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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace procesu montáže pouzder QFN / Optimizing of QFN Package Assembly Process

Šváb, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The Master thesis deals with technology of mounting QFN packages on to the printed circuits boards. Describes also influence of shape and size of soldering pads and the amount of soldering paste with respect to the quality and the reliability. In first part overview of existing packages is summarised. Second part describes design of testing board and the factors which leads to eliminating errors during manufacturing process.

Design kapotáže studentské formule / Bodywork Design of Formula Students Car

Malík, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o návrhu kapotáže vozidla Formula Student. Vozy této kategorie se každoročně učástní série mezinárodních závodů všech zůčastněných studentských týmů. Úroveň návrhu se posuzuje jak v dynamických tak ve statických disciplínách. Tato práce popisuje proces návrhu tří koncepčních variant společně s rozpracováním finální varianty pro fázi výroby. Navíc je zde prezentován koncept obsahující aerodynamický paket, který slouží jako výhledová studie možného vývoje vozidla.

Planární obvodové prvky na technické keramice s nízkou teplotou výpalu / Planar Circuits Elements on Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics

Kosina, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present work deals with the design and manufacturing of 3D structures in LTCC (Low Temperatue Cofired Ceramics) technology. To use this technology LTCC workplaces have been designed and technological processes for high quality reproducible production were suggested. Technological possibilities of low temperature co-fired ceramics were demonstrated in the design and manufacturing of pressure sensors, electrode systems for ozone generators, planar circuit elements (coils and transformers) and in the design a special package for middle-power terahertz modulator. Design of selected parts of respective devices was proved by simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics. The work provides new insights into the structure of power integrated circuits sleeves and structure of electrode systems for different types of electrical discharges. Results of this work can contribute significantly in the application of planar circuit elements, in the development of different types of sensors, in the design of atypical types of packaging or in the design of electrode systems for capacitive coupled electrical discharges.

Unified Software Database for RPM Based Systems / Unified Software Database for RPM Based Systems

Šilhan, Jan January 2014 (has links)
V GNU/Linuxovém prostředí je nepřeberné množství možností, jak instalovat aplikace. V dnešní době existuje spousty nástrojů, které mají na starost různé části systému. Linuxové distribuce mají hlavního správce balíčků a populární programovací jazyky mají také vlastního správce balíčků. Všechny tyto nástroje si udržují informace o nainstalovaném softwaru, a proto si každý z nich spravuje vlastní databázi s redundantními metadaty o balíčcích. Záměrem této práce je analyzovat úložné prostory, identifikovat případy užití správců balíčků v distribuci Fedora a následně navrhnout a implementovat jednotnou cen- trální softwarovou databázi na systému.

Modular File Scanner for RPM / Modular File Scanner for RPM

Mlčoch, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Balíčkovací systém RPM poskytuje pohodlné řešení pro správu a distribuci softwaru. Z pohledu vývojáře s ním pracujícího, je hlavní činností tvorba balíčků vhodných pro širokou distribuci. Tento proces obnáší řadu činností, které jsou pro velké množství softwaru podobné, či zcela totožné. Bylo by tedy vhodné mít možnost, tyto opakované činnosti co nejvíce a nejjednodušeji zautomatizovat, aby se usnadnila práce vývojářům a zmenšil prostor pro možné chyby. Cílem této práce je analýza požadavků, návrh a implementace modulárního skeneru do nástroje rpmbuild - části RPM starající se o tvorbu balíčků. Tento modulární skener bude poskytovat API ke sledování a modifikaci procesu sestavování balíčku a umožní snadnou tvorbu modulů doplňujících funkcionalitu pro zjednodušení a zefektivnění procesu balíčkování.

