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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A longitudinal study to investigate how imprisonment affects the health of women

Plugge, Emma January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Problematika výjimečného trestu / The Issues of Exceptional Punishment

Hejdová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The Issues of Exceptional Punishment - Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview about a criminal law's legal institute of the exceptional punishment, comprising of its historical development in our territory, most of the matters regarding its applicable legal regulation in the Czech republic, analysis of a specific case in which this punishment had been imposed, comparison with selected foreign legal regulations also including a disputation on death penalty as its possible alternative. The first chapter is focused on defining the term of punishment and its function in general. It compares two basic theories that differ from each other in terms of distinct approaches to the punishment's purpose. While the absolute theory considers punishment a retribution, the relative theory regards it as a mean of resocialization of the perpetrator. However, the current concept of punishment is based on the mixed theory that constitutes a link between those two above-mentioned. The aim of this chapter is to define the specific purpose of the exceptional punishment that proceeds from the general purpose of punishment based on the mixed theory. With regard to the fact that the term of exceptional punishment needs to be construed in both time and territorial context, the second chapter is devoted...

"Fixed" sentencing: The effects on imprisonment rates over time / Effects on imprisonment rates over time

Leymon, Mark Gregory Hannon, 1979- 06 1900 (has links)
xvii, 232 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Beginning in the 1970s, states adopted sentencing reforms as a response to a growing number of concerns in the criminal justice system. These reforms included sentencing guidelines, statutory presumptive sentencing, determinate sentencing, truth in sentencing, and three strikes laws. Each reform has become an important part of the judicial system. These "fixed" reforms shifted sentencing from the indeterminate-rehabilitation sentencing model to a more predetermined-deterrence model. The reforms' main purpose is to limit judicial discretion by insuring convicted felons receive a reasonably standard sentence depending on the crime they committed. Few studies have attempted to systematically answer the question of whether these reforms produced the outcomes stated by their supporters. This analysis utilizes a social chain theory, which suggests the socio-political context of the law and order movement interacted with structural-procedural changes in the justice system that led to unintended consequences. The study assesses the effects of sentencing reforms on shifts in year-to-year changes in general incarceration rates, changes in the racial/ethnic composition of imprisonment, and changes in the gender composition of imprisonment. It also assesses the social, political, and demographic characteristics of states that change the rate of adoption of sentencing reforms across all 50 states from the years 1965 to 2008 on the aggregate state level. This study finds, counter to most previous findings, that sentencing reforms are associated with higher rates of imprisonment. The results further suggest mechanisms are at work that unintentionally "target" historically disadvantaged groups, perpetuating inequalities within the criminal justice system instead of easing them. This result is counter to some of the policies' stated goals. Conversely, the results suggest that drug arrest rates and not sentencing reforms are associated with the narrowing gender gap in imprisonment. Finally, the results indicate that state-level characteristics are important in predicting which states will adopt sentencing reforms. From a policy perspective, rapid changes in the composition of imprisonment can be a logistical and financial burden, and these results shed light onto the specific mechanisms causing a portion of the change. This dissertation includes previously unpublished co-authored material. / Committee in charge: Robert O Brien, Chairperson, Sociology; Jean Stockard, Member, Planning Public Policy & Mgmt; James Elliott, Member, Sociology; Hill Walker, Outside Member, Special Education and Clinical Sciences

Vrylating van die gevangene : historiese ontwikkeling en penologiese perspektief

Bothma, Roelf Gerhardus Petrus 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die vrylating van die gevangene en bet ten doel om aan die hand van 'n literatuurstudie, die Suid-Afrikaanse vrylatingstelsel binne die korrektiewe sisteem, histories met die nodige penologiese perspektief te beskryf. Aangesien bestaande Suid-Afrikaanse penologiese literatuur arm is aan inligting met betrekking tot die vrylating van die gevangene en meer spesifiek die vorme van vrylating, is verskeie bronne geidentifiseer ten einde historisiteit saam te vat en kontemporere beleid in die verband te bespreek. Alhoewel 1910 as vertrekpunt geneem is, is die fokus in die grootste mate geplaas op ontwikkeling sedert 1962. Bepaalde aksies deur onder andere die Inrigtingskomitee en Paroolraad kulmineer in die vrylating van die gevangene en om die rede bet die navorser ook die samestelling, bevoegdhede en werksaamhede van vermelde liggame nagevors en beskryf. / This research is aimed at the release of the prisoner and the objective is to historically elucidate the release system within the South African correctional system on the basis of a literature study, with the necessary penological perspective. Considering the fact that the existing literature on penology has hardly any information regarding the release of the prisoner and more specifically the different types of release, various sources have been identified in order to condense the historical information and to discuss contemporary policy in this regard. Although 1910 was taken as the starting point, the focus has largely been placed on development since 1962. Specific actions by, inter alia, the Institutional Committee and the Parole Board culminate in the release of the prisoner and for this reason the compilation, the competencies and the activities of the mentioned bodies were also described by the researcher. / M.A. (Penologie) / Sociology

