Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incidental"" "subject:"lncidental""
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Texte et musique : exploration de leurs différentes combinaisons par l'intermédiaire de la compositionPerron, Marc-André 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Was bleibt? : Vokabelerwerb im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Fallstudie zu einer Schülergruppe an einem schwedischen Gymnasium.Malvebo, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
In this research project the question is raised whether it is possible to detect and analyse differences between incidental and intentional vocabulary acquisition within a traditional, systematic teaching setting of German as an L3. The ten par-ticipating Swedish students at the upper secondary level worked with two differ-ent German newspaper articles in two different ways. One set of lessons focused mainly on textual content (incidental learning) while the other involved both dis-cussions about the contents of the text and explicit vocabulary practice (inten-tional learning). The students were later tested on four separate occasions using a self-report-test involving 16 pre-tested words. The two main research questions are: How many of the encountered words will the students recall and what depth of knowledge does this recall represent? Results point to a very limited vocabu-lary acquisition through incidental learning compared to the acquisition through intentional learning which gave a higher score. The overall tendency is for ac-quired vocabulary knowledge to change over time and more so if intentionally acquired. This raises a further question: How much and what kind of work in-volving texts is needed in the classroom for long lasting vocabulary acquisition, incidental or intentional, to take place? Furthermore the results indicate that the self-report test used in the research project shows deficiencies regarding validity as well as reliability issues, which puts further focus on the test methods used in educationally applied vocabulary acquisition research.
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Fler genomgår datortomografi för akut buksmärta : En retrospektiv studie av akuta DT-bukundersökningar med intravenös kontrast i Sverige / More patients undergo computed tomography for acute abdominal pain : A retrospective study of acute abdominal CT examinations with intravenous contrast in SwedenJoborn, Emma, Nygren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet datortomografiundersökningar (DT-undersökningar) har ökat kraftigt i Sverige och den kollektiva stråldosen till befolkningen blir allt högre. DT-undersökningar av buken är en av de undersökningarna som ger högst stråldos till patienten, därför är det viktigt att de endast görs när det krävs för att ställa diagnos. Därmed kan det vara relevant att undersöka huruvida antalet undersökningar också lett till ökat antal patologiska fynd hos patienter. Syfte: Undersöka hur många akuta DT-undersökningar med intravenös kontrast av buken som gjordes vid två sjukhus och hur stor andel av dessa som påvisade patologiska fynd. Metod: För att besvara syftet gjordes en kvantitativ retrospektiv studie där röntgenremisser och röntgensvar från mars 2013, mars 2018 och mars 2023 analyserades. Resultat: Antalet akuta DT-bukundersökningar med intravenös kontrast har ökat vid sjukhusen med i genomsnitt 49,5% mellan 2018–2023. Den mest markanta ökningen sågs i åldrarna 50–80 år. Vid Sjukhus 1 hade andelen fynd ökat från 57,5% i mars 2013 till 72,4% i mars 2023, samtidigt som andelen fynd vid Sjukhus 2 i stället minskat från 54% i mars 2018 till 46,3% i mars 2023. De vanligaste fynden vid de två sjukhusen var ileus/subileus, appendicit och kolecystit/gallsten/vidgade gallvägar. Könsfördelningen visade att något fler kvinnor än män genomgick akut DT buk med iv. kontrast, (Sjukhus 1: 54% kvinnor och Sjukhus 2: 55% kvinnor). Slutsatser: Det har vid båda sjukhusen skett en ökning av antalet undersökningar men utvecklingen av andelen fynd har gått i två olika riktningar. De vanligaste patologiska fynden som görs skulle kunna ställas med hjälp av andra modaliteter med låg eller ingen stråldos, såsom konventionell röntgen eller ultraljud. Ökningen av antalet akut DT-buk med iv. kontrast har medfört en ökad arbetsbelastning för röntgensjuksköterskor.
