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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predicting the Clinical Outcome in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury using Clinical Pathway Scores

Mendoza Alonzo, Jennifer Lorena 01 January 2013 (has links)
The Polytrauma/TBI Rehabilitation Center (PRC) of the Veterans Affairs Hospital (VAH) treats patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). These patients have major motor and cognitive disabilities. Most of the patients stay in the hospital for many months without major improvements. This suggests that patients, family and the VAH could benefit if healthcare provider had a way to better assess or "predict" patients' progression. The individual progress of patients over time is assessed using a pre-defined multi-component performance measure Functional Independence Measures (FIM) at admission and discharge, and a semi-quantitative documentation parameter Clinical Pathway (CP) at weekly intervals. This work uses already de-identified and transformed data to explore developing a clinical outcome predictive model for patients with TBI, as early as possible. The clinical outcome is measured as percentage of recovery using CP scores. The results of this research will allow healthcare providers to improve the current resource management (e.g. staff, equipment, space) through setting goals for each patient, as well as to provide the family more accurate and timely information about the status and needs of the patient.

Qualité d’audit, comité d’Audit et crédibilité des états financiers après le scandale Enron : approche empirique dans le contexte Français. / Audit Quality, Audit Committee and Financial Statement Credibility after the Enron Scandal : empirical Approach in French Context

Azibi, Jamel 23 September 2014 (has links)
Fin 2001, début 2002, les États-Unis ont été frappés par un nombre élevé de scandales financiers. Plusieurs affaires ont été révélées par les médias, singulièrement le cas Enron. La reformulation de la profession d'audit en matière d'indépendance des auditeurs et des comités d'audit après le scandale Enron a cherché à garantir la crédibilité des états financiers. L'objectif de ce travail est de tester l'effet de la nouvelle formulation de la profession d'audit, notamment en matière d'indépendance des auditeurs et des comités d'audit, précisément sur la question de la crédibilité des états financiers. Trois objectifs opérationnels ont été traités dans le cadre de cette étude. Premièrement, nous avons analysé les effets de l’affaire Enron sur la réaction des marchés financiers, le choix des commissaires aux comptes et l’affermissement du conservatisme des auditeurs, dans le contexte français. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié l’impact de l’institution du Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes sur l’indépendance des auditeurs. Finalement, nous avons étudié l’influence du Comité d’audit sur la crédibilité des états financiers après le rapport Bouton de 2002. Les résultats empiriques s’attachent à montrer que la présence d’un co-commissaire aux comptes Non-Big a minimisé l’effet négatif de la réaction du marché financier français lors de l’annonce du scandale Enron. Par contre, le scandale Enron n’a pas influencé significativement la perception des investisseurs institutionnels étrangers envers les services des grands cabinets d’audit. Ces derniers n’ont pas justifié la production d’une bonne qualité d’audit par rapport aux Non-Big. Pour rétablir la confiance sur les marchés financiers, le législateur français est intervenu via la création d’un organisme de supervision publique de la profession comptable intitulé le H3C. Les résultats empiriques montrent que la création du H3C a renforcé l’indépendance des auditeurs. Par contre, l’annonce du lancement des activités disciplinaires de ce nouvel organisme après 2005 n’a pas d’effet significatif sur l’indépendance des auditeurs. Par contre l’apparition du rapport Bouton en 2002, et la nouvelle dimension accordée au contrôle interne, montre que ce dernier dépendant des caractéristiques des comités d’audit notamment l’expertise et l’indépendance de leurs membres. / At the end of 2001, the scandal series was announced in the US context. Several scandals, especially the Eron failure, were revealed in the first stage by the media. The main purpose of this research is to study the impact of the new reform, in audit after Enron scandal, on auditor independence, audit comity and financial statement credibility. Three operational objectives have been treated in this study. First, we have analyzed the effects of Enron scandal on financial market reaction, auditor choice and auditor conservatism in the French context. Second, we have investigated the impact of the new reform on the auditor independence. Finally, we have examined the effect of audit committee on financial statement credibility after the adoption of the Bouton Report in 2002.The empirical results have shown that the presence of the Non-Big4 members in the legal audit process have minimized the negative effect of the reaction of the SBF 250. However, the perception of the foreign institutional investors has not changed significantly for the Big4 audit services. This auditor group (Big4) does not justify the production of the audit quality compared to other auditors in France. To restore confidence in the financial market, the French legislative authority has created the H3C. The empirical results have revealed that the establishment of the H3C has ameliorated the auditor independence. Hence, the announcement of the launch of H3C disciplinary activity after 2005 has not had a significant effect on auditor independence. In contrast, the appearance of the Bouton Report in 2002 and the reform related to the internal control depend on the audit committee characteristics (expertise and independence audit committee members).