Influence de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur le comportement des consommateurs : effets médiateur de l’attention et modérateur de l’âge / Influence of product package visual complexity on consumer behavior : the mediating effect of attention and moderating effect of age

Minvielle, Morgane 03 July 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier l’influence de la complexité visuelle du packaging, opérationnalisée par le nombre d’informations figurant sur le facing, sur les réactions des consommateurs et plus précisément sur l’attention consacrée au packaging et à la marque, sur l’attitude envers le produit et le choix du produit ainsi que sur la mémorisation. Les éventuels effets médiateur de l’attention portée au packaging et modérateur de l’âge sur ces relations ont également été investigués.Pour ce faire, une expérimentation eye-tracking regroupant les données de plus de cent participants a été réalisée. Cette expérimentation a mis en jeu quatre packagings dans chacune de quatre catégories de produits, chaque packaging présentant deux degrés de complexité visuelle : un packaging simple présentant quatre unités d’information en plus de la marque et de l’image et un packaging complexe présentant neuf unités d’information en plus de la marque et de l’image. Deux tâches ont, en outre, été effectuées par chaque participant : une tâche d’évaluation des produits, lors de laquelle les packagings étaient présentés un par un, et une tâche de choix, lors de laquelle les packagings étaient présentés ensemble sur un set de choix.Les résultats ont montré un effet positif de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur l’attention portée au packaging et un effet opposé, selon la tâche/modalité de présentation des packagings, sur l’attention à la marque. La complexité visuelle a également eu un effet positif sur l’attitude envers le produit et sur le choix du produit, l’effet positif sur le choix étant médiatisé par l’attention : les packagings complexes ont été évalués plus positivement que les packagings simples et ils ont également été davantage regardés, ce qui explique qu’ils ont été plus choisis. En ce qui concerne les mesures explicites de mémorisation, les résultats ont été plus divers. La complexité n’a pas eu d’effet sur la reconnaissance exacte des marques. En revanche, concernant les packagings, les résultats ont été non concordants entre les tâches/modalités de présentation des packagings. En tâche d’évaluation (packagings présentés un par un), une absence d’effet de la complexité a ainsi été constatée alors qu’en tâche de choix de produit (packagings présentés par quatre), un effet positif de la complexité sur la reconnaissance exacte des packagings, effet médiatisé par l’attention, et un effet positif de la complexité sur la fausse reconnaissance des packagings ont été constatés. Par ailleurs, de façon surprenante, dans une très large majorité des cas l’âge n’a pas eu d’effet sur l’attention portée, ni au packaging ni à la marque. Les résultats ont par contre confirmé l’effet négatif de l’âge sur les mesures explicites de mémorisation. / The goal of this research is to study the influence of product package visual complexity, operationalized as the number of information items displayed on the package front, upon consumers’ reactions, and more specifically attention devoted to the product package and to the brand, attitude toward the product, product choice and memorization. The possible mediating and moderating effects of attention devoted to the product package and consumers’ age will also be investigated.To achieve this aim, an eye-tracking experiment including data of more than a hundred participants was conducted. This experiment involved four product packages of four product categories, and two levels of visual complexity were designed for each product package: a simple package displaying four information items, in addition to the brand and the image, and a complex package displaying nine information items in addition to the brand and the image, were designed. Besides, two tasks were completed by each participant: a product evaluation task, during which product packages were presented one by one, and a choice task, during wich four product packages were presented at the same time on a choice set.The findings showed a positive effect of the package visual complexity upon attention devoted to the package, and an opposite effect, depending on the task/product presentation, upon attention devoted to the brand. Visual complexity was further found to have a positive effect upon attitude toward the product, and product choice, attention having a mediating effect on product choice: complex package fronts were preferred to simple package fronts, and they were also looked at more, and were therefore more chosen.Regarding explicit measures of memorization, results were mixed. Complexity had no impact upon accurate recognition of the brands. However, regarding product packages, results were once more inconsistent between the tasks/product presentations: no effect was found in the evaluation task (packages displayed one by one); and complexity had a positive effect –mediated by attention – upon accurate recognition of the package fronts, and a positive effect upon false recognition of the package fronts in the choice task (four packages displayed .at the same time). Surprinsingly, consumers’ age had no impact upon attention devoted to the package nor to the brand in most cases. The findings further confirm the negative effect of age upon explicit measures of memorization.

xml2lms - Ein Werkzeug zur Transformation XML-basierter Lerninhalte in das IMS-CP-Format

