Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incidental"" "subject:"lncidental""
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Essays on economic and econometric applications of Bayesian estimation and model comparisonLi, Guangjie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of three chapters on economic and econometric applications of Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison. The first two chapters study the incidental parameter problem mainly under a linear autoregressive (AR) panel data model with fixed effect. The first chapter investigates the problem from a model comparison perspective. The major finding in the first chapter is that consistency in parameter estimation and model selection are interrelated. The reparameterization of the fixed effect parameter proposed by Lancaster (2002) may not provide a valid solution to the incidental parameter problem if the wrong set of exogenous regressors are included. To estimate the model consistently and to measure its goodness of fit, the Bayes factor is found to be more preferable for model comparson than the Bayesian information criterion based on the biased maximum likelihood estimates. When the model uncertainty is substantial, Bayesian model averaging is recommended. The method is applied to study the relationship between financial development and economic growth. The second chapter proposes a correction function approach to solve the incidental parameter problem. It is discovered that the correction function exists for the linear AR panel model of order p when the model is stationary with strictly exogenous regressors. MCMC algorithms are developed for parameter estimation and to calculate the Bayes factor for model comparison. The last chapter studies how stock return's predictability and model uncertainty affect a rational buy-and-hold investor's decision to allocate her wealth for different lengths of investment horizons in the UK market. The FTSE All-Share Index is treated as the risky asset, and the UK Treasury bill as the riskless asset in forming the investor's portfolio. Bayesian methods are employed to identify the most powerful predictors by accounting for model uncertainty. It is found that though stock return predictability is weak, it can still affect the investor's optimal portfolio decisions over different investment horizons.
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Essays on bootstrap in econometricsKaffo Melou, Maximilien 08 1900 (has links)
Ma thèse est composée de trois essais sur l'inférence par le bootstrap à la fois dans les modèles de données de panel et les modèles à grands nombres de variables instrumentales #VI# dont un grand nombre peut être faible. La théorie asymptotique n'étant pas toujours une bonne approximation de la distribution d'échantillonnage des estimateurs et statistiques de tests, je considère le bootstrap comme une alternative. Ces essais tentent d'étudier la validité asymptotique des procédures bootstrap existantes et quand invalides, proposent de nouvelles méthodes bootstrap valides.
Le premier chapitre #co-écrit avec Sílvia Gonçalves# étudie la validité du bootstrap pour l'inférence dans un modèle de panel de données linéaire, dynamique et stationnaire à effets fixes. Nous considérons trois méthodes bootstrap: le recursive-design bootstrap, le fixed-design bootstrap et le pairs bootstrap. Ces méthodes sont des généralisations naturelles au contexte des panels des méthodes bootstrap considérées par Gonçalves et Kilian #2004# dans les modèles autorégressifs en séries temporelles. Nous montrons que l'estimateur MCO obtenu par le recursive-design bootstrap contient un terme intégré qui imite le biais de l'estimateur original. Ceci est en contraste avec le fixed-design bootstrap et le pairs bootstrap dont les distributions sont incorrectement centrées à zéro. Cependant, le recursive-design bootstrap et le pairs bootstrap sont asymptotiquement valides quand ils sont appliqués à l'estimateur corrigé du biais, contrairement au fixed-design bootstrap. Dans les simulations, le recursive-design bootstrap est la méthode qui produit les meilleurs résultats.
