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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida em pacientes internados / Injury Severity and Survival Probability in Inpatients

Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi 05 September 2000 (has links)
Estudos de morbidade por causas externas são escassos em virtude da dificuldade de obtenção de dados para sua realização. Ainda mais escassos são aqueles que examinam a gravidade do trauma com vistas a determinar sua magnitude e repercussão na assistência aos que sofreram os agravos. O estudo apresenta a análise descritiva retrospectiva sobre a morbi-mortalidade hospitalar por causas externas com o uso de medidas objetivas para avaliação da gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida. Os índices utilizados para mensurar a gravidade do trauma foram o sistema Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) /Injury Severity Score (ISS) e o Revised Trauma Score(RTS). Para calcular a probabilidade de sobrevida (Ps), usou-se o TRauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS). A população do estudo foi constituída por 1.781 pacientes de causas externas internados no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no ano de 1998. Do total de pacientes, 30,15% foram internados em decorrência de acidente de transporte, 24,32% por agressões e 17,24% por quedas. A população foi constituída, predominantemente, por pacientes do sexo masculino e jovens entre 15 e 39 anos. Entre os pacientes, 43,34% foram provenientes da cena do evento e 39,08% transferidos de outros hospitais. O atendimento pré-hospitalar foi realizado em tempo médio de 49 minutos à maioria daqueles que vieram diretos da cena do evento. A mortalidade hospitalar foi 12,63%, e nas primeiras 24 horas morreram 64,01%. A maioria das causas externas foi classificada em trauma contuso (61,42%), seguido de penetrante (23,24%). A mensuração da gravidade da lesão foi possível para 1.542 (86,58%) pacientes de acordo com o Manual AIS e resultou em 4.918 lesões decorrentes, predominantemente, de trauma contuso (75,79%), mais freqüentes na região da cabeça (28,12%) seguida da face (22,00%). A média de lesões por paciente foi 3,19. Em relação à gravidade, verificou-se que lesões leves (AIS 1) foram freqüentes na face (45,03%) e as lesões sérias (AIS 3), graves (AIS 4) e críticas (AIS 5) foram mais freqüentes na região da cabeça, 43,21%, 75,00% e 69,82%, respectivamente. A gravidade do trauma (ISS) com base na gravidade das lesões (AIS), foi calculada para 1.527 (99,02%) pacientes. A maioria (65,75%) foi classificada com escores ISS <16. No grupo de sobreviventes, predominaram os escores ISS <16 (76,32%) e, no grupo de óbitos, os escores ISS >16 (96,40%), indicativos de trauma importante. A média do ISS em trauma contuso foi 13,08 e em penetrante, 11,97. A gravidade do trauma na fase pré-hospitalar verificada por meio do RTStriagem foi possível para 228 (49,14%) pacientes. Entre os sobreviventes, 94,93% obtiveram escore 12, indicativo de condição fisiológica inalterada e 93,75% dos óbitos obtiveram escore zero, ausência de resposta fisiológica. O TRISS calculado para uma amostra de 241 pacientes, revelou dez casos de morte inesperada ou evitável pela metodologia PREliminary outcome-based evaluation(PRE). Além disso, os valores da estatística Z e W tanto para trauma contuso quanto penetrante, indicaram que os resultados da amostra foram estatisticamente diferentes em relação à população do Major Trauma Outcome Study. Ajustados os coeficientes do TRISS para a amostra deste estudo, observou-se por meio do método PRE que em trauma contuso, ocorreram cinco mortes inesperadas ou evitáveis e uma sobrevida inesperada. Em trauma penetrante, ocorreu uma morte inesperada ou evitável e não houve casos de sobrevida inesperada. Espera-se que este estudo ofereça subsídios para ações preventivas e melhoria da qualidade da assistência aos pacientes hospitalizados em decorrência das causas externas. / Studies on morbidity resulting from external causes are scarce, due to the difficulty of gathering data for this purpose. Even scarcer are those studies analysing injury severity´s magnitude and consequences in relation to the care of trauma patients. This study presents a retrospective descriptive analysis of hospital morbidity and mortality due to external causes by applying objective measurements of injury severity and survival probability. The indexes used to measure injury severity consisted of the \"Abbreviated Injury Scale\" (AIS), the \"Injury Severity Score\" (ISS), and the \" Revised Trauma Score\" (RTS). So as to calculate probability of survival (Ps), the \"Trauma and Injury Severity Score\" (TRISS) was applied. The target population in this study consisted of 1,781 external-cause inpatients at the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo in 1998. Out of those patients, 30.15% were hospitalized as a result of transportation accidents, 24.32% of aggression and 17.24% of falls. This population mainly included young male-sex patients aged 15-39. Among these, 43.34% came from the injury scene and 39.08% were transfered from other hospitals. Prehospital time took 49 minutes in average for the majority of field patients. Hospital mortality reached 12.63%, out of which cases 64.01% died within the first 24 hours. Most external-cause types were classified as blunt trauma (61.42%), followed by penetrating trauma (23.24%). According to the AIS Manual, injury severity was possible for 1,542 (86.58%) patients; data showed 4,918 injuries of predominant blunt trauma ( 75.79%), being it most frequent in the head (28.12%), and followed by that on the face (22.00%). Average injury per patient was of 3.19. In relation to severity it was verified that minor injuries (AIS 1) were frequent on the face (45.03%) and the serious ones (AIS 3), the severe ones (AIS 4) and the critical ones (AIS 5) were more frequent in the head: 43.21%, 75.00% and 69.82%, respectively. Injury Severity Score was calculated for 1,527 (99.02%) patients. The majority (65.75%) was classified with scores ISS <16. For the survival group scores ISS <16 predominated (76.32%) and in the death group scores reached ISS >16 (96.40%), indicating major trauma. Average ISS in blunt trauma was 13.08 and 11.97 in penetrating trauma. Injury severity in prehospital care, verified through RTS - in a triage of 228 (49.14%) patients - showed that 94.93% of survivors obtained score 12, indicating unaltered physiological condition, and that 93.75% of deaths obtained score zero, lack of physiological response. TRISS, calculated for 241 patients, indicated 10 unexpected deaths through PREliminary outcome-base evaluation (PRE) methodology. Furthermore, \"Z\" and \"W\" statistics, for both blunt and penetrating trauma, pointed out that sample results differed in relation to the \"Major Trauma Outcome Study\" ´s population. Once TRISS coefficients were adjusted to the sample in this study, it was observed, through the PRE method, that in blunt trauma five unexpected deaths and one unexpected survival occurred. There was one unexpected death in penetrating trauma. It is hoped that this study may offer means for preventive actions and assurance of the quality of care for inpatients due to external causes.

