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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resting Neural Activity Patterns in Auditory Brain Areas following Conductive Hearing Loss

Negandhi, Jaina 15 August 2012 (has links)
Conductive hearing loss (otitis media) in young children can effect speech and language development. However, little is known about the effects of conductive loss on neural activity in the auditory system. Hypothesis: Conductive hearing loss will change resting activity levels at the inner hair cell synapse, and lead to auditory deprivation of central auditory pathways. A conductive loss was produced by blocking the ear canals in mice. Resting neural activity patterns were quantified in brainstem and midbrain using c-fos immuno-labelling. Experimental subjects were compared to normal hearing controls and subjects with cochlear ablation. Conductive loss subjects showed a trend in reduction in c-fos labelled cells in cochlear nucleus and the central nucleus of inferior colliculus compared to normal controls. Results seen in this study may indicate the influence of conductive hearing loss on the developing auditory brain during early postnatal years when the system is highly plastic.

A study of proteinases of invasive cells using cryoultramicrotomy and immunogold labelling.

Elliott, Edith. January 1993 (has links)
This study forms part of an investigation into the possible relevance of the lysosomal proteinases, cathepsins B, H, Land D, in cancer cell invasion. In this study, the main technique adopted was the Tokuyasu "cryo" method, in which the tissues were fixed, frozen and sectioned and labelled using the relevant antibodies, which were detected with protein A gold probes. In order to implement the Tokuyasu technique, it was necessary to rebuild a knife maker, for the production of adequately sharp glass knives, and to modify a sputter-coater into a glow-discharger, for rendering carbon-coated grids hydrophilic, to promote adhesion of hydrated sections. This study was directed towards human tissues and peptide antibodies were investigated as a means of avoiding isolation of proteins from scarce human tissue, and as a means of obtaining antibodies that will target specific regions of proteins of interest. Peptide antibodies were also considered promising for studies of proteinase trafficking and as immunoinhibiting agents, potentially useful in cancer therapy. Various prediction programmes were investigated for their effectiveness in predicting whether a given peptide sequence will elicit antibodies that will react with the native protein. Successful prediction would increase the success rate of peptide antibody production and thus lower the cost. Leucocytes were studied as a model of an invasive cell, since they are more readily available than tumour cells and serve the purpose during the development of methods. In the course of these studies, an optimal protocol for the fixation of PMNs was developed, involving lateral fixation of cut sections, that should be useful for future studies on these cells. Elastase and cathepsins D and G were found on the surface of activated PMNs and could thus play a role in the invasive properties of these cells. Studies on MCF-10A "normal" breast epithelial cells and their ras-transformed Neo-T counterparts revealed that upon transformation, lysosomes shift from a perinuclear position, to a more peripheral position. None of the cathepsins studied was found on the cell surface of either the normal or ras-transfected cells, suggesting that surface distribution of these enzymes may not be a requirement for invasiveness. These studies suggest that immunocytochemical investigation of cells, in the process of invading through a barrier membrane, might be profitable in elucidating the role of proteinases in invasive cancer. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1993.

Création d'enzymes multimodulaires à façon dédiées à la dégradation de substrats complexes / Non communiqué