Le deuxième chapitre étend les résultats du pairs bootstrap aux modèles de panel non linéaires dynamiques avec des effets fixes. Ces modèles sont souvent estimés par l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance #EMV# qui souffre également d'un biais. Récemment, Dhaene et Johmans #2014# ont proposé la méthode d'estimation split-jackknife. Bien que ces estimateurs ont des approximations asymptotiques normales centrées sur le vrai paramètre, de sérieuses distorsions demeurent à échantillons finis. Dhaene et Johmans #2014# ont proposé le pairs bootstrap comme alternative dans ce contexte sans aucune justification théorique. Pour combler cette lacune, je montre que cette méthode est asymptotiquement valide lorsqu'elle est utilisée pour estimer la distribution de l'estimateur split-jackknife bien qu'incapable d'estimer la distribution de l'EMV. Des simulations Monte Carlo montrent que les intervalles de confiance bootstrap basés sur l'estimateur split-jackknife aident grandement à réduire les distorsions liées à l'approximation normale en échantillons finis. En outre, j'applique cette méthode bootstrap à un modèle de participation des femmes au marché du travail pour construire des intervalles de confiance valides.
Dans le dernier chapitre #co-écrit avec Wenjie Wang#, nous étudions la validité asymptotique des procédures bootstrap pour les modèles à grands nombres de variables instrumentales #VI# dont un grand nombre peu être faible. Nous montrons analytiquement qu'un bootstrap standard basé sur les résidus et le bootstrap restreint et efficace #RE# de Davidson et MacKinnon #2008, 2010, 2014# ne peuvent pas estimer la distribution limite de l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance à information limitée #EMVIL#. La raison principale est qu'ils ne parviennent pas à bien imiter le paramètre qui caractérise l'intensité de l'identification dans l'échantillon. Par conséquent, nous proposons une méthode bootstrap modifiée qui estime de facon convergente cette distribution limite. Nos simulations montrent que la méthode bootstrap modifiée réduit considérablement les distorsions des tests asymptotiques de type Wald #$t$# dans les échantillons finis, en particulier lorsque le degré d'endogénéité est élevé. / My dissertation consists of three essays on bootstrap inference in both large panel data models and instrumental variable (IV) models with many instruments and possibly, many weak instruments. Since the asymptotic theory is often not a good approximation to the sampling distribution of test statistics and estimators, I consider the bootstrap as an alternative. These essays try to study the asymptotic validity of existing bootstrap procedures and when they are invalid, to propose new valid bootstrap methods.
The first chapter (co-authored with Sílvia Gonçalves) studies the validity of the bootstrap for inference on a stationary linear dynamic panel data model with individual fixed effects. We consider three bootstrap methods: the recursive-design wild bootstrap, the fixed-design wild bootstrap and the pairs bootstrap. These methods are natural generalizations to the panel context of the bootstrap methods considered by \citeasnoun{GK} in pure time series autoregressive models. We show that the recursive-design wild bootstrap fixed effects OLS estimator contains a built-in bias correction term that mimics the incidental parameter bias. This is in contrast with the fixed-design wild bootstrap and the pairs bootstrap whose distributions are incorrectly centered at zero. As it turns out, both the recursive-design and the pairs bootstrap are asymptotically valid when applied to the bias-corrected estimator, but the fixed-design bootstrap is not. In the simulations, the recursive-design bootstrap is the method that does best overall.
The second chapter extends our pairwise bootstrap results to dynamic nonlinear panel data models with fixed effects. These models are often estimated with the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) which also suffers from an incidental parameter bias. Recently, \citeasnoun{DhaeneJochmans} have proposed the split-jackknife estimation method. Although these estimators have asymptotic normal approximations that are centered at the true parameter, important size distortions remain in finite samples. \citeasnoun{DhaeneJochmans} have proposed the pairs bootstrap as an alternative in this context without a theoretical justification. To fill this gap, I show that this method is asymptotically valid when used to estimate the distribution of the half-panel jackknife estimator although it does not consistently estimate the distribution of the MLE. A Monte Carlo experiment shows that bootstrap-based confidence intervals that rely on the half-panel jackknife estimator greatly help to reduce the distortions associated to the normal approximation in finite samples. In addition, I apply this bootstrap method to a canonical model of female-labor participation to construct valid confidence intervals.