A novel approach to modeling and predicting crash frequency at rural intersections by crash type and injury severity level

Deng, Jun, active 2013 24 March 2014 (has links)
Safety at intersections is of significant interest to transportation professionals due to the large number of possible conflicts that occur at those locations. In particular, rural intersections have been recognized as one of the most hazardous locations on roads. However, most models of crash frequency at rural intersections, and road segments in general, do not differentiate between crash type (such as angle, rear-end or sideswipe) and injury severity (such as fatal injury, non-fatal injury, possible injury or property damage only). Thus, there is a need to be able to identify the differential impacts of intersection-specific and other variables on crash types and severity levels. This thesis builds upon the work of Bhat et al., (2013b) to formulate and apply a novel approach for the joint modeling of crash frequency and combinations of crash type and injury severity. The proposed framework explicitly links a count data model (to model crash frequency) with a discrete choice model (to model combinations of crash type and injury severity), and uses a multinomial probit kernel for the discrete choice model and introduces unobserved heterogeneity in both the crash frequency model and the discrete choice model, while also accommodates excess of zeros. The results show that the type of traffic control and the number of entering roads are the most important determinants of crash counts and crash type/injury severity, and the results from our analysis underscore the value of our proposed model for data fit purposes as well as to accurately estimate variable effects. / text

Vyhodnocení faktorů závažnosti termického úrazu u dětí v rámci přednemocniční péče / Evaluation factors severity of thermal injury in children in the pre-hospital care

JEŘÁBKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Injuries in children have been undoubtedly a threat for all parents, healthcare professionals and the children themselves for many years, but the children often do not have the possibility to even realize this threat. Just in moment too fast, they enter the turmoil of prehospital care and become patients, victims of their own play or due to the lack of attention of others, or even victims of adults. Burns or the so called thermal injuries are very common mechanisms of injuries in children. In our diploma thesis, we decided to focus on thermal injuries from the viewpoint of those who are the first to come in contact with the patients, and who must evaluate the given trauma and initiate treatment based on the evaluation. In particular, this applies to the personnel of emergency medical services, and also to the graduates of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB FHSS). These persons should also be the ones to be aware of how burn injuries are evaluated in children - given among others that many of them are often found in the position of healthcare personnel at children´s camps or nurse at offices of general practitioners for children and adolescents. The following hypothesis was formulated based on consultations with the professional public (MUDr. Robert Zajíček, Burn Medicine Department, University Hospital Královské Vinohrady): ?Education of healthcare personnel of emergency medical services and USB FHSS graduates is inadequate, being a potential source of errors in the provision of prehospital care?. Based on this hypothesis, objectives of the diploma thesis were set as follows: Objective 1: Determine the knowledge status and practical skills in respect of evaluating 6 essential burn factors amnog emergency medical service personnel and USB FHSS graduates. Objective 2: Develop an educational material on prehospital care in children with burns.

Trauma and injury severity score: análise de novos ajustes no índice / Trauma and Injury Severity Score: analysis of new adjustments in the index

Cristiane de Alencar Domingues 08 February 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) é considerado padrão ouro na análise de probabilidade de sobrevida do doente traumatizado, apesar de suas limitações. Vários têm sido os esforços na tentativa de torná-lo mais acurado, tendo em vista seu importante papel nos Programas de Melhoria de Qualidade em Trauma. Objetivos: Propor três novos ajustes à equação do TRISS e comparar suas performances com o TRISS e o TRISS-like originais e com esses índices e o NTRISS com coeficientes ajustados à população do estudo; identificar se a técnica de imputação múltipla aumenta a acurácia das equações derivadas de bancos de dados com perdas e comparar o desempenho dos novos modelos quando derivados e aplicados em diferentes grupos de vítimas traumatizadas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo multicêntrico, retrospectivo, com vítimas de trauma internadas no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC FMUSP) e no Centro de Trauma da Universidade da Califórnia San Diego Medical Center (UCSD MC), no período de 1º de janeiro de 2006 a 31 de dezembro de 2010. As informações dos doentes foram agrupadas em Bancos de Dados Derivação e Teste, sendo o primeiro utilizado para derivar as equações e o segundo para validar as equações geradas. Os coeficientes dos modelos foram estabelecidos pela análise de regressão logística. A curva Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) foi utilizada para avaliar a performance dos modelos e o algoritmo de DeLonge et al. para comparar as áreas sob as curvas (AUC). Resultados: A casuística foi composta de 2.416 doentes do HC FMUSP (São Paulo, Brasil) e 8.172 participantes do UCSD MC (San Diego, EUA). Os novos modelos propostos foram o NTRISS-like, que incluiu as variáveis Melhor Resposta Motora (MRM), Pressão Artéria Sistólica (PAS), New Injury Severity Score (NISS) e idade; o TRISS SpO2, com as variáveis Escala de Coma de Glasgow, PAS, saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2), Injury Severity Score, além da idade e o NTRISSlike SpO2 (MRM + PAS + SpO2 + NISS + idade). Todas as equações