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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cloud computing v práci učitele střední školy / Cloud computing in the field of upper secondary teaching

Kozák, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on mapping and analysis of the possibilities of using cloud computing from the point of view of a pedagogical worker at a level of higher secondary education by using a suitable method of evaluation and comparison of cloud technologies. A part of the work is devoted to ICT competences of teachers and possibilities of their further development in the field of cloud computing, withal focusing on models and programs of ICT competencies development, more precisely digital competences of national and international significance. In the practical part of the thesis, a research is carried out among pedagogical staff at secondary schools in the Czech Republic which is focused on the use of cloud computing with emphasis on competence, activities and work of pedagogical worker. The results of the research are summarized as recommendations for further practice.

Investigating the integration of ICT in Mathematics and Science in Swaziland classrooms

Simelane, Armstrong Siboniso January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the status quo of the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Swaziland Mathematics and Science form four classrooms. The rationale is to understand the status in order to propose an appropriate strategy for policy and practice in education. The research design is a survey conducted in the Manzini region, the most central, largest region with the largest number of schools. The study focused on all schools that had computers for the purpose of education. There were 149 participants from 43 schools. All Mathematics, Science, and ICT teachers were included in the study, including head teachers. The study instruments were adapted from the Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) undertaken under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. Permission to adapt South African instruments was granted through the Centre for Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Pretoria. Four types of questionnaires were adapted and used. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study revealed that very little had been done by Swaziland to integrate ICT in Mathematics and Science classrooms. The status quo indicated that the Student Computer Ratio was very high (14:1). In terms of ICT literacy 67% of the ICT teachers were diploma holders, 72% of the Mathematics, 78% of the Science teachers had no ICT qualification and most of vi the learners were not competent. The computers were found old and out of date and lacking maintenance. The lack of School ICT policy as a possible factor that could explain the pedagogical use of ICT was found to be a major obstacle in the integration of ICT in the classrooms, and this was a major thematic area that has to be addressed. This is viewed as an obstacle by Mathematics, Science and ICT teachers together with their principals. The elimination of this obstacle could possibly ensure sufficient funding, appropriate knowledge and skills, efficient leadership, proficient teachers and competent students, and thereby give impetus to ICT integration in Mathematics and Science classrooms. It was then concluded that Mathematics and Science teachers do not integrate ICT in their practice, despite being core subjects. The channelling of more resources by government to ICT education was strongly recommended. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Sustainability use of information and communication technologies: a case study of an asset management company

Ngwenya, Mpendulo Hilary Farai January 2013 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM) / The problem of global warming has triggered a number of environmental initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change, many of which are driven at governmental level - although private organisations have also taken the initiative. The organisation under study - hereafter referred to as “Company-A” - is one such organisation which has taken strides in incorporating environmental initiatives in its business processes. Company-A is a South African based asset management organisation which has seen rapid growth in its business operations and consequently the number of its employees. This growth has necessitated the need for a new office building. At the commencement of this study the organisation was in the process of planning for a new office building to accommodate its growth. The senior management of Company-A recognised the importance of implementing environmentally friendly practices at the new office building, and sought the services of a sustainability consultancy firm to assist in the planning for the new office building. This study was necessitated by the fact that despite the company’s recognition of the importance and need to implement environmentally friendly processes within its business processes, there was a lack of understanding or appreciation of how ICT could be used in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner in its new office building. With this problem in mind - the researcher - in consultation with the organisations’ new office building project manager and research supervisor, formulated a research question which was continuously refined until such a point that it was clear. It was envisaged that a research study to answer the research question: How can Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) be used to support environmental sustainability in an organisation? - would provide insight on how the organisation’s top management could deal with the aforementioned problem. The primary purpose of the study was to assist Company-A management in making informed decisions regarding sustainability ICT use, the research can also be used as a foundation in the formulation of the organisation’s “green” ICT strategies and policies. The main research question was divided into smaller sub questions to give structure, clarity and direction in addressing the main research question. These sub questions were in turn used to formulate the research objectives which set the goals and boundaries of this study.

Strategie pro rozvoj vzdělávání v oblasti bezpečnosti ICT na vysokých školách / Strategy for the development of education in the field of ICT security at universities

Sulanová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problems of education in ICT security experts at universities in order to design a strategy for the development of education in present degree courses that dealing with this issue. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of ICT security and to familiarize the reader with the basic concepts of information security management and management of cyber security and gives an overview of the overall development of ICT security and the current trends in this area. It also describes the current situation on the labor market in relation to ICT security and the education of professionals in this field and characterizes the existing recommendations for education in ICT security. Practical part focuses on analyzing the current education ic ICT security and on analyzing the knowledge and skills requirements of the labor market to professionals in this area. Defines the basic professional role and knowledge domains that should be covered by this role. In the analytical part they are evaluated current profiles of graduates Master's degree programs focused on this area in order to find gaps in the knowledge base of graduates based on the requirements of the labor market and the existing recommendations. The results of the analysis are input to define a strategy on education in ICT security, which gives basic recommendations on how to eliminate the shortcomings.