In the last chapter (co-authored with Wenjie Wang), we study the asymptotic validity of bootstrap procedures for instrumental variable (IV) models with many weak instruments. We show analytically that a standard residual-based bootstrap and the restricted efficient (RE) bootstrap of Davidson and MacKinnon (2008, 2010, 2014) cannot consistently estimate the limiting distribution of the LIML estimator. The foremost reason is that they fail to adequately mimic the identification strength in the sample. Therefore, we propose a modified bootstrap procedure which consistently estimates this limiting distribution. Our simulations show that the modified bootstrap procedure greatly reduces the distortions associated to asymptotic Wald ($t$) tests in finite samples, especially when the degree of endogeneity is high.
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Préoccupations et agencements dans les contextes d'activité domestique : Contribution à la conception de situations informatiques diffuses, appropriables et énergétiquement efficaces / Concerns and « agencements » in contexts of domestic activity : Contribution to the design of energy-efficient and appropriable ubiquitous computing environmentsGuibourdenche, Julien 04 November 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de notre thèse est de contribuer à la conception de situations informatiques diffuses efficaces énergétiquement et appropriables par les habitants au quotidien. Pour cela, à partir d'une approche centrée sur l'activité, nous caractérisons les contextes d'activité quotidienne, ce qui permet d'élaborer nos principes de conception et des scénarios. Cette recherche est menée en référence au cadre du « cours d'action » (Theureau, 2004) ainsi qu'à une approche critique et située (e.g., Barad, 2007; Suchman, 2007) de l'agentivité physique sous-tendant l'action collective, via la notion de « cours d'agencement ». Les spécificités de l'informatique diffuse (e.g., en réseau disséminé dans l'environnement) et des situations domestiques investiguées (e.g., plusieurs pièces et étages) nous amènent à créer une méthodologie pour l’analyse formelle du collectif et les scénarios : le format « multi-portées ». Sur ces bases, nous caractérisons les contextes d'activité de plusieurs familles vivant dans des maisons à forte consommation énergétique. Nos résultats mettent en évidence les préoccupations des habitants, les jeux de suspension/actualisation à travers le temps, ou de préoccupations multiples à l'instant « t » et les anticipations qui les structurent. Nous caractérisons également des contextes d'articulations collectives, montrant que les membres de la famille sont engagés dans des préoccupations à la fois similaires et différentes, oscillant entre convergence et divergence à différentes échelles de temps. Enfin, nous comparons 85 agencements du collectif dans l'habitat et les types d' « (im)possibilités » perceptives et pratiques qui en émergent entre humains, objets et espaces physiques. Ces résultats permettent d'alimenter notre modèle de conception de situations informatiques diffuses appropriables et efficaces énergétiquement. Après avoir présenté les orientations et principes de conception généraux, nous construisons des scénarios collectifs d'« interactions incidentes/intentionnelles » (Dix, 2002) entre humains et réseaux, puis nous définissons comment le futur système devra fonctionner afin d'être appropriable et efficace énergétiquement. Ce travail montre qu'il est possible et nécessaire de concevoir l'efficience énergétique des réseaux socio-techniques tout en donnant des possibilités d'action et d'appropriation à l'humain. / This research aims at contributing to the design of ubiquitous computing environments enabling both energy efficiency and their appropriation by people in everyday life at home. To this end, from an activity-centered perspective, we empirically characterize a wide range of contexts of everyday life and build design principles and scenarios. This research is conducted with reference to the « course-of-action » framework (Theureau, 2003) and a situated/critical approach (Barad , 2007; Suchman , 2007) of the physical agencies composing collective action : the « course of agencement (agency from physical arrangement)». First, the joint specifics of ubicomp (e.g., networking scattered agents through time and space) and home arena (e.g., several people, rooms and floors) lead us to create a methodology of formal analysis and scenarios : the « multi-scores » layout. Second, we characterize the activity contexts of households living in homes with high energy consumption rates. Our results highlight the richness of the inhabitants' concerns, the significant dynamics of suspension/actualization over time, the simultaneity of multiple concerns underpinning expectations in daily life. We also characterize contexts of collective articulations, showing that family members engage in both similar and different concerns, oscillating between convergence and divergence at different timescales. Finally, we compare 85 « agencements » between families and their homes through time. Our results stress the types of perceptual and practical « (im)possibilities » that emerge between inhabitants, objects and physical spaces. These results feed our activity-centered design model. After presenting the guidelines and general principles of future arrangements of agency, we build collective scenarios of « incidental/intentional interactions » (Dix, 2002) between the future technical network and humans. We define some ways in which the future system must enable both action/appropriation and energy efficiency. Our work argues that it is possible and necessary to design the networks' energy efficiency while enabling humans to enact and appropriate their world.