tiveram coeficientes ajustados para trauma contuso e penetrante. A técnica de imputação múltipla aplicada à derivação das equações não melhorou a acurácia dos modelos. Os modelos TRISS original, TRISS, TRISS-like e NTRISS com coeficientes ajustados e as novas propostas não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa em sua performance. As novas equações ajustadas aos dados de São Paulo e as geradas com informações de San Diego apresentaram diferentes AUC ao serem aplicadas nos dois grupos de doentes dessas localidades. A acurácia sempre foi maior quando as equações foram aplicadas na população de San Diego. Conclusões: Os novos modelos apresentaram boa acurácia (cerca de 89,5%) e desempenho similar a outros ajustes do índice TRISS anteriormente publicados; portanto, podem ser utilizados nas avaliações de qualidade da assistência ao traumatizado. Os ajustes dos índices de probabilidade de sobrevida à realidade local de sua aplicação não melhoraram seu desempenho, resultado que reforça a incerteza sobre a necessidade desses ajustes, conforme o local de aplicação do índice. / Introduction: Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) is considered the \"gold standard\" in the analysis of survival probability of trauma patients, despite its limitations. There have been several efforts to make it more accurate because of its important role in Trauma Quality Improvement Programmes. Objectives: To propose three new adjustments to the TRISS equation and compare their performances with the TRISS and TRISS-like originals and these indices and NTRISS with coefficients adjusted to the study population; identify if the multiple imputation technique increases the accuracy of the equations derived from databases with missing; and to compare the performance of the new models when derivatives and applied to different groups of trauma patients. Methods: This is a multicenter, retrospective study with trauma victims admitted to the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC FMUSP) and the Trauma Center at the University of California San Diego Medical Center (UCSD MC) for the period between January 1st, 2006 and December 31st, 2010. The information of patients were grouped into two different databases: derivation and testing; the first one served to derive the equations and the second was used to validate the equations generated. The model coefficients were established by logistic regression analysis. Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) was used to evaluate the performance of the models and De Long et al. algorithm to compare the areas under the curves (AUC). Results: The casuistic consisted of 2,416 patients from HC FMUSP (São Paulo, Brazil) and 8,172 participants from UCSD MC (San Diego, USA). The new models proposed were NTRISS-like which included the variables Best Motor Response (BMR), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), New Injury Severity Score (NISS) and age; TRISS SpO2 that included the variables Glasgow Coma Scale, SBP, saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO2), Injury Severity Score and age; and NTRISS-like SpO2 (BMR + SBP + SpO2 + NISS + age). All equations had adjusted coefficients for blunt and penetrating trauma. The multiple imputation technique applied in the derivation of the equations did not improve the accuracy of the models. The original TRISS, and TRISS, TRISS-like and NTRISS with adjusted coefficients and the new proposals showed no statistically significant difference in performance. The new equations fitted to the São Paulo data and generated with information from San Diego showed different AUC when applied in the two patient groups in these localities. The accuracy was always higher when the equations were applied to the population of San Diego. Conclusions: The new models demonstrated good accuracy (about 89.5%) and similar performance to other TRISS adjustments previously published, and may be used in assessments of quality of care for traumatized. The survival probability scores adjustments to the local reality of its application did not improve its performance, a result that reinforces the uncertainty about the need for such adjustments, as the application site index.

Gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida em pacientes internados / Injury Severity and Survival Probability in Inpatients

Iveth Yamaguchi Whitaker 05 September 2000 (has links)
Estudos de morbidade por causas externas são escassos em virtude da dificuldade de obtenção de dados para sua realização. Ainda mais escassos são aqueles que examinam a gravidade do trauma com vistas a determinar sua magnitude e repercussão na assistência aos que sofreram os agravos. O estudo apresenta a análise descritiva retrospectiva sobre a morbi-mortalidade hospitalar por causas externas com o uso de medidas objetivas para avaliação da gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida. Os índices utilizados para mensurar a gravidade do trauma foram o sistema Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) /Injury Severity Score (ISS) e o Revised Trauma Score(RTS). Para calcular a probabilidade de sobrevida (Ps), usou-se o TRauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS). A população do estudo foi constituída por 1.781 pacientes de causas externas internados no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no ano de 1998. Do total de pacientes, 30,15% foram internados em decorrência de acidente de transporte, 24,32% por agressões e 17,24% por quedas. A população foi constituída, predominantemente, por pacientes do sexo masculino e jovens entre 15 e 39 anos. Entre os pacientes, 43,34% foram provenientes da cena do evento e 39,08% transferidos de outros hospitais. O atendimento pré-hospitalar foi realizado em tempo médio de 49 minutos à maioria daqueles que vieram diretos da cena do evento. A mortalidade hospitalar foi 12,63%, e nas primeiras 24 horas morreram 64,01%. A maioria das causas externas foi classificada em trauma contuso (61,42%), seguido de penetrante (23,24%). A mensuração da gravidade da lesão foi possível para 1.542 (86,58%) pacientes de acordo com o Manual AIS e resultou em 4.918 lesões decorrentes, predominantemente, de trauma contuso (75,79%), mais freqüentes na região da cabeça (28,12%) seguida da face (22,00%). A média de lesões por paciente foi 3,19. Em relação à gravidade, verificou-se que lesões leves (AIS 1) foram freqüentes na face (45,03%) e as lesões sérias (AIS 3), graves (AIS 4) e críticas (AIS 5) foram mais freqüentes na região da cabeça, 43,21%, 75,00% e 69,82%, respectivamente. A gravidade do trauma (ISS) com base na gravidade das lesões (AIS), foi calculada para 1.527 (99,02%) pacientes. A maioria (65,75%) foi classificada com escores ISS <16. No grupo de sobreviventes, predominaram os escores ISS <16 (76,32%) e, no grupo de óbitos, os escores ISS >16 (96,40%), indicativos de trauma importante. A média do ISS em trauma contuso foi 13,08 e em penetrante, 11,97. A gravidade do trauma na fase pré-hospitalar verificada por meio do RTStriagem foi possível para 228 (49,14%) pacientes. Entre os sobreviventes, 94,93% obtiveram escore 12, indicativo de condição fisiológica inalterada e 93,75% dos óbitos obtiveram escore zero, ausência de resposta fisiológica. O TRISS calculado para uma amostra de 241 pacientes, revelou dez casos de morte inesperada ou evitável pela metodologia PREliminary outcome-based evaluation(PRE). Além disso, os valores da estatística Z e W tanto para trauma contuso quanto penetrante, indicaram que os resultados da amostra foram estatisticamente diferentes em relação à população do Major Trauma Outcome Study. Ajustados os coeficientes do TRISS para a amostra deste estudo, observou-se por meio do método PRE que em trauma contuso, ocorreram cinco mortes inesperadas ou evitáveis e uma sobrevida inesperada. Em trauma penetrante, ocorreu uma morte inesperada ou evitável e não houve casos de sobrevida inesperada. Espera-se que este estudo ofereça subsídios para ações preventivas e melhoria da qualidade da assistência aos pacientes hospitalizados em decorrência das causas externas. / Studies on morbidity resulting from external causes are scarce, due to the difficulty of gathering data for this purpose. Even scarcer are those studies analysing injury severity´s magnitude and consequences in relation to the care of trauma patients. This study presents a retrospective descriptive analysis of hospital morbidity and mortality due to external causes by applying objective measurements of injury severity and survival probability. The indexes used to measure injury severity consisted of the \"Abbreviated Injury Scale\" (AIS), the \"Injury Severity Score\" (ISS), and the \" Revised Trauma Score\" (RTS). So as to calculate probability of survival (Ps), the \"Trauma and Injury Severity Score\" (TRISS) was applied. The target population in this study consisted of 1,781 external-cause inpatients at the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo in 1998. Out of those patients, 30.15% were hospitalized as a result of transportation accidents, 24.32% of aggression and 17.24% of falls. This population mainly included young male-sex patients aged 15-39. Among these, 43.34% came from the injury scene and 39.08% were transfered from other hospitals. Prehospital time took 49 minutes in average for the majority of field patients. Hospital mortality reached 12.63%, out of which cases 64.01% died within the first 24 hours. Most external-cause types were classified as blunt trauma (61.42%), followed by penetrating trauma (23.24%). According to the AIS Manual, injury severity was possible for 1,542 (86.58%) patients; data showed 4,918 injuries of predominant blunt trauma ( 75.79%), being it most frequent in the head (28.12%), and followed by that on the face (22.00%). Average injury per patient was of 3.19. In relation to severity it was verified that minor injuries (AIS 1) were frequent on the face (45.03%) and the serious ones (AIS 3), the severe ones (AIS 4) and the critical ones (AIS 5) were more frequent in the head: 43.21%, 75.00% and 69.82%, respectively. Injury Severity Score was calculated for 1,527 (99.02%) patients. The majority (65.75%) was classified with scores ISS <16. For the survival group scores ISS <16 predominated (76.32%) and in the death group scores reached ISS >16 (96.40%), indicating major trauma. Average ISS in blunt trauma was 13.08 and 11.97 in penetrating trauma. Injury severity in prehospital care, verified through RTS - in a triage of 228 (49.14%) patients - showed that 94.93% of survivors obtained score 12, indicating unaltered physiological condition, and that 93.75% of deaths obtained score zero, lack of physiological response. TRISS, calculated for 241 patients, indicated 10 unexpected deaths through PREliminary outcome-base evaluation (PRE) methodology. Furthermore, \"Z\" and \"W\" statistics, for both blunt and penetrating trauma, pointed out that sample results differed in relation to the \"Major Trauma Outcome Study\" ´s population. Once TRISS coefficients were adjusted to the sample in this study, it was observed, through the PRE method, that in blunt trauma five unexpected deaths and one unexpected survival occurred. There was one unexpected death in penetrating trauma. It is hoped that this study may offer means for preventive actions and assurance of the quality of care for inpatients due to external causes.

