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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imitation pedagogy: The ongoing debate

Snow, Nancy Joyce 01 January 1997 (has links)
Imitation was one of the five teaching methods passed down from the Greeks and was, from antiquity down to the nineteenth century, highly respected among scholars and educators. However, imitation has lost status as a viable pedagogy, and especially perhaps in the field of composition studies.

Rozvoj sociálních dovedností u žáků s poruchou autistického spektra / Development of social skills at pupils with autistic spectrum disorder

Muchová, Marta January 2021 (has links)
The formation of social relationships accompanies us throughout our lives and are a source of satisfaction. While social interactions bring joy to healthy children, children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder bring such interactions to an unknown territory filled with uncertainty and distress. The social domain is an interrelated system consisting of several areas. If a child does not understand one or more areas, she will not function correctly during human-to-human interactions. Areas that help a child acquire appropriate social skills include cognitive, perceptual, motor, and emotional abilities. Consequently, it is only appropriate to focus on such areas during social skills training to achieve the best possible outcomes. The thesis deliberates on the social skills development of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The work aims to characterize the methods and intervention options in social skills development, imitation, and fine motor skills and evaluate progress in respective areas. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter outlines the history and terminology development of autism spectrum disorders. The second chapter focuses on social skills development, imitation, fine motor skills, and play. The third chapter describes two children's case studies and...

Vad ligger bakom valet av projektmetod? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om potentiella påverkansfaktorer i beslutsprocessen gällande valet av projektmetod bland organisationer

Grufvelgård, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Projekt har använts av människor sedan början av sin tid och är idag en vanlig arbetsform bland många branscher och organisationer. Projekt är inte bara effektiva när det kommer till att åstadkomma resultat utan också för att implementera organisatoriska förändringar och anses således spela en viktig roll i införandet av hållbar utveckling bland organisationer. Projekts användbarhet har lett till att en stor mängd forskning dedikerats till ämnet projektledning vilket bland annat bidragit med en nyanserad portfolio av projekttyper och projektmetoder. Däremot har den inte försett organisationer med en förståelse för varför så många finns och hur man väljer bland dem. Forskning pekar också på att det finns ett positivt samband mellan framgångsrika projekt och lämplig projektmetodik vilket indikerar att valet av projektmetod har en stor betydelse för projektframgång och därmed också införandet av hållbar utveckling bland organisationer. Fortfarande vet vi väldigt lite om just processen att välja projektmetod. I litteraturen inom innovationsdiffusion, däremot, har man sedan långt tillbaka sökt förklaringar till varför organisationer väljer att adoptera eller avvisa innovationer och bidragit med flera teorier inom detta ämne. Målet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om innovationsdiffusionsteorier är applicerbara i ett projektmetodsammanhang och i vilken utsträckning hållbar utveckling används som bedömningskriterium med syftet att försöka beskriva vad som ligger bakom organisationers val av projektmetod. Detta har inneburit en identifikation av påverkansfaktorer inom ramen för dessa teorier, för att avgöra deras relevans i sammanhanget, samt inom hållbar utveckling. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats på teori tillämpades och data ackumulerades via intervjuer från både näringslivsanställda och forskare. Resultatet indikerar att valet av projektmetod bland organisationer med stor sannolikhet påverkas av ett flertal yttre faktorer: 1) Makthavande organisationer som hämmar företag att jobba agilt genom offentlig upphandling 2) Konsultfirmor som ”säljer” olika projektmetoder genom deras kapacitet att övertyga 3) Media som influerar beslutsfattare genom dess förmåga att skapa och kapa trender och 4) Andra organisationer som influerar andra beslutsfattare att imitera deras val av projektmetod genom deras positiva resultat eller egenskaper. / Projects have been used by people since the beginning of their time and are now a common form of work among many industries and organizations. Projects are not only effective when it comes to achieving results but also for implementing organizational changes and are thus considered to play an important role in the introduction of sustainable development among organizations. The usefulness of projects has led to a large amount of research being dedicated to the topic of project management, which has, among other things, contributed with a nuanced portfolio of project types and project methods. However, it has not provided organizations with an understanding of why so many exist and how to choose between them. Studies also indicate that there is a positive relationship between successful projects and appropriate project methodology, which indicates that the choice of project method has a great importance for project success and thus also the introduction of sustainable development among organizations. Still, we know very little about the process of choosing a project method. In the literature on the diffusion of innovations, however, researchers have sought explanations for why organizations choose to adopt or reject innovations and contributed with several theories in this subject. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate whether innovation diffusion theories are applicable in a project method context and to what extent sustainable development is used as an assessment criterion with the purpose of trying to describe what lies behind organizations' choice of project method. This has involved identifying influencing factors within the framework of these theories, to determine their relevance in the context, as well as within sustainable development. A qualitative research method with a deductive approach to theory was applied and data was accumulated via interviews from both business employees and researchers. The result indicates that the choice of project method among organizations is very likely to be influenced by a number of external factors: 1) Powerful organizations which inhibit companies from working agile through public procurement, 2) Consultancy firms which "sell" different project methods through their capacity to convince, 3) Media which influence decision makers through its ability to create and cut trends and 4) Other organizations which influence decision makers to imitate their choice of method trough their positive results or attributes.