Revisorns oberoende : Tre olika perspektiv

Karlsson, Elsa, Svensson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är ett ämne som det har diskuterats mycket kring det senaste årtiondet och efter de senaste årens redovisningsskandaler har äm-net aktualiserats igen. Det är ett svårgripbart ämne och det är upp till revisorn själv att avgöra om han/hon är oberoende och när detta är hotat. Revisorns huvudsakliga uppgift är att granska företagens årsredovisning, bokföring samt dess förvaltning. Det här ska genomföras självständigt och oberoende från företaget och andra intressenter. Revisorns roll har utvecklats från att endast vara en renodlad kontrollant till att idag även agera som konsult, vilket medfört att revisorns oberoende ställning ifrågasatts allt oftare. För att förhindra det här har Revisorslagen (2001:883) utökats med analysmodellen som både prövar och kan säkerställa revisorns oberoende. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva vilka uppfattningar som föreligger vad avser revisorns oberoende och analysmodellen i små revisionsbyråer bland godkända revisorer, kreditgivare och Skatteverket samt förklara vad eventuella skillnader i uppfattningarna beror på. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning där vi undersökt hur revisorerna själva samt hur olika intressenter förhåller sig till oberoendeproblematiken och analysmodellen. Personliga intervjuer har genomförts med två godkända revisorer, två kreditgivare och en representant från Skatteverket. Studien visar på att oberoendeproblematiken inte är ett så stort problem som media uppmålar. Revisorerna anser sig själva som mycket oberoende, vilket även kreditgivarna och Skatteverket gör. Intressenterna har stort förtroende för revisorerna. Revisorerna anser att analysmodellen är ett hjälpmedel för att säkerställa oberoendet. När de tillämpar modellen upptäcker de lättare olika omständigheter som kan hota oberoendet och kan då i ett tidigt stadie vidta motåt-gärder för att eliminera hoten så att revisorerna kan ta sig an uppdragen. Dock är övriga respondenter inte direkt medvetna och analysmodellen och dess effekter, vilket troligen beror på att modellen är ett internt verktyg för revisorsyrket. Revisorerna upprätthåller sitt oberoende genom att inte sätta sig i beslutande ställning, d.v.s. agera rådgivare i samband med granskningen. Det är enligt alla respondenter viktigt att skilja på revisionsrådgivning och fristående rådgivning för att revisorn inte ska få ett inflytande och beroendeförhållande till sina klienter. / Auditor independence is a subject that has been discussed a lot the last ten years and after the last years accounting scandals the subject is up for discussion again. It is a subject that is very difficult to grasp and it has been up to the auditor to judge when he/she is independent and when it is threatened. The auditor’s primary task is to control a company’s annual statement, book-keeping and how the company is managed and the auditor is supposed to do this independently. The role of auditing has developed from being a controlling function to a more consultant function and the results of this have been that the independence of the auditor has been questioned. To prevent this, a new Auditor Act (Revisorslagen 2001:883) has been added with the Analysis model. The auditor should test every new audit commission according to the model before accepting the mission. The purpose in this thesis is to describe conceptions regarding auditor’s in-dependence and the Analysis model within small firms of auditors, according to auditors themselves, credit granters and Tax department. We will also explain what possible differences in the conceptions depends on. We have used a qualitative method where we have investigated how auditors themselves and different participants’ remain to the problematic within audit independence and the Analysis model. We have carried out personal interviews with two auditors, two credit granters and one person from the Tax department. This research shows that the problematic with audit independence is not that huge as media says. The auditors’ see their self as independent and the credit grantors and the Tax department also agree. The auditors consider the Analysis model as a support to remain their independence. The model helps them to see obstacles with different audit commissions, but the model also helps them to eliminate these obstacles so that they can accept the mission. The other respondents are not conscious about the model and its effects. We believe this depends on the fact that the model is an internal support for the auditor professions. The auditor maintains their independence by not being a deciding part for the company, i.e. act as a consultant in connection to the controlling function. It is important to distinguish between the consulting part within the auditing and the non-audit services, in order for the auditor to not reach dependency to their clients.

