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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Utlämnade i deras händer" : - En kvalitativ studie om hemmets betydelse för personer i hemlöshet / “Exposed in their hands” : – A qualitative study of the meaning of home for people in homelessness

Persson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to achieve an increased understanding of the meaning of home for people in homelessness. The study is based on texts written by people in homelessness and a qualitative content analysis has been used to process the material. The result has been analysed with an inductive approach, using parts of the analysis method grounded theory. Three aspects of the meaning of home was identified in the texts; control, self-determination and independence. The lack of a home means a major limitation concerning these aspects, according to the texts. An interpretation of the material based on the notion of identity shows that a large part of the meaning of home for some people in homelessness is to protect, maintain and defend the identity. This creates a deeper understanding of those cases where housing solutions that doesn´t involve control, self-determination and independence, are not successful. The concept of empowerment is also used in the analysis, since the content of empowerment can be linked with the three aspects of the meaning of home that the result indicates. The study justifies an increased level of empowerment for people in homelessness.

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania Steenkamp

Steenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor is een van die mees gevestigde internasionale fundamentele regte.1 Die reg om verhoor te word deur 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige hof of tribunaal vorm deel van die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor. Beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje erken hierdie reg as 'n fundamentele reg. Alhoewel dit duidelik is dat hierdie reg afdwingbaar is in die gewone howe van state wat die relevante konvensies geratifiseer het, bly die vraag steeds tot watter mate die reg tot 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal toepassing vind in internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie verrigtinge. Verder is die vraag hoe die toepassing daarvan vergelyk met die toepassing van die reg in die gewone howe. Is dit dus moontlik om te se dat dieselfde toets wat in die gewone howe gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte te bepaal, ook gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n arbiter te bepaal? In die nasionale sfeer verwys onafhanklikheid na twee onderskeibare konsepte. Eerstens verwys dit na die onafhanklikheid van die regsprekendegesag met betrekking tot die wetgewende- en uitvoeren-degesag soos vervat in die leerstuk van die skeiding van magte. Tweedens verwys dit na die persoonlike onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte. In internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie is slegs die tweede konsep van toepassing. Internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie funksioneer normaalweg onafhanklik van enige regerings-instelling. Slegs die persoonlike onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van die arbiter is dus van belang. Wanneer die toetse, om die persoonlike onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van regters en arbiters te bepaal, met mekaar vergelyk word, is daar drie verskillende toetse wat van belang is. Sover dit menseregte op 'n intemasionale vlak betref, pas die Europese Hof vir Menseregte die geregverdigde twyfel (legitimate doubt) toets toe. Die arbitrasie instellings wat ingesluit is in hierdie verhandeling2 pas die regverdigbare twyfel Qustifiable doubt) toets toe. Op nasionale vlak pas beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje die redelike vrees van vooroordeel (reasonable apprehension of bias) toets toe. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die toetse vir onpartydigheid en onanhanklikheid wat toegepas word in die nasionale howe van Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje, die toetse wat op intemasionale vlak toegepas word in die Europese Hof vir Menseregte en die toetse wat toegepas word deur die onafhanklike intemasionale arbitrasie instellings wat in die verhandeling bestudeer is, tot dieselfde resultaat lei. Gevolglik sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat in Suid-Afrika die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid slaag in alle waarskynlikheid ook die toets in Engeland slaag. Net so sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat plaasvind in terme van die belangrikse arbitrasie tribunale en arbitrasie reels, synde UNCITRAL, die ICC, die LCIA, die AAA en die ICSID, ook na alle waarskynlikheid die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van arbiters in beide Suid-Afrika en Engeland slaag indien die toets wat toegepas word deur hierdie reels en instansies dieselfde is as die toets wat in Suid-Afrika en Engeland toegepas word. / Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Exchane Rate Dynamics under Financial Market Frictions- Exchange rate regime, capital market openness and monetary policy -Electoral cycle of exchange rate in Korea : The Trilemma in Korea

