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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oetisk marknadsföring i sociala medier : ur ett konsumentperspektiv / Unethical social media marketing : from a consumer perspective

Jonsson, Rebecca, Lundin, William, Mikulic, Valentina January 2020 (has links)
Teorin som ställs i denna studie är att det utvecklats ny problematik i samband med uppkomsten av marknadsföring i sociala medier. I denna studie identifieras de etiska utmaningarna och hur konsumenterna påverkas av dem. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på en enkätundersökning med 115 respondenter och en jämn fördelning mellan kvinnor och män. Då studien stämmer överens med tidigare forskning kring traditionell marknadsföring kan antagandet att den speglar verkligheten om digital marknadsföring göras. I resultatkapitlet går det att utläsa att de huvudsakliga anledningarna till att respondenterna uppfattar marknadsföring i sociala medier som oetisk är att det inte framgår att det är reklam, att reklamen är riktad mot barn (under 16 år), att reklamen är påträngande (individanpassad) och att reklamen är sexistisk. Respondenternas svar visade att deras köpbeslut och uppfattning av företag påverkas av om den uppfattat reklam som oetisk. I resultatet går det även att utläsa att konsumenterna anser att marknadsföring i sociala medier helt borde exkluderas för brukare under 18 år. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att respondenterna har en etisk medvetenhet gällande marknadsföring i sociala medier. / The theory posed in this study is that new problems have developed in connection with the emergence of marketing in social media. This study identifies the ethical challenges and how consumers are affected by them. The empirical material is based on a survey of 115 respondents and an even distribution between women and men. Since the study is consistent with previous research on traditional marketing, the assumption that it reflects the reality of digital marketing can be made. In the results chapter it can be seen that the main reasons why respondents perceive marketing in social media as unethical is that it does not appear that it is advertising, that advertising is aimed at children (under 16), that advertising is intrusive (individualized) and that the advertising is sexist. Respondents' responses indicated that their purchasing decisions and perceptions of companies are affected by whether the perceived advertising is unethical. The result also shows that consumers believe that social media marketing should be completely excluded for users under the age of 18. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the respondents have an ethical awareness regarding marketing in social media. This study is written in Swedish.

"Just nu får ni 20% på hela hemsidan" : Hur unga vuxna uppger att deras köpbeslut påverkas av influencermarknadsföring på sociala medier / "Right now you'll get 20% off the entire website" : How young adults reveal their purchasing decisions  being influenced by influencer marketing on social media

Lundin, Lina, Dahlström Språng, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This study investigated how young adults (18 - 29 years) stated that their purchasing decisions were influenced by influencer marketing on social media. This is something that has led companies to change their marketing strategies to reach their customers on a better level. One of these strategies is influencer marketing. To answer our research question and get a better understanding of how our target group experienced influencer marketing, we conducted a quantitative survey with 125 participants where they were able to answer questions about social media, influencers and influencer marketing. This was done in order to support our theory together with the previous research on consumer behavior and marketing. The final results showed that ​e-WOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is a well-functioning marketing method that is important in consumers' purchasing decisions. However, it was found that trust in influencers was of a lesser degree, which indicated that some were more critical and did their research before making a purchase decision. Impulse purchases can be elicited through discount codes that are only available for a certain time, our results showed that 60% used discount codes from influencers. / I följande studie har vi undersökt hur unga vuxna (18 - 29 år) uppgett att deras köpbeslut påverkats av influencermarknadsföring på sociala medier. Detta är något som fått företag att ändra sina marknadsföringsstrategier för att kunna nå sina kunder på ett bättre plan. En av dessa strategier är influencermarknadsföring. För att besvara vår forskningsfråga och få bättre förståelse över hur vår målgrupp upplevt influencermarknadsföring så har vi genomfört en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 125 personer där de fick besvara frågor om sociala medier, influencers och influencermarknadsföring. Detta genomfördes för att stödja vår teori tillsammans med den tidigare forskningen om konsumentbeteende och marknadsföring. Det slutliga resultatet visade att​e-WOM (electronic word-of-mouth) är en funktionell marknadsföringsstrategi som är av betydelse vid konsumenternas köpbeslut. Dock visade det sig att tilliten till influencers var av lägre grad, vilket indikerade på att vissa var mer kritiska och gjorde egna efterforskningar innan de fattade ett köpbeslut. Köpimpulser kan framkallas genom rabattkoder som endast finns tillgängliga under en viss tid, vårt resultat visade på att 60% använt sig av rabattkoder från influencers.

