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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imigrantų vaikų ikimokyklinio ugdymo ypatumai Lietuvoje / Immigrant children in the pre-shool features of festering Lithuania

Laskauskienė, Jūratė 07 July 2010 (has links)
Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, į šalį atvyksta vis daugiau užsieniečių, pvz., specialistų (migruojančių darbuotojų), imigrantų, pabėgėlių (gavusių leidimą nuolat guventi Lietuvoje), kurie turi ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. tad Lietuvos švietimo sistema turi sudaryti sąlygas šių vaikų ugdymui, ugdymuisi, socializacijai ir integracijai. Šio darbo tikslas: Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus Lietuvoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti tarptautinės migracijos Lietuvoje statistinę situaciją ir imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus; 2) Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymo Lietuvoje ypatumus; 3) Ištirti tėvų nuomonę apie vaikų ugdymą ikimokyklinėse įstaigose Lietuvoje. Tyrimo metodai: 1) Vaikų stebėjimas; 2) Tėvų apklausa raštu; 3) Pokalbis su vaiku; 4) Grupės aplinkos aprašas. Apebendrinimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 imigrantų vaikų iš Rytų europos ir Azijos; 10 tėvų; 22 pedagogai; 150 bendraamžių. Imigrantų vaikų stebėjimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad grupės aplinkoje bendraudami tiek su pedagogais, tiek su bendraamžiais imigrantų vaikai efektyviai naudoja neverbalinį bendravimą, kurio pagalba siekia išvengti nepatogumų ir įtampos, negalėdami apsikeisti žodine informacija. Tėvų nuomone, ypač svarbu yra vaiko protinių galių ugdymas, bendravimo įgūdžių tobulinimas, imigranto vaiko kultūrinių tradicijų ir gimtosios kalbos puoselėjimas. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose svarbu analizuoti įvairių šalių patirtį daugiakalbių vaikų ugdyme ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuania joined the European Union, coming into the country more and more foreigners, such: Professionals (migrant workers), immigrants, refugees (received a permit for permanent residence in Lithuania) who have preschool - age children. Lithuania education system to enable these scildren, education, socialization and integration. The aim of disclose pre - school age children features Lithuania. Objectives of the study: 1) Analysis of integration migration situation in Lithuania statistical and educational aspects of the children of immigrants. 2) Disglosure of preschool education for children of immigrants Lithuania charagteristical. 3) Explore parent's views children's education preschool Lithuania. Methods: 1) Child observation; 2) Parent's written survey; 3) Interview with the child; 4) Description of the environmental group. Generalization. The study included 10 children of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Asia; 10 parents; 22 teachers and 150 children of peers. Immigrant children in the monitoring results revealed that the group environmen and communicate vith teachers and peers vith immigrant children to effectively use non-verbal communication, though which to seek to avoid the inconvenience and stress, beig able to exchange focus. Parents think it is particularty important child mental powers of education, communication skills of immigrant children's traditions and native language. Preschool education services are important to analyze the different experiences of... [to full text]

Lietuvių emigrantų išsilavinimas kaip kultūrinės adaptacijos veiksnys (Lietuvių, gyvenančių Anglijoje, išsilavinimo ir adaptacijos tyrimo pagrindu) / Lithuanian emigrants' calibre as the factor of cultural adaptation (on the grounds of the research of Lithuanian people, who live in the UK, calibre and adaptation)

Danikauskienė, Jurgita 21 June 2006 (has links)
Over the years hundreds of thousands Lithuanian people found themselves far away from their native country because of various reasons. When Lithuania became a member of European Union in 2004, Europe’s open states’ frontiers activated Lithuanian people to migrate to the USA, Ireland, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the West. Lithuanian emigrants and their children at all times getting into a different linguistic tone and sphere permanently or for a short period confront with many problems: emigrants’ adaptation and integration in the sphere of foreign countries keeping their nationally. Expression of successful migrants’ adaptation and integration is social involvement in new society. Polysemantic conception of social involvement is associated with political and civic awareness, involvement in economical, political, cultural and society life, development of ethnic culture and keeping the nationally. Herein scientific work it was tried to explore Lithuanians’ who live in Great Britain caliber as the factor of their cultural adaptation. The records of this research established that most Lithuanian migrants who live in England now belong to the emigratory surge which started after Lithuania became a member of European Union. These emigrants are looking for bigger emolument, better quality of life so they can be ascribed to economical emigrants. Most respondents are young and single (or they left their families in Lithuania), most of them finished vocational... [to full text]

Gyventojų darbinė migracija Lietuvoje / Inhabitants'Labour Migration in Lithuania

Kerbelytė - Orvydienė, Inga 20 March 2006 (has links)
In this master thesis the reasons, tendencies and outcomes of the labour migration in Lithuania have been analysed. According the data of different researches carried out in Lithuania, almost 90% of people depart abroad due to financial reasons. This research may contribute to revealing the deep reasons and motives of labour migration, and its founding might be used dealing with the problem how to recapture the emigrants to Lithuania, and how to suppress a flow of emigrants from our country.

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