Analýza interní komunikace a využití nástrojů ICT pro komunikaci v konkrétní organizaci / Analysis of internal communication and utilization of ICT for communication in a specific organization

Jeništová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze internal communication in a specific company and propose possible improvements. Such proposal is based on surveys and interviews with company owner. Theoretical part includes definition of internal communication, its effect on company´s functioning process and factors that influence it. Mentioned are also different communication instruments, mainly ICT instruments that can be effectively used for company´s internal communication. Practical part applies acquired findings on a specific situation in a specific company. Aim of this research is to analyze current situation of internal communication, determine its weaknesses and propose possible solutions of their removal.

Korkeasti koulutettujen vammaisten integroituminen ICT-alalle heidän itsensä kokemana:”Älä anna muille etumatkaa!”

Mononen, J. (Jukka) 19 December 2017 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyse how highly educated people with physical and/or sensor disabilities (PwD) integrate in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The approach was the experience of PwD. In stead of earlier single approach studies, the aim of the study was to identify factors, which are influencing on ICT field study place selection, and which are improving their employment and which factors push ahead them to carry on in the ICT field. One of the interviewees summarized: Don’t give the lead to others! In general, ICT-sector work has been seen as work that does not require physical capability from an employee, and usually the work is not physically demanding. Therefore, ICT sector work can be consireded to be suitable for PWD employees. This study was carried out by using a qualitative research method. It was an empirical study that took into account elements of social research. The empirical material was based on 21 semi-structured interviews involving eight women and thirteen men, and all of them had physical and/or sensor disability. The interviewees were offered the opportunity to share their experiences as freely as possible. The severity, age and work experience of the persons involved in the study varied widely. All of the interviewees were Finnish citizens and at the time of the study they lived in Finland, and all of the interviewees had been in ICT field or suited studies in tertiary level. They had also been working or they were working in the ICT sector during the interviews. The study showed that disability has a major impact on the choice of the place where ICT is studied. The interviewees were well aware of the constraints caused by their injuries. The interviewed persons had found workplaces easily in the ICT sector. However, a few interviewees mentioned that disability had had a negative impact on individual job search processes. The study also showed that people with disabilities are able to work independently in the ICT field and integrate into the work community. Nearly all of the interviewees had a long career in the work of their first employer and they had progressed well in the career. The results of the dissertation are to encourage young people with disabilities to acquire higher education and work life more actively than before, as well as their teachers and employers to pay more attention to competence and eligibility than to disability. The encouragement of family and individual teachers was also seen as a major factor in starting the university studies. During the research, it was also found that factors relevant to employment include the networks and know-how created during the studies. This study also challenges people responsible for recruiting in companies to evaluate their own values and attitudes towards different people. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida, kuinka korkeasti koulutetut fyysisesti vammaiset tai aistivammaiset henkilöt integroituvat tieto- ja viestintäteknologia-alalle (ICT). Näkökulmana oli vammaisten oma kokemus. Aikaisempien yhden näkökulman tutkimusten sijaan tämä tutkimus etsi tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat ICT-alan opiskelupaikan valintaan, edistävät vammaisten henkilöiden työllistymistä ja kannustavat heitä jatkamaan ICT-alalla. Yksi haastateltu tiivistikin asian osuvasti seuraavasti: Älä anna muille etumatkaa! Yleisesti ICT-alan työn ei nähdä vaativan fyysisiä ominaisuuksia, eikä työ ole yleensä ruumiillisesti raskasta. ICT-alan työn voidaan katsoa soveltuvan hyvin henkilöille, joilla on rajoitteita vammoistaan johtuen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimusmenetelmällä. Kyseessä oli empiirinen tutkimus, jossa otettiin huomioon sosiaalitutkimuksen elementtejä. Tutkimusaineisto perustui 21 semi-strukturoituun haastatteluun, joihon osallistui kahdeksan naista ja 13 miestä. Haastateltaville tarjottiin mahdollisuus kertoa kokemuksistaan mahdollisimman vapaasti. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden henkilöiden vammojen vaikeusaste, ikä ja työkokemus vaihtelivat laajasti. Kaikki haastatellut olivat suomalaisia, ja he olivat opiskelleet ICT-alaa korkeakouluissa sekä työskennelleet tai työskentelivät tutkimuksen aikana ICT-alalla. Tutkimus osoitti, että vammaisuus vaikuttaa merkittävästi ICT-alan opiskelupaikan valintaan. Haastateltavat tunnistivat hyvin vammoistaan johtuvat rajoitteet. Haastatellut työllistyivät tutkimuksen perusteella hyvin ICT-alan työtehtäviin. Muutama haastateltava tosin mainitsi, että vammaisuus oli vaikuttanut negatiivisesti yksittäisissä työpaikkahakuprosesseissa. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että vammaiset henkilöt pystyvät työskentelemään ICT-alan työtehtävissä itsenäisesti, ja että he integroituvat työyhteisöön. Lähes kaikilla tutkimukseen osallistuneilla oli pitkä työura ensimmäisen työnantajansa palveluksessa, ja he olivat edenneet työuralla hyvin. Väitöskirjan tulosten toivotaan rohkaisevan vammaisia nuoria hakeutumaan korkeakouluopintoihin ja työelämään aikaisempaa aktiivisemmin sekä heidän opettajiaan ja työnantajiaan kiinnittämään enemmän huomiota osaamiseen ja kelpoisuuteen kuin vammaisuuteen. Perheen ja yksittäisten opettajien kannustus nähtiin tutkimuksessa myös korkeakouluopintojen aloittamisen kannalta merkittäväksi tekijäksi. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä havaittiin myös, että työllistymisen kannalta tärkeitä tekijöitä ovat opiskelujen aikana luodut verkostot ja osaaminen. Tämä tutkimus haastaa myös yrityksissä rekrytoinneista vastaavia henkilöitä arvioimaan omia arvojaan ja asenteitaan erilaisia ihmisiä kohtaan.

