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The Role of Auditory Attentional Processing and Attentional Behaviour in Accounting for Deficits in Cognitive Abilities of Children Exposed to Environmental LeadRoberts, Russell James, r.roberts@griffith.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
The effects of lead poisoning have been known for centuries and the deleterious effects of chronic, low to moderate levels of lead exposure on children's cognitive functioning is now well-established (Needleman & Gatsonis, 1990; Schwartz, 1995). Similarly, low and moderate levels of lead exposure early in life have been frequently associated with behavioural disturbances later in life in children and animals. However, few studies have systematically investigated the link between lead-induced deficits in cognitive functioning and lead-induced behavioural disturbances. This project describes a series of studies investigating the effects of lead on auditory processing and attentional behaviour, and their ability to account for the deleterious effects of lead on IQ in children participating in the Port Pirie Cohort study. Capillary blood samples were collected from the children at various ages from birth to 2 years, and annually thereafter until the age of 7. A measure of lifetime PbB was calculated for each child using the geometric mean of all the blood lead samples. This measure of lifetime PbB was used as a continuous explanatory variable in each of the studies described below. A variety of sociodemographic, health, anthropometric, birth and developmental covariates and potential confounders were recorded prospectively and concurrently. Using Needleman et al.'s (1996) analysis protocol, 8 of these covariates were included in all final regression models. Study One: A total of 387 children from Port Pirie, Australia (mean age of 7.7 years) participated in a study of childrens simple auditory processing. Children completed a series of monaural listening tasks across 4 ear/hand conditions. It was hypothesised that auditory reaction time and auditory processing accuracy would be related the lifetime PbB. Analysis revealed no significant associations between lifetime PbB and the reaction time to target words and a small significant association (3.6%) between lifetime PbB and accuracy of target word detection in just one of the four ear/hand conditions. The strongest associations were found between PbB and false responses to distractor words (10.1%, after adjusting for confounders). It was speculated that this pattern of results could be explained via lead effects on other processes such as impairments to impulse control or attentional processes. Study Two: Study Two investigated the effect of lifetime PbB on childrens complex auditory processing. In this study participants completed dichotic listening tasks across 4 different ear/hand conditions. After controlling for potential confounders, lifetime PbB accounted for 6.2% of the variance in the accuracy of target word detection. A weak direct association (3.0% of the adjusted variance) was also found between lifetime PbB and target word reaction time. No significant associations were found between lifetime PbB and the percentage of false responses or the speed of the false responses. Again the pattern of results was suggestive of a deficit in attentional processes such as freedom from distraction and impulse control. Study Three: This study hypothesised that lead-induced impairments to attentional behaviour - similar to those observed in Studies One and Two - would be observed in other contexts. The mothers of 492 cohort children, and teachers of 454 of the children participated in this study. The mean age of children for whom ratings were collected was 7 years and 4 months. Two versions of the Conners Behavior Rating Scale were used to rate the childrens behaviour: The Parent Rating Scale and the Teacher Rating Scale. Lifetime PbB accounted for a significant amount of the variance in Conners Parent Behavior Rating Scale scores. It accounted for 5.9% and 7.3% of the unadjusted variance in the Immature/Inattentive, and Hyperactive/Impulsive scores respectively. After adjusting for covariates, each of these associations remained significant. The associations between lifetime PbB and girls' behaviour scores were much higher (11.2%) than the PbB associations with boys' behaviour scores (4.6%). The unadjusted associations between lifetime PbB and Teacher Rating Scores, although much lower, were also significant and accounted for between 1.2% and 2.4% of the variance in the behaviour scores. However, after controlling for potential covariates these associations were no longer significant. These results indicated that increases in lifetime PbB were associated with higher Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Immature/Inattention and scores on the Conner's Parent Rating Scale, but not the Conner's Teachers Rating Scale. Study Four: In this study it was hypothesised that a significant association would exist between childrens auditory processing performance and parent and teacher behavioural ratings of inattention and impulsivity. Correlational analysis was conducted on the data from Studies One, Two, and Three, to ascertain if the behavioural patterns as reported by the children's parents and teachers, were associated with the children's performance on the auditory processing tasks. Correlational analysis revealed highly significant correlation coefficients in the direction predicted between auditory processing scores and the Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsive scores of the Conner's Parent and Teacher Rating Scales. Study Five: The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which auditory processing and attentional behaviour scores could account for the lead-induced deficits in children's global cognitive abilities. Combining IQ data with data from Studies One, Two, and Three, a hierarchical analysis was conducted with lifetime PbB as the continuous explanatory variable. The analysis entered potential covariates at step 1, behaviour ratings at step 2, auditory processing efficiency in step 3, auditory processing speed in step 4, and lifetime PbB at step 5. The results indicated that when parent and teacher ratings of behaviour and auditory processing efficiency were included in the model, lifetime PbB no longer accounted for a significant proportion of Verbal, Performance or Full-Scale IQ scores. On the other hand, further analyses demonstrated that the significant associations between lifetime PbB and parental behaviour ratings could not be accounted for by including IQ scores as mediating variables in the analytical model. Conclusion: The results of this project provide evidence for the deleterious effect of lead exposure on children's auditory processing performance and parent ratings of behaviour. Further, including these variables in an analysis of the effects of lifetime PbB on IQ served to markedly attenuate direct effect of lead on IQ to the level of non-significance. Taken together the data implicates disturbances to attentional processes (such as impulsivity and inattention) as possible mediators of lead-induced deficits in IQ.
