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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A CRM system implementation study for small companies.

Gwizdak, Elise January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The implementation of CRM systems for small companies have not been widely explored by previous literatures, giving me the opportunity to research the system implementation process of Company X. The purpose of this research is to understand how to process implementation of a CRM system within the frame of a small company. Theoretical Framework. The theoretical framework encompasses the concepts of CRM and previous theories on implementation processes: one focusing on business implementation of CRM (Chalmeta, 2006), and another focusing on the IS implementation of CRM (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). The literature represents a ground to understand the implementation process of Company X. Methodology. The paper is an action research, a relevant research design to the implementation process of Company X in real-world settings. The sampling is 1. project documents from the CRM projects implementation, implicating technical records from Company X, and 2. an interview with a key actor of Company X implementation process. Empirical findings. The results showcased different themes and subthemes that arose in the system implementation process of Company X which are correlated in the analysis to previous theories. Analysis. The analysis of this action research explores the question of Company X's implementation stages. Because CRM is a multidisciplinary subject, grouping technology, people and processes creates a systematic perspective over Company X’s results with 2 theories: one emphasizing a business implementation perspective (Chalmeta, 2006), and one information system implementation perspective (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). Conclusion. The implementation process was executed, having a large scope grouping 3 themes: problem discussion, implementation, and management of change (Chalmeta, 2006). These 3 themes revealed implementation stages such as initiation, adoption, adaptation, acceptance, routinization, and infusion (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). The implementation process approached different factors in Company X: user, organization, task, and technology.

Hantering av hinder vid implementationen  av DevOps : En multipel fallstudie inom svenska organisationer / Management of obstacles related to the implementation of DevOps

Fondelius, Pierre, Sivertsson, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
En anledning till att DevOps har blivit populärt hos många organisationer med fokus på mjukvaruutveckling beror på att det för utveckling och drift närmare varandra vilket ökar effektiviteten. Vidare framgår det att det finns en kunskapslucka i implementationen av DevOps. Syftet med detta arbete var därför att undersöka hur svenska organisationer hanterar implementationen av DevOps. Studien utredde även vilka hinder som uppkommit och hur dessa hinder hanterats av organisationerna. I denna undersökning genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in nödvändig kvalitativa data för att svara på studiens frågeställningar. Dessa intervjuer genomfördes hos fem svenska organisationer för att samla ett brett dataunderlag. För att öka förståelsen hos den insamlade datan utfördes en tematisk analys som sedan jämfördes med tidigare litteratur inom området. Studien fann att endast två av de tre implementationsmetoder som identifierats i en tidigare studie fanns implementerade i svenska organisationer. Studien presenterar vilka implementationsmetoder som kan passa olika organisationer, vilka hinder som kan förekomma med vald implementationsmetod, samt en uppdaterad översikt hur organisationer har gått tillväga i Sverige med implementationen av DevOps. / A reason why DevOps has become popular in many organizations with a focus on software development is because it brings development and IT-operations closer to each other, which increases efficiency. Furthermore, it appears that there is a knowledge gap in the implementation of DevOps. The purpose of this work was therefore to investigate how Swedish organizations handle the implementation of DevOps. The study also investigated which obstacles arose and how these obstacles were handled by the organizations. In this survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the necessary qualitative data to answer the question posed. These interviews were conducted at five Swedish organizations to gather a broad base. To create an understanding of the data, a thematic analysis was performed which was then compared with previous literature in the field. The study found that only two of the three implementation methods identified in a previous study were implemented in Swedish organizations. The study presents which implementation methods can suit different organizations, what obstacles may occur with the chosen implementation method, and an updated view on how organizations have proceeded in Sweden with the implementation of DevOps.

Omställningsstudiestödet : Hur implementeras det av omställningsorganisationers frontbyråkrater? / Omställningsstudiestödet : How is it implemented by street-level bureaucrats of transition organizations?

