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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The International Committee of the Red Cross: A Century of Consistency : A Care Study of Visual Identity on Facebook

Lloyd-Thomas, Katharine Sarah January 2021 (has links)
The International Committee of the Red Cross and Crescent Moon (ICRC) is a leading global humanitarian organization. Despite an exemplary operational record, the ICRC has an imperfect communication history: slow to respond; painfully neutral; and unwilling change. ICRC history, diplomatic and humanitarian communication has been well researched. However, few studies, outside of Maillot (2017), address ICRC SM communication within the ICRC historical context. There is a fundamental value in understanding how an INGO is responding to the challenges of public advocacy communication on SM. This review should allow the identification of improvement areas for digital diplomacy. As a first mover, ICRC policy on SM would lead the industry through a digital evolution.  Inexhaustible SM growth has increased both the type and the frequency of posting. INGOs are now posting multiples times per day; visuals are the dominant media form; and there is a growing need to use visual content that stands out. This sudden proliferation of visual, including 360 ° video footage (Garcia-Orosa, 2020), has opened conversations on the dehumanization of suffering (Chouliaraki, 2006), the lack of representation, and repeated content with colonialist tone. Capability gaps have become apparent as organizations struggle to keep pace with the change. This Case Study reviews the visual content of the ICRC on Facebook within the historical visual context. Focusing on visual Facebook posts from the ICRC, the selected ICRC visual content was analyzed using Barthes (1957) Mythological approach within a historical context. It will be argued that opportunities exist to evolve the visual identity to avoid reinforcing social stereotypes and improve authentic representation. To raise awareness and funds, the ICRC continues to use more old-fashioned and occasionally colonial visual imagery; it feels like the organization is imprisoned by the strength of its historical identity. Solutions are outlined to help define a new way forward including: first, a cultural evolution to help the organization avoid the pitfalls of the past; second, an openness to training. capability gaps are normal – seeking help to train the organization will improve SM effectiveness.


Blideman, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse how the concept of ‘women and children’ is represented bytwo humanitarian organisations; International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) andMédecins Sans Frontières (MSF). The analyses concludes that there is (still) an assumptionthat women have an inherent vulnerability and women are often described together with‘children’ as if they are one vulnerable group instead of two. This study suggests aproblematization of the concept since activities planned by humanitarian organisations mayhave a big impact on people’s lives when assuming one group to be more vulnerable thananother.

Health promotion needs of physically disabled individuals with lower limb amputation in selected areas of Rwanda

Mutimura, Eugene January 2001 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / This thesis is a quantitative and qualitative study, reflecting the health promotion I needs of individuals with lower limb amputation in Rwanda. Individuals with physical disabilities are at risk of secondary complications due to the impact of the disability, and this may be exacerbated by poor choices of lifestyle. Rehabilitation services have been traditionally designed for those experiencing sudden on-set, traumatic disabling conditions. Although physically disabled persons desire to engage in wellness-enhancing activities, limited programs based on their health promotion needs' assessment have been developed. In this study, participants' health promotion needs and factors that influence their health-related behaviours were examined using a questionnaire survey and in-depth face-to-face interviews. Data analysis, using SPSS version 10.0, was used to obtain frequency tables and histograms. Chi-square tests, Fisher's exact Tests and Pearson's correlation coefficient were utilized to test for associations between several variables. Audiotape recordings and process notes were translated, and then transcribed verbatim. Strong themes that ran through the data were identified. In order to qualify for between method triangulation used in the study, complementally strengths were identified by comparing textual qualitative data with numerical quantitative results and vice versa. Participants were 334, comprising more males (8O%) than females (20%). The most frequently reported cause of amputation was land mines injuries (44.6%). Most participants were either unilateral below-knee (40.7%) or above-knee (40.1%) amputees. The. majority of participants led physically inactivity lifestyles (64.7%), others consumed alcohol (60.5%), used tobacco (33.5%) and drugs (9.6%). In-depth interviews revealed that participants' low psycho-social status and self-perception led to depression and frustration. Negative peer influence and lack of access to relevant information predisposed them to involvement in risky health behaviours. Further interviews indicated that the participants' perceived health-related needs included access to relevant information and new lifestyle habits to improve their health. Participants also desired job opportunities, particularly vocational training programmes and the formation of support groups, to enhance various programmes. The study findings are extremely challenging. Over 50% of participants were engaged in health-risk behaviours, which would certainly result in the deterioration of their health status. This places a greater demand on rehabilitation services, increasing morbidity and mortality rates, thus further straining the national health -- budget. There is therefore an urgent need to develop, encourage and promote - wellness-enhancing behaviours and activities, to improve the participants' health status and ultimate quality of life. Finally, further studies need to focus on barriers and determinants of health-promoting behaviours, and to explore more about issues related to self-perception and risky health behaviours.