Ryou, Hyunjoo 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
-Exchange Rate Dynamics under Financial Market FrictionsThis paper extends Dornbusch's overshooting model by proposing "generalized interest parity condition", which assumes sluggish adjustment on the asset market. The exchange rate model under the generalized interest parity condition is able to reproduce the delayed overshooting of nominal exchange rates and the hump-shaped response to monetary shocks of both nominal and real exchange rates.-Electoral Cycle of Exchange Rate in KoreaThis paper empirically investigates the real exchange rate behavior around elections in Korea. We find that the real exchange rate depreciates more before the elections but there is no clear pattern found after the elections. Interestingly, this result is the opposite of the electoral cycle found in Latin American countries. To explain this results we should consider the difference between economic backgrounds of Korea and Latin American countries.-Exchange Rate Regime, Capital Market Openness and Monetary Policy; The Trilemma in KoreaThis paper tests the trilemma proposition by performing an empirical study of Korea. Korea has distinct periods of all combinations of exchange rate regime and capital market openness in trilemma: pegged exchange rate regime under capital controls, pegged exchange rate regime under free capital mobility, and floating exchange rate regime under free capital mobility. We check whether monetary autonomy exists in each of the three different combinations. We find that monetary autonomy existed over the periods with capital controls and the periods with floating exchange rate regime. For the periods with the pegged exchange rate regime and free capital mobility, monetary autonomy was limited. In addition, we identify that just before the financial crisis the government pursued autonomic monetary policy under pegged exchange rate regime and free capital mobility, thereby defying the trilemma.

A autoridade tradicional em Moçambique no século XX : estudo dos distritos de Mandlakazie Chibuto – Província de Gaza

Cossa, Lurdes José January 2018 (has links)
A presente tese é resultado do estudo sobre as autoridades tradicionais no intuito de compreender o conceito de poder tradicional no século XX, especificamente nos distritos de Mandlakazi e Chibuto, em Moçambique. Baseia-se parcialmente em testemunhos orais colhidos em entrevistaspresenciais realizadasno ano de 2017 nos respectivos distritos aos grupos focais (líderes tradicionais), chefes dos líderes tradicionais, conselheiros, dentre outros.Baseia-se também em pesquisa bibliográfica e em documentação de arquivo. O objetivo foi observar as diversas formas de expressão do poder tradicional, desde os primórdios de sua existência, no período colonial e no período da construção do Estado nação. Foram analisadas diferentes situações históricas e as sucessivas alterações ocorridas com os representantes locais do poder, quando sua autoridade é colocada em posição subordinada primeiro às instituições vinculadas ao Estado português, e depois ao Estado moderno moçambicano. Em 1975, a construção do estado-nação, e o afastamento desta autoridade tradicional, não trouxe algo relevante na criação do homem novo, senão o desmoronamento das comunidades diante da política implantada pelo governo. Em 1992, a ideia de reconhecimento da autoridade tradicional se funde para coesão da sociedade depois da guerra civil (1977-1990), e para preencher o vazio administrativo. O governo coopta do poder colonial para se afirmar.A legislação deixou à responsabilidade da comunidade de legitimar a autoridade tradicional, nesse processo ambíguo resultante da competitividade política (FRELIMO -RENAMO) na democracia vigente. / The thesis is the result of the study of traditional authorities in order to understand the concept of traditional power in the twentieth century, specifically in the Mandlakazi and Chibuto districts of Mozambique. It is based in part on oral testimonies collected in face-to-face interviews performed in 2017 in the respective districts from focus groups (traditional leaders), chiefs of traditional leaders, counselors, among others. It is also based on bibliographic research and archival documentation. The objective was to observe the diverse forms of expression of traditional power, from the beginnings of its existence, in the colonial period and in the period of the construction of the Nation- state. Different historical situations and successive changes occurred with the local representatives of power were analyzed, when their authority is placed in subordinate position first to the institutions linked to the Portuguese State, and then to the modern Mozambican State. In 1975, the construction of the Nation-state, and the removal of this traditional authority, did not bring something relevant in the creation of the new man, but the collapse of the communities before the policy implanted by the government. In 1992, the idea of recognition of traditional authority was fused for the cohesion of society after the Civil War (1977-1992), and to fill the administrative void. The government co-opts colonial power to assert itself. The legislation left it to the community to legitimize traditional authority, in that ambiguous process resulting from political competitiveness (FRELIMO-RENAMO) in the current democracy.