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Évolutions microstructurales et comportement en fluage à haute température d'un acier inoxydable austénitique / Microstructural evolutions and creep behaviour at high temperature of an austenitic stainless steelMateus Freire, Lucie 20 March 2018 (has links)
La thèse est inscrite au sein du projet ASTRID, qui est un démonstrateur technologique pour les réacteurs de quatrième génération (Gen-IV). Le premier matériau choisi pour constituer les gaines de cœur est un acier inoxydable austénitique stabilisé au titane (type 15Cr-15Ni Ti). L’écrouissage à froid des gaines permet la précipitation de nano-carbures de titane en service sur les dislocations, retardant ainsi les phénomènes de restauration par effet d’épinglage. En conditions accidentelles (T > 650°C), et plus particulièrement dans le cas d’une perte de réfrigérant primaire, le comportement en fluage de ces gaines est très mal connu. L’objectif des travaux de thèse est donc de déterminer les mécanismes de déformation et de rupture en fluage, entre 650°C et 950°C, de cet acier à l’état non irradié.Dans un premier temps, les microstructures d’échantillons après différents recuits ont été comparées afin d’étudier l’influence de la température sur les évolutions métallurgiques. L’étude de la précipitation et des cinétiques de restauration et de recristallisation, ont permis de dresser les évolutions microstructurales sans charge appliquée.En plus d’étudier le comportement en fluage uniaxial de l’acier à haute température, les caractérisations des éprouvettes après essais ont permis de déterminer les évolutions microstructurales au cours et après essais de fluage (contributions simultanées de la température et de la contrainte). La comparaison avec les microstructures obtenues après recuits a mis en évidence une accélération de la cinétique de recristallisation sous charge, rendant l’effet de la contrainte sur ces évolutions non négligeable.Après fluage sous air aux plus basses températures (650°C et 750°C), les fractographies présentent une rupture globalement transgranulaire avec certaines zones intergranulaires. Après fluage sous vide secondaire à plus hautes températures (850°C et 950°C), un fort amincissement des éprouvettes et une striction quasiment complète dans l’épaisseur ont été observés. Ce fort amincissement se traduit par un alignement de cupules, caractéristique de ruptures 100% ductiles à très haute température. / The ASTRID project aims at designing a fast-reactor prototype for the 4th generation of nuclear power plants. The material to be used for fuel cladding is a cold-worked austenitic stainless steel stabilized with titanium (15Cr-15Ni Ti type) and optimized in minor elements. This material was developed to limit recovery and irradiation-induced swelling and to improve microstructural stability and mechanical properties in normal operating conditions. In case of incidental situations (irradiation temperature > 650°C), the cladding might rapidly reach higher temperatures up to 950°C where its stability could be affected. The present work aims at improving knowledge and understanding of the microstructural evolution and creep behaviour of this steel at these temperatures (650°C-950°C).Microstructural characterizations of thermally-aged samples have been performed in order to study the effect of temperature on metallurgical evolutions (precipitation, recovery and recrystallization). A phenomenological model including recovery and recrystallization processes was set up to reproduce hardness measurements versus ageing time and temperatures.Isothermal creep tests up to 950°C under a wide range of stress levels allowed investigation of viscoplastic flow, microstructural evolution under stress and damage/failure processes. In order to evaluate the effect of high-temperature loading, microstructural characteristics of stress-free thermally-aged samples were compared with post-mortem examinations of creep specimens.At 650°C and 750°C the value of stress exponent is higher than 7. The main deformation mechanism during creep test is power-low creep, which is consistent with the results found in the literature.Beyond 850°C, the increase in dislocation mobility promotes recovery and recrystallization processes. As a