Kan professionell skepticism användas för att förutse revisorers beteende?

Temler, Cecilia, Nilsson, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Auditors have a big role in society. The question of auditor independence has been debated frequently after the financial crisis. Long auditor tenure with clients has both advantages and disadvantages so the question is hard to solve. One of the traits that are encouraged with auditors is professional skepticism. An important part of professional skepticism is the personal skepticism of the auditor. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate if a high professional skepticism can increase auditor independence by increasing profession identification and decreasing client identification. Earlier research in Social Identity Theory has shown that client identification is negatively related to auditor independence and that profession identification is positively related to auditor independence. A quantitative method is used in this dissertation. A survey was sent to 1000 qualified Swedish auditor. 273 of those replied. The material was statistically analyzed to test the different hypothesis in the dissertation. Our survey showed that professional skepticism has no relation to client- and profession identification. There is however a weak positive relation between professional skepticism and auditor independence. The conclusion is that more research is needed to investigate if auditor independence really is affected by the auditor ’s professional skepticism. / Revisorer har en stor roll i dagens samhälle. Efter finanskrisen har frågan om revisorns oberoende diskuterats flitigt. Det finns både för- och nackdelar med att en revisor varit länge på ett företag och därför är frågan svårlöst. En av egenskaperna som uppmuntras hos en revisor är professionell skepticism. En viktig del av den professionella skepticismen är revisorns personliga skepticism. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att påvisa att en hög professionell skepticism hos revisorer kan motverka vissa oberoenderelaterade problem. Mer specifikt undersöks den professionella skepticismens påverkan på revisorns identifikation med klienten och med den egna professionen. Tidigare forskning inom Social Identity Theory har visat att identifikation med klienten är negativt relaterat till oberoende och att identifikation med den egna professionen är positivt relaterat till oberoende. I uppsatsen används en kvantitativ metod. En enkät skickades till 1000 kvalificerade svenska revisorer varav 273 svarade. Detta material analyserades statistiskt för att pröva hypoteserna i uppsatsen. Undersökning visar att professionell skepticism inte har någon påverkan på klient- och professionsidentifikation hos revisorn. Det finns däremot en svag positiv relation mellan professionell skepticism och revisorns oberoende. Slutsatsen blir därför att mer forskning behövs för att undersöka om revisorns oberoende faktiskt påverkas av revisorns professionella skepticism.