Sändare, Helena, Hagman, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till ökad kunskap kring implementering av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). I studien särskiljs implementeringsobjekt och implementeringsprocess i syfte att undersöka huruvida implementeringsobjektets egenskaper främjar eller hämmar implementeringsprocessen. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med rådgivare, även kallade frontbyråkrater, inom svenska omställningsorganisationer som arbetar med omställningsstudiestödet. Vid analysen av det empiriska materialet används Vedungs (2016) påverkansfaktorer i implementeringsprocesser i kombination med Lundquists (1992) tre förutsättningar för lyckade implementeringar. Studiens resultat visar att en central del av lagen om omställningsstudiestöd är svårtolkad på grund av att den är otydligt formulerad. Otydligheten ligger i avvägningen mellan individens behov och arbetsmarknadens behov. Implementeringsprocessen tycks dock inte hämmas av otydligheten. Studien bidrar med ökad förståelse för faktorer som påverkar implementering av nationell policy. Denna kunskap är relevant för alla yrkesgrupper som i sitt arbete har att förhålla sig till nya lagar, förordningar och föreskrifter. Vidare bidrar studien med sex förslag till framtida forskning inom det aktuella området. / The purpose of the study is to contribute to increased knowledge regarding the implementation of the law on omställningsstudiestöd (SFS 2022:856). In the study, implementation object and implementation process are distinguished to investigate whether the characteristics of the implementation object promote or inhibit the implementation process. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with advisors, also called street-level bureaucrats, within Swedish transition organizations that work with omställningsstudiestödet. In the analysis of the empirical material, a combination of Vedung's (2016) influencing factors in implementation processes and Lundquist's (1992) three prerequisites for successful implementations are used. The study's results show that a central part of the law on omställningsstudiestöd is difficult to interpret because it is unclearly worded. The ambiguity lies in the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the labor market. However, the implementation process does not seem to be hampered by the lack of clarity. The study contributes with increased understanding of factors that influence the implementation of national policy. This knowledge is relevant for all professional groups that in their work must deal with new laws, ordinances and regulations. Furthermore, the study contributes six proposals for further research in the relevant area.

Motivations For Enterprise Resource Planning (erp) System Implementation In Public Versus Private Sector Organizations

Harrison, Joycelyn Lorraine 01 January 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research was to increase the knowledge base regarding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software implementation, particularly in the public sector. To this end, factors regarding benefits sought through ERP system implementation and critical factors surrounding successful ERP implementation were identified. In addition, the perception of project team members’ satisfaction with modules implemented and their concerns about implementing ERP software were identified in this study. The results of this study provided recommendations for public- and private-sector organizations in order to increase their opportunity for successful ERP system implementation. The literature review and results of this study suggested that the benefits sought during ERP system implementation were consistent among public- and private-sector organizations. Benefits such as increased standardization, better reporting, and reduced operational costs were recognized as goals of ERP software implementation. Factors that attributed to successful ERP system implementations were top management support, and knowledgeable project managers and team members. The t-test analyses found differences among the two groups, public and private sector organizations, regarding some benefits sought and the level of satisfaction with some modules. The study included recommendations for organizations to fully research ERP functionality prior to implementation, implement strong change management, use other means of measuring return on investment, ensure employee buy-in and top management involvement, and avoid scope creep.

The Role Of Community College Registrars In Relation To Student Information Systems Implementation

Lepley, Sandra 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study examined the effects of implementing Web-enabled technology systems on the functional role of the community college registrar. The focus on systems implementation included in-house, outsourced, consortia, or combination of implementation strategies. A quantitative and qualitative approach included several interviews and a mailed survey questionnaire. The researcher developed the instrument from human resources position description forms, an adapted administrative Q-sort technique, and a role conflict and ambiguity perception questionnaire. The study targeted the members of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. The research findings indicated that some aspects of perceived role, role conflict (harmony), and ambiguity (clarity) were different for registrars whose colleges used in-house, outsourced, consortium, or a combination of implementation strategies, and for certain background characteristics. For example, the study identified different levels of involvement for some duties and some differences in collaboration among divisions and departments within institutions and with other organizations. Suggested uses of the research results include professional development programming for more efficient technology implementation. The research instrument could be adapted to study functional role of other job positions, implementation projects, and administrative strategies.


Bayir, Arzu, Shetty, Bhavya January 2011 (has links)
Studies in recent years have revealed the challenges involved in deploying ERP solutions due to its complexity. Before attempting to implement ERP systems, it is essential to study various aspects such as project management, training, and change management in detail to manage the associated risks. When an ERP project is undertaken with insufficient planning, it may result in failure to integrate business processes and in substantial financial loss. Research has been pursued to identify critical risk/failure factors that may arise during implementation and the measures that should be taken to manage them. However, there is lack of research in identifying the management of critical risk/failure factor using a structured methodology. This raises a question of ‘can a structured methodology identify and manage critical risk/failure factors and support deploying ERP solutions with a better quality?’ A study of Microsoft Sure Step Methodology is performed to identify critical risk/failure factors that frequently occur during ERP implementation. These factors are derived from 8 articles. On determining critical risk/failure factors, we investigated if Sure Step methodology likely contains procedures that approach these factors.