Badruna, Louise 27 November 2017 (has links)
Pour réduire notre empreinte carbone sur l’environnement, il est urgent de développer des procédés industriels utilisant une source de carbone renouvelable comme la biomasse lignocellulosique. La paroi cellulaire végétale est un enchevêtrement complexe de cellulose, d’hémicelluloses et de lignines. Elle résiste aux attaques biologiques et chimiques mais limite le développement d’une bioéconomie responsable. Dans la Nature, des enzymes multimodulaires produites par certains microorganismes peuvent la déconstruire. Toutefois, ces enzymes sont majoritairement étudiées sur des substrats artificiels ou purifiés. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de les étudier sur des substrats broyés puis des coupes de paille de blé brutes. Les enzymes multimodulaires sont préparées à façon en utilisant la propriété d’association covalente des protéines Jo et In. Nous avons ainsi associé la xylanase NpXyn11A de N. patriciarum avec deux modules non catalytiques : le CBM3a de C. thermocellum ou le CBM2b1 C. fimi ciblant la cellulose ou les xylanes respectivement. Les propriétés biochimiques de ces protéines chimériques ont été comparées aux modules sauvages. L’activité enzymatique des protéines chimériques a ensuite été étudiée sur des substrats solubles, jusqu’à des substrats insolubles comme le son et la paille de blé, notamment par immunocytochimie. Ce travail a mis en évidence l’importance de la relation enzymes/substrats pour une caractérisation in muro d’activité enzymatique et une meilleure compréhension de la déconstruction de la biomasse végétale. / In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the environment, it is more than urgent to develop new industrial process using a renewable carbon source such as lignocellulosic biomass. Plant cell walls consist of a complex network of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignins that cross-link with each other mainly via non-covalent bonds. It is thus hardly surprising that plant biomass is rather recalcitrant to chemical or biological degradation. In the present era marked by the desire to build a green bioeconomy, this recalcitrance remains a key point. In Nature, the plant-based organic carbon contained within plant cell walls is mainly recycled by the action of cellulolytic microorganisms, producing multimodular enzymes. However, these enzymes are mainly characterized on artificial or purified substrates. In this thesis, we proposed to study multimodular enzymes on raw substrates such as wheat straw sections. The studied multimodular enzymes were associated thanks to the use of two small proteins Jo and In. Thus, we associated the xylanase NpXyn11A from N. patriciarum with two non-catalytic modules: CBM3a from C. thermocellum or CBM2b1 from C. fimi targeting cellulose or xylans respectively. Biochemical properties of these chimeric proteins and wild-type modules have been compared. The enzymatic activity of chimeric proteins has been studied on soluble substrates and compared to the activity on insoluble substrates, mainly by immunocytochemistry. This work highlighted the importance of the relationship enzymes/substrates and its key role to better understand the biomass deconstruction in muro.

Estudo ultra-estrutural e imunocitoquímico da dentina reacional e da dentina reparativa formadas após luxação extrusiva em incisivos de ratos / Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study of the reactionary dentine and reparative dentine formed after extrusive luxation in rat incisors.

Marcio Cajazeira Aguiar 01 October 2007 (has links)
A polpa dentária pode responder a uma agressão pela produção de dentina reacional e reparativa. Osteopontina (OPN), proteína abundante no osso, e proteína da matriz dentinária 1 (DMP1) podem estar presentes nessas dentinas. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar a ultra-estrutura e a presença da OPN e DMP1 na dentina induzida pela extrusão de incisivos. Os incisivos de ratos foram extruídos e depois reposicionados. Após períodos de tempo determinados, as maxilas foram processadas para MET, MEV e imunocitoquímica. Após extrusão, houve formação de dentina reacional e reparativa, as quais variaram em aspecto, espessura e células secretoras. A OPN foi observada apenas na dentina reparativa num padrão semelhante ao encontrado no osso. A DMP1 foi detectada na matriz em mineralização de todas as dentinas estudadas, mas praticamente não foi observada nas suas pré-dentinas, o que confirmou o seu papel na mineralização. Tais achados mostraram que a dentina reparativa e o osso primário, além de semelhantes morfologicamente, são também similares com relação às suas composições / Reactionary dentine (Rc) and (Rp) reparative dentine are two strategies used by the dentine?pulp complex to respond to injury. Osteopontin (OPN) and dentine matrix protein 1 (DMP1) may be present in the matrix secreted after tissue injury. The aim of the present study was to examine the ultrastructure, as well as the presence of OPN and DMP1 in Rc and Rp by provoking extrusion of the rat incisor. The right upper incisors of rats were extruded and then repositioned. After certain periods of time, the maxillae were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy and for immunocytochemistry. After extrusive trauma, there was formation of Rc and Rp, which varied in aspect and thickness. OPN was only detected in the Rp in a pattern similar to bone. DMP1 was immunodetected in all the dentine types, but rare colloidal gold particles were observed in predentin, that confirmed its role in mineralization. The present findings showed that Rp shares some compositional characteristics with primary bone, especially in relation to its OPN content