Ytliga låtsasvänner och reklampelare i ett : En kvalitativ studie om följares uppfattning om influencers och deras samarbeten

Olsson, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilken relation följare har till influencers, utifrån följarens perspektiv. Studien ämnar även undersöka hur deras publicering av betalda samarbeten på sociala medier bemöts av följarna. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod, genom att utföra sex individuella intervjuer med kvinnor i åldrarna 22–27 år.Studien använder teorier såsom Tvåstegshypotesen, Multistegshypotesen, kommunikationsformen Word Of Mouth samt Parasocial Interaction Theory. Jag har också använt mig av tidigare forskning som belyser Konsumtionssamhället och identitet, Kändisar som opinionsbildare, Undersökningar om uppfattningar om reklam, Visuellt meningsskapande på internet och Influerare som entreprenörer. Resultatet av denna studie visar att följare och influencers har en ytlig relation, en relation som innebär att följaren vill bli inspirerad och när inspirationen inte längre existerar eller upphör, då avföljs influencern. Studien visar också att följare kan uppleva influencers samarbeten som negativa, till exempel säger respondenterna att dessa samarbeten kan skapa ett behov av att konsumera mer. Trots den negativa upplevelsen av samarbeten på sociala medier förlitar sig följarna mer på dessa, än vad de gör på traditionell reklam. / The purpose of this essay is to study how influencers and their publication of collaborations on social media are perceived by the followers. To answer the research questions, I have used a qualitative survey method, by conducting six individual interviews with women in the age between 22–27. The study is written based on the theory of The Two-Step Hypothesis, Muliti-step Flow of Communication, Word of Mouth and The Parasocial Interaction Theory. I have also used previous research on Consumer Society and Identity, Celebrities as Opinion Leaders, The User Experiences with Advertising, Visual Meaning on the Internet and New ideals of femininity and entrepreneurship. The result of this study shows that followers and influencers have an superficial relationship, and a relationship that the followers wants to be inspired by the content. When the inspiration no longer exists or ends, the followers unfollow the influencer. The study also shows that followers has critical distancing opinions regarding influencer marketing, because it creates increased consumption. Despite the negative experience of collaborations, the followers find collaborations on social media more trustworthy than traditional advertising.

Förtroendets makt : En retorik- och genusanalys av influencers förtroendeskapande på YouTube

Blomquist, Mintrah, Jansson, Jonna January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur manliga och kvinnliga influencers skapar förtroende och konstruerar genus i sina videoklipp på YouTube år 2019. Med ett starkt ethos byggt på förtroende får influencers makt att påverka sina följare och deras syn på bland annat genus, vilket ger dem en viktig normskapande funktion. Urvalet av influencers i studien är avgränsat till Bianca Ingrosso, Therese Lindgren, JLC och Anis Don Demina, som samtliga är stora svenska influencers på YouTube. Materialet omfattar fem YouTubeklipp från vardera influencer. Utifrån materialet görs en retorisk analys med inslag av genusanalys, där begreppen homosocialitet och trovärdighetens byggstenar används som analysredskap. Studiens resultat visar att de flesta av trovärdighetens byggstenar används konsekvent. Öppenhet, ärlighet, autenticitet, igenkänning och välvilja används som primära byggstenar i majoriteten av videoklippen. Förtroendeskapandet skiljer sig inte avsevärt mellan könen, men de byggstenar som återfinns i materialet används på lite olika sätt. Slutsatser kan även dras kring att influencers bidrar till att konstruera genus i sitt innehåll, bland annat genom att ha ett genusstereotypt aktivt eller passivt fokus och genom att återskapa invanda könsmönster. / This thesis examines how male and female influencers gain trust and construct gender in their YouTube videos in 2019. With a strong ethos based on trust, influencers have the power to influence their followers and their view on gender. This gives influencers a norm-creating function. The selection of influencers in this study is limited to Bianca Ingrosso, Therese Lindgren, JLC and Anis Don Demina, who are all major Swedish influencers on YouTube. The study includes five YouTube videos from each influencer. Based on the material, a rhetorical analysis is used together with elements of gender analysis. Homosociality and a concept of tools for building trust are also used as a method for analysing the material. The results of the study show that most of the tools for building trust are used consistently. Openness, honesty, authenticity, recognition and goodwill are used as primary tools for building trust in the majority of the videos. Although the way of creating trust does not differ much between the sexes, the tools for building trust are used in different ways. A conclusion that can also be drawn from this is that influencers contribute to constructing gender in their content. For instance by having a gender stereotyped active or passive focus and by recreating habitual gender patterns.