La constitutionnalisation de la juridiction inhérente au Canada : origines et fondements

Desjardins Mallette, Jonathan 03 1900 (has links)
Bien que la juridiction inhérente des cours superIeures constitue une notion souvent utilisée par les tribunaux au Canada, plusieurs facettes importantes de cette notion demeurent inconnues et incomprises. Le présent mémoire s'attarde à retracer l'origine et les fondements des pouvoirs inhérents afin d'en expliquer la constitutionnalisation dans l'ordre constitutionnel canadien contemporain. Pour ce faire, nous avons retracé l'essence des pouvoirs inhérents au moyen d'une démarche historique afin d'énoncer une théorie constitutionnelle cohérente des pouvoirs inhérents qui permettra de juger du bien-fondé de leurs nombreuses manifestations contemporaines. L'enchâssement de la juridiction inhérente dans la Constitution canadienne repose sur le statut, la nature et les caractéristiques uniques des cours supérieures. Plus particulièrement, le principe constitutionnel de l'indépendance judiciaire constitue le fondement contemporain de la constitutionnalisation de la juridiction inhérente. Cette constatation permet alors d'avancer l'idée selon laquelle les pouvoirs inhérents nécessaires au maintien de l'indépendance judiciaire des cours supérieures doivent être élevés au rang de normes constitutionnelles supralégislatives. / The inherent jurisdiction of the superior courts is frequently used by the courts in Canada. However, many of its major aspects are still unknown or misunderstood. This paper tries to identify the origins and foundations of the inherent jurisdiction to explain its constitutionalization in contemporary Canadian constitution law. To achieve this purpose, we retrace the essence of the inherent powers by way of an historical approach. This allows us to construct a coherent constitutional theory of the inherent jurisdiction which will be useful to evaluate the legitimacy and appropriateness of its manifold modern uses. The constitutionalization of the inherent jurisdiction rests on the unique status, nature and characteristics of the superior courts in Canada. More specifically, the constitutional principle of judicial independence is the modern foundation of the constitutionalization of the inherent jurisdiction. This assertion allows us to advance the idea that the inherent powers needed to maintain the judicial independence of the superior courts must be elevated to the level of supralegislative norms. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 10% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury : "Le mémoire apporte un point de vue fort éclairant sur un sujet difficile et peu exploré sur un mode systématique".

October crisis to referendum : ideological elements in the discourse of English Protestant churches concerning the socio-political evolution of Quebec from 1970 to 1980

Lee, John. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania Steenkamp

Steenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor is een van die mees gevestigde internasionale fundamentele regte.1 Die reg om verhoor te word deur 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige hof of tribunaal vorm deel van die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor. Beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje erken hierdie reg as 'n fundamentele reg. Alhoewel dit duidelik is dat hierdie reg afdwingbaar is in die gewone howe van state wat die relevante konvensies geratifiseer het, bly die vraag steeds tot watter mate die reg tot 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal toepassing vind in internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie verrigtinge. Verder is die vraag hoe die toepassing daarvan vergelyk met die toepassing van die reg in die gewone howe. Is dit dus moontlik om te se dat dieselfde toets wat in die gewone howe gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte te bepaal, ook gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n arbiter te bepaal? In die nasionale sfeer verwys onafhanklikheid na twee onderskeibare konsepte. Eerstens verwys dit na die onafhanklikheid van die regsprekendegesag met betrekking tot die wetgewende- en uitvoeren-degesag soos vervat in die leerstuk van die skeiding van magte. Tweedens verwys dit na die persoonlike onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte. In internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie is slegs die tweede konsep van toepassing. Internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie funksioneer normaalweg onafhanklik van enige regerings-instelling. Slegs die persoonlike onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van die arbiter is dus van belang. Wanneer die toetse, om die persoonlike onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van regters en arbiters te bepaal, met mekaar vergelyk word, is daar drie verskillende toetse wat van belang is. Sover dit menseregte op 'n intemasionale vlak betref, pas die Europese Hof vir Menseregte die geregverdigde twyfel (legitimate doubt) toets toe. Die arbitrasie instellings wat ingesluit is in hierdie verhandeling2 pas die regverdigbare twyfel Qustifiable doubt) toets toe. Op nasionale vlak pas beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje die redelike vrees van vooroordeel (reasonable apprehension of bias) toets toe. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die toetse vir onpartydigheid en onanhanklikheid wat toegepas word in die nasionale howe van Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje, die toetse wat op intemasionale vlak toegepas word in die Europese Hof vir Menseregte en die toetse wat toegepas word deur die onafhanklike intemasionale arbitrasie instellings wat in die verhandeling bestudeer is, tot dieselfde resultaat lei. Gevolglik sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat in Suid-Afrika die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid slaag in alle waarskynlikheid ook die toets in Engeland slaag. Net so sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat plaasvind in terme van die belangrikse arbitrasie tribunale en arbitrasie reels, synde UNCITRAL, die ICC, die LCIA, die AAA en die ICSID, ook na alle waarskynlikheid die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van arbiters in beide Suid-Afrika en Engeland slaag indien die toets wat toegepas word deur hierdie reels en instansies dieselfde is as die toets wat in Suid-Afrika en Engeland toegepas word. / Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.