consequence, a competition between work hardening due to viscoplastic deformation and softening due to dynamic recovery takes place. At 950°C, viscoplastic flow is strongly affected by recrystallization during creep test, especially in the tertiary stage. The comparison between microstructures of crept specimens and stress-free, thermally-aged samples leads to the conclusion that the recrystallization kinetics is accelerated by application of a mechanical loading.As for the fracture behaviour, creep tests under air environment at lower temperatures (650°C-750°C), led to predominating ductile fracture but some intergranular zones were observed on fracture surfaces. Creep tests under high vacuum at higher temperatures (850°C-950°C) lead to a high fracture elongation with a reduction of area up to 100%.
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Dor como queixa inicial do câncer de boca e orofaringe: caracterização de amostra / Pain as the initial symptom of oral and oropharynx cancer: sample characterizationVilarim, Rita de Cássia Bonatto 10 July 2019 (has links)
A dor como sintoma inicial do câncer de boca pode ser o primeiro e único indicador da neoplasia. Até o presente momento suas características, à fase do diagnóstico, ainda não são bem definidas, e nem sempre a dor é considerada como critério importante de diagnóstico para o câncer. OBJETIVO. Avaliar a prevalência e as características gerais de dor orofacial, bem como de outros sinais e sintomas, que levaram os pacientes a procurar atendimento à saúde e ao diagnóstico de câncer de cavidade oral ou orofaringe, comparativamente a um grupo controle composto por pacientes sem câncer. MATERIAL E MÉTODO. Dois grupos: a) Grupo Pacientes (GP), formado por 74 pacientes consecutivos do Ambulatório de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, que foi dividido em dois subgrupos: cavidade oral (Ca boca - CaB) e orofaringe (Ca orofaringe - CaO) e b) Grupo Controles (CG), formado por 74 pacientes encaminhados para tratamento odontológico convencional no ambulatório da Divisão de Odontologia do HCFMUSP. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: Ficha clínica da Equipe de Dor Orofacial da Divisão de Odontologia do HCFMUSP (EDOF-HC); Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), Escala Numérica de Dor (END), Escala Verbal de Dor (EVD), Questionário de dor McGill; Ficha de Dor Neuropática do Centro de Dor do HCFMUSP; Índice de disfunção de Helkimo; Índice CPOD; Questionário de Qualidade de Vida (UW-QOL) e o Índice de Desempenho de Karnofsky (IDK). RESULTADOS. Os dois grupos foram pareados em relação ao gênero (4:1 homens); idade (58,46 anos no GP e 58,61 GC), raça (2:1 leucoderma) e ocupação. As diferenças estatísticas predominantes no GP foram as seguintes: tabagista/ex-tabagista e etilista/ex-etilista (p < 0,001); motivos de procura por assistência: dor (p < 0,001), úlcera e aumento de volume (p < 0,001); queixa principal: dor (p < 0,001), aumento de volume (p < 0,001) e úlcera (p=0,016); localização da queixa principal: língua e garganta (p < 0,001), ouvido (p=0,033) e palato (p=0,028); prevalência de dor no momento do estudo (p<0,001); problema mais importante nos últimos sete dias (p < 0,001); motivo de procura por assistência médica (p < 0,001); dor constante muitas vezes explosiva em algum momento (p < 0,001); dor espontânea ou provocada (p < 0,001); fatores desencadeantes da dor: mastigação ou deglutição (p=0,001); dor acorda o paciente (p<0,001); dor moderada a forte (EVA=6; p<0,001), (END=7,5; p < 0,001); duração variável (p<0,001); indiferente quanto ao período do dia (p=0,001); múltiplos descritores, destacando-se: pontada, queimação, latejante (p < 0,001) e tipo \"dor de dente\" (p=0,006) e otalgia reflexa uni ou bilateral (p < 0,001). Os seguintes índices também foram piores no GP: índice de disfunção clínica de Helkimo (p < 0,001); índice CPOD (p=0,004); biofilme dental (p=0,002); questionário de dor McGill (p < 0,001); ficha de dor neuropática (p < 0,001); índice de qualidade de vida (p < 0,001) e IDK (p < 0,001). No GP, 25% estavam nos estádios 0, I ou II, e 75% nos III ou IV; o número de profissionais procurados variou de 1 a 9; cirurgião dentista e cirurgião de cabeça e pescoço fizeram os diagnósticos em ambos os subgrupos e o