Responsibility to Represent : Representation of conflict related sexual and gender-based violence; a thematic analysis of World Bank and ICRC documents

Svensson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Producing information today is unprecedented in both speed and accessibility. This is a benefit of living in these IT times. There is more knowledge available than ever before, which is as fantastic as it is problematic. It leaves both the producer and the user of this information responsible for assessing and interpreting it. This thesis has investigated what information has been produced on conflict related SGBV by the World Bank and the ICRC to see what representations have been established. Several documents from each organization have been collected, coded and thematically analyzed by using intersectionality and structural violence as theoretical lenses. These theoretical frameworks complemented each other in their use in this study as intersectionality was employed to look at what certain portrayals might mean for individuals, and structural violence was used to look at what the result meant on a larger scale. Ultimately, this thesis arrived at the conclusion that the portrayal of conflict related SGBV by the World Bank and ICRC is problematic. No organization is misrepresenting more than the other, but they do struggle on different themes. Overall, the main risk an organization runs when writing about this topic is to portray women as the only demographic group affected and the image that all women survivors are the same in that they are female. This leaves the consumer of this information with the assumption that conflict related SGBV only affects women, because they are women. This is wrong and it is problematic, as this thesis will explain in detail, along with other representations and analytical conclusions.

Les Femmes au service de la Paix. De l'établissement de la paix à l'aide humanitaire internationale, leur engagement au sein de l'UNDPKO (United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Operations) et du CICR (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge) / Women working for Peace, from Peacebuilding to International Humanitarian Aid, their commitment within the UNDPKO and the ICRC

Verhaeghe, Linda 21 September 2009 (has links)
La présente thèse étudie le lien entre la capacité à construire un monde de paix et la place accordée aux femmes dans la société. Elle étudie plus particulièrement les instances dont la charge principale de sauvegarder la paix leur a été confiée par la Communauté Internationale - les Nations Unies et le Comité International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge - que ce soit au sein de leurs systèmes propres, qu’au sein des programmes et missions conduits par ces dernières à travers le monde. Cette thèse cherche à montrer en quoi la paix est un concept qui ne se caractérise pas uniquement par l’absence de conflit et de destruction entre des nations et des peuples, mais aussi par la construction et le développement de sociétés modernes, libérées, justes, ainsi plus sûres. Et en quoi les inégalités qui touchent les femmes dans l’ensemble des sociétés, le non-respect de leurs droits, ainsi que leur marginalisation dans les milieux de pouvoir, politique et militaire, sont en contrepartie de réels facteurs d’instabilité, d’insécurité et un risque pour la paix mondiale. / This thesis studies the link between peacebuilding throughout the world and women’s position in society. It studies more particularly the main institutions which were entrusted the responsibility of protecting peace by the International Community – the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red-Cross and the Red-Crescent – within their own system and within programs and missions worldwide. This thesis tries to demonstrate that peace is a concept which is not only characterized by the absence of conflict and destruction between nations and people, but also by the development of modern, freed, right, equal, then safer, societies. And in what, as the disparities between women and men and the disregard of women’s rights, as their marginalization in the political and military circles of powers, threaten world stability and security, and constitute a risk for international peace.

Le statut de combattant dans les conflits armés non internationaux : etude critique de droit international humanitaire / The Status of Combatant in Non-international armed Conflicts : critical Study of International Humanitarian Law

Aivo, Gérard 14 October 2011 (has links)
Avant les Conventions de Genève de 1949, seuls les conflits armés internationaux étaient réglementés par le droit de la guerre. Ce dernier ne pouvait s’appliquer dans les guerres civiles qu’après la reconnaissance des forces rebelles comme partie belligérante. Or, depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale on a assisté à une multiplication des conflits armés non internationaux. Mais les Conventions de Genève de 1949 leur ont consacré seulement l’article 3 commun ; puis le Protocole II additionnel de 1977 est venu le compléter. Ces deux textes comportent de nombreuses lacunes, notamment l’absence de définition des « combattants » et des « civils », rendant ainsi difficile le respect du principe de distinction pourtant essentiel à la protection des populations civiles. Ces dispositions ne réglementent pas non plus les moyens et méthodes de guerre. Outre les lacunes normatives, il y a des problèmes matériels qui compliquent la mise en œuvre efficace des règles pertinentes. Il s’agit notamment de la participation des populations civiles aux hostilités, y compris les enfants-Soldats et les mercenaires. L’absence du statut de combattant dans les conflits armés non internationaux apparaît comme le problème principal compromettant l’efficacité du DIH. Celle-Ci ne contribue-T-Elle pas au non respect de ce droit par les groupes armés ? Faudrait-Il conférer ce statut à ces derniers en vue de les amener à appliquer le droit international humanitaire ou envisager d’autres moyens ? Lesquels ? / Before the Geneva Conventions of 1949, only the international armed conflicts were regulated by the law of the war. This last one could apply in the civil wars only after the recognition of the rebel forces as belligerent party. Now, since the Second World War we attended an increase in non-International armed conflicts. But the Geneva Conventions of 1949 dedicated them only the common article 3; then the additional Protocol II of 1977 came to complete it. These two texts contain numerous gaps, in particular the absence of definition of the "combatants" and the "civilians", making so difficult the respect for the principle of distinction nevertheless essential for the protection of the civil populations. These rules do not regulate either the means and the war methods. Besides the normative gaps, there are material problems which complicate the effective implementation of the relevant rules. It is in particular about the participation of the civil populations in the hostilities, including the children-Soldiers and the mercenaries. The absence of combatant's status in the non-International armed conflicts appears as the main problem compromising the efficiency of the international humanitarian law. Does not this one contribute to the non compliance with this law by the armed groups? Would it be necessary to confer this status to these last ones to bring them to apply the international humanitarian law or to envisage the other means? Which one?

