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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Innovative Work Behaviours of Employees in Sport-Based Sbes: The Mediating Role of Organisational Citizenship

Barnhill, Christopher R., Smith, Natalie L. 18 December 2018 (has links)
The current study explored the role of psychological contract fulfilment on innovative work behaviours of employees in sport-based small business enterprises (SBEs). Building on literature from sport and non-sport organisational contexts, a model positing a direct linear relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and innovative work behaviours was proposed. Affective commitment and organisational citizenship behaviours were included in the model as partial mediators. The model was tested using a sample of 216 employees from affiliated minor league baseball franchises. Results supported a model where organisational citizenship fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract fulfilments and innovate work behaviours. Affective commitment was predicted by psychological contract fulfilment but was not significantly related to the other variables in the model.

The information technology professional's psychological contract viewed through their employment arrangement and the relationship to organizational behaviors

Newton, Sandra Kay 01 June 2006 (has links)
Information technology (IT) professionals are continually placed in diverse employment arrangements as organizations continually look for ways to cut costs, enhance performance and maximize organizational goals. Organizations are using strategies beyond hiring permanent employees to achieve objectives in alternative sourcing. Even though the cost differential is positive when employing non-permanent individuals instead of permanent employees, little is known about the effects on the IT professional.This field study was designed to test the effects of employment arrangements on the IT professional's psychological contract and the effects of the level of fulfillment of their psychological contract on their organizational citizenship and innovative work behaviors using psychological contracts and social information processing theories. IT professionals were sampled from four different employment arrangements.The empirical findings show that there are differences in the IT pro proessional's psychological contract as explained by their employment arrangement, as well as by their perceptions of the characteristics of their particular employment arrangement. Permanent full-time IT professionals consistently had higher perceptions of their employer's obligations to them, than did IT professionals from the other employment arrangement categories. The level of fulfillment of the IT professional's psychological contract explained differences in their organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) as a collective, with significant differences in the advocacy participation and obedience citizenship behaviors. This study also found significant relationships with the level of fulfillment of the IT professional's psychological contract and their innovative work behavior, as well as their organizational citizenship behaviors individually, specifically loyalty, advocacy participation, obedience, and functional participation. The primary predictors of the dimensions of OCB were the levels of fulfillment of the psychological contract as it relates to the scope, focus, and tangibility dimensions.The exploratory analysis into the characteristics of the employment arrangement provides a clearer understanding as to what encompasses the actual employment arrangement for IT professionals of differing categories. Independent contractors indicated significantly more job control than permanent full-time and contract company workers. Permanent full-time and permanent part-time have greater job stability than do independent contractors and contract company workers. Permanent full-time have greater benefits provided than the other three categories of IT professionals.

The impact of ethical and participative leadership on innovative work behaviour in tech firms : The role of self-efficacy and creative process engagement

Angelis, Dimitrios, Anastasopoulou, Kyriaki January 2020 (has links)
Background: Nowadays, companies from the technological sector confront extreme competition and itis always a challenge for leadership teams to increase competitiveness. This study aims to investigateinnovation advancement within tech companies in an international context from the leadership andmanagement incentives point of view. Leadership plays a vital role in giving direction to the path anorganization should follow. It is of significant interest to examine how leadership can drive anorganization to innovative thinking. Different approaches and leadership styles can be adopted andpracticed by leaders to produce different outcomes on employees’ creative culture. Additionally,individual characteristics of the employees such as self-efficacy and creativity may allow the innovativebehaviours to strive and create a workplace culture that is inducing innovative output. Innovative workbehaviour is becoming more popular or even mandatory within several firms in the technological sectorin contrast to previous decades. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how ethical leadership and participative leadershipstyle can affect innovative work behaviour and to examine if the creative process engagement and selfefficacylead to enhanced innovative work behaviour. Methodology: For this thesis a quantitative approach for data collection, as well as data analysis is used.This study is based on a SEM model which contains close-ended questions that were answered througha self-administrated questionnaire. The survey was answered by employees working at companies fromthe field of technology, covering different positions. A total of 177 respondents answered thequestionnaire, and the results were analysed both in quantitative and qualitative ways. IBM SPSSsoftware was used for the statistical analysis, and AMOS 26 for the Structural Equation Modeling tests. Results: The results of the statistical analysis performed unveiled that the aspects of ethical andparticipative leadership can positively affect creativity and innovation and that self-efficacy canpositively relate to creative process engagement.Conclusion: This study contributes in showing that two positive ways of management, ethical andparticipative can be introduced by leaders that are interested in increasing creativeness and innovationat work; it also shows that for the sample tested, ethical and participative leadership does not necessarilyhas a major effect on employee’s self-efficacy. Delimitations: The geographical locations, the time and sample size, the choice of participatingorganizations, and the framework designed for the evaluation of the theoretical problem are consideredas limitations for this study. This research is mainly limited to professionals working in the technologicalsector and the study is restricted in time since the participants had to answer in a certain time frame. Toconclude, the sample size of the survey even though is satisfactory for its intended use, could be higher. / <p>Presentation was conducted via video link and were chaired by Anders Wrenne.</p><p>Anders Wrenne e-mail: anders.wrenne@bth.se</p>