otorrinolaringologista no CaO; pacientes com CaO procuraram mais por médicos. Houve diferença estatística entre os subgrupos CaB e CaO nos seguintes tópicos; dor tipo \"dor de dente\" (p=0,044) e queimação (p=0,016) no CaB; peso (p=0,018), deglutição como desencadeante de dor (p=0,009), garganta como local de queixa principal (p < 0,001) e otalgia bilateral (p=0,004) no CaO. CONCLUSÃO. Os dados deste estudo mostram que a dor foi sintoma presente em toda a fase de diagnóstico dos cânceres de cavidade oral e orofaringe, inclusive nos estágios iniciais. Destacaram-se as seguintes características: gênero masculino, acima de 50 anos de idade, dor difusa (localização variada), intensidade moderada a forte, indiferente ao período do dia, podendo acordar o paciente, predominantemente em pontada, queimação, latejante ou tipo \"dor de dente\", desencadeada por mastigação ou deglutição, otalgia reflexa uni ou bilateral, limitação ou incapacitação da função mandibular, pacientes com a condição clínica claramente comprometida tanto em qualidade de vida como em funcionalidade. Esses dados podem auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial dos cânceres de boca e orofaringe, principalmente quando há dor persistente e refratária aos tratamentos / Pain as an early symptom of oral cancer may be the first and only indicator of neoplasia. To date, its characteristics at the diagnostic stage are not still well defined, and pain is not always considered as an important diagnostic criterion for cancer. Objective. To evaluate the prevalence and general characteristics of orofacial pain, as well as other signs and symptoms, which led the patients to seek health care and the diagnosis of cancer of the mouth or oropharynx, compared to a control group composed of patients without cancer. Patients and Method: Two groups: a) Patient Group (PG), consisting of 74 consecutive patients from the Head and Neck Surgery Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo, which was divided into two subgroups:oral cancer(CaB) and oropharynx cancer (CaO) and b) Control Group (CG), formed by 74 patients referred for conventional dental treatment in the outpatient clinic of the Dentistry Division of HCFMUSP. The following evaluation instruments were used: Clinical record form of the Orofacial Pain Team of the Dentistry Division of HCFMUSP (EDOF-HC); Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Numerical Pain Scale (NPS), Verbal Pain Scale (VPS), McGill Pain Questionnaire; Neuropathic Pain chart of the HCFMUSP Pain Center; Helkimo dysfunction index; DFMT,Index; Quality of Life Questionnaire (UW-QOL) and the Karnofsky performance status (KPS).Results. The two groups were compared for gender (4:1 men); age (58.46 years in PG and 58.61 CG), race (2: 1 white) and occupation. The predominant statistical differences in PG were: smoker / ex-smoker and alcoholic/ex- alcoholic (p < 0.001); reasons for seeking care: pain (p < 0.001), ulcer and swelling (p < 0.001); main complaint: pain: (p < 0.001) swelling (p < 0.001) and ulcer (p=0.016). Location of the main complaint: Tongue and throat (p < 0.001), ear (p=0.033) and palate (p = 0.028); prevalence of pain at study time (p < 0.001); the most important issues in the past seven days (p < 0.001);reason for seeking medical care (p < 0.001); constant pain with attacks of explosions (p < 0.001); spontaneous or induced pain (p < 0.001); pain-triggering factors: chewing or swallowing (p=0.001); pain wakes up the patient (p < 0.001); moderate to severe pain (VAS=6, p < 0.001), (NPS=7.5, p < 0.001); variable duration (p < 0.001); regardless of the period of the day (p=0.001); multiple descriptors, such as: jumping, burning and throbbing (p < 0.001) and toothache type (p=0.006) and unilateral or bilateral reflex otalgia (p < 0.001). The following indexes were also worse in PG: Helkimo clinical dysfunction index (p < 0.001); DMFT index (p=0.004); dental biofilm (p = 0.002); McGill pain questionnaire (p < 0.001); neuropathic pain scale (p < 0.001); index of quality of life (p < 0.001) and KPS (p < 0.001). In PG, 25% were in stages 0, I or II, and 75% in stages III or IV; the number of professionals sought ranged from 1 to 9; dentist and head and neck surgeon made the diagnoses in both subgroups and the otolaryngologist in