesis, reveal a more complex frequency dependence on &gcy;. I investigate the scattering characteristics of a set of pulsars observed by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), at 110~MHz to 190~MHz. These data are ideal datasets for accurate studies of pulsar scattering, providing broad frequency bands at low frequencies. I find anomalously low power law spectral indices, &alpha;, describing the frequency dependence of &gcy;. These indices are likely due to anisotropic scattering mechanisms or small scattering clouds in the IISM. To conduct effective data analysis, I develop scattering fitting techniques by first analysing IISM effects on simulated pulsar data. I investigate the effects of two different types of scattering mechanisms, isotropic and anisotropic scattering, and consider each of their particular frequency-dependent impacts on pulsar data. The work on simulated data provides a robust fitting technique for extracting scattering parameters and a framework for the interpretation of the LOFAR data used in this study. The fitting technique simultaneously models scattering effects and standard frequency-dependent pulse profile evolution. I present results for 13 pulsars with simple pulse shapes, and find that &gcy;, associated with scattering by a single thin screen, has a power law dependence on frequency with &alpha; ranging from 1.50 to 4.0. My results show that extremely anisotropic scattering can cause low &alpha; measurements. The anomalous scattering properties can also be caused by the presence of small scattering clumps in the IISM, as opposed to the conventionally modelled large scattering screens. Evidence for both anisotropic scattering and small scattering clouds with high electron densities come from other areas of research. Indications of the anisotropic nature of the local IISM mostly come from high resolution pulsar scintillation analyses, while evidence for high density scattering clouds is often based on extreme scattering events measured through quasar observations. My results suggest that these anomalous scattering properties are more prevalent than formerly thought, prompting us to reconsider the physical conditions of the IISM, where traditionally high electron densities are reserved for H<sub>II</sub> regions and anisotropy is not modelled. High quality, low frequency pulsar data, where anomalous propagation effects become measurable, are a valuable addition in assisting us to distinguish between the different physical mechanisms that can be at play. The more complex these IISM characteristics reveal themselves to be, the harder it will be to disentangle intrinsic profile emission from IISM propagation imprints. Successfully separating these effects, however, promises to improve our understanding of the intrinsic pulsar radio emission - a process that is still poorly understood.

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