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Performance evaluation of IQ-modulator ADL5375at 5.8 GHz and its effect on transmitterperformance in a telecommunications systemBergslilja, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Because of the tough competition inthe telecom business there is aconstant push for higher capacity anddata rates and the companies producingthe telecommunications equipment needmore cost effective products to stayahead of competitors. It is thereforeinteresting to evaluate thepossibilities to use unlicensedfrequency bands at higher frequenciesas a complement to the traditionallower frequency bands. This study isfocusing on the 5.8 GHz band, which ismainly used for WLAN applications. Akey component in most transmitter (TX)designs is is the quadraturemodulator, which upconverts theinformation signal to desired carrierfrequency. In this study an attempt toevaluate the commercially availablequadrature modulator ADL5375 at 5.8GHz. An AWR Visual System Simulator(VSS) model based on measurements ofkey parameters of ADL5375 isconstructed. An attempt is made to seewhether a TX design can pass thespecifications set by 3rd GenerationPartnership Project (3GPP) for theLong Term Evolution (LTE) standard. Totest this an LTE signal source wasalso constructed. No certainconclusions can be drawn withoutputting the modulator in a complete(TX) design but the results indicatethat it might be possible to use it ina (TX) design for the 5.8 GHz band.
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No description available.
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Gabių mokinių intelekto ir nerimo sąsajos keturioliktaisiais - penkioliktaisiais gyvenimo metais / Connection between intellect and anxiety of gifted pupils of age 14-15Blekaitytė, Rasa 28 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti gabių mokinių intelekto ir nerimo sąsajas keturioliktaisiais – penkioliktaisiais gyvenimo metais. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti ar gabūs mokiniai patiria aukštesnį nerimo lygį, juos lyginant su vidutinius gabumus turinčiais mokiniais ir ar geriau besimokantys vaikai patiria aukštesnį nerimo lygį lyginant su prasčiau besimokančiais vaikais. Taip pat buvo siekiama sužinoti ar vaikų mokymosi pažangumas priklauso nuo tėvų mokslinių pasiekimų ir ar gabių moksleivių tėvai yra labiau išsilavinę.
Tyrimas buvo atliekamas naudojant R. Amthauerio IST-70 testą, vaikų intelektui nustatyti, nerimo lygiui nustatyti buvo naudotas T. A. Нeмчин „Nerimo pasireiškimo skalės“ antrasis testas. Šiomis metodikomis buvo ištirti vienos Kauno gimnazijos 199 mokiniai iš 8 devintųjų klasių, 3 anketos buvo atmestos, dėl neatsakytų klausimų. Gabiųjų mokinių kategorijai buvo priskirti tie mokiniai, kurių IQ lygus arba didesni už 115.
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad nerimo lygis nesusijęs su tuo ar vaikas yra gabus, ar pasižymi vidutiniais gebėjimais, statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas nestebimas (p>0,05). 44,4% geriau besimokančių mokinių patiria aukštą nerimo lygį kai tuo tarpu aukštą nerimo lygį patiria tik 25,3% prasčiau besimokančių mokinių, šios grupės statistiškai reikšmingai skiriasi (p<0,019).