CaO; patients with CaO sought more physicians. There was a statistical difference between CaB and CaO subgroups in the following topics: toothache-like pain (p=0.044), CaB burning (p=0.016) in the CaB; heavy (p=0.018), swallowing as pain trigger (p=0.009), throat as the primary complaint site (p < 0,001) and bilateral otalgia in CaO (p=0.004). Conclusion. The data from this study show that pain was a symptom present throughout the diagnostic phase of oral cancer. The following characteristics were noted in the sample with oral cancer: male gender, over 50 years of age, diffuse pain (varied location), moderate to strong intensity, indifferent to the time of day, being able to awaken the patient, burning, throbbing, stabbing or toothache-like pain, triggered by chewing or swallowing, unilateral or bilateral reflex otalgia, limitation or incapacitation of mandibular function, patients with a clinical condition clearly compromised both in quality of life and in functionality. These data may aid in the differential diagnosis of oral cancer, especially when there is persistent and refractory orofacial pain
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Was bleibt? : Vokabelerwerb im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Fallstudie zu einer Schülergruppe an einem schwedischen Gymnasium.Malvebo, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
<p>In this research project the question is raised whether it is possible to detect and analyse differences between incidental and intentional vocabulary acquisition within a traditional, systematic teaching setting of German as an L3. The ten par-ticipating Swedish students at the upper secondary level worked with two differ-ent German newspaper articles in two different ways. One set of lessons focused mainly on textual content (incidental learning) while the other involved both dis-cussions about the contents of the text and explicit vocabulary practice (inten-tional learning). The students were later tested on four separate occasions using a self-report-test involving 16 pre-tested words. The two main research questions are: How many of the encountered words will the students recall and what depth of knowledge does this recall represent? Results point to a very limited vocabu-lary acquisition through incidental learning compared to the acquisition through intentional learning which gave a higher score. The overall tendency is for ac-quired vocabulary knowledge to change over time and more so if intentionally acquired. This raises a further question: How much and what kind of work in-volving texts is needed in the classroom for long lasting vocabulary acquisition, incidental or intentional, to take place? Furthermore the results indicate that the self-report test used in the research project shows deficiencies regarding validity as well as reliability issues, which puts further focus on the test methods used in educationally applied vocabulary acquisition research.</p>
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The evidence-based drama practitioner : the design and implementation of a drama program for very young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their parents / Design and implementation of a drama program for very young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their parentsUlrich, Christina Ann 28 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the applications of a drama-based intervention program for very young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their parents. Drama-based pedagogy and practice is merged with behavioral principles from the world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to create an interdisciplinary program tailored specifically for the unique learning needs of children with ASD. This document offers a comprehensive overview of the history of diagnosis and treatment of ASD and the many factors that can influence relationships between children with ASD and their parents. A drama-based intervention program was designed specifically to address the communication and social skill deficits in children with ASD. In addition, the drama-based intervention program encouraged parents to use responsive teaching strategies to enhance and extend creative play with their child. The document concludes with recommendations for essential components of a drama-based intervention program for very young children with ASD and their parents. / text