Fostering an innovative climate while working remotely : How to overcome the challenges of remote work / Främjandet av ett innovativt klimat vid distansarbete : Hur utmaningarna vid distansarbete kan övervinnas

Granström, Mikael, Hansson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Purpose - This study aims to identify how remote work may negatively influence the innovative climate, and how organizations can overcome the identified challenges. In doing so, we present challenges of remote work and solutions of how organizations, leaders, and employees can manage the challenges.  Method – The analysis was based on 18 interviews with industry experts and employees at the case study company, as well as secondary data regarding best practices. We combined and analyzed all data by thematic analysis. Findings - We identified 12 challenges with remote work that negatively influences the innovative climate within four areas: communication, collaboration, resources, and leadership. We have also mapped out 14 solutions to overcome those identified challenges.  Theoretical contribution - Remote work has been investigated several times but the connection to the innovative climate has not earlier been established. Thus, in this study, we bridge the gap between the challenges of remote work and the innovative climate at organizations. Additionally, independent of the COVID-19 pandemic, we contribute with findings on how remote work may negatively influence the innovative climate in organizations, how organizations can overcome these challenges, and how an innovative climate can be fostered remotely. Practical implications - We show how remote work negatively influences the innovative climate at organizations and what leaders, employees, and organizations could do to overcome these challenges and foster innovation despite working remotely. See appendix 4, 5, 7, and 8 for practical guidelines that describe what four different stakeholders (leaders, employees, organizations, and meeting moderators) can do, and appendix 6 for a suggested etiquette for remote meetings. Limitations of the study - We collected most of the data through one company in the high technology industry focused on gathering qualitative findings. Thus, our findings might be limited in terms of generalizability. Therefore, validation of our findings in other industries would be interesting for future research. / Syfte - Studiens syfte var att identifiera hur distansarbete negativt kan påverka det innovativa klimatet hos organisationer och hur dessa utmaningar kan övervinnas. För att uppnå det presenterade vi utmaningar med distansarbete samt lösningar på hur organisationer, ledare, mötesmoderatorer och anställda kan hantera utmaningarna. Metod – Analysen baserades på 18 intervjuer med branschexperter och anställda vid fallstudieföretaget, samt sekundära data om bästa praxis. All data analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultat - Vi identifierade 12 utmaningar med distansarbete som negativt påverkar det innovativa klimatet inom fyra områden: kommunikation, samarbete, resurser och ledarskap. Vidare har vi kartlagt 14 lösningar för att övervinna de identifierade utmaningarna. Teoretiskt bidrag - Distansarbete har undersökts flera gånger men kopplingen till det innovativa klimatet har inte fastställts tidigare. I denna studie överbryggar vi klyftan mellan utmaningarna med distansarbete och det innovativa klimatet i organisationer. Dessutom, oberoende av COVID-19-pandemin, bidrar vi med kunskap om hur distansarbete kan påverka det innovativa klimatet hos organisationer negativt, hur organisationer kan övervinna dessa utmaningar och hur ett innovativt klimat kan främjas på distans. Praktiska implikationer - Vi visar hur distansarbete negativt påverkar det innovativa klimatet i organisationer och vad ledare, anställda och organisationer kan göra för att övervinna dessa utmaningar och främja innovation trots att de arbetar på distans. Se bilaga 4, 5, 7 och 8 för praktiska riktlinjer som beskriver vad fyra olika roller (ledare, anställda, organisationer och mötesmoderatorer) kan göra, och bilaga 6 för ett förslag på en etikett för distansmöten. Studiens begränsningar - Majoriteten av studiens kvalitativa data samlades in från ett företag och därför kan våra resultat vara begränsade avseende generaliserbarhet. Validering av våra resultat i andra branscher skulle därför vara aktuellt för framtida studier.