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La liaison du contentieux / The link of contentiousIl, Léa 11 December 2012 (has links)
Si l’expression liaison du contentieux est communément utilisée en jurisprudence administrative, dans les manuels et ouvrages de contentieux administratif, c’est pour être confondue avec la règle de la décision administrative préalable. Or, la liaison du contentieux est plus vaste que cette dernière, elle renvoie à une réalité différente qui reste à découvrir. L’étude pratique de la liaison du contentieux révèle qu’elle est dans l’intérêt des parties à l’instance et qu’elle est l’instrument de travail du juge car sans elle, le litige ne peut être réglé. Et comme le litige est avant tout l’affaire des parties à l’instance, ce sont elles qui devront lier le contentieux. Le juge, destinataire de la liaison du contentieux, va intervenir dans sa réalisation alors qu’il restait initialement à l’extérieur de celle-ci. L’analyse juridique de la liaison du contentieux montre qu’elle exerce en parallèle, et ce à tous les niveaux du procès, une emprise forte sur la matière litigieuse qu’elle délimite. Le contentieux, qui se lie devant les premiers juges du fond, se cristallise en effet après l’expiration du délai de recours avant d’être rendu totalement immuable à la clôture de l’instruction. Le litige, tel qu’il a été lié, est « transféré » dans les instances dérivées pour être, éventuellement, rejugé. La liaison du contentieux se poursuit alors devant le juge d’appel et de cassation mais tout en assurant au litige son unicité. / If expression link of contentious is commonly used in administrative case law, in manuals and books of administrative contentious, it is to be confused with the rule of administrative decision. But the link of contentious is vaster than this last, it returns in a different reality which remains to discover. The practical study of link of contentious reveals that it is in interest of litigants and that itis the working instrument of the judge because without it, litigation cannot be settled out of court. And as litigation is before the affair of litigants, it is them who will have to link contentious. The judge, addressee of the link of contentious, is going to play a part of link of contentious’srealization while he resided outside this one initially. The juridical analysis of the link of contentious shows that it exercises in the same time a strong hold, at all the law suit, over the litigation which it delimits. In effect, the contentious, which linked in front of the first investigation magistrates, is crystallized after the expiry of the deadline of submission for a legal settlement before being completely irremovable at the close of investigation of the case. Litigation, such as it was linked, is possibly “transferred” in other proceedings to be re-judged. The link of contentious continues then in front of the judge of appeal and cassation but while ensuring to the litigation his uniqueness.
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網路廣告的溝通效果研究 / The study of internet advertising communication林建志, Lin, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
若以目前最常被用來評估網路廣告效益指標:CPM (每千人廣告曝光成本)及CTR(廣告點選率)而言,由於網路廣告的“曝光”不代表一定被看見,因此CPM只能作為媒體採購成本的參考;若以CTR作為評估標準,台灣目前平均廣告點選率已低於0.1%(2012年業界實際經驗值),是否就可以直接推論:『99.9%的廣告曝光是無效的?』(因為99.9%的曝光並不會吸引網友點選)
假說一: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回答有看到廣告中的指定品牌。
假說二: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回想到廣告中的指定品牌。
研究結果證明:『即使網友在一般網路瀏覽行為中不刻意瀏覽網頁中的附帶廣告、甚至點選廣告,但只要在廣告上明顯揭露指定品牌名稱,就會有一定比例的網友對廣告留下印象』,因此即可推論:『即使平均廣告點選率= 0.1%,也不能直接推論 99.9%的廣告是無效的』。只要在廣告的設計上明顯揭露品牌/產品/活動名稱,就會有一定比例的消費者對廣告留下印象,但若廣告設計時無明顯揭露品牌名稱,則結果就如同本研究中的“無廣告操弄”,對提升品牌印象/價值毫無加分作用,更遑論可以提升偏好度/購買意願。
最後有關“廣告外溢效果”的探討,雖然本次研究結果無法證明:『若是一個中等品牌偏好度的品牌在做廣告時,其產生的外溢效果會加惠於該產業的知名品牌,讓消費者因 “中等品牌偏好度的廣告” 而自動回憶起原本即喜歡的他牌,尤其是高知名度的領導品牌』,但如果後續能持續研究此議題並證明其假設成立,則領導品牌的媒體廣告投資週期就可適度避開二線品牌的廣告曝光期,因為當二線品牌刊登廣告可能也會同時喚起對領導品牌的回憶,領導品牌的廣告就可延後刊播,待二線品牌廣告停止時再接續播出,有可能達到整體媒體投資效益最大化(最佳化)、拉長廣告影響期間的目標。
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L’enseignement centré sur la forme et l’apprentissage du vocabulaire en français langue secondeGazerani, Farzin 02 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a été subventionnée par Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) / Dans cette thèse, l’auteur s’est penché sur la question de l’apprentissage/enseignement du vocabulaire en français langue seconde (L2). Depuis plusieurs années, la recherche en L2 fait face à une question essentielle : celle de l’efficacité de différentes approches d’enseignement lexical afin de favoriser l’apprentissage des mots. Certains chercheurs (par ex. Krashen, 1982, 1989) considèrent que l’apprentissage du vocabulaire en L2, tout comme celui des aspects morphosyntaxiques, se produit uniquement de façon incidente pendant l’exposition aux différents échantillons de la langue (c.-à-d., l’intrant) et à travers des activités centrées sur le sens communicatif telles que la lecture de textes. D’autres (par ex. Laufer, 2005, 2006) préconisent une approche plus explicite de l’enseignement du vocabulaire, centrée sur les aspects formels des éléments lexicaux (form-focused instruction). Cette question n’a pas fait l’objet d’une recherche exhaustive, surtout en ce qui concerne les modalités de l’enseignement centré sur la forme (FFI) et le moment approprié (le FFI intégré vs le FFI isolé) pour le fournir, d’où l’importance de cette recherche.