How Influential Are They? An explorative study into the relationship between consumer-based brand equity and influencer endorsements.

Hashmi, Syeda Saana, Khan, Fatima January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the relationship between an influencer’s endorsement of a brand and the subsequent brand’s equity within a consumer’s mind. Research Question: How will an influencer endorsement influence a consumer’s brand equity?  Design, Methodology, and Approach: The authors of this paper used a qualitative approach, inductive structure. Due to the explorative nature of this paper, the authors have conducted 10 semi-structured interviews. This method generated a depth of information which was then coded for the analysis process.  Findings: The findings of the research suggest a strong relation between frequent engagement from the influencer and brand awareness through endorsement. There is also a positive association between the relationship with an influencer. Furthermore, trust in influencers is built through two components, knowledge/expertise and authenticity, however, trust does not influence brand loyalty.  Limitations: The interviews were conducted in English although English was not the first language for any of the participants, this caused some confusion when the interviewees had to explain the more technical terms in simplified language. Furthermore, this may have hindered their ability to express themselves 100% accurately, however, the researchers made sure to get a detailed answer for every question to ensure nothing was lost in translation.  Keywords: Influencer, influencer endorsement, brand equity, brand loyalty, brand image, brand awareness, trust, knowledge, expertise, authenticity.

Men’s perceptions of endorsers : A qualitative study on how brand love affects men when being exposed to influencer marketing versus celebrity endorsement

Nome, Elin, Lindahl, Alicia, Jonsson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Influencer marketing and celebrity endorsement has grown in the past years and has become a vital part of marketing in the fashion industry. This field has been well researched, however a gap in the research is the focus on men and the role brand love has. The purpose of this study has been to enhance the understanding of how brand love influences men’s perception when exposed to influencer marketing and celebrity endorsement on Instagram. Additionally, the aim was to examine if influencer marketing or celebrity endorsement was most appropriate when marketing brands.    The method for this thesis was a qualitative approach by interviewing men in focus groups. The empirical findings were analyzed together with the literature in order to find thematics. The conclusions from the analysis was men do not experience brand love in the same capacity as the literature describes. However their emotional preferences and connections can still influence how they view brands being marketed on Instagram by an influencer or celebrity endorser. Men tend to trust celebrity endorsement more compared to influencer marketing regardless of gender, as they are viewed as more professional aligned with source credibility. However, the empirical findings showed men do not feel a need for male influencers. A reason why brands need to rethink marketing through endorsers.

"Jag känner mina influencers" : En fokusgruppsstudie om unga kvinnors attityder och köpbeteenden inom influencer marketing / “I know my influencers” : A focus group study about young females attitudes and consumer behaviors within influencer marketing

Bondesson, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge and provide information about the attitudes that young females have about influencers and influencer marketing, but also to examine the factors that persuade them to a purchase that they have been exposed to through influencer marketing on Instagram. The study has a qualitative method and was made by three focus groups. Every group was composed with four participants between the age of 16 to 18 years. The conclusion of this study is that overall there is a positive attitude towards influencer marketing since it is believed to open up to a more personalized commercial. Factors such as maintaining a good relationship between the influencer and their followers is crucial for followers to perceive the collaborations with companies as genuine and accepting the information. The participants are considered to be aware about the influence and therefore can control how much they want to be affected. The influencer has the opportunity to create new needs in the consumer minds, but whether it leads to a purchase are also often affected by events like the surroundings, personal thoughts or unforeseen events.