Avaliação dos gastos com traumas motociclísticos: um estudo epidemiológico e de custos hospitalares parciais em um hospital terciário universitário / Evaluation on expenditures of motorcycle injuries: an epidemiological and partial hospital costs study in a level one trauma university hospital

Débora Brandão Bertolini 14 September 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou avaliar os custos hospitalares parciais decorrentes de internações por traumas causados por ocorrências motociclísticas bem como o perfil epidemiológico destas vítimas. Foi feito um estudo retrospectivo de usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, de 460 vítimas do trauma com motocicletas, internados na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, divididos de acordo com o mecanismo do trauma e gravidade dos casos. Para efeito de análise, os usuários foram categorizados por faixa etária, estado civil, escolaridade, sexo, local de ocorrência do trauma e dia da semana em que houve este evento. Para consecução deste trabalho foram utilizados o banco de dados do Núcleo Epidemiológico Hospitalar, o sistema de informação interna e dados da seção de custos do mesmo hospital. Como resultado foi identificado que as maiores vítimas de eventos motociclísticos são jovens, solteiros, com baixa escolaridade e do sexo masculino. Também foi identificado que os eventos ocorrem com mais frequência nos finais de semana, além da quarta feira, e que ocorrem próximo do horário da saída do expediente de trabalho e no período da noite. As principais lesões ocorrem nos membros (lesões moderadas e graves) e na cabeça (lesões graves e críticas), sendo múltiplas lesões característica deste tipo de paciente. O custo hospitalar foi principalmente relacionado ao tempo de internação em enfermarias e no CTI e a gravidade do trauma. O valor final do custo avaliado no estudo foi de R$ 5.315.357,15, com média geral de R$11.555,12 por paciente. Para os casos mais graves (ISS > 15) a média de custo foi de R$ 33.259,50 por paciente / This dissertation evaluates the partial hospital costs of hospitalizations for injuries caused by motorcycle accidents and the epidemiological profile of these victims. A retrospective study based on Unified Health System patients was done. 460 motorcycles trauma victims admitted to the Emergency Unit of the Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School Clinical, University of Sao Paulo, were included in the study. Data were collected based on Epidemiological Nucleus database of the Hospital, the internal information system and data from the same hospital costs section, including: mechanism and severity of trauma, epidemiological and socioeconomic data such as age, sex, marital status, education, local, date, and time of occurrences. tThe majority of motorcycle accidents victims were young, single, with low level of education, and male. Accidents occurred more frequently on weekends and Wednesday. Usually from 12 pm to midnight. . The major injuries occurred in the limbs (moderate and severe lesions) and head (severe and critical injuries), being typical of this type of accident several injuries. The hospital costs were mainly related to the wards and ICU length of stay, and the trauma severity. The final value of costs was R$ 5,315,357.15, and in average R$ 11.555,12 per patient. To severe cases (ISS>15) the average cost was R$33,259.50 per patient

Perfurações traumáticas do esôfago : fatores preditivos de morbidade e mortalidade / Traumatic esophageal perforations : predictive factors of morbidity and mortality