Thinking outside the boss : understanding managers' engagement in creative actions / Sortir du cadre : comprendre l'engagement des managers dans des actions créatives

Massu, Justine 20 November 2017 (has links)
En 2010, 1 500 chefs d'entreprise ont identifié la créativité des managers comme le facteur le plus important pour les réussites futures des organisations. Cependant, l'engagement des managers dans des actions créatives est en constante concurrence avec des comportements de routine qui impliquent moins de prise de risque, d'incertitude et de possibilité d'échec. La thèse présente trois axes de recherche pour étudier et comprendre la décision des managers de s'engager dans des actions créatives. Le premier se concentre sur la façon dont les managers conçoivent la créativité et l'innovation lorsqu'elles s'appliquent à leur activité. Elle étudie aussi la façon dont les conceptions des managers peuvent influencer leurs propres comportements créatifs et leur évaluation de pratiques managériales et de managers créatifs. Le second axe montre que les actions créatives résultent d'un processus décisionnel qui évalue la pertinence de la créativité dans des situations spécifiques et prend en compte les prédispositions individuelles comme les caractéristiques favorables de l'organisation. Le troisième axe établit comment la complémentarité ou l'inadéquation entre les caractéristiques des managers et de leurs organisations peuvent déclencher des comportements créatifs. Les conclusions de cette recherche réaffirment l'intérêt des approches multivariées et interactionnistes de la créativité dans les organisations. Elle souligne également l'importance de considérer l'évaluation par les managers de la pertinence et de l'efficacité d'actions créatives dans des situations de travail spécifiques. Enfin, la plupart des recherches tendent à concevoir que la créativité émerge de circonstances positives et encourageantes. Au contraire, la présente recherche atteste que les managers sont le plus souvent amené à adopter des comportements créatifs dans des situations de travail qui ne sont pas optimales et satisfaisantes. / In 2010, 1,500 Chief Executive Officers identified managers' creativity as the most crucial factor for future organizational success. However, managers' engagement in creative actions is constantly competing with routine behaviors that imply less risk taking, uncertainty and possibility of failure. This dissertation explores three potential avenues to understand managers' decisions to engage in creative actions. The first one focuses on managers' conceptions of creativity and innovation as antecedents of their own creative behaviors and their evaluation of creative managers and managerial practices. The second avenue examines how creative actions result from a decision-making process that evaluates the relevance of creativity in specific situations and takes into account individual predispositions and organizational characteristics. The third avenue investigates the extent to which a fit or misfit between managers and their organizations can trigger creative behaviors. This research reaffirms the relevance of the multivariate and interactionnist approaches to organizational creativity. It highlights also the importance of considering managers' evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of specific creative actions in specific situations. Finally, most research tends to conceive that managerial creativity emerges from positive and encouraging circumstances. In contrast, the present research highlights that managerial creativity can emerge as a response to situations of misfit and dissatisfaction.

Faktorer som förklarar innovativt beteende hos medarbetare

Jönsson, Gisela January 2008 (has links)
<p>I en föränderlig värld är det viktigt att snabbt möta skiftande krav och</p><p>att medarbetare är initiativrika, menar både företagare och forskare.</p><p>Medarbetare som gör mer än plikten kräver och tar egna initiativ,</p><p>uppvisar Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB). Syftet med studien var</p><p>att undersöka om organisationsfaktorerna autonomi, öppet klimat och</p><p>rolltvetydighet kan förklara variationer i IWB, med hänsyn taget till</p><p>en individuell faktor. Samtliga variabler mättes genom ett</p><p>frågeformulär online i ett stickprov om 119 personer.</p><p>Korrelationsberäkningar visar att samtliga organisationsfaktorer har</p><p>signifikanta samband med IWB. En regressionsanalys visar att det är</p><p>individfaktorn som har störst prediktionskraft, följt av öppet klimat,</p><p>autonomi och bakgrundsvariabeln personalansvar. Studien visar att</p><p>både personlighet och villkor i arbetet har betydelse för IWB.</p>