Artificiell Intelligens och krigets lagar : Kan skyddet i internationell humanitärrätt garanteras?

Öholm, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest developing technologies globally. AI has recently entered warfare and thus taken a place in international law. Today the use of AI in warfare is through machine learning and autonomous weapon systems. Autonomous weapons are expected to play a decisive role in future war- fare and therefore have a major impact on both civilians and combatants. This gives rise to an examination of the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning and autonomous weapon systems in international law, specifically international humanitarian law (IHL).  The purpose and main research question of the thesis is to examine how the use of AI, machine learning and autonomous weapon systems is regulated within international law. Further the thesis examines if the regulations sufficiently can ensure the protection that is guaranteed within IHL or if additional regulation is needed. The research question is answered by examining the relevant rules in IHL, compliance with the protection stated in the principles of distinction, pro- portionality and precautions in attack and lastly by analyzing the consequences for civilians and combatants.  Conclusions that can be made is that the rules of IHL are both applicable and sufficient to, in theory, regulate autonomous weapon systems. However the weapon itself must be capable to follow IHL and in order to guarantee this ad- ditional regulation is needed on the use of autonomous weapons. The use of autonomous weapon systems does not necessarily violate the principles of dis- tinction, proportionality and precaution in attack. On the contrary, the use of autonomous weapons can possibly ensure that the principles are respected even further. This however depends on the actual capabilities of autonomous weapon systems and whether they can make the complex judgments required for each principle. It is although still of importance to ensure that the element of human control is never completely lost. The issue that keeps returning is the potential loss of human control. At all times human control must be guaranteed to ensure that the final decision always remains with a human. If humanity in warfare is lost the consequences and risks for civilians will increase. Not only is there a possibility of increase in use of violence but also an increase of indiscriminate attacks. The rules of IHL aim to protect civilians as well as combatants, and the use of this new weapon will lead to difficulties to navigate armed situations for combatants. This will increase the suffering of civilians, but also risk overriding the protection of combatants that IHL ensures.


韓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
中華民國紅十字會為我國從事國際人道救援主要組織之一。由於我國特殊的國際地位,中華民國紅十字會並非國際紅十字會的一員。1999年921地震後,我國紅十字會得到紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會的幫助,開始發展救災備災計畫。2004年的南亞海嘯,則是我國紅十字會首次實地進行國際人道救援工作。唯近年來,隨著我國從事國際人道救援的非政府組織蓬勃發展,我國紅十字會則逐漸面臨許多挑戰。 本論文分析的重點,包括我國紅十字會與國際紅十字會的關係,我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援的策略,以及我國紅十字會面臨的挑戰。 / The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is one of the country’s major organizations in charge of international humanitarian assistance. Yet, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is not a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). After the 921 earthquake in 1999, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies not only offered emergent aid to Taiwan but also helped develop the “Disaster Preparedness Project of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.” The recovery program for the Tsunami in South Asia in 2004 is the first time that The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China participated in international humanitarian actions. In recent years, the number of humanitarian NGOs in Taiwan is rising and flourishing. Meanwhile, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is facing a lot of challenges. This thesis will first analyze the strategy of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China in carrying out humanitarian assistance. Then, the effectiveness of this strategy will be evaluated. Finally, the thesis will examine the challenges that have confronted the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.

Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge en Afrique centrale à la fin du XXe siècle : cas du Cameroun, du Congo Brazzaville, du Congo Kinshasa et du Gabon de 1960 à 1999 / The ICRC in Central Africa in the end of the 20 th century : Case study of Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, RDCongo and Gabon, from 1960 up to 1999

Bounda, Sosthène 20 March 2015 (has links)
Le comité international de la Croix-Rouge en abrégé CICR est une organisation humanitaire fondée en 1863 par le Comité de cinq citoyens suisses: Gustave Moynier, Henri Dunant, Guillaume Dufour, Louis Appia, Théodore Maunoir. Crée à la base pour secourir et venir en aide aux victimes de guerre, sur une initiative d'Henri Dunant d'après un souvenir de la Guerre de Solferino, le CICR élargira son champ d'action après la Convention de Genève de 1949. En effet, le CICR est l'ONG la plus représentée dans le monde et c'est à juste titre qu'elle fut Prix-Nobel de la paix en 1901 remis à Henri Dunant, en 1917, 1944, 1963, pour son effort lors des différents conflits, mais aussi le prix Balzan pour l'humanité, la paix et la fraternité entre les peuples en 1996. Elle s'est établie progressivement dans tous les continents après la seconde Guerre Mondiale. Avant cela, elle n'était qu'une ONG essentiellement européenne. En Afrique Centrale, la délégation de la Croix-Rouge Internationale était basée à Yaoundé au Cameroun et comprenait les pays d'Afrique Centrale tels que le Congo, la RD Congo, le Gabon, la Guinée Equatoriale et le Sao-Tomé. Dans ces pays l'oeuvre du CICR varie selon les besoins Humanitaires des uns et des autres. En effet, plus un Etat est en guerre, plus l’intervention du CICR est importante. Cette intervention se fait dans le respect des règles établies lors des différentes Conventions de Genève, de la Haye et bien d’autres encore. De ces différentes conférences est né le Droit international humanitaire qui codifie l’action du CICR sur le terrain, surtout en temps de guerre, mais aussi celles des autres ONG, y compris les entités onusiennes. Le Droit international est le respect des Droits de l’homme et son environnement en période de conflit armé. Ainsi l’action du CICR en Afrique Centrale a été plus importante en République Démocratique du Congo qu’au Gabon qui est resté sans conflits guerriers depuis 1960, date de départ de notre borne chronologique. Les pays qui font l’objet de notre étude ont connu diverses péripéties : la guerre de Bakassi pour le Cameroun, la guerre civile du Congo Brazzaville et la guerre à multiples facettes interminable en République Démocratique du Congo. L’intervention du CICR en temps de paix est souvent confiée aux Sociétés nationales qui doivent former les secouristes, diffuser le Droit international humanitaire, entre autres de leurs activités quotidiennes de supplier les gouvernements dans leurs missions de santé, d’hygiène. Même cette mission du CICR en temps de paix vise la limitation des dégâts en temps de guerre. / The International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC abstract is a humanitarian organization founded in 1863 by the Committee of five Swiss citizens: Moynier, Henry Dunant, Guillaume Dufour, Louis Appia, ThéodoreMaunoir. Creates the basis for the relief and assistance to victims of war, an initiative of Henry Dunant from a memory of the War of Solferino, the ICRC will extend its scope after the Geneva Convention of 1949. In Indeed, the ICRC is the NGO most represented in the world and it is appropriate that it was price-Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 awarded to Henri Dunant, in 1917, 1944, 1963 for his effort during the different conflicts, but also the Balzan Prize for humanity, peace and brotherhood among peoples in 1996. It was established gradually in all continents after the Second World War. Before that, she was a mostly European NGOs. In Central Africa, the delegation of the International Red Cross is based in Yaounde, Cameroon and includes the Central African countries such as Congo, DR Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Sao Tome. In these countries the work of the ICRC varies Humanitarian needs of each other. The more a country is at war, most of the ICRC's intervention is important. This procedure is done in accordance with the rules established in the various Geneva Conventions, the Hague and many others. Of these conferences was born on international humanitarian law that codifies the ICRC's work in the field, especially in time of war, but also those of other NGOs, including UN entities. International law is respect for human rights and the environment in times of armed conflict. Thus the ICRC's work in Central Africa was greater in Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon, which remained without military conflicts since 1960, starting date of our chronological terminal. The countries that are the subject of our study experienced various vicissitudes: Bakassi war for Cameroon, the civil war in Congo Brazzaville and war multifaceted ending in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The intervention of the ICRC in time of peace is often left to National Societies must train rescuers dissemination of international humanitarian law, including their daily activities to beg governments in their health missions, hygiene. Even the ICRC mission in peacetime is damage limitation in time of war.

Stavebně technologický projekt pro Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně / Construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno

Kozla, Dávid January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of the St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno (ICRC), namely the first stage of the construction of the buildings "B1" and "C1". It tries to design an ideal technological process of construction with respect of local conditions. Technologically it focuses mainly on the issue of special foundation, namely protection of excavation pit with secant pile wall and pile foundation. There are processed technological regulations, time and financial plans, construction budget, control and test plan, plan of heavy equipment and safety or environmental requirements. Everything is supplemented by attachments and drawing documentation.

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