Mantovani, Mario Eduardo de Faria, 1979- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Nelson Adami Andreollo, Gustavo Pereira Fraga / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T11:46:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mantovani_MarioEduardodeFaria_M.pdf: 2190658 bytes, checksum: 28ff02547b7c53885ee4d4bbd2ae71fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Lesões traumáticas do esôfago têm ocorrência rara, seu diagnóstico é difícil, e estão associadas a significativos níveis de morbidade e mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar epidemiologicamente essas lesões, os métodos diagnósticos, e identificar fatores preditivos relacionados a maior morbidade e mortalidade nos pacientes acometidos por este tipo de lesão. Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo, entre 1994 e 2012, com 25 pacientes operados por perfuração esofágica traumática nesse período. Mecanismo de trauma, parâmetros fisiológicos, localização, grau da lesão esofágica, presença de lesões associadas e índices de trauma foram analisados. O sexo masculino foi o mais acometido (88%), com faixa etária entre 15 e 65 anos (média de 29,2 anos), tendo FPAF como principal etiologia (68%) e acometendo principalmente o esôfago cervical (68%). Em 17 pacientes, a confirmação diagnóstica ocorreu por meio de exames subsidiários, sendo que os mais realizados foram Endoscopia Digestiva Alta e Tomografia Computadorizada. Nos demais 8 casos o diagnóstico foi intra-operatório. O intervalo de tempo entre o trauma e a cirurgia foi inferior a 6 horas em 40% dos traumas penetrantes e inferior a 24 horas em 80% dos casos, independente do mecanismo. A sutura acompanhada da drenagem foi o tratamento cirúrgico mais frequente (92% dos casos). A morbidade global foi 72%, sendo a pneumonia a complicação mais prevalente, e 48% decorrentes de complicações relacionadas diretamente à lesão esofágica, sendo a infecção de ferida operatória e a fístula as mais comuns. A mortalidade foi 16%, e ocorreu por choque hipovolêmico (2 casos) ou por sepse (2 casos). Valores de ISS maiores que 25 e grau da lesão OIS > 3 foram preditores para a ocorrência de fístula (24% dos casos). Não foi observado nenhum fator que isolado concorreu para o aparecimento de complicações em geral. Pacientes com idade superior a 54 anos, PAS na admissão inferior a 90 mmHg e TRISS menor que 0,5, foram identificados com maior mortalidade. Conclui-se que os fatores descritos estão associados a maior ocorrência de fístula e mortalidade, porém, por se tratar de casuística retrospectiva e pequena, novos estudos serão necessários para validação dessas informações / Abstract: Injuries to the esophagus are rare, with difficult diagnosis, and are commonly associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiology of these lesions, diagnostic methods, trying to identify predictive factors related to increased morbidity and mortality in this specific population. A retrospective study of 25 patients submitted to surgery with traumatic penetrating esophageal injuries from 1994 to 2012 was performed. Mechanism of injury, physiologic measures, injury location, esophageal injury grade, presence of associated injuries and trauma scores were evaluated. Male patients were the most affected accounting for 88% of the cases, with ages between 15 and 65 years (mean 29.2 years). Gunshot injuries were the main etiology (68%) and happened more often in the cervical topography of the esophagus (68%). In 17 patients ancillary tests were performed to confirm the diagnosis, among these, the most performed tests were Upper Digestive Endoscopy and CT scan. In 8 cases, esophageal injuries were diagnosed intraoperatively. The length of time between trauma and surgery was less than 6 hours in 40% of the penetrating injuries and less than 24 hours in 80% overall, despite the mechanism of injury. The suture followed by drainage was the most frequent surgical method performed (92% of cases). The overall morbidity was 72%, with pneumonia as the most prevalent. 48% of the complications were directly related to the esophageal injury, and operative wound infection and fistula were the most common. Mortality was 16% and occurred in patients with hypovolemic shock (2 cases) or sepsis (2 cases). ISS values greater than 25 and the injury AAST-OIS grade > 3 were predictors for the occurrence of fistula (24% of cases). No other isolated factors were observed to contribute to the surge of general complications. Patients over 54 years old, SBP lower than 90 mmHg and TRISS lower than 0.5 on admission were identified with higher mortality. In conclusion, the factors described herein are associated with higher incidence of fistula and mortality, but due to a small and retrospective case series, further studies are required to validate this information / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Cirúrgica / Mestre em Ciências