Penologiese ondersoek rakende die assessering en evaluering van oortreders vir korrektiewe toesig

De Smidt, Stanley Charles 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die proefskrif poog om 'n penologiese evaluering rakende die assessering van oortreders vir korrektiewe toesig weer te gee. Korrektiewe toesig is 'n vonnisopsie wat oortreders binne die gemeenskap rebabiliteer. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die ontwikkeling van korrektiewe toesig in verskillende wereldlande is ingestel asook die wetlike ontstaan en praktiese toepassing in Suid-Afrika. Korrektiewe toesig is met deeglike navorsing deur die Krugel-Werkgroep vooraf gegaan. Die Witskrif rakende die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste wat op navorsing gevolg bet, is gedurende Mei 1991 in die parlement van Suid-Afrika ter tafel gele. Parlementsdebatte is gevolg deur wetswysigings van onder andere die Strafproseswet, 1977 en die Wet op Gevangenisse, 1959. Eenstemmigheid het genoemde parlementsitting gekenmerk wat gevolg het tot die instelling van korrektiewe toesig. Korrektiewe toesig soos deur die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste toegepas word, is ondersoek maar veral die funksionering van huisarres, monitering en gemeenskapsdiens. Die assessering van oortreders en hul promovering vanaf maksimum intensiewe na medium - en na minimum - van huisarres sowel as monitering is nagegaan. Assesseringsmetodes van die State Georgie en Wisconsin in die V.S.A. asook ander kriteria is ondersoek om die geskiktheid van oortreders te klassifiseer deur middel van 'n seleksieproses. 'n Profielstudie van kandidate by die Kaapstadse gemeenskapskorreksie-kantoor is opgestel met 'n ondersoek vanuit 624 gevalle asook die menings van landdroste in Pretoria en die distrik van Wonderboom rakende korrektiewe toesig. / This thesis is an attempt to give a penological evaluation relating to the assessment and suitability of offenders for correctional supervision. Correctional supervision is a sentencing option aimed at rehabilitating offenders within community context. This research will focus on the development of correctional supervision in differnt countries around the world inclusive of South Africa. The implementation of correctional supervision in South Africa was precede by research done by the Kriigel Commission. In May 1991 a White paper was tabled in Parliament regarding the broadening of the mission of the Department of Correctional Services. Much debate in Parliament resulted in amendments to inter alia the Criminal Procedures Act, 1977 and the Prisons Act, 1959. In this thesis the application of cor!'ectional supervision as redered by the Department of Correctional Services is investigated with special reference to house arrest, monitoring and community service. Assessment and promotion from maximum intensive to medium intensive and to minimum intensive supervision are also looked at. Assessment methods and other criteria in the States of Georgia and Wisconsin in the United States of America are investigated in order to propose classification categories for the selection of offenders. A profile of an offender under supervision was undertaken with 624 cases from the Cape Town office for Correctional Supervision as well as in Pretoria and the district of Wonderboom. / Criminology and Security Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Kriminologie)

A eficácia sócio-pedagógica da pena de privação da liberdade / Sociopedagogical effectiveness of the penalty of deprivation of liberty