Debyrokratizace veřejné správy pomocí eGovernmentu / Debureaucratization of public administration by using eGovernment

Vaculová, Ilona January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is the use of e-government by citizens and public administration and its impact on debureaucratization of environment. The thesis will initially focus on the characteristics of bureaucracy, de-bureaucratization and the characteristics and evolution of e-government. The first half of the practical part is devoted to e-government and debureaucratization of the citizen view, its analysis and perspective. Part of this issue is a survey which aims to understand how citizens perceive the Czech e-government. The second half is devoted to e-government and debureaucratization of public administration perspective, focusing on the size of the bureaucratic apparatus including an evaluation of the Czech e-government at the European level. The conclusion is based on lessons learned assesses the extent to which e-government fulfills its debureaucratic role.

Přístupy k inovacím podnikových informačních systémů / Approaches to the enterprise information systems innovation

Dvořák, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with problems of the IS/ICT innovation strategic management in the surroundings of the Czech Republic and participates in solutions to the three-year research project GA201/08/663 -- Information systems innovation to support competitiveness of enterprises. This project has been realized at the Faculty of Information Science and Statistics at the University of Economics, Prague in support of the Czech Science Foundation since 1st January 2008. Thesis sequence to the project consists in filling of particular priorities defined for 1st year of research. Of course this fact represents determining aspect of thesis main goals definition. Firstly, carry out a research on actual level of information systems in Czech enterprises forcefully into the IS/ICT innovation. Secondly, set up working paper for presentation of continuous outcomes after the introductory phase by appearances at scientific conferences, by articles in scientific papers and by findings'publication at a website of the Czech Society for System Integration. Structure of the thesis, which consists of a theoretical and a practical part, specifies methods of goals'filling. The theoretical part represents introduction to problems -- it covers identification of key elements influencing IS/ICT innovation in surrounding of the modern knowledge economy, IS/ICT innovation classification and detailed statement of IS/ICT innovation management process, which is based on methods of strategic management process in general. The practical part gives attention to questionnaire research -- structure of the questionnaire, research methodology and answer evaluation. Contribution of the thesis, together with filling of particular goals of the research project GA201/08/663 -- Information systems innovation to support competitiveness of enterprises, consists in multidimensional view of the specific problems. IS/ICT innovation is seen not only from an enterprise informatics point of view, but also from an entire enterprise angle when economic aspect is also taken into account. This approach accents support task of informatics -- the IS/ICT contribute to the filling of enterprise's goals.

Systém ICT rolí a jejich hodnocení / ICT roles system and their appraisal

Ostatek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the ICT employee evaluation methods in conjunction with their ICT roles. The objective of this work is to produce the lead-in for ICT managers, Human Resources staff etc. for creation of employee evaluation systems or motivation programs in the workplaces with high rate of ICT professions. The work strives to combine psychological and informatics insight to offer corresponding evaluation instruments for each ICT role.

Model pro sledování hodnoty služeb podnikové informatiky: systémový/deterministicky chaotický model / Model for monitoring the value of enterprise Informatics: system / deterministic chaotic model

Filippi, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This study deals with the value of ICT services. Enterprise Informatics is a widespread line of business and it is part of every company. There are not only software and hardware resources in enterprise informatics, but also people belong into and work with informatics every day. Currently, there are new trends how to manage enterprise informatics. Based on the same principles as for the business. A prerequisite for effective management is accurate overview of the costs and benefits. For this purpose there is a group of metrics which ensure measuring the amount of inputs, outputs and quality of services. The value of ICT services should be positive. Benefits should be greater than costs. The aim of this work is to create a model for monitoring the value of enterprise Informatics. Model simulate the dynamics of enterprise informatics and describe all important parameters in terms of value. Model should also find out if there are some external or internal factors, which could bring on some random element complicating the process of effective management.

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