Analyses Of Crash Occurence And Injury Severities On Multi Lane Highways Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Das, Abhishek 01 January 2009 (has links)
Reduction of crash occurrence on the various roadway locations (mid-block segments; signalized intersections; un-signalized intersections) and the mitigation of injury severity in the event of a crash are the major concerns of transportation safety engineers. Multi lane arterial roadways (excluding freeways and expressways) account for forty-three percent of fatal crashes in the state of Florida. Significant contributing causes fall under the broad categories of aggressive driver behavior; adverse weather and environmental conditions; and roadway geometric and traffic factors. The objective of this research was the implementation of innovative, state-of-the-art analytical methods to identify the contributing factors for crashes and injury severity. Advances in computational methods render the use of modern statistical and machine learning algorithms. Even though most of the contributing factors are known a-priori, advanced methods unearth changing trends. Heuristic evolutionary processes such as genetic programming; sophisticated data mining methods like conditional inference tree; and mathematical treatments in the form of sensitivity analyses outline the major contributions in this research. Application of traditional statistical methods like simultaneous ordered probit models, identification and resolution of crash data problems are also key aspects of this study. In order to eliminate the use of unrealistic uniform intersection influence radius of 250 ft, heuristic rules were developed for assigning crashes to roadway segments, signalized intersection and access points using parameters, such as 'site location', 'traffic control' and node information. Use of Conditional Inference Forest instead of Classification and Regression Tree to identify variables of significance for injury severity analysis removed the bias towards the selection of continuous variable or variables with large number of categories. For the injury severity analysis of crashes on highways, the corridors were clustered into four optimum groups. The optimum number of clusters was found using Partitioning around Medoids algorithm. Concepts of evolutionary biology like crossover and mutation were implemented to develop models for classification and regression analyses based on the highest hit rate and minimum error rate, respectively. Low crossover rate and higher mutation reduces the chances of genetic drift and brings in novelty to the model development process. Annual daily traffic; friction coefficient of pavements; on-street parking; curbed medians; surface and shoulder widths; alcohol / drug usage are some of the significant factors that played a role in both crash occurrence and injury severities. Relative sensitivity analyses were used to identify the effect of continuous variables on the variation of crash counts. This study improved the understanding of the significant factors that could play an important role in designing better safety countermeasures on multi lane highways, and hence enhance their safety by reducing the frequency of crashes and severity of injuries. Educating young people about the abuses of alcohol and drugs specifically at high schools and colleges could potentially lead to lower driver aggression. Removal of on-street parking from high speed arterials unilaterally could result in likely drop in the number of crashes. Widening of shoulders could give greater maneuvering space for the drivers. Improving pavement conditions for better friction coefficient will lead to improved crash recovery. Addition of lanes to alleviate problems arising out of increased ADT and restriction of trucks to the slower right lanes on the highways would not only reduce the crash occurrences but also resulted in lower injury severity levels.

Verletzungsmuster und Verletzungsschwere bei Fahrradunfällen im Großraum Göttingen / Pattern of injury and injury severity regarding bicycle accidents in Greater Goettingen

Ellwein, Alexander 28 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Asmenų, patyrusių dauginius kūno sužalojimus, kojų ilgųjų kaulų lūžių operacinio gydymo efektyvumas / Efficiency of lower extremity long bone fracture operative treatment on multiply injured patients

Pamerneckas, Algimantas 06 August 2007 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama pacientų, dėl didelės energijos bukos traumos patyrusių dauginius kūno sužalojimus, kojų ilgųjų kaulų lūžių gydymo įtaka mirčiai. Ištirtas ir su tarptautiniu standartu palygintas pacientų su dauginiais kūno sužalojimais būklės vertinimas ir gaivinimas ikihospitaliniu laikotarpiu. Įvertintas asmenų, patyrusių dauginius kūno sužalojimus, sužalojimų pobūdis, sunkumas, komplikacijos ir baigtis. Įvertinti dauginių kūno sužalojimų gydymo rezultatai, atsižvelgiant į operacinį ar konservatyvų kojų ilgųjų kaulų lūžių gydymą suvienodintose pagal amžių ir sužalojimo sunkumą pacientų grupėse. Nustatyti veiksniai, turintys ���taką pacientų su dauginiais kūno sužalojimais mirčiai. / Influence of lower extremity long bone fracture treatment of severe polytrauma patients after high energy blunt trauma is evaluated. Pre-hospital initial assessment and management of patients with multiple injuries is estimated and compared with the international standard. The nature, injury severity, complications and the outcome of the patients who suffered multiple injuries are evaluated. The treatment results of multiple injuries taking into account lower extremity long bone fractures operative or conservative treatment in pair matching groups of patients are evaluated. The factors that has impact on mortality of the polytrauma patients are determinated.

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