Revisorns oberoende : diskursanalys om hur revisorns oberoende framställs i affärstidskrifter / Auditor independence : discourse analysis about how auditor independence is portrayed in business magazines

Lindborg, Victoria, Tukaric, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne som har varit grund för ett flertal diskussioner genom åren. Skandaler har bidragit till ett minskat förtroende samt förändringar i revisionsvärlden. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur revisorns oberoende framställs i affärstidskrifter med hjälp av diskursanalys. Diskursanalysen är genomförd med stöd av Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Analysen utgår ifrån 40 artiklar från affärstidskrifterna Tidningen Balans och Dagens Industri mellan åren 2014 - 2018. De identifierade diskurserna är förändring, förtroende samt skandaler och turbulens. Diskurserna analyserades utifrån textdimensionen, den diskursiva praktikens dimension samt den sociala praktikens dimension. I textdimensionen ligger fokus på texternas modalitet och transitivitet. Den diskursiva praktikens dimension fokuserar på textens producering och konsumtion. I denna dimension analyseras huruvida texterna grundar sig på andra texter samt om det sker en reproduktion av det redan bestående. I den sociala praktikens dimension krävs ytterligare teorier för att kunna sätta empirin i bredare sociala sammanhang, detta görs genom att koppla empirin till teorier om revisorns oberoende. Avslutningsvis, för att svara på studiens syfte, visar resultatet av analysen att framställningen kring revisorns oberoende diskuteras med en negativ ton samt följer ett mönster av upprepning. / Auditor independence is a current and relevant topic that has been discussed several times through the years. Scandals have contributed to reduced confidence and changes in the audit world. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding about how auditor independence is portrayed in business magazines by using discourse analysis. The discourse analysis is implemented with support from Fairclough's three-dimensional framework. The analysis is based on 40 articles from the business magazines Tidningen Balans and Dagens Industri, between the years 2014-2018. The identified discourses in this analysis are change, trust and scandals and turbulence. The discourses were analyzed by the text dimension, dimension of discursive practice and dimension of social practice. The text-dimension focuses on the formal characteristics of the text with primary focus on modality and transitivity. The discursive practice dimension is focused on the production and consumption of the text. In this dimension, it is analyzed whether the texts are based on other texts and whether there is a reproduction of the already existing. In the dimension of social practice additional theories are needed to put the empirical data in broader social contexts. This is done by linking the empirical data to theories of the auditor´s independence. In conclusion, to respond to the purpose of the study, the findings of the analysis show that the auditor´s independence is portrayed and discussed with a negative tone as well as following a pattern of repetition.

Valeurs extrêmes : covariables et cadre bivarié / Extreme values : covariates and bivariate case

Schorgen, Antoine 21 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde deux sujets peu traités dans la littérature concernant le théorie des valeurs extrêmes : celui des observations en présence de covariables et celui des mesures de dépendance pour des paires d'observations. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons considéré le cas où la variable d'intérêt est observée simultanément avec une covariable, pouvant être fixe ou aléatoire. Dans ce contexte, l'indice de queue dépend de la covariable et nous avons proposé des estimateurs de ce paramètre dont nous avons étudié les propriétés asymptotiques. Leurs comportements à distance finie ont été validés par simulations. Puis, dans la deuxième partie, nous nous sommes intéressés aux extrêmes multivariés et plus particulièrement à mesurer la dépendance entre les extrêmes. Dans une situation proche de l'indépendance asymptotique, il est très difficile de mesurer cette dépendance et de nouveaux modèles doivent être introduits. Dans ce contexte, nous avons adapté un outil de géostatistique, le madogramme, et nous avons étudié ses propriétés asymptotiques. Ses performances sur simulations et données réelles ont également été exhibées. Cette thèse offre de nombreuses perspectives, tant sur le plan pratique que théorique dont une liste non exhaustive est présentée en conclusion de la thèse. / This thesis presents a study of the extreme value theory and is focused on two subjects rarely analyzed: observations associated with covariates and dependence measures for pairs of observations.In the first part, we considered the case where the variable of interest is simultaneously recorded with a covariate which can be either fixed or random. The conditional tail index then depends on the covariate and we proposed several estimators with their asymptotic properties. Their behavior have been approved by simulations.In the second part, we were interested in multivariate extremes and more particularly in measuring the dependence between them. In a case of near asymptotic independence, we have to introduce new models in order to measure the dependence properly. In this context, we adapted a geostatistical tool, the madogram, and studied its asymptotic properties. We completed the study with simulations and real data of precipitations.