Roberto da Silva 21 August 2001 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que visa investigar a eficácia da pena de privação da liberdade como recurso preferencial da sociedade no enfrentamento da criminalidade. Uma unidade de internação da Febem de São Paulo, uma penitenciária feminina, um presídio de regime semiaberto e uma cadeia pública do interior do Estado de São Paulo, com 60 presos entrevistados em cada uma delas compõe a base de dados da pesquisa. Considerou-se variáveis gênero, tempo, idade, duração e local de cumprimento da pena como fatores diferenciais entre os quatro subgrupos. Amparada em documentação oficial, análise de prontuários, entrevistas estruturadas com internos, técnicos e diretores, montou-se conjuntos de variáveis para traçar o perfil de cada preso nas fases pré-prisional e prisional, fazendo-se também a caracterização do que é a vida prisional de cada sujeito dentro da prisão. Procedeu-se à comparações entre a condição de entrada na prisão e a condição atual avaliando como as variáveis escolarização, formação profissional, constituição familiar, exercício de direitos e estrutura de apoio sociofamiliar se transformam em função do tempo e do espaço. A análise dos dados quantitativos e das informações qualitativas apontam para uma condição de extrema vulnerabilidade pessoal e social da quase totalidade dos presos com acentuada deterioração dos principais quesitos necessários ao exercício dos direitos de cidadania, tanto na prisão como fora dela; identifica que a pena e a prisão acabaram por potencializar ao extremo deficiências pessoais e sociais ao ponto de fazer com que seus códigos, símbolos e valores sejam acatados por indivíduos que, desprovidos deles em outras instâncias da vida social, passam a encontrar na prisão e na cultura prisional o principal referencial para nortear o pensamento, o sentimento e a conduta. Identifica, igualmente, estar a prisão cumprindo uma nova instrumentalidade na dinâmica social, servindo como espaço complementar de socialização para amplos segmentos da população, que passam a gravitar em torno do ente preso, com ele(a) estabelecendo relações de diversas naturezas, inclusive criminosas. Identifica também elevado número de familiares de presos com antecedentes criminais e/ou participação, ativa ou passiva, em práticas delinquenciais e que as relações de caráter conjugal nascidas dentro da própria prisão compromete completamente o princípio de individualização da pena, fazendo com que o comportamento delinquente deixe de ser uma patologia individual para se transformar em uma patologia social, com inúmeros exemplos de que a cultura prisional ultrapassou as muralhas da prisão e hoje fundamenta o imaginário de grupos de organizados e comunidades, inclusive com uma geração de crianças concebidas, nascidas e socializadas dentro ou em torno da prisão. Este processo generalizado de criminalização das relações sociofamiliares aponta para o incipiente surgimento de famílias criminosas, permitindo deduzir que a pena e a prisão estejam fomentando uma nova e ousada forma de organização da criminalidade em que os familiares de presos assumem, por vezes de forma explícita e ostensiva, a defesa dos códigos, dos símbolos e dos valores da prisão. A pesquisa aponta que o modelo organizacional e administrativo da prisão concorre para a solidificação da pedagogia do crime dentro de suas muralhas, analisando também a hierarquização dos saberes científicos dentro da prisão e a responsabilidade que possuem na falência da pena como instrumento preferencial de combate à criminalidade. / It is a qualitative research, which aims to investigate the effectiveness of the penalty of deprivation of liberty as a preferred resource of society in the fight against crime. An inpatient unit of Febem in São Paulo, a female penitentiary, a prison of semi-open regime and a public chain in the State of São Paulo, with 60 prisoners interviewed in each one composes the search database. Variables considered gender, age, time, duration and place of fulfillment of the sentence as differential factors among the four sub-groups. Based on official documentation, medical records analysis, structured interviews with interns, technicians and directors, rode to sets of variables to plot the profile of every inmate pré prisional prison and phases, becoming also the characterization of each subject prison life inside the prison. We proceeded to the comparisons between the condition of entry in prison and the current condition evaluating how school variables vocational training, family Constitution, exercise of rights and socio-familiar support structure are transformed in function of time and space. The analysis of the quantitative data and qualitative information pointing to a condition of extreme personal and social vulnerability of almost all of the prisoners with sharp deterioration of the major items required for the exercise of the rights of citizenship, both in and outside prison; identifies that the sentence and the prison eventually enhance personal and social deficiencies in the extreme to the point of making their codes, symbols and values are accepted by individuals who, lacking of them in other instances of social life, will find in prison and prison culture the main benchmark to guide the thinking, feeling and behaviour. Identifies also be prison serving a new instrumentality on social dynamics, serving as a complementary space of socialization for large segments of the population, that they gravitate toward the ente stuck with him (a) establishing relations of various natures, including criminals. Also identifies a large number of relatives of detainees with criminal records and/or participation, active or passive, in delinquenciais practices and relationships of spousal character born within the prison itself completely undermines the principle of individualization of punishment, causing the delinquent behavior is no longer an individual pathology to transform into a social pathology, with numerous examples of prison culture that went beyond the walls of the prison and today is based on the imagination of groups of organized and communities, including with a generation of children conceived, born and socialized in or around the prison. This generalized process of criminalization of relations sociofamiliares points to the incipient emergence of criminal families, allowing them to deduce that the penalty and prison are fomenting a bold new way of organising the crime in which the relatives of prisoners are sometimes explicitly and ostentatious, the defence of codes, symbols and values. The research points out that the organizational and administrative model of prison competes for the solidification of the pedagogy of the crime within its walls, analyzing also the hierarchy of scientific knowledge within the prison and the responsibility we have in bankruptcy of pity as preferred instrument of combating crime.