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad moksleivių intelektiniai gebėjimai nesusiję su lyties faktoriumi, bet nerimo lygis susijęs – mergaitės pasižymi didesniu nerimu nei berniukai (p<0,0001). Buvo nustatyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work is to determine a connection between intellect and anxiety of gifted pupils of age 14-15 and to find out whether gifted pupils experience a higher level of anxiety compared to pupils of the average talent, as well as whether pupils who learn well are more anxious than pupils who learn worse. This Master’s thesis also aims to analyze whether pupils’ progressiveness depends on their parents’ study achievements and whether pupils who learn well have better educated parents.
R. Amthauer test (IST-70) was used to measure children’s intellect level and T. A. Нeмчин second test of The Scale of Anxiety Manifest was used to measure children’s anxiety level. These methods were used in a survey involving 199 9th year pupils from one Kaunas gymnasium, 3 questionnaires were rejected due to unanswered questions. Pupils, who IQ were equal or more than 115, were classified to gifted children.
The research showed that the level of anxiety does not depend on whether a child is gifted or has an average talent, a statistically significant difference was not observed (p>0,05). 44,4 % of pupils who learn well experience a high level of anxiety compared to only 25,3 % of pupils who learn worse and also experience a high level of anxiety, a statistically significant difference was observed (p<0,019).
The research also revealed that pupils’ intellectual capabilities do not depend on sex, but the level of anxiety does: girls are more anxious than boys (p<0,0001). It was established... [to full text]
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Bara för att… : En kvalitativ studie om hur studenter tolkar bilder i en publik kampanj om alkohol / Just because : A qualitative study about how students interpret images in a public campaign regarding alcoholLitzén, Carolina, Josefsson, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie har genomförts på tre kampanjbilder från IQ-initiativets satsning “IQ student”. Kampanjbilderna har ett motsvarande tema baserat på att det alltid finns en anledning till att dricka alkohol. Studien har med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer och en intervju med IQ tagit reda på hur IQ vill att studenterna ska tolka bilderna och hur studenterna faktiskt tolkar dem. Studien utgick från teorier som receptionsstudie, semiotik och socialpsykologi. Analysen av resultaten har dessutom ställts upp i förhållande till relevant forskning inom området publika kampanjer och gruppbeteende. Studiens resultat visar bland annat på att IQ vill att studenter ska tänka över sina alkoholvanor och att de på sikt ska minska sin konsumtion av alkohol. Resultatet visar även att studenterna tar till sig budskapet eftersom de kan relatera till det, men tar det sedan inte vidare. Studenterna tycker inte att deras alkoholkonsumtion är ett problem och känner därför inte att det är något de behöver förändra. / A qualitative study has been conducted on three campaign images from the company IQ. The campaign is called “IQ student” and the images are based on the same theme, suggesting that students always finds a reason to drink alcohol. We have used focus group interviews and an interview with IQ as our methods to find out how IQ want the students to interpret the images, and also how the student interpret them. The study is based on theories as reception study, semiotics and social psychology. The analysis of the results has also been set in relation to relevant research in the field of public campaigns and group behavior. Our results demonstrate that IQ wants students to think about their alcohol habits and that they want the students to reduce their consumption of alcohol. The result also shows that students embrace the message as they can relate to it, but it does not come any further. The students think that their drinking is not a problem and therefore they don’t want to change anything about their alcohol habits.