The Technical Qualities of the Elicited Imitation Subsection of The Assessment of College English, International (ACE-In)

Xiaorui Li (9025040) 25 June 2020 (has links)
<p>The present study investigated technical qualities of the elicited imitation (EI) items used by the Assessment of College English – International (ACE-In), a locally developed English language proficiency test used in the undergraduate English Academic Purpose Program at Purdue University. EI is a controversial language assessment tool that has been utilized and examined for decades. The simplicity of the test format and the ease of rating place EI in an advantageous position to be widely implemented in language assessment. On the other hand, EI has received a series of critiques, primarily questioning its validity. To offer insights into the quality of the EI subsection of the ACE-In and to provide guidance for continued test development and revision, the present study examined the measurement qualities of the items by analyzing the pre- and post-test performance of 100 examines on EI. The analyses consist of an item analysis that reports item difficulty, item discrimination, and total score reliability; an examination of pre-post changes in performance that reports a matched pairs t-test and item instructional sensitivity; and an analysis of the correlation patterns between EI scores and TOEFL iBT total and subsection scores.</p><p>The results of the item analysis indicated that the current EI task was slightly easy for the intended population, but test items functioned satisfactorily in terms of separating examinees of higher proficiency from those of lower proficiency. The EI task was also found to have high internal consistency across forms. As for the pre-post changes, a significant pair-wise difference was found between the pre- and post-performance after a semester of instruction. However, the results also reported that over half of the items were relatively insensitive to instruction. The last stage of the analysis indicated that while EI scores had a significant positive correlation with TOEFL iBT total scores and speaking subsection scores, EI scores were negatively correlated with TOEFL iBT reading subsection scores. </p><p>Findings of the present study provided evidence in favor of the use of EI as a measure of L2 proficiency, especially as a viable alternative to free-response items. EI is also argued to provide additional information regarding examinees’ real-time language processing ability that standardized language tests are not intended to measure. Although the EI task used by the ACE-In is generally suitable for the targeted population and testing purposes, it can be further improved if test developers increase the number of difficult items and control the contents and the structures of sentence stimuli. </p><p>Examining the technical qualities of test items is fundamental but insufficient to build a validity argument for the test. The present EI test can benefit from test validation studies that exceed item analysis. Future research that focuses on improving item instructional sensitivity is also recommended.</p>