Påverkar revisorns kompetens och oberoende träffsäkerheten av givna fortlevnadsvarningar? / Does the Competence and Independence of the Auditor Affect the Accuracy of Going Concern Warnings?

Kleberg, Jens, Sundelius, Moa January 2018 (has links)
According to generally accepted auditing standards, the auditor should give a going concern warning if there is substantial doubt regarding the client’s ability to survive. Research has shown that the accuracy is low because most companies receiving a going concern warning survives and most companies that declare bankruptcy has not received a going concern warning. This study focuses on the accuracy of given going concern warnings, because previous research in this area is limited. The results indicate that the competence and independence of the auditor has an impact on the accuracy of given going concern warnings and that the accuracy is higher when the time lag is longer. The study contributes with a wider definition of accuracy and shows that there are significant differences in accuracy between the big audit firms. / Bakgrund Enligt god revisionssed ska revisorer utfärda en fortlevnadsvarning i revisionsberättelsen om det råder tvivel angående klientens förmåga till fortsatt drift. Träffsäkerheten har i tidigare studier visat sig vara låg, då de flesta företag som får en fortlevnadsvarning inte går i konkurs och de flesta företag som går i konkurs inte har fått en fortlevnadsvarning. Tidigare studier har främst fokuserat på om företag som går i konkurs har fått en fortlevnadsvarning och denna studie fokuserar därför på typ I-fel, alltså att företag som fått en fortlevnadsvarning inte går i konkurs. Syfte Syftet med studien är att förklara om revisorns kompetens och oberoende påverkar träffsäkerheten av givna fortlevnadsvarningar. Dessutom syftar studien till att undersöka om träffsäkerheten påverkas av att tidsfördröjningen är längre än 12 månader efter fortlevnadsvarningen. Metod Studien har en deduktiv ansats och utgår från tidigare forskning, vilket legat till grund för studiens tre hypoteser. Vidare har studien en tvärsnittsdesign, där det kvantitativa datamaterialet främst har hämtats från svenska aktiebolags årsredovisningar. Slutsats Resultatet tyder på att revisorns kompetens och oberoende påverkar träffsäkerheten av givna fortlevnadsvarningar och att ökad tidsfördröjning har positiv påverkan på träffsäkerheten. Studien bidrar med en utvidgad definition av träffsäkerhet och visar på en signifikant skillnad i träffsäkerhet mellan de större revisionsbyråerna.

Formação feminina no Internato de Bor (1933-2011) na Guiné-Bissau: reflexos na educação da sociedade guineense contemporânea