Trois études expérimentales ont été effectuées afin d’examiner l’efficacité de différentes approches d’enseignement du vocabulaire en français. Quarante-deux apprenants de français L2 ont participé à deux études de cas multiples (n = 9 et n = 10) et à une étude quasi-expérimentale (n = 23). Les deux premières études ont servi de pilotes pour l’élaboration de la méthodologie de la troisième étude. L'intervention expérimentale (quatre périodes de 45 minutes chacune)
ciblant 36 mots a été réalisée à travers trois conditions expérimentales (FFI intégré, FFI isolé et répétition) et une condition de contrôle (apprentissage incident via la lecture). Chacun des participants a bénéficié de toutes les conditions. En d’autres termes, parmi les mots ciblés, certains devaient être appris incidemment, certains à travers une exposition répétée et certains ont été enseignés par le FFI intégré et le FFI isolé. Des tâches lexicales ont été administrées avant et deux fois après l'intervention. Les résultats indiquent les avantages du FFI en comparaison avec l'apprentissage incident et la répétition sans aucune différence significative entre le FFI isolé et le FFI intégré. La conclusion de cette thèse met l’emphase sur l’importance
du FFI afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage du vocabulaire, tout en précisant le caractère indispensable des activités de récupération pour diminuer la perte de l’apprentissage produit. / In this thesis, the author examined the question of vocabulary learning/teaching in French as a second language (L2). L2 research has been interested in the effects of different approaches of lexical instruction on vocabulary learning. Some researchers (e.g. Krashen, 1982, 1989) contend that L2 learning, vocabulary and morphosyntax, occurs incidentally through the exposure to comprehensible input and through meaning-based activities such as reading. Others (e.g. Laufer,
2005, 2006) advocate a more explicit approach to vocabulary teaching, focused on the form of lexical elements. The effects of lexical form-focused instruction (FFI) have not been thoroughly investigated, particularly its different modalities and timing (integrated FFI vs isolated FFI), hence the relevance of this research.
Three experimental studies were conducted to examine the effectiveness of different vocabulary teaching approaches in French as an L2. Forty-two L2 French learners participated in two multiple case studies (n = 9 and n = 10) and a quasi-experimental study (n = 23). Among other things, the first two studies were designed to serve as pilots for the methodological design of the third study. The experimental intervention (four periods of 45 minutes each) targeting 36 words was carried out through three experimental conditions (integrated FFI, isolated FFI and repetition) and a control condition (incidental learning through reading). Each participant benefited from all the conditions. In other words, among the targeted words, some had to be learned incidentally, some through repeated exposure and some were taught by the integrated FFI and the isolated FFI. Lexical tasks were administered before intervention started and twice after it ended (immediate posttest and delayed posttest). Results indicate the advantages of FFI compared to incidental learning and repetition. However, there is no significant differences between the isolated FFI and the integrated FFI. The conclusion of this thesis emphasizes the importance of FFI in order to improve the vocabulary learning, while specifying the necessity of the retrieval activities to reduce learning loss.