Learning Multi-step Dual-arm Tasks From Demonstrations

Natalia S Sanchez Tamayo (9156518) 29 July 2020 (has links)
Surgeon expertise can be difficult to capture through direct robot programming. Deep imitation learning (DIL) is a popular method for teaching robots to autonomously execute tasks through learning from demonstrations. DIL approaches have been previously applied to surgical automation. However, previous approaches do not consider the full range of robot dexterous motion required in general surgical task, by leaving out tooltip rotation changes or modeling one robotic arm only. Hence, they are not directly applicable for tasks that require rotation and dual-arm collaboration such as debridement. We propose to address this limitation by formulating a DIL approach for the execution of dual-arm surgical tasks including changes in tooltip orientation, position and gripper actions.<br><br>In this thesis, a framework for multi-step surgical task automation is designed and implemented by leveraging deep imitation learning. The framework optimizes Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for the execution of the whole surgical tasks while considering tooltip translations, rotations as well as gripper actions. The network architecture proposed implicitly optimizes for the interaction between two robotic arms as opposed to modeling each arm independently. The networks were trained directly from the human demonstrations and do not require to create task specific hand-crafted models or to manually segment the demonstrations.<br><br>The proposed framework was implemented and evaluated in simulation for two relevant surgical tasks, the peg transfer task and the surgical debridement. The tasks were tested under random initial conditions to challenge the robustness of the networks to generalize to variable settings. The performance of the framework was assessed using task and subtask success as well as a set of quantitative metrics. Experimental evaluation showed favorable results for automating surgical tasks under variable conditions for the surgical debridement, which obtained a task success rate comparable to the human task success. For the peg transfer task, the framework displayed moderate overall task success. Quantitative metrics indicate that the robot generated trajectories possess similar or better motion economy that the human demonstrations.

On the Efficiency of Transfer Learning in a Fighter Pilot Behavior Modelling Context / Effektiviteten av överföringsinlärning vid beteendemodellering av stridspiloter

Sandström, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Creating realistic models of human fighter pilot behavior is made possible with recent deep learning techniques. However, these techniques are often highly dependent on large datasets, often unavailable in many settings, or expensive to produce. Transfer learning is an active research field where the idea is to leverage the knowledge gained from studying a problem for which large amounts of training data are more readily available, when considering a different, related problem. The related problem is called the target task and the initial problem is called the source task. Given a successful transfer scenario, a smaller amount of data, or less training, can be required to reach high quality results on the target task. The first part of this thesis focuses on the development of a fighter pilot model using behavior cloning, a method for reducing an imitation learning problem to standard supervised learning. The resulting model, called a policy, is capable of imitating a human pilot controlling a fighter jet in the military combat simulator Virtual BattleSpace 3. In this simulator, the forces acting on the aircraft can be modelled using one of several flight dynamic models (FDMs). In the second part, the efficiency of transfer learning is measured. This is done by replacing the built-in FDM to one with a significant variation in the input response, and subsequently train two policies on successive amount of data. One policy was trained using only the latter FDM, whereas the other policy exploits the gained knowledge from the first part of the thesis, using a technique called fine-tuning. The results indicate that a model already capable of handling one FDM, adapts to a different FDM with less data compared to a previously untrained policy. / Realistiska modeller av mänskligt pilotbeteende kan potentiellt skapas med djupinlärningstekniker. För detta krävs ofta stora datamängder som för många tillämpningar saknas, eller är dyra att ta fram. Överföringsinlärning är ett aktivt forskningsfält där grundidén är att utnyttja redan inlärd kunskap från ett problem där stora mängder träningsdata finns tillgängligt, vid undersökning av ett relaterat problem. Vid lyckad överföringinlärning behövs en mindre mängd data, eller mindre träning, för att uppnå ett önskvärt resultat på denna måluppgift. Första delen av detta examensarbete handlar om utvecklingen av en pilotmodell med hjälp av beteendekloning, en metod som reducerar imitationsinlärning till vanlig övervakad inlärning. Den resulterande pilotmodellen klarar av att imitera en mänsklig pilot som styr ett stridsflygplan i den militära simulatormiljön Virtual BattleSpace 3, där krafterna som verkar på flygplanet modelleras med en enkel inbyggd flygdynamiksmodell. I den andra delen av arbetet utvärderas överföringsförmågan mellan olika flygdynamiksmodeller. Detta gjordes genom att ersätta den inbyggda dynamiken till en dynamik som modellerar ett annat flygplan och som svarar på styrsignaler på ett vida olikartat sätt. Sedan tränades två stridspilotmodeller successivt på ökad mängd data. Den ena pilotmodellen tränas endast med den ena dynamiken varvid den andra pilotmodellen utnyttjar det redan inlärda beteendet från första delen av arbetet, med hjälp av en teknik som kallas finjustering. Resultaten visar att en pilotmodell som redan lärt sig att flyga med en specifik flygdynamik har lättare att lära sig en ny dynamik, jämfört med en pilotmodell som inte förtränats.