CÁ, Cristina Mandau Ocuni January 2015 (has links)
CÁ, Cristina Mandau Ocuni. Formação feminina no Internato de Bor (1933-2011) na Guiné-Bissau: reflexos na educação da sociedade guineense contemporânea. 2015. 293f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-02T16:57:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_cmoca.pdf: 10379393 bytes, checksum: 9231adb0b3b990bbc5f438824e306270 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-08T17:58:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_cmoca.pdf: 10379393 bytes, checksum: 9231adb0b3b990bbc5f438824e306270 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-08T17:58:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_cmoca.pdf: 10379393 bytes, checksum: 9231adb0b3b990bbc5f438824e306270 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / This research deals with the female training offered in Internship Bor in Guinea-Bissau in the period 1933-2011, and its effects on contemporâea Guinean society. Has support in the theoretical debate established in the field of the history of education and comparative education, the studies of Antonio Nóvoa and Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, who understand educational institutions as part of larger societies process that puts outstanding ideas and models of education, especially, in situations involving colonial relations between different nations and cultural traditions. Uses documentary, historiographical, iconographic and oral sources to reconstruct the trajectory of the Internship Bor, between the period of Portuguese colonization and independence of Guinea-Bissau. Reveals that: 1) the educational institution studied entegrou a Catholic mission run by the Franciscan order in Portuguese Guinea in order to promote the indigenous assinalização; 2) the administrative structure, internal selection process, the daily routine of the internship, the training model offered to needy children, the reason for its creation and the social background of children and adolescents recebidadas; 3) the change of name and internship organization set a timeline that holds havidas change policies between the colonial period, the war of Indepedencia and construction of the new Guinean society; 4) cultural differences between the missionary project of the colonial period and morradores of rural areas, through accounts of educational process and memories of women in relation to polygamous marriage; 5) conflicts arising from different cultural codes implemented by the Portuguese colonization in confrontation in contemporary Guinea-Bissau, in relation to marriage and the use of the Portuguese language, which allow us to understand the existing dilemmas in the social field and wider educational. / Esta pesquisa trata da formação feminina oferecida no Internato de Bor, na Guiné-Bissau, no período de 1933 a 2011, e dos seus reflexos na sociedade guineense contemporânea. Tem apoio no debate teórico estabelecido no campo da história da educação e da educação comparada, através dos estudos de António Nóvoa e Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, que entendem instituições escolares, como movidas por processos sociais maiores que colocam em circulação ideias e modelos de educação, especialmente, em situações que envolvem relações coloniais entre diferentes nações e tradições culturais. Utiliza fontes documentais, historiográficas, iconográficas e orais para reconstituir a trajetória do Internato de Bor, entre o período da colonização portuguesa e a independência da Guiné-Bissau. Apresenta como resultados, os seguintes aspectos a destacar: 1) a instituição escolar estudada integrou uma missão católica dirigida pela ordem franciscana na Guiné portuguesa, com a finalidade de promover a assimilação do indígena; 2) a estrutura administrativa, processo de seleção dos internos, a rotina diário do Internato, o modelo de formação oferecido à infância desvalida, o motivo da sua criação e a origem social das crianças e adolescentes recebidadas; 3) a mudança de nome e organização do Internato, configurado numa cronologia que comporta mudanças políticas havidas, entre o período colonial, a guerra da independência e a construção da nova sociedade guineense; 4) as diferenças culturais existentes, entre o projeto missionário do período colonial e os moradores das zonas rurais, por meio de relatos sobre processo educacionais e memórias de mulheres em relação ao casamento poligâmico; 5) conflitos advindos de códigos culturais distintos implantados pela colonização portuguesa em confronto na Guiné-Bissau contemporânea, em relação ao casamento e o uso da língua portuguesa. Esse conjunto articulado de achados permite lançar luzes para se entender os dilemas hoje existentes, no campo social, político e educacional mais amplo da sociedade guineense.