An approach for the implementation of technology education in schools in the North West province / Tholo Jacob Adam Thabo

Tholo, Jacob Adam Thabo January 2007 (has links)
Technology is the generic term that includes all the technologies people develop and use in their lives. In the learning area it is the purposeful application of knowledge, experience and resources to create products that meet human needs and wants. Technology education is an integrated program designed to prepare learners about Technology. Learners are challenged to discover and create solutions to problems by using a variety of tools, machines and materials.The study is about the implementation of Technology as a learning area with specific reference to the North West Province. There is no approach for implementing Technology in the North West Province. Technology Education needs approaches that build upon the best thinking in the field and take into account the needs of the learners and the educators. The approach needs to address the context within which Technology is offered. The main aim of the study was to design an approach for implementing Technology Education in schools in the North West Province.In this study the qualitative and quantitative research designs were employed to gather information regarding the implementation of Technology in schools in the North West Province. A survey questionnaire (quantitative) was used to compile data regarding the profile and perception of Technology educators. A learner questionnaire (quantitative) was also administered to determine the attitudes and concepts of learners towards Technology. Interviews (qualitative) were conducted with the Technology experts, subject specialists and learning area heads. A population of 7149 educators and 216489 learners was used. The sample involved 7734 learners from five education regions of the North West Province and 345 educators (almost five percent of each educator and learner population). Two hundred and eighty-eight learners were selected in each school, comprising of ninety-six learners from each ofthe grades 7, 8 and 9. Fifteen respondents were interviewed and they comprised of four Technology experts, four education specialists and seven subject heads. / Thesis (Ph.D Technology Education) -- North-West University (Mafikeng Campus), 2007

Finns det en prislapp på demokratin? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på externa aktörers inflytande på den politiska agendan.

Bromberg, Natasha January 2015 (has links)
A qualitative study of the relationship between external agents and policy professionals within the Swedish administration. The thesis has its starting point in the study "Makt utan mandat" and strives to explain what happens with the political process when more external agents enter the political market. The theoretical base is the policy process and lobbying researchers Hall & Deardorffs model which argues that when external agents exist on the political scene, the influence of political appointees decreases. The model is tested against empiric material, derived from nine qualitative interviews performed on individuals who, in different ways, participate in the policy process. The interviews were conducted during the autumn of 2015. In summary one may argue that the political power in Sweden has changed due to the fact that more external agents and the policy professionals, has entered the political market, and the thesis proves, with limited empiric material, that political appointees and lobbyists participate in the same phase of the policy process.

An evaluation of the implementation and management of the strategies adopted by the government to improve food security in Lesotho

Sebotsa, M.L.D., Lues, L. January 2011 (has links)
Published Article / The persistently negative state of food security worldwide has worsened the already compromised nutritional status of marginalised communities in Lesotho, thus highlighting the need to rethink current policies and strategies. This paper aims to reflect on the implementation and management of the food security strategies that have been adopted by the Lesotho government since 2004 in an effort to improve and sustain food security in the country. A questionnaire survey was conducted amongst senior government officials working in different ministries tasked with the implementation and management of the government's food security strategies. The survey revealed the lack of a sound knowledge base, proper co-ordination and a communication mechanism amongst different stakeholders, as well as poor commitment of most staff towards the implementation and management of the food security strategies. It thus appears that although food security strategies have been adopted by the government of Lesotho, the implementation and management thereof is ineffective.

Successful criteria for implementing strategies within the banking industry

Toolsee, Avashna 20 August 2012 (has links)
The objectives of this study are to investigate the formulation and implementation of strategies within Retail Bank at corporate, business unit, functional and operational levels, focusing specifically on who is accountable and responsible for strategy formulation and implementation at each of these levels, as well as the factors related to the success or failure of strategy implementation and how success is measured. In addition, this study attempts to determine whether or not the financial industry as a whole plays a significant role in the success of strategy implementation within Retail Bank.

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