Le modernisme tardif en cinéma : hypercadrage, enfermement, dialectique négative / Late Modernism in Film. Hyperframing, Imprisonment, and Negative Dialectics

Marchiori, Dario 24 November 2009 (has links)
Fatiguée et vieillie, la modernité est pourtant toujours vivante : au moment de devenir tradition, le modernisme tardif se charge de l’enfermement de son esthétique. Sans rompre avec la modernité, comme le prétend le discours postmoderne, celui-ci assume jusqu’au bout les apories d’une modernité désormais tardive, et il tâche de les réfléchir. La posture du modernisme tardif par rapport à la modernité sera métacritique, se rapprochant des interrogations philosophiques de son temps (Marcuse, Adorno, Derrida, Foucault). Le modernisme tardif en cinéma aurait dès lors une place tout à fait singulière, mais pas du tout solitaire, dans l’ensemble des questions esthétiques que son temps lui pose. Dans les années soixante et soixante-dix, le modernisme déjà tardif du cinéma propose un ensemble de figures de l’enfermement qui réfléchissent le dispositif cinématographique : le cadrage autoréflexif, ou hypercadrage, sera son principe de mise en forme. Au niveau du montage, les rapports internes à l’image, entre les images, et entre sons et images se fonderaient tous sur une pratique disséminée comprise selon la dialectique négative d’Adorno, c’est-à-dire sans synthèse et vouée à faire apparaître un principe de « non-identité ». En ce sens, le cinéma moderniste tardif propose des allégories négatives d’une modernité qui n’en finit pas de finir. / On its last legs, showing its age, modernity is nevertheless still alive. Now that it has become tradition, late modernism takes on the task of imprisoning its aesthetics. Without breaking with modernity, as postmodern discourse would have it, modernism fully assumes the aporia of what is now late modernity, and attempts to reflect them. The attitude of late modernism in relation to modernity is thus metacritical, in synergy with the philosophical enquiries of its time (Marcuse, Adorno, Derrida, Foucault). Consequently, late modernism in film has an utterly unique place within the aesthetic issues of its time, without however being isolated from them. In the 1960s and 1970s, what was already late modernism in film presented a set of figures of imprisonment, which reflected the filmic apparatus: self-reflective framing, or hyperframing, was the principle behind its form. On the level of montage, the relationships within the image, those between images, and those between sounds and images were all based upon a diffuse praxis to be understood here according to Adorno’s negative dialectics: a praxis without synthesis, one destined to reveal a principle of “non-identity.” In this sense, late modernist film offers negative allegories of a modernity that never stops coming to an end.

Problematika trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí / The issue of life imprisonment

Andrlíková, Naděžda January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to analyze the issue of life imprisonment. This punishment is in the recently legal order of the Czech Republic the strictest punishment, which is imposed only for the most serious crimes. It is the punishment, which replaced the death penalty in many countries of the world. The goal of my research is to find the answer to question, if the life imprisonment is a convenient punishment for the worst cases of enormity. My thesis deals not only with the law aspects of this problem, but also discusses the sociological, psychological, moral and economical implications too. The thesis is composed of twelve chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the issue of life imprisonment. The brief introduction is followed by the chapter about the conception and purpose of the punishment. Chapter Three discusses the problem, if life imprisonment is a sufficient alternative to the cancelled death penalty. After that follows the inevitable chapter about the historical excursion. Next part of my thesis concentrates on the position of life sentence in the system of criminal law in the Czech Republic. The main law aspects of life imprisonment, which are the crux of this thesis, are drawn in chapters Six, Seven and Eight. Here you can find the material and procedural conditions, in...

Korrektiewe toesig en gevangenisstraf as vonnisopsies vir kindermolesteerders

Serfontein, Christiaan Jacobus 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / In the recent past people became more aware of the fact that serious crimes are being committed against children. Statistics show that sexual molestation is one of the most prevalent types of offences committed against children. Society demands that such an offender must be punished in a suitable manner. Recent developments in South Africa in regard to alternative sentences led to correctional supervision. The motivation for this study was to establish differences between people who was sentenced to imprisonment and people who was sentenced to correctional supervision for committing sexual crimes against children by using three different Hudson scales, namely, depression, self-esteem, and sexual discord.

Analýza postavení ex-vězňů na trhu práce v ČR / Analysis of the Position of Ex-prisoners on the Labour Market in Czech Republic

Třesohlavý, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is to describe the position of ex-prisoners on the labour market and how their operations on that market influence the society. In this paper, I will be looking into the social and state budget costs that these people cause, and why we can consider them as another vulnerable group on the labour market. The factors that lower their chances to succeed are lower productivity, level of education, and also statistical discrimination by employers that leads to demanding expectations on possessing a clean record. I will also focus my attention to the solutions that are currently in place in the Czech Republic, as success on the labour market is an important element to lowering the relapse rate. In the Czech Republic, the relapse rate is between 60 to 65 percent, which is lot higher than in other countries that have been trying to solve this problem for a longer period of time. This thesis confirms the hypothesis that this problem in the Czech Republic is not being treated on the same level as in other countries, and therefore we could learn and apply other solutions from abroad. Half-way houses have proven to be an effective solution and it would be good to put them into practice in Czech Republic as well.

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