Trois essais sur les banques centrales / Three essays on Central Banking

Romelli, Davide 10 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis consists of three empirical papers on central bank institutional design.Chapter 1 contributes to the debate on the importance of central bank independence (CBI) in lowering inflation rates. It stresses the relevance of employing indices of central bank independence computed dynamically in two ways. First, it recomputes the evolution of the Grilli et al. (1991) index of CBI and shows that the timing of large legislative reforms is closely related to inflation rate dynamics. Using unit root tests with endogenous structural breaks, I find that reforms that modify the degree of CBI represent structural breaks in the inflation rate dynamics. Second, employing the dynamic Grilli et al. (1991) index of independence confirms the negative relationship between CBI and inflation in a sample of 10 advanced economies.Chapter 2 presents a new and comprehensive database of central bank institutional design for 65 countries over the period 1972--2014. This chapter describes in detail the sources of information and the coding rules used to create a new index of central bank independence. It also compares this new index with the classical measures of CBI and highlights the new aspects of central bank institutional design included in this database such as financial independence and accountability. An important innovation of this new index is its dynamic nature. This enables an investigation of the endogenous determination of the level of independence of central banks and suggests several instruments for the CBI index. Using an instrumental variable approach, this chapter provides strong support for a causal, negative CBI-inflation nexus.Chapter 3 uses a political economy framework to investigate the drivers of reforms in central bank institutional design. Using the new CBI index developed in Chapter 2, this Chapter investigates the determinants of central bank reforms in a sample of 65 countries over the period 1972--2014. The results obtained suggest that the incentives generated by initial reforms which increased the level of independence, as well as a regional convergence, represent important drivers of reforms in central bank design. At the same time, an external pressure to reform, such as obtaining an IMF loan or joining a monetary union, also increases the likelihood of reforms, while government changes or crises episodes have little impact. / This thesis consists of three empirical papers on central bank institutional design.Chapter 1 contributes to the debate on the importance of central bank independence (CBI) in lowering inflation rates. It stresses the relevance of employing indices of central bank independence computed dynamically in two ways. First, it recomputes the evolution of the Grilli et al. (1991) index of CBI and shows that the timing of large legislative reforms is closely related to inflation rate dynamics. Using unit root tests with endogenous structural breaks, I find that reforms that modify the degree of CBI represent structural breaks in the inflation rate dynamics. Second, employing the dynamic Grilli et al. (1991) index of independence confirms the negative relationship between CBI and inflation in a sample of 10 advanced economies.Chapter 2 presents a new and comprehensive database of central bank institutional design for 65 countries over the period 1972--2014. This chapter describes in detail the sources of information and the coding rules used to create a new index of central bank independence. It also compares this new index with the classical measures of CBI and highlights the new aspects of central bank institutional design included in this database such as financial independence and accountability. An important innovation of this new index is its dynamic nature. This enables an investigation of the endogenous determination of the level of independence of central banks and suggests several instruments for the CBI index. Using an instrumental variable approach, this chapter provides strong support for a causal, negative CBI-inflation nexus.Chapter 3 uses a political economy framework to investigate the drivers of reforms in central bank institutional design. Using the new CBI index developed in Chapter 2, this Chapter investigates the determinants of central bank reforms in a sample of 65 countries over the period 1972--2014. The results obtained suggest that the incentives generated by initial reforms which increased the level of independence, as well as a regional convergence, represent important drivers of reforms in central bank design. At the same time, an external pressure to reform, such as obtaining an IMF loan or joining a monetary union, also increases the likelihood of reforms, while government changes or crises episodes have little impact.

Critical concepts in domination, independence and irredundance of graphs

Grobler, Petrus Jochemus Paulus 11 1900 (has links)
The lower and upper independent, domination and irredundant numbers of the graph G = (V, E) are denoted by i ( G) , f3 ( G), 'Y ( G), r ( G), ir ( G) and IR ( G) respectively. These six numbers are called the domination parameters. For each of these parameters n:, we define six types of criticality. The graph G is n:-critical (n:+ -critical) if the removal of any vertex of G causes n: (G) to decrease (increase), G is n:-edge-critical (n:+-edge-critical) if the addition of any missing edge causes n: (G) to decrease (increase), and G is Ir-ER-critical (n:- -ER-critical) if the removal of any edge causes n: (G) to increase (decrease). For all the above-mentioned parameters n: there exist graphs which are n:-critical, n:-edge-critical and n:-ER-critical. However, there do not exist any n:+-critical graphs for n: E {ir,"f,i,/3,IR}, no n:+-edge-critical graphs for n: E {ir,"f,i,/3} and non:--ER-critical graphs for: E {'Y,/3,r,IR}. Graphs which are "I-critical, i-critical, "I-edge-critical and i-edge-critical are well studied in the literature. In this thesis we explore the remaining types of criticality. We commence with the determination of the domination parameters of some wellknown classes of graphs. Each class of graphs we consider will turn out to contain a subclass consisting of graphs that are critical according to one or more of the definitions above. We present characterisations of "I-critical, i-critical, "I-edge-critical and i-edge-critical graphs, as well as ofn:-ER-critical graphs for n: E {/3,r,IR}. These characterisations are useful in deciding which graphs in a specific class are critical. Our main results concern n:-critical and n:-edge-critical graphs for n: E {/3, r, IR}. We show that the only /3-critical graphs are the edgeless graphs and that a graph is IRcritical if and only if it is r-critical, and proceed to investigate the r-critical graphs which are not /3-critical. We characterise /3-edge-critical and r-edge-critical graphs and show that the classes of IR-edge-critical and r-edge-critical graphs coincide. We also exhibit classes of r+ -critical, r+ -edge-critical and i- -ER-critical graphs. / Mathematical Sciences / D. Phil. (Mathematics)

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