Pönisch, Jens 31 March 2008 (has links)
Mitte der 90er Jahre wurde an der TU Chemnitz ein XML-Dialekt und die zugehörigen Transformationstools für Lehrmaterialien entwickelt, die in internetbasierten Fernkursen eingesetzt wurde. In der Folge wurden weitere Kursskripte auf der Basis dieses Dialekts erstellt. Diese Materialien sollten auch nach der Einführung von OLAT weitergenutzt werden können. Deshalb wurden das Transformationswerkzeug zum Tool xml2lms angepasst und um folgende Funktionalität erweitert: - Verpacken des übersetzten HTML-Skripts in das IMS-CP-Format, - Extraktion von "Folien" für Präsenzveranstaltungen aus der XML-Quelle, - Erstellen eines druckbaren Skripts im PDF-Format. Geplante Erweiterungen sind die Darstellung von mathematischen Formeln mit dem math.js-Paket und das Generieren von PDF-Folien mit Hilfe der LaTeX-Beamer-Klasse.

Automated Unit Price Visualization Using ArcPy Site Package in ArcGIS

Shrestha, Joseph, Jeong, H. David 01 May 2019 (has links)
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the U.S. have an increasing amount of digital data from various sources. One such set of data is structured unit price data collected from bid lettings. Such data contain unit prices of thousands of bid items from hundreds of projects every year. While state DOTs have such data from over a decade-long period, utilizing such data has been challenging because of the lack of automated analytical and visualization methodologies and tools to generate meaningful and actionable insights. This study develops an automated methodology to quickly and accurately generate color-coded visualization maps representing unit price variation across a geographical region. It uses Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) technique that is based on the Tobler’s First Law of Geography. The law states that points closer together in space are more likely to have a similar value than points that are farther away. The methodology is automated using ArcPy site package in ArcGIS. It imports unit price data from preformatted spreadsheets and boundary maps from existing ArcGIS shape files to generate unit price maps. The tool and the visualizations are expected to aid state DOTs in generating and communicating meaningful insights for making data-driven decisions. It can be used to investigate areas with higher unit prices for various items which can aid state DOTs in identifying potential causes of higher unit prices such as lack of competition and lack of sources of materials (e.g. quarry) in nearby locations.

The influence of nutrition labeling on food packaging : A qualitative marketing research on healthier purchasing decisions by Millennials influenced by front-of-pack nutrition labeling

van den Bosch, Rose Joline January 2020 (has links)
Background:                Diseases caused by nutrition-related factors are globally increasing. Consumers can use help making healthier food choices. Nutrition labeling, front-of-pack, in particular, is reviewed as an important policy tool to assist consumers in this matter. Research found that front-of-pack nutrition labeling is influencing consumer’s product choice but no study researched the influence on Millennials while they are the most interesting consumer group of these times due to their large size and increasing power.   Purpose:                  Explore how Front-Of-Package Nutrition Labeling (FOPNL) is influencing Millennials to make healthier food purchasing decisions.   Method:                       To attain the purpose, a qualitative study was conducted. A theoretical framework was created to evaluate excising factors related to FOPNL that are influencing consumer purchasing behaviour. To create in-depth insights on the influence of front-of-package nutrition labeling on Millennials, 18 semi-structured interviews have been conducted.   Conclusion:                 The results show that the influence of FOPNL on Millennials is dependant of the type of label. Currently, the main problem concerning all FOPNL types is the lack of believability of these claims, which makes them less influential on Millennial purchasing behavior. Even though, interpretive nutrient-specific claims are perceived as the most influential FOPNL type. Additionally, the influence varies depending on trial or repeat purchase.

Optimization of the package of air purifiers

Yang, Yi January 2015 (has links)
This article presents the development of an optimization of the package for a certain air purifier. The new design was more environmentally friendly, cheaper to produce, saves storage space and simplifies the repacking processes. The concept was generated in the concept generation phase, and selected among other concepts with the help of Pugh Matrix. After an iterative development process of cushioning design, drop simulation and drop tests, the proposed concept was verified by drop simulations in ANSYS, drop tests following the ISTA 3A standard, and a brief Life Cycle Assessment. Future work was also proposed based on the findings in the project. The theoretical background of the design, the various methods which were used in the development process and the development process itself were presented and discussed in this article. A method of rapid cushioning development was also concluded. The method was suitable for developing a cushioning system made of pre-compressed corrugated paper board based on an existing cushioning system. The method was designed to achieve a rapid iterative development for a new cushioning design with pre-compressed corrugated paper board based on an existing cushioning design.

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