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Motivation för lagöverträdelser hos högintelligenta individer. : En tematisk analys om vad som motiverar högintelligenta lagöverträdare.Bernhill, Charlotte, Norlin, Egor January 2022 (has links)
Research on highly intelligent individuals convicted for crime is relatively scarce. Many previous studies have found a link between low IQ and crime and seen higher IQ as aprotective factor for criminal activity. The current study questions whether it is really the case that high IQ would act as a protection factor and examines what motivates highly intelligent individuals to commit offenses. The study uses a qualitative method. A total of 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals (seven men, three women) who had at least 126 in IQ, and were convicted for one or more crimes. A thematic analysis with an inductive approach was performed, after which the theory of rational choice and the theory of social bonds were chosen to interpret the collected data. The results showed that all participants ruled out the option of giving up crime, either for the reward of the crime or because they considered the criminal act necessary. It also emerged that several of the participants had committed many more crimes than they had been convicted for. Exclusion of various kinds was another picture that was painted, as well as a feeling of leading during school time. A further discussion on the relationship between intelligence and crime is initiated and proposals for further research are given. / <p>2022-01-31</p>
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Direct Spatial Antenna Modulation for Wideband Phase ControlUhl, Brecken 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / Direct spatial antenna modulation (DSAM) is a new approach to phased array control that opens up new "smart antenna" architecture possibilities. The DSAM technique leverages the inherent spatial differences of excitation in an antenna in a novel way to achieve the equivalent of conventional modulation and beam control effects. Smart antenna techniques are of potentially increasing importance to test range operations given a trend toward more flexible, internetworked, and autonomous test activities. The DSAM technique has been demonstrated through several generations of analysis, simulation, and prototyping, but has previously only been applied to narrowband antenna designs. Furthermore, the IQ DSAM approach in particular has not been previously implemented in hardware. This paper details the application of IQ DSAM to achieve wideband phase control using a commercial off the shelf (COTS) antenna. The phase control performance of IQ DSAM over a range of 1.5 GHz to 4 GHz is measured across relative field control angles of +/- 45 degrees. The measured IQ DSAM performance is compared to what could be expected from a conventional phased array element control architecture.
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Kvällsmänniskor mer intelligenta än morgonmänniskor : Samband mellan IQ och dygnsrytm, IQ och sömnvanor, samt mellan kön och IQSalih, Pola January 2016 (has links)
Intelligens handlar om förmågan att förstå, lösa problem, planera, tänka abstrakt, bearbeta information, tillgodogöra sig ny kunskap, samt förmågan att anpassa sig till sin miljö. Tidigare studier visar att kvällsmänniskor har högre IQ än morgonmänniskor. En orsak är att intelligenta personer är mer progressiva. Studier visar också att det inte finns könsskillnader i IQ. I denna studie undersöks om det finns ett samband mellan intelligens och dygnsrytm, samt mellan intelligens och faktiska sovtider. Ett annat syfte med denna undersökning var att undersöka om det finns skillnader i intelligens mellan män och kvinnor. Experimentet bistod av 250 deltagare, varav 151 kvinnor och 99 män i åldrarna 15-60. Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices användes för att mäta deltagarnas IQ. Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) användes för att ta reda på deltagarnas dygnsrytm, och deltagarnas faktiska sovtider skrevs i timme och minut. Resultaten visade att kvällsmänniskor har i genomsnitt högre IQ än morgonmänniskor. Ett samband mellan deltagarnas faktiska sovtider och IQ fanns inte. Vidare visade resultaten att det inte finns någon skillnad i IQ mellan män och kvinnor.
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Comparing individuals with learning disability and those with borderline IQ : a confirmatory factor analysis of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd edition)MacLean, Hannah Ng On-Nar January 2011 (has links)
Background: Support for the four factor construct validity of the third edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) has been found in clinical and non clinical populations but some studies question whether more complex models consistent with the concepts of fluid and crystallised intelligence provide a better explanation of the data. The WAIS-III is frequently used in the diagnosis of learning disability, however, previous exploratory factor analysis of data from a population with low IQ did not support the explicit four factor structure of the WAIS-III. Method: A confirmatory factor analysis of the WAIS-III was carried out on data from people with severe and significant learning disability and people with borderline IQ (IQ = 70-79). Results: The data from the borderline IQ sample and the sample with significant learning disability showed at best a weak fit to the explicit four factor models and more complex five or six factor models. However fit of the data from the sample with severe learning disability was poor for all models. Discussion: The findings show little support for the explicit four factor construct validity of the WAIS-III for people with borderline IQ or significant or severe intellectual impairment. Some support is found for the direction taken by the new Wechsler children’s and adult scales (WISC-IV & WAIS-IV) in aligning interpretation of the scales more closely to concepts such as fluid and crystallised theory. The research also suggests the cut-off point of IQ 70 is not reflective of an actual difference in cognitive profile as measured by the WAIS-III. Limitations of this study and implications for further research are also discussed.
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The effect of cultural variables on the Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test and the Standard Progressive MatricesFreeman, Melvyn Colin 23 February 2011 (has links)
MA, Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand
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