Sengupta, Aparajita 01 January 2011 (has links)
In spite of the substantial amount of critical work that has been produced on Indian cinema in the last decade, misconceptions about Indian cinema still abound. Indian cinema is a subject about which conceptions are still muddy, even within prominent academic circles. The majority of the recent critical work on the subject endeavors to correct misconceptions, analyze cinematic norms and lay down the theoretical foundations for Indian cinema. This dissertation conducts a study of the cinema from India with a view to examine the extent to which such cinema represents an anti-colonial vision. The political resistance of Indian films to colonial and neo-colonial norms, and their capacity to formulate a national identity is the primary focus of the current study.

Resampling Evaluation of Signal Detection and Classification : With Special Reference to Breast Cancer, Computer-Aided Detection and the Free-Response Approach

Bornefalk Hermansson, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The first part of this thesis is concerned with trend modelling of breast cancer mortality rates. By using an age-period-cohort model, the relative contributions of period and cohort effects are evaluated once the unquestionable existence of the age effect is controlled for. The result of such a modelling gives indications in the search for explanatory factors. While this type of modelling is usually performed with 5-year period intervals, the use of 1-year period data, as in Paper I, may be more appropriate. The main theme of the thesis is the evaluation of the ability to detect signals in x-ray images of breasts. Early detection is the most important tool to achieve a reduction in breast cancer mortality rates, and computer-aided detection systems can be an aid for the radiologist in the diagnosing process. The evaluation of computer-aided detection systems includes the estimation of distributions. One way of obtaining estimates of distributions when no assumptions are at hand is kernel density estimation, or the adaptive version thereof that smoothes to a greater extent in the tails of the distribution, thereby reducing spurious effects caused by outliers. The technique is described in the context of econometrics in Paper II and then applied together with the bootstrap in the breast cancer research area in Papers III-V. Here, estimates of the sampling distributions of different parameters are used in a new model for free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curve analysis. Compared to earlier work in the field, this model benefits from the advantage of not assuming independence of detections in the images, and in particular, from the incorporation of the sampling distribution of the system's operating point. Confidence intervals obtained from the proposed model with different approaches with respect to the estimation of the distributions and the confidence interval extraction methods are compared in terms of coverage and length of the intervals by simulations of lifelike data.

Den missförstådda lagen : En studie om revisorers obenägenhet att anmäla sina klienter vid ett misstänkt bokföringsbrott / The misunderstood law : A study of the auditors’ disinclination to report their clients at a suspected accounting violation