Vliv a působení influencerů na generaci Y a její nákupní chování / The effect of influencers on generation Y and their impact on its shopping behavior

Divišová, Klára January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis analyses the effect that online influencers have on the shopping behavior of Generation Y. Conclusions will be formed through examining qualitative research, gathered from a sample of Generation Y candidates living in the Czech Republic, in regard to how the candidates perceive influencers and their recommendations. Theories relating to the reliability of influencers, due to paid cooperation, will be studied to determine whether online users prefer classic forms of promotion. Generation Y was selected as there is evidence to suggest they are the last generation to grow up without online influencers present. The emphasis was mainly on their attitudes, opinions and real experiences. This master thesis will be divided into three areas; literature review, methodology and findings. The purpose of the literature review will be to evaluate existing theories and allow conclusions to be produced from the chosen research topic, electronic resources and professional articles were determined as reliable sources. The methodology explains the process of how the data was collected and analysed, primary research of qualitative data was collated via ten semi-structured interviews from carefully selected candidates. The findings section of this thesis will explain in detail the conclusions drawn...

Influencer marketing : En kvalitativ konsumentstudie om hur betalda samarbeten påverkar trovärdigheten till en influencer / Influencer marketing : A qualitative consumer study of how paid collaborations affect the credibility of an influencer

Ahlström, Julia, Stockelid, Hanna, Jarnevall, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
Syfte & frågeställning: Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur trovärdigheten till en influencer påverkas av betalda samarbeten i hopp om att kunna bidra till en djupare förståelse om de faktorer som påverkar en influencers trovärdighet som marknadsförare. För att besvara studiens syfte har följande frågeställning undersökts; Hur påverkar betalda samarbeten trovärdigheten till en influencer? Metod: För att kunna besvara syftet och få en djupare förståelse för ämnet har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats som utgångspunkt. Teoretiska utgångspunkt: Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är befintliga teorier om influencers och reklam på sociala medier. Vidare fungerar “The source credibility model” (Ohanian 1990) som teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien då modellen beskriver trovärdighet genom fyra begrepp som fungerat som utgångspunkt för formandet av uppsatsens intervjuguide. Empiri: Tretton semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med individer som lämpar sig för studien enligt framtagna respondentkriterium. Resultat: Baserat på respondenternas syn på betalda samarbeten har tre teman identifierats som tillsammans eller individuellt påverkar trovärdigheten till en influencer. Det första temat “Mängd” syftar till att beskriva hur mängden betalda samarbeten kan påverka en influencers trovärdighet. Det andra temat “Tid” syftar till att beskriva hur avtalstiden på ett samarbete kan påverka en influencers trovärdighet. Det tredje temat “Kongruens” syftar till att beskriva hur kongruensen mellan ett varumärke och en produkt kan påverka en influencers trovärdighet. Dessa tre teman kan oberoende av varandra eller tillsammans påverka trovärdigheten. Dessa teman adderar till tidigare forskning genom att tydliggöra ytterligare faktorer som påverkar trovärdigheten till en influencer. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors that affect an influencer's credibility by investigating how the credibility of an influencer is affected by paid collaborations. Method: In order to be able to answer the purpose and gain a deeper understanding of the subject, a qualitative study has been conducted through semi-structured interviews. The essay has an abductive approach as a starting point. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals who were suitable for the study according to developed respondent criteria. Theoretical framework: The theoretical starting point of the thesis is existing theories about influencers and advertising on social media. Furthermore, “The source credibility model” (Ohanian 1990) serves as a theoretical starting point for the study as the model describes credibility through four concepts that served as a starting point for shaping the essay's interview guide. Results: Based on the respondents' views on paid collaborations, three themes have been identified that together or individually affect the credibility of an influencer. The first theme "Amount" aims to describe how the amount of paid collaborations can affect an influencer's credibility. The second theme "Time" aims to describe how the contract period of a collaboration can affect an influencer's credibility. The third theme "Congruence" aims to describe how the congruence between a brand and a product can affect an influencer's credibility. These three themes can independently or together affect credibility. These themes add to previous research by clarifying additional factors that affect the credibility of an influencer.  This thesis is written in Swedish.