Estudo da osteoclastogênese e da remodelação óssea durante a formação e erupção de molares de ratos tratados com bisfosfonatos. / Study of the osteoclastogenesis and bone remodeling during the formation and eruption of molars of bisphosphonate-treated rats.

Vivian Bradaschia Corrêa 08 December 2011 (has links)
A erupção dentária depende de uma coordenada interação entre o germe dentário e o tecido ósseo da cripta que o envolve. Para que seja formada a via eruptiva, a reabsorção da porção oclusal da cripta óssea por osteoclastos é indispensável. Os bisfosfonatos são drogas com reconhecida capacidade de inibir a atividade clástica e foram empregados no presente estudo a fim de interferir no tecido ósseo da cripta alveolar durante a formação e erupção de molares de ratos. Doses diárias dos bisfosfonatos alendronato ou etidronato de 2,5 e 8 mg/kg, respectivamente, foram administradas a ratos recém nascidos. Os controles foram injetados com solução salina. Nos períodos de 4, 8, 14, 21 e 28 dias, as maxilas foram fixadas em 2,5% de formaldeído + 2% de glutaraldeído, 4% de formaldeído + 0,1% de glutaraldeído ou fixador Zamboni, descalcificadas em EDTA a 4,13% e processadas para análise em microscopias de luz, eletrônica de transmissão e confocal, histoquímica TRAP, imunocitoquímica para OPN, BSP, RANK, RANKL e OPG. Alguns espécimes não foram descalcificados para análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura, ou congelados em nitrogênio líquido para extração e análise e da expressão de proteínas por Western Blotting. O etidronato ocasionou alterações no metabolismo ósseo da cripta que resultaram no atraso da erupção e da formação radicular em relação ao controle. O alendronato aumentou o número de osteoclastos no osso alveolar, porém a maioria apresentou estado latente, o que diminuiu a reabsorção óssea da cripta ao redor do germe dentário e impediu a erupção dos molares e a formação radicular. A expressão de RANKL, molécula ativadora dos osteoclastos, durante o início do processo eruptivo, diminuiu em comparação ao controle. Com a diminuição da remodelação óssea, o tecido apresentou distribuição de OPN e BSP típica de osso primário. Os resultados demonstram que a reabsorção óssea é importante em todos os pontos da cripta e não apenas em sua porção oclusal durante a formação da via eruptiva, para que a formação e erupção dentária ocorram adequadamente. / Tooth eruption depends on coordinated interactions between the tooth germ and the surrounding bony crypt. The formation of the eruptive pathway requires the resorption of the occlusal portion of the bony crypt by osteoclasts. The bisphosphonates are drugs with known capability to inhibit clastic activity, and were employed in the present study with the aim of interfering in the alveolar bony crypt during the formation and eruption of rat molars. Daily alendronate or etidronate 2.5 and 8 mg/kg doses, respectively, were administered to newborn rats. The controls were injected with saline solution. At 4, 8, 14, 21 and 28 days, the maxillae were fixed in 2.5% formaldehyde + 2% glutaraldehyde, 4% formaldehyde + 0,1% glutaraldehyde or Zambonis fixative, decalcified in 4.13% EDTA and processed for light, confocal and transmission electron microscopy analyzes, TRAP histochemistry, and immunocytochemistry for OPN, BSP, RANK, RANKL and OPG. Some specimens were left undecalcified for scanning electron microscopy analyzes, or frozen in liquid nitrogen for protein extraction and Western Blotting protein expression analyzes. Etidronate occasioned alterations in the alveolar bony crypt metabolism that resulted in the delay of tooth eruption. Alendronate increased osteoclast number in the alveolar bone; however, most of them were latent, which decreased the resorption of the bony crypt surrounding the tooth germ and impeded the eruption and root formation of the molars. The expression of RANKL, an osteoclast-activating molecule, was decreased. The inhibition of the bone remodeling resulted in typical primary bone OPN and BSP labeling pattern. These results demonstrate that bone resorption at the entire surface of the crypt, and not only during the eruptive pathway formation, is crucial for adequate tooth eruption and formation.