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Structure et connectivité de la mégafaune marine à l'échelle d’une région océanique : enjeux pour la gestion durable des tortues vertes dans l'océan Indien occidental / Population structure and connectivity of megafauna at the oceanic region scale : keys issues for sustainable management of marine turtles in the Indian OceanBourjea, Jérôme 02 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'insère dans une démarche globale d'acquisition des connaissances sur la tortue verte (Chelonia mydas) dans l'océan Indien occidental et ce afin de disposer d'éléments scientifiques essentiels à la mise en place d'une gestion cohérente et efficace de cette espèce menacée. Dans un premier temps, appliquant différentes modèles statistiques, ce travail a visé à établir des données de référence sur l'abondance des tortues vertes femelles en reproduction et les tendances sur le long terme des principales populations. Dans un second temps, il a consisté à déterminer la structure génétique et les relations qui existent entre les différentes populations de cette espèce. Enfin, la conservation des tortues marines étant étroitement liée aux pressions extérieures, ce travail a tenté dans un troisième temps de caractériser les pressions anthropiques qu'elles subissent, et notamment celles liées à la pêche. L'ensemble de ces résultats a permis de réaliser des avancées majeures dans la connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie de la tortue verte et de disposer d'une vision régionale fiable de l'état de conservation de cette espèce dans l'océan Indien occidental. Leur compilation a ainsi permis d'identifier des zones régionales prioritaires de protection mais aussi des sites de vigilance plus spécifiques comme celui d'Europa. Enfin cette synthèse met en lumière les priorités de recherche et les approches scientifiques à favoriser à l'avenir pour améliorer les connaissances et affiner les priorités de conservation non seulement des tortues marines, mais aussi de la mégafaune marine en général. / This thesis is a comprehensive work aiming to improve scientific knowledge on the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in order to provide key scientific evidences needed for the implementation of coherent and effective management measures to protect at the Western Indian Ocean scale this threatened species. In a first step, this work aimed to established baseline data on the abundance of green turtles nesting females and long term trends of some key nesting populations of the region by applying different modelling methods. In a second step, this work determined the regional genetic structure of this species and the relationships that exists between the different populations. Finally, the conservation of marine turtles being closely dependant to external pressures, this work tried to characterize theanthropogenic pressures they face, more specifically those related to fishing activities. All these results allowed unraveling some key gaps on the biology and ecology of the green turtle in the region and led to a global vision of the conservation status of this species in the Western Indian Ocean. The compilation of the results enabled the identification of regional priority areas for protection, but also some more specific threatened sites such as Europa. Finally, this synthesis shedslight on research priorities and scientific approaches to be promote in the future to unlock other keyscientific issues and refine conservation priorities, not only of marine turtles, but also of marine megafauna as a whole.
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The development and empirical substantiation of Japanese pedagogical materials based on kabukiKatsumata, Yuriko 21 May 2020 (has links)
Many researchers (e.g., Nation, 2001, 2015; Schmitt, 2000) have recognized the importance of vocabulary learning in second language (L2) or additional language (AL) acquisition. The strong effects of lexical and background knowledge on L2reading comprehension have similarly been found in various studies (e.g., Hu & Nation, 2000; Rokni & Hajilari, 2013). In the case of Japanese language, the opportunities for acquiring the lexical and background knowledge associated with Japanese history and culture, especially traditional culture, are scant, because only a small number of Japanese pedagogical materials deal minimally with these topics. Meanwhile, many learners are motivated to study Japanese because of their interest in Japanese history and culture, according to a survey conducted by the Japan Foundation in 2012.
This project aimed to increase the opportunities for learning Japanese history and traditional culture through the development of new pedagogical materials based on kabuki, and then the empirical evaluation of the developed pedagogical materials. Nine Chinese-as-a-first-language Japanese learners at the upper-intermediate level participated in the nine-week online course, including the pre- and post-course tests in the first and last weeks. Employing a multi-method research approach, the study examined the changes in learners’ lexical and background knowledge related to Japanese history and culture, their reading comprehension, and their interest in kabuki. Four kinds of multiple-choice tests were administered to collect the quantitative data. In addition, the qualitative data were gathered through the pre- and post-course questionnaires and post-course individual interviews.