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An analysis of vocabulary instructional methods relevant for grade 4 learners / Kristien AndrianatosAndrianatos, Kristien January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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An analysis of vocabulary instructional methods relevant for grade 4 learners / Kristien AndrianatosAndrianatos, Kristien January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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L’intervention devant la Cour Internationale de Justice / Intervention in the international Court of JusticeSidibé, Mahamoudou 22 November 2012 (has links)
L’intervention est l’acte par lequel un Etat tiers intervient dans une instance pendante pour protéger ses droits. Elle est prévue aux articles 62 et 63 du Statut. La première disposition reconnaît le droit d’intervention à tout Etat tiers justifiant d’un intérêt juridique en cause. En revanche, la seconde accorde aux seuls Etats tiers également partie à une convention dont l’interprétation est en cause la possibilité d’intervenir. La question principale soulevée par l’intervention est de savoir si cette procédure est conforme au principe du consensualisme qui gouverne le Statut de la Cour. Concernant que l’article 62 du Statut, cette question s’explique par la controverse au sein de la doctrine au sujet du statut de l’Etat intervenant. En effet, certains auteurs soutiennent que l’Etat intervenant est partie à l’instance. Dans ce cas, ils considèrent que l’article 62 ne respecte pas le principe du consensualisme. Afin de concilier l’intervention avec ce principe, ils pensent que la Cour ne peut admettre l’intervention sans le consentement des parties. D’autres avancent, au contraire, que l’intervention est conforme au principe du consensualisme parce que l’Etat intervenant n’est pas partie à l’instance. D’autres soutiennent encore que l’article 62 du Statut admet les deux formes d’intervention développées par les précédents auteurs. L’objet de l’étude est de démontrer que l’article 62 du Statut donne lieu à une interprétation large, en ce sens qu’il autorise non seulement une intervention en tant que non partie, mais aussi une intervention en tant que partie et que le principe du consensualisme est respecté dans les deux cas. En effet, cette étude établit que tant les conditions que les effets de l’intervention sont conformes à ce principe. / Intervention is the procedure by which a third State intervenes in a pending proceeding to protect its rights. It is laid down in Articles 62 and 63 of the ICJ Statute. The first provision recognizes to every State justifying a legal interest in the case in question the right to intervene. In contrast, the second gives the third States also party to a Multilateral Convention whose interpretation is in question the right to intervene. The main issue raised by the intervention is whether this procedure is consistent with the principle of consent that governs the Statute of the Court. Concerning Article 62, this issue is due to the controversy within the doctrine on the status of the intervening State. Indeed, some authors argue that the intervening State is a party to the proceeding. In this case, they consider that Article 62 does not respect the principle of consent. To reconcile this principle with the intervention, they think that the Court can not accept the intervention without the consent of the parties. Others argue, however, that the intervention is consistent with the principle of consent because the intervening State do not become a party to the proceeding. Others still argue that Article 62 recognizes two forms of intervention as developed by the previous authors. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate that Article 62 gives rise to a broad interpretation, as it allows not only intervention as a non-party, but also as a party and that the principle of consent is respected in both cases. Indeed, this study shows that both the conditions and the effects of the intervention are consistent with this principle.
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