Valet av ett köp! : En studie om konsumenters köpbeteende i samband med influencer marketing. / Purchase choice! : A study of conumers' buying behavior in connection with influencer marketing.

Erdal, Ebru January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how attitude and credibility have an impact on consumers' buying behavior in connection with influencer marketing. Thus, the study aims to investigate which of the phenomena influencer marketing and WoM are reported to affect consumers' buying behavior to the highest degree. To investigate the study and answer the questions, this study has been based on a non-probability sample in the form of a purposive sample since a few predestined criteria were used in the selection of respondents. Furthermore, this study is based on a semi-structured interview because the interviews have taken place according to specific themes that have been addressed. These themes are attitude, credibility, and word-of-mouth (WoM) which are also used in the theoretical framework of the study.   The results of the study have shown that a positive attitude has a significant impact on consumers' buying behavior. The recommendations that influencers make are more genuine than the marketing posts that they present on social media. A positive attitude leads consumers to be inclined to buy what the influencer recommends or marketing. As a result, it has been shown that a negative attitude can reduce consumers' credibility towards influencers and affect their purchase decisions. Based on the results, it has emerged that credibility affects consumers' buying behavior. The credibility of the influencers decreases when they market a product / service, as consumers believe that they do so for financial reasons. It is important that the influencers convey the information in a unique way and show that they use the marketed product / service afterwards to generate credibility. It can be stated that scandals that the influencers are involved in, partly affect consumers' credibility towards them because consumers do not have a direct relationship with the influencer. The study has thus shown that consumers have greater confidence in their surroundings than influencers because they do not receive any payment when they recommend a product / service. But also, because consumers have a personal relationship with their friends and family. It has also emerged that consumers have greater confidence in influencers than those around them. However, it depends on whether the influencer is knowledgeable and educated in what he/she presents on social media. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur attityd och trovärdighet har en påverkan på konsumenters köpbeteende i samband med influencer marketing. Därmed syftar studien till att undersöka vilket av fenomenen influencer marketing och WoM påtalas påverka konsumenters köpbeteende i högsta grad. För att undersöka studien och besvara på frågeställningarna har denna studie grundat sig på ett icke-sannolikhetsurval i form av ett målstyrt urval, då ett antal predestinerade kriterier använts vid val av respondenter. Vidare grundar denna studie på semistrukturerad intervju eftersom intervjuerna har skett utefter specifika teman som har behandlats. Dessa teman är attityd, trovärdighet och word-of-mouth (WoM) som även används i uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk.   Studiens resultat har påvisat att positiv attityd har en betydande påverkan på konsumenters köpbeteende. Rekommendationerna som influencers gör anses vara mer genuina än marknadsföringsinläggen som de presenterar på sociala medier. En positiv attityd leder till att konsumenterna blir benägen att förvärva det influencern marknadsför eller rekommenderar. I och med detta har det påvisats att en negativ attityd kan minska konsumenternas förtroende till influencers samt påverka konsumenternas köpbeslut. Utifrån resultatet har det framkommit att trovärdighet påverkar konsumenternas köpbeteende. Trovärdigheten för influencerna minskar när de marknadsför en produkt/tjänst, då konsumenterna anser att de gör det av ekonomiska skäl. Det är viktigt att influencerna förmedlar informationen på ett unikt sätt samt visar att de använder den marknadsförda produkten/tjänsten i efterhand för att generera trovärdighet. Det kan konstateras att skandaler som influencerna är med om påverkar delvis konsumenters förtroende för dem eftersom konsumenterna inte har en direkt relation till influencern. Studien har därmed påvisats att konsumenter har större förtroende för sin omgivning än influencers eftersom de inte tar del av någon betalning när de rekommenderar en produkt/tjänst. Men även för att konsumenterna har en personlig relation med sina vänner och familj. Det har även framkommit att konsumenter har större förtroende för influencers än omgivningen. Dock, beror det på om influencern är kunnig och utbildad inom det den presenterar på sociala medier.

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