The imitation game : An analysis of Russian and Anglo-Saxon strategic narratives in connection to military intervention abroad

Granath, Frida January 2021 (has links)
This study focuses on the similarities and differences between Russian and Anglo-Saxon strategic narratives in relation to the interventions in Syria 2015 and Libya 2011. The aim is to investigate the imitation theory further as it has been described by Krastev and Holmes (2019) and if it is possible to claim that the Russian regime has used imitated strategic narratives from the United States and the United Kingdom as a soft power tool in the Syrian intervention. By using narrative analysis, 12 speeches made by Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Camron, and Obama have been analyzed in order to find similarities and differences between Anglo-Saxon and Russian strategic narratives in connection to interventions in countries affected by the Arabic Spring. The results show indication of imitation from the Russian side regarding themes such as the United Nations and people’s right to choose their own governanc

Mimésis - imitatio v autentických Pavlových listech / The Mimesis - Imitatio in the autentic Letters of Paul

Mátiková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Mimesis - Imitatio in the Authentic Letters of the Apostle Paul The first part of the thesis provides the reader with a concise overview of different semantic levels of the term mimesis as found in the ancient literature written in the Greek language. Furthermore, the author focuses her attention on the use of the concept of mimesis in the Old Testament, and the New Testament writings other than Paul's authentic letters. Such a survey prepares the ground for a detailed study of the concept of mimesis in the authentic letters written by the Apostle Paul. The idea of mimesis is present in Paul's authentic letters in five explicit passages (1 Tess 1:6-7; 1 Tess 2:14; 1 Cor 4:16; 1 Cor 11:1 a Phil 3:17). Each of the passages is studied within the whole context of the respective letter, written for a group living its own particular situation. The thesis compares different exegetical solutions from several researchers. Some of the researchers understand Paul's appeal to imitation as a call to be obedient to his teaching. Other experts are more inclined to understand this imitation as an authentic representation of the Cross in the life of Jesus' followers. The thesis tries to prove that the mystery of Christ's kenosis, expressed in a very significant way in the Christological hymn contained in the Letter to the...

Oral Proficiency Assessment of French Using an Elicited Imitation Test and Automatic Speech Recognition

Millard, Benjamin J. 27 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Testing oral proficiency is an important, but often neglected part of the foreign language classroom. Currently accepted methods in testing oral proficiency are timely and expensive. Some work has been done to test and implement new assessment methods, but have focused primarily on English or Spanish (Graham et al. 2008). In this thesis, I demonstrate that the processes established for English and Spanish elicited imitation (EI) testing are relevant to French EI testing. First, I document the development, implementation and evaluation of an EI test to assess French oral proficiency. I also detail the incorporation of the use of automatic speech recognition to score French EI items. Last, I substantiate with statistical analyses that carefully engineered, automatically scored French EI items correlate to a high degree with French OPI scores.

The Development and Validation of a Spanish Elicited imitation Test of Oral Language Proficiency for the Missionary Training Center

Thompson, Carrie A. 05 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Missionary Training Center (MTC), affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, needs a reliable and cost effective way to measure the oral language proficiency of missionaries learning Spanish. The MTC needed to measure incoming missionaries' Spanish language proficiency for training and classroom assignment as well as to provide exit measures of institutional progress. Oral proficiency interviews and semi-direct assessments require highly trained raters, which is costly and time-consuming. The Elicited Imitation (EI) test is a computerized, automated test that measures oral language proficiency by having the participant hear and repeat utterances of varying syllable length in the target language. It is economical, simple to administer, and rate. This dissertation outlined the process of creating and scoring an EI test for the MTC. Item Response Theory (IRT) was used to analyze a large bank of EI items. The best performing 43 items comprise the final version MTC Spanish EI test. Questions about what linguistic features (syllable length, grammatical difficulty) contribute to item difficulty were addressed. Regression analysis showed that syllable length predicted item difficulty, whereas grammar difficulty did not.

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