Estudo da presença de osteoaderina durante a ossificação intramembranosa e endocondral através de imunocitoquímica e Western Blotting / Study of the osteoadherin presence during the intramembranous and endochondral ossification by immunocytochemistry and western blotting analysis

Daniela Scarabucci Janones 05 February 2010 (has links)
A osteoaderina (OSAD) tem sido identificada nos tecidos mineralizados, porém, seu papel na mineralização óssea não está claro. Foi feita uma comparação do momento em que a OSAD aparece na ossificação intramembranosa e endocondral, em relação aos estágios iniciais de mineralização. O osso parietal de fetos de ratos Wistar com 17, 18 e 21 dias e o côndilo mandibular de ratos com 30 dias foram removidos. A expressão de OSAD foi analisada por imunocitoquímica e Western blotting. Nos dois tipos de ossificação, a imunomarcação foi detectada nos osteoblastos; porém, na matriz extracelular a OSAD apareceu somente na fase fibrilar de mineralização, mantendo-se constante posteriormente. A análise por Western blotting revelou que os fetos com 17 dias continham pouco menos OSAD que os de 18 dias, enquanto a imunorreatividade diminuía nos fetos com 21 dias. Os resultados sugerem que a OSAD tem um papel na mineralização da matriz, atuando, provavelmente como organizadora de seu arcabouço ou retendo o mineral, além de exercer atividades de adesão entre os componentes da matriz. / Osteoadherin (OSAD) had been identified in mineralized tissues, but its specific role in mineralization remains unclear. The present study compared the appearance of OSAD at early stages of mineralization during both intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Parietal bone of 17, 18 and 21 days-old fetus and mandibular condyle of 30 days-old Wistar rats were removed. The expression of OSAD was analyzed by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting. In both types of ossification the labeling was uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm of osteoblasts but it only appeared in the mineralizing matrix when the fibrilar stage was taking place, remaining as a component of the mineralized bone matrix. Western blots revealed that 17-days-old embryos contained slightly less OSAD than 18- days-old fetus, while immunoreactivity was weak in 21 days-old fetus. The results suggest that OSAD plays a role in collagen fibril mineralization maybe by organizing the matrix assembly or by retaining the mineral into the matrix, besides exerting binding activities among its components.

Anatomical Analysis of Tachykinin-Related Peptide Distribution in the Thoracic Ganglion of the Crab, <i>Cancer borealis</i>

Rainey, Amanda Nichole 30 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Tissue Engineering des Humanen Cornealen Endothels