Overall, the findings indicated that almost all participants increased their background knowledge of kabuki, as well as their vocabulary related to kabuki and general theatrical performances. The results in other areas, such as historical vocabulary, vocabulary depth, reading comprehension, and historical background knowledge were mixed. Further, concerning the depth of vocabulary knowledge, it was found that the learning of vocabulary depth was more difficult than learning of vocabulary breadth. Likewise, the knowledge of use, such as collocations and register constraints, was found to be more difficult to learn than other aspects of vocabulary depth. The participants’ reports in the post-course questionnaire and individual interviews showed that most participants seemed to have increased their interest in kabuki. Overall, the first-of-their-kind developed pedagogical materials contributed to the development of lexical and background knowledge, specifically knowledge associated with Japanese traditional culture and history. This study may provide a model for an evidence-based approach to the development of pedagogical materials that practitioners can adopt or adapt. / Graduate
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Analyses on tech-enhanced and anonymous Peer Discussion as well as anonymous Control Facilities for tech-enhanced Learning / Analysen zur technologieunterstützten und anonymem Peer Discussion sowie anonymen Einflusswerkzeuge für technologieunterstütztes LernenHara, Tenshi 12 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
An increasing number of university freshmen has been observable in absolute number as well as percentage of population over the last decade. However, at the same time the drop-out rate has increased significantly. While a drop in attendance could be observed at the same time, statistics show that young professionals consider only roughly thirty percent of their qualification to originate in their university education. Taking this into consideration with the before mentioned, one conclusion could be that students fail to see the importance of fundamental classes and choose to seek knowledge elsewhere, for example in free online courses. However, the so acquired knowledge is a non-attributable qualification. One solution to this problem must be to make on-site activities more attractive. A promising approach for raised attractiveness would be to support students in self-regulated learning processes, making them experience importance and value of own decisions based on realistic self-assessment and self-evaluation. At the same time, strict ex-cathedra teaching should be replaced by interactive forms of education, ideally activating on a meta-cognitive level.
Particularly, as many students bring mobile communication devices into classes, this promising approach could be extended by utilising these mobile devices as second screens. That way, enhanced learning experiences can be provided. The basic idea is simple, namely to contribute to psychological concepts with the means of computer science. An example for this idea are audience response systems. There has been numerous research into these and related approaches for university readings, but other forms of education have not been sufficiently considered, for example tutorials. This technological aspect can be combined with recent didactics research and concepts like peer instruction or visible learning. Therefore, this dissertation presents an experimental approach at providing existing IT solutions for on-site tutorials, specifically tools for audience responses, evaluations, learning demand assessments, peer discussion, and virtual interactive whiteboards. These tools are provided under observation of anonymity and cognisant incidental utilisation. They provide insight into students\' motivation to attend classes, their motivation to utilise tools, and into their tool utilisation itself. Experimental findings are combined into an extensible system concept consisting of three major tool classes: anonymous peer discussion means, anonymous control facilities, and learning demand assessment. With the exception of the latter, promising findings in context of tutorials are presented, for example the reduction of audience response systems to an emergency brake, the versatility of (peer) discussion systems, or a demand for retroactive deanonymisation of contributions. The overall positive impact of tool utilisation on motivation to attend and perceived value of tutorials is discussed and supplemented by a positive impact on the final exams\' outcomes. / Über die vergangene Dekade ist eine zunehmende Zahl Studienanfänger beobachtbar, sowohl in der absoluten Anzahl, als auch im Bevölkerungsanteil. Demgegenüber steht aber eine überproportional hohe Steigerung der Abbruchquote. Während gleichzeitig die Anwesenheit in universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sinkt, zeigen Statistiken, dass nur etwa ein Drittel der Berufseinsteiger die Grundlagen ihrer Qualifikation im Studium sieht. Daraus könnte man ableiten, dass Studierende den Wert und die Bedeutung universitärer Ausbildung unterschätzen und stattdessen Wissen in anderen Quellen suchen, beispielsweise unentgeltlichen Online-Angeboten. Das auf diese Art angeeignete Wissen stellt aber eine formell nicht nachweise Qualifikation dar. Ein Weg aus diesem Dilemma muss die Steigerung der Attraktivität der universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sein. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz ist die Unterstützung der Studierenden im selbst-regulierten Lernen, wodurch sie die Wichtigkeit und den Wert eigener Entscheidung(sfindungsprozesse) auf Basis realistischer Selbsteinschätzung und Selbstevaluation erlernen. Gleichzeitig sollte Frontalunterricht durch interaktive Lehrformen ersetzt werden, idealerweise durch Aktivierung auf meta-kognitiver Ebene. Dies ist vielversprechend insbesondere, weil viele Studierende ihre eigenen mobilen Endgeräte in Lehrveranstaltungen bringen. Diese Geräte können als Second Screen für die neuen Lehrkonzepte verwendet werden. Auf diese Art kann dann eine verbesserte Lernerfahrung vermittelt werden.