Faktorer som förklarar innovativt beteende hos medarbetare

Jönsson, Gisela January 2008 (has links)
I en föränderlig värld är det viktigt att snabbt möta skiftande krav och att medarbetare är initiativrika, menar både företagare och forskare. Medarbetare som gör mer än plikten kräver och tar egna initiativ, uppvisar Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om organisationsfaktorerna autonomi, öppet klimat och rolltvetydighet kan förklara variationer i IWB, med hänsyn taget till en individuell faktor. Samtliga variabler mättes genom ett frågeformulär online i ett stickprov om 119 personer. Korrelationsberäkningar visar att samtliga organisationsfaktorer har signifikanta samband med IWB. En regressionsanalys visar att det är individfaktorn som har störst prediktionskraft, följt av öppet klimat, autonomi och bakgrundsvariabeln personalansvar. Studien visar att både personlighet och villkor i arbetet har betydelse för IWB.

Peuvent-ils les objectifs d'innovation amener le comportement innovatif au travail ? : évaluation d'un modèle motivationnel pour l'innovation / Can goal-directed regulatory processes lead to innovative performance? : testing a motivational model of innovation

Montani, Francesco 29 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à appliquer la théorie de la régulation en fonction des objectifs à l’analyse du comportement innovant au travail. Après avoir examiné l’état de l’art de la littérature sur l’innovation (premier chapitre), nous avons mené trois études empiriques sur des échantillons différents. Dans la première étude (deuxième chapitre), nous avons supposé et montré que la génération proactive des objectifs – incluant les processus de projection et de planification – était positivement liée au comportement innovant, et que l’engagement affectif, en interagissant avec la flexibilité du rôle ou avec le soutien du leader à l’innovation, modérait positivement cette relation. Dans la deuxième étude (troisième chapitre), nous avons proposé et montré que la planification médiatisait la relation entre la projection et l’innovation, et que l’habilitation psychologique et le soutien du leader à l’innovation modéraient positivement la relation entre la projection et la planification. Enfin, dans la troisième étude (quatrième chapitre), nous avons supposé et démontré que l’orientation d’apprentissage, le climat d’équipe pour l’innovation, et la variété dans la tâche stimulaient la performance innovante indirectement, à travers la médiation de la projection et de la planification, et que l’orientation d’apprentissage renforçait la relation entre la planification et l’innovation. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de nos études sont traitées dans la discussion générale. / The present dissertation aims at applying goal regulation theory to the study of innovative work behaviour. After reviewing the state-of-the-art of innovation literature (first chapter), we conducted three empirical studies on distinct samples. In the first study (second chapter), we hypothesized and found that proactive goal generation – which includes envisioning and planning processes – was positively related to innovative behaviour, and that affective commitment, interacting with production ownership or, alternatively, with leader support for innovation, strengthened this relationship. In the second study (third chapter), we proposed and showed that planning mediated the link between envisioning and innovation, and that psychological empowerment and team support for innovation positively moderated the relationship between envisioning and planning. Finally, in the third study (fourth chapter), we theorized and demonstrated that learning goal orientation, psychological climate for innovation, and task variety enhanced innovative performance indirectly through the mediation of envisioning and planning, and that learning goal orientation amplified the relationship between planning and innovation. Theoretical and practical implications of our works are addressed in the general discussion.

Effects of Employees’ Extra-Role Behaviors on Organizational Performance: An Assessment of Minor League Baseball Team Front Offices

Smith, Natalie L., Barnhill, Christopher, Sung, Hojun 01 October 2020 (has links)
Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations (GAMMA). The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of employees’ extra-role behaviors on desired organizational outcomes in sport. An assessment of innovative work behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors of Minor League Baseball team front office employees was conducted as organizations planned for an upcoming season. An empirical model controlling for extraneous factors was developed and tested. Results revealed organizational citizenship behaviors of front office employees positively affected attendance during the season for Triple-A and Double-A level franchises. No significant effects between employees’ organizational citizenship and team attendance was seen in lower level teams. Employees’ innovative work behaviors were not significantly related to team attendance. The current study indicates that these sport organizations may not be benefitting from the behaviors it celebrates in its employees, namely the extra role behaviors. This study has demonstrated that context specific factors can substantially alter expected employee and organizational behaviors.

L’effet du leadership d’habilitation sur les comportements innovateurs des travailleurs : le rôle médiateur de l’habilitation psychologique et de l’engagement organisationnel affectif

Yao Komissa, Kézia Mamena 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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