Teichmann, Juliane 20 December 2013 (has links)
Das corneale Endothel bildet die innere, einschichtige Zelllage der Cornea und ist für die Aufrechterhaltung der cornealen Transparenz zuständig. Krankheiten oder Verletzungen des cornealen Endothels können zu schweren Beeinträchtigungen des Sehvermögens führen und eine corneale Transplantation erforderlich machen. Der während und nach der Operation auftretende endotheliale Zellverlust erschwert das Überleben des Transplantates. Darum besteht ein Hauptziel des cornealen Tissue Engineerings in der Bereitstellung von transplantierbaren humanen cornealen Endothelzellsheets (HCEC-Sheets) mit einer adäquaten Zelldichte. Thermo-responsive Zellkulturträger fanden für die schonende, enzymfreie Gewinnung von Zellsheets für verschiedene Gewebetypen bereits Verwendung. HCEC stellen in diesem Kontext einen besonderen Fall dar, da sie eine starke Adhäsion zu ihrem Kultursubstrat ausbilden, was deren schonende, thermisch induzierte Ablösung als funktionelles Zellsheet erschwert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger thermo-responsiver Zellkulturträger entwickelt. Dieser basiert auf dem durch Elektronenbestrahlung immobilisierten und vernetzten thermo-responsiven Polymer Poly(vinylmethylether) (PVME) sowie dem alternierenden Co-Polymer Poly(vinylmethylehter-alt-maleinsäureanhydrid) (PVMEMA) als biofunktionalisierbare Komponente. Die Kombination dieser Polymere führte zur Etablierung eines thermo-responsiven Zellkulturträgers, dessen physikochemische und biomolekulare Eigenschaften in weiten Grenzen einstellbar und dadurch an die spezifischen Anforderungen von HCEC anpassbar waren. Das PVME-PVMEMA-Blend ermöglichte die Bildung konfluenter HCEC-Monolayer mit den morphologischen Grundlagen für ein funktionelles corneales Endothelgewebe. Durch Inkorporation von Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid) (PNiPAAm) als weitere thermo-responsive Polymerkomponente konnte das Ablösungsverhalten funktioneller HCEC-Sheets weiter verbessert werden. In einem weiteren Schritt erfolgte der Transfer abgelöster HCEC-Sheets auf ein planares, biofunktionalisiertes Kultursubstrat sowie auf endothelfreie porcine Corneae. Die HCEC-Sheets wurden auch nach dem Transfer umfassend biologisch analysiert. Diese Arbeit legt einen Grundstein für die Bereitstellung klinisch anwendbarer Alternativen für das Tissue Engineering von cornealem Gewebe.

The Role of Astrocytes in Fragile X Neurobiology

Jacobs, Shelley 09 1900 (has links)
<p> Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited disease of mental impairment, typically caused by a mutation in the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMRJ) gene. The clinical features are thought to result from abnormal neurobiology due to a lack of the Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Previously, it was thought that FMRP was confined exclusively to neurons; however, our laboratory recently discovered that astrocytes also express FMRP. Consequently, it is possible that astrocytes also suffer abnormalities as a result of a lack of FMRP. Astrocytes play integral roles in the development and maintenance of communication in the central nervous system. Therefore, it is now important to determine the contribution of astrocytes to the abnormal neuronal phenotype seen in FXS. In these experiments, neurons and astrocytes were independently isolated from wild type (WT) or FMRJ null mice and grown in a coculture. Neurons were evaluated using immunocytochemistry in combination with computer-aided morphometric and synaptic protein analyses. The findings presented here provide convincing evidence that Fragile X astrocytes contribute to the abnormal neurobiology seen in FXS . Fragile X astrocytes alter the dendrite morphology and excitatory synaptic protein expression of WT neurons in culture; and, importantly, when Fragile X neurons are grown with WT astrocytes these changes are prevented. Interestingly, the Fragile X astrocytes appear to act by causing a delay in development; even WT neurons grown in the presence of Fragile X astrocytes, that displayed an abnormal phenotype at 7 days in culture, exhibited nearly normal dendrite morphology and expression of excitatory synapses at 21 days. Furthermore, the results suggest that the dendritic abnormalities induced by the Fragile X astrocytes specifically target neurons with a spiny stellate morphology. This research establishes a role for astrocytes in the development of the abnormal neurobiology seen in FXS, and as such, the results presented here have significant implications for Fragile X research. The novel prospect that astrocytes are key contributing components in the development of FXS provides an exciting new direction for investigations into the mechanisms underlying FXS, with many unexplored avenues for potential treatment strategies. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Multi-parameter Fluorescent Analysis of Magnetically Enriched Circulating Tumor Cells

Wu, Yongqi January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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