Die Grundidee ist simpel, nämlich in der Psychologie bewährte Didaktik-Konzepte durch die Mittel der Informatik zu unterstützen. Ein Beispiel dafür sind Audience Response Systeme, die hinlänglich im Rahmen von Vorlesungen untersucht worden sind. Andere Lehrformen wurden dabei jedoch unzureichend berücksichtigt, beispielsweise Tutorien. Ähnliche Überlegungen gelten natürlich auch für bewährte didaktische Konzepte wie Peer Instruction oder Betrachtungen in Form von Visible Learning. Deshalb präsentiert diese Dissertation einen experimentellen Ansatz, informationstechnische Lösungen für vor-Ort-Übungen anzubieten, nämlich Werkzeuge für Audience Response Systeme, Evaluationen, Lernbedarfsermittlung, Peer Discussion, sowie virtuelle interaktive Whiteboards. Die genannten Werkzeuge wurden unter Beachtung von Anonymitäts- und Beiläufigkeitsaspekten bereitgestellt. Sie erlauben einen Einblick in die Motivation der Studierenden Tutorien zu besuchen und die Werkzeuge zu nutzen, sowie ihr Nutzungsverhalten selbst. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden in ein erweiterbares Systemkonzept kombiniert, das drei Werkzeugklassen unterstützt: anonyme Peer Discussion, anonyme Kontrollwerkzeuge und Lernbedarfsermittlung. Für die ersten beiden Klassen liegen vielversprechende Ergebnisse vor, beispielsweise die notwendige Reduktion des Audience Response Systems auf eine Art Notbremse, die Vielseitigkeit von (Peer-)Discussion-Systemen, oder aber auch der Bedarf für eine retroaktive Deanonymisierung von initial anonymen Beiträgen. Der allgemein positive Einfluss der Werkzeugnutzung auf die Motivation an Tutorien teilzunehmen sowie den wahrgenommenen Wert der Tutorien werden abschließend diskutiert und durch verbesserte Abschlussklausurergebnisse untermauert.
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The development of CT urography for investigating haematuriaCowan, Nigel Christopher January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses the three principal questions concerning the development of CT urography for investigating haematuria and each question is the subject of a separate chapter. The questions are: What is the reasoning behind using CT urography? What is the optimum diagnostic strategy using CT urography? What are the problems with using CT urography and how may solutions be provided? Haematuria can signify serious disease such as urinary tract stones, renal cell cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer (UTUC) and bladder cancer (BCa). CT urography is defined as contrast enhanced CT examination of kidneys, ureters and bladder. The technique used here includes unenhanced, nephrographic and excretory-phases for optimized diagnosis of stones, renal masses and urothelial cancer respectively. The reasoning behind using excretory-phase CT urography for investigating haematuria is based on results showing its high diagnostic accuracy for UTUC and BCa. Patients with haematuria are classified as low risk or high risk for UTUC and BCa, by a risk score, determined by the presence/absence of risk factors: age > 50 years, visible or nonvisible haematuria, history of smoking and occupational exposure. The optimum diagnostic strategy for patients at high risk for urothelial cancer, uses CT urography as a replacement test for ultrasonography and intravenous urography and as a triage test for flexible and rigid cystoscopy, resulting in earlier diagnosis and potentially improving prognosis. For patients at low risk, ultrasonography, unenhanced and nephrographic-phase CT urography are proposed as initial imaging tests. Problems with using CT urography include false positive results for UTUC, which are eliminated by retrograde ureteropyelography-guided biopsy, an innovative technique, for histopathological confirmation of diagnosis. Recommendations for the NHS and possible future developments are discussed. CT urography, including excretory-phase imaging, is recommended as the initial diagnostic imaging test before cystoscopy for patients with haematuria at high risk for urothelial cancer.
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