Mohammadi, Aram, Naaman, Christian January 2014 (has links)
Problemdiskussion: Under 2013 har Brottsförebyggande rådet lämnat statistik som visar att en fjärdedel av alla anmälda ekonomiska brott i Skaraborgsområdet är bokföringsbrott. En fjärdedel är en stor andel och borde undersökas mer ingående. Det är oklart hur många anmälningar som har kommit från revisorer under 2013. En rapport av Larsson (2004) visar dock att endast 1 % av alla anmälda ekobrott kommer från revisorer. Det finns flera studier som menar att anmälningsskyldigheten inte har haft någon effekt på förhindrandet av ekobrott då få anmälningar har kommit från revisorer. Genom vår studie vill vi bidra till en syn på anmälningsskyldigheten ur ett annat perspektiv, ett perspektiv som ser anmälningsskyldigheten ur en positiv synvinkel. Vidare undersöker vi revisorers moral under en misstänkt bokföringsbrottssituation. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om anmälningsskyldigheten har haft en positiv effekt och om anmälningsskyldigheten lever upp till sitt syfte. Det verkar som att revisorers och företagens syn på anmälningsskyldigheten skiljer sig från lagstadgarens syn på lagen. Vi vill därför undersöka vad syftet egentligen är med lagen och hur lagen tillämpas i praktiken. Vidare vill vi undersöka hur moralen påverkar revisorer när de hamnar i en situation där de misstänker sina klienter för ett bokföringsbrott. Metod: Vi har undersökt 21 fall av bokföringsbrott och genomfört intervjuer med fyra auktoriserade revisorer i Skaraborgsområdet. Intervjuerna har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. Vi har dessutom samlat in vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker för att få pålitlig och vetenskapligt säkerställd fakta. Slutsats: Vi har genom vår studie ifrågasatt den negativa effekten av anmälningsskyldigheten och kommit fram till att anmälningsskyldigheten är effektiv trots den lilla andelen anmälningar som kommer från revisorer. Anmälningsskyldigheten är nämligen designad för att ekobrotten ska motverkas innan de anmäls samt för att lagen ska användas som ett verktyg för revisorerna i syfte till att skrämma sina klienter. Vidare har vi kommit fram till att revisorer inte anmäler bokföringsbrott på grund av att de är moraliska och tar hänsyn till sina klienter, samt att revisorer inte vill ses som poliser och få dåligt rykte hos sina klientkretser. För att revisorer ska få behålla sina inkomstkällor, det vill säga klienter, vill de först och främst motverka brottet. / Problem discussion: During 2013, an authority which works under the Department of Justice in Sweden, called Brottsförebyggande rådet presented a report that shows that a quarter of all economic crimes in the county of Skaraborg are accounting frauds. A quarter is a very big proportion and therefore should be examined more thoroughly. A report written by Larsson (2004) although concludes that 1 % of all the notifications come from the auditor. There have been several studies with the same conclusions and mean that the auditors reporting obligation does not have any effect on the prevention of economic crimes, as the notifications comes for seldom from the auditors. With this study, our aim is to contribute and give another unexplored perspective in this area. Finally, we’re also examining the moral of auditors during a suspected accounting fraud. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate if the reporting obligation has had a positive effect and if it fulfills the intended idea. It seems like that auditors and company’s views on the reporting obligation differ from the enactment’s angle. Due to this, we want to examine what the purpose really is with the reporting obligation and how it’s applied in reality. Furthermore, it is interesting to see how auditors react and behave when they’re in a situation where they might suspect their clients of an accounting fraud. Method: We’ve examined 21 cases of accounting frauds and had interviews with four authorized auditors, within the county of Skaraborg. The interviews have been accomplished with help of a qualitative approach. To ensure that the data in the study is qualified as a quality sign, we’ve used trustworthy books and scientific articles. Results and conclusion: One of the conclusions is that we question the negative effects that the reporting obligation is said to have, and instead see it as effective even though the notifications are not at a very high level from the auditors side. The law is designed in a way that allows the auditors to use the reporting obligation as a tool to threat the clients from fulfilling economic crimes. This is seen as a preventive action. Our second conclusion is that auditors do not report accounting frauds seen from a moral perspective and that they don’t like to be associated with police officers and that a bad reputation may be spread to the clients. For auditors to keep their source of income, the best possible action for them is trying to prevent accounting frauds from happening.

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